diff options
authorHans Hagen <>2021-06-04 18:35:45 +0200
committerContext Git Mirror Bot <>2021-06-04 18:35:45 +0200
commit75be509021abdcd01f7d5caf35d026647042322a (patch)
parent268cc2e9f10c887b29ac2136e9a0cdf40e464796 (diff)
2021-06-04 17:23:00
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/mkiv/s-inf-01-pdf-keep.pdfbin0 -> 23890 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/mkiv/s-inf-03-pdf-keep.pdfbin0 -> 230077 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdfbin23898 -> 23890 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdfbin230046 -> 230077 bytes
51 files changed, 1421 insertions, 242 deletions
diff --git a/context/data/scite/context/lexers/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua b/context/data/scite/context/lexers/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua
index 66ab99eed..1247beaf8 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/context/lexers/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua
+++ b/context/data/scite/context/lexers/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
return {
["commands"]={ "loadfile", "loadimage", "loadmodule", "dispose", "nothing", "transparency", "tolist", "topath", "tocycle", "sqr", "log", "ln", "exp", "inv", "pow", "pi", "radian", "tand", "cotd", "sin", "cos", "tan", "cot", "atan", "asin", "acos", "invsin", "invcos", "invtan", "acosh", "asinh", "sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "zmod", "paired", "tripled", "unitcircle", "fulldiamond", "unitdiamond", "fullsquare", "unittriangle", "fulltriangle", "llcircle", "lrcircle", "urcircle", "ulcircle", "tcircle", "bcircle", "lcircle", "rcircle", "lltriangle", "lrtriangle", "urtriangle", "ultriangle", "uptriangle", "downtriangle", "lefttriangle", "righttriangle", "triangle", "smoothed", "cornered", "superellipsed", "randomized", "randomizedcontrols", "squeezed", "enlonged", "shortened", "punked", "curved", "unspiked", "simplified", "blownup", "stretched", "enlarged", "leftenlarged", "topenlarged", "rightenlarged", "bottomenlarged", "crossed", "laddered", "randomshifted", "interpolated", "perpendicular", "paralleled", "cutends", "peepholed", "llenlarged", "lrenlarged", "urenlarged", "ulenlarged", "llmoved", "lrmoved", "urmoved", "ulmoved", "rightarrow", "leftarrow", "centerarrow", "drawdoublearrows", "boundingbox", "innerboundingbox", "outerboundingbox", "pushboundingbox", "popboundingbox", "boundingradius", "boundingcircle", "boundingpoint", "crossingunder", "insideof", "outsideof", "bottomboundary", "leftboundary", "topboundary", "rightboundary", "xsized", "ysized", "xysized", "sized", "xyscaled", "intersection_point", "intersection_found", "penpoint", "bbwidth", "bbheight", "withshade", "withcircularshade", "withlinearshade", "defineshade", "shaded", "shadedinto", "withshadecolors", "withshadedomain", "withshademethod", "withshadefactor", "withshadevector", "withshadecenter", "withshadedirection", "withshaderadius", "withshadetransform", "withshadecenterone", "withshadecentertwo", "withshadestep", "withshadefraction", "withshadeorigin", "shownshadevector", "shownshadeorigin", "shownshadedirection", "shownshadecenter", "cmyk", "spotcolor", "multitonecolor", "namedcolor", "drawfill", "undrawfill", "inverted", "uncolored", "softened", "grayed", "greyed", "onlayer", "along", "graphictext", "loadfigure", "externalfigure", "figure", "register", "outlinetext", "filloutlinetext", "drawoutlinetext", "outlinetexttopath", "checkedbounds", "checkbounds", "strut", "rule", "withmask", "bitmapimage", "colordecimals", "ddecimal", "dddecimal", "ddddecimal", "colordecimalslist", "textext", "thetextext", "rawtextext", "textextoffset", "texbox", "thetexbox", "rawtexbox", "istextext", "rawmadetext", "validtexbox", "onetimetextext", "rawfmttext", "thefmttext", "fmttext", "onetimefmttext", "notcached", "keepcached", "verbatim", "thelabel", "label", "autoalign", "transparent", "withtransparency", "withopacity", "property", "properties", "withproperties", "asgroup", "withpattern", "withpatternscale", "withpatternfloat", "infont", "space", "crlf", "dquote", "percent", "SPACE", "CRLF", "DQUOTE", "PERCENT", "grayscale", "greyscale", "withgray", "withgrey", "colorpart", "colorlike", "readfile", "clearxy", "unitvector", "center", "epsed", "anchored", "originpath", "infinite", "break", "xstretched", "ystretched", "snapped", "pathconnectors", "function", "constructedfunction", "constructedpath", "constructedpairs", "straightfunction", "straightpath", "straightpairs", "curvedfunction", "curvedpath", "curvedpairs", "evenly", "oddly", "condition", "pushcurrentpicture", "popcurrentpicture", "arrowpath", "resetarrows", "tensecircle", "roundedsquare", "colortype", "whitecolor", "blackcolor", "basiccolors", "complementary", "complemented", "resolvedcolor", "normalfill", "normaldraw", "visualizepaths", "detailpaths", "naturalizepaths", "drawboundary", "drawwholepath", "drawpathonly", "visualizeddraw", "visualizedfill", "detaileddraw", "draworigin", "drawboundingbox", "drawpath", "drawpoint", "drawpoints", "drawcontrolpoints", "drawcontrollines", "drawpointlabels", "drawlineoptions", "drawpointoptions", "drawcontroloptions", "drawlabeloptions", "draworiginoptions", "drawboundoptions", "drawpathoptions", "resetdrawoptions", "undashed", "pencilled", "decorated", "redecorated", "undecorated", "passvariable", "passarrayvariable", "tostring", "topair", "format", "formatted", "quotation", "quote", "startpassingvariable", "stoppassingvariable", "eofill", "eoclip", "nofill", "dofill", "fillup", "eofillup", "nodraw", "dodraw", "area", "addbackground", "shadedup", "shadeddown", "shadedleft", "shadedright", "sortlist", "copylist", "shapedlist", "listtocurves", "listtolines", "listsize", "listlast", "uniquelist", "circularpath", "squarepath", "linearpath", "theoffset", "texmode", "systemmode", "texvar", "texstr", "isarray", "prefix", "dimension", "getmacro", "getdimen", "getcount", "gettoks", "setmacro", "setdimen", "setcount", "settoks", "setglobalmacro", "setglobaldimen", "setglobalcount", "setglobaltoks", "positionpath", "positioncurve", "positionxy", "positionpxy", "positionwhd", "positionpage", "positionregion", "positionbox", "positionanchor", "positioninregion", "positionatanchor", "wdpart", "htpart", "dppart", "texvar", "texstr", "inpath", "pointof", "leftof", "rightof", "utfnum", "utflen", "utfsub", "newhash", "disposehash", "inhash", "tohash", "isarray", "prefix", "isobject", "comment", "report", "lua", "lualist", "mp", "MP", "luacall", "mirrored", "mirroredabout", "scriptindex", "newscriptindex", "newcolor", "newrgbcolor", "newcmykcolor", "newnumeric", "newboolean", "newtransform", "newpath", "newpicture", "newstring", "newpair", "mpvard", "mpvarn", "mpvars", "mpvar", "withtolerance" },
- ["internals"]={ "nocolormodel", "greycolormodel", "graycolormodel", "rgbcolormodel", "cmykcolormodel", "shadefactor", "shadeoffset", "textextoffset", "textextanchor", "normaltransparent", "multiplytransparent", "screentransparent", "overlaytransparent", "softlighttransparent", "hardlighttransparent", "colordodgetransparent", "colorburntransparent", "darkentransparent", "lightentransparent", "differencetransparent", "exclusiontransparent", "huetransparent", "saturationtransparent", "colortransparent", "luminositytransparent", "ahvariant", "ahdimple", "ahfactor", "ahscale", "metapostversion", "maxdimensions", "drawoptionsfactor", "dq", "sq", "crossingscale", "crossingoption", "contextlmtxmode", "metafunversion", "minifunversion", "getparameters", "presetparameters", "hasparameter", "hasoption", "getparameter", "getparameterdefault", "getparametercount", "getmaxparametercount", "getparameterpath", "getparameterpen", "getparametertext", "applyparameters", "pushparameters", "popparameters", "definecolor", "anchorxy", "anchorx", "anchory", "anchorht", "anchordp", "anchorll", "anchorur", "anchorbox" },
+ ["internals"]={ "nocolormodel", "greycolormodel", "graycolormodel", "rgbcolormodel", "cmykcolormodel", "shadefactor", "shadeoffset", "textextoffset", "textextanchor", "normaltransparent", "multiplytransparent", "screentransparent", "overlaytransparent", "softlighttransparent", "hardlighttransparent", "colordodgetransparent", "colorburntransparent", "darkentransparent", "lightentransparent", "differencetransparent", "exclusiontransparent", "huetransparent", "saturationtransparent", "colortransparent", "luminositytransparent", "ahvariant", "ahdimple", "ahfactor", "ahscale", "metapostversion", "maxdimensions", "drawoptionsfactor", "dq", "sq", "crossingscale", "crossingoption", "contextlmtxmode", "metafunversion", "minifunversion", "getparameters", "presetparameters", "hasparameter", "hasoption", "getparameter", "getparameterdefault", "getparametercount", "getmaxparametercount", "getparameterpath", "getparameterpen", "getparametertext", "applyparameters", "pushparameters", "popparameters", "definecolor", "anchorxy", "anchorx", "anchory", "anchorht", "anchordp", "anchorul", "anchorll", "anchorlr", "anchorur", "localanchorbox", "localanchorcell", "localanchorspan", "anchorbox", "anchorcell", "anchorspan", "matrixbox", "matrixcell", "matrixspan" },
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/context/data/scite/context/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua b/context/data/scite/context/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua
index d4e28f99b..71cfce0f5 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/context/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua
+++ b/context/data/scite/context/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ local stopluacode = #stoplua * token("embedded", stoplua)
local luacall = P("clf_") * R("az","__","AZ")^1
-local metafuncall = ( P("reusable") + P("usable") + P("unique") + P("use") + P("reuse") ) * ("MPgraphic")
+local metafuncall = ( P("reusable") + P("usable") + P("unique") + P("use") + P("reuse") + P("overlay") ) * ("MPgraphic")
+ P("uniqueMPpagegraphic")
+ P("MPpositiongraphic")
diff --git a/context/data/scite/context/ b/context/data/scite/context/
index dfe135ba6..2eb79d287 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/context/
+++ b/context/data/scite/context/
@@ -95,5 +95,7 @@ getparameters presetparameters hasparameter hasoption getparameter \
getparameterdefault getparametercount getmaxparametercount getparameterpath getparameterpen \
getparametertext applyparameters pushparameters popparameters definecolor \
anchorxy anchorx anchory anchorht anchordp \
-anchorll anchorur anchorbox
+anchorul anchorll anchorlr anchorur localanchorbox \
+localanchorcell localanchorspan anchorbox anchorcell anchorspan \
+matrixbox matrixcell matrixspan
diff --git a/context/data/textadept/context/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua b/context/data/textadept/context/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua
index 66ab99eed..1247beaf8 100644
--- a/context/data/textadept/context/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua
+++ b/context/data/textadept/context/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
return {
["commands"]={ "loadfile", "loadimage", "loadmodule", "dispose", "nothing", "transparency", "tolist", "topath", "tocycle", "sqr", "log", "ln", "exp", "inv", "pow", "pi", "radian", "tand", "cotd", "sin", "cos", "tan", "cot", "atan", "asin", "acos", "invsin", "invcos", "invtan", "acosh", "asinh", "sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "zmod", "paired", "tripled", "unitcircle", "fulldiamond", "unitdiamond", "fullsquare", "unittriangle", "fulltriangle", "llcircle", "lrcircle", "urcircle", "ulcircle", "tcircle", "bcircle", "lcircle", "rcircle", "lltriangle", "lrtriangle", "urtriangle", "ultriangle", "uptriangle", "downtriangle", "lefttriangle", "righttriangle", "triangle", "smoothed", "cornered", "superellipsed", "randomized", "randomizedcontrols", "squeezed", "enlonged", "shortened", "punked", "curved", "unspiked", "simplified", "blownup", "stretched", "enlarged", "leftenlarged", "topenlarged", "rightenlarged", "bottomenlarged", "crossed", "laddered", "randomshifted", "interpolated", "perpendicular", "paralleled", "cutends", "peepholed", "llenlarged", "lrenlarged", "urenlarged", "ulenlarged", "llmoved", "lrmoved", "urmoved", "ulmoved", "rightarrow", "leftarrow", "centerarrow", "drawdoublearrows", "boundingbox", "innerboundingbox", "outerboundingbox", "pushboundingbox", "popboundingbox", "boundingradius", "boundingcircle", "boundingpoint", "crossingunder", "insideof", "outsideof", "bottomboundary", "leftboundary", "topboundary", "rightboundary", "xsized", "ysized", "xysized", "sized", "xyscaled", "intersection_point", "intersection_found", "penpoint", "bbwidth", "bbheight", "withshade", "withcircularshade", "withlinearshade", "defineshade", "shaded", "shadedinto", "withshadecolors", "withshadedomain", "withshademethod", "withshadefactor", "withshadevector", "withshadecenter", "withshadedirection", "withshaderadius", "withshadetransform", "withshadecenterone", "withshadecentertwo", "withshadestep", "withshadefraction", "withshadeorigin", "shownshadevector", "shownshadeorigin", "shownshadedirection", "shownshadecenter", "cmyk", "spotcolor", "multitonecolor", "namedcolor", "drawfill", "undrawfill", "inverted", "uncolored", "softened", "grayed", "greyed", "onlayer", "along", "graphictext", "loadfigure", "externalfigure", "figure", "register", "outlinetext", "filloutlinetext", "drawoutlinetext", "outlinetexttopath", "checkedbounds", "checkbounds", "strut", "rule", "withmask", "bitmapimage", "colordecimals", "ddecimal", "dddecimal", "ddddecimal", "colordecimalslist", "textext", "thetextext", "rawtextext", "textextoffset", "texbox", "thetexbox", "rawtexbox", "istextext", "rawmadetext", "validtexbox", "onetimetextext", "rawfmttext", "thefmttext", "fmttext", "onetimefmttext", "notcached", "keepcached", "verbatim", "thelabel", "label", "autoalign", "transparent", "withtransparency", "withopacity", "property", "properties", "withproperties", "asgroup", "withpattern", "withpatternscale", "withpatternfloat", "infont", "space", "crlf", "dquote", "percent", "SPACE", "CRLF", "DQUOTE", "PERCENT", "grayscale", "greyscale", "withgray", "withgrey", "colorpart", "colorlike", "readfile", "clearxy", "unitvector", "center", "epsed", "anchored", "originpath", "infinite", "break", "xstretched", "ystretched", "snapped", "pathconnectors", "function", "constructedfunction", "constructedpath", "constructedpairs", "straightfunction", "straightpath", "straightpairs", "curvedfunction", "curvedpath", "curvedpairs", "evenly", "oddly", "condition", "pushcurrentpicture", "popcurrentpicture", "arrowpath", "resetarrows", "tensecircle", "roundedsquare", "colortype", "whitecolor", "blackcolor", "basiccolors", "complementary", "complemented", "resolvedcolor", "normalfill", "normaldraw", "visualizepaths", "detailpaths", "naturalizepaths", "drawboundary", "drawwholepath", "drawpathonly", "visualizeddraw", "visualizedfill", "detaileddraw", "draworigin", "drawboundingbox", "drawpath", "drawpoint", "drawpoints", "drawcontrolpoints", "drawcontrollines", "drawpointlabels", "drawlineoptions", "drawpointoptions", "drawcontroloptions", "drawlabeloptions", "draworiginoptions", "drawboundoptions", "drawpathoptions", "resetdrawoptions", "undashed", "pencilled", "decorated", "redecorated", "undecorated", "passvariable", "passarrayvariable", "tostring", "topair", "format", "formatted", "quotation", "quote", "startpassingvariable", "stoppassingvariable", "eofill", "eoclip", "nofill", "dofill", "fillup", "eofillup", "nodraw", "dodraw", "area", "addbackground", "shadedup", "shadeddown", "shadedleft", "shadedright", "sortlist", "copylist", "shapedlist", "listtocurves", "listtolines", "listsize", "listlast", "uniquelist", "circularpath", "squarepath", "linearpath", "theoffset", "texmode", "systemmode", "texvar", "texstr", "isarray", "prefix", "dimension", "getmacro", "getdimen", "getcount", "gettoks", "setmacro", "setdimen", "setcount", "settoks", "setglobalmacro", "setglobaldimen", "setglobalcount", "setglobaltoks", "positionpath", "positioncurve", "positionxy", "positionpxy", "positionwhd", "positionpage", "positionregion", "positionbox", "positionanchor", "positioninregion", "positionatanchor", "wdpart", "htpart", "dppart", "texvar", "texstr", "inpath", "pointof", "leftof", "rightof", "utfnum", "utflen", "utfsub", "newhash", "disposehash", "inhash", "tohash", "isarray", "prefix", "isobject", "comment", "report", "lua", "lualist", "mp", "MP", "luacall", "mirrored", "mirroredabout", "scriptindex", "newscriptindex", "newcolor", "newrgbcolor", "newcmykcolor", "newnumeric", "newboolean", "newtransform", "newpath", "newpicture", "newstring", "newpair", "mpvard", "mpvarn", "mpvars", "mpvar", "withtolerance" },
- ["internals"]={ "nocolormodel", "greycolormodel", "graycolormodel", "rgbcolormodel", "cmykcolormodel", "shadefactor", "shadeoffset", "textextoffset", "textextanchor", "normaltransparent", "multiplytransparent", "screentransparent", "overlaytransparent", "softlighttransparent", "hardlighttransparent", "colordodgetransparent", "colorburntransparent", "darkentransparent", "lightentransparent", "differencetransparent", "exclusiontransparent", "huetransparent", "saturationtransparent", "colortransparent", "luminositytransparent", "ahvariant", "ahdimple", "ahfactor", "ahscale", "metapostversion", "maxdimensions", "drawoptionsfactor", "dq", "sq", "crossingscale", "crossingoption", "contextlmtxmode", "metafunversion", "minifunversion", "getparameters", "presetparameters", "hasparameter", "hasoption", "getparameter", "getparameterdefault", "getparametercount", "getmaxparametercount", "getparameterpath", "getparameterpen", "getparametertext", "applyparameters", "pushparameters", "popparameters", "definecolor", "anchorxy", "anchorx", "anchory", "anchorht", "anchordp", "anchorll", "anchorur", "anchorbox" },
+ ["internals"]={ "nocolormodel", "greycolormodel", "graycolormodel", "rgbcolormodel", "cmykcolormodel", "shadefactor", "shadeoffset", "textextoffset", "textextanchor", "normaltransparent", "multiplytransparent", "screentransparent", "overlaytransparent", "softlighttransparent", "hardlighttransparent", "colordodgetransparent", "colorburntransparent", "darkentransparent", "lightentransparent", "differencetransparent", "exclusiontransparent", "huetransparent", "saturationtransparent", "colortransparent", "luminositytransparent", "ahvariant", "ahdimple", "ahfactor", "ahscale", "metapostversion", "maxdimensions", "drawoptionsfactor", "dq", "sq", "crossingscale", "crossingoption", "contextlmtxmode", "metafunversion", "minifunversion", "getparameters", "presetparameters", "hasparameter", "hasoption", "getparameter", "getparameterdefault", "getparametercount", "getmaxparametercount", "getparameterpath", "getparameterpen", "getparametertext", "applyparameters", "pushparameters", "popparameters", "definecolor", "anchorxy", "anchorx", "anchory", "anchorht", "anchordp", "anchorul", "anchorll", "anchorlr", "anchorur", "localanchorbox", "localanchorcell", "localanchorspan", "anchorbox", "anchorcell", "anchorspan", "matrixbox", "matrixcell", "matrixspan" },
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/context/data/textadept/context/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua b/context/data/textadept/context/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua
index d4e28f99b..71cfce0f5 100644
--- a/context/data/textadept/context/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua
+++ b/context/data/textadept/context/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ local stopluacode = #stoplua * token("embedded", stoplua)
local luacall = P("clf_") * R("az","__","AZ")^1
-local metafuncall = ( P("reusable") + P("usable") + P("unique") + P("use") + P("reuse") ) * ("MPgraphic")
+local metafuncall = ( P("reusable") + P("usable") + P("unique") + P("use") + P("reuse") + P("overlay") ) * ("MPgraphic")
+ P("uniqueMPpagegraphic")
+ P("MPpositiongraphic")
diff --git a/context/data/vscode/extensions/context/syntaxes/context-syntax-mps.json b/context/data/vscode/extensions/context/syntaxes/context-syntax-mps.json
index c91cf2b44..469656cc1 100644
--- a/context/data/vscode/extensions/context/syntaxes/context-syntax-mps.json
+++ b/context/data/vscode/extensions/context/syntaxes/context-syntax-mps.json
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
"name" : "context.string.string.text.mps"
"shortcut" : {
- "match" : "(vrbcatcoderegime|txtcatcoderegime|textextoffset|textextanchor|texcatcoderegime|squared|sq|softlighttransparent|shadeoffset|shadefactor|screentransparent|saturationtransparent|rounded|rgbcolormodel|pushparameters|prtcatcoderegime|presetparameters|popparameters|pen_top|pen_rt|pen_lft|pen_bot|overlaytransparent|notcatcoderegime|normaltransparent|nocolormodel|multiplytransparent|mitered|minifunversion|metapostversion|metafunversion|maxdimensions|luminositytransparent|luacatcoderegime|lightentransparent|labeloffset|join_radius|inicatcoderegime|infinity|huetransparent|hasparameter|hasoption|hardlighttransparent|greycolormodel|graycolormodel|getparametertext|getparameters|getparameterpen|getparameterpath|getparameterdefault|getparametercount|getparameter|getmaxparametercount|exclusiontransparent|epsilon|eps|drawoptionsfactor|dq|dotlabeldiam|ditto|differencetransparent|definecolor|defaultscale|defaultpen|darkentransparent|ctxcatcoderegime|crossingscale|crossingoption|contextlmtxmode|colortransparent|colordodgetransparent|colorburntransparent|cmykcolormodel|charscale|catcoderegime|butt|beveled|bboxmargin|applyparameters|anchory|anchorxy|anchorx|anchorur|anchorll|anchorht|anchordp|anchorbox|ahvariant|ahscale|ahlength|ahfactor|ahdimple|ahangle|EOF)(?=[^a-zA-Z\u005C_@!?-ÿ])",
+ "match" : "(vrbcatcoderegime|txtcatcoderegime|textextoffset|textextanchor|texcatcoderegime|squared|sq|softlighttransparent|shadeoffset|shadefactor|screentransparent|saturationtransparent|rounded|rgbcolormodel|pushparameters|prtcatcoderegime|presetparameters|popparameters|pen_top|pen_rt|pen_lft|pen_bot|overlaytransparent|notcatcoderegime|normaltransparent|nocolormodel|multiplytransparent|mitered|minifunversion|metapostversion|metafunversion|maxdimensions|matrixspan|matrixcell|matrixbox|luminositytransparent|luacatcoderegime|localanchorspan|localanchorcell|localanchorbox|lightentransparent|labeloffset|join_radius|inicatcoderegime|infinity|huetransparent|hasparameter|hasoption|hardlighttransparent|greycolormodel|graycolormodel|getparametertext|getparameters|getparameterpen|getparameterpath|getparameterdefault|getparametercount|getparameter|getmaxparametercount|exclusiontransparent|epsilon|eps|drawoptionsfactor|dq|dotlabeldiam|ditto|differencetransparent|definecolor|defaultscale|defaultpen|darkentransparent|ctxcatcoderegime|crossingscale|crossingoption|contextlmtxmode|colortransparent|colordodgetransparent|colorburntransparent|cmykcolormodel|charscale|catcoderegime|butt|beveled|bboxmargin|applyparameters|anchory|anchorxy|anchorx|anchorur|anchorul|anchorspan|anchorlr|anchorll|anchorht|anchordp|anchorcell|anchorbox|ahvariant|ahscale|ahlength|ahfactor|ahdimple|ahangle|EOF)(?=[^a-zA-Z\u005C_@!?-ÿ])",
"name" : ""
"special" : {
diff --git a/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/context.html b/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/context.html
index 682b8621f..016f6c768 100644
--- a/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/context.html
+++ b/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/context.html
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@
<tr><th>--profile</th><td></td><td>profile job (use: mtxrun --script profile --analyze)</td></tr>
<tr><th>--timing</th><td></td><td>generate timing and statistics overview</td></tr>
<tr><th>--keeptuc</th><td></td><td>keep previous tuc files (jobname-tuc-[run].tmp)</td></tr>
+ <tr><th>--keeppdf</th><td></td><td>keep previous pdf files (jobname-pdf-keep.tmp)</td></tr>
<tr><th>--keeplog</th><td></td><td>keep previous log files (jobname-log-[run].tmp)</td></tr>
<tr><th>--lmtx</th><td></td><td>force lmtx mode (when available)</td></tr>
<tr><th>--overloadmode=error|warning|0--6|255</th><td></td><td>enable csname overload checking</td></tr>
diff --git a/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/ b/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/
index 7d9e949bb..b6e380237 100644
--- a/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/
+++ b/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/
@@ -171,6 +171,9 @@ generate timing and statistics overview
.B --keeptuc
keep previous tuc files (jobname-tuc-[run].tmp)
+.B --keeppdf
+keep previous pdf files (jobname-pdf-keep.tmp)
.B --keeplog
keep previous log files (jobname-log-[run].tmp)
diff --git a/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/context.xml b/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/context.xml
index 98a75244b..d4e0d33c5 100644
--- a/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/context.xml
+++ b/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/context.xml
@@ -202,6 +202,9 @@
<flag name="keeptuc">
<short>keep previous tuc files (jobname-tuc-[run].tmp)</short>
+ <flag name="keeppdf">
+ <short>keep previous pdf files (jobname-pdf-keep.tmp)</short>
+ </flag>
<flag name="keeplog">
<short>keep previous log files (jobname-log-[run].tmp)</short>
diff --git a/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/mtx-context.html b/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/mtx-context.html
index 682b8621f..016f6c768 100644
--- a/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/mtx-context.html
+++ b/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/mtx-context.html
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@
<tr><th>--profile</th><td></td><td>profile job (use: mtxrun --script profile --analyze)</td></tr>
<tr><th>--timing</th><td></td><td>generate timing and statistics overview</td></tr>
<tr><th>--keeptuc</th><td></td><td>keep previous tuc files (jobname-tuc-[run].tmp)</td></tr>
+ <tr><th>--keeppdf</th><td></td><td>keep previous pdf files (jobname-pdf-keep.tmp)</td></tr>
<tr><th>--keeplog</th><td></td><td>keep previous log files (jobname-log-[run].tmp)</td></tr>
<tr><th>--lmtx</th><td></td><td>force lmtx mode (when available)</td></tr>
<tr><th>--overloadmode=error|warning|0--6|255</th><td></td><td>enable csname overload checking</td></tr>
diff --git a/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/ b/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/
index 7d9e949bb..b6e380237 100644
--- a/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/
+++ b/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/
@@ -171,6 +171,9 @@ generate timing and statistics overview
.B --keeptuc
keep previous tuc files (jobname-tuc-[run].tmp)
+.B --keeppdf
+keep previous pdf files (jobname-pdf-keep.tmp)
.B --keeplog
keep previous log files (jobname-log-[run].tmp)
diff --git a/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/mtx-context.xml b/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/mtx-context.xml
index 98a75244b..d4e0d33c5 100644
--- a/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/mtx-context.xml
+++ b/doc/context/scripts/mkiv/mtx-context.xml
@@ -202,6 +202,9 @@
<flag name="keeptuc">
<short>keep previous tuc files (jobname-tuc-[run].tmp)</short>
+ <flag name="keeppdf">
+ <short>keep previous pdf files (jobname-pdf-keep.tmp)</short>
+ </flag>
<flag name="keeplog">
<short>keep previous log files (jobname-log-[run].tmp)</short>
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-page.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-page.mpiv
index 7bc7c127c..6aed73868 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-page.mpiv
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-page.mpiv
@@ -504,6 +504,10 @@ def OverlayBox =
(unitsquare xyscaled (OverlayWidth,OverlayHeight))
enddef ;
+def BoundToOverlayBox =
+ setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox;
+enddef ;
% handy
def innerenlarged =
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-lmtx.mpxl b/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-lmtx.mpxl
index 204986df3..f06bb6991 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-lmtx.mpxl
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-lmtx.mpxl
@@ -2412,3 +2412,136 @@ vardef lmt_do_labtorgb =
enddef ;
+% For now we collect all lmt namespace extensions here, so also this one:
+presetparameters "matrix" [
+ % cell = (1, 1),
+ % from = (1, 1),
+ % to = (1, 1),
+ % shape = { "circle", "square" },
+ connect = { "center", "center" },
+ % text = "",
+] ;
+def lmt_matrix = applyparameters "matrix" "lmt_do_matrix" enddef ;
+vardef mfun_lmt_matrix_cell (expr p) =
+ % anchorbox ("matrix", xpart p, ypart p) ("matrix", xpart p + 1, ypart p)
+ matrixcell (xpart p, ypart p)
+enddef ;
+% todo: lft rt etc but then we need to push/pop the linewidth too
+def mfun_lmt_matrix_connect (expr h, p, r, l, u, d, gap) =
+ if h == "right" : center rightboundary (p enlarged gap) { r }
+ elseif h == "left" : center leftboundary (p enlarged gap) { l }
+ elseif h == "top" : center topboundary (p enlarged gap) { u }
+ elseif h == "bottom" : center bottomboundary (p enlarged gap) { d }
+ else : center (p enlarged gap)
+ fi
+enddef ;
+def mfun_lmt_matrix_source (expr p, h, gap) =
+ mfun_lmt_matrix_connect(h, p, right, left, up, down, gap)
+enddef ;
+def mfun_lmt_matrix_target (expr p, h, gap) =
+ mfun_lmt_matrix_connect(h, p, left, right, down, up, gap)
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_lmt_matrix_enhance (expr p, h) =
+ if h = "circle" :
+ fullcircle xysized (bbwidth p, bbheight p) shifted center p
+ elseif h = "round" :
+ (p smoothed getparameterdefault "radius" ExHeight) xysized (bbwidth p, bbheight p)
+ elseif h = "path" :
+ (getparameterpath "path") shifted center p
+ elseif h = "scaledpath" :
+ (getparameterpath "path") xysized (bbwidth p, bbheight p) shifted center p
+ else :
+ p
+ fi
+enddef ;
+vardef lmt_do_matrix =
+ image (
+ pushparameters "matrix" ;
+ draw image (
+ save a, b, c, o, g ; path a, b, c ; numeric o, g ;
+ if (hasparameter "arrowoffset") :
+ g := getparameter "arrowoffset" ;
+ elseif (hasparameter "linewidth") :
+ g := getparameter "linewidth" ;
+ else :
+ g := 0;
+ fi ;
+ if (hasparameter "from") and (hasparameter "to") :
+ a := mfun_lmt_matrix_cell(getparameter "from") ;
+ b := mfun_lmt_matrix_cell(getparameter "to") ;
+ if hasparameter "offset" :
+ o := getparameter "offset" ;
+ a := a enlarged o ;
+ b := b enlarged o ;
+ fi ;
+ if hasparameter "shapes" :
+ a := mfun_lmt_matrix_enhance(a, getparameter "shapes" 1) ;
+ b := mfun_lmt_matrix_enhance(b, getparameter "shapes" 2) ;
+ fi ;
+ draw a
+ if (hasparameter "colors") :
+ withcolor (getparameter "colors" 1)
+ elseif (hasparameter "color") :
+ withcolor (getparameter "color")
+ fi
+ ;
+ draw b
+ if (hasparameter "colors") :
+ withcolor (getparameter "colors" 2)
+ elseif (hasparameter "color") :
+ withcolor (getparameter "color")
+ fi
+ ;
+ c :=
+ mfun_lmt_matrix_source(a, getparameter "connect" 1, g) ..
+ mfun_lmt_matrix_target(b, getparameter "connect" 2, g) ;
+ drawarrow c
+ if (hasparameter "arrowcolor") :
+ withcolor (getparameter "arrowcolor")
+ elseif (hasparameter "color") :
+ withcolor (getparameter "color")
+ fi
+ ;
+ if hasparameter "label" :
+ pushparameters "label" ;
+ draw lmt_text [
+ text = getparameter "text",
+ position = point (getparameterdefault "fraction" 1/2) of c,
+ offset = if hasparameter "offset" : getparameter "offset" fi,
+ color = if hasparameter "color" : getparameter "color" fi,
+ anchor = if hasparameter "anchor" : getparameter "anchor" fi,
+ % strut style format background backgroundcolor
+ ] ;
+ popparameters ;
+ fi ;
+ elseif (hasparameter "cell") :
+ a := mfun_lmt_matrix_cell(getparameter "cell") ;
+ if hasparameter "offset" :
+ o := getparameter "offset" ;
+ a := a enlarged o ;
+ fi ;
+ if hasparameter "shape" :
+ a := mfun_lmt_matrix_enhance(a, getparameter "shape") ;
+ fi ;
+ draw a
+ if (hasparameter "color") :
+ withcolor (getparameter "color")
+ fi
+ ;
+ fi;
+ )
+ if (hasparameter "linewidth") :
+ withpen pencircle scaled (getparameter "linewidth")
+ fi
+ popparameters
+ )
+enddef ;
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-luas.mpxl b/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-luas.mpxl
index 4b92bb423..0fea462ff 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-luas.mpxl
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-luas.mpxl
@@ -318,24 +318,50 @@ enddef ;
permanent textextanchor ;
-newscriptindex mfid_anchorxy ; mfid_anchorxy := scriptindex "anchorxy" ; def anchorxy (expr name, x, y) = runscript mfid_anchorxy name x y enddef ;
-newscriptindex mfid_anchorx ; mfid_anchorx := scriptindex "anchorx" ; def anchorx (expr name, x, y) = runscript mfid_anchorx name x y enddef ;
-newscriptindex mfid_anchory ; mfid_anchory := scriptindex "anchory" ; def anchory (expr name, x, y) = runscript mfid_anchory name x y enddef ;
-newscriptindex mfid_anchorht ; mfid_anchorht := scriptindex "anchorht" ; def anchorht (expr name, x, y) = runscript mfid_anchorht name x y enddef ;
-newscriptindex mfid_anchordp ; mfid_anchordp := scriptindex "anchordp" ; def anchordp (expr name, x, y) = runscript mfid_anchordp name x y enddef ;
-newscriptindex mfid_anchorll ; mfid_anchorll := scriptindex "anchorll" ; def anchorll (expr name, x, y) = runscript mfid_anchorll name x y enddef ;
-newscriptindex mfid_anchorur ; mfid_anchorur := scriptindex "anchorur" ; def anchorur (expr name, x, y) = runscript mfid_anchorur name x y enddef ;
-newscriptindex mfid_anchorbox ; mfid_anchorbox := scriptindex "anchorbox" ;
-vardef anchorbox(expr lname, lx, ly, rname, rx, ry) =
- (runscript mfid_anchorbox lname lx ly rname rx ry)
-enddef ;
-vardef matrixbox (expr fx, fy, tx, ty) =
- anchorbox ("matrix", fx, fy) ("matrix", tx + 1, ty)
-enddef ;
+newscriptindex mfid_anchorxy ; mfid_anchorxy := scriptindex "anchorxy" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_anchorx ; mfid_anchorx := scriptindex "anchorx" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_anchory ; mfid_anchory := scriptindex "anchory" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_anchorht ; mfid_anchorht := scriptindex "anchorht" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_anchordp ; mfid_anchordp := scriptindex "anchordp" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_anchorul ; mfid_anchorul := scriptindex "anchorul" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_anchorll ; mfid_anchorll := scriptindex "anchorll" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_anchorlr ; mfid_anchorlr := scriptindex "anchorlr" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_anchorur ; mfid_anchorur := scriptindex "anchorur" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_anchorbox ; mfid_anchorbox := scriptindex "anchorbox" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_anchorspan ; mfid_anchorspan := scriptindex "anchorspan" ;
+def anchorxy (expr name, x, y) = runscript mfid_anchorxy name x y enddef ;
+def anchorx (expr name, x, y) = runscript mfid_anchorx name x y enddef ;
+def anchory (expr name, x, y) = runscript mfid_anchory name x y enddef ;
+def anchorht (expr name, x, y) = runscript mfid_anchorht name x y enddef ;
+def anchordp (expr name, x, y) = runscript mfid_anchordp name x y enddef ;
+def anchorul (expr name, x, y) = runscript mfid_anchorul name x y enddef ;
+def anchorll (expr name, x, y) = runscript mfid_anchorll name x y enddef ;
+def anchorlr (expr name, x, y) = runscript mfid_anchorlr name x y enddef ;
+def anchorur (expr name, x, y) = runscript mfid_anchorur name x y enddef ;
+% todo: matrix =
+string mfun_local_anchor_tag ; mfun_local_anchor_tag := "matrix" ; % todo: push pop
+vardef localanchorbox (expr lname, fx, fy, rname, tx, ty) = (runscript mfid_anchorbox lname fx fy rname tx ty) enddef ;
+vardef localanchorspan(expr lname, fx, fy, rname, tx, ty) = (runscript mfid_anchorspan lname fx fy rname tx ty) enddef ;
+vardef localanchorcell(expr name, x, y ) = (runscript mfid_anchorspan name x y name x y) enddef ;
+vardef anchorbox (expr fx, fy, tx, ty) = (runscript mfid_anchorbox mfun_local_anchor_tag fx fy mfun_local_anchor_tag tx ty) enddef ;
+vardef anchorspan(expr fx, fy, tx, ty) = (runscript mfid_anchorspan mfun_local_anchor_tag fx fy mfun_local_anchor_tag tx ty) enddef ;
+vardef anchorcell(expr x, y ) = (runscript mfid_anchorspan mfun_local_anchor_tag x y mfun_local_anchor_tag x y) enddef ;
+vardef matrixbox (expr fx, fy, tx, ty) = (runscript mfid_anchorbox mfun_local_anchor_tag fx fy mfun_local_anchor_tag (tx+1) ty) enddef ;
+vardef matrixspan(expr fx, fy, tx, ty) = (runscript mfid_anchorspan mfun_local_anchor_tag fx fy mfun_local_anchor_tag (tx+1) ty) enddef ;
+vardef matrixcell(expr x, y ) = (runscript mfid_anchorbox mfun_local_anchor_tag x y mfun_local_anchor_tag ( x+1) y) enddef ;
anchorxy, anchorx, anchory,
anchorht, anchordp,
- anchorll, anchorur, anchorbox ;
+ anchorul, anchorll, anchorlr, anchorur, anchorbox,
+ anchorspan ;
+ matrixbox, matrixspan, matrixcell
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-page.mpxl b/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-page.mpxl
index 72831e927..525a5b157 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-page.mpxl
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-page.mpxl
@@ -222,9 +222,16 @@ def OverlayBox =
(unitsquare xyscaled (OverlayWidth,OverlayHeight))
enddef ;
+def BoundToOverlayBox =
+ setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox;
+enddef ;
immutable % permanent
OverlayBox ;
+ BoundToOverlayBox ;
% handy
def innerenlarged =
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.lua
index d419dd25e..f5971e15c 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.lua
@@ -361,20 +361,29 @@ local function multipass_changed(oldhash, newhash)
return false
-local f_tempfile = formatters["%s-%s-%02d.tmp"]
+local f_tempfile_i = formatters["%s-%s-%02d.tmp"]
+local f_tempfile_s = formatters["%s-%s-keep.%s"]
local function backup(jobname,run,kind,filename)
- if run == 1 then
- for i=1,10 do
- local tmpname = f_tempfile(jobname,kind,i)
- if validfile(tmpname) then
- removefile(tmpname)
- report("removing %a",tmpname)
+ if run then
+ if run == 1 then
+ for i=1,10 do
+ local tmpname = f_tempfile_i(jobname,kind,i)
+ if validfile(tmpname) then
+ removefile(tmpname)
+ report("removing %a",tmpname)
+ end
- end
- if validfile(filename) then
- local tmpname = f_tempfile(jobname,kind,run or 1)
+ if validfile(filename) then
+ local tmpname = f_tempfile(jobname,kind,run or 1)
+ report("copying %a into %a",filename,tmpname)
+ file.copy(filename,tmpname)
+ else
+ report("no file %a, nothing kept",filename)
+ end
+ elseif validfile(filename) then
+ local tmpname = f_tempfile_s(jobname,kind,kind)
report("copying %a into %a",filename,tmpname)
@@ -395,6 +404,14 @@ local function multipass_copyluafile(jobname,run)
+local function multipass_copypdffile(jobname,run)
+ local pdfname = jobname..".pdf"
+ if validfile(pdfname) then
+ backup(jobname,false,"pdf",pdfname)
+ report()
+ end
local function multipass_copylogfile(jobname,run)
local logname = jobname..".log"
if validfile(logname) then
@@ -673,6 +690,7 @@ function,filename)
local a_texformat = getargument("texformat")
local a_keeptuc = getargument("keeptuc")
local a_keeplog = getargument("keeplog")
+ local a_keeppdf = getargument("keeppdf")
local a_export = getargument("export")
local a_nodates = getargument("nodates")
local a_trailerid = getargument("trailerid")
@@ -890,6 +908,7 @@ function,filename)
elseif returncode == 0 then
multipass_copyluafile(jobname,a_keeptuc and currentrun)
multipass_copylogfile(jobname,a_keeplog and currentrun)
+ multipass_copypdffile(jobname,a_keeppdf and currentrun)
if not multipass_forcedruns then
newhash = multipass_hashfiles(jobname)
if multipass_changed(oldhash,newhash) then
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.xml b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.xml
index 98a75244b..d4e0d33c5 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.xml
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.xml
@@ -202,6 +202,9 @@
<flag name="keeptuc">
<short>keep previous tuc files (jobname-tuc-[run].tmp)</short>
+ <flag name="keeppdf">
+ <short>keep previous pdf files (jobname-pdf-keep.tmp)</short>
+ </flag>
<flag name="keeplog">
<short>keep previous log files (jobname-log-[run].tmp)</short>
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii
index 3b21edcd9..aac7ad364 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-\newcontextversion{2021.06.01 17:00}
+\newcontextversion{2021.06.04 17:20}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an
%D excellent place for hacks, patches, extensions and new
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii
index 03b2f79bc..b0041b657 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
%D your styles an modules.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2021.06.01 17:00}
+\edef\contextversion{2021.06.04 17:20}
%D For those who want to use this:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-ro.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-ro.mkii
index d67e993c4..c6897ce88 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-ro.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/mult-ro.mkii
@@ -1265,6 +1265,7 @@
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/char-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/char-ini.lua
index c6c8c915b..9ce52cc8a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/char-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/char-ini.lua
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ loaded!</p>
-- todo: in 'char-def.lua' assume defaults:
--- directtions = l
--- cjkwd = a
--- linebreak = al
+-- directions = l
+-- cjkwd = a
+-- linebreak = al
characters = characters or { }
local characters = characters
@@ -66,9 +66,17 @@ end
Extending the table.
-if context and not characters.private then
+if context then
- require("char-prv")
+ if not characters.private then
+ require("char-prv")
+ if storage then
+ storage.register("characters/private", characters.private, "characters.private")
+ end
+ end
for unicode, d in next, characters.private do
data[unicode] = d
@@ -932,7 +940,7 @@ if not characters.fallbacks then
-if storage then
+if storage then -- in case we extend
storage.register("characters/fallbacks", characters.fallbacks, "characters.fallbacks") -- accents and such
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-fil.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-fil.mkiv
index edef8dbc8..1d2a44b1f 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-fil.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-fil.mkiv
@@ -149,4 +149,6 @@
%definefilesynonym [set-13] [setups-proofing]
%definefilesynonym [set-15] [setups-generate]
+\definefilesynonym [newmml] [mathml]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv
index caf46fe43..d4815dd08 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
% \normalend % uncomment this to get the real base runtime
-\newcontextversion{2021.06.01 17:00}
+\newcontextversion{2021.06.04 17:20}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an excellent place for hacks,
%D patches, extensions and new features. There can be local overloads in cont-loc
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv
index 005fbf05a..ac9434b86 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
%D {YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM} format.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2021.06.01 17:00}
+\edef\contextversion{2021.06.04 17:20}
%D Kind of special:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.lua
index 43bc3efc8..6524670fc 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.lua
@@ -162,6 +162,8 @@ if CONTEXTLMTXMODE > 0 then
local found = xml.found
local empty = xml.empty
local checkedempty = xml.checkedempty
+ local ifatt = lxml.ifatt
+ local ifattempty = lxml.ifattempty
implement {
name = "ifxml",
@@ -184,6 +186,27 @@ if CONTEXTLMTXMODE > 0 then
implement {
+ name = "ifxmlatt",
+ public = true,
+ usage = "condition",
+ arguments = "3 arguments",
+ actions = function(id,name,value)
+ return boolean_code, ifatt(getid(id),name,value)
+ end
+ }
+ implement {
+ name = "ifxmlattempty",
+ public = true,
+ usage = "condition",
+ arguments = "2 arguments",
+ actions = function(id,name)
+ return boolean_code, ifattempty(getid(id),name)
+ end
+ }
+ implement {
name = "ifxmlempty",
public = true,
usage = "condition",
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tex.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tex.lua
index 75bd9b84c..148484f51 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tex.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tex.lua
@@ -2070,6 +2070,28 @@ do
+ function lxml.ifatt(id,a,value)
+ local e = getid(id)
+ if e then
+ local at =
+ att = at and at[a] or ""
+ else
+ att = ""
+ end
+ return att == value
+ end
+ function lxml.ifattempty(id,a)
+ local e = getid(id)
+ if e then
+ local at =
+ if at and at[a] ~= "" then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
function lxml.refatt(id,a)
local e = getid(id)
if e then
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-fun.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-fun.lua
index 1cacdff27..e9572f983 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-fun.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-fun.lua
@@ -40,7 +40,10 @@ return {
"anchorxy", "anchorx", "anchory",
"anchorht", "anchordp",
- "anchorll", "anchorur", "anchorbox",
+ "anchorul", "anchorll", "anchorlr", "anchorur",
+ "localanchorbox", "localanchorcell", "localanchorspan",
+ "anchorbox", "anchorcell", "anchorspan",
+ "matrixbox", "matrixcell", "matrixspan",
commands = {
"loadfile", "loadimage", "loadmodule",
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/s-inf-01-pdf-keep.pdf b/tex/context/base/mkiv/s-inf-01-pdf-keep.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0002d614e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/s-inf-01-pdf-keep.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/s-inf-03-pdf-keep.pdf b/tex/context/base/mkiv/s-inf-03-pdf-keep.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b037b49ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/s-inf-03-pdf-keep.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf
index 3b3e4165a..0002d614e 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf
index f276ac586..b037b49ab 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/anch-loc.lmt b/tex/context/base/mkxl/anch-loc.lmt
index 56ddeb7e2..09c1406ff 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/anch-loc.lmt
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/anch-loc.lmt
@@ -131,9 +131,27 @@ local function anchordp(name,x,y)
+local function anchorlr(name,x,y)
+ local v = valid(name,x,y)
+ if v then
+ return v[1] + v[7][1], v[2] - v[7][3]
+ else
+ return 0, 0
+ end
local function anchorur(name,x,y)
local v = valid(name,x,y)
if v then
+ return v[1] + v[7][1], v[2] + v[7][2]
+ else
+ return 0, 0
+ end
+local function anchorul(name,x,y)
+ local v = valid(name,x,y)
+ if v then
return v[1], v[2] + v[7][2]
return 0, 0
@@ -398,31 +416,21 @@ do
return injectpair(x*bpfactor,y*bpfactor)
- registerdirect("anchorx", function()
- return anchorx(scanstring(),scaninteger(),scaninteger()) * bpfactor
- end)
- registerdirect("anchory", function()
- return anchory(scanstring(),scaninteger(),scaninteger()) * bpfactor
- end)
+ registerdirect("anchorx", function() return anchorx(scanstring(),scaninteger(),scaninteger()) * bpfactor end)
+ registerdirect("anchory", function() return anchory(scanstring(),scaninteger(),scaninteger()) * bpfactor end)
- registerdirect("anchorht", function()
- return anchorht(scanstring(),scaninteger(),scaninteger()) * bpfactor
- end)
+ registerdirect("anchorht", function() return anchorht(scanstring(),scaninteger(),scaninteger()) * bpfactor end)
+ registerdirect("anchordp", function() return anchordp(scanstring(),scaninteger(),scaninteger()) * bpfactor end)
- registerdirect("anchordp", function()
- return anchordp(scanstring(),scaninteger(),scaninteger()) * bpfactor
- end)
- registerdirect("anchorur", function()
- local x, y = anchorur(scanstring(),scaninteger(),scaninteger())
+ local function corner(f)
+ local x, y = f(scanstring(),scaninteger(),scaninteger())
return injectpair(x*bpfactor,y*bpfactor)
- end)
+ end
- registerdirect("anchorll", function()
- local x, y = anchorll(scanstring(),scaninteger(),scaninteger())
- return injectpair(x*bpfactor,y*bpfactor)
- end)
+ registerdirect("anchorlr", function() return corner(anchorlr) end)
+ registerdirect("anchorur", function() return corner(anchorur) end)
+ registerdirect("anchorul", function() return corner(anchorul) end)
+ registerdirect("anchorll", function() return corner(anchorll) end)
registerscript("anchorbox", function()
local l = valid(scanstring(),scaninteger(),scaninteger())
@@ -464,14 +472,42 @@ do
{ urx, ury },
{ llx, ury }
- -- local p = {
- -- cycle = true,
- -- -- curled = true,
- -- { x_coord = llx, y_coord = lly },
- -- { x_coord = urx, y_coord = lly },
- -- { x_coord = urx, y_coord = ury },
- -- { x_coord = llx, y_coord = ury }
- -- }
+ injectpath(p)
+ end)
+ -- boundingbox (
+ -- anchorul(lname, lx, ly) --
+ -- anchorlr(rname, rx, ry)
+ -- )
+ local min = math.min
+ local max = math.max
+ registerscript("anchorspan", function()
+ local l = valid(scanstring(),scaninteger(),scaninteger())
+ local r = valid(scanstring(),scaninteger(),scaninteger())
+ local llx, lly, urx, ury, lb, ub
+ if l and r then
+ lb = l[7]
+ rb = r[7]
+ llx = min((l[1] ),(r[1] )) * bpfactor
+ lly = min((l[2] - lb[3]),(r[2] - rb[3])) * bpfactor
+ urx = max((l[1] + lb[1]),(r[1] + rb[1])) * bpfactor
+ ury = max((l[2] + lb[2]),(r[2] + rb[2])) * bpfactor
+ else
+ llx = 0
+ lly = 0
+ urx = 0
+ ury = 0
+ end
+ local p = {
+ cycle = true,
+-- curled = true,
+ { llx, lly },
+ { urx, lly },
+ { urx, ury },
+ { llx, ury }
+ }
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/anch-pos.lmt b/tex/context/base/mkxl/anch-pos.lmt
index 67d1657f2..94eb443c6 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/anch-pos.lmt
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/anch-pos.lmt
@@ -477,25 +477,29 @@ implement {
local function b_region(specification)
local tag = specification.tag or specification
local last = tobesaved[tag]
- local x, y = getpos()
- last.x = x ~= 0 and x or nil
- last.y = y ~= 0 and y or nil
- last.p = texgetcount("realpageno")
- insert(regions,tag) -- todo: fast stack
- region = tag
+ if last then
+ local x, y = getpos()
+ last.x = x ~= 0 and x or nil
+ last.y = y ~= 0 and y or nil
+ last.p = texgetcount("realpageno")
+ insert(regions,tag) -- todo: fast stack
+ region = tag
+ end
local function e_region(specification)
local last = tobesaved[region]
- local y = getvpos()
- local x, y = getpos()
- if specification.correct then
- local h = (last.y or 0) - y
- last.h = h ~= 0 and h or nil
- end
- last.y = y ~= 0 and y or nil
- remove(regions) -- todo: fast stack
- region = regions[#regions]
+ if last then
+ local y = getvpos()
+ local x, y = getpos()
+ if specification.correct then
+ local h = (last.y or 0) - y
+ last.h = h ~= 0 and h or nil
+ end
+ last.y = y ~= 0 and y or nil
+ remove(regions) -- todo: fast stack
+ region = regions[#regions]
+ end
jobpositions.b_region = b_region
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-fil.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-fil.mkxl
index 57bfd2794..e7fdd6f82 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-fil.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-fil.mkxl
@@ -150,4 +150,6 @@
\definefilesynonym [zint] [libs-imp-zint]
\definefilesynonym [barcode] [libs-imp-zint]
+\definefilesynonym [newmml] [mathml]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-new.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-new.mkxl
index 730c7896c..05c0fc8b2 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-new.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-new.mkxl
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
% \normalend % uncomment this to get the real base runtime
-\newcontextversion{2021.06.01 17:00}
+\newcontextversion{2021.06.04 17:20}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an excellent place for hacks,
%D patches, extensions and new features. There can be local overloads in cont-loc
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/context.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/context.mkxl
index 916b1bb8f..bbd67d48b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/context.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/context.mkxl
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
%D {YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM} format.
\immutable\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\immutable\edef\contextversion{2021.06.01 17:00}
+\immutable\edef\contextversion{2021.06.04 17:20}
%overloadmode 1 % check frozen / warning
%overloadmode 2 % check frozen / error
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/font-mat.mklx b/tex/context/base/mkxl/font-mat.mklx
index 055624d03..1963d808d 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/font-mat.mklx
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/font-mat.mklx
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
{% these are used when no font setting is there, the settings come before setting the parameters
% and are stored with the family
- \glyphtextscale \plusthousand
+ \glyphtextscale \plusthousand
\glyphscriptscale \numexpr\plusthousand*\dimexpr\scriptface \relax/\dimexpr\textface\relax\relax
\glyphscriptscriptscale \numexpr\plusthousand*\dimexpr\scriptscriptface\relax/\dimexpr\textface\relax\relax}
@@ -186,8 +186,8 @@
\let\mathsizesuffix\mathtextsuffix \let\fontface\!!plusone
\font_helpers_set_math_family_bold_a\textfont #mbfam#mrfam% defines
\font_helpers_set_math_family_bold_a\textfont #mbfam#mrfam% enables
- \scriptfont #mbfam\scriptfont #mrfam% reuses
- \scriptscriptfont#mbfam\scriptscriptfont#mrfam% reuses
+ \scriptfont #mbfam\textfont#mbfam% reuses
+ \scriptscriptfont#mbfam\textfont#mbfam% reuses
\let\mathsizesuffix\empty \let\fontface\!!zerocount
@@ -255,36 +255,6 @@
%D little in restoring global states and, what's more important, we get rid of large
%D math parameter push/pop in tracingall when not needed.
-% \def\font_helpers_preset_math_family_indeed#fam#familytag%
-% {\expandafter\let\expandafter\v_font_math_one\csname\??fontinstanceclass\fontclass-\fontbody-\s!mm-#familytag-\fontsize-1\endcsname
-% \ifrelax\v_font_math_one
-% \font_helpers_preset_math_family_warning
-% \orelse\ifnum\fontid\textfont#fam=\fontid\v_font_math_one\else
-% \font_helpers_preset_math_family_indeed_changed#fam#familytag%
-% \fi}
-% \def\font_helpers_preset_math_family_warning
-% {\writestatus{fonts}{math: unset for global bodyfont \fontclass\space at \fontbody}}
-% \def\font_helpers_preset_math_family_indeed_changed_normal#fam#familytag%
-% {\font_helpers_set_math_family_set_scales_normal
-% \scriptscriptfont#fam\csname\??fontinstanceclass\fontclass-\fontbody-\s!mm-#familytag-\fontsize-3\endcsname
-% \scriptfont #fam\csname\??fontinstanceclass\fontclass-\fontbody-\s!mm-#familytag-\fontsize-2\endcsname
-% \textfont #fam\v_font_math_one}
-% \def\font_helpers_preset_math_family_indeed_changed_compact#fam#familytag%
-% {\font_helpers_set_math_family_set_scales_compact
-% \scriptscriptfont#fam\v_font_math_one
-% \scriptfont #fam\v_font_math_one
-% \textfont #fam\v_font_math_one}
-% \def\font_helpers_preset_math_family_indeed_changed
-% {\ifconditional\c_font_compact
-% \expandafter\font_helpers_preset_math_family_indeed_changed_compact
-% \else
-% \expandafter\font_helpers_preset_math_family_indeed_changed_normal
-% \fi}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-ali.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-ali.mkxl
index ddc004198..f4294a978 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-ali.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-ali.mkxl
@@ -400,9 +400,16 @@
- \frozen\instance\setvalue {\e!stop \currentmathalignment}{\math_alignment_stop}%
+ \frozen\instance\setvalue {\e!stop \currentmathalignment}{\math_alignment_stop}% can this be protected now?
\to \everydefinemathalignment
+% to be tested
+% \appendtoks
+% \frozen\instance\protected\defcsname\e!start\currentmathalignment\endcsname{\math_alignment_start[\currentmathalignment]}%
+% \noaligned\frozen\instance\protected\defcsname\e!stop \currentmathalignment\endcsname{\math_alignment_stop}%
+% \to \everydefinemathalignment
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-ini.lmt b/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-ini.lmt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..857f21013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-ini.lmt
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['math-ini'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to math-ini.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- if needed we can use the info here to set up xetex definition files
+-- the "8000 hackery influences direct characters (utf) as indirect \char's
+-- isn't loaded already ... shortcut it here
+-- replace code 7 by 0 as we don't use it anyway (chars with code 7 will adapt to
+-- to the fam when set ... we use other means .. ok, we could use it for spacing but
+-- then we also have to set the other characters (only a subset done now)
+local next, type = next, type
+local formatters, find = string.formatters, string.find
+local utfchar, utfbyte, utflength = utf.char, utf.byte, utf.length
+----- floor = math.floor
+local sortedhash = table.sortedhash
+local toboolean = toboolean
+local context = context
+local commands = commands
+local implement = interfaces.implement
+local ctx_sprint = context.sprint
+local ctx_doifelsesomething = commands.doifelsesomething
+local trace_defining = false trackers.register("math.defining", function(v) trace_defining = v end)
+local report_math = logs.reporter("mathematics","initializing")
+mathematics = mathematics or { }
+local mathematics = mathematics
+mathematics.extrabase = fonts.privateoffsets.mathextrabase -- here we push some virtuals
+mathematics.privatebase = fonts.privateoffsets.mathbase -- here we push the ex
+local unsetvalue = attributes.unsetvalue
+local allocate =
+local chardata =
+local texsetattribute = tex.setattribute
+local setmathcode = tex.setmathcode
+local setdelcode = tex.setdelcode
+local families = allocate {
+ mr = 0,
+ mb = 1,
+--- to be checked .. a few defaults in char-def that should be alpha
+local classes = allocate {
+ ord = 0, -- mathordcomm mathord
+ op = 1, -- mathopcomm mathop
+ bin = 2, -- mathbincomm mathbin
+ rel = 3, -- mathrelcomm mathrel
+ open = 4, -- mathopencomm mathopen
+ middle = 4,
+ close = 5, -- mathclosecomm mathclose
+ punct = 6, -- mathpunctcomm mathpunct
+ alpha = 7, -- mathalphacomm firstofoneargument
+ accent = 8, -- class 0
+ radical = 9,
+ xaccent = 10, -- class 3
+ topaccent = 11, -- class 0
+ botaccent = 12, -- class 0
+ under = 13,
+ over = 14,
+ delimiter = 15,
+ inner = 0, -- mathinnercomm mathinner
+ nothing = 0, -- mathnothingcomm firstofoneargument
+ choice = 0, -- mathchoicecomm @@mathchoicecomm
+ box = 0, -- mathboxcomm @@mathboxcomm
+ limop = 1, -- mathlimopcomm @@mathlimopcomm
+ nolop = 1, -- mathnolopcomm @@mathnolopcomm
+ --
+ ordinary = 0, -- ord
+ alphabetic = 7, -- alpha
+ unknown = 0, -- nothing
+ default = 0, -- nothing
+ punctuation = 6, -- punct
+ normal = 0, -- nothing
+ opening = 4, -- open
+ closing = 5, -- close
+ binary = 2, -- bin
+ relation = 3, -- rel
+ fence = 0, -- unknown
+ diacritic = 8, -- accent
+ large = 1, -- op
+ variable = 7, -- alphabetic
+ number = 7, -- alphabetic
+ root = 16, -- a private one
+local open_class = 4
+local middle_class = 4
+local close_class = 5
+local accent_class = 8
+local radical_class = 9
+local topaccent_class = 11
+local botaccent_class = 12
+local under_class = 13
+local over_class = 14
+local delimiter_class = 15
+local root_class = 16
+local accents = allocate {
+ accent = true, -- some can be both
+ topaccent = true, [11] = true,
+ botaccent = true, [12] = true,
+ under = true, [13] = true,
+ over = true, [14] = true,
+ unknown = false,
+local codes = allocate {
+ ordinary = 0, [0] = "ordinary",
+ largeoperator = 1, [1] = "largeoperator",
+ binaryoperator = 2, [2] = "binaryoperator",
+ relation = 3, [3] = "relation",
+ openingsymbol = 4, [4] = "openingsymbol",
+ closingsymbol = 5, [5] = "closingsymbol",
+ punctuation = 6, [6] = "punctuation",
+ variable = 7, [7] = "variable",
+local extensibles = allocate {
+ unknown = 0,
+ l = 1, left = 1,
+ r = 2, right = 2,
+ h = 3, horizontal = 3,-- lr or rl
+ u = 5, up = 4,
+ d = 5, down = 5,
+ v = 6, vertical = 6,-- ud or du
+ m = 7, mixed = 7,
+table.setmetatableindex(extensibles,function(t,k) t[k] = 0 return 0 end)
+local virtualized = allocate {
+function mathematics.virtualize(unicode,virtual)
+ local function virtualize(k,v)
+ local c = virtualized[k]
+ if c == v then
+ report_math("character %C is already virtualized to %C",k,v)
+ elseif c then
+ report_math("character %C is already virtualized to %C, ignoring mapping to %C",k,c,v)
+ else
+ virtualized[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ if type(unicode) == "table" then
+ for k, v in next, unicode do
+ virtualize(k,v)
+ end
+ elseif type(unicode) == "number" and type(virtual) == "number" then
+ virtualize(unicode,virtual)
+ -- else
+ -- error
+ end
+mathematics.extensibles = extensibles
+mathematics.classes = classes = codes
+-----------.accents = codes
+mathematics.families = families
+mathematics.virtualized = virtualized
+ -- not that many so no need to reuse tables
+ local setmathcharacter = function(class,family,slot,unicode,mset,dset)
+ if mset and codes[class] then -- regular codes < 7
+ setmathcode("global",slot,class,family,unicode)
+ mset = false
+ end
+ if dset and class == open_class or class == close_class or class == middle_class then
+ setdelcode("global",slot,family,unicode,0,0)
+ dset = false
+ end
+ return mset, dset
+ end
+ -- todo: make nice setters for this in lua
+ local f_accent = formatters[ [[\defUmathtopaccent \%s{%X}{%X}{%X}]] ]
+ local f_topaccent = formatters[ [[\defUmathtopaccent \%s{%X}{%X}{%X}]] ]
+ local f_botaccent = formatters[ [[\defUmathbotaccent \%s{%X}{%X}{%X}]] ]
+ local f_over = formatters[ [[\defUdelimiterover \%s{%X}{%X}{%X}]] ]
+ local f_under = formatters[ [[\defUdelimiterunder\%s{%X}{%X}{%X}]] ]
+ local f_fence = formatters[ [[\defUdelimiter \%s{%X}{%X}{%X}]] ]
+ local f_delimiter = formatters[ [[\defUdelimiter \%s{%X}{%X}{%X}]] ]
+ local f_radical = formatters[ [[\defUradical \%s{%X}{%X}]] ]
+ local f_root = formatters[ [[\defUroot \%s{%X}{%X}]] ]
+ local f_char = formatters[ [[\defUmathchar \%s{%X}{%X}{%X}]] ]
+ local texmathchardef = tex.mathchardef
+ local setmathsymbol = function(name,class,family,slot) -- hex is nicer for tracing
+ if class == accent_class then
+ ctx_sprint(f_topaccent(name,0,family,slot))
+ elseif class == topaccent_class then
+ ctx_sprint(f_topaccent(name,0,family,slot))
+ elseif class == botaccent_class then
+ ctx_sprint(f_botaccent(name,0,family,slot))
+ elseif class == over_class then
+ ctx_sprint(f_over(name,0,family,slot))
+ elseif class == under_class then
+ ctx_sprint(f_under(name,0,family,slot))
+ elseif class == open_class or class == close_class or class == middle_class then
+-- setdelcode("global",slot,{family,slot,0,0})
+ setdelcode("global",slot,family,slot,0,0)
+ ctx_sprint(f_fence(name,class,family,slot))
+ elseif class == delimiter_class then
+-- setdelcode("global",slot,{family,slot,0,0})
+ setdelcode("global",slot,family,slot,0,0)
+ ctx_sprint(f_delimiter(name,0,family,slot))
+ elseif class == radical_class then
+ ctx_sprint(f_radical(name,family,slot))
+ elseif class == root_class then
+ ctx_sprint(f_root(name,family,slot))
+ elseif texmathchardef then
+ texmathchardef(name,class,family,slot,"permanent")
+ else
+ -- beware, open/close and other specials should not end up here
+ ctx_sprint(f_char(name,class,family,slot))
+ end
+ end
+ local function report(class,family,unicode,name)
+ local nametype = type(name)
+ if nametype == "string" then
+ report_math("class name %a, class %a, family %a, char %C, name %a",classname,class,family,unicode,name)
+ elseif nametype == "number" then
+ report_math("class name %a, class %a, family %a, char %C, number %U",classname,class,family,unicode,name)
+ else
+ report_math("class name %a, class %a, family %a, char %C", classname,class,family,unicode)
+ end
+ end
+ -- there will be a combined \(math)chardef (tracker)
+ function mathematics.define(family)
+ family = family or 0
+ family = families[family] or family
+ local data =
+ for unicode, character in sortedhash(data) do
+ local symbol = character.mathsymbol
+ local mset = true
+ local dset = true
+ if symbol then
+ local other = data[symbol]
+ local class = other.mathclass
+ if class then
+ class = classes[class] or class -- no real checks needed
+ if trace_defining then
+ report(class,family,unicode,symbol)
+ end
+ mset, dset = setmathcharacter(class,family,unicode,symbol,mset,dset)
+ end
+ local spec = other.mathspec
+ if spec then
+ for i=1,#spec do
+ local m = spec[i]
+ local class = m.class
+ if class then
+ class = classes[class] or class -- no real checks needed
+ mset, dset = setmathcharacter(class,family,unicode,symbol,mset,dset)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local mathclass = character.mathclass
+ local mathspec = character.mathspec
+ if mathspec then
+ if mathclass then
+ local name = character.mathname
+ if name then
+ report_math("fatal error, conflicting mathclass and mathspec for %C",unicode)
+ os.exit()
+ else
+ local class = classes[mathclass] or mathclass -- no real checks needed
+ if not class then
+ if trace_defining then
+ report("unknown",family,unicode)
+ end
+ else
+ if trace_defining then
+ report(class,family,unicode)
+ end
+ mset, dset = setmathcharacter(class,family,unicode,unicode,mset,dset)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for i=1,#mathspec do
+ local m = mathspec[i]
+ local name =
+ local class = m.class
+ if class then
+ class = classes[class] or class -- no real checks needed
+ if name then
+ if trace_defining then
+ report(class,family,unicode,name)
+ end
+ setmathsymbol(name,class,family,unicode)
+ else
+ name = (class == classes.variable or class == classes.number) and character.adobename -- bad
+ if name and trace_defining then
+ report(class,family,unicode,name)
+ end
+ end
+ mset, dset = setmathcharacter(class,family,unicode,m.unicode or unicode,mset,dset) -- see solidus
+ end
+ end
+ elseif mathclass then
+ local name = character.mathname
+ local class = classes[mathclass] or mathclass -- no real checks needed
+ if not class then
+ if trace_defining then
+ report("unknown",family,unicode,name)
+ end
+ elseif name == false then
+ if trace_defining then
+ report(class,family,unicode,name)
+ end
+ mset, dset = setmathcharacter(class,family,unicode,unicode,mset,dset)
+ else
+ -- if not name then
+ -- name = character.contextname -- too dangerous, we loose textslash and a few more
+ -- end
+ if name then
+ if trace_defining then
+ report(class,family,unicode,name)
+ end
+ setmathsymbol(name,class,family,unicode)
+ else
+ if trace_defining then
+ report(class,family,unicode,character.adobename)
+ end
+ end
+ mset, dset = setmathcharacter(class,family,unicode,unicode,mset,dset)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- needed for mathml analysis
+-- string with # > 1 are invalid
+-- we could cache
+ local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+ local utf8byte = lpeg.patterns.utf8byte * lpeg.P(-1)
+ -- function somechar(c)
+ -- local b = lpegmatch(utf8byte,c)
+ -- return b and chardata[b]
+ -- end
+ local somechar = table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k)
+ if k then
+ local b = lpegmatch(utf8byte,k)
+ local v = b and chardata[b] or false
+ t[k] = v
+ return v
+ end
+ end)
+ local function utfmathclass(chr, default)
+ local cd = somechar[chr]
+ return cd and cd.mathclass or default or "unknown"
+ end
+ local function utfmathlimop(chr)
+ local cd = somechar[chr]
+ return cd and cd.mathclass == "limop" or false
+ end
+ local function utfmathaccent(chr,default,asked1,asked2)
+ local cd = somechar[chr]
+ if not cd then
+ return default or false
+ end
+ if asked1 and asked1 ~= "" then
+ local mc = cd.mathclass
+ if mc and (mc == asked1 or mc == asked2) then
+ return true
+ end
+ local ms = cd.mathspec
+ if not ms then
+ local mp = cd.mathparent
+ if mp then
+ ms = chardata[mp].mathspec
+ end
+ end
+ if ms then
+ for i=1,#ms do
+ local msi = ms[i]
+ local mc = msi.class
+ if mc and (mc == asked1 or mc == asked2) then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local mc = cd.mathclass
+ if mc then
+ return accents[mc] or default or false
+ end
+ local ms = cd.mathspec
+ if ms then
+ for i=1,#ms do
+ local msi = ms[i]
+ local mc = msi.class
+ if mc then
+ return accents[mc] or default or false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return default or false
+ end
+ local function utfmathstretch(chr,default) -- "h", "v", "b", ""
+ local cd = somechar[chr]
+ return cd and cd.mathstretch or default or ""
+ end
+ local function utfmathcommand(chr,default,asked1,asked2)
+ local cd = somechar[chr]
+ if not cd then
+ return default or ""
+ end
+ if asked1 then
+ local mn = cd.mathname
+ local mc = cd.mathclass
+ if mn and mc and (mc == asked1 or mc == asked2) then
+ return mn
+ end
+ local ms = cd.mathspec
+ if not ms then
+ local mp = cd.mathparent
+ if mp then
+ ms = chardata[mp].mathspec
+ end
+ end
+ if ms then
+ for i=1,#ms do
+ local msi = ms[i]
+ local mn =
+ if mn then
+ local mc = msi.class
+ if mc == asked1 or mc == asked2 then
+ return mn
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local mn = cd.mathname
+ if mn then
+ return mn
+ end
+ local ms = cd.mathspec
+ if ms then
+ for i=1,#ms do
+ local msi = ms[i]
+ local mn =
+ if mn then
+ return mn
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return default or ""
+ end
+ local function utfmathfiller(chr, default)
+ local cd = somechar[chr]
+ local cmd = cd and cd.mathfiller -- or cd.mathname
+ return cmd or default or ""
+ end
+ mathematics.utfmathclass = utfmathclass
+ mathematics.utfmathstretch = utfmathstretch
+ mathematics.utfmathcommand = utfmathcommand
+ mathematics.utfmathfiller = utfmathfiller
+ mathematics.utfmathaccent = utfmathaccent
+ -- interfaced
+ implement {
+ name = "utfmathclass",
+ public = true,
+ actions = { utfmathclass, context },
+ arguments = "argument"
+ }
+ implement {
+ name = "utfmathstretch",
+ public = true,
+ actions = { utfmathstretch, context },
+ arguments = "argument"
+ }
+ implement {
+ name = "utfmathcommand",
+ public = true,
+ actions = { utfmathcommand, context },
+ arguments = "argument"
+ }
+ implement {
+ name = "utfmathfiller",
+ public = true,
+ actions = { utfmathfiller, context },
+ arguments = "argument"
+ }
+ implement {
+ name = "utfmathcommandabove",
+ public = true,
+ actions = { utfmathcommand, context },
+ arguments = { "argument", false, "'topaccent'","'over'" }
+ }
+ implement {
+ name = "utfmathcommandbelow",
+ public = true,
+ actions = { utfmathcommand, context },
+ arguments = { "argument", false, "'botaccent'","'under'" }
+ }
+ implement {
+ name = "utfmathcommandfiller",
+ public = true,
+ actions = { utfmathfiller, context },
+ arguments = "argument"
+ }
+ -- todo: make this a helper:
+ implement {
+ name = "doifelseutfmathabove",
+ public = true,
+ actions = { utfmathaccent, ctx_doifelsesomething },
+ arguments = { "argument", false, "'topaccent'", "'over'" }
+ }
+ implement {
+ name = "doifelseutfmathbelow",
+ public = true,
+ actions = { utfmathaccent, ctx_doifelsesomething },
+ arguments = { "argument", false, "'botaccent'", "'under'" }
+ }
+ implement {
+ name = "doifelseutfmathaccent",
+ public = true,
+ actions = { utfmathaccent, ctx_doifelsesomething },
+ arguments = "argument",
+ }
+ implement {
+ name = "doifelseutfmathfiller",
+ public = true,
+ actions = { utfmathfiller, ctx_doifelsesomething },
+ arguments = "argument",
+ }
+ implement {
+ name = "doifelseutfmathlimop",
+ public = true,
+ actions = { utfmathlimop, ctx_doifelsesomething },
+ arguments = "argument"
+ }
+-- helpers
+-- 1: step 1
+-- 2: step 2
+-- 3: htdp * 1.33^n
+-- 4: size * 1.33^n
+function mathematics.big(tfmdata,unicode,n,method)
+ local t = tfmdata.characters
+ local c = t[unicode]
+ if c and n > 0 then
+ local vv = c.vert_variants or and t[].vert_variants
+ if vv then
+ local vvn = vv[n]
+ return vvn and vvn.glyph or vv[#vv].glyph or unicode
+ elseif method == 1 or method == 2 then
+ if method == 2 then -- large steps
+ n = n * 2
+ end
+ local next =
+ while next do
+ if n <= 1 then
+ return next
+ else
+ n = n - 1
+ local tn = t[next].next
+ if tn then
+ next = tn
+ else
+ return next
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ elseif method >= 3 then
+ local size = 1.33^n
+ if method == 4 then
+ size = tfmdata.parameters.size * size
+ else -- if method == 3 then
+ size = (c.height + c.depth) * size
+ end
+ local next =
+ while next do
+ local cn = t[next]
+ if (cn.height + cn.depth) >= size then
+ return next
+ else
+ local tn =
+ if tn then
+ next = tn
+ else
+ return next
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return unicode
+do -- experimental
+ -- local categories = { } -- indexed + hashed
+ --
+ -- local a_mathcategory = attributes.private("mathcategory")
+ --
+ -- local function registercategory(category,tag,data) -- always same data for tag
+ -- local c = categories[category]
+ -- if not c then
+ -- c = { }
+ -- categories[category] = c
+ -- end
+ -- local n = c[tag]
+ -- if not n then
+ -- n = #c + 1
+ -- c[n] = data
+ -- n = n * 1000 + category
+ -- c[tag] = n
+ -- end
+ -- return n
+ -- end
+ --
+ -- function mathematics.getcategory(n)
+ -- local category = n % 1000
+ -- return category, categories[category][floor(n/1000)]
+ -- end
+ --
+ -- mathematics.registercategory = registercategory
+ --
+ -- function commands.taggedmathfunction(tag,label)
+ -- if label then
+ -- texsetattribute(a_mathcategory,registercategory(1,tag,tag))
+ -- context.mathlabeltext(tag)
+ -- else
+ -- texsetattribute(a_mathcategory,1)
+ -- context(tag)
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ local categories = { }
+ mathematics.categories = categories
+ local a_mathcategory = attributes.private("mathcategory")
+ local functions = storage.allocate()
+ categories.functions = functions
+ local noffunctions = 1000 -- offset
+ implement {
+ name = "tagmfunctiontxt",
+ arguments = { "string", "conditional" },
+ actions = function(tag,apply)
+ local delta = apply and 1000 or 0
+ texsetattribute(a_mathcategory,1000 + delta)
+ end
+ }
+ implement {
+ name = "tagmfunctionlab",
+ arguments = { "string", "conditional" },
+ actions = function(tag,apply)
+ local delta = apply and 1000 or 0
+ local n = functions[tag]
+ if not n then
+ noffunctions = noffunctions + 1
+ functions[noffunctions] = tag
+ functions[tag] = noffunctions
+ texsetattribute(a_mathcategory,noffunctions + delta)
+ else
+ texsetattribute(a_mathcategory,n + delta)
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ local list
+ function mathematics.resetattributes()
+ if not list then
+ list = { }
+ for k, v in next, attributes.numbers do
+ if find(k,"^math") then
+ list[#list+1] = v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for i=1,#list do
+ texsetattribute(list[i],unsetvalue)
+ end
+ end
+implement {
+ name = "resetmathattributes",
+ public = true,
+ protected = true,
+ actions = mathematics.resetattributes
+-- weird to do this here but it's a side affect of math anyway
+interfaces.implement {
+ name = "enableasciimode",
+ onlyonce = true,
+ actions = resolvers.macros.enablecomment,
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-ini.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-ini.mkxl
index 33e52ebbf..c97cfbb77 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-ini.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-ini.mkxl
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
% test [[\char948 \cldcontext{utf.char(948)}]]
% test $[[\char948 \cldcontext{utf.char(948)}]]$
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
\defaultmathfamily \zerocount % 255
+% defined at lua end \permanent\protected\def\resetmathattributes{\resetmathattributes}
% handy
@@ -193,9 +193,9 @@
\permanent\protected\def\rawmathematics#1% slow but only for tracing
- \clf_resetmathattributes#1%
+ \resetmathattributes#1%
- \startimath\clf_resetmathattributes#1\stopimath
+ \startimath\resetmathattributes#1\stopimath
@@ -601,22 +601,22 @@
-%D Helpers
+%D Helpers (defined at the \LUA\ end):
-\permanent\def\utfmathclass #1{\clf_utfmathclass {#1}}
-\permanent\def\utfmathfiller #1{\clf_utfmathfiller {#1}}
-\permanent\def\utfmathcommandabove #1{\clf_utfmathcommandabove {#1}}
-\permanent\def\utfmathcommandbelow #1{\clf_utfmathcommandbelow {#1}}
-\permanent\protected\def\doifelseutfmathabove #1{\clf_doifelseutfmathabove {#1}}
-\permanent\protected\def\doifelseutfmathbelow #1{\clf_doifelseutfmathbelow {#1}}
-\permanent\protected\def\doifelseutfmathlimop #1{\clf_doifelseutfmathlimop {#1}}
+% \utfmathclass #1
+% \utfmathstretch #1
+% \utfmathcommand #1
+% \utfmathfiller #1
+% \utfmathcommandabove #1..
+% \utfmathcommandbelow #1..
+% \utfmathcommandfiller #1..
+% \doifelseutfmathaccent #1#2#3
+% \doifelseutfmathabove #1#2#3
+% \doifelseutfmathbelow #1#2#3
+% \doifelseutfmathfiller #1#2#3
+% \doifelseutfmathlimop #1#2#3
\aliased\let\doifutfmathaccentelse \doifelseutfmathaccent
\aliased\let\doifutfmathaboveelse \doifelseutfmathabove
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/meta-ini.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/meta-ini.mkxl
index faf0d3c69..db1e69d48 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/meta-ini.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/meta-ini.mkxl
@@ -735,6 +735,55 @@
\aliased\let\reuseMPgraphic \useMPgraphic % we can save a setup here if needed
\aliased\let\reusableMPgraphic\reuseMPgraphic % we can save a setup here if needed
+%D Saves an overlaydefinition:
+ {\dodoublegroupempty\meta_start_overlay_graphic}
+ {\normalexpanded{%
+ \pack_overlay_define{#1}{\useMPgraphic{#1}}%
+ \meta_start_overlay_graphic_indeed{#1}}%
+ }
+ {\gdefcsname\??mpgraphic#1\endcsname{\meta_handle_overlay_graphic{#1}{#2}{#3}}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \edef\currentmpcategory{#1}%
+ \meta_process_graphic{#3;BoundToOverlayBox;}%
+ \endgroup}
+%D New in \LMTX:
+ {\iftrialtypesetting
+ \expandafter\startMPoverlaydata_nop
+ \else
+ \expandafter\startMPoverlaydata_yes
+ \fi}
+ {}
+ {\xtoksapp\MPoverlaydata{#1;}}
+\def\includeMPoverlaydata % expandable
+ {\the\MPoverlaydata
+ \resetMPoverlaydata}
+\def\resetMPoverlaydata % expandable
+ {\localcontrolled{\global\MPoverlaydata\emptytoks}}
%D \macros
%D {startuniqueMPpagegraphic,uniqueMPpagegraphic}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-lua.lmt b/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-lua.lmt
index 137aa6223..6acb159f6 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-lua.lmt
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-lua.lmt
@@ -55,21 +55,21 @@ local skiptoken = mplib.skiptoken
local gethashentry = mplib.gethashentry = function(k) if trace then reporti("next") end return scannext (currentmpx,k) end
-scan.expression = function(k) if trace then reporti("expression") end return scanexpression(currentmpx,k) end
-scan.token = function(k) if trace then reporti("token") end return scantoken (currentmpx,k) end
-scan.symbol = function(k,e) if trace then reporti("symbol") end return scansymbol (currentmpx,k,e) end = function(k) if trace then reporti("property") end return scanproperty (currentmpx,k) end
-scan.numeric = function() if trace then reporti("numeric") end return scannumeric (currentmpx) end
-scan.integer = function() if trace then reporti("integer") end return scaninteger (currentmpx) end
-scan.boolean = function() if trace then reporti("boolean") end return scanboolean (currentmpx) end
-scan.string = function() if trace then reporti("string") end return scanstring (currentmpx) end
-scan.pair = function(t) if trace then reporti("pair") end return scanpair (currentmpx,t) end
-scan.color = function(t) if trace then reporti("color") end return scancolor (currentmpx,t) end
-scan.cmykcolor = function(t) if trace then reporti("cmykcolor") end return scancmykcolor (currentmpx,t) end
-scan.transform = function(t) if trace then reporti("transform") end return scantransform (currentmpx,t) end
-scan.path = function(t) if trace then reporti("path") end return scanpath (currentmpx,t) end
-scan.pen = function(t) if trace then reporti("pen") end return scanpen (currentmpx,t) end = function(k) if trace then reporti("next") end return scannext (currentmpx,k) end
+scan.expression = function(k) if trace then reporti("expression") end return scanexpression(currentmpx,k) end
+scan.token = function(k) if trace then reporti("token") end return scantoken (currentmpx,k) end
+scan.symbol = function(k,e) if trace then reporti("symbol") end return scansymbol (currentmpx,k,e) end = function(k) if trace then reporti("property") end return scanproperty (currentmpx,k) end
+scan.numeric = function() if trace then reporti("numeric") end return scannumeric (currentmpx) end
+scan.integer = function() if trace then reporti("integer") end return scaninteger (currentmpx) end
+scan.boolean = function() if trace then reporti("boolean") end return scanboolean (currentmpx) end
+scan.string = function() if trace then reporti("string") end return scanstring (currentmpx) end
+scan.pair = function(t) if trace then reporti("pair") end return scanpair (currentmpx,t) end
+scan.color = function(t) if trace then reporti("color") end return scancolor (currentmpx,t) end
+scan.cmykcolor = function(t) if trace then reporti("cmykcolor") end return scancmykcolor (currentmpx,t) end
+scan.transform = function(t) if trace then reporti("transform") end return scantransform (currentmpx,t) end
+scan.path = function(t,k,c) if trace then reporti("path") end return scanpath (currentmpx,t,k,c) end -- compact kind (prim) check
+scan.pen = function(t) if trace then reporti("pen") end return scanpen (currentmpx,t) end
skip.token = function(t) return skiptoken (currentmpx,t) end
get.hashentry = function(n) return gethashentry(currentmpx,n) end
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-scn.lmt b/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-scn.lmt
index 217a57ae4..5339fff6e 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-scn.lmt
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-scn.lmt
@@ -230,10 +230,13 @@ local function get_parameters(nested)
data[s] = (typescanners[kind] or scanexpression)()
elseif kind == leftbracket_code then
data[s] = get_parameters(true)
+ elseif kind == comma_code then
+ goto again
data[s] = tokenscanners[kind]()
+ ::again::
return data
@@ -305,7 +308,7 @@ local function collectnames()
local t = scantoken(true)
-- (1) not really needed
if t == numeric_code then
- n = n + 1 l[n] = scaninteger(1)
+ n = n + 1 l[n] = scannumeric(1)
elseif t == string_code then
n = n + 1 l[n] = scanstring(1)
elseif t == nullary_code then
@@ -522,16 +525,16 @@ local function getparameterdefault()
v = vl
- -- if v == nil then
- -- return injectnumeric(0)
- -- else
- -- return get(v)
- -- end
- return v or 0
+ if v == nil then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return v
+ end
-- return injectnumeric(0)
return 0
+ print("LAST",last)
-- return get(last)
return last
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/pack-rul.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/pack-rul.mkxl
index 52c2255fe..b87547472 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/pack-rul.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/pack-rul.mkxl
@@ -455,8 +455,12 @@
\to \everyoverlay
+ {\defcsname\??overlay#1\endcsname{\executedefinedoverlay{#1}{#2}}}
\permanent\tolerant\protected\def\defineoverlay[#1]#*[#2]% wil be overloaded
- {\def\pack_framed_define_overlay_indeed##1{\defcsname\??overlay##1\endcsname{\executedefinedoverlay{##1}{#2}}}%
+% {\def\pack_framed_define_overlay_indeed##1{\defcsname\??overlay##1\endcsname{\executedefinedoverlay{##1}{#2}}}%
+ {\def\pack_framed_define_overlay_indeed##1{\pack_overlay_define{##1}{#2}}%
\permanent\protected\def\executedefinedoverlay#1#2% we can share the definitions
@@ -915,7 +919,11 @@
%D can better be correct.
\protected\def\pack_framed_process_box_indeed#1#2% component box (assumes parameters set and grouped usage)
- {\setbox\b_framed_normal\box#2% could actually be \let\b_framed_normal#2
+ {%
+ %\setbox\b_framed_normal\box#2%
+ %\def\b_framed_normal{#2}% protected against overload
+ \enforced\let\b_framed_normal#2%
+ %
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/supp-box.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/supp-box.mkxl
index 943415596..751293383 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/supp-box.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/supp-box.mkxl
@@ -224,11 +224,13 @@
\installcorenamespace {smashoptions}
-\setvalue{\??smashoptions w}{\wd\nextbox\zeropoint}
-\setvalue{\??smashoptions h}{\ht\nextbox\zeropoint}
-\setvalue{\??smashoptions d}{\dp\nextbox\zeropoint}
-\setvalue{\??smashoptions t}{\ht\nextbox\zeropoint}
-\setvalue{\??smashoptions b}{\dp\nextbox\zeropoint}
+\defcsname\??smashoptions w\endcsname{\wd\nextbox\zeropoint}
+\defcsname\??smashoptions h\endcsname{\ht\nextbox\zeropoint}
+\defcsname\??smashoptions d\endcsname{\dp\nextbox\zeropoint}
+\defcsname\??smashoptions t\endcsname{\ht\nextbox\zeropoint}
+\defcsname\??smashoptions b\endcsname{\dp\nextbox\zeropoint}
+\defcsname\??smashoptions hd\endcsname{\ht\nextbox\zeropoint\dp\nextbox\zeropoint}
+\defcsname\??smashoptions whd\endcsname{\wd\nextbox\zeropoint\ht\nextbox\zeropoint\dp\nextbox\zeropoint}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/syst-ini.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/syst-ini.mkxl
index 462b8500a..d147e07aa 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/syst-ini.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/syst-ini.mkxl
@@ -24,6 +24,21 @@
%D but we're prestine and have no macros defined yet. Abstraction also makes it
%D possible to avoid the \type {^^} in the input.
+% cheatsheet
+% # : 0--9
+% * : ignore spaces
+% + : keep the braces
+% - : discard and don't count the argument
+% . : ignore pars and spaces
+% , : push back space when no match
+% / : remove leading and trailing spaces and pars
+% : : pick up scanning here
+% ; : quit scanning
+% = : braces are mandate
+% ^ : keep leading spaces
+% _ : braces are mandate and kept
\immutable\integerdef\escapecatcode 0
\immutable\integerdef\begingroupcatcode 1
\immutable\integerdef\endgroupcatcode 2
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/tabl-ntb.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/tabl-ntb.mkxl
index 5b30c449c..4c77aded8 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/tabl-ntb.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/tabl-ntb.mkxl
@@ -205,6 +205,52 @@
\newconstant \c_tabl_ntb_foot
\newconditional \c_tabl_ntb_okay
+%D For local anchoring:
+\let\tabl_ntb_anchor_start \gobbletwoarguments
+\let\tabl_ntb_anchor_stop \relax
+ {\hpack\bgroup
+ \edef\xanchor{\number#2}%
+ \edef\yanchor{\number#1}%
+ \markanchor{matrix}{#1}{#2}}
+ {\hpack\bgroup
+ \edef\xanchor{\number#2}%
+ \edef\yanchor{\number#1}%
+ \markanchor{matrix}{#2}{#1}%
+ \smash[whd]{\smallinfofont#2-#1}}
+\let\tabl_ntb_anchor_stop_indeed \egroup
+ {\localframed[\??naturaltableanchor]{\box#1}}
+ {localanchor}
+ {\let\tabl_ntb_anchor_start_indeed\tabl_ntb_anchor_start_traced}
+ {\let\tabl_ntb_anchor_start_indeed\tabl_ntb_anchor_start_normal}
+ [\??naturaltableanchor]
+ [\??naturaltableanchor]
+ [\c!synchronize=\v!background,
+ \c!background=\m_tabl_ntb_anchor_background]
%D We have already prepared the previous macros for nesting, so we only have to pop
%D in the right ones:
@@ -273,11 +319,11 @@
-\letvalue{\??naturaltablesqueeze }\donefalse
-\letvalue{\??naturaltablesqueeze\v!fit }\donetrue
+\letcsname\??naturaltablesqueeze \endcsname\donefalse
+\letcsname\??naturaltablesqueeze\v!fit \endcsname\donetrue
@@ -444,18 +490,18 @@
\def\tabl_ntb_setup_two [#1]{\ifcsname\??naturaltablesetuptwo #1\endcsname\expandafter\lastnamedcs\else\expandafter\tabl_ntb_setup_ux\fi[#1]}
-\setvalue{\??naturaltablesetupthree \v!row}[#1]{\tabl_ntb_setup_xy [\c!y]}
-\setvalue{\??naturaltablesetupthree \v!column}[#1]{\tabl_ntb_setup_xy [\c!x]}
-\setvalue{\??naturaltablesetupthree \v!start}[#1]{\tabl_ntb_setup_xy [\v!start]}
-\setvalue{\??naturaltablesetupthree \v!header}[#1]{\tabl_ntb_setup_xy [\v!header]}
+\defcsname\??naturaltablesetupthree \v!row\endcsname[#1]{\tabl_ntb_setup_xy [\c!y]}
+\defcsname\??naturaltablesetupthree \v!column\endcsname[#1]{\tabl_ntb_setup_xy [\c!x]}
+\defcsname\??naturaltablesetupthree \v!start\endcsname[#1]{\tabl_ntb_setup_xy [\v!start]}
+\defcsname\??naturaltablesetupthree \v!header\endcsname[#1]{\tabl_ntb_setup_xy [\v!header]}
-\setvalue{\??naturaltablesetuptwo \v!row}[#1]{\tabl_ntb_setup_each[\c!y]}
-\setvalue{\??naturaltablesetuptwo \v!column}[#1]{\tabl_ntb_setup_each[\c!x]}
-\setvalue{\??naturaltablesetuptwo \v!start}[#1]{\tabl_ntb_setup_each[\v!start]}
-\setvalue{\??naturaltablesetuptwo \v!header}[#1]{\tabl_ntb_setup_each[\v!header]}
+\defcsname\??naturaltablesetuptwo \v!row\endcsname[#1]{\tabl_ntb_setup_each[\c!y]}
+\defcsname\??naturaltablesetuptwo \v!column\endcsname[#1]{\tabl_ntb_setup_each[\c!x]}
+\defcsname\??naturaltablesetuptwo \v!start\endcsname[#1]{\tabl_ntb_setup_each[\v!start]}
+\defcsname\??naturaltablesetuptwo \v!header\endcsname[#1]{\tabl_ntb_setup_each[\v!header]}
-\letvalue{\??naturaltablesetuptwo \s!unknown}\tabl_ntb_setup_ux
+\letcsname\??naturaltablesetuptwo \s!unknown\endcsname\tabl_ntb_setup_ux
\letcsnamecsname\csname\??naturaltablesetupthree r\endcsname\csname\??naturaltablesetupthree \v!row\endcsname
\letcsnamecsname\csname\??naturaltablesetupthree c\endcsname\csname\??naturaltablesetupthree\v!column\endcsname
@@ -694,13 +740,14 @@
- \orelse\ifnum\m_tabl_ntb_n=\c_tabl_ntb_running_col\else
+ \orelse\ifnum\m_tabl_ntb_n=\c_tabl_ntb_running_col
+ \else
- \ifempty\m_tabl_ntb_m \else
- \ifnum\m_tabl_ntb_m=\c_tabl_ntb_running_col\else
- \tabl_ntb_td_pass_m{#1}%
- \fi
+ \ifempty\m_tabl_ntb_m
+ \orelse\ifnum\m_tabl_ntb_m=\c_tabl_ntb_running_col
+ \else
+ \tabl_ntb_td_pass_m{#1}%
\doloop % skip over columns that result from earlier span
@@ -926,15 +973,33 @@
\resetcharacteralign % new
+ \ifcstok{\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!synchronize}\v!background
+ \let\tabl_ntb_anchor_start \tabl_ntb_anchor_start_indeed
+ \let\tabl_ntb_anchor_stop \tabl_ntb_anchor_stop_indeed
+ \let\tabl_ntb_anchor_process \tabl_ntb_anchor_process_indeed
+ \edef\m_tabl_ntb_anchor_background{\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!background}%
+ \resetnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!background
+ \else
+ \let\m_tabl_ntb_anchor_background\empty
+ \let\tabl_ntb_anchor_start \gobbletwoarguments
+ \let\tabl_ntb_anchor_stop \relax
+ \let\tabl_ntb_anchor_process \gobbleoneargument
+ \fi
+ \resetnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!synchronize
+ %
\d_tabl_ntb_leftmargindistance \naturaltablelocalparameter\c!leftmargindistance\relax
\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance \naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance\relax
\d_tabl_ntb_maxwidth \naturaltablelocalparameter\c!maxwidth\relax
- \doifelse{\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!textwidth}\v!local
- {\hsize\availablehsize}
- {\hsize\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!textwidth}%
+ \hsize
+ \ifcstok{\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!textwidth}\v!local
+ \availablehsize
+ \else
+ \naturaltablelocalparameter\c!textwidth
+ \fi
+ \relax
@@ -1524,7 +1589,7 @@
-% enable dper 2018-02-22
+% enabled per 2018-02-22
@@ -1657,6 +1722,7 @@
+ \tabl_ntb_anchor_process\b_tabl_ntb_final
% packaging prevents max hsized box
% \hbox{\registerparoptions\box\b_tabl_ntb_final}% (*) better here
@@ -1749,12 +1815,10 @@
\advance\scratchcounterone \plusone
\advance\scratchdimenone -\scratchdimen
- \else
+ \orelse\ifnum\c_tabl_ntb_encountered_max=\c_tabl_ntb_maximum_col % *nx* bah
% eigenlijk moet dit alleen als de kolom wordt overspannen door een
% vorige, maw extra dubbele loop en status var
- \ifnum\c_tabl_ntb_encountered_max=\c_tabl_ntb_maximum_col % *nx* bah
\advance\scratchcounterone \plusone % setting maxwidth to a large value also works
- \fi
\ifconditional\c_tabl_ntb_trace_widths\tabl_ntb_show_widths M#1\fi
@@ -1911,7 +1975,7 @@
\protected\def\tabl_ntb_cell_process_a#1#2[#3]#4% grouping added ! ! !
- {\bgroup
+ {\begingroup
@@ -1968,31 +2032,33 @@
- \egroup}
+ \endgroup}
- {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+ {\begingroup
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
- \setbox2\emptyhbox % todo: \scratchboxtwo
- \wd2\wd\scratchbox
- \ht2\ht\scratchbox
- \dp2\dp\scratchbox
+ \setbox\scratchboxone\emptyhbox
+ \wd\scratchboxone\wd\scratchbox
+ \ht\scratchboxone\ht\scratchbox
+ \dp\scratchboxone\dp\scratchbox
- \ht2\dimexpr-\scratchdimen-\ht\scratchbox\relax
+ \ht\scratchboxone\dimexpr-\scratchdimen-\ht\scratchbox\relax
- \box2 }
+ \box\scratchboxone
+ \endgroup}
@@ -2022,24 +2088,27 @@
- {\tabl_ntb_setup_cell{#1}{#2}%
+ {\begingroup
+ \tabl_ntb_setup_cell{#1}{#2}%
\setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#3]% to get the color right, the way we
- \color % handle color here prevents interference due to whatsit nodes
- [\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!color] % as well as permits local colors to take precedence
- {\letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!color\empty
- \setnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!width{\d_tabl_ntb_width}%
- \ifzeropt\d_tabl_ntb_height % case: nc=maxcolumns
- \else
- \setnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!height{\d_tabl_ntb_height}%
- \fi
- \ifcase\c_anch_backgrounds_text_count\else
- \edef\p_region{\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!region}%
- \ifempty\p_region\ifnum\tabl_ntb_get_bck{#1}{#2}>\zerocount
- \letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!region\v!yes
- \fi\fi
- \fi
- \inheritednaturaltablelocalframed{\tabl_ntb_cell_start\tabl_ntb_char_align{#1}{#2}#4\tabl_ntb_cell_stop}}%
- \hskip\tabl_ntb_get_dis{#2}}
+ \directcolor[\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!color]%
+ \letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!color\empty
+ \setnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!width{\d_tabl_ntb_width}%
+ \ifzeropt\d_tabl_ntb_height % case: nc=maxcolumns
+ \else
+ \setnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!height{\d_tabl_ntb_height}%
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\c_anch_backgrounds_text_count\else
+ \edef\p_region{\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!region}%
+ \ifempty\p_region\ifnum\tabl_ntb_get_bck{#1}{#2}>\zerocount
+ \letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!region\v!yes
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \tabl_ntb_anchor_start{#1}{#2}%
+ \inheritednaturaltablelocalframed{\tabl_ntb_cell_start\tabl_ntb_char_align{#1}{#2}#4\tabl_ntb_cell_stop}%
+ \tabl_ntb_anchor_stop
+ \hskip\tabl_ntb_get_dis{#2}%
+ \endgroup}
diff --git a/tex/context/interface/mkii/keys-ro.xml b/tex/context/interface/mkii/keys-ro.xml
index d6ba17bde..eb60b4b58 100644
--- a/tex/context/interface/mkii/keys-ro.xml
+++ b/tex/context/interface/mkii/keys-ro.xml
@@ -1271,6 +1271,7 @@
<cd:constant name='symbolset' value='setsimbol'/>
<cd:constant name='symcolor' value='culoaresimbol'/>
<cd:constant name='symstyle' value='stilsimbol'/>
+ <cd:constant name='synchronize' value='synchronize'/>
<cd:constant name='synonym' value='sinonim'/>
<cd:constant name='synonymcolor' value='culoaresinonim'/>
<cd:constant name='synonymcommand' value='synonymcommand'/>
diff --git a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/x-newmml.mkiv b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/x-newmml.mkiv
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c12daeee..000000000
--- a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/x-newmml.mkiv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-%D \module
-%D [ file=x-newmml,
-%D version=2008.05.28,
-%D title=\CONTEXT\ XML Modules,
-%D subtitle=MathML Renderer,
-%D author=Hans Hagen,
-%D date=\currentdate,
-%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
-%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
-%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
-%C details.
-\input x-mathml.mkiv
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
index aed87aa35..a28630bfe 100644
--- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- merged file : c:/data/develop/context/sources/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
-- parent file : c:/data/develop/context/sources/luatex-fonts.lua
--- merge date : 2021-06-01 17:00
+-- merge date : 2021-06-04 17:20
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference