path: root/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-lmtx.mpxl
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Diffstat (limited to 'metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-lmtx.mpxl')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-lmtx.mpxl b/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-lmtx.mpxl
index 204986df3..f06bb6991 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-lmtx.mpxl
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-lmtx.mpxl
@@ -2412,3 +2412,136 @@ vardef lmt_do_labtorgb =
enddef ;
+% For now we collect all lmt namespace extensions here, so also this one:
+presetparameters "matrix" [
+ % cell = (1, 1),
+ % from = (1, 1),
+ % to = (1, 1),
+ % shape = { "circle", "square" },
+ connect = { "center", "center" },
+ % text = "",
+] ;
+def lmt_matrix = applyparameters "matrix" "lmt_do_matrix" enddef ;
+vardef mfun_lmt_matrix_cell (expr p) =
+ % anchorbox ("matrix", xpart p, ypart p) ("matrix", xpart p + 1, ypart p)
+ matrixcell (xpart p, ypart p)
+enddef ;
+% todo: lft rt etc but then we need to push/pop the linewidth too
+def mfun_lmt_matrix_connect (expr h, p, r, l, u, d, gap) =
+ if h == "right" : center rightboundary (p enlarged gap) { r }
+ elseif h == "left" : center leftboundary (p enlarged gap) { l }
+ elseif h == "top" : center topboundary (p enlarged gap) { u }
+ elseif h == "bottom" : center bottomboundary (p enlarged gap) { d }
+ else : center (p enlarged gap)
+ fi
+enddef ;
+def mfun_lmt_matrix_source (expr p, h, gap) =
+ mfun_lmt_matrix_connect(h, p, right, left, up, down, gap)
+enddef ;
+def mfun_lmt_matrix_target (expr p, h, gap) =
+ mfun_lmt_matrix_connect(h, p, left, right, down, up, gap)
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_lmt_matrix_enhance (expr p, h) =
+ if h = "circle" :
+ fullcircle xysized (bbwidth p, bbheight p) shifted center p
+ elseif h = "round" :
+ (p smoothed getparameterdefault "radius" ExHeight) xysized (bbwidth p, bbheight p)
+ elseif h = "path" :
+ (getparameterpath "path") shifted center p
+ elseif h = "scaledpath" :
+ (getparameterpath "path") xysized (bbwidth p, bbheight p) shifted center p
+ else :
+ p
+ fi
+enddef ;
+vardef lmt_do_matrix =
+ image (
+ pushparameters "matrix" ;
+ draw image (
+ save a, b, c, o, g ; path a, b, c ; numeric o, g ;
+ if (hasparameter "arrowoffset") :
+ g := getparameter "arrowoffset" ;
+ elseif (hasparameter "linewidth") :
+ g := getparameter "linewidth" ;
+ else :
+ g := 0;
+ fi ;
+ if (hasparameter "from") and (hasparameter "to") :
+ a := mfun_lmt_matrix_cell(getparameter "from") ;
+ b := mfun_lmt_matrix_cell(getparameter "to") ;
+ if hasparameter "offset" :
+ o := getparameter "offset" ;
+ a := a enlarged o ;
+ b := b enlarged o ;
+ fi ;
+ if hasparameter "shapes" :
+ a := mfun_lmt_matrix_enhance(a, getparameter "shapes" 1) ;
+ b := mfun_lmt_matrix_enhance(b, getparameter "shapes" 2) ;
+ fi ;
+ draw a
+ if (hasparameter "colors") :
+ withcolor (getparameter "colors" 1)
+ elseif (hasparameter "color") :
+ withcolor (getparameter "color")
+ fi
+ ;
+ draw b
+ if (hasparameter "colors") :
+ withcolor (getparameter "colors" 2)
+ elseif (hasparameter "color") :
+ withcolor (getparameter "color")
+ fi
+ ;
+ c :=
+ mfun_lmt_matrix_source(a, getparameter "connect" 1, g) ..
+ mfun_lmt_matrix_target(b, getparameter "connect" 2, g) ;
+ drawarrow c
+ if (hasparameter "arrowcolor") :
+ withcolor (getparameter "arrowcolor")
+ elseif (hasparameter "color") :
+ withcolor (getparameter "color")
+ fi
+ ;
+ if hasparameter "label" :
+ pushparameters "label" ;
+ draw lmt_text [
+ text = getparameter "text",
+ position = point (getparameterdefault "fraction" 1/2) of c,
+ offset = if hasparameter "offset" : getparameter "offset" fi,
+ color = if hasparameter "color" : getparameter "color" fi,
+ anchor = if hasparameter "anchor" : getparameter "anchor" fi,
+ % strut style format background backgroundcolor
+ ] ;
+ popparameters ;
+ fi ;
+ elseif (hasparameter "cell") :
+ a := mfun_lmt_matrix_cell(getparameter "cell") ;
+ if hasparameter "offset" :
+ o := getparameter "offset" ;
+ a := a enlarged o ;
+ fi ;
+ if hasparameter "shape" :
+ a := mfun_lmt_matrix_enhance(a, getparameter "shape") ;
+ fi ;
+ draw a
+ if (hasparameter "color") :
+ withcolor (getparameter "color")
+ fi
+ ;
+ fi;
+ )
+ if (hasparameter "linewidth") :
+ withpen pencircle scaled (getparameter "linewidth")
+ fi
+ popparameters
+ )
+enddef ;