diff options
authorPhilipp Gesang <>2021-11-10 21:42:21 +0100
committerPhilipp Gesang <>2021-11-10 22:20:59 +0100
commitb9797074f5780d2640539db26142fcc79bada3b1 (patch)
parent052596214da5d536afa7ba277d41cfb514583fb0 (diff)
adopt a subcommand ui
Regroup the cli arguments into subcommands: $ vtcol dump $SCHEME $ vtcol list $ vtcol set $SCHEME
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index d886f2b..a007185 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -126,6 +126,31 @@ impl<'a> fmt::Display for Scheme
} /* [impl fmt::String for Scheme] */
+impl Scheme
+ fn from_stdin() -> Self { Self::Custom(None) }
+ fn from_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Self
+ {
+ Self::Custom(Some(path.as_ref().into()))
+ }
+} /* [impl Scheme] */
+/** Try to select one of the predefined schemes; if that fails,
+interpret the argument as a path. */
+impl From<&str> for Scheme
+ fn from(name: &str) -> Scheme
+ {
+ match name {
+ "solarized" | "solarized_dark" | "sd" => Self::SolarizedDark,
+ "solarized_light" | "sl" => Self::SolarizedLight,
+ "default" | "normal" => Self::Default,
+ path => Self::from_path(path),
+ }
+ }
/* struct Job -- Runtime parameters.
@@ -143,35 +168,42 @@ impl<'a> Job
pub fn from_argv() -> Result<Job>
- use clap::{App, Arg};
+ use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
let app = App::new(clap::crate_name!())
- .arg(
- Arg::with_name("scheme")
- .short("s")
- .long("scheme")
- .value_name("NAME")
- .help("predefined color scheme")
- .takes_value(true),
+ .subcommand(
+ SubCommand::with_name("dump").about("dump a color scheme").arg(
+ Arg::with_name("scheme")
+ .help("name of the scheme")
+ .required(true)
+ .value_name("NAME")
+ .index(1),
+ ),
- .arg(
- Arg::with_name("dump")
- .short("d")
- .long("dump")
- .value_name("NAME")
- .help("dump predefined scheme")
- .takes_value(true),
+ .subcommand(
+ SubCommand::with_name("list").about("list available schemes"),
- .arg(
- Arg::with_name("file")
- .short("f")
- .long("file")
- .value_name("PATH")
- .help("apply scheme from file")
- .takes_value(true),
+ .subcommand(
+ SubCommand::with_name("set")
+ .about("apply color scheme to current terminal")
+ .arg(
+ Arg::with_name("scheme")
+ .value_name("NAME")
+ .help("predefined color scheme")
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .conflicts_with("file"),
+ )
+ .arg(
+ Arg::with_name("file")
+ .short("f")
+ .long("file")
+ .value_name("PATH")
+ .help("apply scheme from file")
+ .takes_value(true),
+ ),
@@ -179,13 +211,6 @@ impl<'a> Job
.help("enable extra diagnostics")
- )
- .arg(
- Arg::with_name("list")
- .short("l")
- .long("list")
- .help("list available color schemes")
- .takes_value(false),
let matches = app.get_matches();
@@ -194,40 +219,45 @@ impl<'a> Job, Ordering::SeqCst);
- if matches.is_present("list") {
- return Ok(Self::List);
- };
- if let Some(name) = matches.value_of("dump") {
- let scm = Self::pick_scheme(name);
- return Ok(Self::Dump(scm));
- }
- let scheme = match matches.value_of("file") {
- Some("-") => Self::scheme_from_stdin(),
- Some(fname) => Scheme::Custom(Some(PathBuf::from(fname))),
- None =>
- match matches.value_of("scheme") {
- Some("-") | None => Self::scheme_from_stdin(),
- Some(name) => Self::pick_scheme(name),
- },
- };
- Ok(Self::Set(scheme))
- }
- fn pick_scheme(name: &str) -> Scheme
- {
- match name {
- "solarized" | "solarized_dark" | "sd" => Scheme::SolarizedDark,
- "solarized_light" | "sl" => Scheme::SolarizedLight,
- "default" | "normal" => Scheme::Default,
- _any => Scheme::Custom(Some(PathBuf::from(name))),
+ match matches.subcommand() {
+ ("dump", Some(subm)) => {
+ if let Some(name) = subm.value_of("name") {
+ let scm = Scheme::from(name);
+ return Ok(Self::Dump(scm));
+ }
+ Err(anyhow!("dump requires an argument"))
+ },
+ ("list", _) => Ok(Self::List),
+ ("set", Some(subm)) => {
+ let scheme = match subm.value_of("scheme") {
+ Some("-") => Scheme::from_stdin(),
+ Some(name) => {
+ vrb!("pick predefined scheme [{}]", name);
+ Scheme::from(name)
+ },
+ None =>
+ match subm.value_of("file") {
+ None | Some("-") => Scheme::from_stdin(),
+ Some(fname) => {
+ vrb!(
+ "read custom scheme from file [{}]",
+ fname
+ );
+ Scheme::from_path(fname)
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ Ok(Self::Set(scheme))
+ },
+ (junk, _) =>
+ Err(anyhow!(
+ "invalid subcommand [{}]; try “{} --help”",
+ junk,
+ clap::crate_name!()
+ )),
- fn scheme_from_stdin() -> Scheme { Scheme::Custom(None) }
fn schemes()
println!("Available color schemes:");