path: root/src/transliterator.lua
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authorPhilipp Gesang <>2021-11-21 19:22:18 +0100
committerPhilipp Gesang <>2021-11-21 19:29:47 +0100
commit814b93d12bc9a0792b150527495ece0847a343fc (patch)
treed7ce166f7f642956e12db8104493075f9d71d4f6 /src/transliterator.lua
parent798c814949998d48b06d37b55d7f26d72477bf82 (diff)
reorganize source tree
Diffstat (limited to 'src/transliterator.lua')
1 files changed, 283 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/transliterator.lua b/src/transliterator.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c101ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/transliterator.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env texlua
+-- FILE: transliterator.lua
+-- USAGE: to be called by t-transliterator.mkiv
+-- DESCRIPTION: basic lua environment for the Transliterator module
+-- REQUIREMENTS: latest ConTeXt MkIV
+-- AUTHOR: Philipp Gesang (Phg), <>
+-- CREATED: 2010-12-23 22:12:31+0100
+thirddata = thirddata or { }
+thirddata.translit = thirddata.translit or { }
+local translit = thirddata.translit
+translit.tables = translit.tables or { }
+translit.methods = translit.methods or { }
+translit.deficient_font = "no"
+translit.parser_cache = { }
+local utf8 = unicode and unicode.utf8 or utf8
+local utf8byte = utf8.byte
+local utf8len = utf8.len
+-- Predefining vowel lists
+-- If you haven't heard of cyrillic scripts until now you might want to read
+-- at least the first 15 pages of
+-- before you continue reading this file.
+translit.ru_vowels = {"а", "е", "ё", "и", "й", "о", "у", "ы", "э", "ю", "я",
+ "А", "Е", "Ё", "И", "Й", "О", "У", "Ы", "Э", "Ю", "Я"}
+translit.ru_consonants = {"б", "в", "г", "д", "ж", "з", "к", "л", "м", "н",
+ "п", "р", "с", "т", "ф", "х", "ц", "ч", "ш", "щ",
+ "Б", "В", "Г", "Д", "Ж", "З", "К", "Л", "М", "Н",
+ "П", "Р", "С", "Т", "Ф", "Х", "Ц", "Ч", "Ш", "Щ"}
+-- Substitution tables are the very heart of the Transliterator. Due to the
+-- nature of languages and scripts exhaustive substitution is the simplest
+-- method for transliterations and transcriptions unless they are one-to-one
+-- mappings like those defined in ISO~9.
+-- To achieve better reusability we split the tables into segments, the most
+-- obvious being the \type{*_low} and \type{*_upp} variants for sets of lowercase
+-- and uppercase characters. Another set is constituted by e.~g. the
+-- \type{ru_old*} tables that allow adding transcription of historical
+-- characters if needed; by the way those are included in the default
+-- transliteration mode \type{ru_old}.
+-- Tables can be found in separate Lua files.
+-- See {\tt
+-- trans_tables_glag.lua
+-- trans_tables_gr.lua
+-- trans_tables_iso9.lua
+-- trans_tables_scntfc.lua
+-- and
+-- trans_tables_trsc.lua.}
+-- Metatables allow for lazy concatenation.
+ -- This returns the Union of both key sets for the “+” operator.
+ -- The values of the first table will be updated (read: overridden) by
+ -- those given in the second.
+ local Dict_add = {
+ __add = function (dict_a, dict_b)
+ assert (type(dict_a) == "table" and type(dict_b) == "table")
+ local dict_result = setmetatable({}, Dict_add)
+ for key, val in pairs(dict_a) do
+ dict_result[key] = val
+ end
+ for key, val in pairs(dict_b) do
+ dict_result[key] = val
+ end
+ return dict_result
+ end
+ }
+ translit.make_add_dict = function (dict)
+ return setmetatable(dict, Dict_add)
+ end
+-- Auxiliary Functions
+-- Generate a rule pattern from hash table.
+ local P, R, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.V
+ -- multi-char rules first
+ translit.addrules = function (dict, rules)
+ local by_length, occurring_lengths = { }, { }
+ for chr, _ in next, dict do
+ local l = utf8len(chr)
+ if not by_length[l] then
+ by_length[l] = { }
+ occurring_lengths[#occurring_lengths+1] = l
+ end
+ by_length[l][#by_length[l]+1] = chr
+ end
+ table.sort(occurring_lengths)
+ for i=#occurring_lengths, 1, -1 do
+ local l = occurring_lengths[i]
+ for _, chr in next, by_length[l] do
+ rules = rules and rules + P(chr) or P(chr)
+ end
+ end
+ return rules
+ end
+-- Modified version of Hans’s utf pattern (l-lpeg.lua).
+ translit.utfchar = P{
+ V"utf8one" + V"utf8two" + V"utf8three" + V"utf8four",
+ utf8next = R("\128\191"),
+ utf8one = R("\000\127"),
+ utf8two = R("\194\223") * V"utf8next",
+ utf8three = R("\224\239") * V"utf8next" * V"utf8next",
+ utf8four = R("\240\244") * V"utf8next" * V"utf8next" * V"utf8next",
+ }
+-- We might want to have all the table data nicely formatted by \CONTEXT\
+-- itself, here's how we'll do it. \type{translit.show_tab(t)} handles a
+-- single table \type{t}, builds a Natural TABLE out of its content and
+-- hands it down to the machine for typesetting. For debugging purposes it
+-- does not only print the replacement pairs but shows their code points as
+-- well.
+-- handle the input chars and replacement values
+local strempty = function (s)
+ if s == "" then return "nil"
+ else
+ -- add the unicode positions of the replacements (can be more
+ -- than one with composed diacritics
+ local i = 1
+ local r = ""
+ repeat
+ r = r .. utf8byte(s,i) .. " "
+ i = i + 1
+ until utf8byte(s,i) == nil
+ return r
+ end
+function translit.show_tab (tab)
+ -- Output a transliteration table, nicely formatted with natural tables.
+ -- Lots of calls to context() but as it’s only a goodie this doesn’t
+ -- really matter.
+ local cnt = 0
+ context.setupTABLE({"r"}, {"each"}, {style="\\tfx", align="center"})
+ context.setupTABLE({"c"}, {"each"}, {frame="off"})
+ context.setupTABLE({"r"}, {"each"}, {frame="off"})
+ context.setupTABLE({"c"}, {"first"}, {style="italic"})
+ context.setupTABLE({"r"}, {"first"}, {style="bold", topframe="on", bottomframe="on"})
+ context.setupTABLE({"r"}, {"last"}, {style="bold", topframe="on", bottomframe="on"})
+ context.bTABLE({split="yes", option="stretch"})
+ context.bTABLEhead()
+ context.bTR()
+ context.bTH() context("number") context.eTH()
+ context.bTH() context("letters") context.eTH()
+ context.bTH() context("n") context.eTH()
+ context.bTH() context("replacement") context.eTH()
+ context.bTH() context("n") context.eTH()
+ context.bTH() context("bytes") context.eTH()
+ context.bTH() context("repl. bytes") context.eTH()
+ context.eTR()
+ context.eTABLEhead()
+ context.bTABLEbody()
+ for key, val in next,tab do
+ cnt = cnt + 1
+ context.bTR()
+ context.bTC() context(cnt) context.eTC()
+ context.bTC() context(key) context.eTC()
+ context.bTC() context(string.len(key)) context.eTC()
+ context.bTC() context(val) context.eTC()
+ context.bTC() context(string.len(val)) context.eTC()
+ context.bTC() context(strempty(key)) context.eTC()
+ context.bTC() context(strempty(val)) context.eTC()
+ context.eTR()
+ end
+ context.eTABLEbody()
+ context.bTABLEfoot() context.bTR()
+ context.bTC() context("number") context.eTC()
+ context.bTC() context("letters") context.eTC()
+ context.bTC() context("n") context.eTC()
+ context.bTC() context("replacement") context.eTC()
+ context.bTC() context("n") context.eTC()
+ context.bTC() context("bytes") context.eTC()
+ context.bTC() context("repl. bytes") context.eTC()
+ context.eTR()
+ context.eTABLEfoot()
+ context.eTABLE()
+-- Having to pick out single tables for printing can be tedious, therefore we
+-- let Lua do the job in our stead. \type{translit.show_all_tabs()} calls
+-- \type{translit.show_tab} on every table that is registered with
+-- \type{translit.table} -- and uses its registered key as table heading.
+function translit.show_all_tabs ()
+ environment.loadluafile ("trans_tables_iso9")
+ environment.loadluafile ("trans_tables_trsc")
+ environment.loadluafile ("trans_tables_scntfc")
+ environment.loadluafile ("trans_tables_sr")
+ environment.loadluafile ("trans_tables_trsc")
+ environment.loadluafile ("trans_tables_glag")
+ environment.loadluafile ("trans_tables_gr")
+ translit.gen_rules_en()
+ translit.gen_rules_de()
+ -- Output all translation tables that are registered within translit.tables.
+ -- This will be quite unordered.
+ context.chapter("Transliterator Showing All Tables")
+ for key, val in pairs(translit.tables) do
+ context.section(key)
+ translit.show_tab (val)
+ end
+-- for internal use only
+translit.debug_count = 0
+function translit.debug_next ()
+ translit.debug_count = translit.debug_count + 1
+ context("\\tfxx{\\bf translit debug msg. nr.~" .. translit.debug_count .. "}")
+-- User-level Function
+-- \type{translit.transliterate(m, t)} constitutes the
+-- metafunction that is called by the \type{\transliterate} command.
+-- It loads the transliteration tables according to \type{method} and calls the
+-- corresponding function.
+-- Those supposedly are the most frequently used so it won’t hurt to preload
+-- them. The rest will be loaded on request.
+environment.loadluafile ("trans_tables_iso9")
+function translit.transliterate (method, text)
+ local methods = translit.methods
+ if not methods[method] then -- register tables and method
+ if method == "ru_transcript_de" or
+ method == "ru_transcript_de_exp" or -- experimental lpeg
+ method == "ru_transcript_en" or
+ method == "ru_transcript_en_exp" or
+ method == "ru_cz" or
+ method == "ocs_cz" then
+ environment.loadluafile ("trans_tables_trsc")
+ elseif method == "iso9_ocs" or
+ method == "iso9_ocs_hack" or
+ method == "ocs" or
+ method == "ocs_gla" then
+ environment.loadluafile ("trans_tables_scntfc")
+ elseif method:match("^sr_") then
+ environment.loadluafile ("trans_tables_sr")
+ elseif method:match("^bg_") then -- only bg_de for now
+ environment.loadluafile ("trans_tables_bg")
+ elseif method == "gr" or
+ method == "gr_n" then
+ environment.loadluafile ("trans_tables_gr")
+ end
+ end
+ if translit.__script then
+ return methods[method](text)
+ end
+ context ( methods[method](text) )
+-- vim:sw=4:ts=4:expandtab:ft=lua