path: root/doc/context
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authorPhilipp Gesang <>2021-11-21 19:22:18 +0100
committerPhilipp Gesang <>2021-11-21 19:29:47 +0100
commit814b93d12bc9a0792b150527495ece0847a343fc (patch)
treed7ce166f7f642956e12db8104493075f9d71d4f6 /doc/context
parent798c814949998d48b06d37b55d7f26d72477bf82 (diff)
reorganize source tree
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/context')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 919 deletions
diff --git a/doc/context/third/transliterator/COPYING b/doc/context/third/transliterator/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index ac0eb7c..0000000
--- a/doc/context/third/transliterator/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2010-2013 Philipp Gesang. All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
diff --git a/doc/context/third/transliterator/transliterator.tex b/doc/context/third/transliterator/transliterator.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index d8e392c..0000000
--- a/doc/context/third/transliterator/transliterator.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,897 +0,0 @@
-\setuppapersize [A5] [A5]
-\definecolor [gutenred] [x=bf221f] % rubrication from digitized_Göttingen Gutenberg bible
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-% == REFERENCES ===============================================================
- k=aks,
- t=book,
- a={{Birnbaum/Schaeken}},
- y=1999,
- n=4,
- u=,
- s={Studien},
-\title{Altkirchenslavische Studien}
- k=bornemann,
- t=book,
- a={{Bornemann/Risch}},
- y=1978,
- n=2,
- s={Grammatik},
-\title{Griechische Grammatik}
-\city{Frankfurt am Main}
- k=bh,
- t=book,
- a={{Bringhurst}},
- y=2008,
- n=4,
- s={Bringhurst},
-\title{The Elements of Typographic Style}
-\city{Point Roberts WA, Vancouver}
- k=dintb,
- t=book,
- a={{DIN}},
- y=2001,
- n=5,
- s={DIN},
-\editor[]{}[]{}{DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.~V.}
-\title{Bibliotheks und Dokumentationswesen}
- k=duden,
- t=book,
- a={{Drosdowski/Müller/Scholze-Stubenrecht/Wermke}},
- y=1952,
- n=1,
- s={DUDEN},
-\title{DUDEN Rechtschreibung der deutschen Sprache}
-\city{Mannheim et al}
- k=kirschbaum,
- t=book,
- a={{Kirschbaum}},
- y=2001,
- n=3,
- s={Grammatik},
-\author[]{Ernst Georg}[]{}{Kirschbaum}
-\title{Grammatik der russischen Sprache}
- k=iso,
- t=inbook,
- a={{ISO}},
- y=1995,
- n=6,
- s={ISO~9},
-\editor[]{}[]{}{{{\sc iso} International Organization for Standardization}}
-\title{Information and documentation -- Transliteration of Cyrillic characters into Latin characters -- Slavic and non-Slavic languages}
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- style=\tfx,
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- width=.47\textwidth,
-% This should rather be done using key-value args but I'm too lazy now.
-% 1: mode; 2: hyphenate original; 3: hyphenate transliteration;
-% 4: font for original; 5: caption; 6: original text.
- \setuplocalinterlinespace[line=8pt]%
- \startplacefigure [
- location=force,
- title={\type{[mode=#1,hyphenate=#3]}\hskip 1em{\italic #5}}
- ]%
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- \displayinner{%
- \setupbodyfont[#4]%
- \tfx
- %\setuptolerance[verytolerant, stretch]
- \setuptolerance[verytolerant]
- \unskip\language[#2]#6\par
- }%
- \displayinner{%
- \tfx
- \transliterate[mode=#1,hyphenate=#3]{#6\par}%
- }
- }
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- {\setupbodyfont[19pt]
- {\em The}
- \blank [2*big]
- {\tfc\sc transliterator}
- \blank [2*big]
- {\em for \CONTEXT}
- \blank [9*big]
- {\tfa\sc manual}
- }
-\framed [frame=off,topframe=on] {%
-The {\em Transliterator} module and mini-manual,
-by Philipp Gesang, Radebeul.
-Mail any patches or suggestions to
-{\tt philipp -dot- gesang -at- alumni -dot- uni-heidelberg -dot- de}
- location=middle,
- state=start,
- style=\tfc
-\chapter{Usage and Functionality}
-The Transliterator provides two commands: \type{\setuptransliterator}
-preferably goes into the preamble and allows for global configuration.
-The Transliterator is invoked locally by \type{\transliterate} which does the
-actual transliteration of text passages.
-\section{Loading and Configuring the Module}
-In order to use the Transliterator in a document we put the following somewhere before
-Although it has some defaults already set at this point they will most likely
-not correspond to what is needed in the document.
-To override the presets we use the command \type{\setuptransliterator[#1]}.
-It takes a comma separated list of two key-value pairs: \type{mode} and
-Through {\em mode} we specify the transliteration method.
-By the time of this writing this can be one of the following set:
-\startplacetable[location=top,title=Transliteration modes.]
- \tfx
- \starttabulate[|l|p|]
- \HL
- \NC mode \NC description \NC\NR
- \HL
- \NC \type{all} \NC {\sc iso}~9 complete \NC\NR
- \NC \type{bg_de} \NC Bulgarian, German „scientific“ transliteration\NC\NR
- \NC \type{gr} \NC transliteration for Greek \NC\NR
- \NC \type{gr_n} \NC transliteration for Greek obeying nasalizations \NC\NR
- \NC \type{iso9_ocs} \NC == \type{all} plus non-{\sc iso} additions for Old (Church) Slavonic \NC\NR
- \NC \type{ocs} \NC “scientific” transliteration for Old (Church) Slavonic\NC\NR
- \NC \type{ocs_cz} \NC Czech transcription for Old (Church) Slavonic\NC\NR
- \NC \type{ocs_gla} \NC “scientific” transliteration for Old (Church) Slavonic / Glagolitic alphabet\NC\NR
- \NC \type{ru} \NC {\sc iso}~9 Russian \NC\NR
- \NC \type{ru_cz} \NC Czech transcription for Russian\NC\NR
- \NC \type{ru_old} \NC {\sc iso}~9 Russian plus pre-1918 chars (the default)\NC\NR
- \NC \type{ru_transcript_de} \NC German transcription for Russian \NC\NR
- \NC \type{ru_transcript_en} \NC English transcription for Russian \NC\NR
- \NC \type{sr_tocy} \NC Serbian, Latin to Cyrillic \NC\NR
- \NC \type{sr_tolt} \NC Serbian, Cyrillic to Latin \NC\NR
- \HL
- \stoptabulate
-{\em Nota bene}: The description at this point only serves as a placeholder as the
-transliteration modes are discussed in detail later in this document.
-Through the \type{hyphenate} argument it is possible to adjust the language
-that is used for hyphenation.
-Specifying \type{\setuptransliterator[hyphenate=nl]} will let every transliterated
-part of the document be processed according to dutch rules, leaving the overall
-\type{\language[#1]} configuration unchanged for the rest of the content.
-Another argument, \type{deficient_font} can be used in
-combination with the modes \type{all}, \type{ru_old} and
-\type{iso9_ocs}. It lets you circumvent the deficiency that some
-fonts show concerning the characters that {\sc iso}~9 assigns to
-cyrillic “ь” and “ъ”. Set it to {\em true} to enable it.
-The actual transliteration is done using the macro
-\type{\transliterate[#1]} \type{{#2}}.
-The second argument takes the raw string in the original language that we want
-to process, while the first, optional argument accepts local adjustments for
-\type{mode} and \type{hyphenate}.
-Thus, we would typeset one of Epicuros' sayings like this:
-\transliterate[mode=gr]{κακὸν ἀνάγκη, ἀλλ' οὐδεμία ἀνάγκη ζῆν
- μετὰ ἀνάγκης}
-\noindentation which yields \quotation{\transliterate[mode=gr]{κακὸν ἀνάγκη, ἀλλ' οὐδεμία ἀνάγκη ζῆν
-μετὰ ἀνάγκης}} in the {\sc pdf} output.
-Alternatively there is an environment, \type{\starttransliterate[#1]}, as well,
-that takes the same arguments.
-There are two special switches for the {\em Serbian} patterns,
-\type{hinting} and \type{sr_exceptions}, allowing for a little
-more fine-tuning.
-If activated, hinting provides the special character “\type{*}” as
-a means to indicate positions, where the sequences “lj” and “nj”
-are to be treated as separate consonants.
-E.~g. \type{\transliterate[mode=sr_tocy]{in*jekcija}} is
-correctly transliterated as \transliterate[mode=sr_tocy]{in*jekcija},
-and not \transliterate[mode=sr_tocy,sr_exceptions=no]{injekcija}.
-Likewise, further exceptions that are internally represented as
-a lookup table can be toggled off or on by the
-\type{sr_exceptions} switch.
-This pertains to words like “nadživeti” (result: \transliterate[mode=sr_tocy]{nadživeti})
-but may lead to accidental false positives in cases that the
-module author didn’t foresee.
-By default both hinting and lexical exceptions are set to
-For orientation purposes the Transliterator comes with two macros that allow
-for closer inspection of the internal tables.
-\type{\showOneTranslitTab{#1}} outputs, obviously, a single table; their
-can be found in the \type{trans_}
-\type{tables_*.lua} files in the transliterator
-The lazy alternative is \type{\showTranslitTabs} which prints all registered
-tables in a row nicely formatted as indexable sections.
-(Be warned, this may take some time.)
- \inframed[bottomframe=on]{\it What's all this, then?}
- \blank[medium]
- {\sc Graham Chapman}
-\noindentation At the first glance, {\em transliteration} -- the accurate representation of letters from one
-alphabet in another -- seems obsolete after the advent of Unicode
-which made its way even into \TeX\ lately.
-Why not just go on and write down everything in the original script?
-But still there are lots of situations where transliteration is desirable,
-e.~g. some scholarly habits might prescribe it in the main text with citations in
-footnotes left in the original alphabet; or transliteration might alleviate
-comparison within one language that happens to be written in different scripts;
-finally, including text in a foreign script might be impossible if there is no
-appropriate font which fits the main text.
-However, it is still most convenient for the writer to keep the
-untransliterated original in the document source as this allows for reusing it in
-another context where different transliterations rules might apply.
-The Transliterator module is meant to provide both: have the original in the
-source and a transliteration only in the final document.
-Another way of handling foreign languages is {\em transcription}.
-It aims at producing some representation that does not rely on symbolisms
-alien to the language and thus to be at least \quotation{pronouncable}
-without further know\-ledge.
-As transcription methods are language specific and highly idiosyncratic they
-complicate the restoration of the original phrase because information may be lost.
-The Transliterator provides means of transcription as well but in most cases
-you should refrain from using them (\type{[mode=ru_transcript_en]},
-For Cyrillic scripts the best quality is achieved using the standardized
-transliteration according to {\sc iso~9}.\footnote{\cite[authoryear][iso].}
-This method not only covers all contemporary languages that are written in
-a variety of Cyrillic but provides a bijective mapping on latin characters as
-Consequently, you can unambiguously revert the transliteration into
-its original form which was impossible with previous versions of {\sc
-iso}~9 because
-they contained several exceptions depending on the original language.
-Although fifteen years old it has not yet made its way into scholarly
-publications at large so it might not immediately look familiar.\footnote{
- A hasty glance at the latest issues of around 20~journals in a local library
- revealed that 2~of them actually are using {\sc iso}~9, these are {\em Przegląd
- wschodni} as of Nr. X, 3 (2008) and {\em Kwartalnik historyczny} as of CXVI,
- 3 (2009); the latter even contains a table on p.~218 showing a subset of the
- {\sc iso}~9 transliteration rules.
-The diacritics are not identical to the \quotation{scientific}
-transliteration used in Slavic studies but as long as your editor does not
-enforce its traditional method you should always prefer {\sc iso}~9
-(\type{[mode=ru]}, \type{[mode=ru_old]}, \type{[mode=all]}).
-But {\sc iso}~9, too, has its shortcomings.
-It has no definitions for historical forms of the cyrillic script like
-pre-XVIII-century Russian and Old (Church) Slavonic while those are covered by
-the scholarly transliterations.
-To amend the situation the Transliterator provides an extension to {\sc
-iso}~9 for
-Old Slavonic containing the glyphs
-local translit = thirddata.translit
-local cnt, len = 0, 0
-for i,j in pairs(translit.ocs_add_low) do
- len = len + 1
-for k,v in pairs(translit.ocs_add_low) do
- cnt = cnt + 1
- context.bgroup()
- context.setupbodyfont({"cyrilice"})
- context(k)
- context.egroup()
- if cnt < len -1 then
- context(", ")
- elseif cnt < len then
- context("\\ and ")
- end
-\ taken from the scientific transliteration (\type{[mode=iso9_ocs]}).
-If you prefer more coherency you might want to use pure \quotation{scientific}
-transliteration (\type{[mode=ocs]}).
-This method is complemented by \type{[mode=ocs_gla]}, the only option the
-Transliterator offers for the Glagolitic alphabet; they can be used consistently
-along each other as they were taken from the same
-book.\footnote{\cite[authoryear][aks] p.~77 \cite[url][aks].}
-As far as I know there is no standardized transliteration for Greek so I had to
-resort to the one that is used in scholarly literature.
-Its main drawback is that it has no representation for diacritics apart from
-(rough) breathing, but it respects specific rules for diphthongs and vowels in
-initial positions (\type{[mode=gr]}).
-There is one alternative mode for those who prefer their {\em γ} phonetically
-resolved to /{\em n}/ before velars ({\em γ}, {\em κ}, {\em χ} and {\em ξ};
-Concerning the hyphenation within transliterated passages the default is set to
-to \type{[hyphenate=cs]} (Czech) which produces reasonable results when using
-\type{all}, \type{iso9_ocs} or \type{ru_cz}.
-For stuff like the English and German transcription use their respective native
- You'll have to specify this through \type{\setuptransliterator}
- or locally because the default hyphenation is {\em not} the same as your
- documents'.
-However, as there is no hyphenation pattern I know of that closely resembles the
-transliteration of Greek you might have to resort to putting \type{\discretionary}
-hyphens when line breaking does not satisfy.
-The Transliterator as a whole is nothing more than a bunch of dictionaries
-containing substitution rules for tokens that may occur in the text.
-These tokens may be single characters or strings of more than one character.
-As there is no simple way to impose order onto those dictionaries the rules for
-one transliteration method are, if needed, distributed over more than one table
-which will be applied successively to ensure that multi-character rules
-are processed first.
- Processing time for corpus {\language[cs]Evgenij Onegin} according to
- GNU time(1) and the \CONTEXT\ stats.
- \starttabulate[|l|cg(.)|cg(.)|]
- \HL%····················································%
- \NC mode \NC time(1) in $s$ \NC \CONTEXT \NC \NR
- \NC <none> \NC 8.98 \NC 8.82 \NC \NR
- \NC \type{all} \NC 8.37 \NC 8.25 \NC \NR
- \NC \type{ru_cz} \NC 8.61 \NC 8.48 \NC \NR
- \NC \type{ru_transcript_en} \NC 9.26 \NC 9.10 \NC \NR
- \NC \type{ru_transcript_de} \NC 14.83 \NC 14.71 \NC \NR
- \HL%····················································%
- \stoptabulate
-Following suggestions from the mailing list, the Transliterator uses {\em LPeg}
-when substituting.
-This means a huge speed improvement for most substitution modes when compared
-to the older mechanism that used \type{string.gsub} iteratively.
-In ordinary use when transliterating single words or short phrases the
-Transliterator should have little impact on document processing time at large,
-with the exception of the German transcription mode, perhaps.\footnote{
- The problem lies within the rule set for the German transcription which
- dictates different instructions depending on the environment of a character;
- these may conflict, i.~e. it is impossible to substitute a character stream
- in a single run as some rules may apply only to the result of previous rule.
- Let me know if there's a way to tell LPeg to backtrack to the last character
- of a match and not to continue on the next.
-Transliterating (and typesetting in MKIV) \transliterate{Александр Пушкин}'s verse novel
-\transliterate{Евгений Онегин}, a corpus of about 27000 words, in
-\type{[mode=all]} shows little to no delay at all.
-In fact, typesetting cyrillic letters with russian hyphenation seems slow
-things down so much that transliteration may be faster and uses slightly less
- On an IBM T43: \tt 2.6.32-ARCH \#1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Feb 9 14:46:08 UTC 2010
- i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.60GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux.
-\section{Cyrillic scripts}
-\subsection{{\sc iso}~9 and derivatives}
-Several transliteration rules are either strictly {\sc iso}~9 compliant
-(\type{ru}, \type{ru_old}, \type{all}) or contain {\sc iso}~9 as a
-subset (\type{iso9_ocs}).\footnote{%
- Unfortunately \CONTEXT\ still lacks language files for some of them
- so please excuse the inadequate hyphenation in these cases.%
- Transliteration rules for the contemporary russian alphabet.%
- В~ворота гостиницы губернского города NN въехала довольно красивая рессорная
- небольшая бричка, в~какой ездят холостяки: отставные подполковники,
- штабс-капитаны, помещики, имеющие около сотни душ крестьян, — словом, все те,
- которых называют господами средней руки.
- В~бричке сидел господин, не красавец, но и~не дурной наружности, ни слишком
- толст, ни слишком тонок; нельзя сказать, чтобы стар, однако ж~и~не так чтобы
- слишком молод.
- With aditional characters for pre-1981 Russian orthography (100~per
- cent {\sc iso}~9).%
- А~сведется віра, убьютъ сотцкого в~селѣ, ино тебѣ взяти полтіна, а~не
- сотцкого,
- ино четырѣ гривны, а~намъ віръ не таити в~Новѣгородѣ; а~о~убіствѣ віръ нѣтъ.
- А~что волости, честны король, новгородцкіе, ино тебѣ не держати своими мужи,
- а~держати мужми новогородцкими.
- А~что пошлина в~Торжку и~на Волоцѣ, тівунъ свои держати на своеи чясті,
- а~Новугороду на своеи чясти посадника держаті.
- А~се волости новогородцкіе: Волокъ со всѣми волостми, Торжокъ, Бѣжіці,
- Городець
- Палець, Шіпинъ, Мелеця, Егна, Заволочье, Тиръ, Пермь, Печера, Югра, Вологда
- с~волостмі.
- The complete cyrillic mapping from {\sc iso}~9; transliterating Belarusian.%
- Беларуская мова, мова беларусаў, уваходзіць у~сям’ю індаеўрапейскіх моў, яе
- славянскай групы і~ўсходнеславянскіх моваў падгрупы, на якой размаўляюць
- у~Беларусі і~па ўсім свеце, галоўным чынам у~Расіі, Украіне, Польшчы.
- Б.~м. падзяляе шмат граматычных і~лексічных уласцівасцяў з~іншымі
- ўсходнеславянскімі мовамі (гл. таксама: Іншыя назвы беларускай мовы і~Узаемныя
- ўплывы усходнеславянскіх моваў).
- The complete cyrillic mapping from {\sc iso}~9; transliterating Ukrainian.%
- Украї́нська мова (застарілі назви -- руська мова, проста мова […]) --
- слов'янська мова, державна в~Україні та одна з~трьох «офіційних мов на рівних
- засадах» у~не\-ви\-зна\-ній Придністровській Молдавській Республіці.
- За різними оцінками загалом у~світі українською мовою говорить від 41~млн.
- до 45~млн. осіб, вона входить до третього десятка найпоширеніших мов
- світу.
- The complete cyrillic mapping from {\sc iso}~9; transliterating Serbian.%
- Српски језик је један од словенских језика из породице индоевропских језика.
- Први писани споменици у~српској редакцији старословенског језика потичу из XI
- и~XII века.
- Српски језик је стандардни језик у~службеној употреби у~Србији, Босни
- и~Херцеговини и~Црној Гори, а~у~употреби је и~у другим земљама гдје живе
- Срби, међу осталима и~у~Хрватској.
- Transliteration rules according to {\sc iso}~9 with additions for Old (Church)
- Slavonic.%
- Что сѧ дѣѥтѣ по вѣремьнемь~: то ѿидето по вѣрьмьнемь~: приказано бѹдѣте
- добрымъ людѣмъ~: а любо грамотою ѹтвѣрдѧть~: како то бѹдѣте всемъ вѣдомъ~:
- или кто посль живыи ѡстанѣть сѧ~: того лѣт͠ коли алъбрахтъ~: влд͠ка ризкии
- ѹмьрлъ~: ѹздѹмалъ кнѧзѣ смольнескыи~: мьстиславъ~: двд͠въ сн͠ъ~: прислалъ въ
- ригѹ своѥго лѹчьшего попа~: ѥрьмея~: и съ нимь ѹмьна мѹжа пантелья~:
- исвоѥго горда смольнеска~: та два была послъмь ѹ ризѣ~: из ригы ѥхали на
- гочкыи берьго~: тамо твердити миръ~:
-\subsection{“Scientific” transliteration}
-These transliterations are widely used among scholars, mainly linguists and, to
-a lesser extent, historians.
-They comprise large character sets in order to represent the original text
-adequately and facilitate comparison of texts of the same language written in
-different scripts; they are not, however, as easily reversible as {\sc
- Transliteration for Old Slavonic used in Slavic studies, taken from the
- excellent book of \cite [authoryear][aks].\footnote{%
- This one and both of the following Czech transliterations, although
- elegantly dealing with hard and weak signs by taking characters from the
- Cyrillic alphabet, are not unquestioned from a typographical point of
- view:
- \quotation{If contrasting faces are used for phonetic transcriptions and
- main text, each entire phonetic word or passage, not just the individual
- phonetic characters, should be set in the chosen phonetic face. Patchwork
- typography, in which the letters of a single word come from different faces
- and fonts, is a sign of typographic failure. […]
- Such mixtures are almost sure to fail unless all the fonts involved have
- been designed as a single family.}
- (\cite [authoryear][bh])
- From this follows that it is advisably to reconsider your font whether it indeed
- provides the needed glyphs from Russian as well.
- }%
- Се начнемъ повѣсть сию.
- По потопѣ . первиє снве Ноєви . раздѣлиша землю . Симъ . Хамъ . Афетъ . и~ꙗсѧ
- въстокъ . Симови Персида . Ватрь . тоже и~до Индикиꙗ в~долготу и~в~ширину [и
- до Нирокоуриа] ꙗкоже рещи ѿ въстока и~до полуденьꙗ . и~Суриꙗ .
- и~Индиа по Єфратъ рѣку . Вавилонъ . Кордуна . Асурѧне . Мисопотамира .
- Аравиꙗ . старѣишаꙗ . Єлмаисъ . Инди . Равиꙗ . на всѧ Д.
- Czech phonetic transcription for contemporary Russian.%
- Прошло семь лет после 12-го года. Взволнованное историческое море Европы
- улеглось в свои берега. Оно казалось затихшим; но таинственные силы,
- двигающие человечество (таинственные потому, что законы, определяющие их
- движение, неизвестны нам), продолжали свое действие.
- Несмотря на то, что поверхность исторического моря казалась неподвижною, так
- же непрерывно, как движение времени, двигалось человечество. Слагались,
- разлагались различные группы людских сцеплений; подготовлялись причины
- образования и~разложения государств, перемещений народов.%
- Czech phonetic transcription for Old Slavonic (superset of the corresponding
- Russian transcription).
- Убьеть мужь мужа, то мьстить брату брата, или сынови отца, любо отцю сына,
- или братучаду, любо сестрину сынови; аще не будеть кто мьстіѧ, то 40 гривенъ
- ꙁа голову; аще будеть русинъ, любо гридинъ, любо купчина, любо іѧбетник, любо
- мечникъ, аще иꙁъгои будеть, любо словенинъ, то 40 гривенъ положити ꙁа нь.
-The tables for converting Serbian text between Cyrillic and Latin
-alphabets are \type{sr_tolt} and \type{sr_tocy}.
- Transliteration ћирилица \rightarrow\ латиница.%
- Српски језик је један од словенских језика из породице
- индоевропских језика. Први писани споменици у српској редакцији
- старословенског језика потичу из XI и XII века.
- Српски језик је стандардни језик у службеној употреби у Србији,
- Босни и Херцеговини и Црној Гори, а у употреби је и у другим
- земљама где живе Срби, међу осталима и у Хрватској.%
- Transliteration latinica \rightarrow\ ćirilica.%
- Srpski jezik je jedan od slovenskih jezika iz porodice
- indoevropskih jezika. Prvi pisani spomenici u srpskoj
- redakciji staroslovenskog jezika potiču iz XI i XII veka.
- Srpski jezik je standardni jezik u službenoj upotrebi u Srbiji,
- Bosni i Hercegovini i Crnoj Gori, a u upotrebi je i u drugim
- zemljama gde žive Srbi, među ostalima i u Hrvatskoj.%
- German scientific transliteration for Bulgarian (based on old {\sc
- iso}~9 standard).%
- Българският език е индоевропейски език от групата на
- южнославянските езици. Той е официалният език на Република
- България и един от 23-те официални езика на Европейския съюз.
-\subsection{Legacy national transcriptions}
-At the moment there are tables for “old school” transcription into three
-languages: English (via \type{ru_transcript_en}), German
-(\type{ru_transcript_de}) and Czech (\type{ocs_cz}).
-At least the German one is almost unreadable if used with
-strings longer than two words.
-As we have the bijective {\sc iso}~9 mapping at hand there should be no reason at all
-to use any of them.
- English transcription for contemporary Russian.%
- Прошло семь лет после 12-го года. Взволнованное историческое море Европы
- улеглось в свои берега. Оно казалось затихшим; но таинственные силы,
- двигающие человечество (таинственные потому, что законы, определяющие их
- движение, неизвестны нам), продолжали свое действие.
- Несмотря на то, что поверхность исторического моря казалась неподвижною, так
- же непрерывно, как движение времени, двигалось человечество. Слагались,
- разлагались различные группы людских сцеплений; подготовлялись причины
- образования и~разложения государств, перемещений народов.%
- German transcription for contemporary Russian.\footnote{%
- Following \cite[authoryear][duden] p.~82; all the canonical rules are
- implemented save one: {\em -его} and {\em -ого} should resolve to {\em
- -ewo} and {\em -owo} respectively iff genitive endings.
- As this is a grammatical rather than graphetical criterion writing a
- substitution algorithm would amount to do natural language parsing.
- To make things worse this rule is phonetically confused as it would not
- take care of other contexts where {\em г} in those patterns is articulated
- as /{\em v}/ like for instance in {\em сегодня} (which is a historical
- genitive, though …).
- So even if this could be implemented it would not be advisable to use such
- a rule.%
- }%
- Прошло семь лет после 12-го года. Взволнованное историческое море Европы
- улеглось в свои берега. Оно казалось затихшим; но таинственные силы,
- двигающие человечество (таинственные потому, что законы, определяющие их
- движение, неизвестны нам), продолжали свое действие.
- Несмотря на то, что поверхность исторического моря казалась неподвижною, так
- же непрерывно, как движение времени, двигалось человечество. Слагались,
- разлагались различные группы людских сцеплений; подготовлялись причины
- образования и~разложения государств, перемещений народов.%
- “Scientific” transliteration for Old Slavonic written in the Glagolitic
- alphabet as used in \cite[authoryear][aks].%
- [ⰲⰾ]
- ⰰⰴⱏⰻⰽⱁ ⱍⰽ҃ⱏ ⱄⰻ ⱈⱁⱋⰵⱅⱏ ⱃⰰⰸ[ⱁⱃⰻⱅ]
- ⰻ ⰸⰰⰽⱁⱀⱏ ⰿⰰⱀⰰⱄⱅⱏⰻⱃⱏⱄⰽⰻ: [ⰻⰶⰵ]
- ⱅⱏⰻ ⱆⱄⱅⰰⰲⰻ჻ Ⱃⰵⱍⰵ ⰶⰵ ⰻⰳⱆⰿ[ⱏ] [ⱀⱏ]
- ⰽⰰⰽⱁ ⱈⱁⱋⰵⱅⱏ ⱃⰰⰸⱁⱃⰻⱅⰻ ⰸⰰⰽ[ⱁⱀⱏ]
- [.] [ⰰ] ⰵⱄⱅⱏ· ⱍⱃⱏⰲⰻ⁖ ⰻ [ⰿ] [..........]
- [..] ⰿⱏ ⱀⰵ ⰿⱁⰶⰵⰿⱏ ⱄⰵⰳⱁ ⱅⱃⱏⱂⱑⱅ[ⰻ]
- [ⰴⰰ] ⰾⱆⰱⱁ ⱄⰵⰳⱁ ⰻⰿⱑⰻ ⱄⱏⰴⱑ჻ ⰰ ⰿⱏⰻ ⱁ
- [ⱅⰻ]ⰴⰵⰿⱏ: ⰾⱆⰱⱁ ⱄⰵⰳⱁ ⱂⱆⱄⱅⰻ: ⰴⰰ ⱁⱅ
- [ⰻⰴ]ⰵⱅⱏ ⰻⰶⰵ ⰵⱄⱅⱏ ⱂⱃⰻⱎⱏⰾⱏ: ⱄ[ⰵ]
-The Transliterator offers two modes for handling Greek: \type{gr} and
-They differ only on one aspect.
-\type{gr} transliterates the canonical Greek alphabet as well as the
-special glyphs Digamma, Quoppa and Sampi.
-\type{gr_n} behaves exactly the same way except that nasalization is observed
-such that \type{γ+[γ|κ]} yields \type{n+[g|k]}.
- Transliteration for Greek -- standard.
- οἴνῳ δὲ κάρτα προσκέαται, καί σφι οὐκ ἐμέσαι ἔξεστι, οὐκὶ οὐρῆσαι ἀντίον
- ἄλλου.
- ταῦτα μέν νυν οὕτω φυλάσσεται, μεθυσκόμενοι δὲ ἐώθασι βουλεύεσθαι τὰ
- σπουδαιέστατα τῶν πρηγμάτων: τὸ δ᾽ ἂν ἅδῃ σφι βουλευομένοισι, τοῦτο τῇ
- ὑστεραίῃ νήφουσι προτιθεῖ ὁ στέγαρχος, ἐν τοῦ ἂν ἐόντες βουλεύωνται, καὶ ἢν
- μὲν
- ἅδῃ καὶ νήφουσι, χρέωνται αὐτῷ, ἢν δὲμὴ ἅδῃ, μετιεῖσι. τὰ δ᾽ ἂν νήφοντες
- προβουλεύσωνται, μεθυσκόμενοι ἐπιδιαγινώσκουσι.
- Transliteration for Greek -- alternative respecting nasalization.
- ταῦτα καὶ νεωτέρῳ καὶ πρεσβυτέρῳ ὅτῳ ἂν ἐντυγχάνω ποιήσω, καὶ ξένῳ καὶ ἀστῷ,
- μᾶλλον δὲ τοῖς ἀστοῖς, ὅσῳ μου ἐγγυτέρω ἐστὲ γένει.
-\placepublications [criterium=all]
-% vim:ft=context