path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d3ab16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+let (!!) = Bytes.unsafe_of_string
+let (??) = Bytes.unsafe_to_string
+module U64 = Stdint.Uint64
+module U32 = Stdint.Uint32
+module type Xtract = sig
+ type t
+ val nth_byte : t -> int -> int
+module MkExtract (INTTYPE : Stdint.Int) = struct
+ type t = INTTYPE.t
+ let ilsr = INTTYPE.shift_left
+ let iland = INTTYPE.logand
+ let ixff = INTTYPE.of_string "255"
+ let nth_byte n i =
+ (ilsr n i) |> iland ixff |> INTTYPE.to_int
+module U32Extract = MkExtract (U32)
+module U64Extract = MkExtract (U64)
+let string_of_sid s =
+ let b = Buffer.create 16 in
+ let pushbuf = Buffer.add_string b in
+ let ia_nth = U64Extract.nth_byte (Sid.get_ident_auth s) in
+ pushbuf
+ (Printf.sprintf "01%0.2x %0.2x%0.2x %0.2x%0.2x %0.2x%0.2x"
+ (Array.length (Sid.get_sub_auths s))
+ (ia_nth 0) (ia_nth 1) (ia_nth 2) (ia_nth 3) (ia_nth 4) (ia_nth 5));
+ Array.iter
+ (fun sa ->
+ let sa_nth = U32Extract.nth_byte sa in
+ pushbuf
+ (Printf.sprintf "%0.2x%0.2x %0.2x%0.2x"
+ (sa_nth 0) (sa_nth 1) (sa_nth 2) (sa_nth 3)))
+ (Sid.get_sub_auths s);
+ Buffer.contents b
+let xdigit_table =
+ let t = Array.make 256 !!"\x00\x00" in
+ let xd n = Printf.sprintf "%0.2x" (n land 0xff) |> (!!) in
+ for i = 0 to 255 do t.(i) <- xd i done;
+ t
+let xdigit n = xdigit_table.(n land 0xff)
+let nope _ = false
+let every n i = i > 0 && i mod n = 0
+(* result length can be calculated in advance so we can do
+ this without realloc() *)
+let xxd_of_bytes ?(blocklen=0) src =
+ let ls = Bytes.length src in
+ if ls = 0 then "" else
+ let ld = 2 * ls + if blocklen = 0 then 0 else (ls - 1) / blocklen in
+ let dst = Bytes.create ld in
+ let spacep = if blocklen = 0 then nope else every blocklen in
+ let rec aux is id =
+ if is = ls then ??dst else
+ let id' =
+ if not (spacep is) then id
+ else (Bytes.set dst id ' '; id + 1)
+ in
+ assert (id' < ld - 1);
+ Bytes.blit (Bytes.get src is |> int_of_char |> xdigit) 0 dst id' 2;
+ aux (is+1) (id'+2)
+ in
+ aux 0 0
+let bufsiz = 4096
+let base_decimal = int_of_char '0'
+let base_lower = int_of_char 'a' - 10
+let base_upper = int_of_char 'A' - 10
+let int_of_nibble c =
+ if '0' <= c && c <= '9' then Some (int_of_char c - base_decimal) else
+ if 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' then Some (int_of_char c - base_lower ) else
+ if 'A' <= c && c <= 'F' then Some (int_of_char c - base_upper ) else
+ None
+let bytes_of_xxd src =
+ let ls = String.length src in
+ if ls = 0 then Bytes.empty else
+ let buf = Buffer.create bufsiz in
+ let rec aux hi is =
+ if is = ls then
+ if hi = None then (Buffer.contents buf |> (!!)) else
+ raise (Invalid_argument
+ "bytes_of_xxd: odd number of hex digits in input")
+ else
+ match String.get src is |> int_of_nibble with
+ | None -> aux hi (is+1)
+ | Some c -> begin
+ match hi with
+ | None -> aux (Some (c lsl 4)) (is+1)
+ | Some hi ->
+ Buffer.add_char buf (hi lor c |> char_of_int);
+ aux None (is+1)
+ end
+ in
+ aux None 0