path: root/lualibs-os.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'lualibs-os.lua')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/lualibs-os.lua b/lualibs-os.lua
index fba2cd3..95d007d 100644
--- a/lualibs-os.lua
+++ b/lualibs-os.lua
@@ -6,32 +6,130 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-os'] = {
license = "see context related readme files"
+-- This file deals with some operating system issues. Please don't bother me
+-- with the pros and cons of operating systems as they all have their flaws
+-- and benefits. Bashing one of them won't help solving problems and fixing
+-- bugs faster and is a waste of time and energy.
+-- path separators: / or \ ... we can use / everywhere
+-- suffixes : dll so exe <none> ... no big deal
+-- quotes : we can use "" in most cases
+-- expansion : unless "" are used * might give side effects
+-- piping/threads : somewhat different for each os
+-- locations : specific user file locations and settings can change over time
+-- os.type : windows | unix (new, we already guessed os.platform)
+-- : windows | msdos | linux | macosx | solaris | .. | generic (new)
+-- os.platform : extended with architecture
+-- os.sleep() => socket.sleep()
+-- math.randomseed(tonumber(string.sub(string.reverse(tostring(math.floor(socket.gettime()*10000))),1,6)))
-- maybe build io.flush in os.execute
+local os = os
+local date, time =, os.time
+local find, format, gsub, upper, gmatch = string.find, string.format, string.gsub, string.upper, string.gmatch
+local concat = table.concat
+local random, ceil, randomseed = math.random, math.ceil, math.randomseed
+local rawget, rawset, type, getmetatable, setmetatable, tonumber, tostring = rawget, rawset, type, getmetatable, setmetatable, tonumber, tostring
+-- The following code permits traversing the environment table, at least
+-- in luatex. Internally all environment names are uppercase.
+-- The randomseed in Lua is not that random, although this depends on the operating system as well
+-- as the binary (Luatex is normally okay). But to be sure we set the seed anyway.
+math.initialseed = tonumber(string.sub(string.reverse(tostring(ceil(socket and socket.gettime()*10000 or time()))),1,6))
+if not os.__getenv__ then
+ os.__getenv__ = os.getenv
+ os.__setenv__ = os.setenv
+ if os.env then
+ local osgetenv = os.getenv
+ local ossetenv = os.setenv
+ local osenv = os.env local _ = osenv.PATH -- initialize the table
+ function os.setenv(k,v)
+ if v == nil then
+ v = ""
+ end
+ local K = upper(k)
+ osenv[K] = v
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ v = concat(v,";") -- path
+ end
+ ossetenv(K,v)
+ end
+ function os.getenv(k)
+ local K = upper(k)
+ local v = osenv[K] or osenv[k] or osgetenv(K) or osgetenv(k)
+ if v == "" then
+ return nil
+ else
+ return v
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local ossetenv = os.setenv
+ local osgetenv = os.getenv
+ local osenv = { }
+ function os.setenv(k,v)
+ if v == nil then
+ v = ""
+ end
+ local K = upper(k)
+ osenv[K] = v
+ end
+ function os.getenv(k)
+ local K = upper(k)
+ local v = osenv[K] or osgetenv(K) or osgetenv(k)
+ if v == "" then
+ return nil
+ else
+ return v
+ end
+ end
+ local function __index(t,k)
+ return os.getenv(k)
+ end
+ local function __newindex(t,k,v)
+ os.setenv(k,v)
+ end
+ os.env = { }
+ setmetatable(os.env, { __index = __index, __newindex = __newindex } )
+ end
local find, format, gsub = string.find, string.format, string.gsub
local random, ceil = math.random, math.ceil
-local execute, spawn, exec, ioflush = os.execute, os.spawn or os.execute, os.exec or os.execute, io.flush
+local execute, spawn, exec, iopopen, ioflush = os.execute, os.spawn or os.execute, os.exec or os.execute, io.popen, io.flush
function os.execute(...) ioflush() return execute(...) end
function os.spawn (...) ioflush() return spawn (...) end
function os.exec (...) ioflush() return exec (...) end
+function io.popen (...) ioflush() return iopopen(...) end
function os.resultof(command)
- ioflush() -- else messed up logging
local handle = io.popen(command,"r")
- if not handle then
- -- print("unknown command '".. command .. "' in os.resultof")
- return ""
- else
- return handle:read("*all") or ""
- end
+ return handle and handle:read("*all") or ""
---~ os.type : windows | unix (new, we already guessed os.platform)
---~ : windows | msdos | linux | macosx | solaris | .. | generic (new)
---~ os.platform : extended with architecture
if not io.fileseparator then
if find(os.getenv("PATH"),";") then
io.fileseparator, io.pathseparator, os.type = "\\", ";", os.type or "mswin"
@@ -44,17 +142,19 @@ os.type = os.type or (io.pathseparator == ";" and "windows") or "unix" = or (os.type == "windows" and "mswin" ) or "linux"
if os.type == "windows" then
- os.libsuffix, os.binsuffix = 'dll', 'exe'
+ os.libsuffix, os.binsuffix, os.binsuffixes = 'dll', 'exe', { 'exe', 'cmd', 'bat' }
- os.libsuffix, os.binsuffix = 'so', ''
+ os.libsuffix, os.binsuffix, os.binsuffixes = 'so', '', { '' }
+local launchers = {
+ windows = "start %s",
+ macosx = "open %s",
+ unix = "$BROWSER %s &> /dev/null &",
function os.launch(str)
- if os.type == "windows" then
- os.execute("start " .. str) -- os.spawn ?
- else
- os.execute(str .. " &") -- os.spawn ?
- end
+ os.execute(format(launchers[] or launchers.unix,str))
if not os.times then
@@ -89,7 +189,7 @@ end
-- no need for function anymore as we have more clever code and helpers now
-- this metatable trickery might as well disappear
-os.resolvers = os.resolvers or { }
+os.resolvers = os.resolvers or { } -- will become private
local resolvers = os.resolvers
@@ -102,24 +202,6 @@ end
-if not os.setenv then
- -- we still store them but they won't be seen in
- -- child processes although we might pass them some day
- -- using command concatination
- local env, getenv = { }, os.getenv
- function os.setenv(k,v)
- env[k] = v
- end
- function os.getenv(k)
- return env[k] or getenv(k)
- end
-- we can use HOSTTYPE on some platforms
local name, platform = or "linux", os.getenv("MTX_PLATFORM") or ""
@@ -159,7 +241,7 @@ elseif os.type == "windows" then
elseif name == "linux" then
function os.resolvers.platform(t,k)
- -- we sometims have HOSTTYPE set so let's check that first
+ -- we sometimes have HOSTTYPE set so let's check that first
local platform, architecture = "", os.getenv("HOSTTYPE") or os.resultof("uname -m") or ""
if find(architecture,"x86_64") then
platform = "linux-64"
@@ -237,10 +319,10 @@ elseif name == "freebsd" then
elseif name == "kfreebsd" then
function os.resolvers.platform(t,k)
- -- we sometims have HOSTTYPE set so let's check that first
+ -- we sometimes have HOSTTYPE set so let's check that first
local platform, architecture = "", os.getenv("HOSTTYPE") or os.resultof("uname -m") or ""
if find(architecture,"x86_64") then
- platform = "kfreebsd-64"
+ platform = "kfreebsd-amd64"
platform = "kfreebsd-i386"
@@ -288,7 +370,7 @@ end
local d
function os.timezone(delta)
- d = d or tonumber(tonumber("%H")"!%H")))
+ d = d or tonumber(tonumber(date("%H")-date("!%H")))
if delta then
if d > 0 then
return format("+%02i:00",d)