path: root/tex/context/base/supp-mis.tex
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diff --git a/tex/context/base/supp-mis.tex b/tex/context/base/supp-mis.tex
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+++ b/tex/context/base/supp-mis.tex
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+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-mis,
+%D version=1997.01.04,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=Missing (For Generic Use),
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. Non||commercial use is
+%C granted.
+%D Some support modules are more or less independant. This
+%D module, which is not part of plain \CONTEXT, provides the
+%D missing macros and declarations of registers.
+\ifx \undefined \writestatus \else \expandafter \endinput \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {ifnocontextobject}
+%D First we take care of redundant defining. The next set of
+%D macros are a bit complicated by the fact that Plain
+%D \TEX\ defines the \type{\new}||macros as being outer.
+%D Furthermore nested \type{\if}'s can get us into
+%D trouble.
+ {\iftrue}
+ {\setbox0=\hbox
+ \bgroup
+ \long\def\gobblecontextobject##1\fi{\egroup}%
+ \expandafter\gobblecontextobject\string}
+ {\ifx#1\undefined
+ \let\next=\definecontextobject
+ \else
+ %\writestatus{system}{beware of conflicting \string#1}%
+ \let\next=\gobblecontextobject
+ \fi
+ \next}
+%D \macros
+%D {beginETEX,beginTEX}
+%D Outside \CONTEXT\ we will not be \ETEX||aware.
+\let\beginTEX\relax \let\endTEX\relax
+%D \macros
+%D {writestatus}
+%D We start each module with a message. Normally the output is
+%D formatted, but here we keep things simple.
+\ifnocontextobject \writestatus \do
+ \def\writestatus#1#2%
+ {\immediate\write16{#1 : #2}}
+%D Lets see if it works.
+\writestatus{loading}{Context Support Macros / Missing}
+%D \macros
+%D {protect,unprotect}
+%D Next we present a poor mans alternative for \type{\protect}
+%D and \type{\unprotect}, two commands that enable us to use
+%D the characters \type{@}, \type{!} and \type{?} in macro
+%D names.
+\ifnocontextobject \protect \do
+ \let\protect=\relax
+\ifnocontextobject \unprotect \do
+ \def\unprotect%
+ {\advance\protectiondepth 1
+ \ifnum\protectiondepth=1
+ \let\normalprotect=\protect
+ \def\protect%
+ {\ifnum\protectiondepth>0
+ \advance\protectiondepth -1
+ \ifnum\protectiondepth=0
+ \doprotect
+ \let\protect=\normalprotect
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ \edef\doprotect%
+ {\catcode`\noexpand @=\the\catcode`@\relax
+ \catcode`\noexpand !=\the\catcode`!\relax
+ \catcode`\noexpand ?=\the\catcode`?\relax}
+ \catcode`@=11
+ \catcode`!=11
+ \catcode`?=11
+ \fi}
+%D We start using this one it at once.
+%D \macros
+%D {scratch...,if...,next...}
+%D We need some scratch registers. Users are free to use them,
+%D but can never be sure of their value once another macro is
+%D called. We only allocate things when they are yet
+%D undefined. This way we can't mess up other macro packages,
+%D but of course previous definitions can mess up our modules.
+\ifnocontextobject \scratchcounter \do \newcount \scratchcounter \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \scratchdimen \do \newdimen \scratchdimen \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \scratchskip \do \newskip \scratchskip \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \scratchmuskip \do \newmuskip \scratchmuskip \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \scratchbox \do \newbox \scratchbox \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \scratchread \do \newread \scratchread \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \scratchwrite \do \newwrite \scratchwrite \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \nextbox \do \newbox \nextbox \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \nextdepth \do \newdimen \nextdepth \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \CONTEXTtrue \do \newif\ifCONTEXT \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \donetrue \do \newif\ifdone \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \eightbitcharacterstrue \do \newif\ifeightbitcharacters \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \MPdrawingdonetrue \do \newif\ifMPdrawingdone \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {@@...}
+%D We use symbolic name for \CATCODES. They can only be used
+%D when we are in unprotected state.
+\ifnocontextobject \@@escape \do \chardef\@@escape = 0 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \@@begingroup \do \chardef\@@begingroup = 1 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \@@endgroup \do \chardef\@@endgroup = 2 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \@@endofline \do \chardef\@@endofline = 5 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \@@ignore \do \chardef\@@ignore = 9 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \@@space \do \chardef\@@space = 10 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \@@letter \do \chardef\@@letter = 11 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \@@other \do \chardef\@@other = 12 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \@@active \do \chardef\@@active = 13 \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \@@comment \do \chardef\@@comment = 14 \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {everyline,EveryLine,EveryPar}
+%D In \CONTEXT\ we use \type{\everypar} for special purposes
+%D and provide \type{\EveryPar} as an alternative. The same
+%D goes for \type{\everyline} and \type{\EveryLine}.
+\ifnocontextobject \everyline \do \newtoks\everyline \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \EveryPar \do \let\EveryPar =\everypar \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \EveryLine \do \let\EveryLine=\everyline \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {!!...}
+%D We reserve ourselves some scratch strings (i.e. macros)
+%D and some more counters.
+\ifnocontextobject \!!stringa \do \def\!!stringa {} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!stringb \do \def\!!stringb {} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!stringc \do \def\!!stringc {} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!stringd \do \def\!!stringd {} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!counta \do \newcount\!!counta {} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!countb \do \newcount\!!countb {} \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {!!...}
+%D The next set of definitions speed up processing a bit.
+%D Furthermore it saves memory.
+\ifnocontextobject \!!zeropoint \do \def\!!zeropoint {0pt} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!tenthousand \do \def\!!tenthousand {10000} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!width \do \def\!!width {width} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!height \do \def\!!height {height} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!depth \do \def\!!depth {depth} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!plus \do \def\!!plus {plus} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!minus \do \def\!!minus {minus} \fi
+\ifnocontextobject \!!to \do \def\!!to {to} \fi
+%D \macros
+%D {smashbox}
+%D The system modules offer a range of smashing macros, of
+%D which we only copied \type{\smashbox}.
+\ifnocontextobject \smashbox \do
+ \def\smashbox#1%
+ {\wd#1=\!!zeropoint
+ \ht#1=\!!zeropoint
+ \dp#1=\!!zeropoint}
+%D \macros
+%D {dowithnextbox}
+%D Also without further comment, we introduce a macro that
+%D gets the next box and does something usefull with it.
+%D Because the \type{\afterassignment} is executed inside the
+%D box, we have to use a \type{\aftergroup} too.
+\ifnocontextobject \dowithnextbox \do
+ \def\dowithnextbox#1%
+ {\def\dodowithnextbox{#1}%
+ \afterassignment\dododowithnextbox
+ \setbox\nextbox}
+ \def\dododowithnextbox%
+ {\aftergroup\dodowithnextbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {setvalue,getvalue,letvalue,setgvalue}
+%D The next two macros expand their argument to
+%D \type{\argument}. The first one is used to define macro's
+%D the second one executes them.
+\ifnocontextobject \setvalue \do
+ \def\setvalue #1{\expandafter\def\csname#1\endcsname}
+ \def\getvalue #1{\csname#1\endcsname}
+ \def\letvalue #1{\expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname}
+ \def\setgvalue#1{\expandafter\gdef\csname#1\endcsname}
+%D \macros
+%D {unexpanded}
+%D The next command can be used as prefixed for commands that
+%D need protection during tests and writing to files. This
+%D is a very \CONTEXT\ specific one.
+\ifnocontextobject \unexpanded \do
+ \let\unexpanded=\relax
+%D \macros
+%D {convertargument}
+%D The original one offers a bit more, like global assignment, the
+%D the next implementation is however a bit more byte saving.
+\ifnocontextobject \convertargument \do
+ \def\doconvertargument#1>{}
+ \long\def\convertargument#1\to#2%
+ {\long\def\convertedargument{#1}%
+ \edef#2{\expandafter\doconvertargument\meaning\convertedargument}}
+%D \macros
+%D {forgetall}
+%D Sometimes we have to disable interference of whatever kind
+%D of skips and mechanisms. The next macro resets some.
+\ifnocontextobject \forgetall \do
+ \def\forgetall%
+ {\parskip\!!zeropoint
+ \leftskip\!!zeropoint
+ \parindent\!!zeropoint
+ \everypar{}}
+%D \macros
+%D {withoutpt}
+%D \TEX\ lacks some real datastructure. We can however use
+%D \DIMENSIONS. This kind of trickery is needed when we want
+%D \TEX\ to communicate with the outside world (by means of
+%D \type{\specials}).
+\ifnocontextobject \withoutpt \do
+ {\catcode`\.=\@@other
+ \catcode`\p=\@@other
+ \catcode`\t=\@@other
+ \gdef\WITHOUTPT#1pt{#1}}
+ \def\withoutpt#1%
+ {\expandafter\WITHOUTPT#1}
+ \def\ScaledPointsToBigPoints#1#2%
+ {\scratchdimen=#1sp\relax
+ \scratchdimen=.996264\scratchdimen
+ \edef#2{\withoutpt{\the\scratchdimen}}}
+%D \macros
+%D {doprocessfile}
+%D This macro takes three arguments: the file number, the
+%D filename and a macro that handles the content of a read
+%D line.
+\ifnocontextobject \doprocessfile \do
+ \def\doprocessfile#1#2#3%
+ {\openin#1=#2\relax
+ \ifeof#1%
+ \fileprocessedfalse
+ \closein#1\relax
+ \else
+ \fileprocessedtrue
+ \gdef\dofinishfile%
+ {\closein#1\relax
+ \global\let\doprocessline=\relax}%
+ \gdef\doprocessline%
+ {\ifeof#1%
+ \dofinishfile
+ \else
+ \global\read#1 to \fileline
+ #3\relax
+ \expandafter\doprocessline
+ \fi}%
+ \expandafter\doprocessline
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {uncatcodespecials}
+%D This one is taken from the \TEX\ book. The \CONTEXT\
+%D alternative is a bit different, but we hope this one works
+%D here.
+\ifnocontextobject \uncatcodespecials \do
+ \def\uncatcodespecials%
+ {\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12 }\dospecials}
+\ifnocontextobject \setnaturalcatcodes \do
+ {\catcode`\!=\@@other \catcode`\?=\@@other \catcode`\@=\@@other
+ \catcode`\#=\@@other \catcode`\&=\@@other \catcode`\|=\@@other
+ \catcode`\$=\@@other \catcode`\^=\@@other \catcode`\_=\@@other
+ \catcode`\*=\@@other \catcode`\/=\@@other
+ \catcode`\-=\@@other \catcode`+=\@@other
+ \catcode`\==\@@other \catcode`\<=\@@other \catcode`\>=\@@other
+ \catcode`\"=\@@other \catcode`\'=\@@other \catcode`\`=\@@other
+ \catcode`\:=\@@other \catcode`\;=\@@other
+ \catcode`\,=\@@other \catcode`\.=\@@other \catcode`\~=\@@other
+ \catcode`\(=\@@other \catcode`\)=\@@other
+ \catcode`\{=\@@other \catcode`\}=\@@other}
+%D \macros
+%D {doglobal}
+%D Some \CONTEXT\ low level macros can have a \type{\doglobal}
+%D prefix. Let's just forget about that here:
+\ifnocontextobject \doglobal \do \let\doglobal=\relax \fi
+%D The next obscure one is needed in the generic verbatim
+%D environment. When we end up with more of these, it's time
+%D to load the module \type{syst-gen}.
+\ifnocontextobject \doifincsnameelse \do
+ \def\dodoifincsnameelse#1#2%
+ {\def\dododoifincsnameelse##1#1##2##3\war%
+ {\csname\if##2@iffalse\else iftrue\fi\endcsname}%
+ \expandafter\dododoifincsnameelse#2#1@@\war}
+ \long\def\doifincsnameelse#1#2#3#4%
+ {\edef\@@instring{#1}%
+ \expandafter\dodoifincsnameelse\expandafter{\@@instring}{#2}%
+ #3%
+ \else
+ #4%
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {dostepwiserecurse}
+%D The next loop macro is a real weak one, and does not offer
+%D the full \CONTEXT\ functionality, let alone nesting, but
+%D for simple purposes, its behaviour is acceptable.
+\def\dostepwiserecurse#1#2#3#4% very weak and rubishly version
+ {\ifnum#2<#1\relax\else\dodostepwiserecurse{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}\fi}
+\def\dodostepwiserecurse#1#2#3#4% very weak and rubishly version
+ {\recursecounter=#1\relax
+ \loop
+ \edef\recurselevel{\the\recursecounter}%
+ #4\relax
+ \ifnum\recursecounter<#2\relax
+ \advance\recursecounter by #3\relax
+ \repeat}
+%D \macros
+%D {twodigitrounding}
+%D We don't support rounding outside \CONTEXT. Sorry.
+%D That's it. Please forget this junk and take a look at how
+%D it should be done.