path: root/tex/context/base/s-mod-00.mkii
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/s-mod-00.mkii')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 511 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/s-mod-00.mkii b/tex/context/base/s-mod-00.mkii
deleted file mode 100644
index a81406a73..000000000
--- a/tex/context/base/s-mod-00.mkii
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,511 +0,0 @@
-%D \module
-%D [ file=s-mod-00,
-%D version=very-old,
-%D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File,
-%D subtitle=Documentation Base Environment,
-%D author=Hans Hagen,
-%D date=\currentdate,
-%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
-%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
-%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
-%C details.
-%D This module looks like crap, is not documented, will
-%D change, and used to be called modu-*.tex.
-% todo:
-% file inclusions -> hyperlinks
-\mainlanguage[en] % better not here
-% beter:
-% group -> title
-% title -> category
-% subtitle -> subtitle
-% herzien ivm fonts
-% nog eens \interface \\ \\ verder doorvoeren
- {\getrawparameters
- [Module]
- [ file=\jobname,
- type=,
- version={\currentdate[\v!year,{.},\v!month,{.},\v!day]},
- system=\CONTEXT,
- title=Unknown Title,
- subtitle=,
- author=Unknown Author,
- date=\currentdate,
- copyright=Unknown Copyright,
- suggestions=]}
- {\newcounter\ParagraphNumber
- \resetmoduledocumentation
- \getrawparameters[Module][type=tex,#1]}
- {\starttext
- \dosingleempty\dostartmoduledocumentation}
- {\page
- \placeregister
- [\v!index]
- [\c!balance=\v!yes,
- \c!indicator=\v!no,
- \c!criterium=\v!text]
- \stoptext}
-% \def\complexmodule[#1]%
-% {\startglobal % i.v.m. \bgroup in \startdocumentation
-% \getrawparameters[Module][#1]
-% \stopglobal % i.v.m. \bgroup in \startdocumentation
-% \moduletitle}
-% \def\simplemodule#1%
-% {\type{#1}}
-% \definecomplexorsimple\module
-% \startmode[atpragma]
-% \def\TitlePage#1% can be done more efficient
-% {\startMPrun
-% mpgraph := #1 ;
-% input mp-cont ;
-% \stopMPrun
-% \externalfigure
-% [\bufferprefix mprun.#1]
-% [\c!height=\vsize,
-% \c!width=\hsize]}
-% \defineoverlay[titlepage][\TitlePage{512}]
-% \stopmode
- width := PaperWidth ;
- height := PaperHeight ;
- color local_red, local_white, local_blue ;
- local_white := white ;
- local_blue := local_white randomized (.6,.8) ;
- local_red := local_white randomized (.3,.4) ;
- u := width/400 ;
- def a_module (expr dx, dy) =
- picture p ; p := image
- ( ddy := 0 ; sx := 60u ;
- for i=1 upto (4 randomized 2) :
- sy := 7u randomized 3u ;
- fill unitsquare xyscaled(sx,sy) shifted (0,ddy)
- withcolor local_red ;
- ddy := ddy + sy + 4u ;
- endfor ) ;
- p := p shifted (dx,dy) shifted - center p ;
- fill boundingbox p enlarged 8u withcolor local_white ;
- fill boundingbox p enlarged 4u withcolor local_blue ;
- draw p ;
- enddef ;
- set_grid(width, height, width/15, height/15) ;
- forever:
- if new_on_grid(uniformdeviate width,uniformdeviate height):
- a_module(dx,dy) ;
- fi ;
- exitif grid_full ;
- endfor ;
- clip currentpicture to unitsquare xyscaled(width,height) ;
- [titlepage]
- [\useMPgraphic{titlepage}]
- [TitleFrame]
- [\c!background=\v!color,
- \c!backgroundcolor=white,
- \c!align=\v!right,
- \c!offset=12pt,
- \c!strut=\v!no,
- \c!frame=\v!off,
- \c!bottom=]
- [titlepage]
- [\c!backspace=0pt,
- \c!topspace=0pt,
- \c!header=0pt,
- \c!footer=0pt,
- \c!height=\v!middle,
- \c!width=\v!middle]
- {\setuplayout[titlepage]
- \ifx\ModuleNumber\undefined \else
- \ifnum\ModuleNumber<10
- \edef\ModuleNumber{00\ModuleNumber}
- \else\ifnum\ModuleNumber<100
- \edef\ModuleNumber{0\ModuleNumber}
- \fi\fi
- \setupbackgrounds
- [\v!page]
- [\c!background=titlepage]
- \fi
- \startmakeup[\v!standard][\c!headerstate=\v!none,\c!footerstate=\v!none]
- \switchtobodyfont[14.4pt,ss]
- \bgroup
- \def\CONTEXT {Con\kern-.15em\TeX t}
- \def\TEXUTIL {\TeX Util}
- \def\METAPOST{MetaPost}
- \hfill
- {\definedfont[SansBold at 96pt]\setstrut
- \TitleFrame{\Modulesystem}}
- \vfill
- \definetabulate[temp][|l|l|]%
- \switchtobodyfont[17.3pt,ss]
- \hfill
- {\bf\setstrut
- \TitleFrame
- {\insidefloattrue\setuptabulate[\c!before=,\c!after=]%
- \starttemp
- \doifsomething{\Moduletitle}
- {\NC title \EQ \Moduletitle \NC\NR}%
- \doifsomething{\Modulesubtitle}
- {\NC subtitle \EQ \Modulesubtitle \NC\NR}%
- \doifsomething{\Moduleauthor}
- {\NC author \EQ \Moduleauthor \NC\NR}%
- \NC date \EQ \currentdate \NC\NR
- %\doifsomething{\Modulesuggestions} % todo: generates space
- % {\NC suggestions \NC \Modulesuggestions \NC\NR}%
- \stoptemp}}
- \egroup
- \stopmakeup
- \ifx\ModuleNumber\undefined \else
- \setupbackgrounds
- [\v!page]
- [\c!background=]
- \fi
- \setuplayout}
- {\bgroup
- \doglobal\newcounter\NOfMarginLines
- \def\stopdocumentation{\par\egroup}}
-\def\startcompressdefinitions {\global\compressdefinitionstrue}
-\def\stopcompressdefinitions {\global\compressdefinitionsfalse}
- {\ifcompressdefinitions
- \switchtobodyfont[\v!small]%
- \fi}
- \definetyping
- [definition]
- \setuptyping
- [definition]
- [\c!before={\page[\v!preference]}\blank\PresetParagraphNumber\CompressDefinitions,
- \c!after=\ResetParagraphNumber\blank,
- \c!option=\Moduletype]
-% \definieerbuffer[definition] % ignore
- \long\def\startdefinition#1\stopdefinition{}
-\definetyping [PL] [\c!option=PL, \c!margin=\v!standard]
-\definetyping [JV] [\c!option=JV, \c!margin=\v!standard]
-\definetyping [MP] [\c!option=MP, \c!margin=\v!standard]
-\definetyping [TEX] [\c!option=TEX,\c!margin=\v!standard]
-\setuptyping [\v!typing] [\c!margin=\v!standard]
-\setuptyping [\v!file] [\c!margin=\v!standard]
-\setuptyping [definition] [\c!margin=0pt]
- {\egroup}
- {\bgroup
- \xdef\NOfTextLines%
- {\the\prevgraf}%
- \doglobal\decrement\NOfMarginLines
- \doglobal\increment\ParagraphNumber
- \message{.}%
- \gdef\ShowParagraphNumber%
- {\llap{\slx\ParagraphNumber\hskip\leftmargindistance}}%
- \gdef\ShowParagraphNumberA%
- {\ifnum\NOfMarginLines>\NOfTextLines\relax
- \doglobal\increment\NOfTextLines
- \else
- \ShowParagraphNumber
- \global\let\ShowParagraphNumberA=\relax
- \global\let\ShowParagraphNumberB=\ShowParagraphNumber
- \doglobal\newcounter\NOfMarginLines
- \fi}%
- \gdef\ShowParagraphNumberB%
- {}%
- \EveryLine
- {\ShowParagraphNumberA}%
- \EveryPar
- {\vadjust{\nobreak}%
- \ShowParagraphNumberB}}
-\EveryPar % skip one
- {\EveryPar
- {\doglobal\newcounter\NOfMarginLines}}
- {\def\docommand##1%
- {\indent\hbox
- {\ifx#2\relax
- \index{##1}%
- \else
- \index{#2{##1}}%
- \fi
- #2{\doboundtext{##1}{\leftmarginwidth}{..}}}%
- \doglobal\increment\NOfMarginLines
- \endgraf}%
- \processcommalist[#1]\docommand}
- {\def\domargeaanduidingen##1##2%
- {\margintitle[#2]%
- {\switchtobodyfont[\v!small]%
- \doglobal\newcounter\NOfMarginLines
- \dodomargeaanduidingen[##1]#1%
- \scratchcounter=\NOfMarginLines
- \multiply\scratchcounter by 10
- \divide\scratchcounter by 12
- \advance\scratchcounter by 1
- \xdef\NOfMarginLines{\the\scratchcounter}%
- \processcommalist[##2]\index}}%
- \dodoublegroupempty\domargeaanduidingen}
-\def\complexmacros{\margeaanduidingen\tex }
- {\margeaanduidingen\someelement}
- {\bgroup
- \processXMLbuffer
- \typebuffer
- \setupcolors[\c!state=\v!stop]
- \showXSDcomponent[#1][#2]
- \egroup}
-% \macros{a,b}
-% \macros{a,b}{b}
-% \macros[a]{a,b}{b}
-% weg ermee
-\defineparagraphs [interface] [\c!n=2]
-\setupparagraphs [interface] [1] [\c!width=4cm]
-\def\startexample{\par\startnarrower} \let\startvoorbeeld\startexample
-\def\stopexample {\stopnarrower} \let\stopvoorbeeld \stopexample
-\gdef\ShowHeadText #1{\tttf#1\VL\mainlanguage[\currentlanguage]\headtext {#1}\VisualizeLastSpace}
- \HL
- \VL \bf head key \VL \bf current value \VL\SR
- \HL
- \VL \ShowHeadText \v!abbreviations \VL\FR
- \VL \ShowHeadText \v!units \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowHeadText \v!figures \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowHeadText \v!graphics \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowHeadText \v!index \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowHeadText \v!content \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowHeadText \v!intermezzi \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowHeadText \v!logos \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowHeadText \v!tables \VL\LR
- \HL
- \HL
- \VL \bf label key \VL \bf current value \VL\SR
- \HL
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!table \VL\FR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!figure \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!intermezzo \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!graphic \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!chapter \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!section \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!subsection \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!subsubsection \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!appendix \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!part \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!line \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!lines \VL\LR
- \HL
- \HL
- \VL \bf label key \VL \bf current value \VL\SR
- \HL
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!january \VL\FR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!february \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!march \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!april \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!may \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!june \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!july \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!august \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!september \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!october \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!november \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!december \VL\LR
- \HL
- \HL
- \VL \bf label key \VL \bf current value \VL\SR
- \HL
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!sunday \VL\FR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!monday \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!tuesday \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!wednesday \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!thursday \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!friday \VL\MR
- \VL \ShowLabelText \v!saturday \VL\LR
- \HL
- {\vbox\bgroup
- \language[#1]%
- \setbox\scratchbox\hbox to \hsize{\hss\bfb#2 language defaults\hss}
- \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint
- \box\scratchbox
- \vskip1em
- \hrule
- \vskip2em
- \halign
- {\hss##\hss&##\hskip1em&\hss##\hss\cr
- $\vcenter{\getbuffer[lang-a]}$&&$\vcenter{\getbuffer[lang-b]}$\cr
- \noalign{\vskip1em}
- $\vcenter{\getbuffer[lang-c]}$&&$\vcenter{\getbuffer[lang-d]}$\cr}%
- \egroup}
- {\hbox to \hsize
- {\hss
- \vbox
- \bgroup
- \language[#1]%
- \let\normalbar=|
- \starttable[||||]
- \HL
- \VL \THREE{\bf subsentence symbol and quotes} \VL\SR
- \HL
- \VL \quotation{#3 #4} \VL \quote{#2} \VL \let|=\normalbar |<||<|#3|>|#4|>| \VL\FR
- \VL \quotation{#3 #4} \VL \quote{#2} \VL |<||<|#3|>|#4|>| \VL\LR
- \HL
- \stoptable
- \egroup
- \hss}}
- {\vbox
- {\ShowTextsValues[#1][#2]
- \vskip2em
- \ShowLanguageValues[#1][#2]{#3}{#4}}
- \protect
- \page}
- {\page
- \unprotect
- \dodoubleargument\doShowAllLanguageValues}
-%D Command references:
-% \input setupa
-% \input setupb
-\usemodule[int-load] \loadsetups
-% \def\showsetup
-% {\doglobal\newcounter\CurrentArgument
-% \setup}
- {{\def\y##1{\writestatus{setups}{warning: remove y! from #1}}%
- \setup{#1}}}
- [setuptext]
- [\c!background=\v!screen,
- \c!frame=\v!off]
-\protect \endinput