path: root/tex/context/base/node-tra.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/node-tra.lua')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/node-tra.lua b/tex/context/base/node-tra.lua
index 0692c1fe6..e68228fe8 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/node-tra.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/node-tra.lua
@@ -313,8 +313,7 @@ local function listtoutf(h,joiner,textonly,last,nodisc)
elseif textonly then
if id == glue_code then
- local spec = getfield(h,"spec")
- if spec and getfield(spec,"width") > 0 then
+ if getfield(h,"width") > 0 then
w[#w+1] = " "
elseif id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
@@ -362,93 +361,6 @@ local ptfactor =
local bpfactor = dimenfactors.bp
local stripper = lpeg.patterns.stripzeros
--- start redefinition
--- -- if fmt then
--- -- return formatters[fmt](n*dimenfactors[unit],unit)
--- -- else
--- -- return match(formatters["%.20f"](n*dimenfactors[unit]),"(.-0?)0*$") .. unit
--- -- end
--- redefined:
--- local function nodetodimen(d,unit,fmt,strip)
--- d = tonut(d) -- tricky: direct nuts are an issue
--- if unit == true then
--- unit = "pt"
--- fmt = "%0.5f%s"
--- else
--- unit = unit or 'pt'
--- if not fmt then
--- fmt = "%s%s"
--- elseif fmt == true then
--- fmt = "%0.5f%s"
--- end
--- end
--- local id = getid(d)
--- if id == kern_code then
--- local str = formatters[fmt](getfield(d,"width")*dimenfactors[unit],unit)
--- return strip and lpegmatch(stripper,str) or str
--- end
--- if id == glue_code then
--- d = getfield(d,"spec")
--- end
--- if not d or not getid(d) == gluespec_code then
--- local str = formatters[fmt](0,unit)
--- return strip and lpegmatch(stripper,str) or str
--- end
--- local width = getfield(d,"width")
--- local plus = getfield(d,"stretch_order")
--- local minus = getfield(d,"shrink_order")
--- local stretch = getfield(d,"stretch")
--- local shrink = getfield(d,"shrink")
--- if plus ~= 0 then
--- plus = " plus " .. stretch/65536 .. fillcodes[plus]
--- elseif stretch ~= 0 then
--- plus = formatters[fmt](stretch*dimenfactors[unit],unit)
--- plus = " plus " .. (strip and lpegmatch(stripper,plus) or plus)
--- else
--- plus = ""
--- end
--- if minus ~= 0 then
--- minus = " minus " .. shrink/65536 .. fillcodes[minus]
--- elseif shrink ~= 0 then
--- minus = formatters[fmt](shrink*dimenfactors[unit],unit)
--- minus = " minus " .. (strip and lpegmatch(stripper,minus) or minus)
--- else
--- minus = ""
--- end
--- local str = formatters[fmt](getfield(d,"width")*dimenfactors[unit],unit)
--- return (strip and lpegmatch(stripper,str) or str) .. plus .. minus
--- end
--- local function numbertodimen(d,unit,fmt,strip)
--- if not d then
--- local str = formatters[fmt](0,unit)
--- return strip and lpegmatch(stripper,str) or str
--- end
--- local t = type(d)
--- if t == 'string' then
--- return d
--- elseif t == "number" then
--- if unit == true then
--- unit = "pt"
--- fmt = "%0.5f%s"
--- else
--- unit = unit or 'pt'
--- if not fmt then
--- fmt = "%s%s"
--- elseif fmt == true then
--- fmt = "%0.5f%s"
--- end
--- end
--- local str = formatters[fmt](d*dimenfactors[unit],unit)
--- return strip and lpegmatch(stripper,str) or str
--- else
--- return nodetodimen(d,unit,fmt,strip) -- real node
--- end
--- end
local f_f_f = formatters["%0.5Fpt plus %0.5F%s minus %0.5F%s"]
local f_f_m = formatters["%0.5Fpt plus %0.5F%s minus %0.5Fpt"]
local f_p_f = formatters["%0.5Fpt plus %0.5Fpt minus %0.5F%s"]