path: root/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-act.lmt
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Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/mkxl/math-act.lmt')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-act.lmt b/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-act.lmt
index afaf79593..96057ec02 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-act.lmt
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-act.lmt
@@ -256,83 +256,143 @@ end
+ -- see changed hack in math-fbk
+ local copytable = table.copy
+ local nps = fonts.helpers.newprivateslot
local list = {
- { 0x2032, true, },
- { 0x2033, true, 0x2032, 2 },
- { 0x2034, true, 0x2032, 3 },
- { 0x2057, true, 0x2032, 4 },
- { 0x2035, false, },
- { 0x2036, false, 0x2035, 2 },
- { 0x2037, false, 0x2035, 3 },
+ { 0x2032, { nps("prime 0x2032 1"), nps("prime 0x2032 2"), nps("prime 0x2032 3") }, 1 },
+ { 0x2033, { nps("prime 0x2033 1"), nps("prime 0x2033 2"), nps("prime 0x2033 3") }, 2 },
+ { 0x2034, { nps("prime 0x2034 1"), nps("prime 0x2034 2"), nps("prime 0x2034 3") }, 3 },
+ { 0x2057, { nps("prime 0x2057 1"), nps("prime 0x2057 2"), nps("prime 0x2057 3") }, 4 },
+ { 0x2035, { nps("prime 0x2035 1"), nps("prime 0x2035 2"), nps("prime 0x2035 3") }, 1 },
+ { 0x2036, { nps("prime 0x2036 1"), nps("prime 0x2036 2"), nps("prime 0x2036 3") }, 2 },
+ { 0x2037, { nps("prime 0x2037 1"), nps("prime 0x2037 2"), nps("prime 0x2037 3") }, 3 },
- local function fix(target,original,characters,factor,scale,newheight,code,mandate)
- local char = characters[code]
- if char then
- local oldheight = scale * char.height
- char.yoffset = newheight - oldheight
- char.height = newheight
- if scale ~= 1 then
- char.width = scale * char.width
- char.commands = {
- { "slot", 0, code, scale }
- }
- end
+ local function copytable(t)
+ return {
+ width = t.width,
+ height = t.height,
+ depth = t.depth,
+ index = t.index,
+ unicode = t.unicode,
+ }
+ end
+ local lastprivate
+ local function use(target,original,targetcharacters,charcode,private,newheight,scale,fake,keep,count,smaller)
+ if count == 1 then
+ lastprivate = private
+ end
+ local olddata = targetcharacters[lastprivate]
+ if keep then
if trace_tweaking then
- report_tweak("fixing prime %U ",target,original,code)
+ report_tweak("keeping primt %U",target,original,charcode)
- local small = char.smaller
- if small then
- fix(target,original,characters,factor,scale,newheight,small,false)
+ elseif olddata then
+ local oldheight = scale * olddata.height
+ local oldwidth = scale * olddata.width
+ local yoffset = (newheight - oldheight) / scale
+ local unicode = olddata.unicode
+ local newwidth = oldwidth
+ if fake and count > 1 then
+ -- todo: when keep
+ local xoffset = fake * oldwidth
+ local newwidth = newwidth + (count - 1) * xoffset
+ targetcharacters[charcode] = {
+ yoffset = yoffset,
+ width = newwidth,
+ height = newheight,
+ smaller = smaller,
+ unicode = unicode,
+ commands = {
+ { "offset", 0, 0, lastprivate, scale, scale },
+ { "offset", xoffset, 0, lastprivate, scale, scale },
+ count > 2 and { "offset", 2 * xoffset, 0, lastprivate, scale, scale } or nil,
+ count > 3 and { "offset", 3 * xoffset, 0, lastprivate, scale, scale } or nil,
+ },
+ }
+ if trace_tweaking then
+ report_tweak("faking %U with %i primes",target,original,charcode,count)
+ end
+ else
+ targetcharacters[charcode] = {
+ yoffset = yoffset,
+ width = newwidth,
+ height = newheight,
+ smaller = smaller,
+ unicode = unicode,
+ commands = {
+ { "offset", 0, 0, lastprivate, scale, scale }
+ },
+ }
+ if trace_tweaking then
+ report_tweak("fixing prime %U",target,original,charcode)
+ end
- elseif mandate then
- report_math("missing %U prime in font %a",code,
+ elseif trace_tweaking then
+ report_tweak("unable to fix prime %U",target,original,charcode)
function mathtweaks.fixprimes(target,original,parameters)
- local characters = target.characters
- local factor = parameters.factor or 0.85
- local scale = parameters.scale or 1
- local newheight = factor * target.mathparameters.AccentBaseHeight
+ local targetcharacters = target.characters
+ local targetparameters = target.parameters
+ local originalcharacters = original.characters
+ local factor = parameters.factor or 0.85
+ local scale = parameters.scale or 1
+ local smaller = parameters.smaller
+ local fake = parameters.fake
+ local keep = parameters.keep and targetparameters.mathsize == 1
+ local newheight = factor * target.mathparameters.AccentBaseHeight
+ local compact = targetparameters.textscale and true or false
+ --
+ lastprivate = false
+ -- make virtual copies (just all of them, also for tracing)
for i=1,#list do
local entry = list[i]
- fix(target,original,characters,factor,scale,newheight,entry[1],entry[2])
- end
- end
- local function fake(target,original,characters,factor,n,single,multiple)
- local csingle = characters[single]
- local cmultiple = characters[multiple]
- local width = csingle.width
- local hoffset = factor * width
- cmultiple.width = width + (n - 1) * hoffset
- cmultiple.commands = {
- { "offset", 0, 0, single },
- { "offset", hoffset, 0, single },
- n > 2 and { "offset", 2 * hoffset, 0, single } or nil,
- n > 3 and { "offset", 3 * hoffset, 0, single } or nil,
- }
- if trace_tweaking then
- report_tweak("faking %U with %i primes",target,original,multiple,n)
- end
- local ssingle = csingle.smaller
- local smultiple = cmultiple.smaller
- if ssingle and smultiple then
- fake(target,original,characters,factor,n,ssingle,smultiple)
- else
- --weird font
+ local count = entry[3]
+ if not fake or count == 1 then
+ local c1 = entry[1]
+ local d1 = targetcharacters[c1]
+ if d1 then
+ local pc = entry[2]
+ local c2 = d1.smaller or c1
+ local d2 = targetcharacters[c2]
+ local c3 = d2.smaller or c2
+ local d3 = targetcharacters[c3]
+ if smaller then
+ d1 = d2
+ d2 = d3
+ end
+ targetcharacters[pc[1]] = copytable(d1)
+ targetcharacters[pc[2]] = copytable(d2)
+ targetcharacters[pc[3]] = copytable(d3)
+ end
+ end
- end
- function mathtweaks.fakeprimes(target,original,parameters)
- local characters = target.characters
- local factor = parameters.factor or .75
+ -- replace
for i=1,#list do
local entry = list[i]
- local n = entry[4]
- if n then
- fake(target,original,characters,factor,n,entry[3],entry[1])
+ local count = entry[3]
+ local c1 = entry[1]
+ local pc = entry[2]
+ local s1 = pc[1]
+ local d1 = targetcharacters[c1]
+ if compact and d1 then
+ local c2 = d1.smaller or c1
+ local d2 = targetcharacters[c2]
+ local c3 = d2.smaller or c2
+ local s2 = pc[2]
+ local s3 = pc[3]
+ use(target,original,targetcharacters,c1,s1,newheight,scale,fake,keep, count,c2)
+ use(target,original,targetcharacters,c2,s2,newheight,scale,fake,false,count,c3)
+ use(target,original,targetcharacters,c3,s3,newheight,scale,fake,false,count)
+ else
+ use(target,original,targetcharacters,c1,s1,newheight,scale,fake,keep,count)
@@ -455,13 +515,9 @@ do
width = width,
height = height + offset,
depth = depth - offset,
- yoffset = offset,
unicode = unicode,
- -- index = origdata.index,
- -- scale = scale,
commands = {
- -- { "up", yoffset },
- { "slot", 0, template, scale }
+ { "offset", 0, offset, template, scale, scale }
if trace_tweaking then
@@ -723,6 +779,7 @@ function mathematics.resolvefallbacks(target,specification,fallbacks)
local name = definition.font
local features = definition.features or ""
local size = size * (definition.rscale or 1)
+-- compact: size = 655360
if trace_collecting then
report_math("registering fallback font %i, name %a, size %a, features %a",i,name,size,features)
@@ -745,6 +802,7 @@ function mathematics.finishfallbacks(target,specification,fallbacks)
local fonts = target.fonts
local size = specification.size -- target.size
local characters = target.characters
+-- compact: size = 655360
if not fonts then
fonts = { }
target.fonts = fonts