path: root/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-act.lmt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/mkxl/math-act.lmt')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-act.lmt b/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-act.lmt
index 0c75147f6..4a46baff9 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-act.lmt
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-act.lmt
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ do
k = mathgaps[k] or k
local character = targetcharacters[k]
if character then
--- if not character.tweaked then -- todo: add a force
+ -- if not character.tweaked then -- todo: add a force
local t = type(v)
if t == "number" then
v = list[v]
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ do
report_mathtweak("invalid dimension entry %U",k)
--- character.tweaked = true
+ -- character.tweaked = true
if v.all then
local nxt =
if nxt then
@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ do
--- end
+ -- end
report_tweak("no character %U",target,original,k)
@@ -1938,63 +1938,178 @@ do
local rbe = newprivateslot("radical bar extender")
+ local fbe = newprivateslot("fraction bar extender")
+ local frp = {
+ newprivateslot("flat rule left piece"),
+ newprivateslot("flat rule middle piece"),
+ newprivateslot("flat rule right piece"),
+ }
+ local rrp = {
+ newprivateslot("radical rule middle piece"),
+ newprivateslot("radical rule right piece"),
+ }
+ local mrp = {
+ newprivateslot("minus rule left piece"),
+ newprivateslot("minus rule middle piece"),
+ newprivateslot("minus rule right piece"),
+ }
- local function useminus(unicode,characters,parameters)
+ local function useminus(target,unicode,characters,parameters,skipfirst,what)
local minus = characters[0x2212]
- local xoffset = parameters.xoffset or .075
- local yoffset = parameters.yoffset or .9
- local xscale = parameters.xscale or 1
- local yscale = parameters.yscale or 1
- local xwidth = parameters.width or (1 - 2*xoffset)
- local xheight = parameters.height or (1 - yoffset)
- local mheight = minus.height
- local mwidth = minus.width
- local height = xheight*mheight
- local xshift = xoffset * mwidth
- local yshift = yoffset * mheight
- local advance = xwidth * mwidth
- local step = mwidth / 2
- characters[unicode] = {
- height = height,
- depth = height,
- width = advance,
- commands = {
- push,
- leftcommand[xshift],
- downcommand[yshift],
- -- slotcommand[0][0x2212],
- { "slot", 0, 0x2212, xscale, yscale },
- pop,
- },
- unicode = unicode,
- -- parts = {
- -- { extender = 0, glyph = first, ["end"] = fw/2, start = 0, advance = fw },
- -- { extender = 1, glyph = middle, ["end"] = mw/2, start = mw/2, advance = mw },
- -- { extender = 0, glyph = last, ["end"] = 0, start = lw/2, advance = lw },
- -- },
- parts = {
- { extender = 0, glyph = unicode, ["end"] = step, start = 0, advance = advance },
- { extender = 1, glyph = unicode, ["end"] = step, start = step, advance = advance },
- },
- partsorientation = "horizontal",
- }
+ local parts =
+ if parameters == true then
+ parameters = { }
+ end
+ if parts then
+ parts = copytable(parts)
+ local xscale = parameters.xscale or 1
+ local yscale = parameters.yscale or 1
+ local mheight = minus.height
+ local height = (parameters.height or 1) * mheight
+ local yshift = (parameters.yoffset or 0) * mheight
+ if skipfirst then
+ table.remove(parts,1)
+ end
+ height = height / 2
+ yshift = yshift + height
+ for i=1,#parts do
+ local part = parts[i]
+ local glyph = part.glyph
+ local gdata = characters[glyph]
+ local width = gdata.width
+ local xshift = 0
+ if i == 1 and parameters.leftoffset then
+ xshift = (parameters.leftoffset) * width
+ width = width - xshift
+ elseif i == #parts and parameters.rightoffset then
+ width = (1 + parameters.rightoffset) * width
+ end
+ characters[what[i]] = {
+ height = height,
+ depth = height,
+ width = width,
+ commands = {
+ leftcommand[xshift],
+ downcommand[yshift],
+-- slotcommand[0][glyph],
+ { "slot", 0, glyph, xscale, yscale },
+ },
+ }
+ part.glyph = what[i]
+ part.advance = width
+ end
+ characters[unicode] = {
+ height = height,
+ depth = height,
+ width = advance,
+ commands = {
+ downcommand[yshift],
+-- slotcommand[0][0x2212],
+ { "slot", 0, 0x2212, xscale, yscale },
+ },
+ unicode = unicode,
+ parts = parts,
+ partsorientation = "horizontal",
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ -- add minus parts of not there and create clipped clone
+ local function checkminus(target,unicode,characters,parameters,skipfirst,what)
+ local minus = characters[unicode]
+ local parts =
+ if parameters == true then
+ parameters = { }
+ end
+ local p_normal = 0
+ local p_flat = 0
+ local mwidth = minus.width
+ local height = minus.height
+ local depth = minus.depth
+ local loffset = parameters.leftoffset or 0
+ local roffset = parameters.rightoffset or 0
+ local lshift = mwidth * loffset
+ local rshift = mwidth * roffset
+ local width = mwidth - lshift - rshift
+ if parts then
+ -- print("minus has parts")
+ if lshift ~= 0 or width ~= mwidth then
+ parts = copytable(parts)
+ for i=1,#parts do
+ local part = parts[i]
+ local glyph = part.glyph
+ local gdata = characters[glyph]
+ local width = gdata.width
+ local advance = part.advance
+ local lshift = 0
+ if i == 1 and left ~= 0 then
+ lshift = loffset * width
+ width = width - lshift
+ advance = advance - lshift
+ elseif i == #parts and roffset ~= 0 then
+ width = width - rshift
+ advance = advance - rshift
+ end
+ characters[what[i]] = {
+ height = height,
+ depth = depth,
+ width = width,
+ commands = {
+ leftcommand[lshift],
+ slotcommand[0][glyph],
+ },
+ }
+ part.glyph = what[i]
+ part.advance = advance
+ end
+ = parts
+ minus.partsorientation = "horizontal"
+ end
+ else
+ local f_normal = formatters["M-NORMAL-%H"](unicode)
+ -- local p_normal = hasprivate(main,f_normal)
+ p_normal = addprivate(target,f_normal,{
+ height = height,
+ width = width,
+ commands = {
+ push,
+ leftcommand[lshift],
+ slotcommand[0][unicode],
+ pop,
+ },
+ })
+ local step = width/2
+ = {
+ { extender = 0, glyph = p_normal, ["end"] = step, start = 0, advance = width },
+ { extender = 1, glyph = p_normal, ["end"] = step, start = step, advance = width },
+ { extender = 0, glyph = p_normal, ["end"] = 0, start = step, advance = width },
+ }
+ minus.partsorientation = "horizontal"
+ end
function mathtweaks.replacerules(target,original,parameters)
local characters = target.characters
+ local minus = parameters.minus
local fraction = parameters.fraction
local radical = parameters.radical
+ local stacker = parameters.stacker
+ if minus then
+ checkminus(target,0x2212,characters,minus,false,mrp)
+ end
if fraction then
- local template = fraction.template
- if template == 0x2212 or template == "minus" then
- useminus(0x203E,characters,fraction)
- end
+ useminus(target,fbe,characters,fraction,false,frp)
if radical then
- local template = radical.template
- if template == 0x2212 or template == "minus" then
- useminus(rbe,characters,radical)
- end
+ useminus(target,rbe,characters,radical,true,rrp)
+ end
+ if stacker then
+ useminus(target,0x203E,characters,stacker,false,frp)
@@ -2110,6 +2225,7 @@ do
return {
[0x002D] = { { left = slack, right = slack, glyph = 0x2212 }, single }, -- rel
+-- [0x2212] = { { left = slack, right = slack, glyph = 0x2212 }, single }, -- rel
[0x2190] = leftsingle, -- leftarrow
[0x219E] = leftsingle, -- twoheadleftarrow
@@ -3091,59 +3207,6 @@ do
local double <const> = 0x2016
local triple <const> = 0x2980
- -- local nps = fonts.helpers.newprivateslot
- --
- -- local function variantlist(characters,unicode,chardata,what,total,used)
- -- local parenthesis = characters[0x28].next
- -- local width = chardata.width
- -- local height = chardata.height
- -- local depth = chardata.depth
- -- local total = height + depth
- -- local count = 1
- -- while parenthesis do
- -- local private = nps(what .. " size " .. count)
- -- local pardata = characters[parenthesis]
- -- local parheight = pardata.height
- -- local pardepth = pardata.depth
- -- local scale = (parheight+pardepth)/total
- -- local offset = - pardepth + scale * depth
- -- = private
- -- chardata = {
- -- unicode = unicode,
- -- width = width,
- -- height = parheight,
- -- depth = pardepth,
- -- commands = {
- -- { "offset", 0, offset, unicode, 1, scale }
- -- },
- -- }
- -- characters[private] = chardata
- -- parenthesis =
- -- if paranthesis then
- -- pardata = characters[parenthesis]
- -- end
- -- count = count + 1
- -- end
- -- = {
- -- {
- -- advance = total,
- -- ["end"] = used,
- -- glyph = unicode,
- -- start = 0,
- -- -- start = used/5,
- -- },
- -- {
- -- advance = total,
- -- -- ["end"] = 0,
- -- ["end"] = used/5, -- prevents small gap with inward curved endpoints
- -- extender = 1,
- -- glyph = unicode,
- -- start = used,
- -- },
- -- }
- -- chardata.partsorientation = "vertical"
- -- end
local function variantlist(unicode,chardata,total,used)
chardata.varianttemplate = 0x0028 = {