path: root/tex/context/base/mkxl/font-hsh.lmt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/mkxl/font-hsh.lmt')
1 files changed, 397 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/font-hsh.lmt b/tex/context/base/mkxl/font-hsh.lmt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..594f47332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/font-hsh.lmt
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-hsh'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to font-ini.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+local rawget = rawget
+local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex
+local currentfont = font and font.current -- used in the web service
+local allocate =
+local fonts = fonts
+local hashes = fonts.hashes or allocate()
+fonts.hashes = hashes
+-- todo: autoallocate ... just create on the fly .. use constructors.keys (problem: plurals)
+local identifiers = hashes.identifiers or allocate()
+local characters = hashes.characters or allocate() -- chardata
+local descriptions = hashes.descriptions or allocate()
+local parameters = hashes.parameters or allocate()
+local mathparameters = hashes.mathparameters or allocate()
+local properties = or allocate()
+local resources = hashes.resources or allocate()
+local spacings = hashes.spacings or allocate()
+local spaces = hashes.spaces or allocate()
+local quads = hashes.quads or allocate() -- maybe also spacedata
+local xheights = hashes.xheights or allocate()
+local csnames = hashes.csnames or allocate() -- namedata
+local features = hashes.features or allocate()
+local marks = hashes.marks or allocate()
+local classes = hashes.classes or allocate()
+local italics = hashes.italics or allocate()
+local lastmathids = hashes.lastmathids or allocate()
+local dynamics = hashes.dynamics or allocate()
+local unicodes = hashes.unicodes or allocate()
+local unislots = hashes.unislots or allocate()
+local originals = hashes.originals or allocate()
+local modes = hashes.modes or allocate()
+local variants = hashes.variants or allocate()
+hashes.characters = characters
+hashes.descriptions = descriptions
+hashes.parameters = parameters
+hashes.mathparameters = mathparameters = properties
+hashes.resources = resources
+hashes.spacings = spacings
+hashes.spaces = spaces
+hashes.quads = quads hashes.emwidths = quads
+hashes.xheights = xheights hashes.exheights = xheights
+hashes.csnames = csnames
+hashes.features = features
+hashes.marks = marks
+hashes.classes = classes
+hashes.italics = italics
+hashes.lastmathids = lastmathids
+hashes.dynamics = dynamics
+hashes.unicodes = unicodes
+hashes.unislots = unislots
+hashes.originals = originals
+hashes.modes = modes
+hashes.variants = variants
+local nodepool = nodes and nodes.pool
+local dummyglyph = nodepool and nodepool.register(nodepool.glyph())
+local nulldata = allocate {
+ name = "nullfont",
+ characters = { },
+ descriptions = { },
+ properties = {
+ designsize = 786432, -- really ? maybe move to 655360 instead
+ },
+ parameters = { -- lmromanregular @ 12pt
+ slantperpoint = 0,
+ spacing = {
+ width = 256377,
+ stretch = 128188,
+ shrink = 85459,
+ extra = 85459,
+ },
+ quad = 786432,
+ size = 786432,
+ slant = 0, -- 1
+ space = 256377, -- 2
+ spacestretch = 128188, -- 3
+ spaceshrink = 85459, -- 4
+ xheight = 338952, -- 5
+ quad = 786432, -- 6
+ extraspace = 85459, -- 7
+ },
+fonts.nulldata = nulldata
+fonts.constructors.enhanceparameters(nulldata.parameters) -- official copies for us
+setmetatableindex(identifiers, function(t,k)
+ return k == true and identifiers[currentfont()] or nulldata
+if font then
+ -- to be used
+ local define = font.define
+ local setfont = font.setfont
+ local frozen = font.frozen
+ function fonts.reserveid(fontdata)
+ return define(fontdata or nulldata)
+ end
+ function fonts.enhanceid(id,fontdata)
+ if not frozen(id) then
+ setfont(id,fontdata)
+ end
+ end
+setmetatableindex(characters, function(t,k)
+ if k == true then
+ return characters[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local characters = identifiers[k].characters
+ t[k] = characters
+ return characters
+ end
+setmetatableindex(descriptions, function(t,k)
+ if k == true then
+ return descriptions[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local descriptions = identifiers[k].descriptions
+ t[k] = descriptions
+ return descriptions
+ end
+setmetatableindex(parameters, function(t,k)
+ if k == true then
+ return parameters[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local parameters = identifiers[k].parameters
+ t[k] = parameters
+ return parameters
+ end
+setmetatableindex(mathparameters, function(t,k)
+ if k == true then
+ return mathparameters[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local mathparameters = identifiers[k].mathparameters
+ t[k] = mathparameters
+ return mathparameters
+ end
+setmetatableindex(properties, function(t,k)
+ if k == true then
+ return properties[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local properties = identifiers[k].properties
+ t[k] = properties
+ return properties
+ end
+setmetatableindex(resources, function(t,k)
+ if k == true then
+ return resources[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local shared = identifiers[k].shared
+ local rawdata = shared and shared.rawdata
+ local resources = rawdata and rawdata.resources
+ t[k] = resources or false -- better than resolving each time
+ return resources
+ end
+setmetatableindex(features, function(t,k)
+ if k == true then
+ return features[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local shared = identifiers[k].shared
+ local features = shared and shared.features or { }
+ t[k] = features
+ return features
+ end
+local nospacing = {
+ width = 0,
+ stretch = 0,
+ shrink = 0,
+ extra = 0,
+setmetatableindex(spacings, function(t,k)
+ if k == true then
+ return spacings[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local parameters = parameters[k]
+ local spacing = parameters and parameters.spacing or nospacing
+ t[k] = spacing
+ return spacing
+ end
+setmetatableindex(spaces, function(t,k)
+ if k == true then
+ return spaces[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local space = spacings[k].width
+ t[k] = space
+ return space
+ end
+setmetatableindex(marks, function(t,k)
+ if k == true then
+ return marks[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local resources = identifiers[k].resources or { }
+ local marks = resources.marks or { }
+ t[k] = marks
+ return marks
+ end
+setmetatableindex(classes, function(t,k)
+ if k == true then
+ return classes[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local resources = identifiers[k].resources or { }
+ local classes = resources.classes or { }
+ t[k] = classes
+ return classes
+ end
+setmetatableindex(quads, function(t,k)
+ if k == true then
+ return quads[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local parameters = rawget(parameters,k)
+ local quad
+ if parameters then
+ quad = parameters.quad
+ elseif dummyglyph then
+ dummyglyph.font = k
+ dummyglyph.char = 0x2014 -- emdash
+ quad = dummyglyph.width -- dirty trick
+ end
+ if not quad or quad == 0 then
+ quad = 655360 -- lm 10pt
+ end
+ t[k] = quad
+ return quad
+ end
+setmetatableindex(xheights, function(t,k)
+ if k == true then
+ return xheights[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local parameters = rawget(parameters,k)
+ local xheight
+ if parameters then
+ xheight = parameters.xheight
+ elseif dummyglyph then
+ dummyglyph.font = k
+ dummyglyph.char = 0x78 -- x
+ xheight = dummyglyph.height -- dirty trick
+ end
+ if not xheight or xheight == 0 then
+ xheight = 282460 -- lm 10pt
+ end
+ t[k] = xheight
+ return xheight
+ end
+setmetatableindex(italics, function(t,k) -- is test !
+ if k == true then
+ return italics[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local properties = identifiers[k].properties
+ local hasitalics = properties and properties.hasitalics
+ if hasitalics then
+ hasitalics = characters[k] -- convenient return
+ else
+ hasitalics = false
+ end
+ t[k] = hasitalics
+ return hasitalics
+ end
+setmetatableindex(dynamics, function(t,k)
+ if k == true then
+ return dynamics[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local shared = identifiers[k].shared
+ local dynamics = shared and shared.dynamics or false
+ t[k] = dynamics
+ return dynamics
+ end
+setmetatableindex(unicodes, function(t,k) -- always a unicode
+ if k == true then
+ return unicodes[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local resources = resources[k]
+ local unicodes = resources and resources.unicodes or { }
+ t[k] = unicodes
+ return unicodes
+ end
+setmetatableindex(originals, function(t,k) -- always a unicode
+ if k == true then
+ return originals[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local resolved = { }
+ setmetatableindex(resolved,function(t,name)
+ local u = unicodes[k][name]
+ local d = u and descriptions[k][u]
+ local v = d and d.unicode or u or 0 -- so we return notdef (at least for the moment)
+ t[name] = u
+ return v
+ end)
+ t[k] = resolved
+ return resolved
+ end
+setmetatableindex(unislots, function(t,k)
+ if k == true then
+ return unislots[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local characters = identifiers[k].characters
+ local resolved = setmetatableindex(function(t,k)
+ local c = characters[k]
+ local v = c and c.unicode or 0xFFFD
+ t[k] = v
+ return v -- can be a table !
+ end)
+ t[k] = resolved
+ return resolved
+ end
+setmetatableindex(modes, function(t,k)
+ if k == true then
+ return modes[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local mode = properties[k].mode or "base"
+ t[k] = mode
+ return mode
+ end
+setmetatableindex(variants, function(t,k)
+ if k == true then
+ return variants[currentfont()]
+ else
+ local resources = resources[k]
+ if resources then
+ local variants = resources.variants
+ if variants and next(variants) then
+ t[k] = variants
+ return variants
+ end
+ end
+ t[k] = false
+ return false
+ end
+if font then
+ function font.getfont(id)
+ return identifiers[id]
+ end
+-- font.setfont = currentfont -- bah, no native 'setfont' as name