path: root/tex/context/base/mkxl/driv-shp.lmt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/mkxl/driv-shp.lmt')
1 files changed, 280 insertions, 233 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/driv-shp.lmt b/tex/context/base/mkxl/driv-shp.lmt
index 2a2b14850..73e7085b2 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/driv-shp.lmt
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/driv-shp.lmt
@@ -143,6 +143,10 @@ function drivers.getvpos() return round(pos_v) end
-- characters
+-- experiment (smaller page stream but might be fragile)
+local tospace = false directives.register("backends.spaces", function(v) tospace = v end)
local flush_character do
local stack = setmetatableindex("table")
@@ -150,30 +154,65 @@ local flush_character do
local nesting = 0
local main = 0
- -- experiment (smaller page stream but might be fragile)
- local tospace = false directives.register("backends.spaces", function(v) tospace = v end)
-- todo: cache streams
- local default = 16384 -- * number.dimenfactors.bp -- 65536 // 4
+ local default = 16384 -- * number.dimenfactors.bp -- 65536 // 4
+ local refactored = 1000000 -- expansion related
local vfinjectors = fonts.helpers.vfinjectors
-- current can go
+ -- local alternative = false -- more local, can be an option: vf.commands.local
local function flush_vf_packet(current,pos_h,pos_v,pos_r,font,char,data,csx,csy,factor,sx,sy,vfcommands)
if nesting > 100 then
elseif nesting == 0 then
main = font
+ -- if alternative then
+ -- local s = stack[0]
+ -- s[1] = pos_h
+ -- s[2] = pos_v
+ -- s[3] = pos_r
+ -- end
+ else
+ -- if alternative then
+ -- local s = stack[0]
+ -- pos_h = s[1]
+ -- pos_v = s[2]
+ -- pos_r = s[3]
+ -- end
nesting = nesting + 1
+ local savedlevel = level
+ local function push()
+ level = level + 1
+ local s = stack[level]
+ s[1] = pos_h
+ s[2] = pos_v
+ s[3] = pos_r
+ end
+ local function pop()
+ if level > 0 then
+ local s = stack[level]
+ pos_h = s[1]
+ pos_v = s[2]
+ pos_r = s[3]
+ level = level - 1
+ end
+ end
+ -- push() -- or:
local saved_h = pos_h
local saved_v = pos_v
local saved_r = pos_r
pos_r = lefttoright_code
local fdata = fontdata[font] -- offsets etc
@@ -250,96 +289,118 @@ local flush_character do
- local refactored = 1000000
for i=1,#vfcommands do
- local packet = vfcommands[i]
- local command = packet[1]
- if command == "char" then
- local chr = packet[2]
- local csx = packet[3]
- local csy = packet[4] or csx
- pos_h = pos_h + flushchar(fnt,chr,csx,csy)
- elseif command == "slot" then
- local index = packet[2]
- local chr = packet[3]
- local csx = packet[4]
- local csy = packet[5] or csx
- if index == 0 then
- pos_h = pos_h + flushchar(font,chr,csx,csy)
- else
- local okay = fonts and fonts[index]
- if okay then
- local fnt =
- if fnt then
- pos_h = pos_h + flushchar(fnt,chr,csx,csy)
- end
- else
- -- safeguard, we assume the font itself (often index 1)
- pos_h = pos_h + flushchar(font,chr,csx,csy)
- end
- end
- elseif command == "use" then
- local index = packet[2]
- if index then
- local fnt
+ local packet = vfcommands[i]
+ if packet then
+ local command = packet[1]
+ if command == "char" then
+ local chr = packet[2]
+ local csx = packet[3]
+ local csy = packet[4] or csx
+ pos_h = pos_h + flushchar(fnt,chr,csx,csy)
+ elseif command == "slot" then
+ local index = packet[2]
+ local chr = packet[3]
+ local csx = packet[4]
+ local csy = packet[5] or csx
if index == 0 then
- fnt = font
+ pos_h = pos_h + flushchar(font,chr,csx,csy)
local okay = fonts and fonts[index]
if okay then
- fnt =
+ local fnt =
+ if fnt then
+ if fnt == 0 then
+ fnt = font
+ end
+ pos_h = pos_h + flushchar(fnt,chr,csx,csy)
+ end
+ else
+ -- safeguard, we assume the font itself (often index 1)
+ pos_h = pos_h + flushchar(font,chr,csx,csy)
- if fnt then
- -- not efficient but ok for now as experiment
- local d = characters[fnt]
- if d then
- for i=3,#packet do
- local chr = packet[i]
- local dat = d[chr]
- if dat then
- flushfontchar(fnt,chr,dat)
+ elseif command == "use" then
+ local index = packet[2]
+ if index then
+ local fnt
+ if index == 0 then
+ fnt = font
+ else
+ local okay = fonts and fonts[index]
+ if okay then
+ fnt =
+ end
+ end
+ if fnt then
+ -- not efficient but ok for now as experiment
+ local d = characters[fnt]
+ if d then
+ for i=3,#packet do
+ local chr = packet[i]
+ local dat = d[chr]
+ if dat then
+ flushfontchar(fnt,chr,dat)
+ end
- end
- elseif command == "right" then
- local h = packet[2] -- already scaled
- if h ~= 0 then
- if factor ~= 0 then
- h = h + h * factor / refactored -- expansion
+ elseif command == "right" then
+ local h = packet[2] -- already scaled
+ if h ~= 0 then
+ if factor ~= 0 then
+ h = h + h * factor / refactored -- expansion
+ end
+ pos_h = pos_h + h * sx
- pos_h = pos_h + h * sx
- end
- elseif command == "left" then
- local h = packet[2] -- already scaled
- if h ~= 0 then
- if factor ~= 0 then
- h = h + h * factor / refactored -- expansion
+ elseif command == "left" then
+ local h = packet[2] -- already scaled
+ if h ~= 0 then
+ if factor ~= 0 then
+ h = h + h * factor / refactored -- expansion
+ end
+ pos_h = pos_h - h * sx
- pos_h = pos_h - h * sx
- end
- elseif command == "down" then
- local v = packet[2] -- already scaled
- if v and v ~= 0 then
- pos_v = pos_v - v * sy
- end
- elseif command == "up" then
- local v = packet[2] -- already scaled
- if v and v ~= 0 then
- pos_v = pos_v + v * sy
- end
- elseif command == "offset" then
- local c = packet[4]
- if c then
- local ph = pos_h
- local pv = pos_v
- local csx = packet[5]
- local csy = packet[6] or csx
- local h = packet[2]
- local v = packet[3]
- if h and h ~= 0 then
+ elseif command == "down" then
+ local v = packet[2] -- already scaled
+ if v and v ~= 0 then
+ pos_v = pos_v - v * sy
+ end
+ elseif command == "up" then
+ local v = packet[2] -- already scaled
+ if v and v ~= 0 then
+ pos_v = pos_v + v * sy
+ end
+ elseif command == "offset" then
+ local c = packet[4]
+ if c then
+ local ph = pos_h
+ local pv = pos_v
+ local csx = packet[5]
+ local csy = packet[6] or csx
+ local h = packet[2]
+ local v = packet[3]
+ if h and h ~= 0 then
+ if factor ~= 0 then
+ h = h + h * factor / refactored -- expansion
+ end
+ pos_h = pos_h + h * sx
+ end
+ if v and v ~= 0 then
+ pos_v = pos_v + v * sy
+ end
+ flushchar(fnt,c,csx,csy)
+ pos_h = ph
+ pos_v = pv
+ end
+ elseif command == "compose" then -- for now idem
+ local ph = pos_h
+ local pv = pos_v
+ local h = packet[2] or 0
+ local v = packet[3] or 0
+ local c = packet[4]
+ if h ~= 0 then
if factor ~= 0 then
h = h + h * factor / refactored -- expansion
@@ -348,179 +409,165 @@ local flush_character do
if v and v ~= 0 then
pos_v = pos_v + v * sy
- flushchar(fnt,c,csx,csy)
- pos_h = ph
- pos_v = pv
- end
- elseif command == "compose" then -- for now idem
- local ph = pos_h
- local pv = pos_v
- local h = packet[2] or 0
- local v = packet[3] or 0
- local c = packet[4]
- if h ~= 0 then
- if factor ~= 0 then
- h = h + h * factor / refactored -- expansion
+ if c then
+ flushchar(fnt,c)
+ pos_h = ph
+ pos_v = pv
- pos_h = pos_h + h * sx
- end
- if v and v ~= 0 then
- pos_v = pos_v + v * sy
- end
- if c then
- flushchar(fnt,c)
- pos_h = ph
- pos_v = pv
- end
- elseif command == "push" then
- level = level + 1
- local s = stack[level]
- s[1] = pos_h
- s[2] = pos_v
- elseif command == "pop" then
- if level > 0 then
- local s = stack[level]
- pos_h = s[1]
- pos_v = s[2]
- level = level - 1
- end
- elseif command == "frame" then
- -- d:width d:height d:depth d:rulethickness b:outline b:advance b:baseline s:color
- local width = packet[2]
- local height = packet[3]
- local depth = packet[4]
- local wd, ht, dp
- if width == true or height == true or depth == true then
- wd, ht, dp = getwhd(current,true)
- end
- if width == true then
- width = wd
- elseif not width then
- width = 0
- end
- if height == true then
- height = ht
- elseif not height then
- height = 0
- end
- if depth == true then
- depth = dp
- elseif not depth then
- depth = 0
- end
- local total = height + depth
- if width > 0 and total > 0 then
- if factor ~= 0 then
- width = width + width * factor / refactored
+ elseif command == "push" then
+ push()
+ elseif command == "pop" then
+ pop()
+ elseif command == "frame" then
+ -- d:width d:height d:depth d:rulethickness b:outline b:advance b:baseline s:color
+ local width = packet[2]
+ local height = packet[3]
+ local depth = packet[4]
+ local wd, ht, dp
+ if width == true or height == true or depth == true then
+ wd, ht, dp = getwhd(current,true)
- if width > 0 then
- local line = packet[5] or default
- local outline = packet[6]
- local advance = packet[7]
- if outline == nil then
- outline = true
+ if width == true then
+ width = wd
+ elseif not width then
+ width = 0
+ end
+ if height == true then
+ height = ht
+ elseif not height then
+ height = 0
+ end
+ if depth == true then
+ depth = dp
+ elseif not depth then
+ depth = 0
+ end
+ local total = height + depth
+ if width > 0 and total > 0 then
+ if factor ~= 0 then
+ width = width + width * factor / refactored
- if advance == nil then
- advance = true
+ if width > 0 then
+ local line = packet[5] or default
+ local outline = packet[6]
+ local advance = packet[7]
+ if outline == nil then
+ outline = true
+ end
+ if advance == nil then
+ advance = true
+ end
+ local baseline = outline and packet[8]
+ local color = packet[9] -- no longer needed probably
+ if color then
+ vfinjectors.startcolor(pos_h,pos_v,color) -- takes packet or string
+ end
+ width = width * sx
+ height = height * sy
+ depth = depth * sy
+ flushspecialrule(pos_h,pos_v,pos_r,width,height,depth,line,outline,baseline)
+ if color then
+ vfinjectors.stopcolor()
+ end
+ if advance then
+ pos_h = pos_h + width
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ elseif command == "rule" then
+ local size_v = packet[2]
+ local size_h = packet[3]
+ if size_h > 0 and size_v > 0 then
+ if factor ~= 0 then
+ size_h = size_h + size_h * factor / refactored
- local baseline = outline and packet[8]
- local color = packet[9] -- no longer needed probably
- if color then
- vfinjectors.startcolor(pos_h,pos_v,color) -- takes packet or string
+ if size_h > 0 then
+ size_h = size_h * sx
+ size_v = size_v * sy
+ flushsimplerule(pos_h,pos_v,pos_r,size_h,size_v)
+ pos_h = pos_h + size_h
- width = width * sx
- height = height * sy
- depth = depth * sy
- flushspecialrule(pos_h,pos_v,pos_r,width,height,depth,line,outline,baseline)
- if color then
- vfinjectors.stopcolor()
+ end
+ elseif command == "line" then
+ local wd = packet[2] or 0
+ local ht = packet[3] or 0
+ local dp = packet[4] or 0
+ if wd > 0 and ht ~= 0 and dp ~= 0 then
+ if factor ~= 0 then
+ wd = wd + wd * factor / refactored
- if advance then
- pos_h = pos_h + width
+ if wd > 0 then
+ wd = wd * sx
+ ht = ht * sy
+ dp = dp * sy
+ local color = packet[5] -- no longer needed probably
+ if color then
+ vfinjectors.startcolor(pos_h,pos_v,color) -- takes packet or string
+ end
+ flushsimplerule(pos_h,pos_v-dp,pos_r,wd,ht+dp)
+ if color then
+ vfinjectors.stopcolor()
+ end
+ pos_h = pos_h + wd
- end
- elseif command == "rule" then
- local size_v = packet[2]
- local size_h = packet[3]
- if size_h > 0 and size_v > 0 then
- if factor ~= 0 then
- size_h = size_h + size_h * factor / refactored
+ elseif command == "font" then
+ local index = packet[2]
+ local okay = fonts and fonts[index]
+ if okay then
+ fnt = or fnt -- or maybe just return
- if size_h > 0 then
- size_h = size_h * sx
- size_v = size_v * sy
- flushsimplerule(pos_h,pos_v,pos_r,size_h,size_v)
- pos_h = pos_h + size_h
+ elseif command == "lua" then
+ local code = packet[2]
+ local kind = type(code)
+ if kind ~= "function" then
+ code = loadstring(code)
+ kind = type(code)
- end
- elseif command == "line" then
- local wd = packet[2] or 0
- local ht = packet[3] or 0
- local dp = packet[4] or 0
- if wd > 0 and ht ~= 0 and dp ~= 0 then
- if factor ~= 0 then
- wd = wd + wd * factor / refactored
+ if kind == "function" then
+ code(font,char,pos_h,pos_v,sx,sy) -- maybe also packet
- if wd > 0 then
- wd = wd * sx
- ht = ht * sy
- dp = dp * sy
- local color = packet[5] -- no longer needed probably
- if color then
- vfinjectors.startcolor(pos_h,pos_v,color) -- takes packet or string
- end
- flushsimplerule(pos_h,pos_v-dp,pos_r,wd,ht+dp)
- if color then
- vfinjectors.stopcolor()
- end
- pos_h = pos_h + wd
+ elseif command == "node" then
+ local h = packet[2]
+ hlist_out(h,getlist(h))
+ -- elseif command == "pdf" then
+ -- unsupported
+ -- elseif command == "pdfmode" then
+ -- unsupported
+ -- elseif command == "special" then
+ -- unsupported
+ -- elseif command == "nop" then
+ -- just ignored
+ -- elseif command == "image" then
+ -- unsupported, use "node"
+ elseif command == "inspect" then
+ inspect(vfcommands)
+ elseif command == "trace" then
+ report("virtual state: h=%p v=%p d=%i",pos_h,pos_v,pos_r)
+ else
+ local injector = vfinjectors[command]
+ if injector then
+ injector(pos_h,pos_v,packet) -- maybe also sx, sy but then we need to check usage
- elseif command == "font" then
- local index = packet[2]
- local okay = fonts and fonts[index]
- if okay then
- fnt = or fnt -- or maybe just return
- end
- elseif command == "lua" then
- local code = packet[2]
- local kind = type(code)
- if kind ~= "function" then
- code = loadstring(code)
- kind = type(code)
- end
- if kind == "function" then
- code(font,char,pos_h,pos_v,sx,sy) -- maybe also packet
- end
- elseif command == "node" then
- local h = packet[2]
- hlist_out(h,getlist(h))
- -- elseif command == "pdf" then
- -- unsupported
- -- elseif command == "pdfmode" then
- -- unsupported
- -- elseif command == "special" then
- -- unsupported
- -- elseif command == "nop" then
- -- just ignored
- -- elseif command == "image" then
- -- unsupported, use "node"
- else
- local injector = vfinjectors[command]
- if injector then
- injector(pos_h,pos_v,packet) -- maybe also sx, sy but then we need to check usage
- end
- -- hm, never seen outside here
+ -- pop() -- or:
pos_h = saved_h
pos_v = saved_v
pos_r = saved_r
+ if savedlevel ~= level then
+ report("")
+ report("virtual state: stack is corrupt")
+ report("")
+ end
+ level = savedlevel
nesting = nesting - 1
local onetimemessage -- could be defined later (todo: make plug for this)