path: root/tex/context/base/mkiv/toks-tra.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/mkiv/toks-tra.lua')
1 files changed, 292 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/toks-tra.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/toks-tra.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b0b82f0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/toks-tra.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['toks-ini'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+local utfbyte, utfchar, utfvalues = utf.byte, utf.char, utf.values
+local format, gsub = string.format, string.gsub
+local tostring = tostring
+local tokens = tokens
+local newtoken = newtoken or token
+local tex = tex
+local context = context
+local commands = commands
+tokens.collectors = tokens.collectors or { }
+local collectors = tokens.collectors
+ = or { }
+local collectordata =
+collectors.registered = collectors.registered or { }
+local registered = collectors.registered
+local report = logs.reporter("tokens","collectors")
+-- todo:
+-- register : macros that will be expanded (only for demo-ing)
+-- flush : print back to tex
+-- test : fancy stuff
+local get_next = newtoken.get_next
+local create = newtoken.create
+function collectors.install(tag,end_cs)
+ local data, d = { }, 0
+ collectordata[tag] = data
+ end_cs = gsub(end_cs,"^\\","")
+ while true do
+ local t = get_next()
+ if t.csname == end_cs then
+ context[end_cs]()
+ return
+ else
+ d = d + 1
+ data[d] = t
+ end
+ end
+local simple = { letter = "letter", other_char = "other" }
+ -- We no longer have methods as we only used (in demos) method a
+ -- so there is no need to burden the core with this. We have a
+ -- different table anyway.
+ if type(data) == "string" then
+ data = collectordata[data]
+ end
+ if not data then
+ return
+ end
+ local ctx_NC = context.NC
+ local ctx_NR = context.NR
+ local ctx_bold = context.bold
+ local ctx_verbatim = context.verbatim
+ context.starttabulate { "|Tl|Tc|Tl|" }
+ ctx_NC() ctx_bold("cmd")
+ ctx_NC() ctx_bold("meaning")
+ ctx_NC() ctx_bold("properties")
+ ctx_NC() ctx_NR()
+ context.HL()
+ for i=1,#data do
+ local token = data[i]
+ local cmdname = token.cmdname
+ local simple = simple[cmdname]
+ ctx_NC()
+ ctx_verbatim(simple or cmdname)
+ ctx_NC()
+ ctx_verbatim(simple and utfchar(token.mode) or token.csname)
+ ctx_NC()
+ if then context("active ") end
+ if token.expandable then context("expandable ") end
+ if token.protected then context("protected ") end
+ ctx_NC()
+ ctx_NR()
+ end
+ context.stoptabulate()
+local function printlist(data)
+ if data and #data > 0 then
+ report("not supported (yet): printing back to tex")
+ end
+tokens.printlist = printlist -- will change to another namespace
+function collectors.flush(tag)
+ printlist(collectordata[tag])
+function collectors.test(tag,handle)
+ report("not supported (yet): testing")
+function collectors.register(name)
+ report("not supported (yet): registering")
+-- -- old token code
+-- -- 1 = command, 2 = modifier (char), 3 = controlsequence id
+-- local create = token.create
+-- local csname_id = token.csname_id
+-- local command_id = token.command_id
+-- local command_name = token.command_name
+-- local get_next = token.get_next
+-- local expand = token.expand
+-- local csname_name = token.csname_name
+-- local function printlist(data)
+-- if data and #data > 0 then
+-- callbacks.push('token_filter', function ()
+-- callbacks.pop('token_filter') -- tricky but the nil assignment helps
+-- return data
+-- end)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- tokens.printlist = printlist -- will change to another namespace
+-- function collectors.flush(tag)
+-- printlist(collectordata[tag])
+-- end
+-- function collectors.register(name)
+-- registered[csname_id(name)] = name
+-- end
+-- local call = command_id("call")
+-- local letter = command_id("letter")
+-- local other = command_id("other_char")
+-- function collectors.install(tag,end_cs)
+-- local data, d = { }, 0
+-- collectordata[tag] = data
+-- end_cs = gsub(end_cs,"^\\","")
+-- local endcs = csname_id(end_cs)
+-- while true do
+-- local t = get_next()
+-- local a, b = t[1], t[3]
+-- if b == endcs then
+-- context[end_cs]()
+-- return
+-- elseif a == call and registered[b] then
+-- expand()
+-- else
+-- d = d + 1
+-- data[d] = t
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- function
+-- -- We no longer have methods as we only used (in demos) method a
+-- -- so there is no need to burden the core with this.
+-- if type(data) == "string" then
+-- data = collectordata[data]
+-- end
+-- if not data then
+-- return
+-- end
+-- local ctx_NC = context.NC
+-- local ctx_NR = context.NR
+-- local ctx_bold = context.bold
+-- local ctx_verbatim = context.verbatim
+-- context.starttabulate { "|T|Tr|cT|Tr|T|" }
+-- ctx_NC() ctx_bold("cmd")
+-- ctx_NC() ctx_bold("chr")
+-- ctx_NC()
+-- ctx_NC() ctx_bold("id")
+-- ctx_NC() ctx_bold("name")
+-- ctx_NC() ctx_NR()
+-- context.HL()
+-- for i=1,#data do
+-- local token = data[i]
+-- local cmd = token[1]
+-- local chr = token[2]
+-- local id = token[3]
+-- local name = command_name(token)
+-- ctx_NC()
+-- ctx_verbatim(name)
+-- ctx_NC()
+-- if tonumber(chr) >= 0 then
+-- ctx_verbatim(chr)
+-- end
+-- ctx_NC()
+-- if cmd == letter or cmd == other then
+-- ctx_verbatim(utfchar(chr))
+-- end
+-- ctx_NC()
+-- if id > 0 then
+-- ctx_verbatim(id)
+-- end
+-- ctx_NC()
+-- if id > 0 then
+-- ctx_verbatim(csname_name(token) or "")
+-- end
+-- ctx_NC() ctx_NR()
+-- end
+-- context.stoptabulate()
+-- end
+-- function collectors.test(tag,handle)
+-- local t, w, tn, wn = { }, { }, 0, 0
+-- handle = handle or collectors.defaultwords
+-- local tagdata = collectordata[tag]
+-- for k=1,#tagdata do
+-- local v = tagdata[k]
+-- if v[1] == letter then
+-- wn = wn + 1
+-- w[wn] = v[2]
+-- else
+-- if wn > 0 then
+-- handle(t,w)
+-- wn = 0
+-- end
+-- tn = tn + 1
+-- t[tn] = v
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if wn > 0 then
+-- handle(t,w)
+-- end
+-- collectordata[tag] = t
+-- end
+-- Interfacing:
+commands.collecttokens = collectors.install
+commands.showtokens =
+commands.flushtokens = collectors.flush
+commands.testtokens = collectors.test
+commands.registertoken = collectors.register
+-- Redundant:
+-- function collectors.test(tag)
+-- printlist(collectordata[tag])
+-- end
+-- For old times sake:
+collectors.dowithwords = collectors.test
+-- This is only used in old articles ... will move to a module:
+tokens.vbox = create("vbox")
+tokens.hbox = create("hbox")
+tokens.vtop = create("vtop")
+tokens.bgroup = create(utfbyte("{"),1)
+tokens.egroup = create(utfbyte("}"),2)
+tokens.letter = function(chr) return create(utfbyte(chr),11) end
+tokens.other = function(chr) return create(utfbyte(chr),12) end
+tokens.letters = function(str)
+ local t, n = { }, 0
+ for chr in utfvalues(str) do
+ n = n + 1
+ t[n] = create(chr, 11)
+ end
+ return t
+function collectors.defaultwords(t,str)
+ if t then
+ local n = #t
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = tokens.bgroup
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = create("red")
+ for i=1,#str do
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = tokens.other('*')
+ end
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = tokens.egroup
+ end