path: root/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-mkiv.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/mkiv/status-mkiv.tex')
1 files changed, 328 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-mkiv.tex b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-mkiv.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8685c97ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-mkiv.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+ [dejavu,9pt]
+ [A4,landscape]
+ [width=middle,
+ height=middle,
+ backspace=.5cm,
+ topspace=.5cm,
+ footer=0pt,
+ header=1.25cm]
+ [title]
+ [style=\bfa,
+ page=yes,
+ after={\blank[line]}]
+ [location=]
+ [\currentdate]
+ [MkIV Status / Page \pagenumber]
+% \showmakeup
+% \showallmakeup
+% (immediate) versus logs.messenger (in flow)
+ \startitem currently the new namespace prefixes are not consistent but this
+ will be done when we're satisfied with one scheme \stopitem
+ \startitem there will be additional columns in the table, like for namespace
+ so we need another round of checking then \stopitem
+ \startitem the lua code will be cleaned up upgraded as some is quite old
+ and experimental \stopitem
+ \startitem we need a proper dependency tree and better defined loading order \stopitem
+ \startitem all dotag.. will be moved to the tags_.. namespace \stopitem
+ \startitem we need to check what messages are gone (i.e.\ clean up mult-mes) \stopitem
+ \startitem some commands can go from mult-def (and the xml file) \stopitem
+ \startitem check for setuphandler vs simplesetuphandler \stopitem
+ \startitem for the moment we will go for \type {xxxx_} namespaces that (mostly) match
+ the filename but later we can replace these by longer names (via a script) so
+ module writers should {\bf not} use the core commands with \type{_} in the
+ name \stopitem
+ \startitem the message system will be unified \stopitem
+ \startitem maybe rename dowhatevertexcommand to fromluawhatevertexcommand \stopitem
+ \startitem consider moving setups directly to lua end (e.g. in characterspacing, breakpoint, bitmaps etc.) \stopitem
+ \startitem more local temporary \type {\temp...} will become \type {\p_...} \stopitem
+ \startitem check all ctxlua calls for ctxcommand \stopitem
+ \startitem rename all those \type {\current<whatever>}s in strc \stopitem
+ \startitem check \type {option} vs \type {options} \stopitem
+ \startitem check \type {type} vs \type {kind} \stopitem
+ \startitem check \type {label} vs \type {name} vs \type {tag} \stopitem
+ \startitem check \type {limop}, different limops should should be classes \stopitem
+ \startitem too many positions in simple files (itemize etc) \stopitem
+ \startitem math domains/dictionaries \stopitem
+ \startitem xtables don't span vertically with multilines (yet) \stopitem
+ \startitem notes in mixed columns \stopitem
+ \startitem floats in mixed columns \stopitem
+ \startitem check return values \type {os.execute} \stopitem
+ \startitem more r, d, k in xml code \stopitem
+ \startitem mathml, more in \LUA \stopitem
+ \startitem style: font-size, font, color handling in \HTML\ (lxml-css) \stopitem
+ \startitem a \type {\name {A.B.C DEF}} auto-nobreakspace \stopitem
+ \startitem redo \CWEB\ module with \LUA \stopitem
+ \startitem maybe move characters.blocks to its own file \stopitem
+ \startitem more local context = context in \LUA\ files \stopitem
+ \startitem check and optimize all storage.register and locals (cosmetics) \stopitem
+ \startitem check all used modules in \LUA\ (and local them) \stopitem
+ \startitem environment and basic lua helpers are now spread over too many files \stopitem
+ \startitem isolate tracers and showers \stopitem
+ \startitem check all possible usage of ctxcommand \stopitem
+ \startitem there are more s-* modules, like s-fnt-41 \stopitem
+ \startitem check (un)marked tables \stopitem
+\starttitle[title=To keep an eye on]
+ \startitem Currently lpeg replacements interpret the percent sign so we need to escape it. \stopitem
+ \startitem Currently numbers and strings are cast in comparisons bu tthat might change in the future. \stopitem
+\definehighlight[notabenered] [color=darkred, style=bold]
+\definehighlight[notabeneblue] [color=darkblue, style=bold]
+\definehighlight[notabeneyellow] [color=darkyellow, style=bold]
+ local coremodules = dofile("status-mkiv.lua")
+ local valid = table.tohash {
+ "toks", "attr", "page", "buff", "font", "colo", "phys", "supp", "typo", "strc",
+ "syst", "tabl", "spac", "scrn", "lang", "lxml", "mlib", "java", "pack", "math",
+ "symb", "grph", "anch", "luat", "mult", "back", "node", "meta", "norm", "catc",
+ "cldf", "file", "char", "core", "layo", "trac", "cont", "regi", "enco", "hand",
+ "unic", "sort", "blob", "type", "scrp", "prop", "chem", "bibl", "task",
+ "whatever", "mp", "s", "x", "m", "mtx",
+ }
+ local specialcategories = {
+ mkvi = true,
+ }
+ local what = {
+ "main", "core", "lua", "optional", "implementations", "extra", "extras", "metafun", "modules", "resources"
+ }
+ local totaltodo = 0
+ local totalpending = 0
+ local totalobsolete = 0
+ local totalloaded = 0
+ local function summary(nofloaded,noftodo,nofpending,nofobsolete)
+ local nofdone = nofloaded - noftodo - nofpending - nofobsolete
+ context.starttabulate { "|B|r|" }
+ context.HL()
+ context.NC() context("done") context.NC() context(nofdone) context.NC() context.NR()
+ context.NC() context("todo") context.NC() context(noftodo) context.NC() context.NR()
+ context.NC() context("pending") context.NC() context(nofpending) context.NC() context.NR()
+ context.NC() context("obsolete") context.NC() context(nofobsolete) context.NC() context.NR()
+ context.HL()
+ context.NC() context("loaded") context.NC() context(nofloaded) context.NC() context.NR()
+ context.HL()
+ context.stoptabulate()
+ end
+ if coremodules then
+ local function tabelize(loaded,what)
+ if loaded then
+ local noftodo = 0
+ local nofpending = 0
+ local nofobsolete = 0
+ local nofloaded = #loaded
+ local categories = { }
+ for k, v in next, valid do
+ categories[k] = { }
+ end
+ for i=1,nofloaded do
+ local l = loaded[i]
+ l.order = i
+ local category = string.match(l.filename,"([^%-]+)%-") or "whatever"
+ local c = categories[category]
+ if c then
+ c[#c+1] = l
+ end
+ end
+ for k, loaded in table.sortedhash(categories) do
+ local nofloaded = #loaded
+ if nofloaded > 0 then
+ table.sort(loaded,function(a,b) return a.filename < b.filename end) -- in place
+ context.starttitle { title = string.format("%s: %s",what,k) }
+ context.starttabulate { "|Tr|Tlw(3em)|Tlw(12em)|Tlw(12em)|Tlw(4em)|Tl|Tl|Tl|Tp|" }
+ context.NC() context.bold("order")
+ context.NC() context.bold("kind")
+ context.NC() context.bold("file")
+ context.NC() context.bold("loading")
+ context.NC() context.bold("status")
+ context.NC() context.bold("reference")
+ context.NC() context.bold("manual")
+ context.NC() context.bold("wiki")
+ context.NC() context.bold("comment")
+ context.NC() context.NR()
+ context.HL()
+ for i=1,nofloaded do
+ local module = loaded[i]
+ local status = module.status
+ local category = module.category
+ local filename = module.filename
+ context.NC()
+ context(module.order)
+ context.NC()
+ if specialcategories[category] then
+ context.notabeneblue(category)
+ else
+ context(category)
+ end
+ context.NC()
+ if #filename>20 then
+ context(string.sub(filename,1,18) .. "..")
+ else
+ context(filename)
+ end
+ context.NC()
+ context(module.loading)
+ context.NC()
+ if status == "todo" then
+ context.notabenered(status)
+ noftodo = noftodo + 1
+ elseif status == "pending" then
+ context.notabeneyellow(status)
+ nofpending = nofpending + 1
+ elseif status == "obsolete" then
+ context.notabenemagenta(status)
+ nofobsolete = nofobsolete + 1
+ else
+ context(status)
+ end
+ context.NC() context(module.reference)
+ context.NC() context(module.manual)
+ context.NC() context(
+ context.NC() context(module.comment)
+ context.NC() context.NR()
+ end
+ context.stoptabulate()
+ context.stoptitle()
+ end
+ end
+ context.starttitle { title = string.format("summary of %s modules",what) }
+ summary(nofloaded,noftodo,nofpending,nofobsolete)
+ context.stoptitle()
+ totaltodo = totaltodo + noftodo
+ totalpending = totalpending + nofpending
+ totalobsolete = totalobsolete + nofobsolete
+ totalloaded = totalloaded + nofloaded
+ end
+ end
+ for i=1,#what do
+ tabelize(coremodules[what[i]],what[i])
+ end
+ end
+ -- context.starttitle { title = "Valid prefixes" }
+ --
+ -- for namespace, data in table.sortedhash(namespaces) do
+ -- if valid[namespace] then
+ -- context.type(namespace)
+ -- end
+ -- context.par()
+ -- end
+ --
+ -- context.stoptitle()
+ context.starttitle { title = string.format("summary of all",what) }
+ summary(totalloaded,totaltodo,totalpending,totalobsolete)
+ context.stoptitle()
+ if io.exists("status-namespaces.lua") then
+ context.starttitle { title = "messy namespaces" }
+ local namespaces = dofile("status-namespaces.lua")
+ for namespace, data in table.sortedhash(namespaces) do
+ if valid[namespace] then
+ else
+ context(namespace)
+ end
+ context.par()
+ end
+ context.stoptitle()
+ end
+ if io.exists("status-registers.lua") then
+ context.starttitle { title = "messy registers" }
+ local registers = dofile("status-registers.lua")
+ for register, data in table.sortedhash(registers) do
+ context(register)
+ context.par()
+ for name in table.sortedhash(data) do
+ context.quad()
+ context.type(name)
+ context.par()
+ end
+ context.par()
+ end
+ context.stoptitle()
+ end
+ context.starttitle { title = "callbacks" }
+ commands.showcallbacks()
+ context.stoptitle()