path: root/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-lua.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-lua.lua')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-lua.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-lua.lua
index b205946f9..3b08eb79a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-lua.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-lua.lua
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ local lpegpatterns = lpeg.patterns
local P, S, Ct, Cs, Cc, C = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.C
local report_luarun = logs.reporter("metapost","lua")
+local report_script = logs.reporter("metapost","script")
local report_message = logs.reporter("metapost")
local trace_luarun = false trackers.register("metapost.lua",function(v) trace_luarun = v end)
@@ -28,12 +29,13 @@ local trace_enabled = true
local be_tolerant = true directives.register("metapost.lua.tolerant", function(v) be_tolerant = v end)
-local get, set, aux = { }, { }, { }
+local get, set, aux, scan = { }, { }, { }, { }
mp = mp or { -- system namespace
- set = set,
- get = get,
- aux = aux,
+ set = set,
+ get = get,
+ aux = aux,
+ scan = scan,
MP = MP or { -- user namespace
@@ -56,22 +58,50 @@ table.setmetatablecall(MP,function(t,k,...) return t[k](...) end)
- local currentmpx = nil
- local stack = { }
+ local currentmpx = nil
+ local stack = { }
local get_numeric = mplib.get_numeric
local get_string = mplib.get_string
local get_boolean = mplib.get_boolean
local get_path = mplib.get_path
- local set_path = mplib.set_path
get.numeric = function(s) return get_numeric(currentmpx,s) end
+ get.number = function(s) return get_numeric(currentmpx,s) end
get.string = function(s) return get_string (currentmpx,s) end
get.boolean = function(s) return get_boolean(currentmpx,s) end
get.path = function(s) return get_path (currentmpx,s) end
- get.number = function(s) return get_numeric(currentmpx,s) end
- set.path = function(s,t) return set_path(currentmpx,s,t) end -- not working yet
+ local set_path = mplib.set_path
+ set.path = function(s,t) return set_path(currentmpx,s,t) end -- not working yet
+ local scan_next = mplib.scan_next
+ local scan_expression = mplib.scan_expression
+ local scan_token = mplib.scan_token
+ local scan_symbol = mplib.scan_symbol
+ local scan_numeric = mplib.scan_numeric
+ local scan_boolean = mplib.scan_boolean
+ local scan_string = mplib.scan_string
+ local scan_pair = mplib.scan_pair
+ local scan_color = mplib.scan_color
+ local scan_cmykcolor = mplib.scan_cmykcolor
+ local scan_transform = mplib.scan_transform
+ local scan_path = mplib.scan_path
+ = function(k) return scan_next (currentmpx,k) end
+ scan.expression = function(k) return scan_expression(currentmpx,k) end
+ scan.token = function(k) return scan_token (currentmpx,k) end
+ scan.symbol = function(k) return scan_symbol (currentmpx,k) end
+ scan.numeric = function() return scan_numeric (currentmpx) end
+ scan.number = function() return scan_numeric (currentmpx) end
+ scan.boolean = function() return scan_boolean (currentmpx) end
+ scan.string = function() return scan_string (currentmpx) end
+ scan.pair = function(t) return scan_pair (currentmpx,t) end
+ scan.color = function(t) return scan_color (currentmpx,t) end
+ scan.cmykcolor = function(t) return scan_cmykcolor (currentmpx,t) end
+ scan.transform = function(t) return scan_transform (currentmpx,t) end
+ scan.path = function(t) return scan_path (currentmpx,t) end
function metapost.pushscriptrunner(mpx)
@@ -86,7 +116,6 @@ do
return currentmpx
@@ -101,14 +130,14 @@ do
if trace_enabled and trace_luarun then
local result = concat(buffer," ",1,n)
if n > max then
- buffer = { }
+ buffer = { } -- newtable(20,0)
n = 0
report_luarun("%i: data: %s",nesting,result)
return result
if n == 0 then
- return ""
+ return "" -- can be nil
local result
if n == 1 then
@@ -117,7 +146,7 @@ do
result = concat(buffer," ",1,n)
if n > max then
- buffer = { }
+ buffer = { } -- newtable(20,0)
n = 0
return result
@@ -464,31 +493,67 @@ do
local cache = table.makeweak()
+ local runscripts = { }
+ local runnames = { }
+ local nofscripts = 0
+ function metapost.registerscript(name,f)
+ nofscripts = nofscripts + 1
+ if f then
+ runscripts[nofscripts] = f
+ runnames[name] = nofscripts
+ else
+ runscripts[nofscripts] = name
+ end
+ return nofscripts
+ end
+ function metapost.scriptindex(name)
+ return runnames[name] or 0
+ end
function metapost.runscript(code)
nesting = nesting + 1
+ local index = type(code) == "number"
local trace = trace_enabled and trace_luarun
- if trace then
- report_luarun("%i: code: %s",nesting,code)
- end
runs = runs + 1
- local f = cache[code]
- if not f then
- f = loadstring(code .. " return mp._f_()")
- if f then
- cache[code] = f
- elseif be_tolerant then
- f = loadstring(code)
+ local f
+ if index then
+ f = runscripts[code]
+ if not f then
+ report_luarun("%i: bad index: %s",nesting,code)
+ elseif trace then
+ report_luarun("%i: index: %i",nesting,code)
+ end
+ else
+ if trace then
+ report_luarun("%i: code: %s",nesting,code)
+ end
+ f = cache[code]
+ if not f then
+ f = loadstring(code .. " return mp._f_()")
if f then
cache[code] = f
+ elseif be_tolerant then
+ f = loadstring(code)
+ if f then
+ cache[code] = f
+ end
+ -- returning nil is more efficient and a signel not to scan in mp
if f then
local _buffer_ = buffer
local _n_ = n
buffer = { }
n = 0
local result = f()
+ if index and not result then
+ result = _f_()
+ end
if result then
local t = type(result)
if t == "number" then
@@ -526,13 +591,45 @@ end
+ -- Another experimental feature:
+ local mpnumeric = mp.numeric
+ local scanstring = scan.string
+ local scriptindex = metapost.scriptindex
+ function mp.mf_script_index(name)
+ local index = scriptindex(name)
+ -- report_script("method %i, name %a, index %i",1,name,index)
+ mpnumeric(index)
+ end
+ -- once bootstrapped ... (needs pushed mpx instances)
+ metapost.registerscript("scriptindex",function()
+ local name = scanstring()
+ local index = scriptindex(name)
+ -- report_script("method %i, name %a, index %i",2,name,index)
+ mpnumeric(index)
+ end)
+-- the next will move to mlib-lmp.lua
local mpnamedcolor = attributes.colors.mpnamedcolor
local mpprint = aux.print
+ local scanstring = scan.string
mp.mf_named_color = function(str)
+ metapost.registerscript("namedcolor",function()
+ mpprint(mpnamedcolor(scanstring()))
+ end)
function mp.n(t) -- used ?
@@ -978,76 +1075,3 @@ do
- local mpnumeric = aux.numeric
- local mppair = aux.pair
- local mpgetpath = get.path
- local p = nil
- local n = 0
- local function mf_path_length(name)
- p = mpgetpath(name)
- n = p and #p or 0
- mpnumeric(n)
- end
- local function mf_path_point(i)
- if i > 0 and i <= n then
- local pi = p[i]
- mppair(pi[1],pi[2])
- end
- end
- local function mf_path_left(i)
- if i > 0 and i <= n then
- local pi = p[i]
- mppair(pi[5],pi[6])
- end
- end
- local function mf_path_right(i)
- if i > 0 and i <= n then
- local pn
- if i == 1 then
- pn = p[2] or p[1]
- else
- pn = p[i+1] or p[1]
- end
- mppair(pn[3],pn[4])
- end
- end
- local function mf_path_reset()
- p = nil
- n = 0
- end
- mp.mf_path_length = mf_path_length mp.pathlength = mf_path_length
- mp.mf_path_point = mf_path_point mp.pathpoint = mf_path_point
- mp.mf_path_left = mf_path_left mp.pathleft = mf_path_left
- mp.mf_path_right = mf_path_right mp.pathright = mf_path_right
- mp.mf_path_reset = mf_path_reset mp.pathreset = mf_path_reset
- -- if needed we can optimize the sub (cache last split)
- local utflen, utfsub = utf.len, utf.sub
- local mpnumeric = aux.numeric
- local mpquoted = aux.quoted
- function mp.utflen(s)
- mpnumeric(utflen(s))
- end
- function mp.utfsub(s,f,t)
- mpquoted(utfsub(s,f,t or f))
- end