path: root/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-shp.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/mkiv/font-shp.lua')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-shp.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-shp.lua
index 4d5254760..c3fea6d46 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-shp.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-shp.lua
@@ -379,124 +379,17 @@ otf.loadstreamdata = loadstreamdata -- not public
otf.loadshapes = loadshapes
otf.getstreamhash = getstreamhash -- not public, might move to other namespace
-local f_c = formatters["%.6N %.6N %.6N %.6N %.6N %.6N c"]
-local f_l = formatters["%.6N %.6N l"]
-local f_m = formatters["%.6N %.6N m"]
-local function segmentstopdf(segments,factor,bt,et)
- local t = { }
- local m = 0
- local n = #segments
- local d = false
- for i=1,n do
- local s = segments[i]
- local w = s[#s]
- if w == "c" then
- m = m + 1
- t[m] = f_c(s[1]*factor,s[2]*factor,s[3]*factor,s[4]*factor,s[5]*factor,s[6]*factor)
- elseif w == "l" then
- m = m + 1
- t[m] = f_l(s[1]*factor,s[2]*factor)
- elseif w == "m" then
- m = m + 1
- t[m] = f_m(s[1]*factor,s[2]*factor)
- elseif w == "q" then
- local p = segments[i-1]
- local n = #p
- local l_x = factor*p[n-2]
- local l_y = factor*p[n-1]
- local m_x = factor*s[1]
- local m_y = factor*s[2]
- local r_x = factor*s[3]
- local r_y = factor*s[4]
- m = m + 1
- t[m] = f_c (
- l_x + 2/3 * (m_x-l_x), l_y + 2/3 * (m_y-l_y),
- r_x + 2/3 * (m_x-r_x), r_y + 2/3 * (m_y-r_y),
- r_x, r_y
- )
- end
- end
- m = m + 1
- t[m] = "h f" -- B*
- if bt and et then
- t[0] = bt
- t[m+1] = et
- return concat(t,"\n",0,m+1)
- else
- return concat(t,"\n")
- end
-local function initialize(tfmdata,key,value)
- if value then
- local shapes = otf.loadoutlinedata(tfmdata)
- if not shapes then
- return
- end
- local glyphs = shapes.glyphs
- if not glyphs then
- return
- end
- local characters = tfmdata.characters
- local parameters = tfmdata.parameters
- local hfactor = parameters.hfactor * (7200/7227)
- local factor = hfactor / 65536
- local getactualtext = otf.getactualtext
- for unicode, char in next, characters do
- if char.commands then
- -- can't happen as we're doing this before other messing around
- else
- local shape = glyphs[char.index]
- if shape then
- local segments = shape.segments
- if segments then
- -- we need inline in order to support color
- local bt, et = getactualtext(char.tounicode or char.unicode or unicode)
- char.commands = {
- { "pdf", "origin", segmentstopdf(segments,factor,bt,et) }
- }
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
-otf.features.register {
- name = "variableshapes", -- enforced for now
- description = "variable shapes",
- manipulators = {
- base = initialize,
- node = initialize,
- }
--- In the end it is easier to just provide the new charstring (cff) and points (ttf). First
--- of all we already have the right information so there is no need to patch the already complex
--- backend code (we only need to make sure the cff is valid). Also, I prototyped support for
--- these fonts using (converted to) normal postscript shapes, a functionality that was already
--- present for a while for metafun. This solution even permits us to come up with usage of such
--- fonts in unexpected ways. It also opens the road to shapes generated with metafun includes
--- as real cff (or ttf) shapes instead of virtual in-line shapes.
--- This is probably a prelude to writing a complete backend font inclusion plugin in lua. After
--- all I already have most info. For this we just need to pass a list of used glyphs (or analyze
--- them ourselves).
local streams = fonts.hashes.streams
-if callbacks.supported.glyph_stream_provider then
+-- we can now assume that luatex has this one
- callback.register("glyph_stream_provider",function(id,index,mode)
- if id > 0 then
- local streams = streams[id].streams
- -- print(id,index,streams[index])
- if streams then
- return streams[index] or ""
- end
+ if id > 0 then
+ local streams = streams[id].streams
+ -- print(id,index,streams[index])
+ if streams then
+ return streams[index] or ""
- return ""
- end)
+ end
+ return ""