path: root/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-imp-quality.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/mkiv/font-imp-quality.lua')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-imp-quality.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-imp-quality.lua
index b3ea73f02..053a2562f 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-imp-quality.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-imp-quality.lua
@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-imp-quality'] = {
if not context then return end
local next, type, tonumber = next, type, tonumber
-local byte = string.byte
-local insert = table.insert
local fonts = fonts
local utilities = utilities
@@ -65,26 +63,63 @@ local vectors = expansions.vectors or allocate()
expansions.classes = classes
expansions.vectors = vectors
--- beware, pdftex itself uses percentages * 10
--- todo: get rid of byte() here
-classes.preset = { stretch = 2, shrink = 2, step = .5, factor = 1 }
+classes.preset = {
+ stretch = 2,
+ shrink = 2,
+ step = .5,
+ factor = 1,
classes['quality'] = {
- stretch = 2, shrink = 2, step = .5, vector = 'default', factor = 1
+ stretch = 2,
+ shrink = 2,
+ step = .5,
+ vector = 'default',
+ factor = 1,
vectors['default'] = {
- [byte('A')] = 0.5, [byte('B')] = 0.7, [byte('C')] = 0.7, [byte('D')] = 0.5, [byte('E')] = 0.7,
- [byte('F')] = 0.7, [byte('G')] = 0.5, [byte('H')] = 0.7, [byte('K')] = 0.7, [byte('M')] = 0.7,
- [byte('N')] = 0.7, [byte('O')] = 0.5, [byte('P')] = 0.7, [byte('Q')] = 0.5, [byte('R')] = 0.7,
- [byte('S')] = 0.7, [byte('U')] = 0.7, [byte('W')] = 0.7, [byte('Z')] = 0.7,
- [byte('a')] = 0.7, [byte('b')] = 0.7, [byte('c')] = 0.7, [byte('d')] = 0.7, [byte('e')] = 0.7,
- [byte('g')] = 0.7, [byte('h')] = 0.7, [byte('k')] = 0.7, [byte('m')] = 0.7, [byte('n')] = 0.7,
- [byte('o')] = 0.7, [byte('p')] = 0.7, [byte('q')] = 0.7, [byte('s')] = 0.7, [byte('u')] = 0.7,
- [byte('w')] = 0.7, [byte('z')] = 0.7,
- [byte('2')] = 0.7, [byte('3')] = 0.7, [byte('6')] = 0.7, [byte('8')] = 0.7, [byte('9')] = 0.7,
+ [0x0041] = 0.5, -- A
+ [0x0042] = 0.7, -- B
+ [0x0043] = 0.7, -- C
+ [0x0044] = 0.5, -- D
+ [0x0045] = 0.7, -- E
+ [0x0046] = 0.7, -- F
+ [0x0047] = 0.5, -- G
+ [0x0048] = 0.7, -- H
+ [0x004B] = 0.7, -- K
+ [0x004D] = 0.7, -- M
+ [0x004E] = 0.7, -- N
+ [0x004F] = 0.5, -- O
+ [0x0050] = 0.7, -- P
+ [0x0051] = 0.5, -- Q
+ [0x0052] = 0.7, -- R
+ [0x0053] = 0.7, -- S
+ [0x0055] = 0.7, -- U
+ [0x0057] = 0.7, -- W
+ [0x005A] = 0.7, -- Z
+ [0x0061] = 0.7, -- a
+ [0x0062] = 0.7, -- b
+ [0x0063] = 0.7, -- c
+ [0x0064] = 0.7, -- d
+ [0x0065] = 0.7, -- e
+ [0x0067] = 0.7, -- g
+ [0x0068] = 0.7, -- h
+ [0x006B] = 0.7, -- k
+ [0x006D] = 0.7, -- m
+ [0x006E] = 0.7, -- n
+ [0x006F] = 0.7, -- o
+ [0x0070] = 0.7, -- p
+ [0x0071] = 0.7, -- q
+ [0x0073] = 0.7, -- s
+ [0x0075] = 0.7, -- u
+ [0x0077] = 0.7, -- w
+ [0x007A] = 0.7, -- z
+ [0x0032] = 0.7, -- 2
+ [0x0033] = 0.7, -- 3
+ [0x0036] = 0.7, -- 6
+ [0x0038] = 0.7, -- 8
+ [0x0039] = 0.7, -- 9
vectors['quality'] = vectors['default'] -- metatable ?
@@ -174,21 +209,17 @@ local vectors = protrusions.vectors
-- the values need to be revisioned
-classes.preset = { factor = 1, left = 1, right = 1 }
-classes['pure'] = {
- vector = 'pure', factor = 1
-classes['punctuation'] = {
- vector = 'punctuation', factor = 1
-classes['alpha'] = {
- vector = 'alpha', factor = 1
-classes['quality'] = {
- vector = 'quality', factor = 1
+classes.preset = {
+ factor = 1,
+ left = 1,
+ right = 1,
+classes['pure'] = { vector = 'pure', factor = 1 }
+classes['punctuation'] = { vector = 'punctuation', factor = 1 }
+classes['alpha'] = { vector = 'alpha', factor = 1 }
+classes['quality'] = { vector = 'quality', factor = 1 }
vectors['pure'] = {
[0x002C] = { 0, 1 }, -- comma
@@ -250,24 +281,24 @@ vectors['punctuation'] = {
vectors['alpha'] = {
- [byte("A")] = { .05, .05 },
- [byte("F")] = { 0, .05 },
- [byte("J")] = { .05, 0 },
- [byte("K")] = { 0, .05 },
- [byte("L")] = { 0, .05 },
- [byte("T")] = { .05, .05 },
- [byte("V")] = { .05, .05 },
- [byte("W")] = { .05, .05 },
- [byte("X")] = { .05, .05 },
- [byte("Y")] = { .05, .05 },
- [byte("k")] = { 0, .05 },
- [byte("r")] = { 0, .05 },
- [byte("t")] = { 0, .05 },
- [byte("v")] = { .05, .05 },
- [byte("w")] = { .05, .05 },
- [byte("x")] = { .05, .05 },
- [byte("y")] = { .05, .05 },
+ [0x0041] = { .05, .05 }, -- A
+ [0x0046] = { 0, .05 }, -- F
+ [0x004A] = { .05, 0 }, -- J
+ [0x004B] = { 0, .05 }, -- K
+ [0x004C] = { 0, .05 }, -- L
+ [0x0054] = { .05, .05 }, -- T
+ [0x0056] = { .05, .05 }, -- V
+ [0x0057] = { .05, .05 }, -- W
+ [0x0058] = { .05, .05 }, -- X
+ [0x0059] = { .05, .05 }, -- Y
+ [0x006B] = { 0, .05 }, -- k
+ [0x0072] = { 0, .05 }, -- r
+ [0x0074] = { 0, .05 }, -- t
+ [0x0076] = { .05, .05 }, -- v
+ [0x0077] = { .05, .05 }, -- w
+ [0x0078] = { .05, .05 }, -- x
+ [0x0079] = { .05, .05 }, -- y
@@ -301,7 +332,9 @@ vectors['quality'] = table.merged(
-- \definefontfeature[whocares][default][mode=node,protrusion=2,opbd=yes,script=latn,featurefile=texgyrepagella-regularxx.fea]
classes['double'] = { -- for testing opbd
- factor = 2, left = 1, right = 1,
+ factor = 2,
+ left = 1,
+ right = 1,
local function map_opbd_onto_protrusion(tfmdata,value,opbd)
@@ -434,8 +467,7 @@ local function initialize(tfmdata,value)
report_protrusions("setting class %a, vector %a, factor %a, left %a, right %a",
- local data =
- local emwidth = tfmdata.parameters.quad
+ local data =
local lfactor = left * factor
local rfactor = right * factor
if trace_protrusion then