path: root/tex/context/base/mkiv/data-exp.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/mkiv/data-exp.lua')
1 files changed, 552 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/data-exp.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/data-exp.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..19ceb90c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/data-exp.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['data-exp'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files",
+local format, find, gmatch, lower, char, sub = string.format, string.find, string.gmatch, string.lower, string.char, string.sub
+local concat, sort = table.concat, table.sort
+local sortedkeys = table.sortedkeys
+local lpegmatch, lpegpatterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns
+local Ct, Cs, Cc, Carg, P, C, S = lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Carg, lpeg.P, lpeg.C, lpeg.S
+local type, next = type, next
+local isdir = lfs.isdir
+local ostype = os.type
+local collapsepath, joinpath, basename = file.collapsepath, file.join, file.basename
+local trace_locating = false trackers.register("resolvers.locating", function(v) trace_locating = v end)
+local trace_expansions = false trackers.register("resolvers.expansions", function(v) trace_expansions = v end)
+local trace_globbing = true trackers.register("resolvers.globbing", function(v) trace_globbing = v end)
+local report_expansions = logs.reporter("resolvers","expansions")
+local report_globbing = logs.reporter("resolvers","globbing")
+local resolvers = resolvers
+local resolveprefix = resolvers.resolve
+-- As this bit of code is somewhat special it gets its own module. After
+-- all, when working on the main resolver code, I don't want to scroll
+-- past this every time. See data-obs.lua for the gsub variant.
+-- local function f_first(a,b)
+-- local t, n = { }, 0
+-- for s in gmatch(b,"[^,]+") do
+-- n = n + 1 ; t[n] = a .. s
+-- end
+-- return concat(t,",")
+-- end
+-- local function f_second(a,b)
+-- local t, n = { }, 0
+-- for s in gmatch(a,"[^,]+") do
+-- n = n + 1 ; t[n] = s .. b
+-- end
+-- return concat(t,",")
+-- end
+-- kpsewhich --expand-braces '{a,b}{c,d}'
+-- ac:bc:ad:bd
+-- old {a,b}{c,d} => ac ad bc bd
+-- local function f_both(a,b)
+-- local t, n = { }, 0
+-- for sa in gmatch(a,"[^,]+") do
+-- for sb in gmatch(b,"[^,]+") do
+-- n = n + 1 ; t[n] = sa .. sb
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return concat(t,",")
+-- end
+-- new {a,b}{c,d} => ac bc ad bd
+local function f_both(a,b)
+ local t, n = { }, 0
+ for sb in gmatch(b,"[^,]+") do -- and not sa
+ for sa in gmatch(a,"[^,]+") do -- sb
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = sa .. sb
+ end
+ end
+ return concat(t,",")
+local comma = P(",")
+local nocomma = (1-comma)^1
+local docomma = comma^1/","
+local before = Cs((nocomma * Carg(1) + docomma)^0)
+local after = Cs((Carg(1) * nocomma + docomma)^0)
+local both = Cs(((C(nocomma) * Carg(1))/function(a,b) return lpegmatch(before,b,1,a) end + docomma)^0)
+local function f_first (a,b) return lpegmatch(after, b,1,a) end
+local function f_second(a,b) return lpegmatch(before,a,1,b) end
+local function f_both (a,b) return lpegmatch(both, b,1,a) end
+-- print(f_first ("a", "x,y,z"))
+-- print(f_second("a,b,c","x"))
+-- print(f_both ("a,b,c","x,y,z"))
+local left = P("{")
+local right = P("}")
+local var = P((1 - S("{}" ))^0)
+local set = P((1 - S("{},"))^0)
+local other = P(1)
+local l_first = Cs( ( Cc("{") * (C(set) * left * C(var) * right / f_first) * Cc("}") + other )^0 )
+local l_second = Cs( ( Cc("{") * (left * C(var) * right * C(set) / f_second) * Cc("}") + other )^0 )
+local l_both = Cs( ( Cc("{") * (left * C(var) * right * left * C(var) * right / f_both) * Cc("}") + other )^0 )
+local l_rest = Cs( ( left * var * (left/"") * var * (right/"") * var * right + other )^0 )
+local stripper_1 = lpeg.stripper ("{}@")
+local replacer_1 = lpeg.replacer { { ",}", ",@}" }, { "{,", "{@," }, }
+local function splitpathexpr(str, newlist, validate) -- I couldn't resist lpegging it (nice exercise).
+ if trace_expansions then
+ report_expansions("expanding variable %a",str)
+ end
+ local t, ok, done = newlist or { }, false, false
+ local n = #t
+ str = lpegmatch(replacer_1,str)
+ repeat
+ local old = str
+ repeat
+ local old = str
+ str = lpegmatch(l_first, str)
+ until old == str
+ repeat
+ local old = str
+ str = lpegmatch(l_second,str)
+ until old == str
+ repeat
+ local old = str
+ str = lpegmatch(l_both, str)
+ until old == str
+ repeat
+ local old = str
+ str = lpegmatch(l_rest, str)
+ until old == str
+ until old == str -- or not find(str,"{",1,true)
+ str = lpegmatch(stripper_1,str)
+ if validate then
+ for s in gmatch(str,"[^,]+") do
+ s = validate(s)
+ if s then
+ n = n + 1
+ t[n] = s
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ for s in gmatch(str,"[^,]+") do
+ n = n + 1
+ t[n] = s
+ end
+ end
+ if trace_expansions then
+ for k=1,#t do
+ report_expansions("% 4i: %s",k,t[k])
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+-- We could make the previous one public.
+local function validate(s)
+ s = collapsepath(s) -- already keeps the trailing / and //
+ return s ~= "" and not find(s,"^!*unset/*$") and s
+resolvers.validatedpath = validate -- keeps the trailing //
+function resolvers.expandedpathfromlist(pathlist)
+ local newlist = { }
+ for k=1,#pathlist do
+ splitpathexpr(pathlist[k],newlist,validate)
+ end
+ return newlist
+-- {a,b,c,d}
+-- a,b,c/{p,q,r},d
+-- a,b,c/{p,q,r}/d/{x,y,z}//
+-- a,b,c/{p,q/{x,y,z},r},d/{p,q,r}
+-- a,b,c/{p,q/{x,y,z},r},d/{p,q,r}
+-- a{b,c}{d,e}f
+-- {a,b,c,d}
+-- {a,b,c/{p,q,r},d}
+-- {a,b,c/{p,q,r}/d/{x,y,z}//}
+-- {a,b,c/{p,q/{x,y,z}},d/{p,q,r}}
+-- {a,b,c/{p,q/{x,y,z},w}v,d/{p,q,r}}
+-- {$SELFAUTODIR,$SELFAUTOPARENT}{,{/share,}/texmf{-local,.local,}/web2c}
+local usedhomedir = nil
+local donegation = (P("!") /"" )^0
+local doslashes = (P("\\")/"/" + 1)^0
+local function expandedhome()
+ if not usedhomedir then
+ usedhomedir = lpegmatch(Cs(donegation * doslashes),environment.homedir or "")
+ if usedhomedir == "~" or usedhomedir == "" or not isdir(usedhomedir) then
+ if trace_expansions then
+ report_expansions("no home dir set, ignoring dependent path using current path")
+ end
+ usedhomedir = "."
+ end
+ end
+ return usedhomedir
+local dohome = ((P("~")+P("$HOME")+P("%HOME%"))/expandedhome)^0
+local cleanup = Cs(donegation * dohome * doslashes)
+resolvers.cleanpath = function(str)
+ return str and lpegmatch(cleanup,str) or ""
+-- print(resolvers.cleanpath(""))
+-- print(resolvers.cleanpath("!"))
+-- print(resolvers.cleanpath("~"))
+-- print(resolvers.cleanpath("~/test"))
+-- print(resolvers.cleanpath("!~/test"))
+-- print(resolvers.cleanpath("~/test~test"))
+-- This one strips quotes and funny tokens.
+-- we have several options here:
+-- expandhome = P("~") / "$HOME" : relocateble
+-- expandhome = P("~") / "home:" : relocateble
+-- expandhome = P("~") / environment.homedir : frozen but unexpanded
+-- expandhome = P("~") = dohome : frozen and expanded
+local expandhome = P("~") / "$HOME"
+local dodouble = P('"') / "" * (expandhome + (1 - P('"')))^0 * P('"') / ""
+local dosingle = P("'") / "" * (expandhome + (1 - P("'")))^0 * P("'") / ""
+local dostring = (expandhome + 1 )^0
+local stripper = Cs(
+ lpegpatterns.unspacer * (dosingle + dodouble + dostring) * lpegpatterns.unspacer
+function resolvers.checkedvariable(str) -- assumes str is a string
+ return type(str) == "string" and lpegmatch(stripper,str) or str
+-- The path splitter:
+-- A config (optionally) has the paths split in tables. Internally
+-- we join them and split them after the expansion has taken place. This
+-- is more convenient.
+local cache = { }
+----- splitter = lpeg.tsplitat(S(ostype == "windows" and ";" or ":;")) -- maybe add ,
+local splitter = lpeg.tsplitat(";") -- as we move towards urls, prefixes and use tables we no longer do :
+local backslashswapper = lpeg.replacer("\\","/")
+local function splitconfigurationpath(str) -- beware, this can be either a path or a { specification }
+ if str then
+ local found = cache[str]
+ if not found then
+ if str == "" then
+ found = { }
+ else
+ local split = lpegmatch(splitter,lpegmatch(backslashswapper,str)) -- can be combined
+ found = { }
+ local noffound = 0
+ for i=1,#split do
+ local s = split[i]
+ if not find(s,"^{*unset}*") then
+ noffound = noffound + 1
+ found[noffound] = s
+ end
+ end
+ if trace_expansions then
+ report_expansions("splitting path specification %a",str)
+ for k=1,noffound do
+ report_expansions("% 4i: %s",k,found[k])
+ end
+ end
+ cache[str] = found
+ end
+ end
+ return found
+ end
+resolvers.splitconfigurationpath = splitconfigurationpath
+function resolvers.splitpath(str)
+ if type(str) == 'table' then
+ return str
+ else
+ return splitconfigurationpath(str)
+ end
+function resolvers.joinpath(str)
+ if type(str) == 'table' then
+ return joinpath(str)
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+-- The next function scans directories and returns a hash where the
+-- entries are either strings or tables.
+-- starting with . or .. etc or funny char
+-- local l_forbidden = S("~`!#$%^&*()={}[]:;\"\'||\\/<>,?\n\r\t")
+-- local l_confusing = P(" ")
+-- local l_character = lpegpatterns.utf8
+-- local l_dangerous = P(".")
+-- local l_normal = (l_character - l_forbidden - l_confusing - l_dangerous) * (l_character - l_forbidden - l_confusing^2)^0 * P(-1)
+-- ----- l_normal = l_normal * Cc(true) + Cc(false)
+-- local function test(str)
+-- print(str,lpegmatch(l_normal,str))
+-- end
+-- test("ヒラギノ明朝 Pro W3")
+-- test("..ヒラギノ明朝 Pro W3")
+-- test(":ヒラギノ明朝 Pro W3;")
+-- test("ヒラギノ明朝 /Pro W3;")
+-- test("ヒラギノ明朝 Pro W3")
+-- a lot of this caching can be stripped away when we have ssd's everywhere
+-- we could cache all the (sub)paths here if needed
+local attributes, directory = lfs.attributes, lfs.dir
+local weird = P(".")^1 + lpeg.anywhere(S("~`!#$%^&*()={}[]:;\"\'||<>,?\n\r\t"))
+local lessweird = P(".")^1 + lpeg.anywhere(S("~`#$%^&*:;\"\'||<>,?\n\r\t"))
+local timer = { }
+local scanned = { }
+local nofscans = 0
+local scancache = { }
+local fullcache = { }
+----- simplecache = { }
+local nofsharedscans = 0
+-- So, we assume either a lowercase name or a mixed case one but only one such case
+-- as having Foo fOo foo FoO FOo etc on the system is braindead in any sane project.
+local function scan(files,remap,spec,path,n,m,r,onlyone,tolerant)
+ local full = path == "" and spec or (spec .. path .. '/')
+ local dirs = { }
+ local nofdirs = 0
+ local pattern = tolerant and lessweird or weird
+ for name in directory(full) do
+ if not lpegmatch(pattern,name) then
+ local mode = attributes(,"mode")
+ if mode == "file" then
+ n = n + 1
+ local lower = lower(name)
+ local paths = files[lower]
+ if paths then
+ if onlyone then
+ -- forget about it
+ else
+ if type(paths) == "string" then
+ files[lower] = { paths, path }
+ else
+ paths[#paths+1] = path
+ end
+ if name ~= lower then
+ local rl = remap[lower]
+ if not rl then
+ remap[lower] = name
+ r = r + 1
+ elseif trace_globbing and rl ~= name then
+ report_globbing("confusing filename, name: %a, lower: %a, already: %a",name,lower,rl)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else -- probably unique anyway
+ files[lower] = path
+ if name ~= lower then
+ local rl = remap[lower]
+ if not rl then
+ remap[lower] = name
+ r = r + 1
+ elseif trace_globbing and rl ~= name then
+ report_globbing("confusing filename, name: %a, lower: %a, already: %a",name,lower,rl)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ elseif mode == "directory" then
+ m = m + 1
+ nofdirs = nofdirs + 1
+ if path ~= "" then
+ dirs[nofdirs] = path .. "/" .. name
+ else
+ dirs[nofdirs] = name
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if nofdirs > 0 then
+ sort(dirs)
+ for i=1,nofdirs do
+ files, remap, n, m, r = scan(files,remap,spec,dirs[i],n,m,r,onlyonce,tolerant)
+ end
+ end
+ scancache[sub(full,1,-2)] = files
+ return files, remap, n, m, r
+function resolvers.scanfiles(path,branch,usecache,onlyonce,tolerant)
+ local realpath = resolveprefix(path)
+ if usecache then
+ local content = fullcache[realpath]
+ if content then
+ if trace_locating then
+ report_expansions("using cached scan of path %a, branch %a",path,branch or path)
+ end
+ nofsharedscans = nofsharedscans + 1
+ return content
+ end
+ end
+ --
+ statistics.starttiming(timer)
+ if trace_locating then
+ report_expansions("scanning path %a, branch %a",path,branch or path)
+ end
+ local content
+ if isdir(realpath) then
+ local files, remap, n, m, r = scan({ },{ },realpath .. '/',"",0,0,0,onlyonce,tolerant)
+ content = {
+ metadata = {
+ path = path, -- can be selfautoparent:texmf-whatever
+ files = n,
+ directories = m,
+ remappings = r,
+ },
+ files = files,
+ remap = remap,
+ }
+ if trace_locating then
+ report_expansions("%s files found on %s directories with %s uppercase remappings",n,m,r)
+ end
+ else
+ content = {
+ metadata = {
+ path = path, -- can be selfautoparent:texmf-whatever
+ files = 0,
+ directories = 0,
+ remappings = 0,
+ },
+ files = { },
+ remap = { },
+ }
+ if trace_locating then
+ report_expansions("invalid path %a",realpath)
+ end
+ end
+ if usecache then
+ scanned[#scanned+1] = realpath
+ fullcache[realpath] = content
+ end
+ nofscans = nofscans + 1
+ statistics.stoptiming(timer)
+ return content
+function resolvers.simplescanfiles(path,branch,usecache)
+ return resolvers.scanfiles(path,branch,usecache,true,true) -- onlyonce
+function resolvers.scandata()
+ table.sort(scanned)
+ return {
+ n = nofscans,
+ shared = nofsharedscans,
+ time = statistics.elapsedtime(timer),
+ paths = scanned,
+ }
+function resolvers.get_from_content(content,path,name) -- or (content,name)
+ if not content then
+ return
+ end
+ local files = content.files
+ if not files then
+ return
+ end
+ local remap = content.remap
+ if not remap then
+ return
+ end
+ if name then
+ -- this one resolves a remapped name
+ local used = lower(name)
+ return path, remap[used] or used
+ else
+ -- this one does a lookup and resolves a remapped name
+ local name = path
+ local used = lower(name)
+ local path = files[used]
+ if path then
+ return path, remap[used] or used
+ end
+ end
+local nothing = function() end
+-- function resolvers.filtered_from_content(content,pattern)
+-- if content and type(pattern) == "string" then
+-- local pattern = lower(pattern)
+-- local files = content.files
+-- local remap = content.remap
+-- if files and remap then
+-- local n = next(files)
+-- local function iterator()
+-- while n do
+-- local k = n
+-- n = next(files,k)
+-- if find(k,pattern) then
+-- return files[k], remap and remap[k] or k
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return iterator
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return nothing
+-- end
+function resolvers.filtered_from_content(content,pattern)
+ if content and type(pattern) == "string" then
+ local pattern = lower(pattern)
+ local files = content.files -- we could store the sorted list
+ local remap = content.remap
+ if files and remap then
+ local f = sortedkeys(files)
+ local n = #f
+ local i = 0
+ local function iterator()
+ while i < n do
+ i = i + 1
+ local k = f[i]
+ if find(k,pattern) then
+ return files[k], remap and remap[k] or k
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return iterator
+ end
+ end
+ return nothing
+-- inspect(resolvers.simplescanfiles("e:/temporary/mb-mp"))
+-- inspect(resolvers.scanfiles("e:/temporary/mb-mp"))