path: root/tex/context/base/m-graph.mkiv
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Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/m-graph.mkiv')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/m-graph.mkiv b/tex/context/base/m-graph.mkiv
index db72927fb..8acbe1f8d 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/m-graph.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/m-graph.mkiv
@@ -16,100 +16,76 @@
% the percent symbol. We also add a specifier when no one is given.
- local function strip(s)
- return "\\times10^{"..(s:gsub("%+*0*","")).."}"
+ local format, gsub, find, match = string.format, string.gsub, string.find, string.match
+ local simplify = true
+ local function strip(n,e)
+ -- get rid of e(0)
+ -- get rid of e(+*)
+ e = gsub(e,"^+","")
+ -- remove leading zeros
+ e = gsub(e,"^([+-]*)0+(%d)","%1%2")
+ if not simplify then
+ -- take it as it is
+ elseif n == "1" then
+ return format("10^{%s}",e)
+ end
+ return format("%s\\times10^{%s}",n,e)
function metapost.format_n(fmt,str)
- fmt = fmt:gsub("@","%%")
- local initial, format, final = fmt:match("^(.-)(%%.-[%a])(.-)$")
- if format then
- str = fmt:format(str)
- str = str:gsub("e(.-)$",strip)
- str = ("%s\\mathematics{%s}%s"):format(initial,str,final)
- elseif not fmt:find("%%") then
- str = ("%"..fmt):format(str)
- str = str:gsub("e(.-)$",strip)
- str = ("\\mathematics{%s}"):format(str)
+ fmt = gsub(fmt,"@","%%")
+ local initial, hasformat, final = match(fmt,"^(.-)(%%.-[%a])(.-)$")
+ if hasformat then
+ str = format(fmt,str)
+ str = gsub(str,"(.-)e(.-)$",strip)
+ str = format("%s\\mathematics{%s}%s",initial,str,final)
+ elseif not find(fmt,"%%") then
+ str = format("%"..fmt,str)
+ str = gsub(str,"(.-)e(.-)$",strip)
+ str = format("\\mathematics{%s}",str)
% We could also delegate parsing using lower level plugins.
- % input string ;
- % input marith ;
- input ;
- vardef roundd(expr x, d) =
- if abs d > 4 :
- if d > 0 :
- x
- else :
- 0
- fi
- elseif d > 0 :
- save i ; i = floor x ;
- i + round(Ten_to[d]*(x-i))/Ten_to[d]
- else :
- round(x/Ten_to[-d])*Ten_to[-d]
- fi
- enddef ;
- Ten_to0 = 1 ;
- Ten_to1 = 10 ;
- Ten_to2 = 100 ;
- Ten_to3 = 1000 ;
- Ten_to4 = 10000 ;
- def sFe_base =
- enddef ;
- picture Fe_plus ; Fe_plus := btex + etex ;
- vardef format (expr f,x) = dofmt_.Feform_(f,x) enddef ;
- vardef Mformat (expr f,x) = dofmt_.Meform (f,x) enddef ;
- vardef formatstr (expr f,x) = dofmt_.Feform_(f,x) enddef ;
- vardef Mformatstr(expr f,x) = dofmt_.Meform(f,x) enddef ;
- vardef escaped_format(expr s) =
- "" for n=1 upto length(s) : &
- if ASCII substring (n,n+1) of s = 37 :
- "@"
- else :
- substring (n,n+1) of s
- fi
- endfor
- enddef ;
- vardef dofmt_@\#(expr f, x) =
- textext("\MPgraphformat{" & escaped_format(f) & "}{" & (if string x : x else: decimal x fi) & "}")
- enddef ;
- % vardef format(expr f, x) =
- % textext("\MPgraphformatN{"&escaped_format(f)&"}{"&(if string x : x else: decimal x fi)&"}")
- % enddef;
- % vardef Mformat(expr f, x) =
- % format(f,x)
- % enddef;
+ if unknown Fe_plus : picture Fe_plus ; Fe_plus := textext("+") ; fi ;
+ if unknown context_grap: input "mp-grap.mpiv" ; fi ;
-draw begingraph(3in,2in);
- gdraw "t:/metapost/grphdata/agepop91.d";
+ label(format("@g","1e-8"), (0, 0)) ;
+ label(format("@g","1e+8"), (2cm, 0)) ;
+ label(format("@g","1e-10"), (0, -0.5cm)) ;
+ label(format("@g","1e+10"), (2cm,-0.5cm)) ;
+ label(format("@g","1e-12"), (0, -1.0cm)) ;
+ label(format("@g","1e+12"), (2cm,-1.0cm)) ;
+ label(format("@g","1e-0"), (0, -1.5cm)) ;
+ label(format("@g","1e+0"), (2cm,-1.5cm)) ;
+ label(format("@g","1"), (0, -2.0cm)) ;
+ label(format("@g","1"), (2cm,-2.0cm)) ;
+ label(format("@g","1e-102"),(0, -2.5cm)) ;
+ label(format("@g","1e+102"),(2cm,-2.5cm)) ;
% \startMPpage
% draw begingraph(3in,2in);
+% gdraw "t:/metapost/grphdata/agepop91.d";
+% endgraph;
+% \stopMPpage
+% \startMPpage
+% draw begingraph(3in,2in);
% gdraw "agepop91.d" plot btex $\bullet$ etex;
% endgraph;
% \stopMPpage