path: root/source/luametatex/source/mp/mpc/mpmathdecimal.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'source/luametatex/source/mp/mpc/mpmathdecimal.c')
1 files changed, 1603 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/mp/mpc/mpmathdecimal.c b/source/luametatex/source/mp/mpc/mpmathdecimal.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ffa1e04f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/mp/mpc/mpmathdecimal.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1603 @@
+/* This file is generated by "mtxrun --script "mtx-wtoc.lua" from the metapost cweb files. */
+# include "mpconfig.h"
+# include "mpmathdecimal.h"
+# define DECNUMDIGITS 1000
+# include "decNumber.h"
+# define E_STRING "2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572470936999595749669676277240766303535"
+# define PI_STRING "3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862"
+# define fraction_multiplier 4096
+# define angle_multiplier 16
+# define unity 1
+# define two 2
+# define three 3
+# define four 4
+# define half_unit 0.5
+# define three_quarter_unit 0.75
+# define coef_bound ((7.0/3.0)*fraction_multiplier)
+# define fraction_threshold 0.04096
+# define half_fraction_threshold (fraction_threshold/2)
+# define scaled_threshold 0.000122
+# define half_scaled_threshold (scaled_threshold/2)
+# define near_zero_angle (0.0256*angle_multiplier)
+# define p_over_v_threshold 0x80000
+# define equation_threshold 0.001
+# define epsilon pow(2.0,-173.0)
+# define epsilonf pow(2.0,-52.0)
+# define EL_GORDO "1E1000000"
+# define negative_EL_GORDO "-1E1000000"
+# define warning_limit "1E1000000"
+# define too_precise(a) (a == (DEC_Inexact+DEC_Rounded))
+# define too_large(a) (a & DEC_Overflow)
+# define fraction_half (fraction_multiplier/2)
+# define fraction_one (1*fraction_multiplier)
+# define fraction_two (2*fraction_multiplier)
+# define fraction_three (3*fraction_multiplier)
+# define fraction_four (4*fraction_multiplier)
+# define no_crossing mp_decimal_data.fraction_one_plus_decNumber
+# define one_crossing mp_decimal_data.fraction_one_decNumber
+# define zero_crossing
+# define odd(A) (abs(A) % 2 == 1)
+# define set_cur_cmd(A) mp->cur_mod_->type = (A)
+# define set_cur_mod(A) decNumberCopy((decNumber *) (mp->cur_mod_->, A)
+# define decNumberIsPositive(A) (! (decNumberIsZero(A) || decNumberIsNegative(A)))
+static int mp_ab_vs_cd (mp_number *a, mp_number *b, mp_number *c, mp_number *d);
+static void mp_allocate_abs (MP mp, mp_number *n, mp_number_type t, mp_number *v);
+static void mp_allocate_clone (MP mp, mp_number *n, mp_number_type t, mp_number *v);
+static void mp_allocate_double (MP mp, mp_number *n, double v);
+static void mp_allocate_number (MP mp, mp_number *n, mp_number_type t);
+static void mp_decnumber_check (MP mp, decNumber *dec, decContext *context);
+static void mp_decimal_abs (mp_number *A);
+static void mp_decimal_crossing_point (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *a, mp_number *b, mp_number *c);
+static void mp_decimal_fraction_to_round_scaled (mp_number *x);
+static void mp_decimal_m_exp (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *x_orig);
+static void mp_decimal_m_log (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *x_orig);
+static void mp_decimal_m_norm_rand (MP mp, mp_number *ret);
+static void mp_decimal_m_unif_rand (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *x_orig);
+void mp_decimal_make_fraction (MP mp, decNumber *ret, decNumber *p, decNumber *q);
+static void mp_decimal_n_arg (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *x, mp_number *y);
+static void mp_decimal_number_make_fraction (MP mp, mp_number *r, mp_number *p, mp_number *q);
+static void mp_decimal_number_make_scaled (MP mp, mp_number *r, mp_number *p, mp_number *q);
+static void mp_decimal_number_modulo (mp_number *a, mp_number *b);
+static void mp_decimal_number_take_fraction (MP mp, mp_number *r, mp_number *p, mp_number *q);
+static void mp_decimal_number_take_scaled (MP mp, mp_number *r, mp_number *p, mp_number *q);
+static void mp_decimal_power_of (MP mp, mp_number *r, mp_number *a, mp_number *b);
+static void mp_decimal_print_number (MP mp, mp_number *n);
+static void mp_decimal_pyth_add (MP mp, mp_number *r, mp_number *a, mp_number *b);
+static void mp_decimal_pyth_sub (MP mp, mp_number *r, mp_number *a, mp_number *b);
+static void mp_decimal_scan_fractional_token (MP mp, int n);
+static void mp_decimal_scan_numeric_token (MP mp, int n);
+static void mp_decimal_set_precision (MP mp);
+static void mp_decimal_sin_cos (MP mp, mp_number *z_orig, mp_number *n_cos, mp_number *n_sin);
+static void mp_decimal_slow_add (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *x_orig, mp_number *y_orig);
+static void mp_decimal_square_rt (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *x_orig);
+void mp_decimal_take_fraction (MP mp, decNumber *ret, decNumber *p, decNumber *q);
+static void mp_decimal_velocity (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *st, mp_number *ct, mp_number *sf, mp_number *cf, mp_number *t);
+static void mp_free_decimal_math (MP mp);
+static void mp_free_number (MP mp, mp_number *n);
+static void mp_init_randoms (MP mp, int seed);
+static void mp_number_abs_clone (mp_number *A, mp_number *B);
+static void mp_number_add (mp_number *A, mp_number *B);
+static void mp_number_add_scaled (mp_number *A, int B);
+static void mp_number_angle_to_scaled (mp_number *A);
+static void mp_number_clone (mp_number *A, mp_number *B);
+static void mp_number_divide_int (mp_number *A, int B);
+static void mp_number_double (mp_number *A);
+static int mp_number_equal (mp_number *A, mp_number *B);
+static void mp_number_floor (mp_number *i);
+static void mp_number_fraction_to_scaled (mp_number *A);
+static int mp_number_greater (mp_number *A, mp_number *B);
+static void mp_number_half (mp_number *A);
+static int mp_number_less (mp_number *A, mp_number *B);
+static void mp_number_multiply_int (mp_number *A, int B);
+static void mp_number_negate (mp_number *A);
+static void mp_number_negated_clone (mp_number *A, mp_number *B);
+static int mp_number_nonequalabs (mp_number *A, mp_number *B);
+static int mp_number_odd (mp_number *A);
+static void mp_number_scaled_to_angle (mp_number *A);
+static void mp_number_scaled_to_fraction (mp_number *A);
+static void mp_number_subtract (mp_number *A, mp_number *B);
+static void mp_number_swap (mp_number *A, mp_number *B);
+static int mp_number_to_boolean (mp_number *A);
+static double mp_number_to_double (mp_number *A);
+static int mp_number_to_int (mp_number *A);
+static int mp_number_to_scaled (mp_number *A);
+static int mp_round_unscaled (mp_number *x_orig);
+static void mp_set_decimal_from_addition (mp_number *A, mp_number *B, mp_number *C);
+static void mp_set_decimal_from_boolean (mp_number *A, int B);
+static void mp_set_decimal_from_div (mp_number *A, mp_number *B, mp_number *C);
+static void mp_set_decimal_from_double (mp_number *A, double B);
+static void mp_set_decimal_from_int (mp_number *A, int B);
+static void mp_set_decimal_from_int_div (mp_number *A, mp_number *B, int C);
+static void mp_set_decimal_from_int_mul (mp_number *A, mp_number *B, int C);
+static void mp_set_decimal_from_mul (mp_number *A, mp_number *B, mp_number *C);
+static void mp_set_decimal_from_of_the_way (MP mp, mp_number *A, mp_number *t, mp_number *B, mp_number *C);
+static void mp_set_decimal_from_scaled (mp_number *A, int B);
+static void mp_set_decimal_from_subtraction (mp_number *A, mp_number *B, mp_number *C);
+static void mp_set_decimal_half_from_addition (mp_number *A, mp_number *B, mp_number *C);
+static void mp_set_decimal_half_from_subtraction(mp_number *A, mp_number *B, mp_number *C);
+static void mp_wrapup_numeric_token (MP mp, unsigned char *start, unsigned char *stop);
+static char *mp_decimal_number_tostring (MP mp, mp_number *n);
+static char *mp_decnumber_tostring (decNumber *n);
+typedef struct mp_decimal_info {
+ decContext set;
+ decContext limitedset;
+ decNumber zero;
+ decNumber one;
+ decNumber minusone;
+ decNumber two_decNumber;
+ decNumber three_decNumber;
+ decNumber four_decNumber;
+ decNumber fraction_multiplier_decNumber;
+ decNumber angle_multiplier_decNumber;
+ decNumber fraction_one_decNumber;
+ decNumber fraction_one_plus_decNumber;
+ decNumber PI_decNumber;
+ decNumber epsilon_decNumber;
+ decNumber EL_GORDO_decNumber;
+ decNumber negative_EL_GORDO_decNumber;
+ decNumber **factorials;
+ int last_cached_factorial;
+ int initialized;
+} mp_decimal_info;
+mp_decimal_info mp_decimal_data = {
+ .factorials = NULL,
+ .last_cached_factorial = 0,
+ .initialized = 0,
+static void checkZero(decNumber *ret)
+ if (decNumberIsZero(ret) && decNumberIsNegative(ret)) {
+ decNumberZero(ret);
+ }
+static int decNumberLess(decNumber *a, decNumber *b)
+ decNumber comp;
+ decNumberCompare(&comp, a, b, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ return decNumberIsNegative(&comp);
+static int decNumberGreater(decNumber *a, decNumber *b)
+ decNumber comp;
+ decNumberCompare(&comp, a, b, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ return decNumberIsPositive(&comp);
+static void decNumberFromDouble(decNumber *A, double B)
+ char buffer[1000];
+ char *c = buffer;
+ snprintf(buffer, 1000, "%-650.325lf", B);
+ while (*c++) {
+ if (*c == ' ') {
+ *c = '\0';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ decNumberFromString(A, buffer, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+static double decNumberToDouble(decNumber *A)
+ char *buffer = mp_memory_allocate(A->digits + 14);
+ double res = 0.0;
+ decNumberToString(A, buffer);
+ if (sscanf(buffer, "%lf", &res)) {
+ mp_memory_free(buffer);
+ return res;
+ } else {
+ mp_memory_free(buffer);
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+void mp_decnumber_check(MP mp, decNumber *dec, decContext *context)
+ int test = 0;
+ (void) mp;
+ if (context->status & DEC_Overflow) {
+ test = 1;
+ context->status &= ~DEC_Overflow;
+ }
+ if (context->status & DEC_Underflow) {
+ test = 1;
+ context->status &= ~DEC_Underflow;
+ }
+ if (context->status & DEC_Errors) {
+ test = 1;
+ decNumberZero(dec);
+ }
+ context->status = 0;
+ if (decNumberIsSpecial(dec)) {
+ test = 1;
+ if (decNumberIsInfinite(dec)) {
+ if (decNumberIsNegative(dec)) {
+ decNumberCopyNegate(dec, &mp_decimal_data.EL_GORDO_decNumber);
+ } else {
+ decNumberCopy(dec, &mp_decimal_data.EL_GORDO_decNumber);
+ }
+ } else {
+ decNumberZero(dec);
+ }
+ }
+ if (decNumberIsZero(dec) && decNumberIsNegative(dec)) {
+ decNumberZero(dec);
+ }
+ mp->arith_error = test;
+static void decNumberAtan(decNumber *result, decNumber *x_orig, decContext *localset)
+ decNumber x;
+ decNumberCopy(&x, x_orig);
+ if (decNumberIsZero(&x)) {
+ decNumberCopy(result, &x);
+ } else {
+ decNumber f, g, mx2, term;
+ for (int i = 0; i<2; i++) {
+ decNumber y;
+ decNumberMultiply(&y, &x, &x, localset);
+ decNumberAdd(&y, &y, &, localset);
+ decNumberSquareRoot(&y, &y, localset);
+ decNumberSubtract(&y, &y, &, localset);
+ decNumberDivide(&x, &y, &x, localset);
+ if (decNumberIsZero(&x)) {
+ decNumberCopy(result, &x);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ decNumberCopy(&f, &x);
+ decNumberCopy(&g, &;
+ decNumberCopy(&term, &x);
+ decNumberCopy(result, &x);
+ decNumberMultiply(&mx2, &x, &x, localset);
+ decNumberMinus (&mx2, &mx2, localset);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2 * localset->digits; i++) {
+ decNumberMultiply(&f, &f, &mx2, localset);
+ decNumberAdd(&g, &g, &mp_decimal_data.two_decNumber, localset);
+ decNumberDivide(&term, &f, &g, localset);
+ decNumberAdd(result, result, &term, localset);
+ }
+ decNumberAdd(result, result, result, localset);
+ decNumberAdd(result, result, result, localset);
+ }
+static void decNumberAtan2(decNumber *result, decNumber *y, decNumber *x, decContext *localset)
+ if (! decNumberIsInfinite(x) && ! decNumberIsZero(y) && ! decNumberIsInfinite(y) && ! decNumberIsZero(x)) {
+ decNumber temp;
+ decNumberDivide(&temp, y, x, localset);
+ decNumberAtan(result, &temp, localset);
+ if (decNumberIsNegative(x)) {
+ if (decNumberIsNegative(y)) {
+ decNumberSubtract(result, result, &mp_decimal_data.PI_decNumber, localset);
+ } else {
+ decNumberAdd(result, result, &mp_decimal_data.PI_decNumber, localset);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (decNumberIsInfinite(y) && decNumberIsInfinite(x)) {
+ decNumberDivide(result, &mp_decimal_data.PI_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.four_decNumber, localset);
+ if (decNumberIsNegative(x) ) {
+ decNumber a;
+ decNumberFromDouble(&a, 3.0);
+ decNumberMultiply(result, result, &a, localset);
+ }
+ } else if (!decNumberIsZero(y) && !decNumberIsInfinite(x) ) {
+ decNumberDivide(result, &mp_decimal_data.PI_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.two_decNumber, localset);
+ } else {
+ if (decNumberIsNegative(x)) {
+ decNumberCopy(result, &mp_decimal_data.PI_decNumber);
+ } else {
+ decNumberZero(result);
+ }
+ }
+ if (decNumberIsNegative(y)) {
+ decNumberMinus(result, result, localset);
+ }
+ }
+math_data *mp_initialize_decimal_math (MP mp)
+ math_data *math = (math_data *) mp_memory_allocate(sizeof(math_data));
+ decContextDefault(&mp_decimal_data.set, DEC_INIT_BASE);
+ mp_decimal_data.set.traps = 0;
+ decContextDefault(&mp_decimal_data.limitedset, DEC_INIT_BASE);
+ mp_decimal_data.limitedset.traps = 0;
+ mp_decimal_data.limitedset.emax = 999999;
+ mp_decimal_data.limitedset.emin = -999999;
+ mp_decimal_data.set.digits = DECPRECISION_DEFAULT;
+ mp_decimal_data.limitedset.digits = DECPRECISION_DEFAULT;
+ if (! mp_decimal_data.initialized) {
+ mp_decimal_data.initialized = 1 ;
+ decNumberFromInt32(&, 1);
+ decNumberFromInt32(&mp_decimal_data.minusone, -1);
+ decNumberFromInt32(&, 0);
+ decNumberFromInt32(&mp_decimal_data.two_decNumber, two);
+ decNumberFromInt32(&mp_decimal_data.three_decNumber, three);
+ decNumberFromInt32(&mp_decimal_data.four_decNumber, four);
+ decNumberFromInt32(&mp_decimal_data.fraction_multiplier_decNumber, fraction_multiplier);
+ decNumberFromInt32(&mp_decimal_data.fraction_one_decNumber, fraction_one);
+ decNumberFromInt32(&mp_decimal_data.fraction_one_plus_decNumber, (fraction_one+1));
+ decNumberFromInt32(&mp_decimal_data.angle_multiplier_decNumber, angle_multiplier);
+ decNumberFromString(&mp_decimal_data.PI_decNumber, PI_STRING, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberFromDouble(&mp_decimal_data.epsilon_decNumber, epsilon);
+ decNumberFromString(&mp_decimal_data.EL_GORDO_decNumber, EL_GORDO, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberFromString(&mp_decimal_data.negative_EL_GORDO_decNumber, negative_EL_GORDO, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_decimal_data.factorials = (decNumber **) mp_memory_allocate(FACTORIALS_CACHESIZE * sizeof(decNumber *));
+ mp_decimal_data.factorials[0] = (decNumber *) mp_memory_allocate(sizeof(decNumber));
+ decNumberCopy(mp_decimal_data.factorials[0], &;
+ }
+ math->md_allocate = mp_allocate_number;
+ math->md_free = mp_free_number;
+ math->md_allocate_clone = mp_allocate_clone;
+ math->md_allocate_abs = mp_allocate_abs;
+ math->md_allocate_double = mp_allocate_double;
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_precision_default, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberFromInt32( math->, DECPRECISION_DEFAULT);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_precision_max, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberFromInt32( math->, DECNUMDIGITS);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_precision_min, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberFromInt32( math->, 2);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_epsilon_t, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberCopy( math->, &mp_decimal_data.epsilon_decNumber);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_inf_t, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberCopy( math->, &mp_decimal_data.EL_GORDO_decNumber);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_negative_inf_t, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberCopy( math->, &mp_decimal_data.negative_EL_GORDO_decNumber);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_warning_limit_t, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberFromString( math->, warning_limit, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_one_third_inf_t, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberDivide( math->, math->, &mp_decimal_data.three_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_unity_t, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberCopy( math->, &;
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_two_t, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberFromInt32( math->, two);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_three_t, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberFromInt32( math->, three);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_half_unit_t, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberFromString( math->, "0.5", &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_three_quarter_unit_t, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberFromString( math->, "0.75", &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_zero_t, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberZero( math->;
+ {
+ decNumber fourzeroninesix;
+ decNumberFromInt32(&fourzeroninesix, 4096);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_arc_tol_k, mp_fraction_type);
+ decNumberDivide( math->, &, &fourzeroninesix, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ }
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_fraction_one_t, mp_fraction_type);
+ decNumberFromInt32( math->, fraction_one);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_fraction_half_t, mp_fraction_type);
+ decNumberFromInt32( math->, fraction_half);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_fraction_three_t, mp_fraction_type);
+ decNumberFromInt32( math->, fraction_three);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_fraction_four_t, mp_fraction_type);
+ decNumberFromInt32( math->, fraction_four);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_three_sixty_deg_t, mp_angle_type);
+ decNumberFromInt32( math->, 360 * angle_multiplier);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_one_eighty_deg_t, mp_angle_type);
+ decNumberFromInt32( math->, 180 * angle_multiplier);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_negative_one_eighty_deg_t, mp_angle_type);
+ decNumberFromInt32( math->, -180 * angle_multiplier);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_one_k, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberFromDouble( math->, 1.0/64);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_sqrt_8_e_k, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberFromDouble( math->, 112428.82793 / 65536.0);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_twelve_ln_2_k, mp_fraction_type);
+ decNumberFromDouble( math->, 139548959.6165 / 65536.0);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_coef_bound_k, mp_fraction_type);
+ decNumberFromDouble( math->,coef_bound);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_coef_bound_minus_1, mp_fraction_type);
+ decNumberFromDouble( math->,coef_bound - 1 / 65536.0);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_twelvebits_3, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberFromDouble( math->, 1365 / 65536.0);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_twentysixbits_sqrt2_t, mp_fraction_type);
+ decNumberFromDouble( math->, 94906265.62 / 65536.0);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_twentyeightbits_d_t, mp_fraction_type);
+ decNumberFromDouble( math->, 35596754.69 / 65536.0);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_twentysevenbits_sqrt2_d_t, mp_fraction_type);
+ decNumberFromDouble( math->, 25170706.63 / 65536.0);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_fraction_threshold_t, mp_fraction_type);
+ decNumberFromDouble( math->, fraction_threshold);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_half_fraction_threshold_t, mp_fraction_type);
+ decNumberFromDouble( math->, half_fraction_threshold);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_scaled_threshold_t, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberFromDouble( math->, scaled_threshold);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_half_scaled_threshold_t, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberFromDouble( math->, half_scaled_threshold);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_near_zero_angle_t, mp_angle_type);
+ decNumberFromDouble( math->, near_zero_angle);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_p_over_v_threshold_t, mp_fraction_type);
+ decNumberFromDouble( math->, p_over_v_threshold);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &math->md_equation_threshold_t, mp_scaled_type);
+ decNumberFromDouble( math->, equation_threshold);
+ math->md_from_int = mp_set_decimal_from_int;
+ math->md_from_boolean = mp_set_decimal_from_boolean;
+ math->md_from_scaled = mp_set_decimal_from_scaled;
+ math->md_from_double = mp_set_decimal_from_double;
+ math->md_from_addition = mp_set_decimal_from_addition;
+ math->md_half_from_addition = mp_set_decimal_half_from_addition;
+ math->md_from_subtraction = mp_set_decimal_from_subtraction;
+ math->md_half_from_subtraction = mp_set_decimal_half_from_subtraction;
+ math->md_from_oftheway = mp_set_decimal_from_of_the_way;
+ math->md_from_div = mp_set_decimal_from_div;
+ math->md_from_mul = mp_set_decimal_from_mul;
+ math->md_from_int_div = mp_set_decimal_from_int_div;
+ math->md_from_int_mul = mp_set_decimal_from_int_mul;
+ math->md_negate = mp_number_negate;
+ math->md_add = mp_number_add;
+ math->md_subtract = mp_number_subtract;
+ math->md_half = mp_number_half;
+ math->md_do_double = mp_number_double;
+ math->md_abs = mp_decimal_abs;
+ math->md_clone = mp_number_clone;
+ math->md_negated_clone = mp_number_negated_clone;
+ math->md_abs_clone = mp_number_abs_clone;
+ math->md_swap = mp_number_swap;
+ math->md_add_scaled = mp_number_add_scaled;
+ math->md_multiply_int = mp_number_multiply_int;
+ math->md_divide_int = mp_number_divide_int;
+ math->md_to_boolean = mp_number_to_boolean;
+ math->md_to_scaled = mp_number_to_scaled;
+ math->md_to_double = mp_number_to_double;
+ math->md_to_int = mp_number_to_int;
+ math->md_odd = mp_number_odd;
+ math->md_equal = mp_number_equal;
+ math->md_less = mp_number_less;
+ math->md_greater = mp_number_greater;
+ math->md_nonequalabs = mp_number_nonequalabs;
+ math->md_round_unscaled = mp_round_unscaled;
+ math->md_floor_scaled = mp_number_floor;
+ math->md_fraction_to_round_scaled = mp_decimal_fraction_to_round_scaled;
+ math->md_make_scaled = mp_decimal_number_make_scaled;
+ math->md_make_fraction = mp_decimal_number_make_fraction;
+ math->md_take_fraction = mp_decimal_number_take_fraction;
+ math->md_take_scaled = mp_decimal_number_take_scaled;
+ math->md_velocity = mp_decimal_velocity;
+ math->md_n_arg = mp_decimal_n_arg;
+ math->md_m_log = mp_decimal_m_log;
+ math->md_m_exp = mp_decimal_m_exp;
+ math->md_m_unif_rand = mp_decimal_m_unif_rand;
+ math->md_m_norm_rand = mp_decimal_m_norm_rand;
+ math->md_pyth_add = mp_decimal_pyth_add;
+ math->md_pyth_sub = mp_decimal_pyth_sub;
+ math->md_power_of = mp_decimal_power_of;
+ math->md_fraction_to_scaled = mp_number_fraction_to_scaled;
+ math->md_scaled_to_fraction = mp_number_scaled_to_fraction;
+ math->md_scaled_to_angle = mp_number_scaled_to_angle;
+ math->md_angle_to_scaled = mp_number_angle_to_scaled;
+ math->md_init_randoms = mp_init_randoms;
+ math->md_sin_cos = mp_decimal_sin_cos;
+ math->md_slow_add = mp_decimal_slow_add;
+ math->md_sqrt = mp_decimal_square_rt;
+ math->md_print = mp_decimal_print_number;
+ math->md_tostring = mp_decimal_number_tostring;
+ math->md_modulo = mp_decimal_number_modulo;
+ math->md_ab_vs_cd = mp_ab_vs_cd;
+ math->md_crossing_point = mp_decimal_crossing_point;
+ math->md_scan_numeric = mp_decimal_scan_numeric_token;
+ math->md_scan_fractional = mp_decimal_scan_fractional_token;
+ math->md_free_math = mp_free_decimal_math;
+ math->md_set_precision = mp_decimal_set_precision;
+ return math;
+void mp_decimal_set_precision (MP mp)
+ int i = decNumberToInt32((decNumber *) internal_value(mp_number_precision_internal).data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_decimal_data.set.digits = i;
+ mp_decimal_data.limitedset.digits = i;
+void mp_free_decimal_math (MP mp)
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_three_sixty_deg_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_one_eighty_deg_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_negative_one_eighty_deg_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_fraction_one_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_zero_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_half_unit_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_three_quarter_unit_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_unity_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_two_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_three_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_one_third_inf_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_inf_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_negative_inf_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_warning_limit_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_one_k));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_sqrt_8_e_k));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_twelve_ln_2_k));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_coef_bound_k));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_coef_bound_minus_1));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_fraction_threshold_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_half_fraction_threshold_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_scaled_threshold_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_half_scaled_threshold_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_near_zero_angle_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_p_over_v_threshold_t));
+ mp_free_number(mp, &(mp->math->md_equation_threshold_t));
+ mp_memory_free(mp->math);
+void mp_allocate_number (MP mp, mp_number *n, mp_number_type t)
+ (void) mp;
+ n->data.num = mp_memory_allocate(sizeof(decNumber));
+ n->type = t;
+ decNumberZero(n->data.num);
+void mp_allocate_clone (MP mp, mp_number *n, mp_number_type t, mp_number *v)
+ (void) mp;
+ n->data.num = mp_memory_allocate(sizeof(decNumber));
+ n->type = t;
+ decNumberZero(n->data.num);
+ decNumberCopy(n->data.num, v->data.num);
+void mp_allocate_abs (MP mp, mp_number *n, mp_number_type t, mp_number *v)
+ (void) mp;
+ n->data.num = mp_memory_allocate(sizeof(decNumber));
+ n->type = t;
+ decNumberZero(n->data.num);
+ decNumberAbs(n->data.num, v->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_allocate_double (MP mp, mp_number *n, double v)
+ (void) mp;
+ n->data.num = mp_memory_allocate(sizeof(decNumber));
+ n->type = mp_scaled_type;
+ decNumberZero(n->data.num);
+ decNumberFromDouble(n->data.num, v);
+void mp_free_number (MP mp, mp_number *n)
+ (void) mp;
+ if (n->data.num) {
+ mp_memory_free(n->data.num);
+ n->data.num = NULL;
+ n->type = mp_nan_type;
+ }
+void mp_set_decimal_from_int(mp_number *A, int B)
+ decNumberFromInt32(A->data.num, B);
+void mp_set_decimal_from_boolean(mp_number *A, int B)
+ decNumberFromInt32(A->data.num, B);
+void mp_set_decimal_from_scaled(mp_number *A, int B)
+ decNumber c;
+ decNumberFromInt32(&c, 65536);
+ decNumberFromInt32(A->data.num,B);
+ decNumberDivide(A->data.num, A->data.num, &c, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_set_decimal_from_double(mp_number *A, double B)
+ decNumberFromDouble(A->data.num, B);
+void mp_set_decimal_from_addition(mp_number *A, mp_number *B, mp_number *C)
+ decNumberAdd(A->data.num, B->data.num, C->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_set_decimal_half_from_addition(mp_number *A, mp_number *B, mp_number *C)
+ decNumber c;
+ decNumberAdd(A->data.num, B->data.num, C->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberFromInt32(&c, 2);
+ decNumberDivide(A->data.num, A->data.num, &c, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_set_decimal_from_subtraction(mp_number *A, mp_number *B, mp_number *C)
+ decNumberSubtract(A->data.num, B->data.num, C->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_set_decimal_half_from_subtraction(mp_number *A, mp_number *B, mp_number *C)
+ decNumber c;
+ decNumberSubtract(A->data.num, B->data.num, C->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberFromInt32(&c, 2);
+ decNumberDivide(A->data.num, A->data.num, &c, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_set_decimal_from_div(mp_number *A, mp_number *B, mp_number *C)
+ decNumberDivide(A->data.num, B->data.num, C->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_set_decimal_from_mul(mp_number *A, mp_number *B, mp_number *C)
+ decNumberMultiply(A->data.num, B->data.num, C->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_set_decimal_from_int_div(mp_number *A, mp_number *B, int C)
+ decNumber c;
+ decNumberFromInt32(&c, C);
+ decNumberDivide(A->data.num, B->data.num, &c, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_set_decimal_from_int_mul(mp_number *A, mp_number *B, int C)
+ decNumber c;
+ decNumberFromInt32(&c, C);
+ decNumberMultiply(A->data.num, B->data.num, &c, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_set_decimal_from_of_the_way (MP mp, mp_number *A, mp_number *t, mp_number *B, mp_number *C)
+ decNumber c;
+ decNumber r1;
+ decNumberSubtract(&c, B->data.num, C->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_decimal_take_fraction(mp, &r1, &c, t->data.num);
+ decNumberSubtract(A->data.num, B->data.num, &r1, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_decnumber_check(mp, A->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_number_negate(mp_number *A)
+ decNumberCopyNegate(A->data.num, A->data.num);
+ checkZero(A->data.num);
+void mp_number_add(mp_number *A, mp_number *B)
+ decNumberAdd(A->data.num, A->data.num, B->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_number_subtract(mp_number *A, mp_number *B)
+ decNumberSubtract(A->data.num, A->data.num, B->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_number_half(mp_number *A)
+ decNumber c;
+ decNumberFromInt32(&c, 2);
+ decNumberDivide(A->data.num, A->data.num, &c, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_number_double(mp_number *A)
+ decNumber c;
+ decNumberFromInt32(&c, 2);
+ decNumberMultiply(A->data.num, A->data.num, &c, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_number_add_scaled(mp_number *A, int B)
+ decNumber b, c;
+ decNumberFromInt32(&c, 65536);
+ decNumberFromInt32(&b, B);
+ decNumberDivide(&b, &b, &c, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberAdd(A->data.num, A->data.num, &b, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_number_multiply_int(mp_number *A, int B)
+ decNumber b;
+ decNumberFromInt32(&b, B);
+ decNumberMultiply(A->data.num, A->data.num, &b, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_number_divide_int(mp_number *A, int B)
+ decNumber b;
+ decNumberFromInt32(&b, B);
+ decNumberDivide(A->data.num, A->data.num, &b, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_decimal_abs(mp_number *A)
+ decNumberAbs(A->data.num, A->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_number_clone(mp_number *A, mp_number *B)
+ decNumberCopy(A->data.num, B->data.num);
+void mp_number_negated_clone(mp_number *A, mp_number *B)
+ decNumberCopyNegate(A->data.num, B->data.num);
+ checkZero(A->data.num);
+void mp_number_abs_clone(mp_number *A, mp_number *B)
+ decNumberAbs(A->data.num, B->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_number_swap(mp_number *A, mp_number *B)
+ decNumber swap_tmp;
+ decNumberCopy(&swap_tmp, A->data.num);
+ decNumberCopy(A->data.num, B->data.num);
+ decNumberCopy(B->data.num, &swap_tmp);
+void mp_number_fraction_to_scaled(mp_number *A)
+ A->type = mp_scaled_type;
+ decNumberDivide(A->data.num, A->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.fraction_multiplier_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_number_angle_to_scaled(mp_number *A)
+ A->type = mp_scaled_type;
+ decNumberDivide(A->data.num, A->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.angle_multiplier_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_number_scaled_to_fraction(mp_number *A)
+ A->type = mp_fraction_type;
+ decNumberMultiply(A->data.num, A->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.fraction_multiplier_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_number_scaled_to_angle(mp_number *A)
+ A->type = mp_angle_type;
+ decNumberMultiply(A->data.num, A->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.angle_multiplier_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+int mp_number_to_scaled(mp_number *A)
+ int32_t result;
+ decNumber corrected;
+ decNumberFromInt32(&corrected, 65536);
+ decNumberMultiply(&corrected, &corrected, A->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberReduce(&corrected, &corrected, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ result = (int) floor(decNumberToDouble(&corrected) + 0.5);
+ return result;
+int mp_number_to_int(mp_number *A)
+ int32_t result;
+ mp_decimal_data.set.status = 0;
+ result = decNumberToInt32(A->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ if (mp_decimal_data.set.status == DEC_Invalid_operation) {
+ mp_decimal_data.set.status = 0;
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return result;
+ }
+int mp_number_to_boolean(mp_number *A)
+ uint32_t result;
+ mp_decimal_data.set.status = 0;
+ result = decNumberToUInt32(A->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ if (mp_decimal_data.set.status == DEC_Invalid_operation) {
+ mp_decimal_data.set.status = 0;
+ return mp_false_operation;
+ } else {
+ return result ;
+ }
+double mp_number_to_double(mp_number *A)
+ char *buffer = mp_memory_allocate((size_t) ((decNumber *) A->data.num)->digits + 14);
+ double res = 0.0;
+ decNumberToString(A->data.num, buffer);
+ if (sscanf(buffer, "%lf", &res)) {
+ mp_memory_free(buffer);
+ return res;
+ } else {
+ mp_memory_free(buffer);
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+int mp_number_odd(mp_number *A)
+ decNumber r1, r2;
+ decNumberAbs(&r1, A->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberRemainder(&r2, &r1, &mp_decimal_data.two_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberCompare(&r1, &r2, &, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ return decNumberIsZero(&r1);
+int mp_number_equal(mp_number *A, mp_number *B)
+ decNumber res;
+ decNumberCompare(&res, A->data.num, B->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ return decNumberIsZero(&res);
+int mp_number_greater(mp_number *A, mp_number *B)
+ decNumber res;
+ decNumberCompare(&res, A->data.num, B->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ return decNumberIsPositive(&res);
+int mp_number_less(mp_number *A, mp_number *B)
+ decNumber res;
+ decNumberCompare(&res, A->data.num, B->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ return decNumberIsNegative(&res);
+int mp_number_nonequalabs(mp_number *A, mp_number *B)
+ decNumber res, a, b;
+ decNumberCopyAbs(&a, A->data.num);
+ decNumberCopyAbs(&b, B->data.num);
+ decNumberCompare(&res, &a, &b, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ return ! decNumberIsZero(&res);
+char *mp_decnumber_tostring(decNumber *n)
+ decNumber corrected;
+ char *buffer = mp_memory_allocate((size_t) ((decNumber *) n)->digits + 14);
+ decNumberCopy(&corrected, n);
+ decNumberTrim(&corrected);
+ decNumberToString(&corrected, buffer);
+ return buffer;
+char *mp_decimal_number_tostring (MP mp, mp_number *n)
+ (void) mp;
+ return mp_decnumber_tostring(n->data.num);
+void mp_decimal_print_number (MP mp, mp_number *n)
+ char *str = mp_decnumber_tostring(n->data.num);
+ mp_print_e_str(mp, str);
+ mp_memory_free(str);
+void mp_decimal_slow_add (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *A, mp_number *B)
+ (void) mp;
+ decNumberAdd(ret->data.num, A->data.num, B->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_decimal_make_fraction (MP mp, decNumber *ret, decNumber *p, decNumber *q)
+ decNumberDivide(ret, p, q, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_decnumber_check(mp, ret, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberMultiply(ret, ret, &mp_decimal_data.fraction_multiplier_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_decimal_number_make_fraction (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *p, mp_number *q)
+ mp_decimal_make_fraction(mp, ret->data.num, p->data.num, q->data.num);
+void mp_decimal_take_fraction (MP mp, decNumber *ret, decNumber *p, decNumber *q)
+ (void) mp;
+ decNumberMultiply(ret, p, q, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberDivide(ret, ret, &mp_decimal_data.fraction_multiplier_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_decimal_number_take_fraction (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *p, mp_number *q)
+ mp_decimal_take_fraction(mp, ret->data.num, p->data.num, q->data.num);
+void mp_decimal_number_take_scaled (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *p_orig, mp_number *q_orig)
+ (void) mp;
+ decNumberMultiply(ret->data.num, p_orig->data.num, q_orig->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_decimal_number_make_scaled (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *p_orig, mp_number *q_orig)
+ decNumberDivide(ret->data.num, p_orig->data.num, q_orig->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_decnumber_check(mp, ret->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_wrapup_numeric_token (MP mp, unsigned char *start, unsigned char *stop)
+ decNumber result;
+ size_t l = stop-start+1;
+ char *buf = mp_memory_allocate(l + 1);
+ buf[l] = '\0';
+ (void) strncpy(buf, (const char *) start, l);
+ mp_decimal_data.set.status = 0;
+ decNumberFromString(&result,buf, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_memory_free(buf);
+ if (mp_decimal_data.set.status == 0) {
+ set_cur_mod(&result);
+ } else if (mp->scanner_status != mp_tex_flushing_state) {
+ if (too_large(mp_decimal_data.set.status)) {
+ mp_decnumber_check(mp, &result, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ set_cur_mod(&result);
+ mp_error(
+ mp,
+ "Enormous number has been reduced",
+ "I could not handle this number specification because it is out of range."
+ );
+ } else if (too_precise(mp_decimal_data.set.status)) {
+ set_cur_mod(&result);
+ if (decNumberIsPositive((decNumber *) internal_value(mp_warning_check_internal).data.num) && (mp->scanner_status != mp_tex_flushing_state)) {
+ char msg[256];
+ mp_snprintf (msg, 256, "Number is too precise (numberprecision = %d)", mp_decimal_data.set.digits);
+ mp_error(
+ mp,
+ msg,
+ "Continue and I'll round the value until it fits the current numberprecision\n"
+ "(Set warningcheck:=0 to suppress this message.)"
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ mp_error(
+ mp,
+ "Erroneous number specification changed to zero",
+ "I could not handle this number specification"
+ );
+ decNumberZero(&result);
+ set_cur_mod(&result);
+ }
+ }
+ set_cur_cmd((mp_variable_type) mp_numeric_command);
+static void find_exponent (MP mp)
+ if (mp->buffer[mp->cur_input.loc_field] == 'e'
+ || mp->buffer[mp->cur_input.loc_field] == 'E') {
+ mp->cur_input.loc_field++;
+ if (! (mp->buffer[mp->cur_input.loc_field] == '+'
+ || mp->buffer[mp->cur_input.loc_field] == '-'
+ || mp->char_class[mp->buffer[mp->cur_input.loc_field]] == mp_digit_class)) {
+ mp->cur_input.loc_field--;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (mp->buffer[mp->cur_input.loc_field] == '+' ||
+ mp->buffer[mp->cur_input.loc_field] == '-') {
+ mp->cur_input.loc_field++;
+ }
+ while (mp->char_class[mp->buffer[mp->cur_input.loc_field]] == mp_digit_class) {
+ mp->cur_input.loc_field++;
+ }
+ }
+void mp_decimal_scan_fractional_token (MP mp, int n)
+ unsigned char *start = &mp->buffer[mp->cur_input.loc_field -1];
+ unsigned char *stop;
+ (void) n;
+ while (mp->char_class[mp->buffer[mp->cur_input.loc_field]] == mp_digit_class) {
+ mp->cur_input.loc_field++;
+ }
+ find_exponent(mp);
+ stop = &mp->buffer[mp->cur_input.loc_field-1];
+ mp_wrapup_numeric_token(mp, start, stop);
+void mp_decimal_scan_numeric_token (MP mp, int n)
+ unsigned char *start = &mp->buffer[mp->cur_input.loc_field -1];
+ unsigned char *stop;
+ (void) n;
+ while (mp->char_class[mp->buffer[mp->cur_input.loc_field]] == mp_digit_class) {
+ mp->cur_input.loc_field++;
+ }
+ if (mp->buffer[mp->cur_input.loc_field] == '.' && mp->buffer[mp->cur_input.loc_field+1] != '.') {
+ mp->cur_input.loc_field++;
+ while (mp->char_class[mp->buffer[mp->cur_input.loc_field]] == mp_digit_class) {
+ mp->cur_input.loc_field++;
+ }
+ }
+ find_exponent(mp);
+ stop = &mp->buffer[mp->cur_input.loc_field-1];
+ mp_wrapup_numeric_token(mp, start, stop);
+void mp_decimal_velocity (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *st, mp_number *ct, mp_number *sf, mp_number *cf, mp_number *t)
+ decNumber acc, num, denom;
+ decNumber r1, r2;
+ decNumber arg1, arg2;
+ decNumber i16, fone, fhalf, ftwo, sqrtfive;
+ decNumberFromInt32(&i16, 16);
+ decNumberFromInt32(&fone, fraction_one);
+ decNumberFromInt32(&fhalf, fraction_half);
+ decNumberFromInt32(&ftwo, fraction_two);
+ decNumberFromInt32(&sqrtfive, 5);
+ decNumberSquareRoot(&sqrtfive, &sqrtfive, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberDivide(&arg1, sf->data.num, &i16, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberSubtract(&arg1, st->data.num,&arg1, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberDivide(&arg2, st->data.num, &i16, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberSubtract(&arg2, sf->data.num,&arg2, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_decimal_take_fraction(mp, &acc, &arg1, &arg2);
+ decNumberCopy(&arg1, &acc);
+ decNumberSubtract(&arg2, ct->data.num, cf->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_decimal_take_fraction(mp, &acc, &arg1, &arg2);
+ decNumberSquareRoot(&arg1, &mp_decimal_data.two_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberMultiply(&arg1, &arg1, &fone, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_decimal_take_fraction(mp, &r1, &acc, &arg1);
+ decNumberAdd(&num, &ftwo, &r1, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberSubtract(&arg1,&sqrtfive, &, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberMultiply(&arg1,&arg1,&fhalf, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberMultiply(&arg1,&arg1,&mp_decimal_data.three_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberSubtract(&arg2,&mp_decimal_data.three_decNumber, &sqrtfive, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberMultiply(&arg2,&arg2, &fhalf, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberMultiply(&arg2,&arg2, &mp_decimal_data.three_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_decimal_take_fraction(mp, &r1, ct->data.num, &arg1) ;
+ mp_decimal_take_fraction(mp, &r2, cf->data.num, &arg2);
+ decNumberFromInt32(&denom, fraction_three);
+ decNumberAdd(&denom, &denom, &r1, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberAdd(&denom, &denom, &r2, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberCompare(&arg1, t->data.num, &, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ if (! decNumberIsZero(&arg1)) {
+ decNumberDivide(&num, &num, t->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ }
+ decNumberCopy(&r2, &num);
+ decNumberDivide(&r2, &r2, &mp_decimal_data.four_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ if (decNumberLess(&denom, &r2)) {
+ decNumberFromInt32(ret->data.num, fraction_four);
+ } else {
+ mp_decimal_make_fraction(mp, ret->data.num, &num, &denom);
+ }
+ mp_decnumber_check(mp, ret->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+int mp_ab_vs_cd (mp_number *a_orig, mp_number *b_orig, mp_number *c_orig, mp_number *d_orig)
+ decNumber a, b, c, d;
+ decNumber ab, cd;
+ decNumberCopy(&a, (decNumber *) a_orig->data.num);
+ decNumberCopy(&b, (decNumber *) b_orig->data.num);
+ decNumberCopy(&c, (decNumber *) c_orig->data.num);
+ decNumberCopy(&d, (decNumber *) d_orig->data.num);
+ decNumberMultiply(&ab, (decNumber *) a_orig->data.num, (decNumber *)b_orig->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberMultiply(&cd, (decNumber *) c_orig->data.num, (decNumber *)d_orig->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ if (decNumberLess(&ab, &cd)) {
+ return -1;
+ } else if (decNumberGreater(&ab, &cd)) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+static void mp_decimal_crossing_point (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *aa, mp_number *bb, mp_number *cc)
+ decNumber a, b, c;
+ double d;
+ decNumber x, xx, x0, x1, x2;
+ decNumber scratch, scratch2;
+ decNumberCopy(&a, (decNumber *) aa->data.num);
+ decNumberCopy(&b, (decNumber *) bb->data.num);
+ decNumberCopy(&c, (decNumber *) cc->data.num);
+ if (decNumberIsNegative(&a)) {
+ decNumberCopy(ret->data.num, &zero_crossing);
+ goto RETURN;
+ }
+ if (! decNumberIsNegative(&c)) {
+ if (! decNumberIsNegative(&b)) {
+ if (decNumberIsPositive(&c)) {
+ decNumberCopy(ret->data.num, &no_crossing);
+ } else if (decNumberIsZero(&a) && decNumberIsZero(&b)) {
+ decNumberCopy(ret->data.num, &no_crossing);
+ } else {
+ decNumberCopy(ret->data.num, &one_crossing);
+ }
+ goto RETURN;
+ }
+ if (decNumberIsZero(&a)) {
+ decNumberCopy(ret->data.num, &zero_crossing);
+ goto RETURN;
+ }
+ } else if (decNumberIsZero(&a) && ! decNumberIsPositive(&b)) {
+ decNumberCopy(ret->data.num, &zero_crossing);
+ goto RETURN;
+ }
+ d = epsilonf;
+ decNumberCopy(&x0, &a);
+ decNumberSubtract(&x1, &a, &b, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberSubtract(&x2, &b, &c, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberFromDouble(&scratch2, 1E-12);
+ do {
+ decNumberAdd(&x, &x1, &x2, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberDivide(&x, &x, &mp_decimal_data.two_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberAdd(&x, &x, &scratch2, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberSubtract(&scratch, &x1, &x0, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ if (decNumberGreater(&scratch, &x0)) {
+ decNumberCopy(&x2, &x);
+ decNumberAdd(&x0, &x0, &x0, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ d += d;
+ } else {
+ decNumberAdd(&xx, &scratch, &x, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ if (decNumberGreater(&xx,&x0)) {
+ decNumberCopy(&x2,&x);
+ decNumberAdd(&x0, &x0, &x0, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ d += d;
+ } else {
+ decNumberSubtract(&x0, &x0, &xx, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ if (! decNumberGreater(&x,&x0)) {
+ decNumberAdd(&scratch, &x, &x2, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ if (! decNumberGreater(&scratch, &x0)) {
+ decNumberCopy(ret->data.num, &no_crossing);
+ goto RETURN;
+ }
+ }
+ decNumberCopy(&x1,&x);
+ d = d + d + epsilonf;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (d < fraction_one);
+ decNumberFromDouble(&scratch, d);
+ decNumberSubtract(ret->data.num,&scratch, &mp_decimal_data.fraction_one_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_decnumber_check(mp, ret->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+int mp_round_unscaled(mp_number *x_orig)
+ return (int) lround(mp_number_to_double(x_orig));
+void mp_number_floor(mp_number *i)
+ int round = mp_decimal_data.set.round;
+ mp_decimal_data.set.round = DEC_ROUND_FLOOR;
+ decNumberToIntegralValue(i->data.num, i->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_decimal_data.set.round = round;
+void mp_decimal_fraction_to_round_scaled(mp_number *x_orig)
+ x_orig->type = mp_scaled_type;
+ decNumberDivide(x_orig->data.num, x_orig->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.fraction_multiplier_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_decimal_square_rt (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *x_orig)
+ decNumber x;
+ decNumberCopy(&x, x_orig->data.num);
+ if (! decNumberIsPositive(&x)) {
+ if (decNumberIsNegative(&x)) {
+ char msg[256];
+ char *xstr = mp_decimal_number_tostring(mp, x_orig);
+ mp_snprintf(msg, 256, "Square root of %s has been replaced by 0", xstr);
+ mp_memory_free(xstr);
+ mp_error(
+ mp,
+ msg,
+ "Since I don't take square roots of negative numbers, I'm zeroing this one.\n"
+ "Proceed, with fingers crossed."
+ );
+ }
+ decNumberZero(ret->data.num);
+ } else {
+ decNumberSquareRoot(ret->data.num, &x, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ }
+ mp_decnumber_check(mp, ret->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_decimal_pyth_add (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *a_orig, mp_number *b_orig)
+ decNumber a, b;
+ decNumber asq, bsq;
+ decNumberCopyAbs(&a, a_orig->data.num);
+ decNumberCopyAbs(&b, b_orig->data.num);
+ decNumberMultiply(&asq, &a, &a, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberMultiply(&bsq, &b, &b, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberAdd(&a, &asq, &bsq, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberSquareRoot(ret->data.num, &a, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_decnumber_check(mp, ret->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_decimal_pyth_sub (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *a_orig, mp_number *b_orig)
+ decNumber a, b;
+ decNumberCopyAbs(&a, a_orig->data.num);
+ decNumberCopyAbs(&b, b_orig->data.num);
+ if (! decNumberGreater(&a, &b)) {
+ if (decNumberLess(&a, &b)) {
+ char msg[256];
+ char *astr = mp_decimal_number_tostring(mp, a_orig);
+ char *bstr = mp_decimal_number_tostring(mp, b_orig);
+ mp_snprintf(msg, 256, "Pythagorean subtraction %s+-+%s has been replaced by 0", astr, bstr);
+ mp_memory_free(astr);
+ mp_memory_free(bstr);
+ mp_error(
+ mp,
+ msg,
+ "Since I don't take square roots of negative numbers, I'm zeroing this one.\n"
+ "Proceed, with fingers crossed."
+ );
+ }
+ decNumberZero(&a);
+ } else {
+ decNumber asq, bsq;
+ decNumberMultiply(&asq, &a, &a, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberMultiply(&bsq, &b, &b, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberSubtract(&a, &asq, &bsq, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberSquareRoot(&a, &a, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ }
+ decNumberCopy(ret->data.num, &a);
+ mp_decnumber_check(mp, ret->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_decimal_power_of (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *a_orig, mp_number *b_orig)
+ decNumberPower(ret->data.num, a_orig->data.num, b_orig->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_decnumber_check(mp, ret->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_decimal_m_log (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *x_orig)
+ if (! decNumberIsPositive((decNumber *) x_orig->data.num)) {
+ char msg[256];
+ char *xstr = mp_decimal_number_tostring(mp, x_orig);
+ mp_snprintf(msg, 256, "Logarithm of %s has been replaced by 0", xstr);
+ mp_memory_free(xstr);
+ mp_error(
+ mp,
+ msg,
+ "Since I don't take logs of non-positive numbers, I'm zeroing this one.\n"
+ "Proceed, with fingers crossed."
+ );
+ decNumberZero(ret->data.num);
+ } else {
+ decNumber twofivesix;
+ decNumberFromInt32(&twofivesix, 256);
+ decNumberLn(ret->data.num, x_orig->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.limitedset);
+ mp_decnumber_check(mp, ret->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.limitedset);
+ decNumberMultiply(ret->data.num, ret->data.num, &twofivesix, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ }
+ mp_decnumber_check(mp, ret->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+void mp_decimal_m_exp (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *x_orig)
+ decNumber temp, twofivesix;
+ decNumberFromInt32(&twofivesix, 256);
+ decNumberDivide(&temp, x_orig->data.num, &twofivesix, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_decimal_data.limitedset.status = 0;
+ decNumberExp(ret->data.num, &temp, &mp_decimal_data.limitedset);
+ if (mp_decimal_data.limitedset.status & DEC_Clamped) {
+ if (decNumberIsPositive((decNumber *) x_orig->data.num)) {
+ mp->arith_error = 1;
+ decNumberCopy(ret->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.EL_GORDO_decNumber);
+ } else {
+ decNumberZero(ret->data.num);
+ }
+ }
+ mp_decnumber_check(mp, ret->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.limitedset);
+ mp_decimal_data.limitedset.status = 0;
+void mp_decimal_n_arg (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *x_orig, mp_number *y_orig)
+ if (decNumberIsZero((decNumber *) x_orig->data.num) && decNumberIsZero((decNumber *) y_orig->data.num)) {
+ mp_error(
+ mp,
+ "angle(0,0) is taken as zero",
+ "The 'angle' between two identical points is undefined. I'm zeroing this one.\n"
+ "Proceed, with fingers crossed."
+ );
+ decNumberZero(ret->data.num);
+ } else {
+ decNumber atan2val, oneeighty_angle;
+ ret->type = mp_angle_type;
+ decNumberFromInt32(&oneeighty_angle, 180 * angle_multiplier);
+ decNumberDivide(&oneeighty_angle, &oneeighty_angle, &mp_decimal_data.PI_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ checkZero(y_orig->data.num);
+ checkZero(x_orig->data.num);
+ decNumberAtan2(&atan2val, y_orig->data.num, x_orig->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberMultiply(ret->data.num,&atan2val, &oneeighty_angle, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ checkZero(ret->data.num);
+ }
+ mp_decnumber_check(mp, ret->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+static void sinecosine(decNumber *theangle, decNumber *c, decNumber *s)
+ int prec = mp_decimal_data.set.digits/2;
+ decNumber p, pxa, fac, cc;
+ decNumber n1, n2, p1;
+ decNumberZero(c);
+ decNumberZero(s);
+ }
+ for (int n = 0; n < prec; n++) {
+ decNumberFromInt32(&p1, n);
+ decNumberFromInt32(&n1, 2*n);
+ decNumberPower(&p, &mp_decimal_data.minusone, &p1, &mp_decimal_data.limitedset);
+ if (n == 0) {
+ decNumberCopy(&pxa, &;
+ } else {
+ decNumberPower(&pxa, theangle, &n1, &mp_decimal_data.limitedset);
+ }
+ if (2*n < mp_decimal_data.last_cached_factorial) {
+ decNumberCopy(&fac,mp_decimal_data.factorials[2*n]);
+ } else {
+ decNumberCopy(&fac,mp_decimal_data.factorials[mp_decimal_data.last_cached_factorial]);
+ for (int i = mp_decimal_data.last_cached_factorial+1; i <= 2*n; i++) {
+ decNumberFromInt32(&cc, i);
+ decNumberMultiply (&fac, &fac, &cc, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_decimal_data.factorials[i] = mp_memory_allocate(sizeof(decNumber));
+ decNumberCopy(mp_decimal_data.factorials[i], &fac);
+ mp_decimal_data.last_cached_factorial = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ decNumberDivide(&pxa, &pxa, &fac, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberMultiply(&pxa, &pxa, &p, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberAdd(s, s, &pxa, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberFromInt32(&n2, 2*n+1);
+ decNumberMultiply(&fac, &fac, &n2, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberPower(&pxa, theangle, &n2, &mp_decimal_data.limitedset);
+ decNumberDivide(&pxa, &pxa, &fac, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberMultiply(&pxa, &pxa, &p, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberAdd(c, c, &pxa, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ }
+void mp_decimal_sin_cos (MP mp, mp_number *z_orig, mp_number *n_cos, mp_number *n_sin)
+ decNumber rad;
+ decNumber one_eighty;
+ double tmp = mp_number_to_double(z_orig)/16.0;
+ if ((tmp == 90.0)||(tmp == -270)){
+ decNumberZero(n_cos->data.num);
+ decNumberCopy(n_sin->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.fraction_multiplier_decNumber);
+ } else if ((tmp == -90.0)||(tmp == 270.0)) {
+ decNumberZero(n_cos->data.num);
+ decNumberCopyNegate(n_sin->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.fraction_multiplier_decNumber);
+ } else if ((tmp == 180.0) || (tmp == -180.0)) {
+ decNumberCopyNegate(n_cos->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.fraction_multiplier_decNumber);
+ decNumberZero(n_sin->data.num);
+ } else {
+ decNumberFromInt32(&one_eighty, 180 * 16);
+ decNumberMultiply(&rad, z_orig->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.PI_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberDivide(&rad, &rad, &one_eighty, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ sinecosine(&rad, n_sin->data.num, n_cos->data.num);
+ decNumberMultiply(n_cos->data.num, n_cos->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.fraction_multiplier_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberMultiply(n_sin->data.num, n_sin->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.fraction_multiplier_decNumber, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ }
+ mp_decnumber_check(mp, n_cos->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ mp_decnumber_check(mp, n_sin->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+# define KK 100
+# define LL 37
+# define MM (1L<<30)
+# define mod_diff(x,y) (((x)-(y))&(MM-1))
+# define QUALITY 1009
+# define TT 70
+# define is_odd(x) ((x)&1)
+typedef struct mp_decimal_random_info {
+ long x[KK];
+ long buf[QUALITY];
+ long dummy;
+ long started;
+ long *ptr;
+} mp_decimal_random_info;
+mp_decimal_random_info mp_decimal_random_data = {
+ .dummy = -1,
+ .started = -1,
+ .ptr = &mp_decimal_random_data.dummy
+static void ran_array(long aa[],int n)
+ int i, j;
+ for (j = 0; j < KK;j++) {
+ aa[j] = mp_decimal_random_data.x[j];
+ }
+ for (; j < n; j++) {
+ aa[j] = mod_diff(aa[j - KK], aa[j - LL]);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < LL ; i++, j++) {
+ mp_decimal_random_data.x[i] = mod_diff(aa[j - KK], aa[j - LL]);
+ }
+ for (;i < KK; i++, j++) {
+ mp_decimal_random_data.x[i] = mod_diff(aa[j - KK], mp_decimal_random_data.x[i - LL]);
+ }
+static void ran_start(long seed)
+ int t, j;
+ long x[KK+KK-1];
+ long ss=(seed+2)&(MM-2);
+ for (j = 0; j < KK; j++) {
+ x[j] = ss;
+ ss <<= 1;
+ if (ss >= MM) {
+ ss -= MM - 2;
+ }
+ }
+ x[1]++;
+ for (ss = seed & (MM-1), t = TT - 1; t;) {
+ for (j = KK - 1; j > 0; j--) {
+ x[j + j] = x[j];
+ x[j + j - 1] = 0;
+ }
+ for (j = KK + KK - 2; j >= KK; j--) {
+ x[j - (KK - LL)] = mod_diff(x[j - (KK - LL)], x[j]);
+ x[j - KK] = mod_diff(x[j - KK], x[j]);
+ }
+ if (is_odd(ss)) {
+ for (j = KK; j > 0; j--) {
+ x[j] = x[j-1];
+ }
+ x[0] = x[KK];
+ x[LL] = mod_diff(x[LL], x[KK]);
+ }
+ if (ss) {
+ ss >>= 1;
+ } else {
+ t--;
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < LL; j++) {
+ mp_decimal_random_data.x[j + KK -LL] = x[j];
+ }
+ for (; j < KK; j++) {
+ mp_decimal_random_data.x[j - LL] = x[j];
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
+ ran_array(x, KK + KK - 1);
+ }
+ mp_decimal_random_data.ptr = &mp_decimal_random_data.started;
+# define ran_arr_next() (*mp_decimal_random_data.ptr>=0? *mp_decimal_random_data.ptr++: ran_arr_cycle())
+static long ran_arr_cycle(void)
+ if (mp_decimal_random_data.ptr == &mp_decimal_random_data.dummy) {
+ ran_start(314159L);
+ }
+ ran_array(mp_decimal_random_data.buf, QUALITY);
+ mp_decimal_random_data.buf[KK] = -1;
+ mp_decimal_random_data.ptr = mp_decimal_random_data.buf + 1;
+ return mp_decimal_random_data.buf[0];
+void mp_init_randoms (MP mp, int seed)
+ int k = 1;
+ int j = abs(seed);
+ while (j >= fraction_one) {
+ j = j/2;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i <= 54; i++) {
+ int jj = k;
+ k = j - k;
+ j = jj;
+ if (k < 0) {
+ k += fraction_one;
+ }
+ decNumberFromInt32(mp->randoms[(i * 21) % 55].data.num, j);
+ }
+ mp_new_randoms(mp);
+ mp_new_randoms(mp);
+ mp_new_randoms(mp);
+ ran_start((unsigned long) seed);
+void mp_decimal_number_modulo(mp_number *a, mp_number *b)
+ decNumberRemainder(a->data.num, a->data.num, b->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+static void mp_next_unif_random (MP mp, mp_number *ret)
+ decNumber a;
+ decNumber b;
+ unsigned long int op = (unsigned)ran_arr_next();
+ (void) mp;
+ decNumberFromInt32(&a, op);
+ decNumberFromInt32(&b, MM);
+ decNumberDivide(&a, &a, &b, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ decNumberCopy(ret->data.num, &a);
+ mp_decnumber_check(mp, ret->data.num, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+static void mp_next_random (MP mp, mp_number *ret)
+ if (mp->j_random == 0) {
+ mp_new_randoms(mp);
+ } else {
+ mp->j_random = mp->j_random-1;
+ }
+ mp_number_clone(ret, &(mp->randoms[mp->j_random]));
+static void mp_decimal_m_unif_rand (MP mp, mp_number *ret, mp_number *x_orig)
+ mp_number x, abs_x, u, y;
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &y, mp_fraction_type);
+ mp_allocate_clone(mp, &x, mp_scaled_type, x_orig);
+ mp_allocate_abs(mp, &abs_x, mp_scaled_type, &x);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &u, mp_scaled_type);
+ mp_next_unif_random(mp, &u);
+ decNumberMultiply(,,, &mp_decimal_data.set);
+ if (mp_number_equal(&y, &abs_x)) {
+ mp_number_clone(ret, &((math_data *)mp->math)->md_zero_t);
+ } else if (mp_number_greater(&x, &((math_data *)mp->math)->md_zero_t)) {
+ mp_number_clone(ret, &y);
+ } else {
+ mp_number_negated_clone(ret, &y);
+ }
+ mp_free_number(mp, &x);
+ mp_free_number(mp, &abs_x);
+ mp_free_number(mp, &y);
+ mp_free_number(mp, &u);
+static void mp_decimal_m_norm_rand (MP mp, mp_number *ret)
+ mp_number abs_x, u, r, la, xa;
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &la, mp_scaled_type);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &xa, mp_scaled_type);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &abs_x, mp_scaled_type);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &u, mp_scaled_type);
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &r, mp_scaled_type);
+ do {
+ do {
+ mp_number v;
+ mp_allocate_number(mp, &v, mp_scaled_type);
+ mp_next_random(mp, &v);
+ mp_number_subtract(&v, &((math_data *)mp->math)->md_fraction_half_t);
+ mp_decimal_number_take_fraction(mp, &xa, &((math_data *)mp->math)->md_sqrt_8_e_k, &v);
+ mp_free_number(mp, &v);
+ mp_next_random(mp, &u);
+ mp_number_clone(&abs_x, &xa);
+ mp_decimal_abs(&abs_x);
+ } while (! mp_number_less(&abs_x, &u));
+ mp_decimal_number_make_fraction(mp, &r, &xa, &u);
+ mp_number_clone(&xa, &r);
+ mp_decimal_m_log(mp, &la, &u);
+ mp_set_decimal_from_subtraction(&la, &((math_data *)mp->math)->md_twelve_ln_2_k, &la);
+ } while (mp_ab_vs_cd(&((math_data *)mp->math)->md_one_k, &la, &xa, &xa) < 0);
+ mp_number_clone(ret, &xa);
+ mp_free_number(mp, &r);
+ mp_free_number(mp, &abs_x);
+ mp_free_number(mp, &la);
+ mp_free_number(mp, &xa);
+ mp_free_number(mp, &u);