path: root/source/luametatex/source/libraries/softposit/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'source/luametatex/source/libraries/softposit/')
1 files changed, 551 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/softposit/ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/softposit/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b50b271c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/softposit/
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+# <img src="" width="90" height="50"/> SoftPosit
+This version (0.4.1) supports:
+ 32-bit with two exponent bit (posit32_t). -> Not exhaustively tested
+ 16-bit with one exponent bit (posit16_t).
+ 8-bit with zero exponent bit (posit8_t).
+ 2-bit to 32-bit with two exponent bits (posit_2_t) -> Not fast : Using 32-bits in the background to store all sizes.
+ Exhaustively tested for X=(2:32) : pX2_rint, pX2_to_pX2, pX2_to_i32/64, pX2_to_ui32/64, pX2_sqrt, ui/i32_to_pX2
+ Exhaustively tested for X=(2:13) : ui64_to_pX2, i64_to_pX2
+ Exhaustively tested for X=(2:20) : pX2_add, pX2_sub, pX2_mul, pX2_div
+ Exhaustively tested for X=(2:21) : pX2_mul
+ Exhaustively tested for X=(2:15) : pX2_mulAdd
+ Exhaustively tested for X=(2:14) : quireX2_fdp_add, quireX2_fdp_sub (using quire32 as the underlying code)
+This code is tested on
+* GNU gcc (SUSE Linux) 4.8.5
+* Apple LLVM version 9.1.0 (clang-902.0.39.2)
+* Windows 10 (Mingw-w64)
+Please note that the same Makefile in build/Linux-x86_64-GCC is used for all 3 operating systems.
+ All posit8_t and posit16_t operations are exhaustively tested with exception of p16_mulAdd and q16_fdp_add/sub operations.
+ **posit32_t operations are still being tested exhaustively for correctness. It will take weeks to months before these tests complete.**
+ Versions are offered
+ * [Fast C version](#cversion) : The main source code where all other versions are based on.
+ * [User friendly C++ version](#cppversion) : Documentation can be found below.
+ * [User friendly Python version]( :
+ * [Julia](#jversion) : Currently only simple .so support. Documentation can be found below.
+ * [Others](#known)
+## <a name="cversion"/>Fast C version
+### Examples
+#### A 8-bit example on how to use the code to add:
+#include "softposit.h"
+int main (int argc, char *argv[]){
+ posit8_t pA, pB, pZ;
+ pA = castP8(0xF2);
+ pB = castP8(0x23);
+ pZ = p8_add(pA, pB);
+ //To check answer by converting it to double
+ double dZ = convertP8ToDouble(pZ);
+ printf("dZ: %.15f\n", dZ);
+ //To print result in binary
+ uint8_t uiZ = castUI(pZ);
+ printBinary((uint64_t*)&uiZ, 8);
+ return 0;
+#### A 16-bit example on how to use the code to multiply:
+#include "softposit.h"
+int main (int argc, char *argv[]){
+ posit16_t pA, pB, pZ;
+ pA = castP16(0x0FF2);
+ pB = castP16(0x2123);
+ pZ = p16_mul(pA, pB);
+ //To check answer by converting it to double
+ double dZ = convertP16ToDouble(pZ);
+ printf("dZ: %.15f\n", dZ);
+ //To print result in binary
+ uint16_t uiZ = castUI(pZ);
+ printBinary((uint64_t*)&uiZ, 16);
+ return 0;
+#### A 24-bit (es=2) example on how to use the code:
+#include "softposit.h"
+int main (int argc, char *argv[]){
+ posit_2_t pA, pB, pZ;
+ pA.v = 0xF2; //this is to set the bits (method 1)
+ pB = castPX2(0x23); //this is to set the bits (method 2)
+ pZ = pX2_add(pA, pB, 24);
+ //To check answer by converting it to double
+ double dZ = convertPX2ToDouble(pZ);
+ printf("dZ: %.40f\n", dZ);
+ //To print result in binary
+ printBinaryPX((uint32_t*)&pZ.v, 24);
+ //To print result as double
+ printf("result: %.40f\n", convertPX2ToDouble(pZ));
+ return 0;
+#### For deep learning, please use quire.
+//Convert double to posit
+posit16_t pA = convertDoubleToP16(1.02783203125 );
+posit16_t pB = convertDoubleToP16(0.987060546875);
+posit16_t pC = convertDoubleToP16(0.4998779296875);
+posit16_t pD = convertDoubleToP16(0.8797607421875);
+quire16_t qZ;
+//Set quire to 0
+qZ = q16_clr(qZ);
+//accumulate products without roundings
+qZ = q16_fdp_add(qZ, pA, pB);
+qZ = q16_fdp_add(qZ, pC, pD);
+//Convert back to posit
+posit16_t pZ = q16_to_p16(qZ);
+//To check answer
+double dZ = convertP16ToDouble(pZ);
+### Build and link
+#### Build - softposit.a
+Please note that only 64-bit systems are supported. For Mac OSX and Linux, the same Makefile is used.
+Note that architecture specific optimisation is removed. To get maximum speed, please update OPTIMISATION flag in build/Linux-x86_64-GCC/Makefile.
+cd SoftPosit/build/Linux-x86_64-GCC
+make -j6 all
+#### Link - softposit.a
+If your source code is for example "main.c" and you want to create an executable "main".
+Assume that SoftPosit is installed and installed in the same directory (installing in the same directory is NOT recommended).
+gcc -lm -o main \
+ main.c SoftPosit/build/Linux-x86_64-GCC/softposit.a -ISoftPosit/source/include -O2
+### Features
+#### Main Posit Functionalities:
+Add :
+ posit16_t p16_add(posit16_t, posit16_t)
+ posit8_t p8_add(posit8_t, posit8_t)
+Subtract :
+ posit16_t p16_sub(posit16_t, posit16_t)
+ posit8_t p8_sub(posit8_t, posit8_t)
+Divide :
+ posit16_t p16_div(posit16_t, posit16_t)
+ posit8_t p8_div(posit8_t, posit8_t)
+Multiply :
+ posit16_t p16_mul(posit16_t, posit16_t)
+ posit8_t p8_mul(posit8_t, posit8_t)
+Fused Multiply Add :
+ posit16_t p16_mulAdd(posit16_t, posit16_t, posit16_t)
+ posit8_t p8_mulAdd(posit8_t, posit8_t, posit8_t)
+ Note: p16_mulAdd(a, b, c) <=> a*b + c
+#### Main Quire Functionalities
+Fused dot product-add :
+ quire16_t q16_fdp_add(quire16_t, posit16_t, posit16_t)
+ quire8_t q16_fdp_add(quire8_t, posit8_t, posit8_t)
+ Note: q8_fdp_add (a, b, c) <=> a + b*c
+Fused dot product-subtract :
+ quire16_t q16_fdp_sub(quire16_t, posit16_t, posit16_t)
+ quire8_t q8_fdp_sub(quire8_t, posit8_t, posit8_t)
+Set quire variable to zero :
+ quire16_t q16_clr(quire16_t)
+ quire8_t q8_clr(quire8_t)
+Convert quire to posit :
+ posit16_t q16_to_p16(quire16_t)
+ posit8_t q8_to_p8(quire8_t)
+#### Functionalites in Posit Standard
+Square root :
+ posit16_t p16_sqrt(posit16_t)
+ posit8_t p8_sqrt(posit8_t)
+Round to nearest integer :
+ posit16_t p16_roundToInt(posit16_t)
+ posit8_t p8_roundToInt(posit8_t)
+Check equal :
+ bool p16_eq( posit16_t, posit16_t )
+ bool p8_eq( posit8_t, posit8_t )
+Check less than equal :
+ bool p16_le( posit16_t, posit16_t )
+ bool p8_le( posit8_t, posit8_t )
+Check less than :
+ bool p16_lt( posit16_t, posit16_t )
+ bool p8_lt( posit8_t, posit8_t )
+Convert posit to integer (32 bits) :
+ int_fast32_t p16_to_i32( posit16_t )
+ int_fast32_t p8_to_i32( posit8_t )
+Convert posit to long long integer (64 bits) :
+ int_fast64_t p16_to_i64( posit16_t)
+ int_fast64_t p8_to_i64( posit8_t)
+Convert unsigned integer (32 bits) to posit:
+ posit16_t ui32_to_p16( uint32_t a )
+ posit8_t ui32_to_p8( uint32_t a )
+Convert unsigned long long int (64 bits) to posit:
+ posit16_t ui64_to_p16( uint64_t a )
+ posit8_t ui64_to_p8( uint64_t a )
+Convert integer (32 bits) to posit:
+ posit16_t i32_to_p16( int32_t a )
+ posit8_t i32_to_p8( uint32_t a )
+Convert long integer (64 bits) to posit:
+ posit16_t i64_to_p16( int64_t a )
+ posit8_t i64_to_p8( uint64_t a )
+Convert posit to unsigned integer (32 bits) :
+ uint_fast32_t p16_to_ui32( posit16_t )
+ uint_fast32_t p8_to_ui32( posit8_t )
+Convert posit to unsigned long long integer (64 bits) :
+ uint_fast64_t p16_to_ui64( posit16_t)
+ uint_fast64_t p8_to_ui64( posit8_t)
+Convert posit to integer (32 bits) :
+ uint_fast32_t p16_to_i32( posit16_t )
+ uint_fast32_t p8_to_i32( posit8_t )
+Convert posit to long long integer (64 bits) :
+ uint_fast64_t p16_to_i64( posit16_t)
+ uint_fast64_t p8_to_i64( posit8_t)
+Convert posit to posit of another size :
+ posit8_t p16_to_p8( posit16_t )
+ posit32_t p16_to_p32( posit16_t )
+ posit16_t p8_to_p16( posit8_t )
+ posit32_t p8_to_p32( posit8_t )
+#### Helper Functionalites (NOT in Posit Standard)
+Convert posit to double (64 bits) :
+ double convertP16ToDouble(posit16_t)
+ double convertP8ToDouble(posit8_t)
+Convert double (64 bits) to posit :
+ posit16_t convertDoubleToP16(double)
+ posit8_t convertDoubleToP8(double)
+Cast binary expressed in unsigned integer to posit :
+ posit16_t castP16(uint16_t)
+ posit8_t castP8(uint8_t)
+Cast posit into binary expressed in unsigned integer
+ uint16_t castUI(posit16_t)
+ uint8_t castUI(posit8_t)
+## <a name="cppversion"/>Easy to use C++ version
+### Build and Link
+**Build and link your C++ program to SoftPosit.a (C)**
+Please compile your executable with g++ and not gcc.
+g++ -std=gnu++11 -o main \
+ ../source/testmain.cpp \
+ ../../SoftPosit/source/../build/Linux-x86_64-GCC/softposit.a \
+ -I../../SoftPosit/source/../build/Linux-x86_64-GCC -O2
+### Example
+#### Example of testmain.cpp
+#include "softposit_cpp.h"
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
+ posit16 x = 1;
+ posit16 y = 1.5;
+ posit8 x8 = 1;
+ quire16 q;
+ quire8 q8;
+ x += p16(1.5)*5.1;
+ printf("%.13f sizeof: %d\n", x.toDouble(), sizeof(posit16));
+ x = q.qma(4, 1.2).toPosit();
+ printf("%.13f sizeof: %d\n", x.toDouble(), sizeof(quire16));
+ x8 = q8.qma(4, 1.2).toPosit();
+ printf("%.13f sizeof: %d\n", x8.toDouble(), sizeof(quire8));
+ std::cout << x;
+ return 0;
+### Functionalities
+#### Main functionalities
+* Posit types: posit16, posit8
+* Fused-multiply-add:
+ * posit16 fma(posit16, posit16, posit16)
+ * posit18 fma(posit18, posit18, posit8)
+* Square root:
+ * posit16 sqrt(posit16)
+ * posit8 sqrt(posit8)
+* roundToInt:
+ * posit16 rint(posit16)
+ * posit8 rint(posit8)
+* Supported operators
+ * \+
+ * +=
+ * \-
+ * \-=
+ * &ast;
+ * &ast;=
+ * /
+ * /=
+ * <<
+ * <<=
+ * &#62;&#62;
+ * &#62;&#62;=
+ * &
+ * &=
+ * |
+ * |=
+ * ^
+ * ^=
+ * &&
+ * ||
+ * ++
+ * --
+ * ==
+ * ~
+ * !
+ * !=
+ * &ast;
+ * <
+ * &ast;=
+ * <=
+* Posit to Double:
+ * double (instance of posit).toDouble()
+* Double to Posit:
+ * posit16 p16(double)
+ * posit8 p8(double)
+* Posit to NaR:
+ * posit16 (instance of posit16).toNaR()
+ * posit8 (instance of posit8).toNaR()
+#### Quire functionalities (particularly for deep learning)
+* Quire types: quire16, quire8 (when declared, quire is initiated to zero)
+* Clear quire to zero:
+ * (instance of quire16).clr()
+* Quire multiply add (fused)
+ * (instance of quire16).fma(quire16)
+ * (instance of quire8).fma(quire8)
+* Quire multiply subtract (fused)
+ * (instance of quire16).fms(quire16)
+ * (instance of quire8).fms(quire8)
+* Convert quire to Posit
+ * posit16 (instance of quire16).toPosit()
+ * posit8 (instance of quire8).toPosit()
+* Check if quire is NaR
+ * bool (instance of quire).isNaR()
+## <a name="jversion"/>Julia
+* [Julia implementation] ( on top of SoftPosit
+### Install via Julia package manager
+> add
+Credits to Milan Klöwer.
+### Behind the scene
+#### Build shared library
+cd SoftPosit/build/Linux_x86_64_GCC/
+make -j6 julia
+#### Simple Tests
+julia> t = ccall((:convertDoubleToP16, "/path/to/SoftPosit/build/Linux-x86_64-GCC/"), UInt16, (Float64,),1.0)
+julia> t = ccall((:convertDoubleToP16, "/path/to/SoftPosit/build/Linux-x86_64-GCC/"), UInt16, (Float64,),-1.0)
+## <a href="known"/>Known implementations on top of SoftPosit
+* [Andrey Zgarbul's Rust implementation](
+* [Milan Klöwer's Julia implementation](
+* [SpeedGo Computing's TensorFlow](
+* [SpeedGo Computing's Numpy](
+* [Cerlane Leong's SoftPosit-Python](
+* [David Thien's SoftPosit bindings Racket](
+* [Bill Zorn's SoftPosit and SoftFloat Python](