path: root/scripts/context/ruby/xmltools.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/context/ruby/xmltools.rb')
1 files changed, 656 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/context/ruby/xmltools.rb b/scripts/context/ruby/xmltools.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c28df200d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/context/ruby/xmltools.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# program : xmltools
+# copyright : PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering
+# version : 2002-2005
+# author : Hans Hagen
+# project : ConTeXt / eXaMpLe
+# concept : Hans Hagen
+# info :
+# www :
+# todo : use kpse lib
+# This script will harbor some handy manipulations on tex
+# related files.
+banner = ['XMLTools', 'version 1.2.2', '2002/2007', 'PRAGMA ADE/POD']
+$: << File.expand_path(File.dirname($0)) ; $: << File.join($:.last,'lib') ; $:.uniq!
+require 'base/switch'
+require 'base/logger'
+class String
+ def astring(n=10)
+ gsub(/(\d+)/o) do $1.to_s.rjust(n) end.gsub(/ /o, '0')
+ end
+ def xstring
+ if self =~ /\'/o then
+ "\"#{self.gsub(/\"/, '&quot;')}\""
+ else
+ "\'#{self}\'"
+ end
+ end
+class Array
+ def asort(n=10)
+ sort {|x,y| x.astring(n) <=> y.astring(n)}
+ end
+class Commands
+ include CommandBase
+ def dir
+ @xmlns = "xmlns=''"
+ pattern = @commandline.option('pattern')
+ recurse = @commandline.option('recurse')
+ stripname = @commandline.option('stripname')
+ longname = @commandline.option('longname')
+ url = @commandline.option('url')
+ outputfile = @commandline.option('output')
+ root = @commandline.option('root')
+ def generate(output,files,url,root,longname)
+ class << output
+ def xputs(str,n=0)
+ puts("#{' '*n}#{str}")
+ end
+ end
+ dirname = ''
+ output.xputs("<?xml version='1.0'?>\n\n")
+ if ! root || root.empty? then
+ rootatt = @xmlns
+ else
+ rootatt = " #{@xmlns} root='#{root}'"
+ end
+ rootatt += " timestamp='#{}'"
+ if url.empty? then
+ output.xputs("<files #{rootatt}>\n")
+ else
+ output.xputs("<files url='#{url}'#{rootatt}>\n")
+ end
+ files.each do |f|
+ bn, dn = File.basename(f), File.dirname(f)
+ if dirname != dn then
+ output.xputs("</directory>\n", 2) if dirname != ''
+ output.xputs("<directory name='#{dn}'>\n", 2)
+ dirname = dn
+ end
+ if longname && dn != '.' then
+ output.xputs("<file name='#{dn}/#{bn}'>\n", 4)
+ else
+ output.xputs("<file name='#{bn}'>\n", 4)
+ end
+ output.xputs("<base>#{bn.sub(/\..*$/,'')}</base>\n", 6)
+ if File.stat(f).file? then
+ bt = bn.sub(/^.*\./,'')
+ if bt != bn then
+ output.xputs("<type>#{bt}</type>\n", 6)
+ end
+ output.xputs("<size>#{File.stat(f).size}</size>\n", 6)
+ permissions = ''
+ permissions << 'r' if File.readable?(f)
+ permissions << 'w' if File.writable?(f)
+ permissions << 'x' if File.executable?(f)
+ output.xputs("<permissions>#{permissions}</permissions>\n", 6) unless permissions.empty?
+ end
+ output.xputs("<date>#{File.stat(f).mtime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")}</date>\n", 6)
+ output.xputs("</file>\n", 4)
+ end
+ output.xputs("</directory>\n", 2) if dirname != ''
+ output.xputs("</files>\n")
+ end
+ if pattern.empty? then
+ report('provide --pattern=')
+ return
+ end
+ unless outputfile.empty? then
+ begin
+ output =,'w')
+ rescue
+ report("unable to open #{outputfile}")
+ return
+ end
+ else
+ report('provide --output')
+ return
+ end
+ if stripname && pattern.class == String && ! pattern.empty? then
+ pattern = File.dirname(pattern)
+ end
+ pattern = '*' if pattern.empty?
+ unless root.empty? then
+ unless then
+ report("unknown root #{root}")
+ return
+ end
+ begin
+ Dir.chdir(root)
+ rescue
+ report("unable to change to root #{root}")
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ generate(output, globbed(pattern, recurse), url, root, longname)
+ output.close if output
+ end
+ alias ls :dir
+ def mmlpages
+ file = @commandline.argument('first')
+ eps = @commandline.option('eps')
+ jpg = @commandline.option('jpg')
+ png = @commandline.option('png')
+ style = @commandline.option('style')
+ modes = @commandline.option('modes')
+ file = file.sub(/\.xml/io, '')
+ long = "#{file}-mmlpages"
+ if FileTest.file?(file+'.xml') then
+ style = "--arg=\"style=#{style}\"" unless style.empty?
+ modes = "--mode=#{modes}" unless modes.empty?
+ if system("texmfstart texexec --batch --pdf --once --result=#{long} --use=mmlpag #{style} #{modes} #{file}.xml") then
+ if eps then
+ if f = open("#{file}-mmlpages.txt") then
+ while line = f.gets do
+ data =
+ if fields = line.split then
+ fields.each do |fld|
+ key, value = fld.split('=')
+ data[key] = value if key && value
+ end
+ if data.key?('p') then
+ page = data['p']
+ name = "#{long}-#{page.to_i-1}"
+ if eps then
+ report("generating eps file #{name}")
+ if system("pdftops -eps -f #{page} -l #{page} #{long}.pdf #{name}.eps") then
+ if data.key?('d') then
+ if epsfile ="#{name}.eps") then
+ epsfile.sub!(/^(\%\%BoundingBox:.*?$)/i) do
+ newline = $1 + "\n%%Baseline: #{data['d']}\n"
+ if data.key?('w') && data.key?('h') then
+ newline += "%%PositionWidth: #{data['w']}\n"
+ newline += "%%PositionHeight: #{data['h']}\n"
+ newline += "%%PositionDepth: #{data['d']}"
+ end
+ newline
+ end
+ if g ="#{name}.eps",'wb') then
+ g.write(epsfile)
+ g.close
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ report("error in generating eps from #{name}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ f.close
+ else
+ report("missing data log file #{file}")
+ end
+ end
+ if png then
+ report("generating png file for #{long}")
+ system("imagemagick #{long}.pdf #{long}-%d.png")
+ end
+ if jpg then
+ report("generating jpg files for #{long}")
+ system("imagemagick #{long}.pdf #{long}-%d.jpg")
+ end
+ else
+ report("error in processing file #{file}")
+ end
+ system("texmfstart ctxtools --purge")
+ else
+ report("error in processing file #{file}")
+ end
+ end
+ def analyze
+ file = @commandline.argument('first')
+ result = @commandline.option('output')
+ utf = @commandline.option('utf')
+ process = @commandline.option('process')
+ if FileTest.file?(file) then
+ if data = then
+ if data =~ /<?xml.*?version\=/ then
+ report("xml file #{file} loaded")
+ elements =
+ attributes =
+ entities =
+ chars =
+ unicodes =
+ names =
+ data.scan(/<([^>\s\/\!\?]+)([^>]*?)>/o) do
+ element, attributelist = $1, $2
+ if elements.key?(element) then
+ elements[element] += 1
+ else
+ elements[element] = 1
+ end
+ attributelist.scan(/\s*([^\=]+)\=([\"\'])(.*?)(\2)/) do
+ key, value = $1, $3
+ attributes[element] = unless attributes.key?(element)
+ attributes[element][key] = unless attributes[element].key?(key)
+ if attributes[element][key].key?(value) then
+ attributes[element][key][value] += 1
+ else
+ attributes[element][key][value] = 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ data.scan(/\&([^\;]+)\;/o) do
+ entity = $1
+ if entities.key?(entity) then
+ entities[entity] += 1
+ else
+ entities[entity] = 1
+ end
+ end
+ if utf then
+ data.scan(/(\w)/u) do
+ chars[$1] = (chars[$1] || 0) + 1
+ end
+ if chars.size > 0 then
+ begin
+ # todo : use kpse lib
+ filename, ownpath, foundpath = 'contextnames.txt', File.dirname($0), ''
+ begin
+ foundpath = File.dirname(`kpsewhich -progname=context -format=\"other text files\" #{filename}`.chomp)
+ rescue
+ foundpath = '.'
+ else
+ foundpath = '.' if foundpath.empty?
+ end
+ [foundpath,ownpath,File.join(ownpath,'../../../context/data')].each do |path|
+ fullname = File.join(path,filename)
+ if FileTest.file?(fullname) then
+ report("loading '#{fullname}'")
+ # rough scan, we assume no valid lines after comments
+^([0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F])\s*\;\s*(.*?)\s*\;\s*(.*?)\s*\;\s*(.*?)\s*$/) do
+ names[$1.hex.to_i.to_s] = [$2,$3,$4]
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ result = file.gsub(/\..*?$/, '') + '.xlg' if result.empty?
+ if f =,'w') then
+ report("saving report in #{result}")
+ f.puts "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n"
+ f.puts "<document>\n"
+ if entities.length>0 then
+ total = 0
+ entities.each do |k,v|
+ total += v
+ end
+ f.puts " <entities n=#{total.to_s.xstring}>\n"
+ entities.keys.asort.each do |entity|
+ f.puts " <entity name=#{entity.xstring} n=#{entities[entity].to_s.xstring}/>\n"
+ end
+ f.puts " </entities>\n"
+ end
+ if utf && (chars.size > 0) then
+ total = 0
+ chars.each do |k,v|
+ total += v
+ end
+ f.puts " <characters n=#{total.to_s.xstring}>\n"
+ chars.each do |k,v|
+ if k.length > 1 then
+ begin
+ u = k.unpack('U')
+ unicodes[u] = (unicodes[u] || 0) + v
+ rescue
+ report("invalid utf codes")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ unicodes.keys.sort.each do |u|
+ ustr = u.to_s
+ if names[ustr] then
+ f.puts " <character number=#{ustr.xstring} pname=#{names[ustr][0].xstring} cname=#{names[ustr][1].xstring} uname=#{names[ustr][2].xstring} n=#{unicodes[u].to_s.xstring}/>\n"
+ else
+ f.puts " <character number=#{ustr.xstring} n=#{unicodes[u].to_s.xstring}/>\n"
+ end
+ end
+ f.puts " </characters>\n"
+ end
+ if elements.length>0 then
+ f.puts " <elements>\n"
+ elements.keys.sort.each do |element|
+ if attributes.key?(element) then
+ f.puts " <element name=#{element.xstring} n=#{elements[element].to_s.xstring}>\n"
+ if attributes.key?(element) then
+ attributes[element].keys.asort.each do |attribute|
+ f.puts " <attribute name=#{attribute.xstring}>\n"
+ if attribute =~ /id$/o then
+ nn = 0
+ attributes[element][attribute].keys.asort.each do |value|
+ nn += attributes[element][attribute][value].to_i
+ end
+ f.puts " <instance value=#{"*".xstring} n=#{nn.to_s.xstring}/>\n"
+ else
+ attributes[element][attribute].keys.asort.each do |value|
+ f.puts " <instance value=#{value.xstring} n=#{attributes[element][attribute][value].to_s.xstring}/>\n"
+ end
+ end
+ f.puts " </attribute>\n"
+ end
+ end
+ f.puts " </element>\n"
+ else
+ f.puts " <element name=#{element.xstring} n=#{elements[element].to_s.xstring}/>\n"
+ end
+ end
+ f.puts " </elements>\n"
+ end
+ f.puts "</document>\n"
+ f.close
+ if process then
+ system("texmfstart texexec --purge --pdf --use=xml-analyze #{result}")
+ end
+ else
+ report("unable to open file '#{result}'")
+ end
+ else
+ report("invalid xml file '#{file}'")
+ end
+ else
+ report("unable to load file '#{file}'")
+ end
+ else
+ report("unknown file '#{file}'")
+ end
+ end
+ def filter
+ require "rexml/document"
+ element = @commandline.option('element')
+ files = @commandline.arguments
+ result = "xmltools.xlg"
+ if element.empty? then
+ report("provide element using --element")
+ elsif files.length == 0 then
+ report("provide filename(s)")
+ else
+ begin
+,'w') do |f|
+ f << "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n\n"
+ f << "<xlg:document>\n\n"
+ total = 0
+ files.sort.each do |file|
+ begin
+ report("loading: #{file}")
+ data =
+ rescue
+ report("error: invalid xml")
+ else
+ found = 0
+ report("filtering: #{element}")
+ REXML::XPath.each(data,"//#{element}") do |table|
+ str = table.to_s
+ if str.length > 0 then
+ total += 1
+ found += 1
+ report("found: #{total} / #{found} / #{str.length} bytes")
+ f << "<xlg:file name='#{file}'>\n\n" unless found > 1
+ f << "<xlg:filtered n='#{total}' m='#{found}'>"
+ f << "#{str.gsub(/^\s*/m,'').gsub(/\s*$/m,'')}"
+ f << "</xlg:filtered>\n\n"
+ end
+ end
+ f << "</xlg:file>\n\n" if found > 0
+ end
+ end
+ f << "</xlg:document>\n"
+ end
+ report("result: #{result}")
+ rescue
+ report("error in opening #{result}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def enhance
+ oldname = @commandline.argument('first')
+ newname = @commandline.argument('second')
+ verbose = @commandline.option('verbose')
+ # todo: options, maybe a config file
+ if ! newname || newname.empty? then
+ newname = oldname + ".prep"
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?(oldname) then
+ report("") if verbose
+ data =
+ elements =
+ preamble = ""
+ done = false
+ data.sub!(/^(.*?)\s*(<[a-z])/moi) do
+ preamble = $1
+ $2
+ end
+ # hide elements
+ data.gsub!(/<([^>]*?)>/moi) do
+ elements << $1
+ "<#{elements.length}>"
+ end
+ # abc[-/]def
+ data.gsub!(/([a-z]{3,})([\/\-\(\)]+)([a-z]{3,})/moi) do
+ done = true
+ report("compound: #{$1}#{$2}#{$3}") if verbose
+ "#{$1}<compound token='#{$2}'/>#{$3}"
+ end
+ # (abcd
+ # data.gsub!(/(\()([a-z]{4,})/moi) do
+ # done = true
+ # report("compound: #{$1}#{$2}") if verbose
+ # "<compound token='#{$1}'/>#{$2}"
+ # end
+ # abcd)
+ # data.gsub!(/(\()([a-z]{4,})/moi) do
+ # done = true
+ # report("compound: #{$1}#{$2}") if verbose
+ # "#{$2}<compound token='#{$2}'/>"
+ # end
+ # roll back elements
+ data.gsub!(/<(\d+)>/moi) do
+ "<#{elements.shift}>"
+ end
+,'wb') do |f|
+ f << preamble
+ f << "\n"
+ f << data
+ end
+ if verbose then
+ if done then
+ report("")
+ report(oldname," converted to ",newname)
+ else
+ report(oldname," copied to ",newname)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def cleanup # todo, share loading/saving with previous
+ file = @commandline.argument('first')
+ force = @commandline.option('force')
+ verbose = @commandline.option('verbose')
+ if FileTest.file?(file) then
+ if data = then
+ if data =~ /<?xml.*?version\=/ then
+ data = doxmlcleanup(data,verbose)
+ result = if force then file else file.gsub(/\..*?$/, '') + '.xlg' end
+ begin
+ if f =,'w') then
+ f << data
+ f.close
+ end
+ rescue
+ report("unable to open file '#{result}'")
+ end
+ else
+ report("invalid xml file '#{file}'")
+ end
+ else
+ report("unable to load file '#{file}'")
+ end
+ else
+ report("unknown file '#{file}'")
+ end
+ end
+ def doxmlreport(str,verbose=false)
+ if verbose then
+ result = str
+ report(result)
+ return result
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+ end
+ def doxmlcleanup(data="",verbose=false)
+ # remove funny spaces (looks cleaner)
+ #
+ # data = "<whatever ></whatever ><whatever />"
+ data.gsub!(/\<(\/*\w+)\s*(\/*)>/o) do
+ "<#{$1}#{$2}>"
+ end
+ # remove funny ampersands
+ #
+ # data = "<x> B&W </x>"
+ data.gsub!(/\&([^\<\>\&]*?)\;/mo) do
+ "<entity name='#{$1}'/>"
+ end
+ data.gsub!(/\&/o) do
+ doxmlreport("&amp;",verbose)
+ end
+ data.gsub!(/\<entity name=\'(.*?)\'\/\>/o) do
+ doxmlreport("&#{$1};",verbose)
+ end
+ # remove funny < >
+ #
+ # data = "<x> < 5% </x>"
+ data.gsub!(/<([^>].*?)>/o) do
+ tag = $1
+ case tag
+ when /^\//o then
+ "<#{tag}>" # funny tag but ok
+ when /\/$/o then
+ "<#{tag}>" # funny tag but ok
+ when /</o then
+ doxmlreport("&lt;#{tag}>",verbose)
+ else
+ "<#{tag}>"
+ end
+ end
+ # remove funny < >
+ #
+ # data = "<x> > 5% </x>"
+ data.gsub!(/<([^>].*?)>([^\>\<]*?)>/o) do
+ doxmlreport("<#{$1}>#{$2}&gt;",verbose)
+ end
+ return data
+ end
+ # puts doxmlcleanup("<whatever ></whatever ><whatever />")
+ # puts doxmlcleanup("<x> B&W </x>")
+ # puts doxmlcleanup("<x> < 5% </x>")
+ # puts doxmlcleanup("<x> > 5% </x>")
+logger =
+commandline =
+commandline.registeraction('dir', 'generate directory listing')
+commandline.registeraction('mmlpages','generate graphic from mathml')
+commandline.registeraction('analyze', 'report entities and elements [--utf --process]')
+commandline.registeraction('cleanup', 'cleanup xml file [--force]')
+commandline.registeraction('enhance', 'enhance xml file (partial)')
+commandline.registeraction('filter', 'filter elements from xml file [element=]')
+# commandline.registeraction('dir', 'filename --pattern= --output= [--recurse --stripname --longname --url --root]')
+# commandline.registeraction('mmlpages','filename [--eps --jpg --png --style= --mode=]')
+,logger,banner).send(commandline.action || 'help')