path: root/scripts/context/ruby/base/kpse.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/context/ruby/base/kpse.rb')
1 files changed, 389 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/context/ruby/base/kpse.rb b/scripts/context/ruby/base/kpse.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f9868784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/context/ruby/base/kpse.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+# module : base/kpse
+# copyright : PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering
+# version : 2002-2005
+# author : Hans Hagen
+# project : ConTeXt / eXaMpLe
+# concept : Hans Hagen
+# info :
+# www :
+# rename this one to environment
+# todo: web2c vs miktex module and include in kpse
+require 'rbconfig'
+require 'fileutils'
+# beware $engine is lowercase in kpse
+# miktex has mem|fmt|base paths
+class String
+ def split_path
+ if self =~ /\;/o || self =~ /^[a-z]\:/io then
+ self.split(";")
+ else
+ self.split(":")
+ end
+ end
+ def sane_path
+ self.gsub(/\\/,'/')
+ end
+class Array
+ def join_path
+ self.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+ end
+ def non_empty
+ self.delete_if do |i|
+ (i == nil || i.empty?) rescue false
+ end
+ end
+module Kpse
+ @@located =
+ @@paths =
+ @@scripts =
+ @@formats = ['tex','texmfscripts','other text files']
+ @@progname = 'context'
+ @@ownpath = $0.sub(/[\\\/][a-z0-9\-]*?\.rb/i,'')
+ @@problems = false
+ @@tracing = false
+ @@distribution = 'web2c'
+ @@crossover = true
+ @@mswindows = Config::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin/
+ # @@distribution = 'miktex' if ENV['PATH'] =~ /miktex[\\\/]bin/o
+ # if ENV['PATH'] =~ /(.*?)miktex[\\\/]bin/i then
+ # @@distribution = 'miktex' unless $1 =~ /(texmf\-mswin[\/\\]bin|bin[\/\\]win32)/i
+ # end
+ if @@mswindows && (ENV['PATH'] =~ /(.*?)miktex[\\\/]bin/i) then
+ @@distribution = 'miktex' unless $1 =~ /(texmf\-mswin[\/\\]bin|bin[\/\\]win32)/i
+ end
+ @@re_true = /yes|on|true|1/i
+ if (ENV['KPSEFAST'] =~ @@re_true) || (ENV['CTXMINIMAL'] =~ @@re_true) then
+ @@usekpserunner = true
+ require 'base/kpsefast'
+ require 'base/kpserunner'
+ else
+ @@usekpserunner = false
+ end
+ if @@crossover then
+ ENV.keys.each do |k|
+ case k
+ when /\_CTX\_KPSE\_V\_(.*?)\_/io then @@located[$1] = ENV[k].dup
+ when /\_CTX\_KPSE\_P\_(.*?)\_/io then @@paths [$1] = ENV[k].dup.split(';')
+ when /\_CTX\_KPSE\_S\_(.*?)\_/io then @@scripts[$1] = ENV[k].dup
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def Kpse.distribution
+ @@distribution
+ end
+ def Kpse.miktex?
+ @@distribution == 'miktex'
+ end
+ def Kpse.web2c?
+ @@distribution == 'web2c'
+ end
+ def Kpse.inspect
+ @@located.keys.sort.each do |k| puts("located : #{k} -> #{@@located[k]}\n") end
+ @@paths .keys.sort.each do |k| puts("paths : #{k} -> #{@@paths [k]}\n") end
+ @@scripts.keys.sort.each do |k| puts("scripts : #{k} -> #{@@scripts[k]}\n") end
+ end
+ def Kpse.used_path(varname)
+ begin
+ if @@mswindows then
+ path = run("--expand-path=\$#{varname}") rescue ''
+ else
+ path = run("--expand-path='$#{varname}'") rescue ''
+ end
+ rescue
+ path = ''
+ end
+ return path.sane_path
+ end
+ def Kpse.found(filename, progname=nil, format=nil)
+ begin
+ tag = Kpse.key(filename) # all
+ if @@located.key?(tag) then
+ return @@located[tag].sane_path
+ elsif FileTest.file?(filename) then
+ setvariable(tag,filename)
+ return filename
+ elsif FileTest.file?(File.join(@@ownpath,filename)) then
+ setvariable(tag,File.join(@@ownpath,filename))
+ return @@located[tag].sane_path
+ else
+ [progname,@@progname].flatten.compact.uniq.each do |prg|
+ [format,@@formats].flatten.compact.uniq.each do |fmt|
+ begin
+ tag = Kpse.key(filename,prg,fmt)
+ if @@located.key?(tag) then
+ return @@located[tag].sane_path
+ elsif p = Kpse.kpsewhich(filename,prg,fmt) then
+ setvariable(tag,p.chomp)
+ return @@located[tag].sane_path
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ setvariable(tag,filename)
+ return filename.sane_path
+ end
+ rescue
+ filename.sane_path
+ end
+ end
+ def Kpse.kpsewhich(filename,progname,format)
+ p = if progname && ! progname.empty? then "-progname=#{progname}" else '' end
+ f = if format && ! format.empty? then "-format=\"#{format}\"" else '' end
+"#{p} #{f} #{filename}")
+ end
+ def Kpse.which
+ Kpse.kpsewhich
+ end
+ def
+ puts arguments if @@tracing
+ begin
+ if @@problems then
+ results = ''
+ elsif @@usekpserunner then
+ results = KpseRunner.kpsewhich(arguments).chomp
+ else
+ results = `kpsewhich #{arguments}`.chomp
+ end
+ rescue
+ puts "unable to run kpsewhich" if @@tracing
+ @@problems, results = true, ''
+ end
+ puts results if @@tracing
+ return results
+ end
+ def Kpse.formatpaths
+ # maybe we should check for writeability
+ unless @@paths.key?('formatpaths') then
+ begin
+ setpath('formatpaths',run("--show-path=fmt").sane_path.split_path)
+ rescue
+ setpath('formatpaths',[])
+ end
+ end
+ return @@paths['formatpaths']
+ end
+ def Kpse.key(filename='',progname='all',format='all')
+ [progname,format,filename].join('-')
+ end
+ def Kpse.formatpath(engine='pdftex',enginepath=true)
+ # because engine support in distributions is not always
+ # as we expect, we need to check for it;
+ # todo: miktex
+ if miktex? then
+ return '.'
+ else
+ unless @@paths.key?(engine) then
+ # savedengine = ENV['engine']
+ if ENV['TEXFORMATS'] && ! ENV['TEXFORMATS'].empty? then
+ # make sure that we have a lowercase entry
+ ENV['TEXFORMATS'] = ENV['TEXFORMATS'].sub(/\$engine/io,"\$engine")
+ # well, we will append anyway, so we could also strip it
+ # ENV['TEXFORMATS'] = ENV['TEXFORMATS'].sub(/\$engine/io,"")
+ end
+ # use modern method
+ if enginepath then
+ formatpath = run("--engine=#{engine} --show-path=fmt")
+ else
+ # ENV['engine'] = engine if engine
+ formatpath = run("--show-path=fmt")
+ end
+ # use ancient method
+ if formatpath.empty? then
+ if enginepath then
+ if @@mswindows then
+ formatpath = run("--engine=#{engine} --expand-path=\$TEXFORMATS")
+ else
+ formatpath = run("--engine=#{engine} --expand-path=\\\$TEXFORMATS")
+ end
+ end
+ # either no enginepath or failed run
+ if formatpath.empty? then
+ if @@mswindows then
+ formatpath = run("--expand-path=\$TEXFORMATS")
+ else
+ formatpath = run("--expand-path=\\\$TEXFORMATS")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # locate writable path
+ if ! formatpath.empty? then
+ formatpaths, done = formatpath.split_path, false
+ formatpaths.collect! do |fp|
+ fp.gsub!(/\\/o,'/')
+ fp.gsub!(/\/\/$/o,'/')
+ # remove funny patterns
+ fp.sub!(/^!!/o,'')
+ fp.sub!(/\/+$/o,'')
+ fp.sub!(/(unsetengine|unset)/o,if enginepath then engine else '' end)
+ fp
+ end
+ formatpaths.delete_if do |fp|
+ fp.empty? || fp == '.'
+ end
+ # the engine path may not yet be present, find first writable
+ formatpaths.each do |fp|
+ # strip (possible engine) and test for writeability
+ fpp = fp.sub(/#{engine}\/*$/o,'')
+ if && FileTest.writable?(fpp) then
+ # use this path
+ formatpath, done = fp.dup, true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ unless done then
+ formatpaths.each do |fp|
+ fpp = fp.sub(/#{engine}\/*$/o,'')
+ FileUtils.makedirs(fpp) rescue false # maybe we don't have an path yet
+ if && FileTest.writable?(fpp) then
+ # use this path
+ formatpath, done = fp.dup, true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ unless done then
+ formatpath = '.'
+ end
+ end
+ # needed !
+ FileUtils.makedirs(formatpath) rescue false
+ # fall back to current path
+ formatpath = '.' if formatpath.empty? || ! FileTest.writable?(formatpath)
+ # append engine but prevent duplicates
+ formatpath = File.join(formatpath.sub(/\/*#{engine}\/*$/,''), engine) if enginepath
+ FileUtils.makedirs(formatpath) rescue false
+ setpath(engine,formatpath)
+ # ENV['engine'] = savedengine
+ end
+ return @@paths[engine].first
+ end
+ end
+ def Kpse.update
+ system('initexmf -u') if Kpse.miktex?
+ system('mktexlsr')
+ end
+ # engine support is either broken of not implemented in some
+ # distributions, so we need to take care of it ourselves (without
+ # delays due to kpse calls); there can be many paths in the string
+ #
+ # in a year or so, i will drop this check
+ def Kpse.fixtexmfvars(engine=nil)
+ ENV['ENGINE'] = engine if engine
+ texformats = if ENV['TEXFORMATS'] then ENV['TEXFORMATS'].dup else '' end
+ if texformats.empty? then
+ if engine then
+ if @@mswindows then
+ texformats = `kpsewhich --engine=#{engine} --expand-var=\$TEXFORMATS`.chomp
+ else
+ texformats = `kpsewhich --engine=#{engine} --expand-var=\\\$TEXFORMATS`.chomp
+ end
+ else
+ if @@mswindows then
+ texformats = `kpsewhich --expand-var=\$TEXFORMATS`.chomp
+ else
+ texformats = `kpsewhich --expand-var=\\\$TEXFORMATS`.chomp
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if engine then
+ texformats.sub!(/unsetengine/,engine)
+ else
+ texformats.sub!(/unsetengine/,"\$engine")
+ end
+ if engine && (texformats =~ /web2c[\/\\].*#{engine}/o) then
+ # ok, engine is seen
+ return false
+ elsif texformats =~ /web2c[\/\\].*\$engine/io then
+ # shouldn't happen
+ return false
+ else
+ ENV['TEXFORMATS'] = texformats.gsub(/(web2c\/\{)(,\})/o) do
+ "#{$1}\$engine#{$2}"
+ end
+ if texformats !~ /web2c[\/\\].*\$engine/io then
+ ENV['TEXFORMATS'] = texformats.gsub(/web2c\/*/, "web2c/{\$engine,}")
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ def Kpse.runscript(name,filename=[],options=[])
+ setscript(name,`texmfstart --locate #{name}`) unless @@scripts.key?(name)
+ cmd = "#{@@scripts[name]} #{[options].flatten.join(' ')} #{[filename].flatten.join(' ')}"
+ system(cmd)
+ end
+ def Kpse.pipescript(name,filename=[],options=[])
+ setscript(name,`texmfstart --locate #{name}`) unless @@scripts.key?(name)
+ cmd = "#{@@scripts[name]} #{[options].flatten.join(' ')} #{[filename].flatten.join(' ')}"
+ `#{cmd}`
+ end
+ def Kpse.searchmethod
+ if @@usekpserunner then 'kpsefast' else 'kpsewhich' end
+ end
+ private
+ def Kpse.setvariable(key,value)
+ @@located[key] = value
+ ENV["_CTX_K_V_#{key}_"] = @@located[key] if @@crossover
+ end
+ def Kpse.setscript(key,value)
+ @@scripts[key] = value
+ ENV["_CTX_K_S_#{key}_"] = @@scripts[key] if @@crossover
+ end
+ def Kpse.setpath(key,value)
+ @@paths[key] = [value].flatten.uniq.collect do |p|
+ p.sub(/^!!/,'').sub(/\/*$/,'')
+ end
+ ENV["_CTX_K_P_#{key}_"] = @@paths[key].join(';') if @@crossover
+ end