path: root/scripts/context/lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/context/lua')
2 files changed, 71 insertions, 227 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.lua
index 4beb32a94..381030fc5 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-context.lua
@@ -548,6 +548,8 @@ local function luatex_command(l_flags,c_flags,filename,engine)
+-- use mtx-plain instead
local plain_formats = {
["plain"] = "plain",
["luatex-plain"] = "luatex-plain",
@@ -1233,7 +1235,7 @@ function scripts.context.autoctx()
if chunk then
ctxname = match(chunk,"<%?context%-directive%s+job%s+ctxfile%s+([^ ]-)%s*?>")
- elseif suffix == "tex" or suffix == "mkiv" or suffix == "mkil" then
+ elseif suffix == "tex" or suffix == "mkiv" or suffix == "mkxl" then
local analysis = preamble_analyze(firstfile)
ctxname = analysis.ctxfile or analysis.ctx
@@ -1247,66 +1249,27 @@ function scripts.context.autoctx()
--- no longer ok as mlib-run misses something:
--- local template = [[
--- \starttext
--- \directMPgraphic{%s}{input "%s"}
--- \stoptext
--- ]]
--- local loaded = false
--- function scripts.context.metapost()
--- local filename = environment.filenames[1] or ""
--- if not loaded then
--- dofile(resolvers.findfile("mlib-run.lua"))
--- loaded = true
--- commands = commands or { }
--- commands.writestatus = report -- no longer needed
--- end
--- local formatname = getargument("format") or "metafun"
--- if formatname == "" or type(formatname) == "boolean" then
--- formatname = "metafun"
--- end
--- if getargument("pdf") then
--- local basename = removesuffix(filename)
--- local resultname = getargument("result") or basename
--- local jobname = "mtx-context-metapost"
--- local tempname = fileaddsuffix(jobname,"tex")
--- io.savedata(tempname,format(template,"metafun",filename))
--- environment.filenames[1] = tempname
--- setargument("result",resultname)
--- setargument("once",true)
--- scripts.context.purge_job(jobname,true)
--- scripts.context.purge_job(resultname,true)
--- elseif getargument("svg") then
--- metapost.directrun(formatname,filename,"svg")
--- else
--- metapost.directrun(formatname,filename,"mps")
--- end
--- end
--- --
function scripts.context.version()
- local name = resolvers.findfile("context.mkiv")
- if name ~= "" then
- report("main context file: %s",name)
- local data = io.loaddata(name)
- if data then
- local version = match(data,"\\edef\\contextversion{(.-)}")
- if version then
- report("current version: %s",version)
+ local list = { "context.mkiv", "context.mkxl" }
+ for i=1,#list do
+ local base = list[i]
+ local name = resolvers.findfile(base)
+ if name ~= "" then
+ report("main context file: %s",name)
+ local data = io.loaddata(name)
+ if data then
+ local version = match(data,"\\edef\\contextversion{(.-)}")
+ if version then
+ report("current version: %s",version)
+ else
+ report("context version: unknown, no timestamp found")
+ end
- report("context version: unknown, no timestamp found")
+ report("context version: unknown, load error")
- report("context version: unknown, load error")
+ report("main context file: unknown, %a not found",base)
- else
- report("main context file: unknown, 'context.mkiv' not found")
@@ -1429,7 +1392,7 @@ local function touchfiles(suffix,kind,path)
-local tobetouched = tohash { "mkii", "mkiv", "mkvi", "mkil", "mkli" }
+local tobetouched = tohash { "mkii", "mkiv", "mkvi", "mkxl", "mklx" }
function scripts.context.touch()
if getargument("expert") then
@@ -1451,8 +1414,8 @@ end
-- modules
local labels = { "title", "comment", "status" }
-local cards = { "*.mkiv", "*.mkvi", "*.mkix", "*.mkxi", "*.mkil", "*.mkli", "*.tex" }
-local valid = tohash { "mkiv", "mkvi", "mkix", "mkxi", "mkil", "mkli", "tex" }
+local cards = { "*.mkiv", "*.mkvi", "*.mkix", "*.mkxi", "*.mkxl", "*.mklx", "*.tex" }
+local valid = tohash { "mkiv", "mkvi", "mkix", "mkxi", "mkxl", "mklx", "tex" }
function scripts.context.modules(pattern)
local list = { }
@@ -1602,144 +1565,6 @@ function scripts.context.timed(action)
--- -- updating (often one will use mtx-update instead)
--- local zipname = ""
--- local mainzip = "" .. zipname
--- local validtrees = { "texmf-local", "texmf-context" }
--- local selfscripts = { "mtxrun.lua" } -- was: { "luatools.lua", "mtxrun.lua" }
--- function zip.loaddata(zipfile,filename) -- should be in zip lib
--- local f = zipfile:open(filename)
--- if f then
--- local data = f:read("*a")
--- f:close()
--- return data
--- end
--- return nil
--- end
--- function scripts.context.update()
--- local force = getargument("force")
--- local socket = require("socket")
--- local http = require("socket.http")
--- local basepath = resolvers.findfile("context.mkiv")
--- if basepath == "" then
--- report("quiting, no 'context.mkiv' found")
--- return
--- end
--- local basetree = basepath.match(basepath,"^(.-)tex/context/base/.*context.mkiv$") or ""
--- if basetree == "" then
--- report("quiting, no proper tds structure (%s)",basepath)
--- return
--- end
--- local function is_okay(basetree)
--- for _, tree in next, validtrees do
--- local pattern = gsub(tree,"%-","%%-")
--- if find(basetree,pattern) then
--- return tree
--- end
--- end
--- return false
--- end
--- local okay = is_okay(basetree)
--- if not okay then
--- report("quiting, tree '%s' is protected",okay)
--- return
--- else
--- report("updating tree '%s'",okay)
--- end
--- if not lfs.chdir(basetree) then
--- report("quiting, unable to change to '%s'",okay)
--- return
--- end
--- report("fetching '%s'",mainzip)
--- local latest = http.request(mainzip)
--- if not latest then
--- report("context tree '%s' can be updated, use --force",okay)
--- return
--- end
--- io.savedata("",latest)
--- if false then
--- -- variant 1
--- os.execute("mtxrun --script unzip")
--- else
--- -- variant 2
--- local zipfile =
--- if not zipfile then
--- report("quiting, unable to open '%s'",zipname)
--- return
--- end
--- local newfile = zip.loaddata(zipfile,"tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv")
--- if not newfile then
--- report("quiting, unable to open '%s'","context.mkiv")
--- return
--- end
--- local oldfile = io.loaddata(resolvers.findfile("context.mkiv")) or ""
--- local function versiontonumber(what,str)
--- local version = match(str,"\\edef\\contextversion{(.-)}") or ""
--- local year, month, day, hour, minute = match(str,"\\edef\\contextversion{(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+) *(%d+)%:(%d+)}")
--- if year and minute then
--- local time = os.time { year=year,month=month,day=day,hour=hour,minute=minute}
--- report("%s version: %s (%s)",what,version,time)
--- return time
--- else
--- report("%s version: %s (unknown)",what,version)
--- return nil
--- end
--- end
--- local oldversion = versiontonumber("old",oldfile)
--- local newversion = versiontonumber("new",newfile)
--- if not oldversion or not newversion then
--- report("quiting, version cannot be determined")
--- return
--- elseif oldversion == newversion then
--- report("quiting, your current version is up-to-date")
--- return
--- elseif oldversion > newversion then
--- report("quiting, your current version is newer")
--- return
--- end
--- for k in zipfile:files() do
--- local filename = k.filename
--- if find(filename,"/$") then
--- lfs.mkdir(filename)
--- else
--- local data = zip.loaddata(zipfile,filename)
--- if data then
--- if force then
--- io.savedata(filename,data)
--- end
--- report(filename)
--- end
--- end
--- end
--- for _, scriptname in next, selfscripts do
--- local oldscript = resolvers.findfile(scriptname) or ""
--- if oldscript ~= "" and is_okay(oldscript) then
--- local newscript = "./scripts/context/lua/" .. scriptname
--- local data = io.loaddata(newscript) or ""
--- if data ~= "" then
--- report("replacing script '%s' by '%s'",oldscript,newscript)
--- if force then
--- io.savedata(oldscript,data)
--- end
--- end
--- else
--- report("keeping script '%s'",oldscript)
--- end
--- end
--- if force then
--- scripts.context.make()
--- end
--- end
--- if force then
--- report("context tree '%s' has been updated",okay)
--- else
--- report("context tree '%s' can been updated (use --force)",okay)
--- end
--- end
-- getting it done
if getargument("timedlog") then
@@ -1796,15 +1621,11 @@ elseif getargument("generate") then
scripts.context.timed(function() scripts.context.generate() end)
elseif getargument("ctx") and not getargument("noctx") then
--- elseif getargument("mp") or getargument("metapost") then
--- scripts.context.timed(scripts.context.metapost)
elseif getargument("version") then
elseif getargument("touch") then
--- elseif getargument("update") then
--- scripts.context.update()
elseif getargument("expert") then"expert", "special")
elseif getargument("showmodules") or getargument("modules") then
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
index 89f8b6682..a3437c746 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
@@ -6476,7 +6476,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-str"] = package.loaded["util-str"] or true
--- original size: 44146, stripped down to: 22098
+-- original size: 44656, stripped down to: 22349
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-str']={
@@ -6806,6 +6806,13 @@ local template=[[
return function(%s) return %s end
+local pattern=Cs(Cc('"')*(
+ (1-S('"\\\n\r'))^1+P('"')/'\\"'+P('\\')/'\\\\'+P('\n')/'\\n'+P('\r')/'\\r'
+function string.escapedquotes(s)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,s)
local preamble=""
local environment={
global=global or _G,
@@ -6832,6 +6839,7 @@ local environment={
+ escapedquotes=string.escapedquotes,
local arguments={ "a1" }
@@ -6889,7 +6897,7 @@ local format_q=function()
local format_Q=function()
- return format("format('%%q',tostring(a%s))",n)
+ return format("escapedquotes(tostring(a%s))",n)
local format_i=function(f)
@@ -7337,7 +7345,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-tab"] = package.loaded["util-tab"] or true
--- original size: 28866, stripped down to: 16134
+-- original size: 28899, stripped down to: 16134
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-tab']={
@@ -7574,15 +7582,15 @@ function tables.encapsulate(core,capsule,protect)
} )
-local f_hashed_string=formatters["[%q]=%q,"]
-local f_hashed_number=formatters["[%q]=%s,"]
-local f_hashed_boolean=formatters["[%q]=%l,"]
-local f_hashed_table=formatters["[%q]="]
-local f_indexed_string=formatters["[%s]=%q,"]
+local f_hashed_string=formatters["[%Q]=%Q,"]
+local f_hashed_number=formatters["[%Q]=%s,"]
+local f_hashed_boolean=formatters["[%Q]=%l,"]
+local f_hashed_table=formatters["[%Q]="]
+local f_indexed_string=formatters["[%s]=%Q,"]
local f_indexed_number=formatters["[%s]=%s,"]
local f_indexed_boolean=formatters["[%s]=%l,"]
local f_indexed_table=formatters["[%s]="]
-local f_ordered_string=formatters["%q,"]
+local f_ordered_string=formatters["%Q,"]
local f_ordered_number=formatters["%s,"]
local f_ordered_boolean=formatters["%l,"]
function table.fastserialize(t,prefix)
@@ -7745,22 +7753,22 @@ local f_start_key_boo=formatters["%w[%l]={"]
local f_start_key_nop=formatters["%w{"]
local f_stop=formatters["%w},"]
local f_key_num_value_num=formatters["%w[%s]=%s,"]
-local f_key_str_value_num=formatters["%w[%q]=%s,"]
+local f_key_str_value_num=formatters["%w[%Q]=%s,"]
local f_key_boo_value_num=formatters["%w[%l]=%s,"]
-local f_key_num_value_str=formatters["%w[%s]=%q,"]
-local f_key_str_value_str=formatters["%w[%q]=%q,"]
-local f_key_boo_value_str=formatters["%w[%l]=%q,"]
+local f_key_num_value_str=formatters["%w[%s]=%Q,"]
+local f_key_str_value_str=formatters["%w[%Q]=%Q,"]
+local f_key_boo_value_str=formatters["%w[%l]=%Q,"]
local f_key_num_value_boo=formatters["%w[%s]=%l,"]
-local f_key_str_value_boo=formatters["%w[%q]=%l,"]
+local f_key_str_value_boo=formatters["%w[%Q]=%l,"]
local f_key_boo_value_boo=formatters["%w[%l]=%l,"]
local f_key_num_value_not=formatters["%w[%s]={},"]
-local f_key_str_value_not=formatters["%w[%q]={},"]
+local f_key_str_value_not=formatters["%w[%Q]={},"]
local f_key_boo_value_not=formatters["%w[%l]={},"]
local f_key_num_value_seq=formatters["%w[%s]={ %, t },"]
-local f_key_str_value_seq=formatters["%w[%q]={ %, t },"]
+local f_key_str_value_seq=formatters["%w[%Q]={ %, t },"]
local f_key_boo_value_seq=formatters["%w[%l]={ %, t },"]
local f_val_num=formatters["%w%s,"]
-local f_val_str=formatters["%w%q,"]
+local f_val_str=formatters["%w%Q,"]
local f_val_boo=formatters["%w%l,"]
local f_val_not=formatters["%w{},"]
local f_val_seq=formatters["%w{ %, t },"]
@@ -7768,7 +7776,7 @@ local f_fin_seq=formatters[" %, t }"]
local f_table_return=formatters["return {"]
local f_table_name=formatters["%s={"]
local f_table_direct=formatters["{"]
-local f_table_entry=formatters["[%q]={"]
+local f_table_entry=formatters["[%Q]={"]
local f_table_finish=formatters["}"]
local spaces=utilities.strings.newrepeater(" ")
local original_serialize=table.serialize
@@ -15588,7 +15596,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["luat-env"] = package.loaded["luat-env"] or true
--- original size: 6134, stripped down to: 4118
+-- original size: 6567, stripped down to: 4329
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['luat-env']={
@@ -15644,6 +15652,12 @@ function environment.texfile(filename)
return resolvers.findfile(filename,'tex')
function environment.luafile(filename)
+ if CONTEXTLMTXMODE and CONTEXTLMTXMODE>0 and file.suffix(filename)=="lua" then
+ local resolved=resolvers.findfile(file.replacesuffix(filename,"lmt")) or ""
+ if resolved~="" then
+ return resolved
+ end
+ end
local resolved=resolvers.findfile(filename,'tex') or ""
if resolved~="" then
return resolved
@@ -21399,7 +21413,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["data-tmp"] = package.loaded["data-tmp"] or true
--- original size: 16472, stripped down to: 11057
+-- original size: 16387, stripped down to: 11132
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-tmp']={
@@ -21440,6 +21454,7 @@ caches.ask=false
caches.defaults={ "TMPDIR","TEMPDIR","TMP","TEMP","HOME","HOMEPATH" }
directives.register("",function(v) end)
+directives.register("",function(v) end)
local writable,readables,usedreadables=nil,{},{}
local function identify()
local texmfcaches=resolvers.cleanpathlist("TEXMFCACHE")
@@ -21671,7 +21686,7 @@ function caches.is_writable(filepath,filename)
return is_writable(tmaname)
local saveoptions={ compact=true }
-function caches.savedata(filepath,filename,data,raw)
+function caches.savedata(filepath,filename,data)
local tmaname,tmcname=caches.setluanames(filepath,filename)
if then
@@ -25415,7 +25430,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["luat-fmt"] = package.loaded["luat-fmt"] or true
--- original size: 9637, stripped down to: 7253
+-- original size: 9920, stripped down to: 7476
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['luat-fmt']={
@@ -25510,8 +25525,16 @@ function environment.make_format(name,arguments)
report_format("using format path %a",dir.current())
- local texsourcename=file.addsuffix(name,"mkiv")
- local fulltexsourcename=resolvers.findfile(texsourcename,"tex") or ""
+ local texsourcename=""
+ local fulltexsourcename=""
+ if engine=="luametatex" then
+ texsourcename=file.addsuffix(name,"mkxl")
+ fulltexsourcename=resolvers.findfile(texsourcename,"tex") or ""
+ end
+ if fulltexsourcename=="" then
+ texsourcename=file.addsuffix(name,"mkiv")
+ fulltexsourcename=resolvers.findfile(texsourcename,"tex") or ""
+ end
if fulltexsourcename=="" then
fulltexsourcename=resolvers.findfile(texsourcename,"tex") or ""
@@ -25661,8 +25684,8 @@ end -- of closure
-- used libraries : l-bit32.lua l-lua.lua l-macro.lua l-sandbox.lua l-package.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-gzip.lua l-md5.lua l-sha.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-str.lua util-tab.lua util-fil.lua util-sac.lua util-sto.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua util-soc-imp-reset.lua util-soc-imp-socket.lua util-soc-imp-copas.lua util-soc-imp-ltn12.lua util-soc-imp-mime.lua util-soc-imp-url.lua util-soc-imp-headers.lua util-soc-imp-tp.lua util-soc-imp-http.lua util-soc-imp-ftp.lua util-soc-imp-smtp.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-inf.lua trac-pro.lua util-lua.lua util-deb.lua util-tpl.lua util-sbx.lua util-mrg.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua util-zip.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua trac-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua util-lib.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua
-- skipped libraries : -
--- original bytes : 1023417
--- stripped bytes : 405356
+-- original bytes : 1024591
+-- stripped bytes : 405770
-- end library merge