path: root/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv')
1 files changed, 1450 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c84d01c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv
@@ -0,0 +1,1450 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=mp-mlib.mpiv,
+%D version=2008.03.21,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics,
+%D subtitle=plugins,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See licen-en.pdf for
+%C details.
+if unknown mplib : endinput ; fi ;
+if known context_mlib : endinput ; fi ;
+boolean context_mlib ; context_mlib := true ;
+%D Color and transparency
+%D Separable:
+newinternal normaltransparent ; normaltransparent := 1 ;
+newinternal multiplytransparent ; multiplytransparent := 2 ;
+newinternal screentransparent ; screentransparent := 3 ;
+newinternal overlaytransparent ; overlaytransparent := 4 ;
+newinternal softlighttransparent ; softlighttransparent := 5 ;
+newinternal hardlighttransparent ; hardlighttransparent := 6 ;
+newinternal colordodgetransparent ; colordodgetransparent := 7 ;
+newinternal colorburntransparent ; colorburntransparent := 8 ;
+newinternal darkentransparent ; darkentransparent := 9 ;
+newinternal lightentransparent ; lightentransparent := 10 ;
+newinternal differencetransparent ; differencetransparent := 11 ;
+newinternal exclusiontransparent ; exclusiontransparent := 12 ;
+%D Nonseparable:
+newinternal huetransparent ; huetransparent := 13 ;
+newinternal saturationtransparent ; saturationtransparent := 14 ;
+newinternal colortransparent ; colortransparent := 15 ;
+newinternal luminositytransparent ; luminositytransparent := 16 ;
+vardef transparency_alternative_to_number(expr name) =
+ if string name :
+ if expandafter known scantokens(name & "transparent") :
+ scantokens(name & "transparent")
+ else :
+ 0
+ fi
+ elseif name < 17 :
+ name
+ else :
+ 0
+ fi
+enddef ;
+def namedcolor (expr n) =
+ 1
+ withprescript "sp_type=named"
+ withprescript "sp_name=" & n
+enddef ;
+% def spotcolor(expr n, v) =
+% 1
+% withprescript "sp_type=spot"
+% withprescript "sp_name=" & n
+% withprescript "sp_value=" & (if numeric v : decimal v else : v fi)
+% enddef ;
+% def multitonecolor(expr name, fractions, components, value) =
+% 1
+% withprescript "sp_type=multitone"
+% withprescript "sp_name=" & name
+% withprescript "sp_fractions=" & decimal fractions
+% withprescript "sp_components=" & components
+% withprescript "sp_value=" & value
+% enddef ;
+def spotcolor(expr n, v) =
+ 1
+ withprescript "sp_type=spot"
+ withprescript "sp_name=" & n
+ withprescript "sp_value=" & colordecimals v
+enddef ;
+def multitonecolor(expr name)(text t) =
+ 1
+ withprescript "sp_type=multitone"
+ withprescript "sp_name=" & name
+ withprescript "sp_value=" & colordecimalslist(t)
+enddef ;
+def transparent(expr a, t)(text c) = % use withtransparency instead
+ 1 % this permits withcolor x intoshade y
+ withprescript "tr_alternative=" & decimal transparency_alternative_to_number(a)
+ withprescript "tr_transparency=" & decimal t
+ withcolor c
+enddef ;
+% def withtransparency(expr a, t) =
+% withprescript "tr_alternative=" & decimal transparency_alternative_to_number(a)
+% withprescript "tr_transparency=" & decimal t
+% enddef ;
+let transparency = pair ;
+% def withtransparency expr t =
+% withprescript "tr_alternative=" & decimal transparency_alternative_to_number(xpart t)
+% withprescript "tr_transparency=" & decimal ypart t
+% enddef ;
+% withtransparency (1,.5)
+% withtransparency ("normal",.5)
+def withtransparency (expr t) (text rest) =
+ if pair t :
+ withprescript "tr_alternative=" & decimal transparency_alternative_to_number(xpart t)
+ withprescript "tr_transparency=" & decimal ypart t
+ else :
+ mfun_with_transparency (transparency_alternative_to_number(t))
+ fi rest
+enddef ;
+def mfun_with_transparency (expr a) expr t =
+ withprescript "tr_alternative=" & decimal a
+ withprescript "tr_transparency=" & decimal t
+enddef ;
+def cmyk(expr c, m, y, k) = % provided for downward compability
+ (c,m,y,k)
+enddef ;
+% Texts (todo: better strut ratio, now .7 hardcoded, should be passed)
+newinternal textextoffset ; textextoffset := 0 ;
+%%%%%%% mfun_tt_w[], mfun_tt_h[], mfun_tt_d[] ; % we can consider using colors (less hash space)
+color mfun_tt_b ;
+numeric mfun_tt_n ; mfun_tt_n := 0 ;
+picture mfun_tt_p ; mfun_tt_p := nullpicture ;
+picture mfun_tt_o ; mfun_tt_o := nullpicture ;
+picture mfun_tt_c ; mfun_tt_c := nullpicture ;
+if unknown mfun_trial_run :
+ boolean mfun_trial_run ;
+ mfun_trial_run := false ;
+else :
+ % already defined before the format is loaded
+fi ;
+if unknown mfun_first_run :
+ boolean mfun_first_run ;
+ mfun_first_run := true ;
+else :
+ % already defined before the format is loaded
+fi ;
+def mfun_reset_tex_texts =
+ mfun_tt_n := 0 ;
+ mfun_tt_p := nullpicture ;
+ mfun_tt_o := nullpicture ; % redundant
+ mfun_tt_c := nullpicture ; % redundant
+enddef ;
+def mfun_flush_tex_texts =
+ addto currentpicture also mfun_tt_p
+enddef ;
+extra_endfig := "mfun_flush_tex_texts ;" & extra_endfig ;
+extra_beginfig := extra_beginfig & "mfun_reset_tex_texts ;" ;
+% We collect and flush them all, as we can also have temporary textexts
+% that gets never really flushed but are used for calculations. So, we
+% flush twice: once in location in order to pick up e.g. color properties,
+% and once at the end because we need to flush missing ones.
+% see mp-keep.mpiv for older code
+% vardef rawtextext(expr s) = % todo: avoid currentpicture
+% if s = "" :
+% nullpicture
+% else :
+% mfun_tt_n := mfun_tt_n + 1 ;
+% mfun_tt_c := nullpicture ;
+% if mfun_trial_run :
+% mfun_tt_o := nullpicture ;
+% addto mfun_tt_o doublepath origin _op_ ; % save drawoptions
+% addto mfun_tt_c doublepath unitsquare
+% withprescript "tx_number=" & decimal mfun_tt_n
+% withprescript "tx_stage=trial"
+% withprescript "tx_color=" & colordecimals colorpart mfun_tt_o
+% withpostscript s ;
+% addto mfun_tt_p also mfun_tt_c ;
+% elseif known mfun_tt_d[mfun_tt_n] :
+% addto mfun_tt_c doublepath unitsquare
+% xscaled mfun_tt_w[mfun_tt_n]
+% yscaled (mfun_tt_h[mfun_tt_n] + mfun_tt_d[mfun_tt_n])
+% shifted (0,-mfun_tt_d[mfun_tt_n])
+% withprescript "tx_number=" & decimal mfun_tt_n
+% withprescript "tx_stage=final" ;
+% else :
+% addto mfun_tt_c doublepath unitsquare ; % unitpicture
+% fi ;
+% mfun_tt_c
+% fi
+% enddef ;
+boolean mfun_onetime_textext ; mfun_onetime_textext := false ;
+vardef rawtextext(expr s) = % todo: avoid currentpicture
+ if s = "" :
+ mfun_onetime_textext := false ;
+ nullpicture
+ else :
+ mfun_tt_n := mfun_tt_n + 1 ;
+ mfun_tt_c := nullpicture ;
+ if mfun_trial_run :
+ mfun_tt_o := nullpicture ;
+ addto mfun_tt_o doublepath origin _op_ ; % save drawoptions
+ addto mfun_tt_c doublepath unitsquare
+ withprescript "tx_number=" & decimal mfun_tt_n
+ withprescript "tx_stage=trial"
+ withprescript "tx_color=" & colordecimals colorpart mfun_tt_o
+ withpostscript s ;
+ if not mfun_onetime_textext :
+ addto mfun_tt_p also mfun_tt_c
+ withprescript "tx_global=yes" ;
+ fi ;
+ else :
+ mfun_tt_b := ;
+ addto mfun_tt_c doublepath unitsquare
+ xscaled redpart mfun_tt_b
+ yscaled (greenpart mfun_tt_b + bluepart mfun_tt_b)
+ shifted (0,- bluepart mfun_tt_b)
+ withprescript "tx_number=" & decimal mfun_tt_n
+ withprescript "tx_stage=final" ;
+ fi ;
+ mfun_onetime_textext := false ;
+ mfun_tt_c
+ fi
+enddef ;
+% More text
+defaultfont := "Mono" ;
+defaultscale := 1 ;
+extra_beginfig := extra_beginfig & "defaultscale:=1;" ;
+vardef fontsize expr name =
+ save size ; numeric size ;
+ size := bbwidth(textext("\MPfontsizehskip{" & name & "}")) ;
+ if size = 0 :
+ 12pt
+ else :
+ size
+ fi
+enddef ;
+pair mfun_laboff ; mfun_laboff := (0,0) ;
+pair mfun_laboff.lft ; mfun_laboff.lft := (-1,0) ;
+pair mfun_laboff.rt ; mfun_laboff.rt := (1,0) ;
+pair ; := (0,-1) ;
+pair ; := (0,1) ;
+pair mfun_laboff.ulft ; mfun_laboff.ulft := (-.7,.7) ;
+pair mfun_laboff.urt ; mfun_laboff.urt := (.7,.7) ;
+pair mfun_laboff.llft ; mfun_laboff.llft := -(.7,.7) ;
+pair mfun_laboff.lrt ; mfun_laboff.lrt := (.7,-.7) ;
+pair mfun_laboff.d ; mfun_laboff.d := mfun_laboff ;
+pair mfun_laboff.dlft ; mfun_laboff.dlft := mfun_laboff.lft ;
+pair mfun_laboff.drt ; mfun_laboff.drt := mfun_laboff.rt ;
+pair mfun_laboff.origin ; mfun_laboff.origin := origin ;
+pair mfun_laboff.raw ; mfun_laboff.raw := origin ;
+pair mfun_laboff.l ; mfun_laboff.l := mfun_laboff.lft ;
+pair mfun_laboff.r ; mfun_laboff.r := mfun_laboff.rt ;
+pair mfun_laboff.b ; mfun_laboff.b := ;
+pair mfun_laboff.t ; mfun_laboff.t := ;
+pair mfun_laboff.l_t ; mfun_laboff.l_t := mfun_laboff.ulft ;
+pair mfun_laboff.r_t ; mfun_laboff.r_t := mfun_laboff.urt ;
+pair mfun_laboff.l_b ; mfun_laboff.l_b := mfun_laboff.llft ;
+pair mfun_laboff.r_b ; mfun_laboff.r_b := mfun_laboff.lrt ;
+pair mfun_laboff.t_l ; mfun_laboff.t_l := mfun_laboff.ulft ;
+pair mfun_laboff.t_r ; mfun_laboff.t_r := mfun_laboff.urt ;
+pair mfun_laboff.b_l ; mfun_laboff.b_l := mfun_laboff.llft ;
+pair mfun_laboff.b_r ; mfun_laboff.b_r := mfun_laboff.lrt ;
+mfun_labxf := 0.5 ;
+mfun_labxf.lft := mfun_labxf.l := 1 ;
+mfun_labxf.rt := mfun_labxf.r := 0 ; := mfun_labxf.b := 0.5 ; := mfun_labxf.t := 0.5 ;
+mfun_labxf.ulft := mfun_labxf.l_t := mfun_labxf.t_l := 1 ;
+mfun_labxf.urt := mfun_labxf.r_t := mfun_labxf.t_r := 0 ;
+mfun_labxf.llft := mfun_labxf.l_b := mfun_labxf.b_l := 1 ;
+mfun_labxf.lrt := mfun_labxf.r_b := mfun_labxf.b_r := 0 ;
+mfun_labxf.d := mfun_labxf ;
+mfun_labxf.dlft := mfun_labxf.lft ;
+mfun_labxf.drt := mfun_labxf.rt ;
+mfun_labxf.origin := 0 ;
+mfun_labxf.raw := 0 ;
+mfun_labyf := 0.5 ;
+mfun_labyf.lft := mfun_labyf.l := 0.5 ;
+mfun_labyf.rt := mfun_labyf.r := 0.5 ; := mfun_labyf.b := 1 ; := mfun_labyf.t := 0 ;
+mfun_labyf.ulft := mfun_labyf.l_t := mfun_labyf.t_l := 0 ;
+mfun_labyf.urt := mfun_labyf.r_t := mfun_labyf.t_r := 0 ;
+mfun_labyf.llft := mfun_labyf.l_b := mfun_labyf.b_l := 1 ;
+mfun_labyf.lrt := mfun_labyf.r_b := mfun_labyf.b_r := 1 ;
+mfun_labyf.d := mfun_labyf ;
+mfun_labyf.dlft := mfun_labyf.lft ;
+mfun_labyf.drt := mfun_labyf.rt ;
+mfun_labyf.origin := 0 ;
+mfun_labyf.raw := 0 ;
+mfun_labtype := 0 ;
+mfun_labtype.lft := mfun_labtype.l := 1 ;
+mfun_labtype.rt := mfun_labtype.r := 2 ; := mfun_labtype.b := 3 ; := mfun_labtype.t := 4 ;
+mfun_labtype.ulft := mfun_labtype.l_t := mfun_labtype.t_l := 5 ;
+mfun_labtype.urt := mfun_labtype.r_t := mfun_labtype.t_r := 6 ;
+mfun_labtype.llft := mfun_labtype.l_b := mfun_labtype.b_l := 7 ;
+mfun_labtype.lrt := mfun_labtype.r_b := mfun_labtype.b_r := 8 ;
+mfun_labtype.d := 10 ;
+mfun_labtype.dlft := 11 ;
+mfun_labtype.drt := 12 ;
+mfun_labtype.origin := 0 ;
+mfun_labtype.raw := 0 ;
+% ( 0, 1, 1, (.5,-1) ) ;
+vardef installlabel@# (expr type, x, y, offset) =
+ numeric labtype@# ; labtype@# := type ;
+ pair laboff @# ; laboff @# := offset ;
+ numeric labxf @# ; labxf @# := x ;
+ numeric labyf @# ; labyf @# := y ;
+enddef ;
+% we save the plain variant
+vardef plain_thelabel@#(expr p,z) =
+ if string p :
+ plain_thelabel@#(rawtextext("\definedfont[" & defaultfont & "]" & p) scaled defaultscale,z)
+ else :
+ p shifted (z + labeloffset*laboff@# - (labxf@#*lrcorner p + labyf@#*ulcorner p + (1-labxf@#-labyf@#)*llcorner p))
+ fi
+def plain_label = % takes two arguments, contrary to textext that takes one
+ normaldraw plain_thelabel
+enddef ;
+let mfun_label = label ;
+let mfun_thelabel = thelabel ;
+def useplainlabels = % somehow let doesn't work for all code
+ def label = plain_label enddef ;
+ def thelabel = plain_thelabel enddef ;
+enddef ;
+def usemetafunlabels =
+ let label = mfun_label ;
+ let thelabel = mfun_thelabel ;
+enddef ;
+vardef dotlabel@#(expr s,z) text t_ =
+ label@#(s,z) t_ ;
+ interim linecap := rounded ;
+ normaldraw z withpen pencircle scaled dotlabeldiam t_ ;
+enddef ;
+plain_compatibility_data := plain_compatibility_data & "save label, thelabel ;" & "useplainlabels ;" ;
+% next comes own own:
+vardef thetextext@#(expr p,z) =
+ % interim labeloffset := textextoffset ;
+ if string p :
+ thetextext@#(rawtextext(p),z)
+ elseif numeric p :
+ thetextext@#(rawtextext(decimal p),z)
+ else :
+ p
+ if (mfun_labtype@# >= 10) :
+ shifted (0,ypart center p)
+ fi
+ shifted (z + textextoffset*mfun_laboff@# - (mfun_labxf@#*lrcorner p + mfun_labyf@#*ulcorner p + (1-mfun_labxf@#-mfun_labyf@#)*llcorner p))
+ fi
+enddef ;
+vardef textext@#(expr p) = % no draw here
+ thetextext@#(p,origin)
+enddef ;
+vardef onetimetextext@#(expr p) = % no draw here
+ mfun_onetime_textext := true ;
+ thetextext@#(p,origin)
+enddef ;
+vardef thelabel@#(expr p,z) =
+ if string p :
+ thelabel@#(rawtextext("\definedfont[" & defaultfont & "]" & p) scaled defaultscale,z)
+ else :
+ p shifted (z + labeloffset*mfun_laboff@# - (mfun_labxf@#*lrcorner p + mfun_labyf@#*ulcorner p + (1-mfun_labxf@#-mfun_labyf@#)*llcorner p))
+ fi
+def label = % takes two arguments, contrary to textext that takes one
+ normaldraw thelabel
+enddef ;
+vardef anchored@#(expr p, z) = % beware: no "+ mfun_laboff@#" here (never!)
+ p
+ if (mfun_labtype@# >= 10) :
+ shifted (0,ypart center p)
+ fi
+ shifted (z + (mfun_labxf@#*lrcorner p + mfun_labyf@#*ulcorner p + (1-mfun_labxf@#-mfun_labyf@#)*llcorner p))
+enddef ;
+let normalinfont = infont ;
+primarydef s infont name = % nasty hack
+ if name = "" :
+ textext(s)
+ else :
+ textext("\definedfont[" & name & "]" & s)
+ fi
+enddef ;
+% Helper
+string mfun_prescript_separator ; mfun_prescript_separator := char(13) ;
+% Shades
+% for while we had this:
+newinternal shadefactor ; shadefactor := 1 ; % currently obsolete
+pair shadeoffset ; shadeoffset := origin ; % currently obsolete
+boolean trace_shades ; trace_shades := false ; % still there
+% def withlinearshading (expr a, b) =
+% withprescript "sh_type=linear"
+% withprescript "sh_domain=0 1"
+% withprescript "sh_factor=" & decimal shadefactor
+% withprescript "sh_center_a=" & ddecimal (a shifted shadeoffset)
+% withprescript "sh_center_b=" & ddecimal (b shifted shadeoffset)
+% enddef ;
+% def withcircularshading (expr a, b, ra, rb) =
+% withprescript "sh_type=circular"
+% withprescript "sh_domain=0 1"
+% withprescript "sh_factor=" & decimal shadefactor
+% withprescript "sh_center_a=" & ddecimal (a shifted shadeoffset)
+% withprescript "sh_center_b=" & ddecimal (b shifted shadeoffset)
+% withprescript "sh_radius_a=" & decimal ra
+% withprescript "sh_radius_b=" & decimal rb
+% enddef ;
+% def withshading (expr how)(text rest) =
+% if how = "linear" :
+% withlinearshading(rest)
+% elseif how = "circular" :
+% withcircularshading(rest)
+% else :
+% % nothing
+% fi
+% enddef ;
+% def withfromshadecolor expr t =
+% withprescript "sh_color=into"
+% withprescript "sh_color_a=" & colordecimals t
+% enddef ;
+% def withtoshadecolor expr t =
+% withprescript "sh_color=into"
+% withprescript "sh_color_b=" & colordecimals t
+% enddef ;
+% but this is nicer
+% fill fullcircle scaled 10cm
+% withshademethod "circular"
+% withshadevector (5cm,1cm)
+% withshadecenter (.1,.5)
+% withshadedomain (.2,.6)
+% withshadefactor 1.2
+% withshadecolors (red,green)
+% ;
+path mfun_shade_path ;
+numeric mfun_shade_step ; mfun_shade_step := 0 ;
+def withshadestep =
+ hide(mfun_shade_step := mfun_shade_step + 1 ;)
+ mfun_withshadestep
+enddef ;
+def mfun_withshadestep (text t) =
+ withprescript "sh_step=" & decimal mfun_shade_step
+ t
+enddef ;
+primarydef p withshademethod m =
+ hide(
+ mfun_shade_path := p ;
+ mfun_shade_step := 1 ;
+ )
+ p
+ withprescript "sh_domain=0 1"
+ withprescript "sh_color=into"
+ withprescript "sh_color_a=" & colordecimals white
+ withprescript "sh_color_b=" & colordecimals black
+ if m = "linear" :
+ withprescript "sh_type=linear"
+ withprescript "sh_factor=1"
+ withprescript "sh_center_a=" & ddecimal llcorner p
+ withprescript "sh_center_b=" & ddecimal urcorner p
+ else :
+ withprescript "sh_type=circular"
+ withprescript "sh_factor=1.2"
+ withprescript "sh_center_a=" & ddecimal center p
+ withprescript "sh_center_b=" & ddecimal center p
+ withprescript "sh_radius_a=" & decimal 0
+ withprescript "sh_radius_b=" & decimal ( max (
+ (xpart center p - xpart llcorner p) ++ (ypart center p - ypart llcorner p),
+ (xpart center p - xpart ulcorner p) ++ (ypart ulcorner p - ypart center p),
+ (xpart lrcorner p - xpart center p) ++ (ypart center p - ypart lrcorner p),
+ (xpart urcorner p - xpart center p) ++ (ypart urcorner p - ypart center p)
+ ) )
+ fi
+enddef ;
+def withshadevector expr a =
+ withprescript "sh_center_a=" & ddecimal (point xpart a of mfun_shade_path)
+ withprescript "sh_center_b=" & ddecimal (point ypart a of mfun_shade_path)
+enddef ;
+def withshadecenter expr a =
+ withprescript "sh_center_a=" & ddecimal (
+ center mfun_shade_path shifted (
+ xpart a * bbwidth (mfun_shade_path)/2,
+ ypart a * bbheight(mfun_shade_path)/2
+ )
+ )
+enddef ;
+def withshadedomain expr d =
+ withprescript "sh_domain=" & ddecimal d
+enddef ;
+def withshadefactor expr f =
+ withprescript "sh_factor=" & decimal f
+enddef ;
+% def withshadebound (expr a) =
+% if mfun_shade_step > 0 :
+% withprescript "sh_bound_" & decimal mfun_shade_step & "=" & decimal a
+% fi
+% enddef ;
+def withshadefraction expr a =
+ if mfun_shade_step > 0 :
+ withprescript "sh_fraction_" & decimal mfun_shade_step & "=" & decimal a
+ fi
+enddef ;
+def withshadecolors (expr a, b) =
+ if mfun_shade_step > 0 :
+ withprescript "sh_color=into"
+ withprescript "sh_color_a_" & decimal mfun_shade_step & "=" & colordecimals a
+ withprescript "sh_color_b_" & decimal mfun_shade_step & "=" & colordecimals b
+ else :
+ withprescript "sh_color=into"
+ withprescript "sh_color_a=" & colordecimals a
+ withprescript "sh_color_b=" & colordecimals b
+ fi
+enddef ;
+primarydef a shadedinto b = % withcolor red shadedinto green
+ 1 % does not work with transparency
+ withprescript "sh_color=into"
+ withprescript "sh_color_a=" & colordecimals a
+ withprescript "sh_color_b=" & colordecimals b
+enddef ;
+primarydef p withshade sc =
+ p withprescript mfun_defined_cs_pre[sc]
+enddef ;
+def defineshade suffix s =
+ mfun_defineshade(str s)
+enddef ;
+def mfun_defineshade (expr s) text t =
+ expandafter def scantokens s = t enddef ;
+enddef ;
+def shaded text s =
+ s
+enddef ;
+% Old macros:
+def withcircularshade (expr a, b, ra, rb, ca, cb) =
+ withprescript "sh_type=circular"
+ withprescript "sh_domain=0 1"
+ withprescript "sh_factor=1"
+ withprescript "sh_color_a=" & colordecimals ca
+ withprescript "sh_color_b=" & colordecimals cb
+ withprescript "sh_center_a=" & ddecimal a % (a shifted shadeoffset)
+ withprescript "sh_center_b=" & ddecimal b % (b shifted shadeoffset)
+ withprescript "sh_radius_a=" & decimal ra
+ withprescript "sh_radius_b=" & decimal rb
+enddef ;
+def withlinearshade (expr a, b, ca, cb) =
+ withprescript "sh_type=linear"
+ withprescript "sh_domain=0 1"
+ withprescript "sh_factor=1"
+ withprescript "sh_color_a=" & colordecimals ca
+ withprescript "sh_color_b=" & colordecimals cb
+ withprescript "sh_center_a=" & ddecimal a % (a shifted shadeoffset)
+ withprescript "sh_center_b=" & ddecimal b % (b shifted shadeoffset)
+enddef ;
+% replaced (obsolete):
+def set_linear_vector (suffix a,b)(expr p,n) =
+ if (n=1) : a := llcorner p ; b := urcorner p ;
+ elseif (n=2) : a := lrcorner p ; b := ulcorner p ;
+ elseif (n=3) : a := urcorner p ; b := llcorner p ;
+ elseif (n=4) : a := ulcorner p ; b := lrcorner p ;
+ elseif (n=5) : a := .5[ulcorner p,llcorner p] ; b := .5[urcorner p,lrcorner p] ;
+ elseif (n=6) : a := .5[llcorner p,lrcorner p] ; b := .5[ulcorner p,urcorner p] ;
+ elseif (n=7) : a := .5[lrcorner p,urcorner p] ; b := .5[llcorner p,ulcorner p] ;
+ elseif (n=8) : a := .5[urcorner p,ulcorner p] ; b := .5[lrcorner p,llcorner p] ;
+ else : a := .5[ulcorner p,llcorner p] ; b := .5[urcorner p,lrcorner p] ;
+ fi ;
+enddef ;
+def set_circular_vector (suffix ab,r)(expr p,n) =
+ if (n=1) : ab := llcorner p ;
+ elseif (n=2) : ab := lrcorner p ;
+ elseif (n=3) : ab := urcorner p ;
+ elseif (n=4) : ab := ulcorner p ;
+ else : ab := center p ; r := .5r ;
+ fi ;
+enddef ;
+def circular_shade (expr p, n, ca, cb) =
+ begingroup ;
+ save ab, r ; pair ab ; numeric r ;
+ r := (xpart lrcorner p - xpart llcorner p) ++ (ypart urcorner p - ypart lrcorner p) ;
+ set_circular_vector(ab,r)(p,n) ;
+ fill p withcircularshade(ab,ab,0,r,ca,cb) ;
+ if trace_shades :
+ drawarrow ab -- ab shifted (0,r) withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor .5white ;
+ fi ;
+ endgroup ;
+enddef ;
+def linear_shade (expr p, n, ca, cb) =
+ begingroup ;
+ save a, b ; pair a, b ;
+ set_linear_vector(a,b)(p,n) ;
+ fill p withlinearshade(a,b,ca,cb) ;
+ if trace_shades :
+ drawarrow a -- b withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor .5white ;
+ fi ;
+ endgroup ;
+enddef ;
+string mfun_defined_cs_pre[] ; numeric mfun_defined_cs ; mfun_defined_cs := 0 ;
+vardef define_circular_shade (expr a, b, ra, rb, ca, cb) =
+ mfun_defined_cs := mfun_defined_cs + 1 ;
+ mfun_defined_cs_pre[mfun_defined_cs] := "sh_type=circular"
+ & mfun_prescript_separator & "sh_domain=0 1"
+ & mfun_prescript_separator & "sh_factor=1"
+ & mfun_prescript_separator & "sh_color_a=" & colordecimals ca
+ & mfun_prescript_separator & "sh_color_b=" & colordecimals cb
+ & mfun_prescript_separator & "sh_center_a=" & ddecimal a % (a shifted shadeoffset)
+ & mfun_prescript_separator & "sh_center_b=" & ddecimal b % (b shifted shadeoffset)
+ & mfun_prescript_separator & "sh_radius_a=" & decimal ra
+ & mfun_prescript_separator & "sh_radius_b=" & decimal rb
+ ;
+ mfun_defined_cs
+enddef ;
+vardef define_linear_shade (expr a, b, ca, cb) =
+ mfun_defined_cs := mfun_defined_cs + 1 ;
+ mfun_defined_cs_pre[mfun_defined_cs] := "sh_type=linear"
+ & mfun_prescript_separator & "sh_domain=0 1"
+ & mfun_prescript_separator & "sh_factor=1"
+ & mfun_prescript_separator & "sh_color_a=" & colordecimals ca
+ & mfun_prescript_separator & "sh_color_b=" & colordecimals cb
+ & mfun_prescript_separator & "sh_center_a=" & ddecimal a % (a shifted shadeoffset)
+ & mfun_prescript_separator & "sh_center_b=" & ddecimal b % (b shifted shadeoffset)
+ ;
+ mfun_defined_cs
+enddef ;
+% I lost the example code that uses this:
+% vardef define_sampled_linear_shade(expr a,b,n)(text t) =
+% mfun_defined_cs := mfun_defined_cs + 1 ;
+% mfun_defined_cs_pre[mfun_defined_cs] := "ssh_type=linear"
+% & mfun_prescript_separator & "ssh_center_a=" & ddecimal (a shifted shadeoffset)
+% & mfun_prescript_separator & "ssh_center_b=" & ddecimal (b shifted shadeoffset)
+% & mfun_prescript_separator & "ssh_nofcolors=" & decimal n
+% & mfun_prescript_separator & "ssh_domain=" & domstr
+% & mfun_prescript_separator & "ssh_extend=" & extstr
+% & mfun_prescript_separator & "ssh_colors=" & colstr
+% & mfun_prescript_separator & "ssh_bounds=" & bndstr
+% & mfun_prescript_separator & "ssh_ranges=" & ranstr
+% ;
+% mfun_defined_cs
+% enddef ;
+% vardef define_sampled_circular_shade(expr a,b,ra,rb,n)(text t) =
+% mfun_defined_cs := mfun_defined_cs + 1 ;
+% mfun_defined_cs_pre[mfun_defined_cs] := "ssh_type=circular"
+% & mfun_prescript_separator & "ssh_center_a=" & ddecimal (a shifted shadeoffset)
+% & mfun_prescript_separator & "ssh_radius_a=" & decimal ra
+% & mfun_prescript_separator & "ssh_center_b=" & ddecimal (b shifted shadeoffset)
+% & mfun_prescript_separator & "ssh_radius_b=" & decimal rb
+% & mfun_prescript_separator & "ssh_nofcolors=" & decimal n
+% & mfun_prescript_separator & "ssh_domain=" & domstr
+% & mfun_prescript_separator & "ssh_extend=" & extstr
+% & mfun_prescript_separator & "ssh_colors=" & colstr
+% & mfun_prescript_separator & "ssh_bounds=" & bndstr
+% & mfun_prescript_separator & "ssh_ranges=" & ranstr
+% ;
+% mfun_defined_cs
+% enddef ;
+% vardef predefined_linear_shade (expr p, n, ca, cb) =
+% save a, b, sh ; pair a, b ;
+% set_linear_vector(a,b)(p,n) ;
+% define_linear_shade (a,b,ca,cb)
+% enddef ;
+% vardef predefined_circular_shade (expr p, n, ca, cb) =
+% save ab, r ; pair ab ; numeric r ;
+% r := (xpart lrcorner p - xpart llcorner p) ++ (ypart urcorner p - ypart lrcorner p) ;
+% set_circular_vector(ab,r)(p,n) ;
+% define_circular_shade(ab,ab,0,r,ca,cb)
+% enddef ;
+% Layers
+def onlayer primary name =
+ withprescript "la_name=" & name
+enddef ;
+% Figures
+% def externalfigure primary filename =
+% doexternalfigure (filename)
+% enddef ;
+% def doexternalfigure (expr filename) text transformation =
+% if true : % a bit incompatible esp scaled 1cm now scaled the natural size
+% draw rawtextext("\externalfigure[" & filename & "]") transformation ;
+% else :
+% draw unitsquare transformation withprescript "fg_name=" & filename ;
+% fi ;
+% enddef ;
+def withmask primary filename =
+ withprescript "fg_mask=" & filename
+enddef ;
+def externalfigure primary filename =
+ if false :
+ rawtextext("\externalfigure[" & filename & "]")
+ else :
+ image (
+ addto currentpicture doublepath unitsquare
+ withprescript "fg_name=" & filename ;
+ )
+% unitsquare
+% withpen pencircle scaled 0
+% withprescript "fg_name=" & filename
+ fi
+enddef ;
+def figure primary filename =
+ rawtextext("\externalfigure[" & filename & "]")
+enddef ;
+% Positions
+def register (expr tag, width, height, offset) =
+% draw image (
+ addto currentpicture doublepath unitsquare xscaled width yscaled height shifted offset
+ withprescript "ps_label=" & tag ;
+% ) ; % no transformations
+enddef ;
+% outlines (todo: pass around less arguments)
+numeric currentoutlinetext ; currentoutlinetext := 0 ;
+vardef mfun_do_outline_text_flush (expr kind, n, x, y) (text t) =
+ if kind = "f" :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_f (n, x, y) (t)
+ elseif kind = "d" :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_d (n, x, y) (t)
+ elseif kind = "b" :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_b (n, x, y) (t)
+ elseif kind = "r" :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_r (n, x, y) (t)
+ elseif kind = "p" :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_p (n, x, y) (t)
+ else :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_n (n, x, y) (t)
+ fi ;
+enddef ;
+numeric mfun_do_outline_n ; mfun_do_outline_n := 0 ;
+vardef mfun_do_outline_text_f (expr n, x, y) (text t) =
+ mfun_do_outline_n := 0 ;
+ for i=t :
+ mfun_do_outline_n := mfun_do_outline_n + 1 ;
+ if mfun_do_outline_n = n :
+ fill i shifted(x,y) mfun_do_outline_options_f
+ else :
+ nofill i shifted(x,y)
+ fi ;
+ endfor ;
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_do_outline_text_d (expr n, x, y) (text t) =
+ for i=t :
+ draw i shifted(x,y) mfun_do_outline_options_d ;
+ endfor ;
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_do_outline_text_p (expr n, x, y) (text t) =
+ for i=t :
+ draw i shifted(x,y) ;
+ endfor ;
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_do_outline_text_b (expr n, x, y) (text t) =
+ mfun_do_outline_n := 0 ;
+ for i=t :
+ mfun_do_outline_n := mfun_do_outline_n + 1 ;
+ if mfun_do_outline_n = n :
+ fill i shifted(x,y) mfun_do_outline_options_f
+ else :
+ nofill i shifted(x,y)
+ fi ;
+ endfor ;
+ for i=t :
+ draw i shifted(x,y) mfun_do_outline_options_d ;
+ endfor ;
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_do_outline_text_r (expr n, x, y) (text t) =
+ mfun_do_outline_n := 0 ;
+ for i=t :
+ draw i shifted(x,y) mfun_do_outline_options_d ;
+ endfor ;
+ for i=t :
+ mfun_do_outline_n := mfun_do_outline_n + 1 ;
+ if mfun_do_outline_n = n :
+ fill i shifted(x,y) mfun_do_outline_options_f
+ else :
+ nofill i shifted(x,y)
+ fi ;
+ endfor ;
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_do_outline_text_n (expr n, x, y) (text t) =
+ mfun_do_outline_n := 0 ;
+ for i=t :
+ mfun_do_outline_n := mfun_do_outline_n + 1 ;
+ if mfun_do_outline_n = n : fill else : nofill fi i shifted(x,y) ;
+ endfor ;
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_do_outline_text_set_f (text f) text r =
+ def mfun_do_outline_options_f = f enddef ;
+ def mfun_do_outline_options_r = r enddef ;
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_do_outline_text_set_d (text d) text r =
+ def mfun_do_outline_options_d = d enddef ;
+ def mfun_do_outline_options_r = r enddef ;
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_do_outline_text_set_b (text f) (text d) text r =
+ def mfun_do_outline_options_f = f enddef ;
+ def mfun_do_outline_options_d = d enddef ;
+ def mfun_do_outline_options_r = r enddef ;
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_do_outline_text_set_r (text d) (text f) text r =
+ def mfun_do_outline_options_d = d enddef ;
+ def mfun_do_outline_options_f = f enddef ;
+ def mfun_do_outline_options_r = r enddef ;
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_do_outline_text_set_n text r =
+ def mfun_do_outline_options_r = r enddef ;
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_do_outline_text_set_p =
+enddef ;
+def mfun_do_outline_options_d = enddef ;
+def mfun_do_outline_options_f = enddef ;
+def mfun_do_outline_options_r = enddef ;
+vardef outlinetext@# (expr t) text rest =
+ save kind ; string kind ; kind := str @# ;
+ currentoutlinetext := currentoutlinetext + 1 ;
+ image ( normaldraw image (
+ if mfun_trial_run :
+ %"set outline text",currentoutlinetext);
+ normaldraw unitsquare
+ withprescript "ot_stage=trial"
+ withprescript "ot_index=" & decimal currentoutlinetext
+ withprescript "ot_kind=" & kind
+ withpostscript t ;
+ else :
+ %"get outline text",currentoutlinetext);
+ if kind = "f" :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_set_f rest ;
+ elseif kind = "d" :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_set_d rest ;
+ elseif kind = "b" :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_set_b rest ;
+ elseif kind = "r" :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_set_r rest ;
+ elseif kind = "p" :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_set_p ;
+ else :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_set_n rest ;
+ fi ;
+ ;
+ fi ;
+ ) mfun_do_outline_options_r ; )
+enddef ;
+% A few helpers:
+numeric mfun_c_b_llx, mfun_c_b_h, mfun_c_b_w, mfun_c_b_l ;
+vardef checkedbounds(expr llx,lly,urx,ury) =
+ mfun_c_b_llx := min(xpart llcorner currentpicture,llx) ;
+ mfun_c_b_urx := max(xpart urcorner currentpicture,urx) ;
+ mfun_c_b_lly := min(ypart llcorner currentpicture,lly) ;
+ mfun_c_b_ury := max(ypart urcorner currentpicture,ury) ;
+ (mfun_c_b_llx,mfun_c_b_lly) --
+ (mfun_c_b_urx,mfun_c_b_lly) --
+ (mfun_c_b_urx,mfun_c_b_ury) --
+ (mfun_c_b_llx,mfun_c_b_ury) -- cycle
+enddef ;
+vardef checkbounds(expr llx,lly,urx,ury) =
+ setbounds currentpicture to checkedbounds(llx,lly,urx,ury) ;
+enddef ;
+vardef strut(expr ht,dp) =
+ setbounds currentpicture to checkedbounds(0,0,ht,dp) ;
+enddef ;
+vardef rule(expr wd,ht,dp) =
+ image (fill (0,-dp)--(wd,-dp)--(wd,ht)--(0,ht)--cycle)
+enddef ;
+% Housekeeping
+extra_beginfig := extra_beginfig & "currentgraphictext := 0 ; " ;
+extra_beginfig := extra_beginfig & "currentoutlinetext := 0 ; " ;
+extra_endfig := extra_endfig & "finishsavingdata ; " ;
+extra_endfig := extra_endfig & "mfun_reset_tex_texts ; " ;
+% Bonus
+vardef verbatim(expr s) =
+ ditto & "\detokenize{" & s & "}" & ditto
+enddef ;
+% New
+def bitmapimage(expr xresolution, yresolution, data) =
+ image (
+ addto currentpicture doublepath unitsquare
+ withprescript "bm_xresolution=" & decimal xresolution
+ withprescript "bm_yresolution=" & decimal yresolution
+ withpostscript data ;
+ )
+enddef ;
+% Experimental:
+% property p ; p = properties(withcolor (1,1,0,0)) ;
+% fill fullcircle scaled 20cm withproperties p ;
+let property = picture ;
+vardef properties(text t) =
+ image(draw unitcircle t)
+enddef ;
+if metapostversion < 1.770 :
+ def withproperties expr p =
+ if colormodel p = 3 :
+ withcolor greypart p
+ elseif colormodel p = 5 :
+ withcolor (redpart p,greenpart p,bluepart p)
+ elseif colormodel p = 7 :
+ withcolor (cyanpart p,magentapart p,yellowpart p,blackpart p)
+ fi
+ enddef ;
+else :
+ def withproperties expr p =
+ if colormodel p = 3 :
+ withcolor greypart p
+ elseif colormodel p = 5 :
+ withcolor (redpart p,greenpart p,bluepart p)
+ elseif colormodel p = 7 :
+ withcolor (cyanpart p,magentapart p,yellowpart p,blackpart p)
+ fi
+ withprescript prescriptpart p
+ withpostscript postscriptpart p
+ enddef ;
+fi ;
+% Experimental:
+primarydef t asgroup s = % s = isolated|knockout
+ begingroup
+ save grouppicture, wrappedpicture, groupbounds ;
+ picture grouppicture, wrappedpicture ; path groupbounds ;
+ grouppicture := if picture t : t else : image(draw t) fi ;
+ groupbounds := boundingbox grouppicture ;
+ wrappedpicture:= nullpicture ;
+ addto wrappedpicture contour groupbounds
+ withprescript "gr_state=start"
+ withprescript "gr_type=" & s
+ withprescript "gr_llx=" & decimal xpart llcorner groupbounds
+ withprescript "gr_lly=" & decimal ypart llcorner groupbounds
+ withprescript "gr_urx=" & decimal xpart urcorner groupbounds
+ withprescript "gr_ury=" & decimal ypart urcorner groupbounds ;
+ addto wrappedpicture also grouppicture ;
+ addto wrappedpicture contour groupbounds
+ withprescript "gr_state=stop" ;
+ wrappedpicture
+ endgroup
+enddef ;
+% Also experimental ... needs to be made better ... so it can change!
+string mfun_auto_align[] ;
+mfun_auto_align[0] := "rt" ;
+mfun_auto_align[1] := "urt" ;
+mfun_auto_align[2] := "top" ;
+mfun_auto_align[3] := "ulft" ;
+mfun_auto_align[4] := "lft" ;
+mfun_auto_align[5] := "llft" ;
+mfun_auto_align[6] := "bot" ;
+mfun_auto_align[7] := "lrt" ;
+mfun_auto_align[8] := "rt" ;
+def autoalign(expr n) =
+ scantokens mfun_auto_align[round((n mod 360)/45)]
+enddef ;
+% draw textext.autoalign(60) ("\strut oeps 1") ;
+% draw textext.autoalign(160)("\strut oeps 2") ;
+% draw textext.autoalign(260)("\strut oeps 3") ;
+% draw textext.autoalign(360)("\strut oeps 4") ;
+% new
+% passvariable("version","1.0") ;
+% passvariable("number",123) ;
+% passvariable("string","whatever") ;
+% passvariable("point",(1,2)) ;
+% passvariable("triplet",(1,2,3)) ;
+% passvariable("quad",(1,2,3,4)) ;
+% passvariable("boolean",false) ;
+% passvariable("path",fullcircle scaled 1cm) ;
+% we could use the new lua interface but there is not that much gain i.e.
+% we still need to serialize
+vardef mfun_point_to_string(expr p,i) =
+ decimal xpart (point i of p) & " " &
+ decimal ypart (point i of p) & " " &
+ decimal xpart (precontrol i of p) & " " &
+ decimal ypart (precontrol i of p) & " " &
+ decimal xpart (postcontrol i of p) & " " &
+ decimal ypart (postcontrol i of p)
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_transform_to_string(expr t) =
+ decimal xxpart t & " " & % rx
+ decimal xypart t & " " & % sx
+ decimal yxpart t & " " & % sy
+ decimal yypart t & " " & % ry
+ decimal xpart t & " " & % tx
+ decimal ypart t % ty
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_numeric_to_string(expr n) =
+ decimal n
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_pair_to_string(expr p) =
+ decimal xpart p & " " &
+ decimal ypart p
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_rgbcolor_to_string(expr c) =
+ decimal redpart c & " " &
+ decimal greenpart c & " " &
+ decimal bluepart c
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_cmykcolor_to_string(expr c) =
+ decimal cyanpart c & " " &
+ decimal magentapart c & " " &
+ decimal yellowpart c & " " &
+ decimal blackpart c
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_greycolor_to_string(expr n) =
+ decimal n
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_path_to_string(expr p) =
+ mfun_point_to_string(p,0) for i=1 upto length(p) : & " " & mfun_point_to_string(p,i) endfor
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_boolean_to_string(expr b) =
+ if b : "true" else : "false" fi
+enddef ;
+% def passvariable(expr key, value) =
+% special
+% if numeric value : "1:" & key & "=" & mfun_numeric_to_string(value)
+% elseif pair value : "4:" & key & "=" & mfun_pair_to_string(value)
+% elseif rgbcolor value : "5:" & key & "=" & mfun_rgbcolor_to_string(value)
+% elseif cmykcolor value : "6:" & key & "=" & mfun_cmykcolor_to_string(value)
+% elseif boolean value : "3:" & key & "=" & mfun_boolean_to_string(value)
+% elseif path value : "7:" & key & "=" & mfun_path_to_string(value)
+% elseif transform value : "8:" & key & "=" & mfun_transform_to_string(value)
+% else : "2:" & key & "=" & value
+% fi ;
+% enddef ;
+vardef tostring(expr value) =
+ if numeric value : mfun_numeric_to_string(value)
+ elseif pair value : mfun_pair_to_string(value)
+ elseif rgbcolor value : mfun_rgbcolor_to_string(value)
+ elseif cmykcolor value : mfun_cmykcolor_to_string(value)
+ elseif greycolor value : mfun_greycolor_to_string(value)
+ elseif boolean value : mfun_boolean_to_string(value)
+ elseif path value : mfun_path_to_string(value)
+ elseif transform value : mfun_transform_to_string(value)
+ else : value
+ fi
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_tagged_string(expr value) =
+ if numeric value : "1:" & mfun_numeric_to_string(value)
+ elseif pair value : "4:" & mfun_pair_to_string(value)
+ elseif rgbcolor value : "5:" & mfun_rgbcolor_to_string(value)
+ elseif cmykcolor value : "6:" & mfun_cmykcolor_to_string(value)
+ elseif boolean value : "3:" & mfun_boolean_to_string(value)
+ elseif path value : "7:" & mfun_path_to_string(value)
+ elseif transform value : "8:" & mfun_transform_to_string(value)
+ else : "2:" & value
+ fi
+enddef ;
+% amore flexible variant for passing data to context
+vardef mfun_point_to_lua(expr p,i) =
+ "{" &
+ decimal xpart (point i of p) & "," &
+ decimal ypart (point i of p) & "," &
+ decimal xpart (precontrol i of p) & "," &
+ decimal ypart (precontrol i of p) & "," &
+ decimal xpart (postcontrol i of p) & "," &
+ decimal ypart (postcontrol i of p)
+ & "}"
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_transform_to_lua(expr t) =
+ "{" &
+ decimal xxpart t & "," & % rx
+ decimal xypart t & "," & % sx
+ decimal yxpart t & "," & % sy
+ decimal yypart t & "," & % ry
+ decimal xpart t & "," & % tx
+ decimal ypart t % ty
+ & "}"
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_numeric_to_lua(expr n) =
+ decimal n
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_pair_to_lua(expr p) =
+ "{" &
+ decimal xpart p & "," &
+ decimal ypart p
+ & "}"
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_rgbcolor_to_lua(expr c) =
+ "{" &
+ decimal redpart c & "," &
+ decimal greenpart c & "," &
+ decimal bluepart c
+ & "}"
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_cmykcolor_to_lua(expr c) =
+ "{" &
+ decimal cyanpart c & "," &
+ decimal magentapart c & "," &
+ decimal yellowpart c & "," &
+ decimal blackpart c
+ & "}"
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_path_to_lua(expr p) =
+ "{" &
+ mfun_point_to_lua(p,0) for i=1 upto length(p) : & "," & mfun_point_to_lua(p,i) endfor
+ & "}"
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_boolean_to_lua(expr b) =
+ if b : "true" else : "false" fi
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_string_to_lua(expr s) =
+ "[==[" & s & "]==]"
+enddef ;
+def mfun_to_lua(expr key)(expr value)(text t) =
+ special "metapost.variables['" & key & "']=" & t(value) ;
+enddef ;
+def mfun_array_to_lua(expr key)(suffix value)(expr first, last, stp)(text t) =
+ special
+ "metapost.variables['" & key & "']={"
+ for i=first step stp until last :
+ & "[" & decimal i & "]=" & t(value[i]) & ","
+ endfor
+ & "}" ;
+enddef ;
+def passvariable(expr key, value) =
+ if numeric value : mfun_to_lua(key,value,mfun_numeric_to_lua)
+ elseif pair value : mfun_to_lua(key,value,mfun_pair_to_lua)
+ elseif string value : mfun_to_lua(key,value,mfun_string_to_lua)
+ elseif boolean value : mfun_to_lua(key,value,mfun_boolean_to_lua)
+ elseif path value : mfun_to_lua(key,value,mfun_path_to_lua)
+ elseif rgbcolor value : mfun_to_lua(key,value,mfun_rgbcolor_to_lua)
+ elseif cmykcolor value : mfun_to_lua(key,value,mfun_cmykcolor_to_lua)
+ elseif transform value : mfun_to_lua(key,value,mfun_transform_to_lua)
+ fi ;
+enddef ;
+def passarrayvariable(expr key)(suffix values)(expr first, last, stp) =
+ if numeric values[first] : mfun_array_to_lua(key,values,first,last,stp,mfun_numeric_to_lua)
+ elseif pair values[first] : mfun_array_to_lua(key,values,first,last,stp,mfun_pair_to_lua)
+ elseif string values[first] : mfun_array_to_lua(key,values,first,last,stp,mfun_string_to_lua)
+ elseif boolean values[first] : mfun_array_to_lua(key,values,first,last,stp,mfun_boolean_to_lua)
+ elseif path values[first] : mfun_array_to_lua(key,values,first,last,stp,mfun_path_to_lua)
+ elseif rgbcolor values[first] : mfun_array_to_lua(key,values,first,last,stp,mfun_rgbcolor_to_lua)
+ elseif cmykcolor values[first] : mfun_array_to_lua(key,values,first,last,stp,mfun_cmykcolor_to_lua)
+ elseif transform values[first] : mfun_array_to_lua(key,values,first,last,stp,mfun_transform_to_lua)
+ fi ;
+enddef ;
+def startpassingvariable(expr k) =
+ begingroup ;
+ save stoppassingvariable, startarray, stoparray, starthash, stophash, index, key, value, slot, entry ;
+ let stoppassingvariable = mfun_stop_lua_variable ;
+ let startarray = mfun_start_lua_array ;
+ let stoparray = mfun_stop_lua_array ;
+ let starthash = mfun_start_lua_hash ;
+ let stophash = mfun_stop_lua_hash ;
+ let index = mfun_lua_index ;
+ let key = mfun_lua_key ;
+ let value = mfun_lua_value ;
+ let slot = mfun_lua_slot ;
+ let entry = mfun_lua_entry ;
+ save s ; string s ;
+ s := "metapost.variables['" & k & "']="
+enddef ;
+def mfun_stop_lua_variable =
+ ;
+ special substring(0,length(s)-1) of s ;
+ endgroup ;
+enddef ;
+% currently there is no difference between array and hash
+def mfun_start_lua_array =
+ & "{"
+enddef ;
+def mfun_stop_lua_array =
+ & "},"
+enddef ;
+def mfun_start_lua_hash =
+ & "{"
+enddef ;
+def mfun_stop_lua_hash =
+ & "},"
+enddef ;
+def mfun_lua_key(expr k) =
+ & "['" & k & "']="
+enddef ;
+def mfun_lua_index(expr k) =
+ & "[" & decimal k & "]="
+enddef ;
+def mfun_lua_value(expr v) =
+ if numeric v : & mfun_numeric_to_lua(v) & ","
+ elseif pair v : & mfun_pair_to_lua(v) & ","
+ elseif string v : & mfun_string_to_lua(v) & ","
+ elseif boolean v : & mfun_boolean_to_lua(v) & ","
+ elseif path v : & mfun_path_to_lua(v) & ","
+ elseif rgbcolor v : & mfun_rgbcolor_to_lua(v) & ","
+ elseif cmykcolor v : & mfun_cmykcolor_to_lua(v) & ","
+ elseif transform v : & mfun_transform_to_lua(v) & ","
+ fi
+enddef ;
+def mfun_lua_entry(expr k, v) =
+ mfun_lua_key(k)
+ mfun_lua_value(v)
+enddef ;
+def mfun_lua_slot(expr k, v) =
+ mfun_lua_index(k)
+ mfun_lua_value(v)
+enddef ;
+% moved here from mp-grap.mpiv
+% vardef escaped_format(expr s) =
+% "" for n=0 upto length(s) : &
+% if ASCII substring (n,n+1) of s = 37 :
+% "@"
+% else :
+% substring (n,n+1) of s
+% fi
+% endfor
+% enddef ;
+numeric mfun_esc_b ; % begin
+numeric mfun_esc_l ; % length
+string mfun_esc_s ; % character
+mfun_esc_s := "%" ; % or: char(37)
+% this one is the fastest when we have a match
+% vardef escaped_format(expr s) =
+% "" for n=0 upto length(s)-1 : &
+% % if ASCII substring (n,n+1) of s = 37 :
+% if substring (n,n+1) of s = mfun_esc_s :
+% "@"
+% else :
+% substring (n,n+1) of s
+% fi
+% endfor
+% enddef ;
+% this one wins when we have no match
+vardef escaped_format(expr s) =
+ mfun_esc_b := 0 ;
+ mfun_esc_l := length(s) ;
+ for n=0 upto mfun_esc_l-1 :
+ % if ASCII substring (n,n+1) of s = 37 :
+ if substring (n,n+1) of s = mfun_esc_s :
+ if mfun_esc_b = 0 :
+ ""
+ fi
+ if n >= mfun_esc_b :
+ & (substring (mfun_esc_b,n) of s)
+ exitif numeric begingroup mfun_esc_b := n+1 endgroup ; % hide
+ fi
+ & "@"
+ fi
+ endfor
+ if mfun_esc_b = 0 :
+ s
+ % elseif mfun_esc_b > 0 :
+ elseif mfun_esc_b < mfun_esc_l :
+ & (substring (mfun_esc_b,mfun_esc_l) of s)
+ fi
+enddef ;
+vardef strfmt(expr f, x) = "\MPgraphformat{" & escaped_format(f) & "}{" & mfun_tagged_string(x) & "}" enddef ;
+vardef varfmt(expr f, x) = "\MPformatted{" & escaped_format(f) & "}{" & mfun_tagged_string(x) & "}" enddef ;
+vardef format (expr f, x) = textext(strfmt(f, x)) enddef ;
+vardef formatted(expr f, x) = textext(varfmt(f, x)) enddef ;
+% could be this (something to discuss with alan as it involves graph):
+% vardef format (expr f,x) =,mfun_tagged_string(x) enddef ;
+% vardef formatted(expr f,x) = (f, x) enddef ;
+% def strfmt = format enddef ; % old
+% def varfmt = formatted enddef ; % old
+% new
+def eofill text t = fill t withpostscript "evenodd" enddef ;
+def nofill text t = fill t withpostscript "collect" enddef ;
+%%% eoclip text t = clip t withpostscript "evenodd" enddef ; % no postscripts yet
+% def withrule expr r =
+% if (t = "even-odd") or (t = "evenodd") : withpostscript "evenodd" fi
+% enddef ;