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diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/evenmore/evenmore-libraries.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/evenmore/evenmore-libraries.tex
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+% language=us
+\startcomponent evenmore-libraries
+\environment evenmore-style
+The \LUAMETATEX\ binary comes with a couple of libraries built in. These normally
+provide enough functionality to get a \TEX\ job done. But take the case where
+need to manipulate (or convert) an image before we can include it? It would be
+nice if \CONTEXT\ does that for you so having some features in the binary that
+handle it make sense. However, given that such a conversion only happens once it
+makes more sense to just call an external program and let that deal with it. It
+is for that reason that the \CONTEXT\ code base has hardly any library related
+code: most of what one wants to do can be done by calling a program. Some callers
+are built in, others can be dealt with using the Adityas filter module. The most
+significant runtime exception is probably accessing \SQL\ databases where it
+might be more efficient to use a library call instead of calling a client. And
+even then the main reason for that interface being present is the simple fact
+that I (ab)use the engine to serve requests that need some kind of database
+access. Another example of where we need some external program is in generating
+barcodes. Here one can argue that it does make sense to do that runtime, for
+instance because they change or because one doesn't like to have dozens of cached
+barcode images on disk.
+In this chapter I will explain how we deal with libraries in \LUAMETATEX. Because
+libraries create a dependency an approach is chosen that tries to avoid bloating
+the source tree with additional header and source files. This is made easy by the
+fact that we don't need full blown interfaces to libraries where all methods are
+exposed. We know what we need and most of these tasks somehow relate to
+typesetting which is a limited application with known demands in terms of input,
+output and performance. We don't need to serve every possible scenario.
+\startsection[title={Using \LUA\ libraries}]
+One approach is to use a \LUA\ library that sits between the embedded \LUA\ instance
+and the external library. Say that one does this:
+local mylib = require("mylib")
+This can locate and load the file \type {mylib.lua} which implements a bunch of
+(\LUA) functions. But, it can also load a library, for instance \type
+{mylib.dll}, a binary that provides functions that themselves can call external
+ones. Often such a library is also responsible for some resource management which
+is then done via userdata objects. Such a connector library on the one hand
+refers to \LUA\ library methods (like \type {const char * str = lua_tostring (L,
+1);} for fetching a \LUA\ string variable from the argument list) and on the
+other hand to those in the external library (like passing that string \type {str}
+to a function and passing the result back to \LUA\ with \type {lua_pushstring (L,
+result);}). If we would follow that approach in \LUAMETATEX\ it means that in
+addition to the main binary (on \MSWINDOWS\ that is \type {luametatex.exe}) there
+is also an extra intermediate binary (on \MSWINDOWS\ that is \type {mylib.dll})
+plus the external library (on \MSWINDOWS\ that could be \type {foolib.dll}) which
+itself can depend on other libraries.
+In this approach we need to compile the extra intermediate libraries alongside
+the main \LUAMETATEX\ binary. Quite likely we then need access to the header
+files of the external libraries too. We might even decide to put the dependencies
+in our source tree. But, this is not what we like to do: it adds extra work, we
+need to keep an eye on updates and operating specific patches, we complicate the
+compilation, etc. This all contradicts the fact that we want \LUAMETATEX\ to be
+simple. There is no need to complicate the setup just because a very few users
+want to use some library. Add to this the fact that quite likely we need to
+provide a version of \LUAMETATEX\ that exposes its \LUA\ related symbols which
+makes for a larger binary. So, this approach is not really an option because
+at the same time we like to keep the binary (and memory footprint) as small
+as possible (think of running in a container or on a low energy device).
+\startsection[title=A variant]
+There are a few issues when you use \LUA\ libraries from elsewhere. First of all,
+you need to get hold of one that matches the version of \LUA\ that you use. There
+are not that many and some only can be set up as part of a larger framework.
+Also, you can find plenty of modules that seem not to be maintained (or maybe
+they are just very stable and I'm wrong here). Also, not all platforms are
+supported equally well. Then there is the question to what extend libraries are
+to stay. What is considered to be the standard today might not be tomorrow. Even
+in the rather stable \TEX\ ecosystem we see them come and go. These are all
+reasons to avoid hard coded dependencies. Ideally we like users to be able to
+compile \LUAMETATEX\ in the future without too must hassle.
+A couple of years after we started the \LUATEX\ project, a solution for using
+libraries was implemented, called \SWIGLIB, because it uses the swig
+infrastructure. It was an attempt to come up with a more or less standard
+approach, a rather one|-|to|-|one mapping so that basically any library could be
+interfaced. But, probably because no one really needs libraries, it never catched
+on. In \MKIV\ we still support loading libraries made that way but in \LMTX\ that
+code has been removed.
+As a side note: the code that deals with this in \MKIV\ also deals with version
+specific loading. When we were playing with for instance \MYSQL\ libs we found
+out that it made sense to be able to support different \API s, but in the end,
+given the rare usage of libraries, that made no sense either. Therefore in \LMTX\
+locating libraries has version support removes and as a consequence is much
+simpler (code|-|wise).
+\startsection[title=Foreign function interfaces]
+Then there is a \FFI\ interface, first introduced in \LUAJITTEX\ as it is part of
+\LUAJIT, and later a similar library was built|-|in \LUATEX. But \LUAJIT\ doesn't
+conceptually follow \LUA\ upgrades and its future is unsure so in \LUAMETATEX\
+there is no \JIT\ variant (the \JIT\ part was never used anyway as it only slowed
+down a run; we just used the \FFI\ part plus the fact that the restricted virtual
+machine performs better). The \FFI\ library used in \LUATEX\ also comes from
+elsewhere and it doesn't seem to be maintained any longer, so that code is to be
+kept working in the perspective of \LUATEX. Both technologies hook into the
+processor architecture and are somewhat complex so when their maintenance becomes
+unsure we have to reconsider using them. Not all hardware platforms are supported
+\footnote {As I write this only Intel works while ARM doesn't and only on
+\MSWINDOWS, \LINUX\ and \OSX\ I can compile without alignment warnings} and the
+functionality can differ in details per platform. To some extend we can keep
+using \FFI\ in \LUATEX\ because Luigi takes care of it, but who knows when it
+becomes too problematic. Does it make sense to adopt a library that needs tweaks
+depending on architectures? For now we're good for \LUATEX, so for a while we're
+also okay (in \MKIV).
+The nice thing about \FFI\ is that one can define the interface at runtime. Of
+course this interface has to fit the current version of the library \API, but
+that is doable. It is up to a user of a library to determine where it comes from.
+It can be put in the \TEX\ tree but also being taken from wherever the operating
+system put it in the path. Of course that can then be a bit of an issue when
+there are different versions because programs can ship their own variants, but
+when you use a library you probably are aware of that and know what you're doing.
+A drawback of \FFI\ is that it opens up the whole machinery pretty low level,
+which can be considered a risk. Some can consider that to be a security threat.
+It for these reasons that \LUAMETATEX\ doesn't provide the \FFI\ feature; users
+who depend on it can of course use \MKIV\ with \LUATEX.
+\startsection[title=So how to proceed?]
+When a library and its \LUA\ interface are kept external the main binary has to
+be compiled in a way that permits loading libraries (read: symbols need to be
+known). When we use \FFI\ that is not needed. And when a library is internal we
+have the disadvantage that we mentioned at the start of this chapter.
+So, how do we combine the advantages of \FFI\ (runtime binding), external
+libraries (no need to have all that code in the code base) and internal libraries
+(no loading issues)? At some point it stroke me that we actually can do that with
+not that much effort. The solution was probably subconsciously implanted by
+noticing the fact that the \LUAMETATEX\ machinery uses function pointers in some
+places and the fact that when a \LUA\ library is loaded by \LUA\ itself, a
+specific initialization function is called to initialize it: by combining these
+concepts we can delay the binding till when a library is needed.
+In \LUAMETATEX\ we can therefore have some optional libraries that offer a
+minimal interface because after all we can do a lot at the \LUA\ end. Optional
+libraries register themselves in the global \type {optional} table. We're talking
+of a couple of hundred lines of \CCODE\ for a simple binding. The functions in an
+optional library table can be used (accessed) without loading the library and
+then just do nothing useful. So, before using them you need to load the third
+party library but we can safely assume that the \LUA\ wrapper code calls an
+initializer when it needs some feature. That initializer, which by the way is
+located at the \LUA\ end, loads the external library, and when that is successful
+the needed helpers are bound by resolving function pointers. There is no
+dependency when nothing is used: the main binary stays lean and mean because the
+binding normally only adds a few \KB. Users can compile without dependencies and
+when used performance is quite okay (no \FFI\ overhead).
+The \LUAMETATEX\ distribution only ships a few such bindings but these can serve
+as example. What is shipped has a proper \LUA\ companion file and these are then
+the standard one used in the \CONTEXT\ distribution. Think of \MYSQL\ and
+\SQLITE\ (for databases), \ZINT\ (for barcodes), simple \CURL\ (for fetching
+stuff), \GHOSTSCRIPT\ and \GRAPHICSMAGICK\ (for some conversions) bindings . When
+compiled into \LUAMETATEX\ these will add some interfacing code to the main
+binary but that gets compensated by the removal of the \FFI\ library. The \LUA\
+interfaces provide just enough to get us going. At some point we can consider
+providing libraries as optional part of an installation because we can generate
+them using the buildbot infrastructure managed by Mojca, but the core
+distribution (source code) is kept clean.
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/evenmore/evenmore.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/evenmore/evenmore.tex
index 5bd751bfd..317c1548c 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/evenmore/evenmore.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/evenmore/evenmore.tex
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
\component evenmore-normalization
\component evenmore-expansion
\component evenmore-macros
+ \component evenmore-libraries
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/libraries/libraries-mkiv.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/libraries/libraries-mkiv.tex
index 67ca75966..6a322c771 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/libraries/libraries-mkiv.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/libraries/libraries-mkiv.tex
@@ -107,6 +107,39 @@ StopPage ;
+Since we started developing \LUATEX\ several methods have been explored with
+regards to external libraries. Now, before we go into details, it must be said
+that in practice this feature is hardly needed. If someone really needs it, it is
+likely to be in a setting where one can also write some library interface and
+compile \LUATEX\ to suit it. So, what we're talking of here is probably not of
+interest for all of you.
+In the perspective of \CONTEXT\ a dependency on a library is not what we have in
+mind when we advocate long term usage (and stability) of a workflow. If you see
+\TEX\ as an independent component but still depend on its use of libraries you
+might consider having a backup plan in case a library is no longer maintained, of
+when it gets replaced by another favourite, as happens. There are several ways to
+use a library, and we mention a few here.
+The first one is to use \LUA\ {\em wrapper} libraries that interface to some {\em
+specific} library. This is what you do when you use \LUA\ as stand alone program.
+In that case you depend on someone cooking up an efficient and reliable
+interface. Then you depend on the author or others to provide the binaries. If
+there is only one target platform you can wonder if you like that additional
+dependency. Another aspect to keep in mind is that such a wrapper library has to
+match both the used library and the version of \LUA\ that you use. When we use
+this method in \LUATEX, one also has also to make sure that the \LUATEX\ binary
+is compiled in a way that permits loading (this has to do with exposing symbols
+that need a runtime binding).
+Because this didn't work out well in practice, already before version 1.0 showed
+up we explored a flexible way to create libraries suited for \LUATEX. This
+project was tagged \quotation {\SWIGLIB}. An infrastructure was created and a
+couple of example library interfaces were provided. However, in practice this
+never catched on and we don't expect distributions to provide libraries in
+addition to the main \LUATEX\ binary, but the framework is there for those who
+want to play with it.
Not long after we released \LUATEX\ 1.0, we started experimenting a bit more with
so called foreign function interface: \FFI. Originally that interface to external
libraries was only available in \LUAJITTEX, but a good and compatible alternative
@@ -115,39 +148,43 @@ to know how it works, as long as it works. It means that in addition to \SWIGLIB
we have a method that doesn't demand compilation as it uses normal (public)
-Of course one needs to make sure that the right version of a library is used.
-And, as there is the danger of the \API\ having been changed in an incompatible
-way one can wonder if such a dependency is really what one wants. On the other
-hand one can expect \CONTEXT\ to keep up.
-Do you really need libraries? For instance does it really make sense to use curl,
-ghostscript or graphicmagic libraries while the command line version is
-(normally) just as efficient and avoids a dependency. This is even more true if
-you realizes that for instance a fetch or conversion only needs to happen once
-per run or in fact only when there is some change in the resource.
-On the other hand, when accessing databases one can avoid the often slower
-command line calls and save the hassle of intermediate files. Here efficiency
-wins. Also, when \CONTEXT\ is used in a high performance database backend
-application a distribution and the used libraries are not updated on a daily
+A last alternative we mention is to just add the libraries to the \LUATEX\
+engine. In fact, this happens: the \METAPOST\ binary has been provided this way
+for quite a while now. In \LUAMETATEX\ for instance some more math related
+libraries were added, simply because the overhead is not that large and because
+it is a way to extend \METAPOST\ beyond what it provided out of the box.
+Before we proceed, ask yourself this questions: \quotation {Do I really need more
+libraries?} For instance does it really make sense to use \CURL, \GHOSTSCRIPT\ or
+\GRAPHICSMAGICK\ libraries while the command line version is (normally) just as
+efficient and avoids a dependency. This is even more true if you realizes that
+for instance a fetch or conversion only needs to happen once per run or in fact
+only when there is some change in the resource. On the other hand, when accessing
+databases one can avoid the often slower command line calls and save the hassle
+of intermediate files. Here efficiency wins. Also, when \CONTEXT\ is used in a
+high performance database backend application a distribution and the used
+libraries are not updated on a daily basis. Anyway, if the answer to the
+question, and it can depend on what variant of \CONTEXT\ you use: \MKIV\ or
+\LMTX, is \quotation {Yes!} then read on.
+\startsection[title=Usage in \MKIV]
-Apart from some experiments we currently can use \FFI\ interfaced libraries in:
+Although there are (still) some examples of \SWIGLIB\ in \MKIV\ we now assume
+that the \FFI\ interface is used. Apart from some experiments we currently can
+use \FFI\ interfaced libraries in:
-\BC module \BC library \BC windows \BC unix \NC \NR
+\BC module \BC library \BC windows \BC unix \NC \NR
-\NC util-crl \NC curl \NC libcurl \NC libcurl \NC \NR % todo: client and ffi
-\NC util-sql-imp-ffi \NC mysql \NC libmysql \NC libmysqlclient \NC \NR
-\NC util-sql-imp-sqlite \NC sqlite \NC sqlite3 \NC sqlite3 \NC \NR
-%NC font-phb-imp-library \NC harfbuzz \NC libharfbuzz \NC libharfbuzz \NC \NR % for testing uniscribe (idris fonts)
-%NC \NC ghostscript \NC \NC \NC \NR % only a few experiments
-%NC \NC graphicmagick \NC \NC \NC \NR % only a few experiments
+\NC util-crl \NC curl \NC libcurl \NC libcurl \NC \NR % todo: client and ffi
+\NC util-sql-imp-ffi \NC mysql \NC libmysql \NC libmysqlclient \NC \NR
+\NC util-sql-imp-sqlite \NC sqlite \NC sqlite3 \NC sqlite3 \NC \NR
+%NC font-phb-imp-library \NC harfbuzz \NC libharfbuzz \NC libharfbuzz \NC \NR % old, for testing uniscribe (idris fonts)
+%NC \NC ghostscript \NC \NC \NC \NR % only a few experiments
+%NC \NC graphicsmagick \NC \NC \NC \NR % only a few experiments
@@ -161,7 +198,7 @@ different versions. You can try to play safe and put libraries in the \TEX\ tree
instance on my system they are in:
You can trace where libraries are looked for with:
@@ -179,9 +216,59 @@ trackers.enable("resolvers.ffilib")
The library is first located on one of the valid \TDS\ paths (these are sort of
standardized in \TEX\ distributions) and then using the normal \FFI\ loader.
-As this is all still experimental in \LUATEX\ there is not much more to say about
-it now. Of course this kind of specialized support to a large degree depends on
-the need to use it.
+\startsection[title=Usage in \LMTX]
+In \CONTEXT\ \LMTX\ we only have so called \quote {optional} libraries. Actually
+they are just simple interfaces that register themselves in the \type {optional}
+namespace and that can load the real library at runtime. The approach is rather
+lightweight in the sense that compilation of the \LUAMETATEX\ binary doesn't
+depend on additional resources (there is no need to have the libraries on the
+system or their source code to be present) and that at runtime there is no need
+to have the libraries present. This sounds similar to delayed loading of \LUA\
+wrapper libraries but the difference is that there is no potential \LUA\ version
+clash and we also still have one single (relatively small) binary.
+This approach works ok because in practice only very few users need a library and
+when they do they have to compile the interface anyway. And, as they compile,
+they can as well add a few lines that are needed to integrate their library to
+the optional mechanism. If you depend on such extensions, you quite certainly
+know what you're doing and need to maintain a code base very careful.
+There are some optional libraries present, like:
+\BC module \BC library \BC windows \BC unix \NC \NR
+\NC libs-imp-curl \NC curl \NC libcurl \NC libcurl \NC \NR
+\NC libs-imp-mysql \NC mysql \NC libmysql \NC libmysqlclient \NC \NR
+\NC libs-imp-sqlite \NC sqlite \NC sqlite3 \NC sqlite3 \NC \NR
+%NC libs-imp-postgress \NC libpg \NC libpg \NC libpg \NC \NR % untested
+\NC libs-imp-zint \NC libzint \NC libzint \NC libzint \NC \NR
+\NC libs-imp-ghostscript \NC ghostscript \NC gswin64 \NC libgs \NC \NR
+\NC libs-imp-graphicsmagick \NC graphicsmagick \NC several \NC unknown \NC \NR
+%NC font-phb-imp-internal \NC hb \NC libharfbuzz \NC libharfbuzz \NC \NR % maybe, for idris, testing uniscribe
+It is still to be decided how these will be used. An example of a library that
+can be used out of the box is \ZINT\ for using barcodes: see \type {m-zint.mkxl}
+for an example of its usage. The \SQL\ libraries have their own manuals and have
+been around for a while. They have a common encapsulating infrastructure written
+in \LUA.
+It is best to keep libraries in a place where you can keep an eye on them being
+updated, like
+You could of course use the ones provided by the system or maybe use symbolic
+links so that you still keep en eye on changes. The \CONTEXT\ distribution might
+at some point provide the libraries that we support.
@@ -191,7 +278,7 @@ the need to use it.
\NC author \NC \getvariable{document}{author}, \getvariable{document}{affiliation}, \getvariable{document}{location} \NC \NR
\NC version \NC \currentdate \NC \NR
\NC website \NC \getvariable{document}{website} \endash\ \getvariable{document}{support} \NC \NR
-\NC comment \NC many thanks to Luigi Scarso for taking care of ffi support in the engines \NC \NR
+\NC comment \NC many thanks to Luigi Scarso for taking care of \FFI\ support in the engines \NC \NR