path: root/context/data/scite/lexers
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Diffstat (limited to 'context/data/scite/lexers')
23 files changed, 0 insertions, 4446 deletions
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/archive/scite-context-lexer-pre-3-3-1.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/archive/scite-context-lexer-pre-3-3-1.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7883177b4..000000000
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/archive/scite-context-lexer-pre-3-3-1.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1100 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.324,
- comment = "basics for scintilla lpeg lexer for context/metafun",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
- comment = "contains copyrighted code from",
--- todo: move all code here
--- todo: explore adapted dll ... properties + init
--- The fold and lex functions are copied and patched from original code by Mitchell (see
--- lexer.lua). All errors are mine.
--- Starting with SciTE version 3.20 there is an issue with coloring. As we still lack
--- a connection with scite itself (properties as well as printing to the log pane) we
--- cannot trace this (on windows). As far as I can see, there are no fundamental
--- changes in lexer.lua or LexLPeg.cxx so it must be in scintilla itself. So for the
--- moment I stick to 3.10. Indicators are: no lexing of 'next' and 'goto <label>' in the
--- Lua lexer and no brace highlighting either. Interesting is that it does work ok in
--- the cld lexer (so the Lua code is okay). Also the fact that char-def.lua lexes fast
--- is a signal that the lexer quits somewhere halfway.
--- After checking 3.24 and adapting to the new lexer tables things are okay again. So,
--- this version assumes 3.24 or higher. In 3.24 we have a different token result, i.e. no
--- longer a { tag, pattern } but just two return values. I didn't check other changes but
--- will do that when I run into issues.
--- I've considered making a whole copy and patch the other functions too as we need
--- an extra nesting model. However, I don't want to maintain too much. An unfortunate
--- change in 3.03 is that no longer a script can be specified. This means that instead
--- of loading the extensions via the properties file, we now need to load them in our
--- own lexers, unless of course we replace lexer.lua completely (which adds another
--- installation issue).
--- Another change has been that _LEXERHOME is no longer available. It looks like more and
--- more functionality gets dropped so maybe at some point we need to ship our own dll/so
--- files. For instance, I'd like to have access to the current filename and other scite
--- properties. For instance, we could cache some info with each file, if only we had
--- knowledge of what file we're dealing with.
--- For huge files folding can be pretty slow and I do have some large ones that I keep
--- open all the time. Loading is normally no ussue, unless one has remembered the status
--- and the cursor is at the last line of a 200K line file. Optimizing the fold function
--- brought down loading of char-def.lua from 14 sec => 8 sec. Replacing the word_match
--- function and optimizing the lex function gained another 2+ seconds. A 6 second load
--- is quite ok for me. The changed lexer table structure (no subtables) brings loading
--- down to a few seconds.
--- When the lexer path is copied to the textadept lexer path, and the theme definition to
--- theme path (as lexer.lua), the lexer works there as well. When I have time and motive
--- I will make a proper setup file to tune the look and feel a bit and associate suffixes
--- with the context lexer. The textadept editor has a nice style tracing option but lacks
--- the tabs for selecting files that scite has. It also has no integrated run that pipes
--- to the log pane (I wonder if it could borrow code from the console2 project). Interesting
--- is that the jit version of textadept crashes on lexing large files (and does not feel
--- faster either).
--- Function load(lexer_name) starts with _M.WHITESPACE = lexer_name..'_whitespace' which
--- means that we need to have it frozen at the moment we load another lexer. Because spacing
--- is used to revert to a parent lexer we need to make sure that we load children as late
--- as possible in order not to get the wrong whitespace trigger. This took me quite a while
--- to figure out (not being that familiar with the internals). The lex and fold functions
--- have been optimized. It is a pitty that there is no proper print available. Another thing
--- needed is a default style in ourown theme style definition, as otherwise we get wrong
--- nested lexers, especially if they are larger than a view. This is the hardest part of
--- getting things right.
--- Eventually it might be safer to copy the other methods from lexer.lua here as well so
--- that we have no dependencies, apart from the c library (for which at some point the api
--- will be stable I hope).
--- It's a pitty that there is no scintillua library for the OSX version of scite. Even
--- better would be to have the scintillua library as integral part of scite as that way I
--- could use OSX alongside windows and linux (depending on needs). Also nice would be to
--- have a proper interface to scite then because currently the lexer is rather isolated and the
--- lua version does not provide all standard libraries. It would also be good to have lpeg
--- support in the regular scite lua extension (currently you need to pick it up from someplace
--- else).
-local lpeg = require 'lpeg'
-local R, P, S, C, V, Cp, Cs, Ct, Cmt, Cc, Cf, Cg, Carg = lpeg.R, lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.V, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Carg
-local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
-local find, gmatch, match, lower, upper, gsub = string.find, string.gmatch, string.match, string.lower, string.upper, string.gsub
-local concat = table.concat
-local global = _G
-local type, next, setmetatable, rawset = type, next, setmetatable, rawset
-if lexer then
- -- in recent c++ code the lexername and loading is hard coded
-elseif _LEXERHOME then
- dofile(_LEXERHOME .. '/lexer.lua') -- pre 3.03 situation
- dofile('lexer.lua') -- whatever
-lexer.context = lexer.context or { }
-local context = lexer.context
-context.patterns = context.patterns or { }
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local locations = {
- -- lexer.context.path,
- "data", -- optional data directory
- "..", -- regular scite directory
-local function collect(name)
--- local definitions = loadfile(name .. ".luc") or loadfile(name .. ".lua")
- local okay, definitions = pcall(function () return require(name) end)
- if okay then
- if type(definitions) == "function" then
- definitions = definitions()
- end
- if type(definitions) == "table" then
- return definitions
- end
- end
-function context.loaddefinitions(name)
- for i=1,#locations do
- local data = collect(locations[i] .. "/" .. name)
- if data then
- return data
- end
- end
--- maybe more efficient:
-function context.word_match(words,word_chars,case_insensitive)
- local chars = '%w_' -- maybe just "" when word_chars
- if word_chars then
- chars = '^([' .. chars .. gsub(word_chars,'([%^%]%-])', '%%%1') ..']+)'
- else
- chars = '^([' .. chars ..']+)'
- end
- if case_insensitive then
- local word_list = { }
- for i=1,#words do
- word_list[lower(words[i])] = true
- end
- return P(function(input, index)
- local s, e, word = find(input,chars,index)
- return word and word_list[lower(word)] and e + 1 or nil
- end)
- else
- local word_list = { }
- for i=1,#words do
- word_list[words[i]] = true
- end
- return P(function(input, index)
- local s, e, word = find(input,chars,index)
- return word and word_list[word] and e + 1 or nil
- end)
- end
-local idtoken = R("az","AZ","\127\255","__")
-local digit = R("09")
-local sign = S("+-")
-local period = P(".")
-local space = S(" \n\r\t\f\v")
-patterns.idtoken = idtoken
-patterns.digit = digit
-patterns.sign = sign
-patterns.period = period
-patterns.cardinal = digit^1
-patterns.integer = sign^-1 * digit^1
-patterns.real =
- sign^-1 * ( -- at most one
- digit^1 * period * digit^0 -- 10.0 10.
- + digit^0 * period * digit^1 -- 0.10 .10
- + digit^1 -- 10
- )
-patterns.restofline = (1-S("\n\r"))^1 = space
-patterns.spacing = space^1
-patterns.nospacing = (1-space)^1
-patterns.anything = P(1)
-local endof = S("\n\r\f")
-patterns.startofline = P(function(input,index)
- return (index == 1 or lpegmatch(endof,input,index-1)) and index
-function context.exact_match(words,word_chars,case_insensitive)
- local characters = concat(words)
- local pattern -- the concat catches _ etc
- if word_chars == true or word_chars == false or word_chars == nil then
- word_chars = ""
- end
- if type(word_chars) == "string" then
- pattern = S(characters) + idtoken
- if case_insensitive then
- pattern = pattern + S(upper(characters)) + S(lower(characters))
- end
- if word_chars ~= "" then
- pattern = pattern + S(word_chars)
- end
- elseif word_chars then
- pattern = word_chars
- end
- if case_insensitive then
- local list = { }
- for i=1,#words do
- list[lower(words[i])] = true
- end
- return Cmt(pattern^1, function(_,i,s)
- return list[lower(s)] -- and i or nil
- end)
- else
- local list = { }
- for i=1,#words do
- list[words[i]] = true
- end
- return Cmt(pattern^1, function(_,i,s)
- return list[s] -- and i or nil
- end)
- end
--- spell checking (we can only load lua files)
--- return {
--- min = 3,
--- max = 40,
--- n = 12345,
--- words = {
--- ["someword"] = "someword",
--- ["anotherword"] = "Anotherword",
--- },
--- }
-local lists = { }
-function context.setwordlist(tag,limit) -- returns hash (lowercase keys and original values)
- if not tag or tag == "" then
- return false, 3
- end
- local list = lists[tag]
- if not list then
- list = context.loaddefinitions("spell-" .. tag)
- if not list or type(list) ~= "table" then
- list = { words = false, min = 3 }
- else
- list.words = list.words or false
- list.min = list.min or 3
- end
- lists[tag] = list
- end
- return list.words, list.min
-patterns.wordtoken = R("az","AZ","\127\255")
-patterns.wordpattern = patterns.wordtoken^3 -- todo: if limit and #s < limit then
--- -- pre 3.24:
--- function context.checkedword(validwords,validminimum,s,i) -- ,limit
--- if not validwords then -- or #s < validminimum then
--- return true, { "text", i } -- { "default", i }
--- else
--- -- keys are lower
--- local word = validwords[s]
--- if word == s then
--- return true, { "okay", i } -- exact match
--- elseif word then
--- return true, { "warning", i } -- case issue
--- else
--- local word = validwords[lower(s)]
--- if word == s then
--- return true, { "okay", i } -- exact match
--- elseif word then
--- return true, { "warning", i } -- case issue
--- elseif upper(s) == s then
--- return true, { "warning", i } -- probably a logo or acronym
--- else
--- return true, { "error", i }
--- end
--- end
--- end
--- end
-function context.checkedword(validwords,validminimum,s,i) -- ,limit
- if not validwords then -- or #s < validminimum then
- return true, "text", i -- { "default", i }
- else
- -- keys are lower
- local word = validwords[s]
- if word == s then
- return true, "okay", i -- exact match
- elseif word then
- return true, "warning", i -- case issue
- else
- local word = validwords[lower(s)]
- if word == s then
- return true, "okay", i -- exact match
- elseif word then
- return true, "warning", i -- case issue
- elseif upper(s) == s then
- return true, "warning", i -- probably a logo or acronym
- else
- return true, "error", i
- end
- end
- end
-function context.styleofword(validwords,validminimum,s) -- ,limit
- if not validwords or #s < validminimum then
- return "text"
- else
- -- keys are lower
- local word = validwords[s]
- if word == s then
- return "okay" -- exact match
- elseif word then
- return "warning" -- case issue
- else
- local word = validwords[lower(s)]
- if word == s then
- return "okay" -- exact match
- elseif word then
- return "warning" -- case issue
- elseif upper(s) == s then
- return "warning" -- probably a logo or acronym
- else
- return "error"
- end
- end
- end
--- overloaded functions
-local get_style_at = GetStyleAt
-local get_property = GetProperty
-local get_indent_amount = GetIndentAmount
-local h_table, b_table, n_table = { }, { }, { }
-setmetatable(h_table, { __index = function(t,level) local v = { level, FOLD_HEADER } t[level] = v return v end })
-setmetatable(b_table, { __index = function(t,level) local v = { level, FOLD_BLANK } t[level] = v return v end })
-setmetatable(n_table, { __index = function(t,level) local v = { level } t[level] = v return v end })
--- -- todo: move the local functions outside (see below) .. old variant < 3.24
--- local newline = P("\r\n") + S("\r\n")
--- local p_yes = Cp() * Cs((1-newline)^1) * newline^-1
--- local p_nop = newline
--- local function fold_by_parsing(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer)
--- local foldsymbols = lexer._foldsymbols
--- if not foldsymbols then
--- return { }
--- end
--- local patterns = foldsymbols._patterns
--- if not patterns then
--- return { }
--- end
--- local nofpatterns = #patterns
--- if nofpatterns == 0 then
--- return { }
--- end
--- local folds = { }
--- local line_num = start_line
--- local prev_level = start_level
--- local current_level = prev_level
--- local validmatches = foldsymbols._validmatches
--- if not validmatches then
--- validmatches = { }
--- for symbol, matches in next, foldsymbols do -- whatever = { start = 1, stop = -1 }
--- if not find(symbol,"^_") then -- brrr
--- for s, _ in next, matches do
--- validmatches[s] = true
--- end
--- end
--- end
--- foldsymbols._validmatches = validmatches
--- end
--- -- of course we could instead build a nice lpeg checker .. something for
--- -- a rainy day with a stack of new cd's at hand
--- local function action_y(pos,line)
--- for i=1,nofpatterns do
--- for s, m in gmatch(line,patterns[i]) do
--- if validmatches[m] then
--- local symbols = foldsymbols[get_style_at(start_pos + pos + s - 1)]
--- if symbols then
--- local action = symbols[m]
--- if action then
--- if type(action) == 'number' then -- we could store this in validmatches if there was only one symbol category
--- current_level = current_level + action
--- else
--- current_level = current_level + action(text,pos,line,s,m)
--- end
--- if current_level < FOLD_BASE then
--- current_level = FOLD_BASE
--- end
--- end
--- end
--- end
--- end
--- end
--- if current_level > prev_level then
--- folds[line_num] = h_table[prev_level] -- { prev_level, FOLD_HEADER }
--- else
--- folds[line_num] = n_table[prev_level] -- { prev_level }
--- end
--- prev_level = current_level
--- line_num = line_num + 1
--- end
--- local function action_n()
--- folds[line_num] = b_table[prev_level] -- { prev_level, FOLD_BLANK }
--- line_num = line_num + 1
--- end
--- if lexer._reset_parser then
--- lexer._reset_parser()
--- end
--- local lpegpattern = (p_yes/action_y + p_nop/action_n)^0 -- not too efficient but indirect function calls are neither but
--- lpegmatch(lpegpattern,text) -- keys are not pressed that fast ... large files are slow anyway
--- return folds
--- end
--- The 3.24 variant; no longer subtable optimization is needed:
-local newline = P("\r\n") + S("\r\n")
-local p_yes = Cp() * Cs((1-newline)^1) * newline^-1
-local p_nop = newline
-local folders = { }
-local function fold_by_parsing(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer)
- local folder = folders[lexer]
- if not folder then
- --
- local pattern, folds, text, start_pos, line_num, prev_level, current_level
- --
- local fold_symbols = lexer._foldsymbols
- local fold_pattern = lexer._foldpattern -- use lpeg instead (context extension)
- --
- if fold_pattern then
- -- if no functions are found then we could have a faster one
- -- fold_pattern = Cp() * C(fold_pattern) * Carg(1) / function(s,match,pos)
- -- local symbols = fold_symbols[get_style_at(start_pos + pos + s - 1)]
- -- local l = symbols and symbols[match]
- -- if l then
- -- local t = type(l)
- -- if t == 'number' then
- -- current_level = current_level + l
- -- elseif t == 'function' then
- -- current_level = current_level + l(text, pos, line, s, match)
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
- -- fold_pattern = (fold_pattern + P(1))^0
- -- local action_y = function(pos,line)
- -- lpegmatch(fold_pattern,line,1,pos)
- -- folds[line_num] = prev_level
- -- if current_level > prev_level then
- -- folds[line_num] = prev_level + FOLD_HEADER
- -- end
- -- if current_level < FOLD_BASE then
- -- current_level = FOLD_BASE
- -- end
- -- prev_level = current_level
- -- line_num = line_num + 1
- -- end
- -- local action_n = function()
- -- folds[line_num] = prev_level + FOLD_BLANK
- -- line_num = line_num + 1
- -- end
- -- pattern = (p_yes/action_y + p_nop/action_n)^0
- fold_pattern = Cp() * C(fold_pattern) / function(s,match)
- local symbols = fold_symbols[get_style_at(start_pos + s)]
- if symbols then
- local l = symbols[match]
- if l then
- current_level = current_level + l
- end
- end
- end
- local action_y = function()
- folds[line_num] = prev_level
- if current_level > prev_level then
- folds[line_num] = prev_level + FOLD_HEADER
- end
- if current_level < FOLD_BASE then
- current_level = FOLD_BASE
- end
- prev_level = current_level
- line_num = line_num + 1
- end
- local action_n = function()
- folds[line_num] = prev_level + FOLD_BLANK
- line_num = line_num + 1
- end
- pattern = ((fold_pattern + (1-newline))^1 * newline / action_y + newline/action_n)^0
- else
- -- the traditional one but a bit optimized
- local fold_symbols_patterns = fold_symbols._patterns
- local action_y = function(pos,line)
- for j = 1, #fold_symbols_patterns do
- for s, match in gmatch(line,fold_symbols_patterns[j]) do -- '()('..patterns[i]..')'
- local symbols = fold_symbols[get_style_at(start_pos + pos + s - 1)]
- local l = symbols and symbols[match]
- local t = type(l)
- if t == 'number' then
- current_level = current_level + l
- elseif t == 'function' then
- current_level = current_level + l(text, pos, line, s, match)
- end
- end
- end
- folds[line_num] = prev_level
- if current_level > prev_level then
- folds[line_num] = prev_level + FOLD_HEADER
- end
- if current_level < FOLD_BASE then
- current_level = FOLD_BASE
- end
- prev_level = current_level
- line_num = line_num + 1
- end
- local action_n = function()
- folds[line_num] = prev_level + FOLD_BLANK
- line_num = line_num + 1
- end
- pattern = (p_yes/action_y + p_nop/action_n)^0
- end
- --
- local reset_parser = lexer._reset_parser
- --
- folder = function(_text_,_start_pos_,_start_line_,_start_level_)
- if reset_parser then
- reset_parser()
- end
- folds = { }
- text = _text_
- start_pos = _start_pos_
- line_num = _start_line_
- prev_level = _start_level_
- current_level = prev_level
- lpegmatch(pattern,text)
--- return folds
-local t = folds
-folds = nil
-return t -- so folds can be collected
- end
- folders[lexer] = folder
- end
- return folder(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer)
--- local function fold_by_indentation(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level)
--- local folds = { }
--- local current_line = start_line
--- local prev_level = start_level
--- for line in gmatch(text,'[\t ]*(.-)\r?\n') do
--- if line ~= "" then
--- local current_level = FOLD_BASE + get_indent_amount(current_line)
--- if current_level > prev_level then -- next level
--- local i = current_line - 1
--- while true do
--- local f = folds[i]
--- if f and f[2] == FOLD_BLANK then
--- i = i - 1
--- else
--- break
--- end
--- end
--- local f = folds[i]
--- if f then
--- f[2] = FOLD_HEADER
--- end -- low indent
--- folds[current_line] = n_table[current_level] -- { current_level } -- high indent
--- elseif current_level < prev_level then -- prev level
--- local f = folds[current_line - 1]
--- if f then
--- f[1] = prev_level -- high indent
--- end
--- folds[current_line] = n_table[current_level] -- { current_level } -- low indent
--- else -- same level
--- folds[current_line] = n_table[prev_level] -- { prev_level }
--- end
--- prev_level = current_level
--- else
--- folds[current_line] = b_table[prev_level] -- { prev_level, FOLD_BLANK }
--- end
--- current_line = current_line + 1
--- end
--- return folds
--- end
--- local function fold_by_indentation(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level)
--- local folds = { }
--- local current_line = start_line
--- local prev_level = start_level
--- for line in gmatch(text,'[\t ]*(.-)\r?\n') do
--- if line ~= '' then
--- local current_level = FOLD_BASE + get_indent_amount(current_line)
--- if current_level > prev_level then -- next level
--- local i = current_line - 1
--- local f
--- while true do
--- f = folds[i]
--- if not f then
--- break
--- elseif f[2] == FOLD_BLANK then
--- i = i - 1
--- else
--- f[2] = FOLD_HEADER -- low indent
--- break
--- end
--- end
--- folds[current_line] = { current_level } -- high indent
--- elseif current_level < prev_level then -- prev level
--- local f = folds[current_line - 1]
--- if f then
--- f[1] = prev_level -- high indent
--- end
--- folds[current_line] = { current_level } -- low indent
--- else -- same level
--- folds[current_line] = { prev_level }
--- end
--- prev_level = current_level
--- else
--- folds[current_line] = { prev_level, FOLD_BLANK }
--- end
--- current_line = current_line + 1
--- end
--- for line, level in next, folds do
--- folds[line] = level[1] + (level[2] or 0)
--- end
--- return folds
--- end
-local folds, current_line, prev_level
-local function action_y()
- local current_level = FOLD_BASE + get_indent_amount(current_line)
- if current_level > prev_level then -- next level
- local i = current_line - 1
- local f
- while true do
- f = folds[i]
- if not f then
- break
- elseif f[2] == FOLD_BLANK then
- i = i - 1
- else
- f[2] = FOLD_HEADER -- low indent
- break
- end
- end
- folds[current_line] = { current_level } -- high indent
- elseif current_level < prev_level then -- prev level
- local f = folds[current_line - 1]
- if f then
- f[1] = prev_level -- high indent
- end
- folds[current_line] = { current_level } -- low indent
- else -- same level
- folds[current_line] = { prev_level }
- end
- prev_level = current_level
- current_line = current_line + 1
-local function action_n()
- folds[current_line] = { prev_level, FOLD_BLANK }
- current_line = current_line + 1
-local pattern = ( S("\t ")^0 * ( (1-S("\n\r"))^1 / action_y + P(true) / action_n) * newline )^0
-local function fold_by_indentation(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level)
- -- initialize
- folds = { }
- current_line = start_line
- prev_level = start_level
- -- define
- -- -- not here .. pattern binds and local functions are not frozen
- -- analyze
- lpegmatch(pattern,text)
- -- flatten
- for line, level in next, folds do
- folds[line] = level[1] + (level[2] or 0)
- end
- -- done
--- return folds
-local t = folds
-folds = nil
-return t -- so folds can be collected
-local function fold_by_line(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level)
- local folds = { }
- -- can also be lpeg'd
- for _ in gmatch(text,".-\r?\n") do
- folds[start_line] = n_table[start_level] -- { start_level }
- start_line = start_line + 1
- end
- return folds
-local threshold_by_lexer = 512 * 1024 -- we don't know the filesize yet
-local threshold_by_parsing = 512 * 1024 -- we don't know the filesize yet
-local threshold_by_indentation = 512 * 1024 -- we don't know the filesize yet
-local threshold_by_line = 512 * 1024 -- we don't know the filesize yet
-function context.fold(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level) -- hm, we had size thresholds .. where did they go
- if text == '' then
- return { }
- end
- local lexer = global._LEXER
- local fold_by_lexer = lexer._fold
- local fold_by_symbols = lexer._foldsymbols
- local filesize = 0 -- we don't know that
- if fold_by_lexer then
- if filesize <= threshold_by_lexer then
- return fold_by_lexer(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer)
- end
- elseif fold_by_symbols then -- and get_property('',1) > 0 then
- if filesize <= threshold_by_parsing then
- return fold_by_parsing(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer)
- end
- elseif get_property('',1) > 0 then
- if filesize <= threshold_by_indentation then
- return fold_by_indentation(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer)
- end
- elseif get_property('',1) > 0 then
- if filesize <= threshold_by_line then
- return fold_by_line(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer)
- end
- end
- return { }
--- The following code is mostly unchanged:
-local function add_rule(lexer, id, rule)
- if not lexer._RULES then
- lexer._RULES = {}
- lexer._RULEORDER = {}
- end
- lexer._RULES[id] = rule
- lexer._RULEORDER[#lexer._RULEORDER + 1] = id
-local function add_style(lexer, token_name, style)
- local len = lexer._STYLES.len
- if len == 32 then
- len = len + 8
- end
- if len >= 128 then
- print('Too many styles defined (128 MAX)')
- end
- lexer._TOKENS[token_name] = len
- lexer._STYLES[len] = style
- lexer._STYLES.len = len + 1
-local function join_tokens(lexer)
- local patterns, order = lexer._RULES, lexer._RULEORDER
- local token_rule = patterns[order[1]]
- for i=2,#order do
- token_rule = token_rule + patterns[order[i]]
- end
- lexer._TOKENRULE = token_rule
- return lexer._TOKENRULE
-local function add_lexer(grammar, lexer, token_rule)
- local token_rule = join_tokens(lexer)
- local lexer_name = lexer._NAME
- local children = lexer._CHILDREN
- for i=1,#children do
- local child = children[i]
- if child._CHILDREN then
- add_lexer(grammar, child)
- end
- local child_name = child._NAME
- local rules = child._EMBEDDEDRULES[lexer_name]
- local rules_token_rule = grammar['__'..child_name] or rules.token_rule
- grammar[child_name] = (-rules.end_rule * rules_token_rule)^0 * rules.end_rule^-1 * V(lexer_name)
- local embedded_child = '_' .. child_name
- grammar[embedded_child] = rules.start_rule * (-rules.end_rule * rules_token_rule)^0 * rules.end_rule^-1
- token_rule = V(embedded_child) + token_rule
- end
- grammar['__' .. lexer_name] = token_rule
- grammar[lexer_name] = token_rule^0
-local function build_grammar(lexer, initial_rule)
- local children = lexer._CHILDREN
- if children then
- local lexer_name = lexer._NAME
- if not initial_rule then
- initial_rule = lexer_name
- end
- local grammar = { initial_rule }
- add_lexer(grammar, lexer)
- lexer._INITIALRULE = initial_rule
- lexer._GRAMMAR = Ct(P(grammar))
- else
- lexer._GRAMMAR = Ct(join_tokens(lexer)^0)
- end
--- so far. We need these local functions in the next one.
--- Before 3.24 we had tokens[..] = { category, position }, now it's a two values.
-local lineparsers = { }
-function context.lex(text,init_style)
- local lexer = global._LEXER
- local grammar = lexer._GRAMMAR
- if not grammar then
- return { }
- elseif lexer._LEXBYLINE then -- we could keep token
- local tokens = { }
- local offset = 0
- local noftokens = 0
- -- -- pre 3.24
- --
- -- for line in gmatch(text,'[^\r\n]*\r?\n?') do -- could be an lpeg
- -- local line_tokens = lpegmatch(grammar,line)
- -- if line_tokens then
- -- for i=1,#line_tokens do
- -- local token = line_tokens[i]
- -- token[2] = token[2] + offset
- -- noftokens = noftokens + 1
- -- tokens[noftokens] = token
- -- end
- -- end
- -- offset = offset + #line
- -- if noftokens > 0 and tokens[noftokens][2] ~= offset then
- -- noftokens = noftokens + 1
- -- tokens[noftokens] = { 'default', offset + 1 }
- -- end
- -- end
- -- for line in gmatch(text,'[^\r\n]*\r?\n?') do
- -- local line_tokens = lpegmatch(grammar,line)
- -- if line_tokens then
- -- for i=1,#line_tokens,2 do
- -- noftokens = noftokens + 1
- -- tokens[noftokens] = line_tokens[i]
- -- noftokens = noftokens + 1
- -- tokens[noftokens] = line_tokens[i + 1] + offset
- -- end
- -- end
- -- offset = offset + #line
- -- if noftokens > 0 and tokens[noftokens] ~= offset then
- -- noftokens = noftokens + 1
- -- tokens[noftokens] = 'default'
- -- noftokens = noftokens + 1
- -- tokens[noftokens] = offset + 1
- -- end
- -- end
- local lineparser = lineparsers[lexer]
- if not lineparser then -- probably a cmt is more efficient
- lineparser = C((1-newline)^0 * newline) / function(line)
- local length = #line
- local line_tokens = length > 0 and lpegmatch(grammar,line)
- if line_tokens then
- for i=1,#line_tokens,2 do
- noftokens = noftokens + 1
- tokens[noftokens] = line_tokens[i]
- noftokens = noftokens + 1
- tokens[noftokens] = line_tokens[i + 1] + offset
- end
- end
- offset = offset + length
- if noftokens > 0 and tokens[noftokens] ~= offset then
- noftokens = noftokens + 1
- tokens[noftokens] = 'default'
- noftokens = noftokens + 1
- tokens[noftokens] = offset + 1
- end
- end
- lineparser = lineparser^0
- lineparsers[lexer] = lineparser
- end
- lpegmatch(lineparser,text)
- return tokens
- elseif lexer._CHILDREN then
- -- as we cannot print, tracing is not possible ... this might change as we can as well
- -- generate them all in one go (sharing as much as possible)
- local hash = lexer._HASH -- hm, was _hash
- if not hash then
- hash = { }
- lexer._HASH = hash
- end
- grammar = hash[init_style]
- if grammar then
- lexer._GRAMMAR = grammar
- else
- for style, style_num in next, lexer._TOKENS do
- if style_num == init_style then
- -- the name of the lexers is filtered from the whitespace
- -- specification
- local lexer_name = match(style,'^(.+)_whitespace') or lexer._NAME
- if lexer._INITIALRULE ~= lexer_name then
- grammar = hash[lexer_name]
- if not grammar then
- build_grammar(lexer,lexer_name)
- grammar = lexer._GRAMMAR
- hash[lexer_name] = grammar
- end
- end
- break
- end
- end
- grammar = grammar or lexer._GRAMMAR
- hash[init_style] = grammar
- end
- return lpegmatch(grammar,text)
- else
- return lpegmatch(grammar,text)
- end
--- todo: keywords: one lookup and multiple matches
--- function context.token(name, patt)
--- return Ct(patt * Cc(name) * Cp())
--- end
--- -- hm, changed in 3.24 .. no longer a table
-function context.token(name, patt)
- return patt * Cc(name) * Cp()
-lexer.fold = context.fold
-lexer.lex = context.lex
-lexer.token = context.token
-lexer.exact_match = context.exact_match
--- helper .. alas ... the lexer's lua instance is rather crippled .. not even
--- math is part of it
-local floor = math and math.floor
-local char = string.char
-if not floor then
- floor = function(n)
- return tonumber(string.format("%d",n))
- end
- math = math or { }
- math.floor = floor
-local function utfchar(n)
- if n < 0x80 then
- return char(n)
- elseif n < 0x800 then
- return char(
- 0xC0 + floor(n/0x40),
- 0x80 + (n % 0x40)
- )
- elseif n < 0x10000 then
- return char(
- 0xE0 + floor(n/0x1000),
- 0x80 + (floor(n/0x40) % 0x40),
- 0x80 + (n % 0x40)
- )
- elseif n < 0x40000 then
- return char(
- 0xF0 + floor(n/0x40000),
- 0x80 + floor(n/0x1000),
- 0x80 + (floor(n/0x40) % 0x40),
- 0x80 + (n % 0x40)
- )
- else
- -- return char(
- -- 0xF1 + floor(n/0x1000000),
- -- 0x80 + floor(n/0x40000),
- -- 0x80 + floor(n/0x1000),
- -- 0x80 + (floor(n/0x40) % 0x40),
- -- 0x80 + (n % 0x40)
- -- )
- return "?"
- end
-context.utfchar = utfchar
--- a helper from l-lpeg:
-local gmatch = string.gmatch
-local function make(t)
- local p
- for k, v in next, t do
- if not p then
- if next(v) then
- p = P(k) * make(v)
- else
- p = P(k)
- end
- else
- if next(v) then
- p = p + P(k) * make(v)
- else
- p = p + P(k)
- end
- end
- end
- return p
-function lpeg.utfchartabletopattern(list)
- local tree = { }
- for i=1,#list do
- local t = tree
- for c in gmatch(list[i],".") do
- if not t[c] then
- t[c] = { }
- end
- t = t[c]
- end
- end
- return make(tree)
--- patterns.invisibles =
--- P(utfchar(0x00A0)) -- nbsp
--- + P(utfchar(0x2000)) -- enquad
--- + P(utfchar(0x2001)) -- emquad
--- + P(utfchar(0x2002)) -- enspace
--- + P(utfchar(0x2003)) -- emspace
--- + P(utfchar(0x2004)) -- threeperemspace
--- + P(utfchar(0x2005)) -- fourperemspace
--- + P(utfchar(0x2006)) -- sixperemspace
--- + P(utfchar(0x2007)) -- figurespace
--- + P(utfchar(0x2008)) -- punctuationspace
--- + P(utfchar(0x2009)) -- breakablethinspace
--- + P(utfchar(0x200A)) -- hairspace
--- + P(utfchar(0x200B)) -- zerowidthspace
--- + P(utfchar(0x202F)) -- narrownobreakspace
--- + P(utfchar(0x205F)) -- math thinspace
-patterns.invisibles = lpeg.utfchartabletopattern {
- utfchar(0x00A0), -- nbsp
- utfchar(0x2000), -- enquad
- utfchar(0x2001), -- emquad
- utfchar(0x2002), -- enspace
- utfchar(0x2003), -- emspace
- utfchar(0x2004), -- threeperemspace
- utfchar(0x2005), -- fourperemspace
- utfchar(0x2006), -- sixperemspace
- utfchar(0x2007), -- figurespace
- utfchar(0x2008), -- punctuationspace
- utfchar(0x2009), -- breakablethinspace
- utfchar(0x200A), -- hairspace
- utfchar(0x200B), -- zerowidthspace
- utfchar(0x202F), -- narrownobreakspace
- utfchar(0x205F), -- math thinspace
--- now we can make:
-patterns.iwordtoken = patterns.wordtoken - patterns.invisibles
-patterns.iwordpattern = patterns.iwordtoken^3
--- require("themes/scite-context-theme")
--- In order to deal with some bug in additional styles (I have no cue what is
--- wrong, but additional styles get ignored and clash somehow) I just copy the
--- original lexer code ... see original for comments.
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/data/scite-context-data-context.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/data/scite-context-data-context.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d577c8da..000000000
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/data/scite-context-data-context.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-return {
- ["constants"]={ "zerocount", "minusone", "minustwo", "plusone", "plustwo", "plusthree", "plusfour", "plusfive", "plussix", "plusseven", "pluseight", "plusnine", "plusten", "plussixteen", "plushundred", "plusthousand", "plustenthousand", "plustwentythousand", "medcard", "maxcard", "zeropoint", "onepoint", "halfapoint", "onebasepoint", "maxdimen", "scaledpoint", "thousandpoint", "points", "halfpoint", "zeroskip", "zeromuskip", "onemuskip", "pluscxxvii", "pluscxxviii", "pluscclv", "pluscclvi", "normalpagebox", "endoflinetoken", "outputnewlinechar", "emptytoks", "empty", "undefined", "voidbox", "emptybox", "emptyvbox", "emptyhbox", "bigskipamount", "medskipamount", "smallskipamount", "fmtname", "fmtversion", "texengine", "texenginename", "texengineversion", "luatexengine", "pdftexengine", "xetexengine", "unknownengine", "etexversion", "pdftexversion", "xetexversion", "xetexrevision", "activecatcode", "bgroup", "egroup", "endline", "conditionaltrue", "conditionalfalse", "attributeunsetvalue", "uprotationangle", "rightrotationangle", "downrotationangle", "leftrotationangle", "inicatcodes", "ctxcatcodes", "texcatcodes", "notcatcodes", "txtcatcodes", "vrbcatcodes", "prtcatcodes", "nilcatcodes", "luacatcodes", "tpacatcodes", "tpbcatcodes", "xmlcatcodes", "escapecatcode", "begingroupcatcode", "endgroupcatcode", "mathshiftcatcode", "alignmentcatcode", "endoflinecatcode", "parametercatcode", "superscriptcatcode", "subscriptcatcode", "ignorecatcode", "spacecatcode", "lettercatcode", "othercatcode", "activecatcode", "commentcatcode", "invalidcatcode", "tabasciicode", "newlineasciicode", "formfeedasciicode", "endoflineasciicode", "endoffileasciicode", "spaceasciicode", "hashasciicode", "dollarasciicode", "commentasciicode", "ampersandasciicode", "colonasciicode", "backslashasciicode", "circumflexasciicode", "underscoreasciicode", "leftbraceasciicode", "barasciicode", "rightbraceasciicode", "tildeasciicode", "delasciicode", "lessthanasciicode", "morethanasciicode", "doublecommentsignal", "atsignasciicode", "exclamationmarkasciicode", "questionmarkasciicode", "doublequoteasciicode", "singlequoteasciicode", "forwardslashasciicode", "primeasciicode", "activemathcharcode", "activetabtoken", "activeformfeedtoken", "activeendoflinetoken", "batchmodecode", "nonstopmodecode", "scrollmodecode", "errorstopmodecode", "bottomlevelgroupcode", "simplegroupcode", "hboxgroupcode", "adjustedhboxgroupcode", "vboxgroupcode", "vtopgroupcode", "aligngroupcode", "noaligngroupcode", "outputgroupcode", "mathgroupcode", "discretionarygroupcode", "insertgroupcode", "vcentergroupcode", "mathchoicegroupcode", "semisimplegroupcode", "mathshiftgroupcode", "mathleftgroupcode", "vadjustgroupcode", "charnodecode", "hlistnodecode", "vlistnodecode", "rulenodecode", "insertnodecode", "marknodecode", "adjustnodecode", "ligaturenodecode", "discretionarynodecode", "whatsitnodecode", "mathnodecode", "gluenodecode", "kernnodecode", "penaltynodecode", "unsetnodecode", "mathsnodecode", "charifcode", "catifcode", "numifcode", "dimifcode", "oddifcode", "vmodeifcode", "hmodeifcode", "mmodeifcode", "innerifcode", "voidifcode", "hboxifcode", "vboxifcode", "xifcode", "eofifcode", "trueifcode", "falseifcode", "caseifcode", "definedifcode", "csnameifcode", "fontcharifcode", "fontslantperpoint", "fontinterwordspace", "fontinterwordstretch", "fontinterwordshrink", "fontexheight", "fontemwidth", "fontextraspace", "slantperpoint", "interwordspace", "interwordstretch", "interwordshrink", "exheight", "emwidth", "extraspace", "mathsupdisplay", "mathsupnormal", "mathsupcramped", "mathsubnormal", "mathsubcombined", "mathaxisheight", "startmode", "stopmode", "startnotmode", "stopnotmode", "startmodeset", "stopmodeset", "doifmode", "doifmodeelse", "doifnotmode", "startallmodes", "stopallmodes", "startnotallmodes", "stopnotallmodes", "doifallmodes", "doifallmodeselse", "doifnotallmodes", "startenvironment", "stopenvironment", "environment", "startcomponent", "stopcomponent", "component", "startproduct", "stopproduct", "product", "startproject", "stopproject", "project", "starttext", "stoptext", "startnotext", "stopnotext", "startdocument", "stopdocument", "documentvariable", "setupdocument", "startmodule", "stopmodule", "usemodule", "usetexmodule", "useluamodule", "setupmodule", "currentmoduleparameter", "moduleparameter", "startTEXpage", "stopTEXpage", "enablemode", "disablemode", "preventmode", "globalenablemode", "globaldisablemode", "globalpreventmode", "pushmode", "popmode", "typescriptone", "typescripttwo", "typescriptthree", "mathsizesuffix", "mathordcode", "mathopcode", "mathbincode", "mathrelcode", "mathopencode", "mathclosecode", "mathpunctcode", "mathalphacode", "mathinnercode", "mathnothingcode", "mathlimopcode", "mathnolopcode", "mathboxcode", "mathchoicecode", "mathaccentcode", "mathradicalcode", "constantnumber", "constantnumberargument", "constantdimen", "constantdimenargument", "constantemptyargument", "continueifinputfile", "luastringsep", "!!bs", "!!es", "lefttorightmark", "righttoleftmark", "breakablethinspace", "nobreakspace", "narrownobreakspace", "zerowidthnobreakspace", "ideographicspace", "ideographichalffillspace", "twoperemspace", "threeperemspace", "fourperemspace", "fiveperemspace", "sixperemspace", "figurespace", "punctuationspace", "hairspace", "zerowidthspace", "zerowidthnonjoiner", "zerowidthjoiner", "zwnj", "zwj" },
- ["helpers"]={ "startsetups", "stopsetups", "startxmlsetups", "stopxmlsetups", "startluasetups", "stopluasetups", "starttexsetups", "stoptexsetups", "startrawsetups", "stoprawsetups", "startlocalsetups", "stoplocalsetups", "starttexdefinition", "stoptexdefinition", "starttexcode", "stoptexcode", "startcontextcode", "stopcontextcode", "doifsetupselse", "doifsetups", "doifnotsetups", "setup", "setups", "texsetup", "xmlsetup", "luasetup", "directsetup", "doifelsecommandhandler", "doifnotcommandhandler", "doifcommandhandler", "newmode", "setmode", "resetmode", "newsystemmode", "setsystemmode", "resetsystemmode", "pushsystemmode", "popsystemmode", "booleanmodevalue", "newcount", "newdimen", "newskip", "newmuskip", "newbox", "newtoks", "newread", "newwrite", "newmarks", "newinsert", "newattribute", "newif", "newlanguage", "newfamily", "newfam", "newhelp", "then", "begcsname", "strippedcsname", "firstargumentfalse", "firstargumenttrue", "secondargumentfalse", "secondargumenttrue", "thirdargumentfalse", "thirdargumenttrue", "fourthargumentfalse", "fourthargumenttrue", "fifthargumentfalse", "fifthsargumenttrue", "sixthargumentfalse", "sixtsargumenttrue", "doglobal", "dodoglobal", "redoglobal", "resetglobal", "donothing", "dontcomplain", "forgetall", "donetrue", "donefalse", "htdp", "unvoidbox", "hfilll", "vfilll", "mathbox", "mathlimop", "mathnolop", "mathnothing", "mathalpha", "currentcatcodetable", "defaultcatcodetable", "catcodetablename", "newcatcodetable", "startcatcodetable", "stopcatcodetable", "startextendcatcodetable", "stopextendcatcodetable", "pushcatcodetable", "popcatcodetable", "restorecatcodes", "setcatcodetable", "letcatcodecommand", "defcatcodecommand", "uedcatcodecommand", "hglue", "vglue", "hfillneg", "vfillneg", "hfilllneg", "vfilllneg", "ruledhss", "ruledhfil", "ruledhfill", "ruledhfilneg", "ruledhfillneg", "normalhfillneg", "ruledvss", "ruledvfil", "ruledvfill", "ruledvfilneg", "ruledvfillneg", "normalvfillneg", "ruledhbox", "ruledvbox", "ruledvtop", "ruledvcenter", "ruledmbox", "ruledhskip", "ruledvskip", "ruledkern", "ruledmskip", "ruledmkern", "ruledhglue", "ruledvglue", "normalhglue", "normalvglue", "ruledpenalty", "filledhboxb", "filledhboxr", "filledhboxg", "filledhboxc", "filledhboxm", "filledhboxy", "filledhboxk", "scratchcounter", "globalscratchcounter", "scratchdimen", "globalscratchdimen", "scratchskip", "globalscratchskip", "scratchmuskip", "globalscratchmuskip", "scratchtoks", "globalscratchtoks", "scratchbox", "globalscratchbox", "normalbaselineskip", "normallineskip", "normallineskiplimit", "availablehsize", "localhsize", "setlocalhsize", "nextbox", "dowithnextbox", "dowithnextboxcs", "dowithnextboxcontent", "dowithnextboxcontentcs", "scratchwidth", "scratchheight", "scratchdepth", "scratchoffset", "scratchdistance", "scratchhsize", "scratchvsize", "scratchxoffset", "scratchyoffset", "scratchhoffset", "scratchvoffset", "scratchxposition", "scratchyposition", "scratchtopoffset", "scratchbottomoffset", "scratchleftoffset", "scratchrightoffset", "scratchcounterone", "scratchcountertwo", "scratchcounterthree", "scratchdimenone", "scratchdimentwo", "scratchdimenthree", "scratchskipone", "scratchskiptwo", "scratchskipthree", "scratchmuskipone", "scratchmuskiptwo", "scratchmuskipthree", "scratchtoksone", "scratchtokstwo", "scratchtoksthree", "scratchboxone", "scratchboxtwo", "scratchboxthree", "scratchnx", "scratchny", "scratchmx", "scratchmy", "scratchunicode", "scratchleftskip", "scratchrightskip", "scratchtopskip", "scratchbottomskip", "doif", "doifnot", "doifelse", "doifinset", "doifnotinset", "doifinsetelse", "doifnextcharelse", "doifnextoptionalelse", "doifnextbgroupelse", "doifnextparenthesiselse", "doiffastoptionalcheckelse", "doifundefinedelse", "doifdefinedelse", "doifundefined", "doifdefined", "doifelsevalue", "doifvalue", "doifnotvalue", "doifnothing", "doifsomething", "doifelsenothing", "doifsomethingelse", "doifvaluenothing", "doifvaluesomething", "doifelsevaluenothing", "doifdimensionelse", "doifnumberelse", "doifnumber", "doifnotnumber", "doifcommonelse", "doifcommon", "doifnotcommon", "doifinstring", "doifnotinstring", "doifinstringelse", "doifassignmentelse", "docheckassignment", "tracingall", "tracingnone", "loggingall", "removetoks", "appendtoks", "prependtoks", "appendtotoks", "prependtotoks", "to", "endgraf", "endpar", "everyendpar", "reseteverypar", "finishpar", "empty", "null", "space", "quad", "enspace", "obeyspaces", "obeylines", "obeyedspace", "obeyedline", "normalspace", "executeifdefined", "singleexpandafter", "doubleexpandafter", "tripleexpandafter", "dontleavehmode", "removelastspace", "removeunwantedspaces", "keepunwantedspaces", "wait", "writestatus", "define", "defineexpandable", "redefine", "setmeasure", "setemeasure", "setgmeasure", "setxmeasure", "definemeasure", "freezemeasure", "measure", "measured", "installcorenamespace", "getvalue", "getuvalue", "setvalue", "setevalue", "setgvalue", "setxvalue", "letvalue", "letgvalue", "resetvalue", "undefinevalue", "ignorevalue", "setuvalue", "setuevalue", "setugvalue", "setuxvalue", "globallet", "glet", "udef", "ugdef", "uedef", "uxdef", "checked", "unique", "getparameters", "geteparameters", "getgparameters", "getxparameters", "forgetparameters", "copyparameters", "getdummyparameters", "dummyparameter", "directdummyparameter", "setdummyparameter", "letdummyparameter", "usedummystyleandcolor", "usedummystyleparameter", "usedummycolorparameter", "processcommalist", "processcommacommand", "quitcommalist", "quitprevcommalist", "processaction", "processallactions", "processfirstactioninset", "processallactionsinset", "unexpanded", "expanded", "startexpanded", "stopexpanded", "protected", "protect", "unprotect", "firstofoneargument", "firstoftwoarguments", "secondoftwoarguments", "firstofthreearguments", "secondofthreearguments", "thirdofthreearguments", "firstoffourarguments", "secondoffourarguments", "thirdoffourarguments", "fourthoffourarguments", "firstoffivearguments", "secondoffivearguments", "thirdoffivearguments", "fourthoffivearguments", "fifthoffivearguments", "firstofsixarguments", "secondofsixarguments", "thirdofsixarguments", "fourthofsixarguments", "fifthofsixarguments", "sixthofsixarguments", "firstofoneunexpanded", "gobbleoneargument", "gobbletwoarguments", "gobblethreearguments", "gobblefourarguments", "gobblefivearguments", "gobblesixarguments", "gobblesevenarguments", "gobbleeightarguments", "gobbleninearguments", "gobbletenarguments", "gobbleoneoptional", "gobbletwooptionals", "gobblethreeoptionals", "gobblefouroptionals", "gobblefiveoptionals", "dorecurse", "doloop", "exitloop", "dostepwiserecurse", "recurselevel", "recursedepth", "dofastloopcs", "dowith", "newconstant", "setnewconstant", "setconstant", "setconstantvalue", "newconditional", "settrue", "setfalse", "settruevalue", "setfalsevalue", "newmacro", "setnewmacro", "newfraction", "newsignal", "dosingleempty", "dodoubleempty", "dotripleempty", 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- ["luatex"]={ "Uchar", "Udelcode", "Udelcodenum", "Udelimiter", "Udelimiterover", "Udelimiterunder", "Umathaccent", "Umathaxis", "Umathbinbinspacing", "Umathbinclosespacing", "Umathbininnerspacing", "Umathbinopenspacing", "Umathbinopspacing", "Umathbinordspacing", "Umathbinpunctspacing", "Umathbinrelspacing", "Umathchar", "Umathchardef", "Umathcharnum", "Umathclosebinspacing", "Umathcloseclosespacing", "Umathcloseinnerspacing", "Umathcloseopenspacing", "Umathcloseopspacing", "Umathcloseordspacing", "Umathclosepunctspacing", "Umathcloserelspacing", "Umathcode", "Umathcodenum", "Umathconnectoroverlapmin", "Umathfractiondelsize", "Umathfractiondenomdown", "Umathfractiondenomvgap", "Umathfractionnumup", "Umathfractionnumvgap", "Umathfractionrule", "Umathinnerbinspacing", "Umathinnerclosespacing", "Umathinnerinnerspacing", "Umathinneropenspacing", "Umathinneropspacing", "Umathinnerordspacing", "Umathinnerpunctspacing", "Umathinnerrelspacing", "Umathlimitabovebgap", "Umathlimitabovekern", "Umathlimitabovevgap", "Umathlimitbelowbgap", "Umathlimitbelowkern", "Umathlimitbelowvgap", "Umathopbinspacing", "Umathopclosespacing", "Umathopenbinspacing", "Umathopenclosespacing", "Umathopeninnerspacing", "Umathopenopenspacing", "Umathopenopspacing", "Umathopenordspacing", "Umathopenpunctspacing", "Umathopenrelspacing", "Umathoperatorsize", "Umathopinnerspacing", "Umathopopenspacing", "Umathopopspacing", "Umathopordspacing", "Umathoppunctspacing", "Umathoprelspacing", "Umathordbinspacing", "Umathordclosespacing", "Umathordinnerspacing", "Umathordopenspacing", "Umathordopspacing", "Umathordordspacing", "Umathordpunctspacing", "Umathordrelspacing", "Umathoverbarkern", "Umathoverbarrule", "Umathoverbarvgap", "Umathoverdelimiterbgap", "Umathoverdelimitervgap", "Umathpunctbinspacing", "Umathpunctclosespacing", "Umathpunctinnerspacing", "Umathpunctopenspacing", "Umathpunctopspacing", "Umathpunctordspacing", "Umathpunctpunctspacing", "Umathpunctrelspacing", "Umathquad", "Umathradicaldegreeafter", "Umathradicaldegreebefore", "Umathradicaldegreeraise", "Umathradicalkern", "Umathradicalrule", "Umathradicalvgap", "Umathrelbinspacing", "Umathrelclosespacing", "Umathrelinnerspacing", "Umathrelopenspacing", "Umathrelopspacing", "Umathrelordspacing", "Umathrelpunctspacing", "Umathrelrelspacing", "Umathspaceafterscript", "Umathstackdenomdown", "Umathstacknumup", "Umathstackvgap", "Umathsubshiftdown", "Umathsubshiftdrop", "Umathsubsupshiftdown", "Umathsubsupvgap", "Umathsubtopmax", "Umathsupbottommin", "Umathsupshiftdrop", "Umathsupshiftup", "Umathsupsubbottommax", "Umathunderbarkern", "Umathunderbarrule", "Umathunderbarvgap", "Umathunderdelimiterbgap", "Umathunderdelimitervgap", "Uoverdelimiter", "Uradical", "Uroot", "Ustack", "Ustartdisplaymath", "Ustartmath", "Ustopdisplaymath", "Ustopmath", "Usubscript", "Usuperscript", "Uunderdelimiter", "alignmark", "aligntab", "attribute", "attributedef", "catcodetable", "clearmarks", "crampeddisplaystyle", "crampedscriptscriptstyle", "crampedscriptstyle", "crampedtextstyle", "fontid", "formatname", "gleaders", "ifabsdim", "ifabsnum", "ifprimitive", "initcatcodetable", "latelua", "luaescapestring", "luastartup", "luatexdatestamp", "luatexrevision", "luatexversion", "mathstyle", "nokerns", "noligs", "outputbox", "pageleftoffset", "pagetopoffset", "postexhyphenchar", "posthyphenchar", "preexhyphenchar", "prehyphenchar", "primitive", "savecatcodetable", "scantextokens", "suppressfontnotfounderror", "suppressifcsnameerror", "suppresslongerror", "suppressoutererror", "synctex" },
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- ["tex"]={ "-", "/", "AlephVersion", "Alephminorversion", "Alephrevision", "Alephversion", "OmegaVersion", "Omegaminorversion", "Omegarevision", "Omegaversion", "Udelcode", "Udelcodenum", "Udelimiter", "Udelimiterover", "Udelimiterunder", "Umathaccent", "Umathaxis", "Umathbinbinspacing", "Umathbinclosespacing", "Umathbininnerspacing", "Umathbinopenspacing", "Umathbinopspacing", "Umathbinordspacing", "Umathbinpunctspacing", "Umathbinrelspacing", "Umathchar", "Umathchardef", "Umathcharnum", "Umathclosebinspacing", "Umathcloseclosespacing", "Umathcloseinnerspacing", "Umathcloseopenspacing", "Umathcloseopspacing", "Umathcloseordspacing", "Umathclosepunctspacing", "Umathcloserelspacing", "Umathcode", "Umathcodenum", "Umathconnectoroverlapmin", "Umathfractiondelsize", "Umathfractiondenomdown", "Umathfractiondenomvgap", "Umathfractionnumup", "Umathfractionnumvgap", "Umathfractionrule", "Umathinnerbinspacing", "Umathinnerclosespacing", "Umathinnerinnerspacing", "Umathinneropenspacing", "Umathinneropspacing", "Umathinnerordspacing", "Umathinnerpunctspacing", "Umathinnerrelspacing", "Umathlimitabovebgap", "Umathlimitabovekern", "Umathlimitabovevgap", "Umathlimitbelowbgap", "Umathlimitbelowkern", "Umathlimitbelowvgap", "Umathopbinspacing", "Umathopclosespacing", "Umathopenbinspacing", "Umathopenclosespacing", "Umathopeninnerspacing", "Umathopenopenspacing", "Umathopenopspacing", "Umathopenordspacing", "Umathopenpunctspacing", "Umathopenrelspacing", "Umathoperatorsize", "Umathopinnerspacing", "Umathopopenspacing", "Umathopopspacing", "Umathopordspacing", "Umathoppunctspacing", "Umathoprelspacing", "Umathordbinspacing", "Umathordclosespacing", "Umathordinnerspacing", "Umathordopenspacing", "Umathordopspacing", "Umathordordspacing", "Umathordpunctspacing", "Umathordrelspacing", "Umathoverbarkern", "Umathoverbarrule", "Umathoverbarvgap", "Umathoverdelimiterbgap", "Umathoverdelimitervgap", "Umathpunctbinspacing", "Umathpunctclosespacing", "Umathpunctinnerspacing", "Umathpunctopenspacing", "Umathpunctopspacing", "Umathpunctordspacing", "Umathpunctpunctspacing", "Umathpunctrelspacing", "Umathquad", "Umathradicaldegreeafter", "Umathradicaldegreebefore", "Umathradicaldegreeraise", "Umathradicalkern", "Umathradicalrule", "Umathradicalvgap", "Umathrelbinspacing", "Umathrelclosespacing", "Umathrelinnerspacing", "Umathrelopenspacing", "Umathrelopspacing", "Umathrelordspacing", "Umathrelpunctspacing", "Umathrelrelspacing", "Umathspaceafterscript", "Umathstackdenomdown", "Umathstacknumup", "Umathstackvgap", "Umathsubshiftdown", "Umathsubshiftdrop", "Umathsubsupshiftdown", "Umathsubsupvgap", "Umathsubtopmax", "Umathsupbottommin", "Umathsupshiftdrop", "Umathsupshiftup", "Umathsupsubbottommax", "Umathunderbarkern", "Umathunderbarrule", "Umathunderbarvgap", "Umathunderdelimiterbgap", "Umathunderdelimitervgap", "Uoverdelimiter", "Uradical", "Uroot", "Ustack", "Ustartdisplaymath", "Ustartmath", "Ustopdisplaymath", "Ustopmath", "Usubscript", "Usuperscript", "Uunderdelimiter", "above", "abovedisplayshortskip", "abovedisplayskip", "abovewithdelims", "accent", "adjdemerits", "advance", "afterassignment", "aftergroup", "alignmark", "aligntab", "atop", "atopwithdelims", "attribute", "attributedef", "badness", "baselineskip", "batchmode", "begingroup", "belowdisplayshortskip", "belowdisplayskip", "binoppenalty", "bodydir", "botmark", "botmarks", "box", "boxdir", "boxmaxdepth", "brokenpenalty", "catcode", "catcodetable", "char", "chardef", "chardp", "charht", "charit", "charwd", "cleaders", "clearmarks", "closein", "closeout", "clubpenalties", "clubpenalty", "copy", "count", "countdef", "cr", "crampeddisplaystyle", "crampedscriptscriptstyle", "crampedscriptstyle", "crampedtextstyle", "crcr", "csname", "currentgrouplevel", "currentgrouptype", "currentifbranch", "currentiflevel", "currentiftype", "day", "deadcycles", "def", "defaulthyphenchar", "defaultskewchar", "delcode", "delimiter", "delimiterfactor", "delimitershortfall", "detokenize", "dimen", "dimendef", "dimexpr", "directlua", "discretionary", "displayindent", "displaylimits", "displaystyle", "displaywidowpenalties", "displaywidowpenalty", "displaywidth", "divide", "doublehyphendemerits", "dp", "dump", "eTeXVersion", "eTeXminorversion", "eTeXrevision", "eTeXversion", "edef", "efcode", "else", "emergencystretch", "end", "endcsname", "endgroup", "endinput", "endlinechar", "eqno", "errhelp", "errmessage", "errorcontextlines", "errorstopmode", "escapechar", "everycr", "everydisplay", "everyeof", "everyhbox", "everyjob", "everymath", "everypar", "everyvbox", "exhyphenchar", "exhyphenpenalty", "expandafter", "expanded", "fam", "fi", "finalhyphendemerits", "firstmark", "firstmarks", "floatingpenalty", "font", "fontchardp", "fontcharht", "fontcharic", "fontcharwd", "fontdimen", "fontid", "fontname", "formatname", "futurelet", "gdef", "gleaders", "global", "globaldefs", "glueexpr", "glueshrink", "glueshrinkorder", "gluestretch", "gluestretchorder", "gluetomu", "halign", "hangafter", "hangindent", "hbadness", "hbox", "hfil", "hfill", "hfilneg", "hfuzz", "hoffset", "holdinginserts", "hrule", "hsize", "hskip", "hss", "ht", "hyphenation", "hyphenchar", "hyphenpenalty", "if", "ifabsdim", "ifabsnum", "ifcase", "ifcat", "ifcsname", "ifdefined", "ifdim", "ifeof", "iffalse", "iffontchar", "ifhbox", "ifhmode", "ifincsname", "ifinner", "ifmmode", "ifnum", "ifodd", "ifpdfabsdim", "ifpdfabsnum", "ifpdfprimitive", "ifprimitive", "iftrue", "ifvbox", "ifvmode", "ifvoid", "ifx", "ignorespaces", "immediate", "indent", "initcatcodetable", "input", "inputlineno", "insert", "insertpenalties", "interactionmode", "interlinepenalties", "interlinepenalty", "jobname", "kern", "language", "lastbox", "lastkern", "lastlinefit", "lastnodetype", "lastpenalty", "lastskip", "latelua", "lccode", "leaders", "left", "leftghost", "lefthyphenmin", "leftmarginkern", "leftskip", "leqno", "let", "letterspacefont", "limits", "linepenalty", "lineskip", "lineskiplimit", "localbrokenpenalty", "localinterlinepenalty", "localleftbox", "localrightbox", "long", "looseness", "lower", "lowercase", "lpcode", "luaescapestring", "luastartup", "luatexdatestamp", "luatexrevision", "luatexversion", "mag", "mark", "marks", "mathaccent", "mathbin", "mathchar", "mathchardef", "mathchoice", "mathclose", "mathcode", "mathdir", "mathinner", "mathop", "mathopen", "mathord", "mathpunct", "mathrel", "mathstyle", "mathsurround", "maxdeadcycles", "maxdepth", "meaning", "medmuskip", "message", "middle", "mkern", "month", "moveleft", "moveright", "mskip", "muexpr", "multiply", "muskip", "muskipdef", "mutoglue", "newlinechar", "noalign", "noboundary", "noexpand", "noindent", "nokerns", "noligs", "nolimits", "nolocaldirs", "nolocalwhatsits", "nonscript", "nonstopmode", "nulldelimiterspace", "nullfont", "number", "numexpr", "odelcode", "odelimiter", "omathaccent", "omathchar", "omathchardef", "omathcode", "omit", "openin", "openout", "or", "oradical", "outer", "output", "outputbox", "outputpenalty", "over", "overfullrule", "overline", "overwithdelims", "pagebottomoffset", "pagedepth", "pagedir", "pagediscards", "pagefilllstretch", "pagefillstretch", "pagefilstretch", "pagegoal", "pageheight", "pageleftoffset", "pagerightoffset", "pageshrink", "pagestretch", "pagetopoffset", "pagetotal", "pagewidth", "par", "pardir", "parfillskip", "parindent", "parshape", "parshapedimen", "parshapeindent", "parshapelength", "parskip", "patterns", "pausing", "pdfadjustspacing", "pdfannot", "pdfcatalog", "pdfcolorstack", "pdfcolorstackinit", "pdfcompresslevel", "pdfcopyfont", "pdfcreationdate", "pdfdecimaldigits", "pdfdest", "pdfdestmargin", "pdfdraftmode", "pdfeachlinedepth", "pdfeachlineheight", "pdfendlink", "pdfendthread", "pdffirstlineheight", "pdffontattr", "pdffontexpand", "pdffontname", "pdffontobjnum", "pdffontsize", "pdfgamma", "pdfgentounicode", "pdfglyphtounicode", "pdfhorigin", "pdfignoreddimen", "pdfimageapplygamma", "pdfimagegamma", "pdfimagehicolor", "pdfimageresolution", "pdfincludechars", "pdfinclusioncopyfonts", "pdfinclusionerrorlevel", "pdfinfo", "pdfinsertht", "pdflastannot", "pdflastlinedepth", "pdflastlink", "pdflastobj", "pdflastxform", "pdflastximage", "pdflastximagecolordepth", "pdflastximagepages", "pdflastxpos", "pdflastypos", "pdflinkmargin", "pdfliteral", "pdfmapfile", "pdfmapline", "pdfminorversion", "pdfnames", "pdfnoligatures", "pdfnormaldeviate", "pdfobj", "pdfobjcompresslevel", "pdfoptionpdfminorversion", "pdfoutline", "pdfoutput", "pdfpageattr", "pdfpagebox", "pdfpageheight", "pdfpageref", "pdfpageresources", "pdfpagesattr", "pdfpagewidth", "pdfpkmode", "pdfpkresolution", "pdfprimitive", "pdfprotrudechars", "pdfpxdimen", "pdfrandomseed", "pdfrefobj", "pdfrefxform", "pdfrefximage", "pdfreplacefont", "pdfrestore", "pdfretval", "pdfsave", "pdfsavepos", "pdfsetmatrix", "pdfsetrandomseed", "pdfstartlink", "pdfstartthread", "pdftexbanner", "pdftexrevision", "pdftexversion", "pdfthread", "pdfthreadmargin", "pdftracingfonts", "pdftrailer", "pdfuniformdeviate", "pdfuniqueresname", "pdfvorigin", "pdfxform", "pdfxformattr", "pdfxformname", "pdfxformresources", "pdfximage", "pdfximagebbox", "penalty", "postdisplaypenalty", "postexhyphenchar", "posthyphenchar", "predisplaydirection", "predisplaypenalty", "predisplaysize", "preexhyphenchar", "prehyphenchar", "pretolerance", "prevdepth", "prevgraf", "primitive", "protected", "quitvmode", "radical", "raise", "read", "readline", "relax", "relpenalty", "right", "rightghost", "righthyphenmin", "rightmarginkern", "rightskip", "romannumeral", "rpcode", "savecatcodetable", "savinghyphcodes", "savingvdiscards", "scantextokens", "scantokens", "scriptfont", "scriptscriptfont", "scriptscriptstyle", "scriptspace", "scriptstyle", "scrollmode", "setbox", "setlanguage", "sfcode", "shipout", "show", "showbox", "showboxbreadth", "showboxdepth", "showgroups", "showifs", "showlists", "showthe", "showtokens", "skewchar", "skip", "skipdef", "spacefactor", "spaceskip", "span", "special", "splitbotmark", "splitbotmarks", "splitdiscards", "splitfirstmark", "splitfirstmarks", "splitmaxdepth", "splittopskip", "string", "suppressfontnotfounderror", "suppressifcsnameerror", "suppresslongerror", "suppressoutererror", "synctex", "tabskip", "tagcode", "textdir", "textfont", "textstyle", "the", "thickmuskip", "thinmuskip", "time", "toks", "toksdef", "tolerance", "topmark", "topmarks", "topskip", "tracingassigns", "tracingcommands", "tracinggroups", "tracingifs", "tracinglostchars", "tracingmacros", "tracingnesting", "tracingonline", "tracingoutput", "tracingpages", "tracingparagraphs", "tracingrestores", "tracingscantokens", "tracingstats", "uccode", "uchyph", "underline", "unexpanded", "unhbox", "unhcopy", "unkern", "unless", "unpenalty", "unskip", "unvbox", "unvcopy", "uppercase", "vadjust", "valign", "vbadness", "vbox", "vcenter", "vfil", "vfill", "vfilneg", "vfuzz", "voffset", "vrule", "vsize", "vskip", "vsplit", "vss", "vtop", "wd", "widowpenalties", "widowpenalty", "write", "xdef", "xleaders", "xspaceskip", "year" },
- ["xetex"]={ "XeTeXversion" },
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-cld.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-cld.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e30c18a2..000000000
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-cld.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for cld",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-local lexer = lexer
-local cldlexer = { _NAME = "cld", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-cld" }
-local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -- maybe we need to fix this
-local context = lexer.context
-local lualexer = lexer.load('scite-context-lexer-lua')
-cldlexer._rules = lualexer._rules_cld
-cldlexer._tokenstyles = lualexer._tokenstyles
-cldlexer._foldsymbols = lualexer._foldsymbols
-cldlexer._directives = lualexer._directives
-return cldlexer
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fdec301be..000000000
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for lua",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-local lexer = lexer
-local token = lexer.token
-local P = lpeg.P
-local stringlexer = { _NAME = "lua-longstring", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring" }
-local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE
-local context = lexer.context
-local space =
-local nospace = 1 - space
-local p_spaces = token(whitespace, space ^1)
-local p_string = token("string", nospace^1)
-stringlexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", p_spaces },
- { "string", p_string },
-stringlexer._tokenstyles = lexer.context.styleset
-return stringlexer
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c276b1bb..000000000
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for lua",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
--- todo: _G.print (keep _G colored)
-if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then require("scite-context-lexer") end
-local lexer = lexer
-local token, style, colors, exact_match, no_style = lexer.token,, lexer.colors, lexer.exact_match, lexer.style_nothing
-local P, R, S, C, Cg, Cb, Cs, Cmt = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Cb, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cmt
-local match, find = string.match, string.find
-local setmetatable = setmetatable
--- beware: all multiline is messy, so even if it's no lexer, it should be an embedded lexer
--- we probably could use a local whitespace variant but this is cleaner
-local lualexer = { _NAME = "lua", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-lua" }
-local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE
-local context = lexer.context
-local stringlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring")
-local directives = { } -- communication channel
--- this will be extended
-local keywords = {
- 'and', 'break', 'do', 'else', 'elseif', 'end', 'false', 'for', 'function', -- 'goto',
- 'if', 'in', 'local', 'nil', 'not', 'or', 'repeat', 'return', 'then', 'true',
- 'until', 'while',
-local functions = {
- 'assert', 'collectgarbage', 'dofile', 'error', 'getmetatable',
- 'ipairs', 'load', 'loadfile', 'module', 'next', 'pairs',
- 'pcall', 'print', 'rawequal', 'rawget', 'rawset', 'require',
- 'setmetatable', 'tonumber', 'tostring', 'type', 'unpack', 'xpcall', 'select',
- "string", "table", "coroutine", "debug", "file", "io", "lpeg", "math", "os", "package", "bit32",
-local constants = {
- '_G', '_VERSION', '_M', '...', '_ENV',
- -- here too
- '__add', '__call', '__concat', '__div', '__idiv', '__eq', '__gc', '__index',
- '__le', '__lt', '__metatable', '__mode', '__mul', '__newindex',
- '__pow', '__sub', '__tostring', '__unm', '__len',
- '__pairs', '__ipairs',
- 'NaN',
-local internals = { -- __
- 'add', 'call', 'concat', 'div', 'eq', 'gc', 'index',
- 'le', 'lt', 'metatable', 'mode', 'mul', 'newindex',
- 'pow', 'sub', 'tostring', 'unm', 'len',
-local depricated = {
- "arg", "arg.n",
- "loadstring", "setfenv", "getfenv",
- "pack",
-local csnames = { -- todo: option
- "context",
- "metafun",
- "metapost",
-local level = nil
-local setlevel = function(_,i,s) level = s return i end
-local equals = P("=")^0
-local longonestart = P("[[")
-local longonestop = P("]]")
-local longonestring = (1-longonestop)^0
-local longtwostart = P('[') * Cmt(equals,setlevel) * P('[')
-local longtwostop = P(']') * equals * P(']')
-local sentinels = { } setmetatable(sentinels, { __index = function(t,k) local v = "]" .. k .. "]" t[k] = v return v end })
-local longtwostring = P(function(input,index)
- if level then
- -- local sentinel = ']' .. level .. ']'
- local sentinel = sentinels[level]
- local _, stop = find(input,sentinel,index,true)
- return stop and stop + 1 - #sentinel or #input + 1
- end
- local longtwostring_body = longtwostring
- local longtwostring_end = P(function(input,index)
- if level then
- -- local sentinel = ']' .. level .. ']'
- local sentinel = sentinels[level]
- local _, stop = find(input,sentinel,index,true)
- return stop and stop + 1 or #input + 1
- end
- end)
-local longcomment = Cmt(#('[[' + ('[' * C(equals) * '[')), function(input,index,level)
- -- local sentinel = ']' .. level .. ']'
- local sentinel = sentinels[level]
- local _, stop = find(input,sentinel,index,true)
- return stop and stop + 1 or #input + 1
-local space = -- S(" \n\r\t\f\v")
-local any = lexer.any
-local squote = P("'")
-local dquote = P('"')
-local escaped = P("\\") * P(1)
-local dashes = P('--')
-local spacing = token(whitespace, space^1)
-local rest = token("default", any)
-local shortcomment = token("comment", dashes * lexer.nonnewline^0)
-local longcomment = token("comment", dashes * longcomment)
--- fails on very long string with \ at end of lines (needs embedded lexer)
--- and also on newline before " but it makes no sense to waste time on it
-local shortstring = token("quote", dquote)
- * token("string", (escaped + (1-dquote))^0)
- * token("quote", dquote)
- + token("quote", squote)
- * token("string", (escaped + (1-squote))^0)
- * token("quote", squote)
------ longstring = token("quote", longonestart)
------ * token("string", longonestring)
------ * token("quote", longonestop)
------ + token("quote", longtwostart)
------ * token("string", longtwostring)
------ * token("quote", longtwostop)
-local string = shortstring
------ + longstring
-lexer.embed_lexer(lualexer, stringlexer, token("quote",longtwostart), token("string",longtwostring_body) * token("quote",longtwostring_end))
-local integer = P("-")^-1 * (lexer.hex_num + lexer.dec_num)
-local number = token("number", lexer.float + integer)
--- officially 127-255 are ok but not utf so useless
-local validword = R("AZ","az","__") * R("AZ","az","__","09")^0
-local utf8character = P(1) * R("\128\191")^1
-local validword = (R("AZ","az","__") + utf8character) * (R("AZ","az","__","09") + utf8character)^0
-local identifier = token("default",validword)
------ operator = token("special", P('..') + P('~=') + S('+-*/%^#=<>;:,.{}[]()')) -- maybe split off {}[]()
------ operator = token("special", S('+-*/%^#=<>;:,{}[]()') + P('..') + P('.') + P('~=') ) -- maybe split off {}[]()
-local operator = token("special", S('+-*/%^#=<>;:,{}[]().') + P('~=') ) -- no ^1 because of nested lexers
-local structure = token("special", S('{}[]()'))
-local optionalspace = spacing^0
-local hasargument = #S("{([")
-local gotokeyword = token("keyword", P("goto"))
- * spacing
- * token("grouping",validword)
-local gotolabel = token("keyword", P("::"))
- * token("grouping",validword)
- * token("keyword", P("::"))
-local p_keywords = exact_match(keywords)
-local p_functions = exact_match(functions)
-local p_constants = exact_match(constants)
-local p_internals = P("__")
- * exact_match(internals)
-local p_csnames = exact_match(csnames)
-local keyword = token("keyword", p_keywords)
-local builtin = token("plain", p_functions)
-local constant = token("data", p_constants)
-local internal = token("data", p_internals)
-local csname = token("user", p_csnames)
- * (
- optionalspace * hasargument
- + ( optionalspace * token("special", S(".:")) * optionalspace * token("user", validword) )^1
- )
-local identifier = token("default", validword)
- * ( optionalspace * token("special", S(".:")) * optionalspace * (
- token("warning", p_keywords) +
- token("data", p_internals) +
- token("default", validword )
- ) )^0
-lualexer._rules = {
- { 'whitespace', spacing },
- { 'keyword', keyword },
- -- { 'structure', structure },
- { 'function', builtin },
- { 'csname', csname },
- { 'constant', constant },
- { 'goto', gotokeyword },
- { 'identifier', identifier },
- { 'string', string },
- { 'number', number },
- { 'longcomment', longcomment },
- { 'shortcomment', shortcomment },
- { 'label', gotolabel },
- { 'operator', operator },
- { 'rest', rest },
--- -- experiment
--- local idtoken = R("az","AZ","__")
--- function context.one_of_match(specification)
--- local pattern = idtoken -- the concat catches _ etc
--- local list = { }
--- for i=1,#specification do
--- local style = specification[i][1]
--- local words = specification[i][2]
--- pattern = pattern + S(table.concat(words))
--- for i=1,#words do
--- list[words[i]] = style
--- end
--- end
--- return Cmt(pattern^1, function(_,i,s)
--- local style = list[s]
--- if style then
--- return true, { style, i } -- and i or nil
--- else
--- -- fail
--- end
--- end)
--- end
--- local whatever = context.one_of_match {
--- { "keyword", keywords }, -- keyword
--- { "plain", functions }, -- builtin
--- { "data", constants }, -- constant
--- }
--- lualexer._rules = {
--- { 'whitespace', spacing },
--- { 'whatever', whatever },
--- { 'csname', csname },
--- { 'goto', gotokeyword },
--- { 'identifier', identifier },
--- { 'string', string },
--- { 'number', number },
--- { 'longcomment', longcomment },
--- { 'shortcomment', shortcomment },
--- { 'label', gotolabel },
--- { 'operator', operator },
--- { 'rest', rest },
--- }
-lualexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
--- lualexer._foldpattern = R("az")^2 + S("{}[]") -- separate entry else interference
-lualexer._foldpattern = (P("end") + P("if") + P("do") + P("function") + P("repeat") + P("until")) * P(#(1 - R("az")))
- + S("{}[]")
-lualexer._foldsymbols = {
- _patterns = {
- '[a-z][a-z]+',
- '[{}%[%]]',
- },
- ['keyword'] = { -- challenge: if=0 then=1 else=-1 elseif=-1
- ['if'] = 1, -- if .. [then|else] .. end
- ['do'] = 1, -- [while] do .. end
- ['function'] = 1, -- function .. end
- ['repeat'] = 1, -- repeat .. until
- ['until'] = -1,
- ['end'] = -1,
- },
- ['comment'] = {
- ['['] = 1, [']'] = -1,
- },
- -- ['quote'] = { -- confusing
- -- ['['] = 1, [']'] = -1,
- -- },
- ['special'] = {
- -- ['('] = 1, [')'] = -1,
- ['{'] = 1, ['}'] = -1,
- },
--- embedded in tex:
-local cstoken = R("az","AZ","\127\255") + S("@!?_")
-local texcsname = P("\\") * cstoken^1
-local commentline = P('%') * (1-S("\n\r"))^0
-local texcomment = token('comment', Cmt(commentline, function() return directives.cld_inline end))
-local longthreestart = P("\\!!bs")
-local longthreestop = P("\\!!es")
-local longthreestring = (1-longthreestop)^0
-local texstring = token("quote", longthreestart)
- * token("string", longthreestring)
- * token("quote", longthreestop)
--- local texcommand = token("user", texcsname)
-local texcommand = token("warning", texcsname)
--- local texstring = token("quote", longthreestart)
--- * (texcommand + token("string",P(1-texcommand-longthreestop)^1) - longthreestop)^0 -- we match long non-\cs sequences
--- * token("quote", longthreestop)
--- local whitespace = "whitespace"
--- local spacing = token(whitespace, space^1)
-lualexer._directives = directives
-lualexer._rules_cld = {
- { 'whitespace', spacing },
- { 'texstring', texstring },
- { 'texcomment', texcomment },
- { 'texcommand', texcommand },
- -- { 'structure', structure },
- { 'keyword', keyword },
- { 'function', builtin },
- { 'csname', csname },
- { 'constant', constant },
- { 'identifier', identifier },
- { 'string', string },
- { 'longcomment', longcomment },
- { 'shortcomment', shortcomment }, -- should not be used inline so best signal it as comment (otherwise complex state till end of inline)
- { 'number', number },
- { 'operator', operator },
- { 'rest', rest },
-return lualexer
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-mps.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-mps.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f0d88eb3b..000000000
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-mps.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for metafun",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then require("scite-context-lexer") end
-local lexer = lexer
-local global, string, table, lpeg = _G, string, table, lpeg
-local token, exact_match = lexer.token, lexer.exact_match
-local P, R, S, V, C, Cmt = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cmt
-local type = type
-local metafunlexer = { _NAME = "mps", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-mps" }
-local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE
-local context = lexer.context
-local metapostprimitives = { }
-local metapostinternals = { }
-local metapostshortcuts = { }
-local metapostcommands = { }
-local metafuninternals = { }
-local metafunshortcuts = { }
-local metafuncommands = { }
-local mergedshortcuts = { }
-local mergedinternals = { }
- local definitions = context.loaddefinitions("scite-context-data-metapost")
- if definitions then
- metapostprimitives = definitions.primitives or { }
- metapostinternals = definitions.internals or { }
- metapostshortcuts = definitions.shortcuts or { }
- metapostcommands = definitions.commands or { }
- end
- local definitions = context.loaddefinitions("scite-context-data-metafun")
- if definitions then
- metafuninternals = definitions.internals or { }
- metafunshortcuts = definitions.shortcuts or { }
- metafuncommands = definitions.commands or { }
- end
- for i=1,#metapostshortcuts do
- mergedshortcuts[#mergedshortcuts+1] = metapostshortcuts[i]
- end
- for i=1,#metafunshortcuts do
- mergedshortcuts[#mergedshortcuts+1] = metafunshortcuts[i]
- end
- for i=1,#metapostinternals do
- mergedinternals[#mergedinternals+1] = metapostinternals[i]
- end
- for i=1,#metafuninternals do
- mergedinternals[#mergedinternals+1] = metafuninternals[i]
- end
-local space = -- S(" \n\r\t\f\v")
-local any = lexer.any
-local dquote = P('"')
-local cstoken = R("az","AZ") + P("_")
-local mptoken = R("az","AZ")
-local leftbrace = P("{")
-local rightbrace = P("}")
-local number = context.patterns.real
-local cstokentex = R("az","AZ","\127\255") + S("@!?_")
--- we could collapse as in tex
-local spacing = token(whitespace, space^1)
-local rest = token('default', any)
-local comment = token('comment', P('%') * (1-S("\n\r"))^0)
-local internal = token('reserved', exact_match(mergedshortcuts,false))
-local shortcut = token('data', exact_match(mergedinternals))
-local helper = token('command', exact_match(metafuncommands))
-local plain = token('plain', exact_match(metapostcommands))
-local quoted = token('quote', dquote)
- * token('string', P(1-dquote)^0)
- * token('quote', dquote)
-local texstuff = token('quote', P("btex ") + P("verbatimtex "))
- * token('string', P(1-P(" etex"))^0)
- * token('quote', P(" etex"))
-local primitive = token('primitive', exact_match(metapostprimitives))
-local identifier = token('default', cstoken^1)
-local number = token('number', number)
-local grouping = token('grouping', S("()[]{}")) -- can be an option
-local special = token('special', S("#()[]{}<>=:\"")) -- or else := <> etc split
-local texlike = token('warning', P("\\") * cstokentex^1)
-local extra = token('extra', P("+-+") + P("++") + S("`~%^&_-+*/\'|\\"))
-local nested = P { leftbrace * (V(1) + (1-rightbrace))^0 * rightbrace }
-local texlike = token('embedded', P("\\") * (P("MP") + P("mp")) * mptoken^1)
- * spacing^0
- * token('grouping', leftbrace)
- * token('rest', (nested + (1-rightbrace))^0 )
- * token('grouping', rightbrace)
- + token('warning', P("\\") * cstokentex^1)
-metafunlexer._rules = {
- { 'whitespace', spacing },
- { 'comment', comment },
- { 'internal', internal },
- { 'shortcut', shortcut },
- { 'helper', helper },
- { 'plain', plain },
- { 'primitive', primitive },
- { 'texstuff', texstuff },
- { 'identifier', identifier },
- { 'number', number },
- { 'quoted', quoted },
- -- { 'grouping', grouping }, -- can be an option
- { 'special', special },
- { 'texlike', texlike },
- { 'extra', extra },
- { 'rest', rest },
-metafunlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-metafunlexer._foldpattern = R("az")^2 -- separate entry else interference
-metafunlexer._foldsymbols = {
- _patterns = {
- '[a-z][a-z]+',
- },
- ["primitive"] = {
- ["beginfig"] = 1,
- ["endfig"] = -1,
- ["def"] = 1,
- ["vardef"] = 1,
- ["primarydef"] = 1,
- ["secondarydef" ] = 1,
- ["tertiarydef"] = 1,
- ["enddef"] = -1,
- ["if"] = 1,
- ["fi"] = -1,
- ["for"] = 1,
- ["forever"] = 1,
- ["endfor"] = -1,
- }
-return metafunlexer
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-object.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-object.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d0b6d8da..000000000
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-object.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for pdf",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-local lexer = lexer
-local token = lexer.token
-local P, R, S, C, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.V
-local pdfobjectlexer = { _NAME = "pdf-object", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-pdf-object" }
-local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local space =
-local somespace = space^1
-local newline = S("\n\r")
-local real = patterns.real
-local cardinal = patterns.cardinal
-local lparent = P("(")
-local rparent = P(")")
-local langle = P("<")
-local rangle = P(">")
-local escape = P("\\")
-local anything = P(1)
-local unicodetrigger = P("feff")
-local nametoken = 1 - space - S("<>/[]()")
-local name = P("/") * nametoken^1
-local p_string = P { ( escape * anything + lparent * V(1) * rparent + (1 - rparent) )^0 }
-local t_spacing = token(whitespace, space^1)
-local t_spaces = token(whitespace, space^1)^0
-local p_stream = P("stream")
-local p_endstream = P("endstream")
------ p_obj = P("obj")
-local p_endobj = P("endobj")
-local p_reference = P("R")
-local p_objectnumber = patterns.cardinal
-local p_comment = P('%') * (1-S("\n\r"))^0
-local string = token("quote", lparent)
- * token("string", p_string)
- * token("quote", rparent)
-local unicode = token("quote", langle)
- * token("plain", unicodetrigger)
- * token("string", (1-rangle)^1)
- * token("quote", rangle)
-local whatsit = token("quote", langle)
- * token("string", (1-rangle)^1)
- * token("quote", rangle)
-local keyword = token("command", name)
-local constant = token("constant", name)
-local number = token('number', real)
--- local reference = token("number", cardinal)
--- * t_spacing
--- * token("number", cardinal)
-local reserved = token("number", P("true") + P("false") + P("NULL"))
-local reference = token("warning", cardinal)
- * t_spacing
- * token("warning", cardinal)
- * t_spacing
- * token("keyword", p_reference)
-local t_comment = token("comment", p_comment)
--- t_openobject = token("number", p_objectnumber)
--- * t_spacing
--- * token("number", p_objectnumber)
--- * t_spacing
--- * token("keyword", p_obj)
-local t_closeobject = token("keyword", p_endobj)
-local t_opendictionary = token("grouping", P("<<"))
-local t_closedictionary = token("grouping", P(">>"))
-local t_openarray = token("grouping", P("["))
-local t_closearray = token("grouping", P("]"))
-local t_stream = token("keyword", p_stream)
--- * token("default", newline * (1-newline*p_endstream*newline)^1 * newline)
- * token("default", (1 - p_endstream)^1)
- * token("keyword", p_endstream)
-local t_dictionary = { "dictionary",
- dictionary = t_opendictionary * (t_spaces * keyword * t_spaces * V("whatever"))^0 * t_spaces * t_closedictionary,
- array = t_openarray * (t_spaces * V("whatever"))^0 * t_spaces * t_closearray,
- whatever = V("dictionary") + V("array") + constant + reference + string + unicode + number + whatsit,
- }
-local t_object = { "object", -- weird that we need to catch the end here (probably otherwise an invalid lpeg)
- object = t_spaces * (V("dictionary") * t_spaces * t_stream^-1 + V("array") + V("number") + t_spaces) * t_spaces * t_closeobject,
- dictionary = t_opendictionary * (t_spaces * keyword * t_spaces * V("whatever"))^0 * t_spaces * t_closedictionary,
- array = t_openarray * (t_spaces * V("whatever"))^0 * t_spaces * t_closearray,
- number = number,
- whatever = V("dictionary") + V("array") + constant + reference + string + unicode + number + reserved + whatsit,
- }
-pdfobjectlexer._shared = {
- dictionary = t_dictionary,
-pdfobjectlexer._rules = {
- { 'whitespace', t_spacing },
- { 'object', t_object },
-pdfobjectlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-return pdfobjectlexer
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f205e9130..000000000
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for pdf xref",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-local lexer = lexer
-local token = lexer.token
-local P, R = lpeg.P, lpeg.R
--- xref
--- cardinal cardinal [character]
--- ..
--- %%EOF | startxref | trailer
-local pdfxreflexer = { _NAME = "pdf-xref", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref" }
-local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local pdfobjectlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-pdf-object")
-local spacing = patterns.spacing
-local t_spacing = token(whitespace, spacing)
-local p_trailer = P("trailer")
-local t_number = token("number", R("09")^1)
- * t_spacing
- * token("number", R("09")^1)
- * t_spacing
- * (token("keyword", R("az","AZ")) * t_spacing)^-1
-local t_xref = t_number^1
--- local t_xref = token("default", (1-p_trailer)^1)
--- * token("keyword", p_trailer)
--- * t_spacing
--- * pdfobjectlexer._shared.dictionary
-pdfxreflexer._rules = {
- { 'whitespace', t_spacing },
- { 'xref', t_xref },
-pdfxreflexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-return pdfxreflexer
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 685fdb16e..000000000
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for pdf",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then require("scite-context-lexer") end
-local lexer = lexer
-local token = lexer.token
-local P, R, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S
-local pdflexer = { _NAME = "pdf", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-pdf" }
-local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states
-local pdfobjectlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-pdf-object")
-local pdfxreflexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local space =
-local spacing = patterns.spacing
-local nospacing = patterns.nospacing
-local anything = patterns.anything
-local restofline = patterns.restofline
-local t_spacing = token(whitespace, spacing)
-local t_rest = token("default", nospacing) -- anything
-local p_obj = P("obj")
-local p_endobj = P("endobj")
-local p_xref = P("xref")
-local p_startxref = P("startxref")
-local p_eof = P("%%EOF")
-local p_trailer = P("trailer")
-local p_objectnumber = patterns.cardinal
-local p_comment = P('%') * restofline
-local t_comment = token("comment", p_comment)
-local t_openobject = token("warning", p_objectnumber)
- * t_spacing
- * token("warning", p_objectnumber)
- * t_spacing
- * token("keyword", p_obj)
- * t_spacing^0
-local t_closeobject = token("keyword", p_endobj)
--- We could do clever xref parsing but why should we (i.e. we should check for
--- the xref body. As a pdf file is not edited, we could do without a nested
--- lexer anyway.
-local t_trailer = token("keyword", p_trailer)
- * t_spacing
- * pdfobjectlexer._shared.dictionary
-local t_openxref = token("plain", p_xref)
-local t_closexref = token("plain", p_startxref)
- + token("comment", p_eof)
- + t_trailer
-local t_startxref = token("plain", p_startxref)
- * t_spacing
- * token("number", R("09")^1)
-lexer.embed_lexer(pdflexer, pdfobjectlexer, t_openobject, t_closeobject)
-lexer.embed_lexer(pdflexer, pdfxreflexer, t_openxref, t_closexref)
-pdflexer._rules = {
- { 'whitespace', t_spacing },
- { 'comment', t_comment },
- { 'xref', t_startxref },
- { 'rest', t_rest },
-pdflexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-return pdflexer
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a509fadab..000000000
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,498 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for context",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
--- maybe: _LINEBYLINE variant for large files (no nesting)
--- maybe: protected_macros
- experiment dd 2009/10/28 .. todo:
- -- figure out if tabs instead of splits are possible
- -- locate an option to enter name in file dialogue (like windows permits)
- -- figure out why loading a file fails
- -- we cannot print to the log pane
- -- we cannot access props["keywordclass.macros.context.en"]
- -- lexer.get_property only handles integers
- -- we cannot run a command to get the location of mult-def.lua
- -- local interface = props["keywordclass.macros.context.en"]
- -- local interface = lexer.get_property("keywordclass.macros.context.en","")
- -- it seems that whitespace triggers the lexer when embedding happens, but this
- -- is quite fragile due to duplicate styles .. lexer.WHITESPACE is a number
- -- (initially) ... _NAME vs filename (but we don't want to overwrite files)
- -- this lexer does not care about other macro packages (one can of course add a fake
- -- interface but it's not on the agenda)
-if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then require("scite-context-lexer") end
-local lexer = lexer
-local global, string, table, lpeg = _G, string, table, lpeg
-local token, exact_match = lexer.token, lexer.exact_match
-local P, R, S, V, C, Cmt, Cp, Cc, Ct = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Ct
-local type, next = type, next
-local find, match, lower, upper = string.find, string.match, string.lower, string.upper
--- module(...)
-local contextlexer = { _NAME = "tex", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-tex" }
-local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE
-local context = lexer.context
-local cldlexer = lexer.load('scite-context-lexer-cld')
------ cldlexer = lexer.load('scite-context-lexer-lua')
-local mpslexer = lexer.load('scite-context-lexer-mps')
-local commands = { en = { } }
-local primitives = { }
-local helpers = { }
-local constants = { }
-do -- todo: only once, store in global
- -- commands helpers primitives
- local definitions = context.loaddefinitions("scite-context-data-interfaces")
- if definitions then
- for interface, list in next, definitions do
- local c = { }
- for i=1,#list do
- c[list[i]] = true
- end
- if interface ~= "en" then
- list = definitions.en
- if list then
- for i=1,#list do
- c[list[i]] = true
- end
- end
- end
- commands[interface] = c
- end
- end
- local definitions = context.loaddefinitions("scite-context-data-context")
- local overloaded = { }
- if definitions then
- helpers = definitions.helpers or { }
- constants = definitions.constants or { }
- for i=1,#helpers do
- overloaded[helpers[i]] = true
- end
- for i=1,#constants do
- overloaded[constants[i]] = true
- end
- end
- local definitions = context.loaddefinitions("scite-context-data-tex")
- if definitions then
- local function add(data,normal)
- for k, v in next, data do
- if v ~= "/" and v ~= "-" then
- if not overloaded[v] then
- primitives[#primitives+1] = v
- end
- if normal then
- v = "normal" .. v
- if not overloaded[v] then
- primitives[#primitives+1] = v
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- add(definitions.tex,true)
- add(definitions.etex,true)
- add(definitions.pdftex,true)
- add(definitions.aleph,true)
- add(,true)
- add(definitions.luatex,true)
- add(definitions.xetex,true)
- end
-local currentcommands = commands.en or { }
-local cstoken = R("az","AZ","\127\255") + S("@!?_")
-local knowncommand = Cmt(cstoken^1, function(_,i,s)
- return currentcommands[s] and i
-local utfchar = context.utfchar
-local wordtoken = context.patterns.wordtoken
-local iwordtoken = context.patterns.iwordtoken
-local wordpattern = context.patterns.wordpattern
-local iwordpattern = context.patterns.iwordpattern
-local invisibles = context.patterns.invisibles
-local checkedword = context.checkedword
-local styleofword = context.styleofword
-local setwordlist = context.setwordlist
-local validwords = false
-local validminimum = 3
--- % language=uk
-local knownpreamble = Cmt(#P("% "), function(input,i,_) -- todo : utfbomb
- if i < 10 then
- validwords, validminimum = false, 3
- local s, e, word = find(input,'^(.+)[\n\r]',i) -- combine with match
- if word then
- local interface = match(word,"interface=([a-z]+)")
- if interface then
- currentcommands = commands[interface] or commands.en or { }
- end
- local language = match(word,"language=([a-z]+)")
- validwords, validminimum = setwordlist(language)
- end
- end
- return false
--- -- the token list contains { "style", endpos } entries
--- --
--- -- in principle this is faster but it is also crash sensitive for large files
--- local constants_hash = { } for i=1,#constants do constants_hash [constants [i]] = true end
--- local helpers_hash = { } for i=1,#helpers do helpers_hash [helpers [i]] = true end
--- local primitives_hash = { } for i=1,#primitives do primitives_hash[primitives[i]] = true end
--- local specialword = Ct( P('\\') * Cmt( C(cstoken^1), function(input,i,s)
--- if currentcommands[s] then
--- return true, "command", i
--- elseif constants_hash[s] then
--- return true, "data", i
--- elseif helpers_hash[s] then
--- return true, "plain", i
--- elseif primitives_hash[s] then
--- return true, "primitive", i
--- else -- if starts with if then primitive
--- return true, "user", i
--- end
--- end) )
--- local specialword = P('\\') * Cmt( C(cstoken^1), function(input,i,s)
--- if currentcommands[s] then
--- return true, { "command", i }
--- elseif constants_hash[s] then
--- return true, { "data", i }
--- elseif helpers_hash[s] then
--- return true, { "plain", i }
--- elseif primitives_hash[s] then
--- return true, { "primitive", i }
--- else -- if starts with if then primitive
--- return true, { "user", i }
--- end
--- end)
--- experiment: keep space with whatever ... less tables
--- 10pt
-local commentline = P('%') * (1-S("\n\r"))^0
-local endline = S("\n\r")^1
-local space = -- S(" \n\r\t\f\v")
-local any = lexer.any
-local backslash = P("\\")
-local hspace = S(" \t")
-local p_spacing = space^1
-local p_rest = any
-local p_preamble = knownpreamble
-local p_comment = commentline
-local p_command = backslash * knowncommand
-local p_constant = backslash * exact_match(constants)
-local p_helper = backslash * exact_match(helpers)
-local p_primitive = backslash * exact_match(primitives)
-local p_ifprimitive = P('\\if') * cstoken^1
-local p_csname = backslash * (cstoken^1 + P(1))
-local p_grouping = S("{$}")
-local p_special = S("#()[]<>=\"")
-local p_extra = S("`~%^&_-+/\'|")
-local p_text = iwordtoken^1 --maybe add punctuation and space
-local p_reserved = backslash * (
- P("??") + R("az") * P("!")
- ) * cstoken^1
-local p_number = context.patterns.real
-local p_unit = P("pt") + P("bp") + P("sp") + P("mm") + P("cm") + P("cc") + P("dd")
--- no looking back = #(1-S("[=")) * cstoken^3 * #(1-S("=]"))
--- This one gives stack overflows:
--- local p_word = Cmt(iwordpattern, function(_,i,s)
--- if validwords then
--- return checkedword(validwords,validminimum,s,i)
--- else
--- -- return true, { "text", i }
--- return true, "text", i
--- end
--- end)
--- So we use this one instead:
------ p_word = Ct( iwordpattern / function(s) return styleofword(validwords,validminimum,s) end * Cp() ) -- the function can be inlined
-local p_word = iwordpattern / function(s) return styleofword(validwords,validminimum,s) end * Cp() -- the function can be inlined
------ p_text = (1 - p_grouping - p_special - p_extra - backslash - space + hspace)^1
--- keep key pressed at end-of syst-aux.mkiv:
--- 0 : 15 sec
--- 1 : 13 sec
--- 2 : 10 sec
--- the problem is that quite some style subtables get generated so collapsing ranges helps
-local option = 1
-if option == 1 then
- p_comment = p_comment^1
- p_grouping = p_grouping^1
- p_special = p_special^1
- p_extra = p_extra^1
- p_command = p_command^1
- p_constant = p_constant^1
- p_helper = p_helper^1
- p_primitive = p_primitive^1
- p_ifprimitive = p_ifprimitive^1
- p_reserved = p_reserved^1
-elseif option == 2 then
- local included = space^0
- p_comment = (p_comment * included)^1
- p_grouping = (p_grouping * included)^1
- p_special = (p_special * included)^1
- p_extra = (p_extra * included)^1
- p_command = (p_command * included)^1
- p_constant = (p_constant * included)^1
- p_helper = (p_helper * included)^1
- p_primitive = (p_primitive * included)^1
- p_ifprimitive = (p_ifprimitive * included)^1
- p_reserved = (p_reserved * included)^1
-local p_invisible = invisibles^1
-local spacing = token(whitespace, p_spacing )
-local rest = token('default', p_rest )
-local preamble = token('preamble', p_preamble )
-local comment = token('comment', p_comment )
-local command = token('command', p_command )
-local constant = token('data', p_constant )
-local helper = token('plain', p_helper )
-local primitive = token('primitive', p_primitive )
-local ifprimitive = token('primitive', p_ifprimitive)
-local reserved = token('reserved', p_reserved )
-local csname = token('user', p_csname )
-local grouping = token('grouping', p_grouping )
-local number = token('number', p_number )
- * token('constant', p_unit )
-local special = token('special', p_special )
-local reserved = token('reserved', p_reserved ) -- reserved internal preproc
-local extra = token('extra', p_extra )
-local invisible = token('invisible', p_invisible )
-local text = token('default', p_text )
-local word = p_word
------ startluacode = token("grouping", P("\\startluacode"))
------ stopluacode = token("grouping", P("\\stopluacode"))
-local luastatus = false
-local luatag = nil
-local lualevel = 0
-local function startdisplaylua(_,i,s)
- luatag = s
- luastatus = "display"
- cldlexer._directives.cld_inline = false
- return true
-local function stopdisplaylua(_,i,s)
- local ok = luatag == s
- if ok then
- cldlexer._directives.cld_inline = false
- luastatus = false
- end
- return ok
-local function startinlinelua(_,i,s)
- if luastatus == "display" then
- return false
- elseif not luastatus then
- luastatus = "inline"
- cldlexer._directives.cld_inline = true
- lualevel = 1
- return true
- else-- if luastatus == "inline" then
- lualevel = lualevel + 1
- return true
- end
-local function stopinlinelua_b(_,i,s) -- {
- if luastatus == "display" then
- return false
- elseif luastatus == "inline" then
- lualevel = lualevel + 1 -- ?
- return false
- else
- return true
- end
-local function stopinlinelua_e(_,i,s) -- }
- if luastatus == "display" then
- return false
- elseif luastatus == "inline" then
- lualevel = lualevel - 1
- local ok = lualevel <= 0 -- was 0
- if ok then
- cldlexer._directives.cld_inline = false
- luastatus = false
- end
- return ok
- else
- return true
- end
-contextlexer._reset_parser = function()
- luastatus = false
- luatag = nil
- lualevel = 0
-local luaenvironment = P("lua") * (P("setups") + P("code") + P(true))
-local inlinelua = P("\\") * (
- P("ctx") * ( P("lua") + P("command") + P("late") * (P("lua") + P("command")) )
- + P("cld") * ( P("command") + P("context") )
- + P("luaexpr")
- + (P("direct") + P("late")) * P("lua")
- )
-local startlua = P("\\start") * Cmt(luaenvironment,startdisplaylua)
- + P("<?lua") * Cmt(P(true),startdisplaylua)
- + inlinelua * space^0 * ( Cmt(P("{"),startinlinelua) )
-local stoplua = P("\\stop") * Cmt(luaenvironment,stopdisplaylua)
- + P("?>") * Cmt(P(true),stopdisplaylua)
- + Cmt(P("{"),stopinlinelua_b)
- + Cmt(P("}"),stopinlinelua_e)
-local startluacode = token("embedded", startlua)
-local stopluacode = #stoplua * token("embedded", stoplua)
-local metafuncall = ( P("reusable") + P("usable") + P("unique") + P("use") + P("reuse") ) * ("MPgraphic")
- + P("uniqueMPpagegraphic")
- + P("MPpositiongraphic")
-local metafunenvironment = metafuncall -- ( P("use") + P("reusable") + P("unique") ) * ("MPgraphic")
- + P("MP") * ( P("code")+ P("page") + P("inclusions") + P("initializations") + P("definitions") + P("extensions") + P("graphic") + P("calculation") )
-local startmetafun = P("\\start") * metafunenvironment
-local stopmetafun = P("\\stop") * metafunenvironment -- todo match start
-local openargument = token("special", P("{"))
-local closeargument = token("special", P("}"))
-local argumentcontent = token("default",(1-P("}"))^0) -- maybe space needs a treatment
-local metafunarguments = (spacing^0 * openargument * argumentcontent * closeargument)^-2
-local startmetafuncode = token("embedded", startmetafun) * metafunarguments
-local stopmetafuncode = token("embedded", stopmetafun)
-local callers = token("embedded", P("\\") * metafuncall) * metafunarguments
-lexer.embed_lexer(contextlexer, cldlexer, startluacode, stopluacode)
-lexer.embed_lexer(contextlexer, mpslexer, startmetafuncode, stopmetafuncode)
--- Watch the text grabber, after all, we're talking mostly of text (beware,
--- no punctuation here as it can be special. We might go for utf here.
-contextlexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", spacing },
- { "preamble", preamble },
- { "word", word },
- { "text", text }, -- non words
- { "comment", comment },
- { "constant", constant },
- { "callers", callers },
- { "helper", helper },
- { "command", command },
- { "primitive", primitive },
- { "ifprimitive", ifprimitive },
- { "reserved", reserved },
- { "csname", csname },
- -- { "whatever", specialword }, -- not yet, crashes
- { "grouping", grouping },
- -- { "number", number },
- { "special", special },
- { "extra", extra },
- { "invisible", invisible },
- { "rest", rest },
-contextlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
--- contextlexer._tokenstyles = context.stylesetcopy() -- experiment
--- contextlexer._tokenstyles[#contextlexer._tokenstyles + 1] = { cldlexer._NAME..'_whitespace', lexer.style_whitespace }
--- contextlexer._tokenstyles[#contextlexer._tokenstyles + 1] = { mpslexer._NAME..'_whitespace', lexer.style_whitespace }
-local environment = {
- ["\\start"] = 1, ["\\stop"] = -1,
- -- ["\\begin"] = 1, ["\\end" ] = -1,
--- local block = {
--- ["\\begin"] = 1, ["\\end" ] = -1,
--- }
-local group = {
- ["{"] = 1, ["}"] = -1,
-contextlexer._foldpattern = P("\\" ) * (P("start") + P("stop")) + S("{}") -- separate entry else interference
-contextlexer._foldsymbols = { -- these need to be style references
- _patterns = {
- "\\start", "\\stop", -- regular environments
- -- "\\begin", "\\end", -- (moveable) blocks
- "[{}]",
- },
- ["command"] = environment,
- ["constant"] = environment,
- ["data"] = environment,
- ["user"] = environment,
- ["embedded"] = environment,
- ["grouping"] = group,
-return contextlexer
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-txt.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-txt.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fe062fb94..000000000
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-txt.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for plain text (with spell checking)",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then require("scite-context-lexer") end
-local lexer = lexer
-local token = lexer.token
-local P, S, Cmt, Cp, Ct = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Ct
-local find, match = string.find, string.match
-local textlexer = { _NAME = "txt", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-txt" }
-local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE
-local context = lexer.context
-local space =
-local any = lexer.any
-local wordtoken = context.patterns.wordtoken
-local wordpattern = context.patterns.wordpattern
-local checkedword = context.checkedword
-local styleofword = context.styleofword
-local setwordlist = context.setwordlist
-local validwords = false
-local validminimum = 3
--- local styleset = context.newstyleset {
--- "default",
--- "text", "okay", "error", "warning",
--- "preamble",
--- }
--- [#!-%] language=uk
-local p_preamble = Cmt(#(S("#!-%") * P(" ")), function(input,i,_) -- todo: utf bomb
- if i == 1 then -- < 10 then
- validwords, validminimum = false, 3
- local s, e, line = find(input,'^[#!%-%%](.+)[\n\r]',i)
- if line then
- local language = match(line,"language=([a-z]+)")
- if language then
- validwords, validminimum = setwordlist(language)
- end
- end
- end
- return false
-local t_preamble =
- token("preamble", p_preamble)
-local t_word =
--- Ct( wordpattern / function(s) return styleofword(validwords,validminimum,s) end * Cp() ) -- the function can be inlined
- wordpattern / function(s) return styleofword(validwords,validminimum,s) end * Cp() -- the function can be inlined
-local t_text =
- token("default", wordtoken^1)
-local t_rest =
- token("default", (1-wordtoken-space)^1)
-local t_spacing =
- token(whitespace, space^1)
-textlexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", t_spacing },
- { "preamble", t_preamble },
- { "word", t_word }, -- words >= 3
- { "text", t_text }, -- non words
- { "rest", t_rest },
-textlexer._LEXBYLINE = true -- new (needs testing, not yet as the system changed in 3.24)
-textlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-return textlexer
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-web.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-web.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f59a3205d..000000000
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-web.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for w",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
--- this will be extended
-if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then require("scite-context-lexer") end
-local lexer = lexer
-local token, style, colors, exact_match, no_style = lexer.token,, lexer.colors, lexer.exact_match, lexer.style_nothing
-local P, R, S, C, Cg, Cb, Cs, Cmt, lpegmatch = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Cb, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.match
-local setmetatable = setmetatable
-local weblexer = { _NAME = "web", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-web" }
-local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE
-local context = lexer.context
-local keywords = { -- copied from cpp.lua
- -- c
- 'asm', 'auto', 'break', 'case', 'const', 'continue', 'default', 'do', 'else',
- 'extern', 'false', 'for', 'goto', 'if', 'inline', 'register', 'return',
- 'sizeof', 'static', 'switch', 'true', 'typedef', 'volatile', 'while',
- 'restrict',
- -- hm
- '_Bool', '_Complex', '_Pragma', '_Imaginary',
- -- c++.
- 'catch', 'class', 'const_cast', 'delete', 'dynamic_cast', 'explicit',
- 'export', 'friend', 'mutable', 'namespace', 'new', 'operator', 'private',
- 'protected', 'public', 'signals', 'slots', 'reinterpret_cast',
- 'static_assert', 'static_cast', 'template', 'this', 'throw', 'try', 'typeid',
- 'typename', 'using', 'virtual'
-local datatypes = { -- copied from cpp.lua
- 'bool', 'char', 'double', 'enum', 'float', 'int', 'long', 'short', 'signed',
- 'struct', 'union', 'unsigned', 'void'
-local macros = { -- copied from cpp.lua
- 'define', 'elif', 'else', 'endif', 'error', 'if', 'ifdef', 'ifndef', 'import',
- 'include', 'line', 'pragma', 'undef', 'using', 'warning'
-local space = -- S(" \n\r\t\f\v")
-local any = lexer.any
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local restofline = patterns.restofline
-local startofline = patterns.startofline
-local squote = P("'")
-local dquote = P('"')
-local escaped = P("\\") * P(1)
-local slashes = P('//')
-local begincomment = P("/*")
-local endcomment = P("*/")
-local percent = P("%")
-local spacing = token(whitespace, space^1)
-local rest = token("default", any)
-local shortcomment = token("comment", slashes * restofline^0)
-local longcomment = token("comment", begincomment * (1-endcomment)^0 * endcomment^-1)
-local texcomment = token("comment", percent * restofline^0)
-local shortstring = token("quote", dquote) -- can be shared
- * token("string", (escaped + (1-dquote))^0)
- * token("quote", dquote)
- + token("quote", squote)
- * token("string", (escaped + (1-squote))^0)
- * token("quote", squote)
-local integer = P("-")^-1 * (lexer.hex_num + lexer.dec_num)
-local number = token("number", lexer.float + integer)
-local validword = R("AZ","az","__") * R("AZ","az","__","09")^0
-local identifier = token("default",validword)
-local operator = token("special", S('+-*/%^!=<>;:{}[]().&|?~'))
------ optionalspace = spacing^0
-local p_keywords = exact_match(keywords )
-local p_datatypes = exact_match(datatypes)
-local p_macros = exact_match(macros)
-local keyword = token("keyword", p_keywords)
-local datatype = token("keyword", p_datatypes)
-local identifier = token("default", validword)
-local macro = token("data", #P('#') * startofline * P('#') * S('\t ')^0 * p_macros)
-local beginweb = P("@")
-local endweb = P("@c")
-local webcomment = token("comment", #beginweb * startofline * beginweb * (1-endweb)^0 * endweb)
-local texlexer = lexer.load('scite-context-lexer-tex')
-lexer.embed_lexer(weblexer, texlexer, #beginweb * startofline * token("comment",beginweb), token("comment",endweb))
-weblexer._rules = {
- { 'whitespace', spacing },
- { 'keyword', keyword },
- { 'type', datatype },
- { 'identifier', identifier },
- { 'string', shortstring },
- -- { 'webcomment', webcomment },
- { 'texcomment', texcomment },
- { 'longcomment', longcomment },
- { 'shortcomment', shortcomment },
- { 'number', number },
- { 'macro', macro },
- { 'operator', operator },
- { 'rest', rest },
-weblexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-weblexer._foldpattern = P("/*") + P("*/") + S("{}") -- separate entry else interference
-weblexer._foldsymbols = {
- _patterns = {
- '[{}]',
- '/%*',
- '%*/',
- },
- -- ["data"] = { -- macro
- -- ['region'] = 1,
- -- ['endregion'] = -1,
- -- ['if'] = 1,
- -- ['ifdef'] = 1,
- -- ['ifndef'] = 1,
- -- ['endif'] = -1,
- -- },
- ["special"] = { -- operator
- ['{'] = 1,
- ['}'] = -1,
- },
- ["comment"] = {
- ['/*'] = 1,
- ['*/'] = -1,
- }
--- -- by indentation:
-weblexer._foldpatterns = nil
-weblexer._foldsymbols = nil
-return weblexer
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 97253e140..000000000
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for xml cdata",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-local lexer = lexer
-local token = lexer.token
-local P = lpeg.P
-local xmlcdatalexer = { _NAME = "xml-cdata", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata" }
-local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states
-local context = lexer.context
-local space =
-local nospace = 1 - space - P("]]>")
-local p_spaces = token(whitespace, space ^1)
-local p_cdata = token("comment", nospace^1)
-xmlcdatalexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", p_spaces },
- { "cdata", p_cdata },
-xmlcdatalexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-return xmlcdatalexer
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-comment.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-comment.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 104310f94..000000000
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-comment.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for xml comments",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-local lexer = lexer
-local token = lexer.token
-local P = lpeg.P
-local xmlcommentlexer = { _NAME = "xml-comment", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-xml-comment" }
-local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE
-local context = lexer.context
-local space =
-local nospace = 1 - space - P("-->")
-local p_spaces = token(whitespace, space ^1)
-local p_comment = token("comment", nospace^1)
-xmlcommentlexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", p_spaces },
- { "comment", p_comment },
-xmlcommentlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-xmlcommentlexer._foldpattern = P("<!--") + P("-->")
-xmlcommentlexer._foldsymbols = {
- _patterns = {
- "<%!%-%-", "%-%->", -- comments
- },
- ["comment"] = {
- ["<!--"] = 1,
- ["-->" ] = -1,
- }
-return xmlcommentlexer
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-script.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-script.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fd1aae7f7..000000000
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-script.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for xml cdata",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
-local lexer = lexer
-local token = lexer.token
-local P = lpeg.P
-local xmlscriptlexer = { _NAME = "xml-script", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-xml-script" }
-local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states
-local context = lexer.context
-local space =
-local nospace = 1 - space - (P("</") * P("script") + P("SCRIPT")) * P(">")
-local p_spaces = token(whitespace, space ^1)
-local p_cdata = token("default", nospace^1)
-xmlscriptlexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", p_spaces },
- { "script", p_cdata },
-xmlscriptlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-return xmlscriptlexer
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 241e22591..000000000
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for xml",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
--- adapted from the regular context pretty printer code (after all, lexing
--- boils down to much of the same and there are only so many ways to do
--- things). Simplified a bit as we have a different nesting model.
--- todo: parse entities in attributes
-if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then require("scite-context-lexer") end
-local lexer = lexer
-local global, string, table, lpeg = _G, string, table, lpeg
-local token, exact_match = lexer.token, lexer.exact_match
-local P, R, S, V, C, Cmt, Ct, Cp = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cp
-local type = type
-local match, find = string.match, string.find
-local xmllexer = { _NAME = "xml", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-xml" }
-local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states
-local context = lexer.context
-local xmlcommentlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-xml-comment") -- indirect (some issue with the lexer framework)
-local xmlcdatalexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata") -- indirect (some issue with the lexer framework)
-local xmlscriptlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-xml-script") -- indirect (some issue with the lexer framework)
-local lualexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-lua") --
-local space = -- S(" \t\n\r\v\f")
-local any = lexer.any -- P(1)
-local dquote = P('"')
-local squote = P("'")
-local colon = P(":")
-local semicolon = P(";")
-local equal = P("=")
-local ampersand = P("&")
-local name = (R("az","AZ","09") + S('_-.'))^1
-local openbegin = P("<")
-local openend = P("</")
-local closebegin = P("/>") + P(">")
-local closeend = P(">")
-local opencomment = P("<!--")
-local closecomment = P("-->")
-local openinstruction = P("<?")
-local closeinstruction = P("?>")
-local opencdata = P("<![CDATA[")
-local closecdata = P("]]>")
-local opendoctype = P("<!DOCTYPE") -- could grab the whole doctype
-local closedoctype = P("]>") + P(">")
-local openscript = openbegin * (P("script") + P("SCRIPT")) * (1-closeend)^0 * closeend -- begin
-local closescript = openend * (P("script") + P("SCRIPT")) * closeend
-local openlua = "<?lua"
-local closelua = "?>"
--- <!DOCTYPE Something PUBLIC "... ..." "..." [ ... ] >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something PUBLIC "... ..." "..." >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something SYSTEM "... ..." [ ... ] >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something SYSTEM "... ..." >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something [ ... ] >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something >
-local entity = ampersand * (1-semicolon)^1 * semicolon
-local utfchar = context.utfchar
-local wordtoken = context.patterns.wordtoken
-local iwordtoken = context.patterns.iwordtoken
-local wordpattern = context.patterns.wordpattern
-local iwordpattern = context.patterns.iwordpattern
-local invisibles = context.patterns.invisibles
-local checkedword = context.checkedword
-local styleofword = context.styleofword
-local setwordlist = context.setwordlist
-local validwords = false
-local validminimum = 3
--- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" language="uk" ?>
--- <?context-directive editor language us ?>
-local p_preamble = Cmt(#P("<?xml "), function(input,i,_) -- todo: utf bomb
- if i < 200 then
- validwords, validminimum = false, 3
- local language = match(input,"^<%?xml[^>]*%?>%s*<%?context%-directive%s+editor%s+language%s+(..)%s+%?>")
- -- if not language then
- -- language = match(input,'^<%?xml[^>]*language=[\"\'](..)[\"\'][^>]*%?>',i)
- -- end
- if language then
- validwords, validminimum = setwordlist(language)
- end
- end
- return false
-local p_word =
--- Ct( iwordpattern / function(s) return styleofword(validwords,validminimum,s) end * Cp() ) -- the function can be inlined
- iwordpattern / function(s) return styleofword(validwords,validminimum,s) end * Cp() -- the function can be inlined
-local p_rest =
- token("default", any)
-local p_text =
- token("default", (1-S("<>&")-space)^1)
-local p_spacing =
- token(whitespace, space^1)
--- token("whitespace", space^1)
-local p_optionalwhitespace =
- p_spacing^0
-local p_localspacing =
- token("default", space^1)
--- Because we want a differently colored open and close we need an embedded lexer (whitespace
--- trigger). What is actually needed is that scintilla applies the current whitespace style.
--- Even using different style keys is not robust as they can be shared. I'll fix the main
--- lexer code.
-local p_sstring =
- token("quote",dquote)
- * token("string",(1-dquote)^0) -- different from context
- * token("quote",dquote)
-local p_dstring =
- token("quote",squote)
- * token("string",(1-squote)^0) -- different from context
- * token("quote",squote)
--- local p_comment =
--- token("command",opencomment)
--- * token("comment",(1-closecomment)^0) -- different from context
--- * token("command",closecomment)
--- local p_cdata =
--- token("command",opencdata)
--- * token("comment",(1-closecdata)^0) -- different from context
--- * token("command",closecdata)
--- maybe cdata just text (then we don't need the extra lexer as we only have one comment then)
--- <!DOCTYPE Something PUBLIC "... ..." "..." [ ... ] >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something PUBLIC "... ..." "..." >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something SYSTEM "... ..." [ ... ] >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something SYSTEM "... ..." >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something [ ... ] >
--- <!DOCTYPE Something >
--- <!ENTITY xxxx SYSTEM "yyyy" NDATA zzzz>
--- <!ENTITY xxxx PUBLIC "yyyy" >
--- <!ENTITY xxxx "yyyy" >
-local p_docstr = p_dstring + p_sstring
-local p_docent = token("command",P("<!ENTITY"))
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * token("keyword",name)
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * (
- (
- token("constant",P("SYSTEM"))
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * p_docstr
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * token("constant",P("NDATA"))
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * token("keyword",name)
- ) + (
- token("constant",P("PUBLIC"))
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * p_docstr
- ) + (
- p_docstr
- )
- )
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * token("command",P(">"))
-local p_docele = token("command",P("<!ELEMENT"))
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * token("keyword",name)
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * token("command",P("("))
- * (
- p_spacing
- + token("constant",P("#CDATA") + P("#PCDATA") + P("ANY"))
- + token("text",P(","))
- + token("comment",(1-S(",)"))^1)
- )^1
- * token("command",P(")"))
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * token("command",P(">"))
-local p_docset = token("command",P("["))
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * ((p_optionalwhitespace * (p_docent + p_docele))^1 + token("comment",(1-P("]"))^0))
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * token("command",P("]"))
-local p_doctype = token("command",P("<!DOCTYPE"))
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * token("keyword",name)
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * (
- (
- token("constant",P("PUBLIC"))
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * p_docstr
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * p_docstr
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- ) + (
- token("constant",P("SYSTEM"))
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * p_docstr
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- )
- )^-1
- * p_docset^-1
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * token("command",P(">"))
-lexer.embed_lexer(xmllexer, lualexer, token("command", openlua), token("command", closelua))
-lexer.embed_lexer(xmllexer, xmlcommentlexer, token("command", opencomment), token("command", closecomment))
-lexer.embed_lexer(xmllexer, xmlcdatalexer, token("command", opencdata), token("command", closecdata))
-lexer.embed_lexer(xmllexer, xmlscriptlexer, token("command", openscript), token("command", closescript))
--- local p_name =
--- token("plain",name)
--- * (
--- token("default",colon)
--- * token("keyword",name)
--- )
--- + token("keyword",name)
-local p_name = -- more robust
- token("plain",name * colon)^-1
- * token("keyword",name)
--- local p_key =
--- token("plain",name)
--- * (
--- token("default",colon)
--- * token("constant",name)
--- )
--- + token("constant",name)
-local p_key =
- token("plain",name * colon)^-1
- * token("constant",name)
-local p_attributes = (
- p_optionalwhitespace
- * p_key
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * token("plain",equal)
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * (p_dstring + p_sstring)
- * p_optionalwhitespace
-local p_open =
- token("keyword",openbegin)
- * (
- p_name
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * p_attributes
- * token("keyword",closebegin)
- +
- token("error",(1-closebegin)^1)
- )
-local p_close =
- token("keyword",openend)
- * (
- p_name
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * token("keyword",closeend)
- +
- token("error",(1-closeend)^1)
- )
-local p_entity =
- token("constant",entity)
-local p_instruction =
- token("command",openinstruction * P("xml"))
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * p_attributes
- * p_optionalwhitespace
- * token("command",closeinstruction)
- + token("command",openinstruction * name)
- * token("default",(1-closeinstruction)^1)
- * token("command",closeinstruction)
-local p_invisible =
- token("invisible",invisibles^1)
--- local p_preamble =
--- token('preamble', p_preamble )
-xmllexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", p_spacing },
- { "preamble", p_preamble },
- { "word", p_word },
- -- { "text", p_text },
- -- { "comment", p_comment },
- -- { "cdata", p_cdata },
- { "doctype", p_doctype },
- { "instruction", p_instruction },
- { "close", p_close },
- { "open", p_open },
- { "entity", p_entity },
- { "invisible", p_invisible },
- { "rest", p_rest },
-xmllexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
-xmllexer._foldpattern = P("</") + P("<") + P("/>") -- separate entry else interference
-xmllexer._foldsymbols = { -- somehow doesn't work yet
- _patterns = {
- "</",
- "/>",
- "<",
- },
- ["keyword"] = {
- ["</"] = -1,
- ["/>"] = -1,
- ["<"] = 1,
- },
-return xmllexer
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c7f40e7d..000000000
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,876 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.324,
- comment = "basics for scintilla lpeg lexer for context/metafun",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
- comment = "contains copyrighted code from",
--- todo: move all code here
--- todo: explore adapted dll ... properties + init
--- todo: play with hotspot and other properties
--- wish: replace errorlist lexer (per language!)
--- wish: access to all scite properties
--- The fold and lex functions are copied and patched from original code by Mitchell (see
--- lexer.lua). All errors are mine. The ability to use lpeg is a real nice adition and a
--- brilliant move. The code is a byproduct of the (mainly Lua based) textadept (still a
--- rapidly moving target) that unfortunately misses a realtime output pane. On the other
--- hand, SciTE is somewhat crippled by the fact that we cannot pop in our own (language
--- dependent) lexer into the output pane (somehow the errorlist lexer is hard coded into
--- the editor). Hopefully that will change some day.
--- Starting with SciTE version 3.20 there is an issue with coloring. As we still lack
--- a connection with scite itself (properties as well as printing to the log pane) we
--- cannot trace this (on windows). As far as I can see, there are no fundamental
--- changes in lexer.lua or LexLPeg.cxx so it must be in scintilla itself. So for the
--- moment I stick to 3.10. Indicators are: no lexing of 'next' and 'goto <label>' in the
--- Lua lexer and no brace highlighting either. Interesting is that it does work ok in
--- the cld lexer (so the Lua code is okay). Also the fact that char-def.lua lexes fast
--- is a signal that the lexer quits somewhere halfway.
--- After checking 3.24 and adapting to the new lexer tables things are okay again. So,
--- this version assumes 3.24 or higher. In 3.24 we have a different token result, i.e. no
--- longer a { tag, pattern } but just two return values. I didn't check other changes but
--- will do that when I run into issues. I had optimized these small tables by hashing which
--- was more efficient but this is no longer needed.
--- In 3.3.1 another major change took place: some helper constants (maybe they're no
--- longer constants) and functions were moved into the lexer modules namespace but the
--- functions are assigned to the Lua module afterward so we cannot alias them beforehand.
--- We're probably getting close to a stable interface now.
--- I've considered making a whole copy and patch the other functions too as we need
--- an extra nesting model. However, I don't want to maintain too much. An unfortunate
--- change in 3.03 is that no longer a script can be specified. This means that instead
--- of loading the extensions via the properties file, we now need to load them in our
--- own lexers, unless of course we replace lexer.lua completely (which adds another
--- installation issue).
--- Another change has been that _LEXERHOME is no longer available. It looks like more and
--- more functionality gets dropped so maybe at some point we need to ship our own dll/so
--- files. For instance, I'd like to have access to the current filename and other scite
--- properties. For instance, we could cache some info with each file, if only we had
--- knowledge of what file we're dealing with.
--- For huge files folding can be pretty slow and I do have some large ones that I keep
--- open all the time. Loading is normally no ussue, unless one has remembered the status
--- and the cursor is at the last line of a 200K line file. Optimizing the fold function
--- brought down loading of char-def.lua from 14 sec => 8 sec. Replacing the word_match
--- function and optimizing the lex function gained another 2+ seconds. A 6 second load
--- is quite ok for me. The changed lexer table structure (no subtables) brings loading
--- down to a few seconds.
--- When the lexer path is copied to the textadept lexer path, and the theme definition to
--- theme path (as lexer.lua), the lexer works there as well. When I have time and motive
--- I will make a proper setup file to tune the look and feel a bit and associate suffixes
--- with the context lexer. The textadept editor has a nice style tracing option but lacks
--- the tabs for selecting files that scite has. It also has no integrated run that pipes
--- to the log pane (I wonder if it could borrow code from the console2 project). Interesting
--- is that the jit version of textadept crashes on lexing large files (and does not feel
--- faster either).
--- Function load(lexer_name) starts with _M.WHITESPACE = lexer_name..'_whitespace' which
--- means that we need to have it frozen at the moment we load another lexer. Because spacing
--- is used to revert to a parent lexer we need to make sure that we load children as late
--- as possible in order not to get the wrong whitespace trigger. This took me quite a while
--- to figure out (not being that familiar with the internals). The lex and fold functions
--- have been optimized. It is a pitty that there is no proper print available. Another thing
--- needed is a default style in ourown theme style definition, as otherwise we get wrong
--- nested lexers, especially if they are larger than a view. This is the hardest part of
--- getting things right.
--- Eventually it might be safer to copy the other methods from lexer.lua here as well so
--- that we have no dependencies, apart from the c library (for which at some point the api
--- will be stable I hope).
--- It's a pitty that there is no scintillua library for the OSX version of scite. Even
--- better would be to have the scintillua library as integral part of scite as that way I
--- could use OSX alongside windows and linux (depending on needs). Also nice would be to
--- have a proper interface to scite then because currently the lexer is rather isolated and the
--- lua version does not provide all standard libraries. It would also be good to have lpeg
--- support in the regular scite lua extension (currently you need to pick it up from someplace
--- else).
-local lpeg = require 'lpeg'
-local R, P, S, C, V, Cp, Cs, Ct, Cmt, Cc, Cf, Cg, Carg = lpeg.R, lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.V, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Carg
-local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
-local find, gmatch, match, lower, upper, gsub = string.find, string.gmatch, string.match, string.lower, string.upper, string.gsub
-local concat = table.concat
-local global = _G
-local type, next, setmetatable, rawset = type, next, setmetatable, rawset
--- less confusing as we also use lexer for the current lexer and local _M = lexer is just ugly
-local lexers = lexer or { } -- + fallback for syntax check
--- ok, let's also move helpers here (todo: all go here)
-local sign = S("+-")
-local digit = R("09")
-local octdigit = R("07")
-local hexdigit = R("09","AF","af")
-lexers.sign = sign
-lexers.digit = digit
-lexers.octdigit = octdigit
-lexers.hexdigit = hexdigit
-lexers.xdigit = hexdigit
-lexers.dec_num = digit^1
-lexers.oct_num = P("0")
- * octdigit^1
-lexers.hex_num = P("0") * S("xX")
- * (hexdigit^0 * '.' * hexdigit^1 + hexdigit^1 * '.' * hexdigit^0 + hexdigit^1)
- * (S("pP") * sign^-1 * hexdigit^1)^-1
-lexers.float = sign^-1
- * (digit^0 * '.' * digit^1 + digit^1 * '.' * digit^0 + digit^1)
- * S("eE") * sign^-1 * digit^1
-lexers.dec_int = sign^-1 * lexers.dec_num
-lexers.oct_int = sign^-1 * lexers.oct_num
-lexers.hex_int = sign^-1 * lexers.hex_num
--- these helpers are set afterwards so we delay their initialization ... there is no need to alias
--- each time again and this way we can more easily adapt to updates
-local get_style_at, get_indent_amount, get_property, get_fold_level, FOLD_BASE, FOLD_HEADER, FOLD_BLANK, initialize
-initialize = function()
- get_style_at = lexers.get_style_at or GetStyleAt
- get_indent_amount = lexers.get_indent_amount or GetIndentAmount
- get_property = lexers.get_property or GetProperty
- get_fold_level = lexers.get_fold_level or GetFoldLevel
- --
- initialize = nil
--- we create our own extra namespace for extensions and helpers
-lexers.context = lexers.context or { }
-local context = lexers.context
-context.patterns = context.patterns or { }
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local locations = {
- -- lexers.context.path,
- "data", -- optional data directory
- "..", -- regular scite directory
-local function collect(name)
--- local definitions = loadfile(name .. ".luc") or loadfile(name .. ".lua")
- local okay, definitions = pcall(function () return require(name) end)
- if okay then
- if type(definitions) == "function" then
- definitions = definitions()
- end
- if type(definitions) == "table" then
- return definitions
- end
- end
-function context.loaddefinitions(name)
- for i=1,#locations do
- local data = collect(locations[i] .. "/" .. name)
- if data then
- return data
- end
- end
-function context.word_match(words,word_chars,case_insensitive)
- local chars = '%w_' -- maybe just "" when word_chars
- if word_chars then
- chars = '^([' .. chars .. gsub(word_chars,'([%^%]%-])', '%%%1') ..']+)'
- else
- chars = '^([' .. chars ..']+)'
- end
- if case_insensitive then
- local word_list = { }
- for i=1,#words do
- word_list[lower(words[i])] = true
- end
- return P(function(input, index)
- local s, e, word = find(input,chars,index)
- return word and word_list[lower(word)] and e + 1 or nil
- end)
- else
- local word_list = { }
- for i=1,#words do
- word_list[words[i]] = true
- end
- return P(function(input, index)
- local s, e, word = find(input,chars,index)
- return word and word_list[word] and e + 1 or nil
- end)
- end
-local idtoken = R("az","AZ","\127\255","__")
-local digit = R("09")
-local sign = S("+-")
-local period = P(".")
-local space = S(" \n\r\t\f\v")
-patterns.idtoken = idtoken
-patterns.digit = digit
-patterns.sign = sign
-patterns.period = period
-patterns.cardinal = digit^1
-patterns.integer = sign^-1 * digit^1
-patterns.real =
- sign^-1 * ( -- at most one
- digit^1 * period * digit^0 -- 10.0 10.
- + digit^0 * period * digit^1 -- 0.10 .10
- + digit^1 -- 10
- )
-patterns.restofline = (1-S("\n\r"))^1 = space
-patterns.spacing = space^1
-patterns.nospacing = (1-space)^1
-patterns.anything = P(1)
-local endof = S("\n\r\f")
-patterns.startofline = P(function(input,index)
- return (index == 1 or lpegmatch(endof,input,index-1)) and index
-function context.exact_match(words,word_chars,case_insensitive)
- local characters = concat(words)
- local pattern -- the concat catches _ etc
- if word_chars == true or word_chars == false or word_chars == nil then
- word_chars = ""
- end
- if type(word_chars) == "string" then
- pattern = S(characters) + idtoken
- if case_insensitive then
- pattern = pattern + S(upper(characters)) + S(lower(characters))
- end
- if word_chars ~= "" then
- pattern = pattern + S(word_chars)
- end
- elseif word_chars then
- pattern = word_chars
- end
- if case_insensitive then
- local list = { }
- for i=1,#words do
- list[lower(words[i])] = true
- end
- return Cmt(pattern^1, function(_,i,s)
- return list[lower(s)] -- and i or nil
- end)
- else
- local list = { }
- for i=1,#words do
- list[words[i]] = true
- end
- return Cmt(pattern^1, function(_,i,s)
- return list[s] -- and i or nil
- end)
- end
--- spell checking (we can only load lua files)
--- return {
--- min = 3,
--- max = 40,
--- n = 12345,
--- words = {
--- ["someword"] = "someword",
--- ["anotherword"] = "Anotherword",
--- },
--- }
-local lists = { }
-function context.setwordlist(tag,limit) -- returns hash (lowercase keys and original values)
- if not tag or tag == "" then
- return false, 3
- end
- local list = lists[tag]
- if not list then
- list = context.loaddefinitions("spell-" .. tag)
- if not list or type(list) ~= "table" then
- list = { words = false, min = 3 }
- else
- list.words = list.words or false
- list.min = list.min or 3
- end
- lists[tag] = list
- end
- return list.words, list.min
-patterns.wordtoken = R("az","AZ","\127\255")
-patterns.wordpattern = patterns.wordtoken^3 -- todo: if limit and #s < limit then
-function context.checkedword(validwords,validminimum,s,i) -- ,limit
- if not validwords then -- or #s < validminimum then
- return true, "text", i -- true, "default", i
- else
- -- keys are lower
- local word = validwords[s]
- if word == s then
- return true, "okay", i -- exact match
- elseif word then
- return true, "warning", i -- case issue
- else
- local word = validwords[lower(s)]
- if word == s then
- return true, "okay", i -- exact match
- elseif word then
- return true, "warning", i -- case issue
- elseif upper(s) == s then
- return true, "warning", i -- probably a logo or acronym
- else
- return true, "error", i
- end
- end
- end
-function context.styleofword(validwords,validminimum,s) -- ,limit
- if not validwords or #s < validminimum then
- return "text"
- else
- -- keys are lower
- local word = validwords[s]
- if word == s then
- return "okay" -- exact match
- elseif word then
- return "warning" -- case issue
- else
- local word = validwords[lower(s)]
- if word == s then
- return "okay" -- exact match
- elseif word then
- return "warning" -- case issue
- elseif upper(s) == s then
- return "warning" -- probably a logo or acronym
- else
- return "error"
- end
- end
- end
--- overloaded functions
-local h_table, b_table, n_table = { }, { }, { } -- from the time small tables were used (optimization)
-setmetatable(h_table, { __index = function(t,level) local v = { level, FOLD_HEADER } t[level] = v return v end })
-setmetatable(b_table, { __index = function(t,level) local v = { level, FOLD_BLANK } t[level] = v return v end })
-setmetatable(n_table, { __index = function(t,level) local v = { level } t[level] = v return v end })
-local newline = P("\r\n") + S("\r\n")
-local p_yes = Cp() * Cs((1-newline)^1) * newline^-1
-local p_nop = newline
-local folders = { }
-local function fold_by_parsing(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer)
- local folder = folders[lexer]
- if not folder then
- --
- local pattern, folds, text, start_pos, line_num, prev_level, current_level
- --
- local fold_symbols = lexer._foldsymbols
- local fold_pattern = lexer._foldpattern -- use lpeg instead (context extension)
- --
- if fold_pattern then
- -- if no functions are found then we could have a faster one
- fold_pattern = Cp() * C(fold_pattern) / function(s,match)
- local symbols = fold_symbols[get_style_at(start_pos + s)]
- if symbols then
- local l = symbols[match]
- if l then
- current_level = current_level + l
- end
- end
- end
- local action_y = function()
- folds[line_num] = prev_level
- if current_level > prev_level then
- folds[line_num] = prev_level + FOLD_HEADER
- end
- if current_level < FOLD_BASE then
- current_level = FOLD_BASE
- end
- prev_level = current_level
- line_num = line_num + 1
- end
- local action_n = function()
- folds[line_num] = prev_level + FOLD_BLANK
- line_num = line_num + 1
- end
- pattern = ((fold_pattern + (1-newline))^1 * newline / action_y + newline/action_n)^0
- else
- -- the traditional one but a bit optimized
- local fold_symbols_patterns = fold_symbols._patterns
- local action_y = function(pos,line)
- for j = 1, #fold_symbols_patterns do
- for s, match in gmatch(line,fold_symbols_patterns[j]) do -- '()('..patterns[i]..')'
- local symbols = fold_symbols[get_style_at(start_pos + pos + s - 1)]
- local l = symbols and symbols[match]
- local t = type(l)
- if t == 'number' then
- current_level = current_level + l
- elseif t == 'function' then
- current_level = current_level + l(text, pos, line, s, match)
- end
- end
- end
- folds[line_num] = prev_level
- if current_level > prev_level then
- folds[line_num] = prev_level + FOLD_HEADER
- end
- if current_level < FOLD_BASE then
- current_level = FOLD_BASE
- end
- prev_level = current_level
- line_num = line_num + 1
- end
- local action_n = function()
- folds[line_num] = prev_level + FOLD_BLANK
- line_num = line_num + 1
- end
- pattern = (p_yes/action_y + p_nop/action_n)^0
- end
- --
- local reset_parser = lexer._reset_parser
- --
- folder = function(_text_,_start_pos_,_start_line_,_start_level_)
- if reset_parser then
- reset_parser()
- end
- folds = { }
- text = _text_
- start_pos = _start_pos_
- line_num = _start_line_
- prev_level = _start_level_
- current_level = prev_level
- lpegmatch(pattern,text)
- -- make folds collectable
- local t = folds
- folds = nil
- return t
- end
- folders[lexer] = folder
- end
- return folder(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer)
-local folds, current_line, prev_level
-local function action_y()
- local current_level = FOLD_BASE + get_indent_amount(current_line)
- if current_level > prev_level then -- next level
- local i = current_line - 1
- local f
- while true do
- f = folds[i]
- if not f then
- break
- elseif f[2] == FOLD_BLANK then
- i = i - 1
- else
- f[2] = FOLD_HEADER -- low indent
- break
- end
- end
- folds[current_line] = { current_level } -- high indent
- elseif current_level < prev_level then -- prev level
- local f = folds[current_line - 1]
- if f then
- f[1] = prev_level -- high indent
- end
- folds[current_line] = { current_level } -- low indent
- else -- same level
- folds[current_line] = { prev_level }
- end
- prev_level = current_level
- current_line = current_line + 1
-local function action_n()
- folds[current_line] = { prev_level, FOLD_BLANK }
- current_line = current_line + 1
-local pattern = ( S("\t ")^0 * ( (1-S("\n\r"))^1 / action_y + P(true) / action_n) * newline )^0
-local function fold_by_indentation(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level)
- -- initialize
- folds = { }
- current_line = start_line
- prev_level = start_level
- -- define
- -- -- not here .. pattern binds and local functions are not frozen
- -- analyze
- lpegmatch(pattern,text)
- -- flatten
- for line, level in next, folds do
- folds[line] = level[1] + (level[2] or 0)
- end
- -- done, make folds collectable
- local t = folds
- folds = nil
- return t
-local function fold_by_line(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level)
- local folds = { }
- -- can also be lpeg'd
- for _ in gmatch(text,".-\r?\n") do
- folds[start_line] = n_table[start_level] -- { start_level } -- stile tables ? needs checking
- start_line = start_line + 1
- end
- return folds
-local threshold_by_lexer = 512 * 1024 -- we don't know the filesize yet
-local threshold_by_parsing = 512 * 1024 -- we don't know the filesize yet
-local threshold_by_indentation = 512 * 1024 -- we don't know the filesize yet
-local threshold_by_line = 512 * 1024 -- we don't know the filesize yet
-function context.fold(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level) -- hm, we had size thresholds .. where did they go
- if text == '' then
- return { }
- end
- if initialize then
- initialize()
- end
- local lexer = global._LEXER
- local fold_by_lexer = lexer._fold
- local fold_by_symbols = lexer._foldsymbols
- local filesize = 0 -- we don't know that
- if fold_by_lexer then
- if filesize <= threshold_by_lexer then
- return fold_by_lexer(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer)
- end
- elseif fold_by_symbols then -- and get_property('',1) > 0 then
- if filesize <= threshold_by_parsing then
- return fold_by_parsing(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer)
- end
- elseif get_property('',1) > 0 then
- if filesize <= threshold_by_indentation then
- return fold_by_indentation(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer)
- end
- elseif get_property('',1) > 0 then
- if filesize <= threshold_by_line then
- return fold_by_line(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer)
- end
- end
- return { }
--- The following code is mostly unchanged:
-local function add_rule(lexer,id,rule)
- if not lexer._RULES then
- lexer._RULES = { }
- lexer._RULEORDER = { }
- end
- lexer._RULES[id] = rule
- lexer._RULEORDER[#lexer._RULEORDER + 1] = id
-local function add_style(lexer,token_name,style)
- local len = lexer._STYLES.len
- if len == 32 then
- len = len + 8
- end
- if len >= 128 then
- print('Too many styles defined (128 MAX)')
- end
- lexer._TOKENS[token_name] = len
- lexer._STYLES[len] = style
- lexer._STYLES.len = len + 1
-local function join_tokens(lexer)
- local patterns = lexer._RULES
- local order = lexer._RULEORDER
- local token_rule = patterns[order[1]]
- for i=2,#order do
- token_rule = token_rule + patterns[order[i]]
- end
- lexer._TOKENRULE = token_rule
- return token_rule
-local function add_lexer(grammar, lexer, token_rule)
- local token_rule = join_tokens(lexer)
- local lexer_name = lexer._NAME
- local children = lexer._CHILDREN
- for i=1,#children do
- local child = children[i]
- if child._CHILDREN then
- add_lexer(grammar, child)
- end
- local child_name = child._NAME
- local rules = child._EMBEDDEDRULES[lexer_name]
- local rules_token_rule = grammar['__'..child_name] or rules.token_rule
- grammar[child_name] = (-rules.end_rule * rules_token_rule)^0 * rules.end_rule^-1 * V(lexer_name)
- local embedded_child = '_' .. child_name
- grammar[embedded_child] = rules.start_rule * (-rules.end_rule * rules_token_rule)^0 * rules.end_rule^-1
- token_rule = V(embedded_child) + token_rule
- end
- grammar['__' .. lexer_name] = token_rule
- grammar[lexer_name] = token_rule^0
-local function build_grammar(lexer, initial_rule)
- local children = lexer._CHILDREN
- if children then
- local lexer_name = lexer._NAME
- if not initial_rule then
- initial_rule = lexer_name
- end
- local grammar = { initial_rule }
- add_lexer(grammar, lexer)
- lexer._INITIALRULE = initial_rule
- lexer._GRAMMAR = Ct(P(grammar))
- else
- lexer._GRAMMAR = Ct(join_tokens(lexer)^0)
- end
--- so far. We need these local functions in the next one.
-local lineparsers = { }
-function context.lex(text,init_style)
- local lexer = global._LEXER
- local grammar = lexer._GRAMMAR
- if initialize then
- initialize()
- end
- if not grammar then
- return { }
- elseif lexer._LEXBYLINE then -- we could keep token
- local tokens = { }
- local offset = 0
- local noftokens = 0
- local lineparser = lineparsers[lexer]
- if not lineparser then -- probably a cmt is more efficient
- lineparser = C((1-newline)^0 * newline) / function(line)
- local length = #line
- local line_tokens = length > 0 and lpegmatch(grammar,line)
- if line_tokens then
- for i=1,#line_tokens,2 do
- noftokens = noftokens + 1
- tokens[noftokens] = line_tokens[i]
- noftokens = noftokens + 1
- tokens[noftokens] = line_tokens[i + 1] + offset
- end
- end
- offset = offset + length
- if noftokens > 0 and tokens[noftokens] ~= offset then
- noftokens = noftokens + 1
- tokens[noftokens] = 'default'
- noftokens = noftokens + 1
- tokens[noftokens] = offset + 1
- end
- end
- lineparser = lineparser^0
- lineparsers[lexer] = lineparser
- end
- lpegmatch(lineparser,text)
- return tokens
- elseif lexer._CHILDREN then
- -- as we cannot print, tracing is not possible ... this might change as we can as well
- -- generate them all in one go (sharing as much as possible)
- local hash = lexer._HASH -- hm, was _hash
- if not hash then
- hash = { }
- lexer._HASH = hash
- end
- grammar = hash[init_style]
- if grammar then
- lexer._GRAMMAR = grammar
- else
- for style, style_num in next, lexer._TOKENS do
- if style_num == init_style then
- -- the name of the lexers is filtered from the whitespace
- -- specification
- local lexer_name = match(style,'^(.+)_whitespace') or lexer._NAME
- if lexer._INITIALRULE ~= lexer_name then
- grammar = hash[lexer_name]
- if not grammar then
- build_grammar(lexer,lexer_name)
- grammar = lexer._GRAMMAR
- hash[lexer_name] = grammar
- end
- end
- break
- end
- end
- grammar = grammar or lexer._GRAMMAR
- hash[init_style] = grammar
- end
- return lpegmatch(grammar,text)
- else
- return lpegmatch(grammar,text)
- end
--- todo: keywords: one lookup and multiple matches
--- function context.token(name, patt)
--- return Ct(patt * Cc(name) * Cp())
--- end
--- -- hm, changed in 3.24 .. no longer a table
-function context.token(name, patt)
- return patt * Cc(name) * Cp()
-lexers.fold = context.fold
-lexers.lex = context.lex
-lexers.token = context.token
-lexers.exact_match = context.exact_match
--- helper .. alas ... the lexer's lua instance is rather crippled .. not even
--- math is part of it
-local floor = math and math.floor
-local char = string.char
-if not floor then
- floor = function(n)
- return tonumber(string.format("%d",n))
- end
- math = math or { }
- math.floor = floor
-local function utfchar(n)
- if n < 0x80 then
- return char(n)
- elseif n < 0x800 then
- return char(
- 0xC0 + floor(n/0x40),
- 0x80 + (n % 0x40)
- )
- elseif n < 0x10000 then
- return char(
- 0xE0 + floor(n/0x1000),
- 0x80 + (floor(n/0x40) % 0x40),
- 0x80 + (n % 0x40)
- )
- elseif n < 0x40000 then
- return char(
- 0xF0 + floor(n/0x40000),
- 0x80 + floor(n/0x1000),
- 0x80 + (floor(n/0x40) % 0x40),
- 0x80 + (n % 0x40)
- )
- else
- -- return char(
- -- 0xF1 + floor(n/0x1000000),
- -- 0x80 + floor(n/0x40000),
- -- 0x80 + floor(n/0x1000),
- -- 0x80 + (floor(n/0x40) % 0x40),
- -- 0x80 + (n % 0x40)
- -- )
- return "?"
- end
-context.utfchar = utfchar
--- a helper from l-lpeg:
-local gmatch = string.gmatch
-local function make(t)
- local p
- for k, v in next, t do
- if not p then
- if next(v) then
- p = P(k) * make(v)
- else
- p = P(k)
- end
- else
- if next(v) then
- p = p + P(k) * make(v)
- else
- p = p + P(k)
- end
- end
- end
- return p
-function lpeg.utfchartabletopattern(list)
- local tree = { }
- for i=1,#list do
- local t = tree
- for c in gmatch(list[i],".") do
- if not t[c] then
- t[c] = { }
- end
- t = t[c]
- end
- end
- return make(tree)
-patterns.invisibles = lpeg.utfchartabletopattern {
- utfchar(0x00A0), -- nbsp
- utfchar(0x2000), -- enquad
- utfchar(0x2001), -- emquad
- utfchar(0x2002), -- enspace
- utfchar(0x2003), -- emspace
- utfchar(0x2004), -- threeperemspace
- utfchar(0x2005), -- fourperemspace
- utfchar(0x2006), -- sixperemspace
- utfchar(0x2007), -- figurespace
- utfchar(0x2008), -- punctuationspace
- utfchar(0x2009), -- breakablethinspace
- utfchar(0x200A), -- hairspace
- utfchar(0x200B), -- zerowidthspace
- utfchar(0x202F), -- narrownobreakspace
- utfchar(0x205F), -- math thinspace
--- now we can make:
-patterns.iwordtoken = patterns.wordtoken - patterns.invisibles
-patterns.iwordpattern = patterns.iwordtoken^3
--- require("themes/scite-context-theme")
--- In order to deal with some bug in additional styles (I have no cue what is
--- wrong, but additional styles get ignored and clash somehow) I just copy the
--- original lexer code ... see original for comments.
-return lexers
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/themes/scite-context-theme-keep.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/themes/scite-context-theme-keep.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f9423d9a..000000000
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/themes/scite-context-theme-keep.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "theme for scintilla lpeg lexer for context/metafun",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
--- context_path = string.split(os.resultof("mtxrun --find-file context.mkiv"))[1] or ""
--- global.trace("OEPS") -- how do we get access to the regular lua extensions
--- The regular styles set the main lexer styles table but we avoid that in order not
--- to end up with updating issues. We just use another table.
--- if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then require("scite-context-lexer") end
-local context_path = "t:/sources" -- c:/data/tex-context/tex/texmf-context/tex/base
-local font_name = 'Dejavu Sans Mono'
-local font_size = 14
-if not WIN32 then
- font_name = '!' .. font_name
-local color = lexer.color
-local style =
-lexer.context = lexer.context or { }
-local context = lexer.context
-context.path = context_path
-colors = {
- red = color('7F', '00', '00'),
- green = color('00', '7F', '00'),
- blue = color('00', '00', '7F'),
- cyan = color('00', '7F', '7F'),
- magenta = color('7F', '00', '7F'),
- yellow = color('7F', '7F', '00'),
- orange = color('B0', '7F', '00'),
- --
- white = color('FF', 'FF', 'FF'),
- light = color('CF', 'CF', 'CF'),
- grey = color('80', '80', '80'),
- dark = color('4F', '4F', '4F'),
- black = color('00', '00', '00'),
- --
- selection = color('F7', 'F7', 'F7'),
- logpanel = color('E7', 'E7', 'E7'),
- textpanel = color('CF', 'CF', 'CF'),
- linepanel = color('A7', 'A7', 'A7'),
- tippanel = color('44', '44', '44'),
- --
- right = color('00', '00', 'FF'),
- wrong = color('FF', '00', '00'),
-colors.teal = colors.cyan
-colors.purple = colors.magenta
--- to be set:
--- style_nothing
--- style_class
--- style_comment
--- style_constant
--- style_definition
--- style_error
--- style_function
--- style_keyword
--- style_number
--- style_operator
--- style_string
--- style_preproc
--- style_tag
--- style_type
--- style_variable
--- style_embedded
--- style_label
--- style_regex
--- style_identifier
--- style_line_number
--- style_bracelight
--- style_bracebad
--- style_controlchar
--- style_indentguide
--- style_calltip
-style_default = style {
- font = font_name,
- size = font_size,
- fore =,
- back = colors.textpanel,
-style_nothing = style {
- -- empty
-style_number = style { fore = colors.cyan }
-style_comment = style { fore = colors.yellow }
-style_string = style { fore = colors.magenta }
-style_keyword = style { fore =, bold = true }
-style_quote = style { fore =, bold = true }
-style_special = style { fore = }
-style_extra = style { fore = colors.yellow }
-style_embedded = style { fore =, bold = true }
-style_char = style { fore = colors.magenta }
-style_reserved = style { fore = colors.magenta, bold = true }
-style_class = style { fore =, bold = true }
-style_constant = style { fore = colors.cyan, bold = true }
-style_definition = style { fore =, bold = true }
-style_okay = style { fore = colors.dark }
-style_error = style { fore = }
-style_warning = style { fore = }
-style_invisible = style { back = }
-style_function = style { fore =, bold = true }
-style_operator = style { fore = }
-style_preproc = style { fore = colors.yellow, bold = true }
-style_tag = style { fore = colors.cyan }
-style_type = style { fore = }
-style_variable = style { fore = }
-style_identifier = style_nothing
-style_standout = style { fore =, bold = true }
-style_line_number = style { back = colors.linepanel }
-style_bracelight = style_standout
-style_bracebad = style_standout
-style_indentguide = style { fore = colors.linepanel, back = colors.white }
-style_calltip = style { fore = colors.white, back = colors.tippanel }
-style_controlchar = style_nothing
-style_label = style { fore =, bold = true } -- style { fore = colors.cyan, bold = true }
-style_regex = style_string
-style_command = style { fore =, bold = true }
--- only bold seems to work
-lexer.style_nothing = style_nothing
-lexer.style_class = style_class
-lexer.style_comment = style_comment
-lexer.style_constant = style_constant
-lexer.style_definition = style_definition
-lexer.style_error = style_error
-lexer.style_function = style_function
-lexer.style_keyword = style_keyword
-lexer.style_number = style_number
-lexer.style_operator = style_operator
-lexer.style_string = style_string
-lexer.style_preproc = style_preproc
-lexer.style_tag = style_tag
-lexer.style_type = style_type
-lexer.style_variable = style_variable
-lexer.style_embedded = style_embedded
-lexer.style_label = style_label
-lexer.style_regex = style_regex
-lexer.style_identifier = style_nothing
-local styles = { -- as we have globals we could do with less
- -- ["whitespace"] = style_whitespace, -- not to be set!
-["default"] = style_nothing,
-["number"] = style_number,
-["comment"] = style_comment,
-["keyword"] = style_keyword,
-["string"] = style_string,
-["preproc"] = style_preproc,
- ["reserved"] = style_reserved,
- ["internal"] = style_standout,
- ["command"] = style_command,
- ["preamble"] = style_comment,
- ["embedded"] = style_embedded,
- ["grouping"] = style { fore = },
-["label"] = style_label,
- ["primitive"] = style_keyword,
- ["plain"] = style { fore = colors.dark, bold = true },
- ["user"] = style { fore = },
- ["data"] = style_constant,
- ["special"] = style_special,
- ["extra"] = style_extra,
- ["quote"] = style_quote,
- ["okay"] = style_okay,
- ["warning"] = style_warning,
- ["invisible"] = style_invisible,
-["error"] = style_error,
--- Old method (still available):
-local styleset = { }
-for k, v in next, styles do
- styleset[#styleset+1] = { k, v }
-context.styles = styles
-context.styleset = styleset
--- We need to be sparse due to some limitation (and the number of built in styles
--- growing).
--- function context.newstyleset(list)
--- local t = { }
--- if list then
--- for i=1,#list do
--- t[list[i]] = true
--- end
--- end
--- return t
--- end
--- function context.usestyle(set,name)
--- set[name] = true
--- return name
--- end
--- function context.usestyleset(set)
--- local t = { }
--- for k, _ in next, set do
--- t[#t+1] = { k, styles[k] or styles.default }
--- end
--- end
diff --git a/context/data/scite/lexers/themes/scite-context-theme.lua b/context/data/scite/lexers/themes/scite-context-theme.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e161b22f..000000000
--- a/context/data/scite/lexers/themes/scite-context-theme.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "theme for scintilla lpeg lexer for context/metafun",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
--- context_path = string.split(os.resultof("mtxrun --find-file context.mkiv"))[1] or ""
--- global.trace("OEPS") -- how do we get access to the regular lua extensions
--- The regular styles set the main lexer styles table but we avoid that in order not
--- to end up with updating issues. We just use another table.
-if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then require("scite-context-lexer") end
-local context_path = "t:/sources" -- c:/data/tex-context/tex/texmf-context/tex/base
-local font_name = 'Dejavu Sans Mono'
-local font_size = 14
-if not WIN32 then
- font_name = '!' .. font_name
-local color = lexer.color
-local style =
-lexer.context = lexer.context or { }
-local context = lexer.context
-context.path = context_path
-local colors = {
- red = color('7F', '00', '00'),
- green = color('00', '7F', '00'),
- blue = color('00', '00', '7F'),
- cyan = color('00', '7F', '7F'),
- magenta = color('7F', '00', '7F'),
- yellow = color('7F', '7F', '00'),
- orange = color('B0', '7F', '00'),
- --
- white = color('FF', 'FF', 'FF'),
- light = color('CF', 'CF', 'CF'),
- grey = color('80', '80', '80'),
- dark = color('4F', '4F', '4F'),
- black = color('00', '00', '00'),
- --
- selection = color('F7', 'F7', 'F7'),
- logpanel = color('E7', 'E7', 'E7'),
- textpanel = color('CF', 'CF', 'CF'),
- linepanel = color('A7', 'A7', 'A7'),
- tippanel = color('44', '44', '44'),
- --
- right = color('00', '00', 'FF'),
- wrong = color('FF', '00', '00'),
-colors.teal = colors.cyan
-colors.purple = colors.magenta
-lexer.colors = colors
--- defaults:
-local style_nothing = style { }
------ style_whitespace = style { }
-local style_comment = style { fore = colors.yellow }
-local style_string = style { fore = colors.magenta }
-local style_number = style { fore = colors.cyan }
-local style_keyword = style { fore =, bold = true }
-local style_identifier = style_nothing
-local style_operator = style { fore = }
-local style_error = style { fore = }
-local style_preproc = style { fore = colors.yellow, bold = true }
-local style_constant = style { fore = colors.cyan, bold = true }
-local style_variable = style { fore = }
-local style_function = style { fore =, bold = true }
-local style_class = style { fore =, bold = true }
-local style_type = style { fore = }
-local style_label = style { fore =, bold = true }
-local style_regex = style { fore = colors.magenta }
--- reserved:
-local style_default = style { font = font_name, size = font_size, fore =, back = colors.textpanel }
-local style_text = style { font = font_name, size = font_size, fore =, back = colors.textpanel }
-local style_line_number = style { back = colors.linepanel }
-local style_bracelight = style { fore =, bold = true }
-local style_bracebad = style { fore =, bold = true }
-local style_indentguide = style { fore = colors.linepanel, back = colors.white }
-local style_calltip = style { fore = colors.white, back = colors.tippanel }
-local style_controlchar = style_nothing
--- extras:
-local style_quote = style { fore =, bold = true }
-local style_special = style { fore = }
-local style_extra = style { fore = colors.yellow }
-local style_embedded = style { fore =, bold = true }
------ style_char = style { fore = colors.magenta }
-local style_reserved = style { fore = colors.magenta, bold = true }
-local style_definition = style { fore =, bold = true }
-local style_okay = style { fore = colors.dark }
-local style_warning = style { fore = }
-local style_invisible = style { back = }
-local style_tag = style { fore = colors.cyan }
------ style_standout = style { fore =, bold = true }
-local style_command = style { fore =, bold = true }
-local style_internal = style { fore =, bold = true }
-local style_preamble = style { fore = colors.yellow }
-local style_grouping = style { fore = }
-local style_primitive = style { fore =, bold = true }
-local style_plain = style { fore = colors.dark, bold = true }
-local style_user = style { fore = }
-local style_data = style { fore = colors.cyan, bold = true }
--- used by the generic lexer:
-lexer.style_nothing = style_nothing -- 0
------.whitespace = style_whitespace -- 1
-lexer.style_comment = style_comment -- 2
-lexer.style_string = style_string -- 3
-lexer.style_number = style_number -- 4
-lexer.style_keyword = style_keyword -- 5
-lexer.style_identifier = style_nothing -- 6
-lexer.style_operator = style_operator -- 7
-lexer.style_error = style_error -- 8
-lexer.style_preproc = style_preproc -- 9
-lexer.style_constant = style_constant -- 10
-lexer.style_variable = style_variable -- 11
-lexer.style_function = style_function -- 12
-lexer.style_class = style_class -- 13
-lexer.style_type = style_type -- 14
-lexer.style_label = style_label -- 15
-lexer.style_regex = style_regexp -- 16
-lexer.style_default = style_default -- 32
-lexer.style_line_number = style_line_number -- 33
-lexer.style_bracelight = style_bracelight -- 34
-lexer.style_bracebad = style_bracebad -- 35
-lexer.style_indentguide = style_indentguide -- 36
-lexer.style_calltip = style_calltip -- 37
-lexer.style_controlchar = style_controlchar -- 38
-local styles = { -- as we have globals we could do with less
- -- ["whitespace"] = style_whitespace, -- not to be set!
- ["default"] = style_nothing, -- else no good backtracking to start-of-child
- -- ["number"] = style_number,
- -- ["comment"] = style_comment,
- -- ["keyword"] = style_keyword,
- -- ["string"] = style_string,
- -- ["preproc"] = style_preproc,
- -- ["error"] = style_error,
- -- ["label"] = style_label,
- ["invisible"] = style_invisible,
- ["quote"] = style_quote,
- ["special"] = style_special,
- ["extra"] = style_extra,
- ["embedded"] = style_embedded,
- -- ["char"] = style_char,
- ["reserved"] = style_reserved,
- -- ["definition"] = style_definition,
- ["okay"] = style_okay,
- ["warning"] = style_warning,
- -- ["standout"] = style_standout,
- ["command"] = style_command,
- ["internal"] = style_internal,
- ["preamble"] = style_preamble,
- ["grouping"] = style_grouping,
- ["primitive"] = style_primitive,
- ["plain"] = style_plain,
- ["user"] = style_user,
- ["data"] = style_data,
- ["text"] = style_text, -- style_default
-local styleset = { }
-for k, v in next, styles do
- styleset[#styleset+1] = { k, v }
-context.styles = styles
-context.styleset = styleset
-function context.stylesetcopy()
- local t = { }
- for i=1,#styleset do
- local s = styleset[i]
- t[i] = s
-t[s[1]] = t[s[2]] -- new style ?
- end
- t[#t+1] = { "whitespace", style_nothing }
-t.whitespace = style_nothing -- new style ?
- return t
--- We can be sparse if needed:
--- function context.newstyleset(list)
--- local t = { }
--- if list then
--- for i=1,#list do
--- t[list[i]] = true
--- end
--- end
--- return t
--- end
--- function context.usestyle(set,name)
--- set[name] = true
--- return name
--- end
--- function context.usestyleset(set)
--- local t = { }
--- for k, _ in next, set do
--- t[#t+1] = { k, styles[k] or styles.default }
--- end
--- end