diff options
21 files changed, 2147 insertions, 254 deletions
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"expdoifnot", "expdoifcommonelse", "expdoifinsetelse", "ctxdirectlua", "ctxlatelua", "ctxsprint", "ctxwrite", "ctxcommand", "ctxdirectcommand", "ctxlatecommand", "ctxreport", "ctxlua", "luacode", "lateluacode", "directluacode", "registerctxluafile", "ctxloadluafile", "luaversion", "luamajorversion", "luaminorversion", "ctxluacode", "luaconditional", "luaexpanded", "startluaparameterset", "stopluaparameterset", "luaparameterset", "definenamedlua", "obeylualines", "obeyluatokens", "startluacode", "stopluacode", "startlua", "stoplua", "carryoverpar", "Umathbotaccent" }, }
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-context.properties b/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-context.properties index 3792d4eeb..65e7887c6 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-context.properties +++ b/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-context.properties @@ -71,108 +71,109 @@ setsystemmode resetsystemmode pushsystemmode popsystemmode booleanmodevalue \ newcount newdimen newskip newmuskip newbox \ newtoks newread newwrite newmarks newinsert \ newattribute newif newlanguage newfamily newfam \ -newhelp then firstargumentfalse firstargumenttrue secondargumentfalse \ -secondargumenttrue thirdargumentfalse thirdargumenttrue fourthargumentfalse fourthargumenttrue \ -fifthargumentfalse fifthsargumenttrue sixthargumentfalse sixtsargumenttrue doglobal \ -dodoglobal redoglobal resetglobal donothing dontcomplain \ -forgetall donetrue donefalse htdp unvoidbox \ -hfilll vfilll mathbox mathlimop mathnolop \ -mathnothing mathalpha currentcatcodetable defaultcatcodetable catcodetablename \ -newcatcodetable startcatcodetable stopcatcodetable startextendcatcodetable stopextendcatcodetable \ -pushcatcodetable popcatcodetable restorecatcodes setcatcodetable letcatcodecommand \ -defcatcodecommand uedcatcodecommand hglue vglue hfillneg \ -vfillneg hfilllneg vfilllneg ruledhss ruledhfil \ -ruledhfill ruledhfilneg ruledhfillneg normalhfillneg ruledvss \ -ruledvfil ruledvfill ruledvfilneg ruledvfillneg normalvfillneg \ -ruledhbox ruledvbox ruledvtop ruledvcenter ruledhskip \ -ruledvskip ruledkern ruledmskip ruledmkern ruledhglue \ -ruledvglue normalhglue normalvglue ruledpenalty filledhboxb \ -filledhboxr filledhboxg filledhboxc filledhboxm filledhboxy \ -filledhboxk scratchcounter globalscratchcounter scratchdimen globalscratchdimen \ -scratchskip globalscratchskip scratchmuskip globalscratchmuskip scratchtoks \ -globalscratchtoks scratchbox globalscratchbox availablehsize localhsize \ -setlocalhsize nextbox dowithnextbox dowithnextboxcs dowithnextboxcontent \ -dowithnextboxcontentcs scratchwidth scratchheight scratchdepth scratchoffset \ -scratchdistance scratchhsize scratchvsize scratchxoffset scratchyoffset \ -scratchhoffset scratchvoffset scratchxposition scratchyposition scratchtopoffset \ -scratchbottomoffset scratchleftoffset scratchrightoffset scratchcounterone scratchcountertwo \ -scratchcounterthree scratchdimenone scratchdimentwo scratchdimenthree scratchskipone \ -scratchskiptwo scratchskipthree scratchmuskipone scratchmuskiptwo scratchmuskipthree \ -scratchtoksone scratchtokstwo scratchtoksthree scratchboxone scratchboxtwo \ -scratchboxthree scratchnx scratchny scratchmx scratchmy \ -scratchunicode scratchleftskip scratchrightskip scratchtopskip scratchbottomskip \ -doif doifnot doifelse doifinset doifnotinset \ -doifinsetelse doifnextcharelse doifnextoptionalelse doifnextbgroupelse doifnextparenthesiselse \ -doiffastoptionalcheckelse doifundefinedelse doifdefinedelse doifundefined doifdefined \ -doifelsevalue doifvalue doifnotvalue doifnothing doifsomething \ -doifelsenothing doifsomethingelse doifvaluenothing doifvaluesomething doifelsevaluenothing \ -doifdimensionelse doifnumberelse doifnumber doifnotnumber doifcommonelse \ -doifcommon doifnotcommon doifinstring doifnotinstring doifinstringelse \ -doifassignmentelse docheckassignment tracingall tracingnone loggingall \ -removetoks appendtoks prependtoks appendtotoks prependtotoks \ -to endgraf endpar everyendpar reseteverypar \ -finishpar empty null space quad \ -enspace obeyspaces obeylines obeyedspace obeyedline \ -normalspace executeifdefined singleexpandafter doubleexpandafter tripleexpandafter \ -dontleavehmode removelastspace removeunwantedspaces keepunwantedspaces wait \ -writestatus define defineexpandable redefine setmeasure \ -setemeasure setgmeasure setxmeasure definemeasure freezemeasure \ -measure measured installcorenamespace getvalue setvalue \ -setevalue setgvalue setxvalue letvalue letgvalue \ -resetvalue undefinevalue ignorevalue setuvalue setuevalue \ -setugvalue setuxvalue globallet glet udef \ -ugdef uedef uxdef checked unique \ -getparameters geteparameters getgparameters getxparameters forgetparameters \ -copyparameters getdummyparameters dummyparameter directdummyparameter setdummyparameter \ -letdummyparameter usedummystyleandcolor usedummystyleparameter usedummycolorparameter processcommalist \ -processcommacommand quitcommalist quitprevcommalist processaction processallactions \ -processfirstactioninset processallactionsinset unexpanded expanded startexpanded \ -stopexpanded protected protect unprotect firstofoneargument \ -firstoftwoarguments secondoftwoarguments firstofthreearguments secondofthreearguments thirdofthreearguments \ -firstoffourarguments secondoffourarguments thirdoffourarguments fourthoffourarguments firstoffivearguments \ -secondoffivearguments thirdoffivearguments fourthoffivearguments fifthoffivearguments firstofsixarguments \ -secondofsixarguments thirdofsixarguments fourthofsixarguments fifthofsixarguments sixthofsixarguments \ -firstofoneunexpanded gobbleoneargument gobbletwoarguments gobblethreearguments gobblefourarguments \ -gobblefivearguments gobblesixarguments gobblesevenarguments gobbleeightarguments gobbleninearguments \ -gobbletenarguments gobbleoneoptional gobbletwooptionals gobblethreeoptionals gobblefouroptionals \ -gobblefiveoptionals dorecurse doloop exitloop dostepwiserecurse \ -recurselevel recursedepth dofastloopcs newconstant setnewconstant \ -newconditional settrue setfalse setconstant newmacro \ -setnewmacro newfraction newsignal dosingleempty dodoubleempty \ -dotripleempty doquadrupleempty doquintupleempty dosixtupleempty doseventupleempty \ -dosingleargument dodoubleargument dotripleargument doquadrupleargument doquintupleargument \ -dosixtupleargument doseventupleargument dosinglegroupempty dodoublegroupempty dotriplegroupempty \ -doquadruplegroupempty doquintuplegroupempty permitspacesbetweengroups dontpermitspacesbetweengroups nopdfcompression \ -maximumpdfcompression normalpdfcompression modulonumber dividenumber getfirstcharacter \ -doiffirstcharelse startnointerference stopnointerference twodigits threedigits \ -strut setstrut strutbox strutht strutdp \ -strutwd struthtdp begstrut endstrut lineheight \ -ordordspacing ordopspacing ordbinspacing ordrelspacing ordopenspacing \ -ordclosespacing ordpunctspacing ordinnerspacing opordspacing opopspacing \ -opbinspacing oprelspacing opopenspacing opclosespacing oppunctspacing \ -opinnerspacing binordspacing binopspacing binbinspacing binrelspacing \ -binopenspacing binclosespacing binpunctspacing bininnerspacing relordspacing \ -relopspacing relbinspacing relrelspacing relopenspacing relclosespacing \ -relpunctspacing relinnerspacing openordspacing openopspacing openbinspacing \ -openrelspacing openopenspacing openclosespacing openpunctspacing openinnerspacing \ -closeordspacing closeopspacing closebinspacing closerelspacing closeopenspacing \ -closeclosespacing closepunctspacing closeinnerspacing punctordspacing punctopspacing \ -punctbinspacing punctrelspacing punctopenspacing punctclosespacing punctpunctspacing \ -punctinnerspacing innerordspacing inneropspacing innerbinspacing innerrelspacing \ -inneropenspacing innerclosespacing innerpunctspacing innerinnerspacing normalreqno \ -startimath stopimath normalstartimath normalstopimath startdmath \ -stopdmath normalstartdmath normalstopdmath uncramped cramped \ -triggermathstyle mathstylefont mathsmallstylefont mathstyleface mathsmallstyleface \ -mathstylecommand mathpalette mathstylehbox mathstylevbox mathstylevcenter \ -mathstylevcenteredhbox mathstylevcenteredvbox mathtext setmathsmalltextbox setmathtextbox \ -triggerdisplaystyle triggertextstyle triggerscriptstyle triggerscriptscriptstyle triggeruncrampedstyle \ -triggercrampedstyle triggersmallstyle triggeruncrampedsmallstyle triggercrampedsmallstyle triggerbigstyle \ -triggeruncrampedbigstyle triggercrampedbigstyle luaexpr expdoifelse expdoif \ -expdoifnot expdoifcommonelse expdoifinsetelse ctxdirectlua ctxlatelua \ -ctxsprint ctxwrite ctxcommand ctxdirectcommand ctxlatecommand \ -ctxreport ctxlua luacode lateluacode directluacode \ -registerctxluafile ctxloadluafile luaversion luamajorversion luaminorversion \ -ctxluacode luaconditional luaexpanded startluaparameterset stopluaparameterset \ -luaparameterset definenamedlua obeylualines obeyluatokens startluacode \ -stopluacode startlua stoplua carryoverpar Umathbotaccent +newhelp then begcsname firstargumentfalse firstargumenttrue \ +secondargumentfalse secondargumenttrue thirdargumentfalse thirdargumenttrue fourthargumentfalse \ +fourthargumenttrue fifthargumentfalse fifthsargumenttrue sixthargumentfalse sixtsargumenttrue \ +doglobal dodoglobal redoglobal resetglobal donothing \ +dontcomplain forgetall donetrue donefalse htdp \ +unvoidbox hfilll vfilll mathbox mathlimop \ +mathnolop mathnothing mathalpha currentcatcodetable defaultcatcodetable \ +catcodetablename newcatcodetable startcatcodetable stopcatcodetable startextendcatcodetable \ +stopextendcatcodetable pushcatcodetable popcatcodetable restorecatcodes setcatcodetable \ +letcatcodecommand defcatcodecommand uedcatcodecommand hglue vglue \ +hfillneg vfillneg hfilllneg vfilllneg ruledhss \ +ruledhfil ruledhfill ruledhfilneg ruledhfillneg normalhfillneg \ +ruledvss ruledvfil ruledvfill ruledvfilneg ruledvfillneg \ +normalvfillneg ruledhbox ruledvbox ruledvtop ruledvcenter \ +ruledhskip ruledvskip ruledkern ruledmskip ruledmkern \ +ruledhglue ruledvglue normalhglue normalvglue ruledpenalty \ +filledhboxb filledhboxr filledhboxg filledhboxc filledhboxm \ +filledhboxy filledhboxk scratchcounter globalscratchcounter scratchdimen \ +globalscratchdimen scratchskip globalscratchskip scratchmuskip globalscratchmuskip \ +scratchtoks globalscratchtoks scratchbox globalscratchbox availablehsize \ +localhsize setlocalhsize nextbox dowithnextbox dowithnextboxcs \ +dowithnextboxcontent dowithnextboxcontentcs scratchwidth scratchheight scratchdepth \ +scratchoffset scratchdistance scratchhsize scratchvsize scratchxoffset \ +scratchyoffset scratchhoffset scratchvoffset scratchxposition scratchyposition \ +scratchtopoffset scratchbottomoffset scratchleftoffset scratchrightoffset scratchcounterone \ +scratchcountertwo scratchcounterthree scratchdimenone scratchdimentwo scratchdimenthree \ +scratchskipone scratchskiptwo scratchskipthree scratchmuskipone scratchmuskiptwo \ +scratchmuskipthree scratchtoksone scratchtokstwo scratchtoksthree scratchboxone \ +scratchboxtwo scratchboxthree scratchnx scratchny scratchmx \ +scratchmy scratchunicode scratchleftskip scratchrightskip scratchtopskip \ +scratchbottomskip doif doifnot doifelse doifinset \ +doifnotinset doifinsetelse doifnextcharelse doifnextoptionalelse doifnextbgroupelse \ +doifnextparenthesiselse doiffastoptionalcheckelse doifundefinedelse doifdefinedelse doifundefined \ +doifdefined doifelsevalue doifvalue doifnotvalue doifnothing \ +doifsomething doifelsenothing doifsomethingelse doifvaluenothing doifvaluesomething \ +doifelsevaluenothing doifdimensionelse doifnumberelse doifnumber doifnotnumber \ +doifcommonelse doifcommon doifnotcommon doifinstring doifnotinstring \ +doifinstringelse doifassignmentelse docheckassignment tracingall tracingnone \ +loggingall removetoks appendtoks prependtoks appendtotoks \ +prependtotoks to endgraf endpar everyendpar \ +reseteverypar finishpar empty null space \ +quad enspace obeyspaces obeylines obeyedspace \ +obeyedline normalspace executeifdefined singleexpandafter doubleexpandafter \ +tripleexpandafter dontleavehmode removelastspace removeunwantedspaces keepunwantedspaces \ +wait writestatus define defineexpandable redefine \ +setmeasure setemeasure setgmeasure setxmeasure definemeasure \ +freezemeasure measure measured installcorenamespace getvalue \ +setvalue setevalue setgvalue setxvalue letvalue \ +letgvalue resetvalue undefinevalue ignorevalue setuvalue \ +setuevalue setugvalue setuxvalue globallet glet \ +udef ugdef uedef uxdef checked \ +unique getparameters geteparameters getgparameters getxparameters \ +forgetparameters copyparameters getdummyparameters dummyparameter directdummyparameter \ +setdummyparameter letdummyparameter usedummystyleandcolor usedummystyleparameter usedummycolorparameter \ +processcommalist processcommacommand quitcommalist quitprevcommalist processaction \ +processallactions processfirstactioninset processallactionsinset unexpanded expanded \ +startexpanded stopexpanded protected protect unprotect \ +firstofoneargument firstoftwoarguments secondoftwoarguments firstofthreearguments secondofthreearguments \ +thirdofthreearguments firstoffourarguments secondoffourarguments thirdoffourarguments fourthoffourarguments \ +firstoffivearguments secondoffivearguments thirdoffivearguments fourthoffivearguments fifthoffivearguments \ +firstofsixarguments secondofsixarguments thirdofsixarguments fourthofsixarguments fifthofsixarguments \ +sixthofsixarguments firstofoneunexpanded gobbleoneargument gobbletwoarguments gobblethreearguments \ +gobblefourarguments gobblefivearguments gobblesixarguments gobblesevenarguments gobbleeightarguments \ +gobbleninearguments gobbletenarguments gobbleoneoptional gobbletwooptionals gobblethreeoptionals \ +gobblefouroptionals gobblefiveoptionals dorecurse doloop exitloop \ +dostepwiserecurse recurselevel recursedepth dofastloopcs newconstant \ +setnewconstant newconditional settrue setfalse setconstant \ +newmacro setnewmacro newfraction newsignal dosingleempty \ +dodoubleempty dotripleempty doquadrupleempty doquintupleempty dosixtupleempty \ +doseventupleempty dosingleargument dodoubleargument dotripleargument doquadrupleargument \ +doquintupleargument dosixtupleargument doseventupleargument dosinglegroupempty dodoublegroupempty \ +dotriplegroupempty doquadruplegroupempty doquintuplegroupempty permitspacesbetweengroups dontpermitspacesbetweengroups \ +nopdfcompression maximumpdfcompression normalpdfcompression modulonumber dividenumber \ +getfirstcharacter doiffirstcharelse startnointerference stopnointerference twodigits \ +threedigits strut setstrut strutbox strutht \ +strutdp strutwd struthtdp begstrut endstrut \ +lineheight ordordspacing ordopspacing ordbinspacing ordrelspacing \ +ordopenspacing ordclosespacing ordpunctspacing ordinnerspacing opordspacing \ +opopspacing opbinspacing oprelspacing opopenspacing opclosespacing \ +oppunctspacing opinnerspacing binordspacing binopspacing binbinspacing \ +binrelspacing binopenspacing binclosespacing binpunctspacing bininnerspacing \ +relordspacing relopspacing relbinspacing relrelspacing relopenspacing \ +relclosespacing relpunctspacing relinnerspacing openordspacing openopspacing \ +openbinspacing openrelspacing openopenspacing openclosespacing openpunctspacing \ +openinnerspacing closeordspacing closeopspacing closebinspacing closerelspacing \ +closeopenspacing closeclosespacing closepunctspacing closeinnerspacing punctordspacing \ +punctopspacing punctbinspacing punctrelspacing punctopenspacing punctclosespacing \ +punctpunctspacing punctinnerspacing innerordspacing inneropspacing innerbinspacing \ +innerrelspacing inneropenspacing innerclosespacing innerpunctspacing innerinnerspacing \ +normalreqno startimath stopimath normalstartimath normalstopimath \ +startdmath stopdmath normalstartdmath normalstopdmath uncramped \ +cramped triggermathstyle mathstylefont mathsmallstylefont mathstyleface \ +mathsmallstyleface mathstylecommand mathpalette mathstylehbox mathstylevbox \ +mathstylevcenter mathstylevcenteredhbox mathstylevcenteredvbox mathtext setmathsmalltextbox \ +setmathtextbox triggerdisplaystyle triggertextstyle triggerscriptstyle triggerscriptscriptstyle \ +triggeruncrampedstyle triggercrampedstyle triggersmallstyle triggeruncrampedsmallstyle triggercrampedsmallstyle \ +triggerbigstyle triggeruncrampedbigstyle triggercrampedbigstyle luaexpr expdoifelse \ +expdoif expdoifnot expdoifcommonelse expdoifinsetelse ctxdirectlua \ +ctxlatelua ctxsprint ctxwrite ctxcommand ctxdirectcommand \ +ctxlatecommand ctxreport ctxlua luacode lateluacode \ +directluacode registerctxluafile ctxloadluafile luaversion luamajorversion \ +luaminorversion ctxluacode luaconditional luaexpanded startluaparameterset \ +stopluaparameterset luaparameterset definenamedlua obeylualines obeyluatokens \ +startluacode stopluacode startlua stoplua carryoverpar \ +Umathbotaccent diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-plain.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-plain.lua index f7fe60483..f43dcdeaf 100644 --- a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-plain.lua +++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-plain.lua @@ -47,10 +47,8 @@ scripts.plain = scripts.plain or { } local function execute(...) local command = string.format(...) - report("running command %a",command) - report() + report("running command %a\n",command) os.execute(command) - report() end local function resultof(...) @@ -97,10 +95,10 @@ function scripts.plain.make(texengine,texformat) else lfs.chdir(fmtpath) end - execute('%s --ini %s',texengine,file.addsuffix(texformat,"tex")) + execute('%s --ini %s \\dump',texengine,file.addsuffix(texformat,"tex")) report("generating kpse file database") execute("mktexlsr") - report("format saved on path %a",fmtpath) + report("format %a saved on path %a",texformat,fmtpath) end function scripts.plain.run(texengine,texformat,filename) diff --git a/scripts/context/ruby/base/switch.rb b/scripts/context/ruby/base/switch.rb index 79613dcd0..e38752018 100644 --- a/scripts/context/ruby/base/switch.rb +++ b/scripts/context/ruby/base/switch.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +#encoding: ASCII-8BIT + # module : base/switch # copyright : PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering # version : 2002-2005 diff --git a/scripts/context/ruby/base/tex.rb b/scripts/context/ruby/base/tex.rb index 9ba842501..77d61b4db 100644 --- a/scripts/context/ruby/base/tex.rb +++ b/scripts/context/ruby/base/tex.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +#encoding: ASCII-8BIT + # module : base/tex # copyright : PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering # version : 2005 diff --git a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv index 6049086f0..37e810346 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. -\newcontextversion{2013.04.28 19:05} +\newcontextversion{2013.04.29 20:30} %D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an excellent place for %D hacks, patches, extensions and new features. diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf Binary files differindex e8644fe66..2d4d055da 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf +++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.png b/tex/context/base/context-version.png Binary files differindex 7f6f184d4..e19c0350c 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/context-version.png +++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.png diff --git a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv index 576284e4d..a5ecdfb8e 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ %D up and the dependencies are more consistent. \edef\contextformat {\jobname} -\edef\contextversion{2013.04.28 19:05} +\edef\contextversion{2013.04.29 20:30} \edef\contextkind {beta} %D For those who want to use this: diff --git a/tex/context/base/math-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/math-ini.lua index 530e68568..a06fc3552 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/math-ini.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/math-ini.lua @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['math-ini'] = { -- the "8000 hackery influences direct characters (utf) as indirect \char's -- -- isn't characters.data loaded already ... shortcut it here +-- +-- replace code 7 by 0 as we don't use it anyway local formatters = string.formatters local utfchar, utfbyte = utf.char, utf.byte @@ -41,6 +43,8 @@ local families = allocate { mb = 1, } +--- to be checked .. afew defaults in char-def that should be alpha + local classes = allocate { ord = 0, -- mathordcomm mathord op = 1, -- mathopcomm mathop @@ -173,6 +177,9 @@ local escapes = characters.filters.utf.private.escapes -- not that many so no need to reuse tables +local xxx = setdelcode function setdelcode (a,b,c) report_math('\\Udelcode "%05X = "%X"%04X"%X"%X',b,unpack(c)) xxx(a,b,c) end +local yyy = setmathcode function setmathcode(a,b,c) report_math('\\Umathcode "%05X = "%X"%X"%04X', b,unpack(c)) yyy(a,b,c) end + local setmathcharacter = function(class,family,slot,unicode,mset,dset) if mset and codes[class] then -- regular codes < 7 setmathcode("global",slot,{class,family,unicode}) @@ -197,10 +204,10 @@ local setmathsymbol = function(name,class,family,slot) -- hex is nicer for traci elseif class == classes.under then contextsprint(formatters[ [[\ugdef\%s{\Udelimiterunder "%X "%X }]] ](name,family,slot)) elseif class == open_class or class == close_class or class == middle_class then - setdelcode(slot,{family,slot,0,0}) + setdelcode("global",slot,{family,slot,0,0}) contextsprint(formatters[ [[\ugdef\%s{\Udelimiter "%X "%X "%X }]] ](name,class,family,slot)) elseif class == classes.delimiter then - setdelcode(slot,{family,slot,0,0}) + setdelcode("global",slot,{family,slot,0,0}) contextsprint(formatters[ [[\ugdef\%s{\Udelimiter 0 "%X "%X }]] ](name,family,slot)) elseif class == classes.radical then contextsprint(formatters[ [[\ugdef\%s{\Uradical "%X "%X }]] ](name,family,slot)) diff --git a/tex/context/base/math-map.lua b/tex/context/base/math-map.lua index 9a8c8a69c..a0d7457d1 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/math-map.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/math-map.lua @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['math-map'] = { license = "see context related readme files" } +-- todo: make sparse .. if self + --[[ldx-- <p>Remapping mathematics alphabets.</p> --ldx]]-- diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua b/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua index de2c69da2..05124bc78 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua @@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ return { "newlanguage", "newfamily", "newfam", "newhelp", -- not used -- "then", + "begcsname", -- "firstargumentfalse", "firstargumenttrue", "secondargumentfalse", "secondargumenttrue", diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf Binary files differindex 6c7209d4c..9e1441c22 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf +++ b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf Binary files differindex 9ef35c271..ce753f4ef 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf +++ b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf diff --git a/tex/context/base/syst-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/syst-ini.mkiv index 59313ba49..318756101 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/syst-ini.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/syst-ini.mkiv @@ -87,37 +87,42 @@ \expandafter\end \fi -\ifnum\texengine=\luatexengine - \directlua 0 { % this info is stored in the format - lua.name[0] = "main ctx instance" - local extraprimitives = tex.extraprimitives - local enableprimitives = tex.enableprimitives - local core = extraprimitives('core') - local btex = extraprimitives('tex') - local etex = extraprimitives('etex') - local pdftex = extraprimitives('pdftex') - local luatex = extraprimitives('luatex') - local omega = { - "textdir", "pagedir", "mathdir", "pardir", "bodydir", - "leftghost", "rightghost", "localleftbox", "localrightbox", - "localinterlinepenalty", "localbrokenpenalty", - } - local aleph = { - "boxdir", "pagebottomoffset", "pagerightoffset", - } - for _, subset in next, { etex, pdftex, luatex, omega, aleph } do - enableprimitives('',subset) - end - for _, subset in next, { core, btex, etex, pdftex, luatex, omega, aleph } do - enableprimitives('normal',subset) - end +%D Initialization of primitives. + +\directlua 0 { % this info is stored in the format + lua.name[0] = "main ctx instance" + local extraprimitives = tex.extraprimitives + local enableprimitives = tex.enableprimitives + local core = extraprimitives("core") + local btex = extraprimitives("tex") + local etex = extraprimitives("etex") + local pdftex = extraprimitives("pdftex") + local luatex = extraprimitives("luatex") + local omega = { + "textdir", "pagedir", "mathdir", "pardir", "bodydir", + "leftghost", "rightghost", "localleftbox", "localrightbox", + "localinterlinepenalty", "localbrokenpenalty", } -\fi + local aleph = { + "boxdir", "pagebottomoffset", "pagerightoffset", + } + for _, subset in next, { etex, pdftex, luatex, omega, aleph } do + enableprimitives("",subset) + end + for _, subset in next, { core, btex, etex, pdftex, luatex, omega, aleph } do + enableprimitives("normal",subset) + end +} + +%D Handy. + +\suppresslongerror = 1 +\suppressoutererror = 1 %D \ETEX\ has a not so handy way of telling you the version number, i.e. the revision %D number has a period in it: -\long\def\gobbleoneargument#1{} % will be defined later on anyway +\def\gobbleoneargument#1{} % will be defined later on anyway \mathchardef\etexversion = \numexpr\eTeXversion*100+\expandafter\gobbleoneargument\eTeXrevision\relax @@ -286,20 +291,16 @@ %D Since the number of chars exceed 256 now, we can use \type {\chardef} instead of %D the more limited \type {\mathchardef}. -\ifnum\texengine>\pdftexengine - \normalprotected\def\newbox {\syst_basics_allocate\c_syst_last_allocated_box \box \chardef\c_syst_max_allocated_register} - \normalprotected\def\newmarks{\syst_basics_allocate\c_syst_last_allocated_marks\marks\chardef\c_syst_max_allocated_register} -\fi +\normalprotected\def\newbox {\syst_basics_allocate\c_syst_last_allocated_box \box \chardef\c_syst_max_allocated_register} +\normalprotected\def\newmarks{\syst_basics_allocate\c_syst_last_allocated_marks\marks\chardef\c_syst_max_allocated_register} %D Attributes are something very \LUATEX. In \CONTEXT\ you are not supposed to use %D the attributes directly but always allocate then first. For instance attribute~0 %D is reserved for special purposes (this might change). Attributes in the range %D 128-1023 are private and should not be touched. -\ifnum\texengine=\luatexengine - \let\attributeunsetvalue\c_syst_min_counter_value % used to be \minusone - \normalprotected\def\newattribute{\syst_basics_allocate\c_syst_min_allocated_attribute\attribute\attributedef\c_syst_max_allocated_register} -\fi +\let\attributeunsetvalue\c_syst_min_counter_value % used to be \minusone +\normalprotected\def\newattribute{\syst_basics_allocate\c_syst_min_allocated_attribute\attribute\attributedef\c_syst_max_allocated_register} %D Not used by \CONTEXT\ but for instance \PICTEX\ needs it. It's a trick to force %D strings instead of tokens that take more memory. It's a trick to trick to force @@ -409,22 +410,12 @@ \chardef \pluscxxvii = 127 \chardef \pluscxxviii = 128 \chardef \pluscclv = 255 - -\ifnum\texengine=\luatexengine - \chardef \pluscclvi = 256 - \chardef \plusthousand = 1000 - \chardef \plustenthousand = 10000 - \chardef \plustwentythousand = 20000 - \chardef \medcard = 32768 - \chardef \maxcard = 65536 % pdftex has less mathchars -\else - \mathchardef\pluscclvi = 256 - \mathchardef\plusthousand = 1000 - \mathchardef\plustenthousand = 10000 - \mathchardef\plustwentythousand = 20000 - \newcount \medcard \medcard = 32768 % pdftex has less mathchars - \newcount \maxcard \maxcard = 65536 % pdftex has less mathchars -\fi +\chardef \pluscclvi = 256 +\chardef \plusthousand = 1000 +\chardef \plustenthousand = 10000 +\chardef \plustwentythousand = 20000 +\chardef \medcard = 32768 +\chardef \maxcard = 65536 % pdftex has less mathchars %D \macros %D {doubleexpandafter,tripleexpandafter,expanded,startexpanded} @@ -875,7 +866,7 @@ %D get. Beware: this macro does not support nested loops. We use a namespace %D prefix \type {@@pln}. -\long\def\loop#1\repeat{\long\def\@@plnbody{#1}\@@plniterate} % might go +\def\loop#1\repeat{\def\@@plnbody{#1}\@@plniterate} % might go %D The following makes \type {\loop} \unknown\ \type {\if} \unknown\ \type %D {\repeat} skippable (clever trick): @@ -905,7 +896,7 @@ %D Although we don't add pagenumbers yet we alias the default register used %D for counting pages: -\countdef\pageno=0 \pageno=1 % first page is number 1 +\countdef\pageno\zerocount \pageno\plusone % first page is number 1 %D Beside the raw counter \type {\pageno} the \type {\folio} macro provides %D the value. @@ -923,7 +914,8 @@ \lineskip = 1pt \lineskiplimit = 0pt -%D Again a few kind-of-extensions the core: (might go away) +%D Again a few kind-of-extensions the core. These come from plain \TEX\ but +%D are probably not used in \CONTEXT. \newskip \hideskip \hideskip = -1000pt plus 1fill \newskip \centering \centering = 0pt plus 1000pt minus 1000pt @@ -948,37 +940,37 @@ \spanomit \advance\mscount\minusone \repeat} -%D The next section deals with selective definitions in later modules. One can of -%D course use the \type {\texengine} number that we defined earlier instead. - -\bgroup \obeylines - \gdef\pickupSOMETEX#1% - {\expandafter\gdef\csname begin#1\endcsname{\bgroup\obeylines\dopickupSOMETEX{#1}}} - \gdef\dopickupSOMETEX#1#2 - % {\egroup\immediate\write16{special code for #1 -> [line \the\inputlineno] \detokenize{#2}}} - {\egroup} -\egroup - -\let\endTEX \relax \long\def\beginTEX #1\endTEX {} -\let\endETEX \relax \long\def\beginETEX #1\endETEX {} -\let\endXETEX \relax \long\def\beginXETEX #1\endXETEX {} -\let\endLUATEX\relax \long\def\beginLUATEX#1\endLUATEX{} -\let\endOLDTEX\relax \long\def\beginOLDTEX#1\endOLDTEX{} -\let\endNEWTEX\relax \long\def\beginNEWTEX#1\endNEWTEX{} - -\pickupSOMETEX{ETEX} - -\ifnum\texengine=\xetexengine - \pickupSOMETEX{XETEX} -\fi -\ifnum\texengine=\luatexengine - \pickupSOMETEX{LUATEX} -\fi -\ifnum\texengine<\xetexengine - \pickupSOMETEX{OLDTEX} -\else - \pickupSOMETEX{NEWTEX} -\fi +% %D The next section deals with selective definitions in later modules. One can of +% %D course use the \type {\texengine} number that we defined earlier instead. +% +% \bgroup \obeylines +% \gdef\pickupSOMETEX#1% +% {\expandafter\gdef\csname begin#1\endcsname{\bgroup\obeylines\dopickupSOMETEX{#1}}} +% \gdef\dopickupSOMETEX#1#2 +% % {\egroup\immediate\write16{special code for #1 -> [line \the\inputlineno] \detokenize{#2}}} +% {\egroup} +% \egroup +% +% \let\endTEX \relax \def\beginTEX #1\endTEX {} +% \let\endETEX \relax \def\beginETEX #1\endETEX {} +% \let\endXETEX \relax \def\beginXETEX #1\endXETEX {} +% \let\endLUATEX\relax \def\beginLUATEX#1\endLUATEX{} +% \let\endOLDTEX\relax \def\beginOLDTEX#1\endOLDTEX{} +% \let\endNEWTEX\relax \def\beginNEWTEX#1\endNEWTEX{} +% +% \pickupSOMETEX{ETEX} +% +% \ifnum\texengine=\xetexengine +% \pickupSOMETEX{XETEX} +% \fi +% \ifnum\texengine=\luatexengine +% \pickupSOMETEX{LUATEX} +% \fi +% \ifnum\texengine<\xetexengine +% \pickupSOMETEX{OLDTEX} +% \else +% \pickupSOMETEX{NEWTEX} +% \fi %D \macros %D {bindprimitive} @@ -1019,76 +1011,61 @@ % \bindprimitive ifabsdim ifpdfabsdim % \bindprimitive ifabsnum ifpdfabsnum -\ifnum\texengine=\xetexengine \else % this test might disappear some day - - \pdfminorversion \plusfive - - \ifdefined\pdfcompresslevel \else \newcount\pdfcompresslevel \fi - \ifdefined\pdfobjcompresslevel \else \newcount\pdfobjcompresslevel \fi - \ifdefined\pdfgentounicode \else \newcount\pdfgentounicode \fi \pdfgentounicode \plusone - \ifdefined\pdfinclusioncopyfonts\else \newcount\pdfinclusioncopyfonts \fi \pdfinclusioncopyfonts\plusone - - \normalprotected\def\nopdfcompression {\pdfobjcompresslevel\zerocount \pdfcompresslevel\zerocount} - \normalprotected\def\maximumpdfcompression{\pdfobjcompresslevel\plusnine \pdfcompresslevel\plusnine } - \normalprotected\def\normalpdfcompression {\pdfobjcompresslevel\plusthree \pdfcompresslevel\plusthree} - - \normalpdfcompression +%D We need to make sure that we start up in \DVI\ mode, so, after testing for running +%D \PDFTEX, we default to \DVI. - \let\normalsetrandomseed \setrandomseed - \let\normaluniformdeviate\uniformdeviate +\pdfoutput \zerocount +\pdfminorversion \plusfive +\pdfgentounicode \plusone +\pdfinclusioncopyfonts\plusone -\fi +\normalprotected\def\nopdfcompression {\pdfobjcompresslevel\zerocount \pdfcompresslevel\zerocount} +\normalprotected\def\maximumpdfcompression{\pdfobjcompresslevel\plusnine \pdfcompresslevel\plusnine } +\normalprotected\def\normalpdfcompression {\pdfobjcompresslevel\plusthree \pdfcompresslevel\plusthree} -%D Handy. +\normalpdfcompression -\ifnum\texengine=\luatexengine - \ifdefined\suppresslongerror % for the moment test - \suppresslongerror\plusone - \fi -\fi +\let\normalsetrandomseed \setrandomseed +\let\normaluniformdeviate\uniformdeviate %D Basic status stuff. \newif\ifproductionrun -%D We need to make sure that we start up in \DVI\ mode, so, after testing for running -%D \PDFTEX, we default to \DVI. - -\ifx\pdftexversion\undefined \newcount\pdfoutput \fi \pdfoutput=0 - %D For those who expect this \unknown -\ifx\fmtname \undefined \def\fmtname {ConTeXt Minimized Plain TeX} \fi -\ifx\fmtversion\undefined \def\fmtversion{3.1415926} \fi - -\let\normalfmtversion\fmtversion % still needed ? +\ifx\fmtname \undefined \def\fmtname {ConTeXt Initial TeX} \fi +\ifx\fmtversion\undefined \def\fmtversion{3.1415926} \fi %D A few bonus macros: \def\modulonumber#1#2{\the\numexpr#2-((((#2+(#1/2))/#1)-1)*#1)\relax} \def\dividenumber#1#2{\the\numexpr(#2-(#1/2))/#1\relax} -\ifnum\texengine=\xetexengine - \edef\xetexversion {\numexpr\XeTeXversion*100+(\expandafter\gobbleoneargument\XeTeXrevision-5)/10\relax} - \edef\xetexrevision {\the\numexpr(\expandafter\gobbleoneargument\XeTeXrevision-50)/100\relax} -\fi - -\ifcase\texengine - \def \texenginename {impossible} - \edef\texengineversion{0} -\or - \def \texenginename {pdfTeX} - \edef\texengineversion{\dividenumber{100}\pdftexversion.\modulonumber{100}\pdftexversion.\pdftexrevision} -\or - \def \texenginename {XeTeX} - \edef\texengineversion{\dividenumber{100}\xetexversion .\modulonumber{100}\xetexversion .\xetexrevision} -\or - \def \texenginename {LuaTeX} - \edef\texengineversion{\dividenumber{100}\luatexversion.\modulonumber{100}\luatexversion.\luatexrevision} -\else - \def \texenginename {impossible} - \edef\texengineversion{0} -\fi +% \ifnum\texengine=\xetexengine +% \edef\xetexversion {\numexpr\XeTeXversion*100+(\expandafter\gobbleoneargument\XeTeXrevision-5)/10\relax} +% \edef\xetexrevision {\the\numexpr(\expandafter\gobbleoneargument\XeTeXrevision-50)/100\relax} +% \fi +% +% \ifcase\texengine +% \def \texenginename {impossible} +% \edef\texengineversion{0} +% \or +% \def \texenginename {pdfTeX} +% \edef\texengineversion{\dividenumber{100}\pdftexversion.\modulonumber{100}\pdftexversion.\pdftexrevision} +% \or +% \def \texenginename {XeTeX} +% \edef\texengineversion{\dividenumber{100}\xetexversion .\modulonumber{100}\xetexversion .\xetexrevision} +% \or +% \def \texenginename {LuaTeX} +% \edef\texengineversion{\dividenumber{100}\luatexversion.\modulonumber{100}\luatexversion.\luatexrevision} +% \else +% \def \texenginename {impossible} +% \edef\texengineversion{0} +% \fi + +\def \texenginename {LuaTeX} +\edef\texengineversion{\dividenumber{100}\luatexversion.\modulonumber{100}\luatexversion.\luatexrevision} %D We have no reason not to enable this: diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-basics-gen.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-basics-gen.lua index 590b538fa..0b7232b76 100644 --- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-basics-gen.lua +++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-basics-gen.lua @@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ function caches.compile(data,luaname,lucname) d = table.serialize(data,true) -- slow end if d and d ~= "" then - local f = io.open(lucname,'w') + local f = io.open(lucname,'wb') if f then local s = loadstring(d) if s then diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua index 040571f6b..bf22bac29 100644 --- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua +++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -- merged file : luatex-fonts-merged.lua -- parent file : luatex-fonts.lua --- merge date : 04/28/13 19:05:28 +-- merge date : 04/29/13 20:30:03 do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference @@ -3092,7 +3092,7 @@ function caches.compile(data,luaname,lucname) d=table.serialize(data,true) end if d and d~="" then - local f=io.open(lucname,'w') + local f=io.open(lucname,'wb') if f then local s=loadstring(d) if s then diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-math.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-math.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0e9bab69e --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-math.lua @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-math'] = { + version = 1.001, + comment = "companion to luatex-math.tex", + author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", + copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", + license = "see context related readme files" +} + +local gaps = { + [0x1D455] = 0x0210E, + [0x1D49D] = 0x0212C, + [0x1D4A0] = 0x02130, + [0x1D4A1] = 0x02131, + [0x1D4A3] = 0x0210B, + [0x1D4A4] = 0x02110, + [0x1D4A7] = 0x02112, + [0x1D4A8] = 0x02133, + [0x1D4AD] = 0x0211B, + [0x1D4BA] = 0x0212F, + [0x1D4BC] = 0x0210A, + [0x1D4C4] = 0x02134, + [0x1D506] = 0x0212D, + [0x1D50B] = 0x0210C, + [0x1D50C] = 0x02111, + [0x1D515] = 0x0211C, + [0x1D51D] = 0x02128, + [0x1D53A] = 0x02102, + [0x1D53F] = 0x0210D, + [0x1D545] = 0x02115, + [0x1D547] = 0x02119, + [0x1D548] = 0x0211A, + [0x1D549] = 0x0211D, + [0x1D551] = 0x02124, +} + + +local function fixmath(tfmdata,key,value) + if value then + local characters = tfmdata.characters + for gap, mess in pairs(gaps) do + characters[gap] = characters[mess] + end + end +end + +fonts.handlers.otf.features.register { + name = "fixmath", + description = "math font fixing", + manipulators = { + base = fixmath, + node = fixmath, + } +} diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-math.tex b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-math.tex new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3b19939bd --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-math.tex @@ -0,0 +1,1841 @@ +%D \module +%D [ file=luatex-math, +%D version=2013.04.29, +%D title=\LUATEX\ Support Macros, +%D subtitle=An exmaple of math, +%D author=Hans Hagen, +%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] + +%D This module is in no way a complete plain math implementation. I made this file +%D because I needed it for a tutorial for (mostly) plain \TEX\ users. There are +%D several ways to support math in \LUATEX, and this is just one of them. It was the +%D quickest hack I could come up with and it stays somewhat close to the traditional +%D approach (and thereby far from the \CONTEXT\ way). This file is mainly meant for +%D Boguslaw Jackowski. + +% we provide a remap feature + +\directlua{dofile(kpse.find_file('luatex-math.lua'))} + +% a bunch of fonts: + +\font\tenrm = file:lmroman10-regular.otf:+liga;+kern;+tlig;+trep at 10pt +\font\sevenrm = file:lmroman7-regular.otf:+liga;+kern;+tlig;+trep at 7pt +\font\fiverm = file:lmroman5-regular.otf:+liga;+kern;+tlig;+trep at 5pt + +\font\tentt = file:lmmono10-regular.otf at 10pt +\font\tensl = file:lmromanslant10-regular.otf:+liga;+kern;+tlig;+trep at 10pt +\font\tenit = file:lmroman10-italic.otf:+liga;+kern;+tlig;+trep at 10pt +\font\tenbi = file:lmroman10-bolditalic.otf:+liga;+kern;+tlig;+trep at 10pt + +\let \teni = \relax +\let \seveni = \relax +\let \fivei = \relax +\let \tensy = \relax +\let \sevensy = \relax +\let \fivesy = \relax +\let \tenex = \relax +\let \tenbf = \relax +\let \sevenbf = \relax +\let \fivebf = \relax + +\font\mathfonttextupright = file:latinmodern-math.otf:ssty=0;fixmath=yes at 10pt +\font\mathfontscriptupright = file:latinmodern-math.otf:ssty=1;fixmath=yes at 7pt +\font\mathfontscriptscriptupright = file:latinmodern-math.otf:ssty=2;fixmath=yes at 5pt + +\textfont 0 = \mathfonttextupright +\scriptfont 0 = \mathfontscriptupright +\scriptscriptfont 0 = \mathfontscriptscriptupright + +\newtoks\everymathrm +\newtoks\everymathmit +\newtoks\everymathcal +\newtoks\everymathit +\newtoks\everymathsl +\newtoks\everymathbf +\newtoks\everymathbi +\newtoks\everymathtt + +\def\rm {\fam0\relax\the\everymathmrm\relax\tenrm\relax} +\def\it {\fam0\relax\the\everymathit \relax\tenit\relax} +\def\sl {\fam0\relax\the\everymathsl \relax\tensl\relax} +\def\bf {\fam0\relax\the\everymathbf \relax\tenbf\relax} +\def\bi {\fam0\relax\the\everymathbi \relax\tenbi\relax} +\def\tt {\fam0\relax\the\everymathtt \relax\tentt\relax} + +\let\mit \relax % use names or \Uchar or define a vector +\let\cal \relax % idem, i'm not in the mood for this now +\let\oldstyle\relax % no longer misuse of math mode + +% tex is fast enough for this kind of assignments: + +\everymathrm {% + \Umathcode"0041="0"0"0041% + \Umathcode"0042="0"0"0042% + \Umathcode"0043="0"0"0043% + \Umathcode"0044="0"0"0044% + \Umathcode"0045="0"0"0045% + \Umathcode"0046="0"0"0046% + \Umathcode"0047="0"0"0047% + \Umathcode"0048="0"0"0048% + \Umathcode"0049="0"0"0049% + \Umathcode"004A="0"0"004A% + \Umathcode"004B="0"0"004B% + \Umathcode"004C="0"0"004C% + \Umathcode"004D="0"0"004D% + \Umathcode"004E="0"0"004E% + \Umathcode"004F="0"0"004F% + \Umathcode"0050="0"0"0050% + \Umathcode"0051="0"0"0051% + \Umathcode"0052="0"0"0052% + \Umathcode"0053="0"0"0053% + \Umathcode"0054="0"0"0054% + \Umathcode"0055="0"0"0055% + \Umathcode"0056="0"0"0056% + \Umathcode"0057="0"0"0057% + \Umathcode"0058="0"0"0058% + \Umathcode"0059="0"0"0059% + \Umathcode"005A="0"0"005A% + \Umathcode"0061="0"0"0061% + \Umathcode"0062="0"0"0062% + \Umathcode"0063="0"0"0063% + \Umathcode"0064="0"0"0064% + \Umathcode"0065="0"0"0065% + \Umathcode"0066="0"0"0066% + \Umathcode"0067="0"0"0067% + \Umathcode"0068="0"0"0068% + \Umathcode"0069="0"0"0069% + \Umathcode"006A="0"0"006A% + \Umathcode"006B="0"0"006B% + \Umathcode"006C="0"0"006C% + \Umathcode"006D="0"0"006D% + \Umathcode"006E="0"0"006E% + \Umathcode"006F="0"0"006F% + \Umathcode"0070="0"0"0070% + \Umathcode"0071="0"0"0071% + \Umathcode"0072="0"0"0072% + \Umathcode"0073="0"0"0073% + \Umathcode"0074="0"0"0074% + \Umathcode"0075="0"0"0075% + \Umathcode"0076="0"0"0076% + \Umathcode"0077="0"0"0077% + \Umathcode"0078="0"0"0078% + \Umathcode"0079="0"0"0079% + \Umathcode"007A="0"0"007A% + \Umathcode"0391="0"0"0391% + \Umathcode"0392="0"0"0392% + \Umathcode"0393="0"0"0393% + \Umathcode"0394="0"0"0394% + \Umathcode"0395="0"0"0395% + \Umathcode"0396="0"0"0396% + \Umathcode"0397="0"0"0397% + \Umathcode"0398="0"0"0398% + \Umathcode"0399="0"0"0399% + \Umathcode"039A="0"0"039A% + \Umathcode"039B="0"0"039B% + \Umathcode"039C="0"0"039C% + \Umathcode"039D="0"0"039D% + \Umathcode"039E="0"0"039E% + \Umathcode"039F="0"0"039F% + \Umathcode"03A0="0"0"03A0% + \Umathcode"03A1="0"0"03A1% + \Umathcode"03A3="0"0"03A3% + \Umathcode"03A4="0"0"03A4% + \Umathcode"03A5="0"0"03A5% + \Umathcode"03A6="0"0"03A6% + \Umathcode"03A7="0"0"03A7% + \Umathcode"03A8="0"0"03A8% + \Umathcode"03A9="0"0"03A9% + \Umathcode"03B1="0"0"03B1% + \Umathcode"03B2="0"0"03B2% + \Umathcode"03B3="0"0"03B3% + \Umathcode"03B4="0"0"03B4% + \Umathcode"03B5="0"0"03B5% + \Umathcode"03B6="0"0"03B6% + \Umathcode"03B7="0"0"03B7% + \Umathcode"03B8="0"0"03B8% + \Umathcode"03B9="0"0"03B9% + \Umathcode"03BA="0"0"03BA% + \Umathcode"03BB="0"0"03BB% + \Umathcode"03BC="0"0"03BC% + \Umathcode"03BD="0"0"03BD% + \Umathcode"03BE="0"0"03BE% + \Umathcode"03BF="0"0"03BF% + \Umathcode"03C0="0"0"03C0% + \Umathcode"03C1="0"0"03C1% + \Umathcode"03C2="0"0"03C2% + \Umathcode"03C3="0"0"03C3% + \Umathcode"03C4="0"0"03C4% + \Umathcode"03C5="0"0"03C5% + \Umathcode"03C6="0"0"03C6% + \Umathcode"03C7="0"0"03C7% + \Umathcode"03C8="0"0"03C8% + \Umathcode"03C9="0"0"03C9% + \Umathcode"03D1="0"0"03D1% + \Umathcode"03D5="0"0"03D5% + \Umathcode"03D6="0"0"03D6% + \Umathcode"03F0="0"0"03F0% + \Umathcode"03F1="0"0"03F1% + \Umathcode"03F4="0"0"03F4% + \Umathcode"03F5="0"0"03F5% + \Umathcode"2202="0"0"2202% + \Umathcode"2207="0"0"2207% + \relax +} + +\everymathmit {% + % not done +} + +\everymathcal {% + % not done +} + +\everymathit {% + \Umathcode"0041="0"0"1D434% + \Umathcode"0042="0"0"1D435% + \Umathcode"0043="0"0"1D436% + \Umathcode"0044="0"0"1D437% + \Umathcode"0045="0"0"1D438% + \Umathcode"0046="0"0"1D439% + \Umathcode"0047="0"0"1D43A% + \Umathcode"0048="0"0"1D43B% + \Umathcode"0049="0"0"1D43C% + \Umathcode"004A="0"0"1D43D% + \Umathcode"004B="0"0"1D43E% + \Umathcode"004C="0"0"1D43F% + \Umathcode"004D="0"0"1D440% + \Umathcode"004E="0"0"1D441% + \Umathcode"004F="0"0"1D442% + \Umathcode"0050="0"0"1D443% + \Umathcode"0051="0"0"1D444% + \Umathcode"0052="0"0"1D445% + \Umathcode"0053="0"0"1D446% + \Umathcode"0054="0"0"1D447% + \Umathcode"0055="0"0"1D448% + \Umathcode"0056="0"0"1D449% + \Umathcode"0057="0"0"1D44A% + \Umathcode"0058="0"0"1D44B% + \Umathcode"0059="0"0"1D44C% + \Umathcode"005A="0"0"1D44D% + \Umathcode"0061="0"0"1D44E% + \Umathcode"0062="0"0"1D44F% + \Umathcode"0063="0"0"1D450% + \Umathcode"0064="0"0"1D451% + \Umathcode"0065="0"0"1D452% + \Umathcode"0066="0"0"1D453% + \Umathcode"0067="0"0"1D454% + \Umathcode"0068="0"0"0210E% + \Umathcode"0069="0"0"1D456% + \Umathcode"006A="0"0"1D457% + \Umathcode"006B="0"0"1D458% + \Umathcode"006C="0"0"1D459% + \Umathcode"006D="0"0"1D45A% + \Umathcode"006E="0"0"1D45B% + \Umathcode"006F="0"0"1D45C% + \Umathcode"0070="0"0"1D45D% + \Umathcode"0071="0"0"1D45E% + \Umathcode"0072="0"0"1D45F% + \Umathcode"0073="0"0"1D460% + \Umathcode"0074="0"0"1D461% + \Umathcode"0075="0"0"1D462% + \Umathcode"0076="0"0"1D463% + \Umathcode"0077="0"0"1D464% + \Umathcode"0078="0"0"1D465% + \Umathcode"0079="0"0"1D466% + \Umathcode"007A="0"0"1D467% + 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+ \Umathcode"0036="0"0"1D7D4% + \Umathcode"0037="0"0"1D7D5% + \Umathcode"0038="0"0"1D7D6% + \Umathcode"0039="0"0"1D7D7% + \Umathcode"0041="0"0"1D400% + \Umathcode"0042="0"0"1D401% + \Umathcode"0043="0"0"1D402% + \Umathcode"0044="0"0"1D403% + \Umathcode"0045="0"0"1D404% + \Umathcode"0046="0"0"1D405% + \Umathcode"0047="0"0"1D406% + \Umathcode"0048="0"0"1D407% + \Umathcode"0049="0"0"1D408% + \Umathcode"004A="0"0"1D409% + \Umathcode"004B="0"0"1D40A% + \Umathcode"004C="0"0"1D40B% + \Umathcode"004D="0"0"1D40C% + \Umathcode"004E="0"0"1D40D% + \Umathcode"004F="0"0"1D40E% + \Umathcode"0050="0"0"1D40F% + \Umathcode"0051="0"0"1D410% + \Umathcode"0052="0"0"1D411% + \Umathcode"0053="0"0"1D412% + \Umathcode"0054="0"0"1D413% + \Umathcode"0055="0"0"1D414% + \Umathcode"0056="0"0"1D415% + \Umathcode"0057="0"0"1D416% + \Umathcode"0058="0"0"1D417% + \Umathcode"0059="0"0"1D418% + \Umathcode"005A="0"0"1D419% + \Umathcode"0061="0"0"1D41A% + \Umathcode"0062="0"0"1D41B% + \Umathcode"0063="0"0"1D41C% + \Umathcode"0064="0"0"1D41D% + \Umathcode"0065="0"0"1D41E% + \Umathcode"0066="0"0"1D41F% + \Umathcode"0067="0"0"1D420% + \Umathcode"0068="0"0"1D421% + \Umathcode"0069="0"0"1D422% + \Umathcode"006A="0"0"1D423% + \Umathcode"006B="0"0"1D424% + \Umathcode"006C="0"0"1D425% + \Umathcode"006D="0"0"1D426% + \Umathcode"006E="0"0"1D427% + \Umathcode"006F="0"0"1D428% + \Umathcode"0070="0"0"1D429% + \Umathcode"0071="0"0"1D42A% + \Umathcode"0072="0"0"1D42B% + \Umathcode"0073="0"0"1D42C% + \Umathcode"0074="0"0"1D42D% + \Umathcode"0075="0"0"1D42E% + \Umathcode"0076="0"0"1D42F% + \Umathcode"0077="0"0"1D430% + \Umathcode"0078="0"0"1D431% + \Umathcode"0079="0"0"1D432% + \Umathcode"007A="0"0"1D433% + \Umathcode"0391="0"0"1D6A8% + \Umathcode"0392="0"0"1D6A9% + \Umathcode"0393="0"0"1D6AA% + \Umathcode"0394="0"0"1D6AB% + \Umathcode"0395="0"0"1D6AC% + \Umathcode"0396="0"0"1D6AD% + \Umathcode"0397="0"0"1D6AE% + \Umathcode"0398="0"0"1D6AF% + \Umathcode"0399="0"0"1D6B0% + \Umathcode"039A="0"0"1D6B1% + \Umathcode"039B="0"0"1D6B2% + \Umathcode"039C="0"0"1D6B3% + \Umathcode"039D="0"0"1D6B4% + \Umathcode"039E="0"0"1D6B5% + \Umathcode"039F="0"0"1D6B6% + \Umathcode"03A0="0"0"1D6B7% + \Umathcode"03A1="0"0"1D6B8% + \Umathcode"03A3="0"0"1D6BA% + \Umathcode"03A4="0"0"1D6BB% + \Umathcode"03A5="0"0"1D6BC% + \Umathcode"03A6="0"0"1D6BD% + \Umathcode"03A7="0"0"1D6BE% + \Umathcode"03A8="0"0"1D6BF% + \Umathcode"03A9="0"0"1D6C0% + \Umathcode"03B1="0"0"1D6C2% + \Umathcode"03B2="0"0"1D6C3% + \Umathcode"03B3="0"0"1D6C4% + \Umathcode"03B4="0"0"1D6C5% + \Umathcode"03B5="0"0"1D6C6% + \Umathcode"03B6="0"0"1D6C7% + \Umathcode"03B7="0"0"1D6C8% + \Umathcode"03B8="0"0"1D6C9% + \Umathcode"03B9="0"0"1D6CA% + \Umathcode"03BA="0"0"1D6CB% + \Umathcode"03BB="0"0"1D6CC% + \Umathcode"03BC="0"0"1D6CD% + \Umathcode"03BD="0"0"1D6CE% + \Umathcode"03BE="0"0"1D6CF% + \Umathcode"03BF="0"0"1D6D0% + \Umathcode"03C0="0"0"1D6D1% + \Umathcode"03C1="0"0"1D6D2% + \Umathcode"03C2="0"0"1D6D3% + \Umathcode"03C3="0"0"1D6D4% + 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{\Umathchar "0"0"002300 } +\def\varphi {\Umathchar "0"0"0003C6 } +\def\varpi {\Umathchar "0"0"0003D6 } +\def\varrho {\Umathchar "0"0"01D71A } +\def\varsigma {\Umathchar "0"0"0003C2 } +\def\vartheta {\Umathchar "0"0"01D717 } +\def\varTheta {\Umathchar "0"0"0003D1 } +\def\vdash {\Umathchar "3"0"0022A2 } +\def\vDash {\Umathchar "3"0"0022A8 } +\def\Vdash {\Umathchar "3"0"0022A9 } +\def\VDash {\Umathchar "3"0"0022AB } +\def\vdots {\Umathchar "0"0"0022EE } +\def\vec {\Umathaccent"0"0"0020D7 } +\def\vee {\Umathchar "2"0"002228 } +\def\veebar {\Umathchar "2"0"0022BB } +\def\veeeq {\Umathchar "3"0"00225A } +\def\vert {\Udelimiter "0"0"00007C } +\def\Vert {\Udelimiter "0"0"002016 } +\def\Vvdash {\Umathchar "3"0"0022AA } +\def\wedge {\Umathchar "2"0"002227 } +\def\wedgeeq {\Umathchar "3"0"002259 } +\def\whitearrowupfrombar {\Umathchar "0"0"0021EB } +\def\widehat {\Umathaccent"0"0"000302 } +\def\widetilde {\Umathaccent"0"0"000303 } +\def\wp {\Umathchar "0"0"002118 } +\def\wr {\Umathchar "2"0"002240 } +\def\Xi {\Umathchar "0"0"00039E } +\def\xi {\Umathchar "0"0"0003BE } +\def\yen {\Umathchar "0"0"0000A5 } +\def\Zeta {\Umathchar "0"0"000396 } +\def\zeta {\Umathchar "0"0"0003B6 } + +% a few definitions: + +\def\sqrt{\Uroot "0 "221A } + +% \skewchar\teni='177 \skewchar\seveni='177 \skewchar\fivei='177 +% \skewchar\tensy='60 \skewchar\sevensy='60 \skewchar\fivesy='60 + +\chardef\% = "25 +\chardef\& = "26 +\chardef\# = "23 +\chardef\$ = "24 +\chardef\_ = "5F + +\let\ss ß +\let\ae æ +\let\oe œ +\let\o ø +\let\AE Æ +\let\OE Œ +\let\O Ø +\let\i ı +\let\aa å +\let\l ł +\let\L Ł +\let\AA Å +\let\copyright © + +% just use utf + +\def\`#1{\string\`\string{#1\string}} +\def\'#1{\string\'\string{#1\string}} +\def\v#1{\string\v\string{#1\string}} +\def\u#1{\string\u\string{#1\string}} +\def\=#1{\string\=\string{#1\string}} +\def\^#1{\string\^\string{#1\string}} +\def\.#1{\string\.\string{#1\string}} +\def\H#1{\string\H\string{#1\string}} +\def\~#1{\string\~\string{#1\string}} +\def\"#1{\string\"\string{#1\string}} +\def\d#1{\string\d\string{#1\string}} +\def\b#1{\string\b\string{#1\string}} +\def\c#1{\string\c\string{#1\string}} + +\endinput diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-plain.tex b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-plain.tex index 028d4ab0e..1ea8558e9 100644 --- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-plain.tex +++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-plain.tex @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ \the\everyjob \input {luatex-basics}% \input {luatex-fonts}% + \input {luatex-math}% \input {luatex-languages}% \input {luatex-mplib}% } diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-test.tex b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-test.tex index e11106e20..fcc837e70 100644 --- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-test.tex +++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-test.tex @@ -72,4 +72,12 @@ \noindent Циолковский +a bit of math + +$\it e=mc^2 \bf e=mc^2 \Uchar"1D49D$ + +$$\left( { {1} \over { {1} \over {x} } } \right) $$ + +$$\sqrt {2} { { {1} \over { {1} \over {x} } } } $$ + \end |