path: root/tex/generic
diff options
authorMarius <>2011-03-25 19:20:25 +0200
committerMarius <>2011-03-25 19:20:25 +0200
commit1455dd60b68c9140db1b9977c9e5ce372b772ec8 (patch)
treed2b7060a4d9891966a056dcf143ef20d43390561 /tex/generic
parent2a9554684f61df8db63dec6d4e874f49b25a212b (diff)
beta 2011.03.25 18:03
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/generic')
12 files changed, 5223 insertions, 8984 deletions
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex-basics-gen.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex-basics-gen.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df5e7e6c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex-basics-gen.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luat-basics-gen'] = {
+ version = 1.100,
+ comment = "companion to luatex-*.tex",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+if context then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context")
+ os.exit()
+local dummyfunction = function() end
+local dummyreporter = function(c) return function(...) texio.write(c .. " : " .. string.format(...)) end end
+statistics = {
+ register = dummyfunction,
+ starttiming = dummyfunction,
+ stoptiming = dummyfunction,
+ elapsedtime = nil,
+directives = {
+ register = dummyfunction,
+ enable = dummyfunction,
+ disable = dummyfunction,
+trackers = {
+ register = dummyfunction,
+ enable = dummyfunction,
+ disable = dummyfunction,
+experiments = {
+ register = dummyfunction,
+ enable = dummyfunction,
+ disable = dummyfunction,
+storage = { -- probably no longer needed
+ register = dummyfunction,
+ shared = { },
+logs = {
+ new = dummyreporter,
+ reporter = dummyreporter,
+ messenger = dummyreporter,
+ report = dummyfunction,
+callbacks = {
+ register = function(n,f) return callback.register(n,f) end,
+utilities = {
+ storage = {
+ allocate = function(t) return t or { } end,
+ mark = function(t) return t or { } end,
+ },
+characters = characters or {
+ data = { }
+-- we need to cheat a bit here
+texconfig.kpse_init = true
+resolvers = resolvers or { } -- no fancy file helpers used
+local remapper = {
+ otf = "opentype fonts",
+ ttf = "truetype fonts",
+ ttc = "truetype fonts",
+ dfont = "truetype fonts", -- "truetype dictionary",
+ cid = "cid maps",
+ fea = "font feature files",
+function resolvers.findfile(name,fileformat)
+ name = string.gsub(name,"\\","\/")
+ fileformat = fileformat and string.lower(fileformat)
+ local found = kpse.find_file(name,(fileformat and fileformat ~= "" and (remapper[fileformat] or fileformat)) or file.extname(name,"tex"))
+ if not found or found == "" then
+ found = kpse.find_file(name,"other text files")
+ end
+ return found
+function resolvers.findbinfile(name,fileformat)
+ if not fileformat or fileformat == "" then
+ fileformat = file.extname(name) -- string.match(name,"%.([^%.]-)$")
+ end
+ return resolvers.findfile(name,(fileformat and remapper[fileformat]) or fileformat)
+function resolvers.resolve(s)
+ return s
+function resolvers.unresolve(s)
+ return s
+-- Caches ... I will make a real stupid version some day when I'm in the
+-- mood. After all, the generic code does not need the more advanced
+-- ConTeXt features. Cached data is not shared between ConTeXt and other
+-- usage as I don't want any dependency at all. Also, ConTeXt might have
+-- different needs and tricks added.
+--~ containers.usecache = true
+caches = { }
+local writable, readables = nil, { }
+if not caches.namespace or caches.namespace == "" or caches.namespace == "context" then
+ caches.namespace = 'generic'
+ local cachepaths = kpse.expand_path('$TEXMFCACHE') or ""
+ if cachepaths == "" then
+ cachepaths = kpse.expand_path('$TEXMFVAR')
+ end
+ if cachepaths == "" then
+ cachepaths = kpse.expand_path('$VARTEXMF')
+ end
+ if cachepaths == "" then
+ cachepaths = "."
+ end
+ cachepaths = string.split(cachepaths,os.type == "windows" and ";" or ":")
+ for i=1,#cachepaths do
+ if file.is_writable(cachepaths[i]) then
+ writable = file.join(cachepaths[i],"luatex-cache")
+ lfs.mkdir(writable)
+ writable = file.join(writable,caches.namespace)
+ lfs.mkdir(writable)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ for i=1,#cachepaths do
+ if file.is_readable(cachepaths[i]) then
+ readables[#readables+1] = file.join(cachepaths[i],"luatex-cache",caches.namespace)
+ end
+ end
+ if not writable then
+ texio.write_nl("quiting: fix your writable cache path")
+ os.exit()
+ elseif #readables == 0 then
+ texio.write_nl("quiting: fix your readable cache path")
+ os.exit()
+ elseif #readables == 1 and readables[1] == writable then
+ texio.write(string.format("(using cache: %s)",writable))
+ else
+ texio.write(string.format("(using write cache: %s)",writable))
+ texio.write(string.format("(using read cache: %s)",table.concat(readables, " ")))
+ end
+function caches.getwritablepath(category,subcategory)
+ local path = file.join(writable,category)
+ lfs.mkdir(path)
+ path = file.join(path,subcategory)
+ lfs.mkdir(path)
+ return path
+function caches.getreadablepaths(category,subcategory)
+ local t = { }
+ for i=1,#readables do
+ t[i] = file.join(readables[i],category,subcategory)
+ end
+ return t
+local function makefullname(path,name)
+ if path and path ~= "" then
+ name = "temp-" .. name -- clash prevention
+ return file.addsuffix(file.join(path,name),"lua")
+ end
+function caches.is_writable(path,name)
+ local fullname = makefullname(path,name)
+ return fullname and file.is_writable(fullname)
+function caches.loaddata(paths,name)
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local fullname = makefullname(paths[i],name)
+ if fullname then
+ texio.write(string.format("(load: %s)",fullname))
+ local data = loadfile(fullname)
+ return data and data()
+ end
+ end
+function caches.savedata(path,name,data)
+ local fullname = makefullname(path,name)
+ if fullname then
+ texio.write(string.format("(save: %s)",fullname))
+ table.tofile(fullname,data,'return',false,true,false)
+ end
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex-basics-nod.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex-basics-nod.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..151d98a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex-basics-nod.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-fonts-nod'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luatex-fonts.lua",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+if context then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context")
+ os.exit()
+-- Don't depend on code here as it is only needed to complement the
+-- font handler code.
+-- Attributes:
+if tex.attribute[0] ~= 0 then
+ texio.write_nl("log","!")
+ texio.write_nl("log","! Attribute 0 is reserved for ConTeXt's font feature management and has to be")
+ texio.write_nl("log","! set to zero. Also, some attributes in the range 1-255 are used for special")
+ texio.write_nl("log","! purposes so setting them at the TeX end might break the font handler.")
+ texio.write_nl("log","!")
+ tex.attribute[0] = 0 -- else no features
+attributes = { }
+attributes.unsetvalue = -0x7FFFFFFF
+local numbers, last = { }, 127
+function attributes.private(name)
+ local number = numbers[name]
+ if not number then
+ if last < 255 then
+ last = last + 1
+ end
+ number = last
+ numbers[name] = number
+ end
+ return number
+-- Nodes:
+nodes = { }
+nodes.pool = { }
+nodes.handlers = { }
+local nodecodes = { } for k,v in next, node.types () do nodecodes[string.gsub(v,"_","")] = k end
+local whatcodes = { } for k,v in next, node.whatsits() do whatcodes[string.gsub(v,"_","")] = k end
+local glyphcodes = { [0] = "character", "glyph", "ligature", "ghost", "left", "right" }
+nodes.nodecodes = nodecodes
+nodes.whatcodes = whatcodes
+nodes.whatsitcodes = whatcodes
+nodes.glyphcodes = glyphcodes
+local free_node =
+local remove_node = node.remove
+local new_node =
+nodes.handlers.protectglyphs = node.protect_glyphs
+nodes.handlers.unprotectglyphs = node.unprotect_glyphs
+function nodes.remove(head, current, free_too)
+ local t = current
+ head, current = remove_node(head,current)
+ if t then
+ if free_too then
+ free_node(t)
+ t = nil
+ else
+, t.prev = nil, nil
+ end
+ end
+ return head, current, t
+function nodes.delete(head,current)
+ return nodes.remove(head,current,true)
+nodes.before = node.insert_before
+nodes.after = node.insert_after
+function nodes.pool.kern(k)
+ local n = new_node("kern",1)
+ n.kern = k
+ return n
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-cbk.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-cbk.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9db94f65e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-cbk.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-fonts-cbk'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luatex-*.tex",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+if context then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context")
+ os.exit()
+local fonts = fonts
+local nodes = nodes
+-- Fonts: (might move to node-gef.lua)
+local traverse_id = node.traverse_id
+local glyph_code = nodes.nodecodes.glyph
+function nodes.handlers.characters(head)
+ local fontdata = fonts.hashes.identifiers
+ if fontdata then
+ local usedfonts, done, prevfont = { }, false, nil
+ for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do
+ local font = n.font
+ if font ~= prevfont then
+ prevfont = font
+ local used = usedfonts[font]
+ if not used then
+ local tfmdata = fontdata[font] --
+ if tfmdata then
+ local shared = tfmdata.shared -- we need to check shared, only when same features
+ if shared then
+ local processors = shared.processes
+ if processors and #processors > 0 then
+ usedfonts[font] = processors
+ done = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if done then
+ for font, processors in next, usedfonts do
+ for i=1,#processors do
+ local h, d = processors[i](head,font,0)
+ head, done = h or head, done or d
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return head, true
+ else
+ return head, false
+ end
+function nodes.simple_font_handler(head)
+-- lang.hyphenate(head)
+ head = nodes.handlers.characters(head)
+ nodes.injections.handler(head)
+ nodes.handlers.protectglyphs(head)
+ head = node.ligaturing(head)
+ head = node.kerning(head)
+ return head
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-def.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-def.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d71bf5d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-def.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-font-def'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luatex-*.tex",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+if context then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context")
+ os.exit()
+local fonts = fonts
+-- A bit of tuning for definitions.
+fonts.constructors.namemode = "specification" -- somehow latex needs this (changed name!) => will change into an overload
+-- tricky: we sort of bypass the parser and directly feed all into
+-- the sub parser
+function fonts.definers.getspecification(str)
+ return "", str, "", ":", str
+-- the generic name parser (different from context!)
+local list = { }
+local function issome () list.lookup = 'name' end -- xetex mode prefers name (not in context!)
+local function isfile () list.lookup = 'file' end
+local function isname () list.lookup = 'name' end
+local function thename(s) = s end
+local function issub (v) list.sub = v end
+local function iscrap (s) list.crap = string.lower(s) end
+local function iskey (k,v) list[k] = v end
+local function istrue (s) list[s] = true end
+local function isfalse(s) list[s] = false end
+local P, S, R, C = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.C
+local spaces = P(" ")^0
+local namespec = (1-S("/:("))^0 -- was: (1-S("/: ("))^0
+local crapspec = spaces * P("/") * (((1-P(":"))^0)/iscrap) * spaces
+local filename_1 = P("file:")/isfile * (namespec/thename)
+local filename_2 = P("[") * P(true)/isname * (((1-P("]"))^0)/thename) * P("]")
+local fontname_1 = P("name:")/isname * (namespec/thename)
+local fontname_2 = P(true)/issome * (namespec/thename)
+local sometext = (R("az","AZ","09") + S("+-."))^1
+local truevalue = P("+") * spaces * (sometext/istrue)
+local falsevalue = P("-") * spaces * (sometext/isfalse)
+local keyvalue = (C(sometext) * spaces * P("=") * spaces * C(sometext))/iskey
+local somevalue = sometext/istrue
+local subvalue = P("(") * (C(P(1-S("()"))^1)/issub) * P(")") -- for Kim
+local option = spaces * (keyvalue + falsevalue + truevalue + somevalue) * spaces
+local options = P(":") * spaces * (P(";")^0 * option)^0
+local pattern = (filename_1 + filename_2 + fontname_1 + fontname_2) * subvalue^0 * crapspec^0 * options^0
+local function colonized(specification) -- xetex mode
+ list = { }
+ lpeg.match(pattern,specification.specification)
+ list.crap = nil -- style not supported, maybe some day
+ if then
+ =
+ = nil
+ end
+ if list.lookup then
+ specification.lookup = list.lookup
+ list.lookup = nil
+ end
+ if list.sub then
+ specification.sub = list.sub
+ list.sub = nil
+ end
+ specification.features.normal = fonts.handlers.otf.features.normalize(list)
+ return specification
+fonts.definers.registersplit("", colonized,"more cryptic") -- catches \font\text=[names]
+function definers.applypostprocessors(tfmdata)
+ local postprocessors = tfmdata.postprocessors
+ if postprocessors then
+ for i=1,#postprocessors do
+ local extrahash = postprocessors[i](tfmdata) -- after scaling etc
+ if type(extrahash) == "string" and extrahash ~= "" then
+ -- e.g. a reencoding needs this
+ extrahash = string.gsub(lower(extrahash),"[^a-z]","-")
+ = format("%s-%s",,extrahash)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return tfmdata
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-demo-vf-1.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-demo-vf-1.lua
index 31ac4b87b..b9f2a2c76 100644
--- a/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-demo-vf-1.lua
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-demo-vf-1.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+local identifiers = fonts.hashes.identifiers
return function(specification)
- local f1, id1 = fonts.tfm.readanddefine('lmroman10-regular', specification.size)
- local f2, id2 = fonts.tfm.readanddefine('lmsans10-regular', specification.size)
- local f3, id3 = fonts.tfm.readanddefine('lmtypewriter10-regular',specification.size)
+ local f1, id1 = fonts.constructors.readanddefine('lmroman10-regular', specification.size)
+ local f2, id2 = fonts.constructors.readanddefine('lmsans10-regular', specification.size)
+ local f3, id3 = fonts.constructors.readanddefine('lmtypewriter10-regular',specification.size)
if f1 and f2 and f3 then =
f1.virtualized = true
@@ -17,9 +19,9 @@ return function(specification)
{ "special", "pdf:0 0 1 rg" },
local chars = {
- fonts.identifiers[id1].characters,
- fonts.identifiers[id2].characters,
- fonts.identifiers[id3].characters,
+ identifiers[id1].characters,
+ identifiers[id2].characters,
+ identifiers[id3].characters,
for u, v in next, f1.characters do
local n = math.floor(math.random(1,3)+0.5)
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-enc.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-enc.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac736f2a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-enc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-font-enc'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luatex-*.tex",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+if context then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context")
+ os.exit()
+local fonts = fonts
+fonts.encodings = { }
+fonts.encodings.agl = { }
+setmetatable(fonts.encodings.agl, { __index = function(t,k)
+ if k == "unicodes" then
+ texio.write(" <loading (extended) adobe glyph list>")
+ local unicodes = dofile(resolvers.findfile("font-agl.lua"))
+ fonts.encodings.agl = { unicodes = unicodes }
+ return unicodes
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+end })
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-ext.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-ext.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..951afcc7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-ext.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-fonts-ext'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luatex-*.tex",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+if context then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context")
+ os.exit()
+local fonts = fonts
+local otffeatures = fonts.constructors.newfeatures("otf")
+-- A few generic extensions.
+local function initializeitlc(tfmdata,value)
+ if value then
+ -- the magic 40 and it formula come from Dohyun Kim
+ local parameters = tfmdata.parameters
+ local italicangle = parameters.italicangle
+ if italicangle and italicangle ~= 0 then
+ local uwidth = (parameters.uwidth or 40)/2
+ for unicode, d in next, tfmdata.descriptions do
+ local it = d.boundingbox[3] - d.width + uwidth
+ if it ~= 0 then
+ d.italic = it
+ end
+ end
+ = true
+ end
+ end
+otffeatures.register {
+ name = "itlc",
+ description = "italic correction",
+ initializers = {
+ base = initializeitlc,
+ node = initializeitlc,
+ }
+-- slant and extend
+local function initializeslant(tfmdata,value)
+ value = tonumber(value)
+ if not value then
+ value = 0
+ elseif value > 1 then
+ value = 1
+ elseif value < -1 then
+ value = -1
+ end
+ tfmdata.parameters.slant_factor = value
+otffeatures.register {
+ name = "slant",
+ description = "slant glyphs",
+ initializers = {
+ base = initializeslant,
+ node = initializeslant,
+ }
+local function initializeextend(tfmdata,value)
+ value = tonumber(value)
+ if not value then
+ value = 0
+ elseif value > 10 then
+ value = 10
+ elseif value < -10 then
+ value = -10
+ end
+ tfmdata.parameters.extend_factor = value
+otffeatures.register {
+ name = "extend",
+ description = "scale glyphs horizontally",
+ initializers = {
+ base = initializeextend,
+ node = initializeextend,
+ }
+-- expansion and protrusion
+fonts.protrusions = fonts.protrusions or { }
+fonts.protrusions.setups = fonts.protrusions.setups or { }
+local setups = fonts.protrusions.setups
+local function initializeprotrusion(tfmdata,value)
+ if value then
+ local setup = setups[value]
+ if setup then
+ local factor, left, right = setup.factor or 1, setup.left or 1, setup.right or 1
+ local emwidth = tfmdata.parameters.quad
+ tfmdata.parameters.protrusion = {
+ auto = true,
+ }
+ for i, chr in next, tfmdata.characters do
+ local v, pl, pr = setup[i], nil, nil
+ if v then
+ pl, pr = v[1], v[2]
+ end
+ if pl and pl ~= 0 then chr.left_protruding = left *pl*factor end
+ if pr and pr ~= 0 then chr.right_protruding = right*pr*factor end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+otffeatures.register {
+ name = "protrusion",
+ description = "shift characters into the left and or right margin",
+ initializers = {
+ base = initializeprotrusion,
+ node = initializeprotrusion,
+ }
+fonts.expansions = fonts.expansions or { }
+fonts.expansions.setups = fonts.expansions.setups or { }
+local setups = fonts.expansions.setups
+local function initializeexpansion(tfmdata,value)
+ if value then
+ local setup = setups[value]
+ if setup then
+ local factor = setup.factor or 1
+ tfmdata.parameters.expansion = {
+ stretch = 10 * (setup.stretch or 0),
+ shrink = 10 * (setup.shrink or 0),
+ step = 10 * (setup.step or 0),
+ auto = true,
+ }
+ for i, chr in next, tfmdata.characters do
+ local v = setup[i]
+ if v and v ~= 0 then
+ chr.expansion_factor = v*factor
+ else -- can be option
+ chr.expansion_factor = factor
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+otffeatures.register {
+ name = "expansion",
+ description = "apply hz optimization",
+ initializers = {
+ base = initializeexpansion,
+ node = initializeexpansion,
+ }
+-- left over
+function fonts.loggers.onetimemessage() end
+-- example vectors
+local byte = string.byte
+fonts.expansions.setups['default'] = {
+ stretch = 2, shrink = 2, step = .5, factor = 1,
+ [byte('A')] = 0.5, [byte('B')] = 0.7, [byte('C')] = 0.7, [byte('D')] = 0.5, [byte('E')] = 0.7,
+ [byte('F')] = 0.7, [byte('G')] = 0.5, [byte('H')] = 0.7, [byte('K')] = 0.7, [byte('M')] = 0.7,
+ [byte('N')] = 0.7, [byte('O')] = 0.5, [byte('P')] = 0.7, [byte('Q')] = 0.5, [byte('R')] = 0.7,
+ [byte('S')] = 0.7, [byte('U')] = 0.7, [byte('W')] = 0.7, [byte('Z')] = 0.7,
+ [byte('a')] = 0.7, [byte('b')] = 0.7, [byte('c')] = 0.7, [byte('d')] = 0.7, [byte('e')] = 0.7,
+ [byte('g')] = 0.7, [byte('h')] = 0.7, [byte('k')] = 0.7, [byte('m')] = 0.7, [byte('n')] = 0.7,
+ [byte('o')] = 0.7, [byte('p')] = 0.7, [byte('q')] = 0.7, [byte('s')] = 0.7, [byte('u')] = 0.7,
+ [byte('w')] = 0.7, [byte('z')] = 0.7,
+ [byte('2')] = 0.7, [byte('3')] = 0.7, [byte('6')] = 0.7, [byte('8')] = 0.7, [byte('9')] = 0.7,
+fonts.protrusions.setups['default'] = {
+ factor = 1, left = 1, right = 1,
+ [0x002C] = { 0, 1 }, -- comma
+ [0x002E] = { 0, 1 }, -- period
+ [0x003A] = { 0, 1 }, -- colon
+ [0x003B] = { 0, 1 }, -- semicolon
+ [0x002D] = { 0, 1 }, -- hyphen
+ [0x2013] = { 0, 0.50 }, -- endash
+ [0x2014] = { 0, 0.33 }, -- emdash
+ [0x3001] = { 0, 1 }, -- ideographic comma 、
+ [0x3002] = { 0, 1 }, -- ideographic full stop 。
+ [0x060C] = { 0, 1 }, -- arabic comma ،
+ [0x061B] = { 0, 1 }, -- arabic semicolon ؛
+ [0x06D4] = { 0, 1 }, -- arabic full stop ۔
+-- normalizer
+fonts.handlers.otf.features.normalize = function(t)
+ if t.rand then
+ t.rand = "random"
+ end
+ return t
+-- bonus
+function fonts.helpers.nametoslot(name)
+ local t = type(name)
+ if t == "string" then
+ local tfmdata = fonts.hashes.identifiers[currentfont()]
+ local shared = tfmdata and tfmdata.shared
+ local fntdata = shared and shared.rawdata
+ return fntdata and fntdata.resources.unicodes[name]
+ elseif t == "number" then
+ return n
+ end
+-- \font\test=file:somefont:reencode=mymessup
+-- fonts.encodings.reencodings.mymessup = {
+-- [109] = 110, -- m
+-- [110] = 109, -- n
+-- }
+fonts.encodings = fonts.encodings or { }
+local reencodings = { }
+fonts.encodings.reencodings = reencodings
+local function specialreencode(tfmdata,value)
+ -- we forget about kerns as we assume symbols and we
+ -- could issue a message if ther are kerns but it's
+ -- a hack anyway so we odn't care too much here
+ local encoding = value and reencodings[value]
+ if encoding then
+ local temp = { }
+ local char = tfmdata.characters
+ for k, v in next, encoding do
+ temp[k] = char[v]
+ end
+ for k, v in next, temp do
+ char[k] = temp[k]
+ end
+ -- if we use the font otherwise luatex gets confused so
+ -- we return an additional hash component for fullname
+ return string.format("reencoded:%s",value)
+ end
+local function reencode(tfmdata,value)
+ tfmdata.postprocessors = tfmdata.postprocessors or { }
+ table.insert(tfmdata.postprocessors,
+ function(tfmdata)
+ return specialreencode(tfmdata,value)
+ end
+ )
+otffeatures.register {
+ name = "reencode",
+ description = "reencode characters",
+ manipulators = {
+ base = reencode,
+ node = reencode,
+ }
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-lua.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-lua.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec3fe38be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-lua.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-fonts-lua'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luatex-*.tex",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+if context then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context")
+ os.exit()
+local fonts = fonts
+fonts.formats.lua = "lua"
+function fonts.readers.lua(specification)
+ local fullname = specification.filename or ""
+ if fullname == "" then
+ local forced = specification.forced or ""
+ if forced ~= "" then
+ fullname = .. "." .. forced
+ else
+ fullname =
+ end
+ end
+ local fullname = resolvers.findfile(fullname) or ""
+ if fullname ~= "" then
+ local loader = loadfile(fullname)
+ loader = loader and loader()
+ return loader and loader(specification)
+ end
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
index ff5ade637..d627f1d4c 100644
--- a/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- merged file : luatex-fonts-merged.lua
-- parent file : luatex-fonts.lua
--- merge date : 02/25/11 22:03:53
+-- merge date : 03/25/11 18:03:32
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
@@ -667,6 +667,8 @@ function lpeg.is_lpeg(p)
return p and lpegtype(p) == "pattern"
+--~ Cf(Ct("") * (Cg(C(...) * "=" * Cs(...)))^0, rawset)
end -- closure
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
@@ -864,24 +866,24 @@ local function compare(a,b)
local function sortedkeys(tab)
- local srt, kind, s = { }, 0, 0 -- 0=unknown 1=string, 2=number 3=mixed
+ local srt, category, s = { }, 0, 0 -- 0=unknown 1=string, 2=number 3=mixed
for key,_ in next, tab do
s = s + 1
srt[s] = key
- if kind == 3 then
+ if category == 3 then
-- no further check
local tkey = type(key)
if tkey == "string" then
- kind = (kind == 2 and 3) or 1
+ category = (category == 2 and 3) or 1
elseif tkey == "number" then
- kind = (kind == 1 and 3) or 2
+ category = (category == 1 and 3) or 2
- kind = 3
+ category = 3
- if kind == 0 or kind == 3 then
+ if category == 0 or category == 3 then
@@ -1047,6 +1049,13 @@ end
table.fastcopy = fastcopy
table.copy = copy
+function table.derive(parent)
+ local child = { }
+ if parent then
+ setmetatable(child,{ __index = parent })
+ end
+ return child
function table.tohash(t,value)
local h = { }
@@ -2355,7 +2364,7 @@ end -- closure
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luat-dum'] = {
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luat-basics-gen'] = {
version = 1.100,
comment = "companion to luatex-*.tex",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
@@ -2363,6 +2372,11 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luat-dum'] = {
license = "see context related readme files"
+if context then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context")
+ os.exit()
local dummyfunction = function() end
local dummyreporter = function(c) return function(...) texio.write(c .. " : " .. string.format(...)) end end
@@ -2372,34 +2386,42 @@ statistics = {
stoptiming = dummyfunction,
elapsedtime = nil,
directives = {
register = dummyfunction,
enable = dummyfunction,
disable = dummyfunction,
trackers = {
register = dummyfunction,
enable = dummyfunction,
disable = dummyfunction,
experiments = {
register = dummyfunction,
enable = dummyfunction,
disable = dummyfunction,
storage = { -- probably no longer needed
register = dummyfunction,
shared = { },
logs = {
new = dummyreporter,
reporter = dummyreporter,
messenger = dummyreporter,
report = dummyfunction,
callbacks = {
register = function(n,f) return callback.register(n,f) end,
utilities = {
storage = {
allocate = function(t) return t or { } end,
@@ -2426,21 +2448,21 @@ local remapper = {
fea = "font feature files",
-function resolvers.findfile(name,kind)
+function resolvers.findfile(name,fileformat)
name = string.gsub(name,"\\","\/")
- kind = kind and string.lower(kind)
- local found = kpse.find_file(name,(kind and kind ~= "" and (remapper[kind] or kind)) or file.extname(name,"tex"))
+ fileformat = fileformat and string.lower(fileformat)
+ local found = kpse.find_file(name,(fileformat and fileformat ~= "" and (remapper[fileformat] or fileformat)) or file.extname(name,"tex"))
if not found or found == "" then
- found = kpse.find_file(name,"other text file")
+ found = kpse.find_file(name,"other text files")
return found
-function resolvers.findbinfile(name,kind)
- if not kind or kind == "" then
- kind = file.extname(name) -- string.match(name,"%.([^%.]-)$")
+function resolvers.findbinfile(name,fileformat)
+ if not fileformat or fileformat == "" then
+ fileformat = file.extname(name) -- string.match(name,"%.([^%.]-)$")
- return resolvers.findfile(name,(kind and remapper[kind]) or kind)
+ return resolvers.findfile(name,(fileformat and remapper[fileformat]) or fileformat)
function resolvers.resolve(s)
@@ -2707,46 +2729,23 @@ end -- closure
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['node-dum'] = {
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-fonts-nod'] = {
version = 1.001,
- comment = "companion to luatex-*.tex",
+ comment = "companion to luatex-fonts.lua",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
license = "see context related readme files"
-nodes = nodes or { }
-fonts = fonts or { }
-attributes = attributes or { }
-nodes.pool = nodes.pool or { }
-nodes.handlers = nodes.handlers or { }
-local nodecodes = { } for k,v in next, node.types () do nodecodes[string.gsub(v,"_","")] = k end
-local whatcodes = { } for k,v in next, node.whatsits() do whatcodes[string.gsub(v,"_","")] = k end
-local glyphcodes = { [0] = "character", "glyph", "ligature", "ghost", "left", "right" }
-nodes.nodecodes = nodecodes
-nodes.whatcodes = whatcodes
-nodes.whatsitcodes = whatcodes
-nodes.glyphcodes = glyphcodes
-local traverse_id = node.traverse_id
-local free_node =
-local remove_node = node.remove
-local new_node =
+if context then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context")
+ os.exit()
-local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph
+-- Don't depend on code here as it is only needed to complement the
+-- font handler code.
-function nodes.simple_font_handler(head)
--- lang.hyphenate(head)
- head = nodes.handlers.characters(head)
- nodes.injections.handler(head)
- nodes.handlers.protectglyphs(head)
- head = node.ligaturing(head)
- head = node.kerning(head)
- return head
+-- Attributes:
if tex.attribute[0] ~= 0 then
@@ -2760,78 +2759,7 @@ if tex.attribute[0] ~= 0 then
-nodes.handlers.protectglyphs = node.protect_glyphs
-nodes.handlers.unprotectglyphs = node.unprotect_glyphs
-function nodes.handlers.characters(head)
- local fontdata = fonts.identifiers
- if fontdata then
- local usedfonts, done, prevfont = { }, false, nil
- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do
- local font = n.font
- if font ~= prevfont then
- prevfont = font
- local used = usedfonts[font]
- if not used then
- local tfmdata = fontdata[font] --
- if tfmdata then
- local shared = tfmdata.shared -- we need to check shared, only when same features
- if shared then
- local processors = shared.processes
- if processors and #processors > 0 then
- usedfonts[font] = processors
- done = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if done then
- for font, processors in next, usedfonts do
- for i=1,#processors do
- local h, d = processors[i](head,font,0)
- head, done = h or head, done or d
- end
- end
- end
- return head, true
- else
- return head, false
- end
--- helper
-function nodes.pool.kern(k)
- local n = new_node("kern",1)
- n.kern = k
- return n
-function nodes.remove(head, current, free_too)
- local t = current
- head, current = remove_node(head,current)
- if t then
- if free_too then
- free_node(t)
- t = nil
- else
-, t.prev = nil, nil
- end
- end
- return head, current, t
-function nodes.delete(head,current)
- return nodes.remove(head,current,true)
-nodes.before = node.insert_before
-nodes.after = node.insert_after
--- attributes
+attributes = { }
attributes.unsetvalue = -0x7FFFFFFF
local numbers, last = { }, 127
@@ -2848,458 +2776,53 @@ function attributes.private(name)
return number
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['node-inj'] = {
- version = 1.001,
- comment = "companion to node-ini.mkiv",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files"
--- tricky ... fonts.identifiers is not yet defined .. to be solved (maybe general tex ini)
--- This is very experimental (this will change when we have luatex > .50 and
--- a few pending thingies are available. Also, Idris needs to make a few more
--- test fonts. Btw, future versions of luatex will have extended glyph properties
--- that can be of help.
-local next = next
-local trace_injections = false trackers.register("nodes.injections", function(v) trace_injections = v end)
-local report_injections = logs.reporter("nodes","injections")
-local attributes, nodes, node = attributes, nodes, node
-fonts = fonts or { }
-fonts.tfm = fonts.tfm or { }
-fonts.identifiers = fonts.identifiers or { }
-nodes.injections = nodes.injections or { }
-local injections = nodes.injections
-local fontdata = fonts.identifiers
-local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
-local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph
-local nodepool = nodes.pool
-local newkern = nodepool.kern
-local traverse_id = node.traverse_id
-local unset_attribute = node.unset_attribute
-local has_attribute = node.has_attribute
-local set_attribute = node.set_attribute
-local insert_node_before = node.insert_before
-local insert_node_after = node.insert_after
-local markbase = attributes.private('markbase')
-local markmark = attributes.private('markmark')
-local markdone = attributes.private('markdone')
-local cursbase = attributes.private('cursbase')
-local curscurs = attributes.private('curscurs')
-local cursdone = attributes.private('cursdone')
-local kernpair = attributes.private('kernpair')
+-- Nodes:
-local cursives = { }
-local marks = { }
-local kerns = { }
+nodes = { }
+nodes.pool = { }
+nodes.handlers = { }
--- currently we do gpos/kern in a bit inofficial way but when we
--- have the extra fields in glyphnodes to manipulate ht/dp/wd
--- explicitly i will provide an alternative; also, we can share
--- tables
+local nodecodes = { } for k,v in next, node.types () do nodecodes[string.gsub(v,"_","")] = k end
+local whatcodes = { } for k,v in next, node.whatsits() do whatcodes[string.gsub(v,"_","")] = k end
+local glyphcodes = { [0] = "character", "glyph", "ligature", "ghost", "left", "right" }
--- for the moment we pass the r2l key ... volt/arabtype tests
-function injections.setcursive(start,nxt,factor,rlmode,exit,entry,tfmstart,tfmnext)
- local dx, dy = factor*(exit[1]-entry[1]), factor*(exit[2]-entry[2])
- local ws, wn = tfmstart.width, tfmnext.width
- local bound = #cursives + 1
- set_attribute(start,cursbase,bound)
- set_attribute(nxt,curscurs,bound)
- cursives[bound] = { rlmode, dx, dy, ws, wn }
- return dx, dy, bound
+nodes.nodecodes = nodecodes
+nodes.whatcodes = whatcodes
+nodes.whatsitcodes = whatcodes
+nodes.glyphcodes = glyphcodes
-function injections.setpair(current,factor,rlmode,r2lflag,spec,tfmchr)
- local x, y, w, h = factor*spec[1], factor*spec[2], factor*spec[3], factor*spec[4]
- -- dy = y - h
- if x ~= 0 or w ~= 0 or y ~= 0 or h ~= 0 then
- local bound = has_attribute(current,kernpair)
- if bound then
- local kb = kerns[bound]
- -- inefficient but singles have less, but weird anyway, needs checking
- kb[2], kb[3], kb[4], kb[5] = (kb[2] or 0) + x, (kb[3] or 0) + y, (kb[4] or 0)+ w, (kb[5] or 0) + h
- else
- bound = #kerns + 1
- set_attribute(current,kernpair,bound)
- kerns[bound] = { rlmode, x, y, w, h, r2lflag, tfmchr.width }
- end
- return x, y, w, h, bound
- end
- return x, y, w, h -- no bound
+local free_node =
+local remove_node = node.remove
+local new_node =
-function injections.setkern(current,factor,rlmode,x,tfmchr)
- local dx = factor*x
- if dx ~= 0 then
- local bound = #kerns + 1
- set_attribute(current,kernpair,bound)
- kerns[bound] = { rlmode, dx }
- return dx, bound
- else
- return 0, 0
- end
+nodes.handlers.protectglyphs = node.protect_glyphs
+nodes.handlers.unprotectglyphs = node.unprotect_glyphs
-function injections.setmark(start,base,factor,rlmode,ba,ma,index) --ba=baseanchor, ma=markanchor
- local dx, dy = factor*(ba[1]-ma[1]), factor*(ba[2]-ma[2])
- local bound = has_attribute(base,markbase)
- if bound then
- local mb = marks[bound]
- if mb then
- if not index then index = #mb + 1 end
- mb[index] = { dx, dy }
- set_attribute(start,markmark,bound)
- set_attribute(start,markdone,index)
- return dx, dy, bound
+function nodes.remove(head, current, free_too)
+ local t = current
+ head, current = remove_node(head,current)
+ if t then
+ if free_too then
+ free_node(t)
+ t = nil
- report_injections("possible problem, U+%04X is base mark without data (id: %s)",base.char,bound)
+, t.prev = nil, nil
- end
- index = index or 1
- bound = #marks + 1
- set_attribute(base,markbase,bound)
- set_attribute(start,markmark,bound)
- set_attribute(start,markdone,index)
- marks[bound] = { [index] = { dx, dy, rlmode } }
- return dx, dy, bound
-local function dir(n)
- return (n and n<0 and "r-to-l") or (n and n>0 and "l-to-r") or "unset"
+ end
+ return head, current, t
-local function trace(head)
- report_injections("begin run")
- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do
- if n.subtype < 256 then
- local kp = has_attribute(n,kernpair)
- local mb = has_attribute(n,markbase)
- local mm = has_attribute(n,markmark)
- local md = has_attribute(n,markdone)
- local cb = has_attribute(n,cursbase)
- local cc = has_attribute(n,curscurs)
- report_injections("char U+%05X, font=%s",n.char,n.font)
- if kp then
- local k = kerns[kp]
- if k[3] then
- report_injections(" pairkern: dir=%s, x=%s, y=%s, w=%s, h=%s",dir(k[1]),k[2] or "?",k[3] or "?",k[4] or "?",k[5] or "?")
- else
- report_injections(" kern: dir=%s, dx=%s",dir(k[1]),k[2] or "?")
- end
- end
- if mb then
- report_injections(" markbase: bound=%s",mb)
- end
- if mm then
- local m = marks[mm]
- if mb then
- local m = m[mb]
- if m then
- report_injections(" markmark: bound=%s, index=%s, dx=%s, dy=%s",mm,md or "?",m[1] or "?",m[2] or "?")
- else
- report_injections(" markmark: bound=%s, missing index",mm)
- end
- else
- m = m[1]
- report_injections(" markmark: bound=%s, dx=%s, dy=%s",mm,m[1] or "?",m[2] or "?")
- end
- end
- if cb then
- report_injections(" cursbase: bound=%s",cb)
- end
- if cc then
- local c = cursives[cc]
- report_injections(" curscurs: bound=%s, dir=%s, dx=%s, dy=%s",cc,dir(c[1]),c[2] or "?",c[3] or "?")
- end
- end
- end
- report_injections("end run")
+function nodes.delete(head,current)
+ return nodes.remove(head,current,true)
--- todo: reuse tables (i.e. no collection), but will be extra fields anyway
--- todo: check for attribute
+nodes.before = node.insert_before
+nodes.after = node.insert_after
-function injections.handler(head,where,keep)
- local has_marks, has_cursives, has_kerns = next(marks), next(cursives), next(kerns)
- if has_marks or has_cursives then
---~ if has_marks or has_cursives or has_kerns then
- if trace_injections then
- trace(head)
- end
- -- in the future variant we will not copy items but refs to tables
- local done, ky, rl, valid, cx, wx, mk, nofvalid = false, { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, 0
- if has_kerns then -- move outside loop
- local nf, tm = nil, nil
- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do
- if n.subtype < 256 then
- nofvalid = nofvalid + 1
- valid[nofvalid] = n
- if n.font ~= nf then
- nf = n.font
- tm = fontdata[nf].marks
- end
- mk[n] = tm[n.char]
- local k = has_attribute(n,kernpair)
- if k then
---~ unset_attribute(k,kernpair)
- local kk = kerns[k]
- if kk then
- local x, y, w, h = kk[2] or 0, kk[3] or 0, kk[4] or 0, kk[5] or 0
- local dy = y - h
- if dy ~= 0 then
- ky[n] = dy
- end
- if w ~= 0 or x ~= 0 then
- wx[n] = kk
- end
- rl[n] = kk[1] -- could move in test
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- local nf, tm = nil, nil
- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do
- if n.subtype < 256 then
- nofvalid = nofvalid + 1
- valid[nofvalid] = n
- if n.font ~= nf then
- nf = n.font
- tm = fontdata[nf].marks
- end
- mk[n] = tm[n.char]
- end
- end
- end
- if nofvalid > 0 then
- -- we can assume done == true because we have cursives and marks
- local cx = { }
- if has_kerns and next(ky) then
- for n, k in next, ky do
- n.yoffset = k
- end
- end
- -- todo: reuse t and use maxt
- if has_cursives then
- local p_cursbase, p = nil, nil
- -- since we need valid[n+1] we can also use a "while true do"
- local t, d, maxt = { }, { }, 0
- for i=1,nofvalid do -- valid == glyphs
- local n = valid[i]
- if not mk[n] then
- local n_cursbase = has_attribute(n,cursbase)
- if p_cursbase then
- local n_curscurs = has_attribute(n,curscurs)
- if p_cursbase == n_curscurs then
- local c = cursives[n_curscurs]
- if c then
- local rlmode, dx, dy, ws, wn = c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5]
- if rlmode >= 0 then
- dx = dx - ws
- else
- dx = dx + wn
- end
- if dx ~= 0 then
- cx[n] = dx
- rl[n] = rlmode
- end
- -- if rlmode and rlmode < 0 then
- dy = -dy
- -- end
- maxt = maxt + 1
- t[maxt] = p
- d[maxt] = dy
- else
- maxt = 0
- end
- end
- elseif maxt > 0 then
- local ny = n.yoffset
- for i=maxt,1,-1 do
- ny = ny + d[i]
- local ti = t[i]
- ti.yoffset = ti.yoffset + ny
- end
- maxt = 0
- end
- if not n_cursbase and maxt > 0 then
- local ny = n.yoffset
- for i=maxt,1,-1 do
- ny = ny + d[i]
- local ti = t[i]
- ti.yoffset = ny
- end
- maxt = 0
- end
- p_cursbase, p = n_cursbase, n
- end
- end
- if maxt > 0 then
- local ny = n.yoffset
- for i=maxt,1,-1 do
- ny = ny + d[i]
- local ti = t[i]
- ti.yoffset = ny
- end
- maxt = 0
- end
- if not keep then
- cursives = { }
- end
- end
- if has_marks then
- for i=1,nofvalid do
- local p = valid[i]
- local p_markbase = has_attribute(p,markbase)
- if p_markbase then
- local mrks = marks[p_markbase]
- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code, do
- local n_markmark = has_attribute(n,markmark)
- if p_markbase == n_markmark then
- local index = has_attribute(n,markdone) or 1
- local d = mrks[index]
- if d then
- local rlmode = d[3]
- if rlmode and rlmode > 0 then
- -- new per 2010-10-06
- local k = wx[p]
- if k then -- maybe (d[1] - p.width) and/or + k[2]
- n.xoffset = p.xoffset - (p.width - d[1]) - k[2]
- else
- n.xoffset = p.xoffset - (p.width - d[1])
- end
- else
- local k = wx[p]
- if k then
- n.xoffset = p.xoffset - d[1] - k[2]
- else
- n.xoffset = p.xoffset - d[1]
- end
- end
- if mk[p] then
- n.yoffset = p.yoffset + d[2]
- else
- n.yoffset = n.yoffset + p.yoffset + d[2]
- end
- end
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if not keep then
- marks = { }
- end
- end
- -- todo : combine
- if next(wx) then
- for n, k in next, wx do
- -- only w can be nil, can be sped up when w == nil
- local rl, x, w, r2l = k[1], k[2] or 0, k[4] or 0, k[6]
- local wx = w - x
- if r2l then
- if wx ~= 0 then
- insert_node_before(head,n,newkern(wx))
- end
- if x ~= 0 then
- insert_node_after (head,n,newkern(x))
- end
- else
- if x ~= 0 then
- insert_node_before(head,n,newkern(x))
- end
- if wx ~= 0 then
- insert_node_after(head,n,newkern(wx))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if next(cx) then
- for n, k in next, cx do
- if k ~= 0 then
- local rln = rl[n]
- if rln and rln < 0 then
- insert_node_before(head,n,newkern(-k))
- else
- insert_node_before(head,n,newkern(k))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if not keep then
- kerns = { }
- end
- return head, true
- elseif not keep then
- kerns, cursives, marks = { }, { }, { }
- end
- elseif has_kerns then
- if trace_injections then
- trace(head)
- end
- for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do
- if n.subtype < 256 then
- local k = has_attribute(n,kernpair)
- if k then
- local kk = kerns[k]
- if kk then
- local rl, x, y, w = kk[1], kk[2] or 0, kk[3], kk[4]
- if y and y ~= 0 then
- n.yoffset = y -- todo: h ?
- end
- if w then
- -- copied from above
- local r2l = kk[6]
- local wx = w - x
- if r2l then
- if wx ~= 0 then
- insert_node_before(head,n,newkern(wx))
- end
- if x ~= 0 then
- insert_node_after (head,n,newkern(x))
- end
- else
- if x ~= 0 then
- insert_node_before(head,n,newkern(x))
- end
- if wx ~= 0 then
- insert_node_after(head,n,newkern(wx))
- end
- end
- else
- -- simple (e.g. kernclass kerns)
- if x ~= 0 then
- insert_node_before(head,n,newkern(x))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if not keep then
- kerns = { }
- end
- return head, true
- else
- -- no tracing needed
- end
- return head, false
+function nodes.pool.kern(k)
+ local n = new_node("kern",1)
+ n.kern = k
+ return n
end -- closure
@@ -3314,16 +2837,14 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-ini'] = {
license = "see context related readme files"
--- The font code will be upgraded and reorganized so that we have a
--- leaner generic code base and can do more tuning for context.
+-- basemethods -> can also be in list
+-- presetcontext -> defaults
+-- hashfeatures -> ctx version
<p>Not much is happening here.</p>
-local utf = unicode.utf8
-local format, serialize = string.format, table.serialize
-local write_nl = texio.write_nl
local lower = string.lower
local allocate, mark =,
@@ -3331,105 +2852,27 @@ local report_defining = logs.reporter("fonts","defining")
fontloader.totable = fontloader.to_table
--- vtf comes first
--- fix comes last
-fonts = fonts or { }
--- beware, some already defined
-fonts.identifiers = mark(fonts.identifiers or { }) -- fontdata
------.characters = mark(fonts.characters or { }) -- chardata
------.csnames = mark(fonts.csnames or { }) -- namedata
------.quads = mark(fonts.quads or { }) -- quaddata
---~ fonts.identifiers[0] = { -- nullfont
---~ characters = { },
---~ descriptions = { },
---~ name = "nullfont",
---~ }
-fonts.tfm = fonts.tfm or { }
-fonts.vf = fonts.vf or { }
-fonts.afm = fonts.afm or { }
-fonts.pfb = fonts.pfb or { }
-fonts.otf = fonts.otf or { }
-fonts.privateoffset = 0xF0000 -- 0x10FFFF
-fonts.verbose = false -- more verbose cache tables (will move to context namespace)
-fonts.methods = fonts.methods or {
- base = { tfm = { }, afm = { }, otf = { }, vtf = { }, fix = { } },
- node = { tfm = { }, afm = { }, otf = { }, vtf = { }, fix = { } },
-fonts.initializers = fonts.initializers or {
- base = { tfm = { }, afm = { }, otf = { }, vtf = { }, fix = { } },
- node = { tfm = { }, afm = { }, otf = { }, vtf = { }, fix = { } }
-fonts.triggers = fonts.triggers or {
- 'mode',
- 'language',
- 'script',
- 'strategy',
-fonts.processors = fonts.processors or {
-fonts.analyzers = fonts.analyzers or {
- useunicodemarks = false,
-fonts.manipulators = fonts.manipulators or {
-fonts.tracers = fonts.tracers or {
-fonts.typefaces = fonts.typefaces or {
-fonts.definers = fonts.definers or { }
-fonts.definers.specifiers = fonts.definers.specifiers or { }
-fonts.definers.specifiers.synonyms = fonts.definers.specifiers.synonyms or { }
--- tracing
-if not fonts.colors then
- fonts.colors = allocate {
- set = function() end,
- reset = function() end,
- }
--- format identification
-fonts.formats = allocate()
+fonts = fonts or { } -- already defined in context
+local fonts = fonts
-function fonts.fontformat(filename,default)
- local extname = lower(file.extname(filename))
- local format = fonts.formats[extname]
- if format then
- return format
- else
- report_defining("unable to determine font format for '%s'",filename)
- return default
- end
+-- some of these might move to where they are used first:
--- readers
+fonts.hashes = { identifiers = allocate() }
+fonts.analyzers = { } -- not needed here
+fonts.readers = { }
+fonts.tables = { }
+fonts.definers = { methods = { } }
+fonts.specifiers = fonts.specifiers or { } -- in format !
+fonts.loggers = { register = function() end }
+fonts.helpers = { }
-fonts.tfm.readers = fonts.tfm.readers or { }
+fonts.tracers = { } -- for the moment till we have move to moduledata
end -- closure
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-tfm'] = {
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-con'] = {
version = 1.001,
comment = "companion to font-ini.mkiv",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
@@ -3437,10 +2880,13 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-tfm'] = {
license = "see context related readme files"
local utf = unicode.utf8
-local next, format, match, lower, gsub = next, string.format, string.match, string.lower, string.gsub
-local concat, sortedkeys, utfbyte, serialize = table.concat, table.sortedkeys, utf.byte, table.serialize
+local next, tostring, setmetatable, rawget = next, tostring, setmetatable, rawget
+local format, match, lower, gsub = string.format, string.match, string.lower, string.gsub
+local utfbyte = utf.byte
+local sort, insert, concat, sortedkeys, serialize, fastcopy = table.sort, table.insert, table.concat, table.sortedkeys, table.serialize, table.fastcopy
local allocate =
@@ -3449,77 +2895,41 @@ local trace_scaling = false trackers.register("fonts.scaling" , function(v) tr
local report_defining = logs.reporter("fonts","defining")
--- tfmdata has also fast access to indices and unicodes
--- to be checked: otf -> tfm -> tfmscaled
-- watch out: no negative depths and negative eights permitted in regular fonts
<p>Here we only implement a few helper functions.</p>
-local fonts = fonts
-local tfm = fonts.tfm
+local fonts = fonts
+local constructors = { }
+fonts.constructors = constructors
+local handlers = { }
+fonts.handlers = handlers
-fonts.loaded = allocate()
-fonts.dontembed = allocate()
-fonts.triggers = fonts.triggers or { } -- brrr
-fonts.initializers = fonts.initializers or { }
-fonts.initializers.common = fonts.initializers.common or { }
+local specifiers = fonts.specifiers
+local contextsetups = specifiers.contextsetups
+local contextnumbers = specifiers.contextnumbers
-local set_attribute = node.set_attribute
-local findbinfile = resolvers.findbinfile
+-- will be directives
-local readers = fonts.tfm.readers
-local fontdata = fonts.identifiers
-local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
+constructors.sharebasekerns = false -- true (.5 sec slower on mk but brings down mem from 410M to 310M, beware: then script/lang share too)
+constructors.dontembed = allocate()
+constructors.mathactions = { }
+constructors.autocleanup = true
+constructors.namemode = "fullpath" -- will be a function
-local disc_code = nodecodes.disc
-local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph
+constructors.version = 1.01
+constructors.cache = containers.define("fonts", "constructors", constructors.version, false)
-<p>The next function encapsulates the standard <l n='tfm'/> loader as
-supplied by <l n='luatex'/>.</p>
+constructors.privateoffset = 0xF0000 -- 0x10FFFF
-tfm.resolvevirtualtoo = true -- false
-tfm.sharebasekerns = false -- true (.5 sec slower on mk but brings down mem from 410M to 310M, beware: then script/lang share too)
-tfm.mathactions = { }
-tfm.fontnamemode = "fullpath"
+-- This might become an interface;
-tfm.enhance = tfm.enhance or function() end
-local function read_from_tfm(specification)
- local fname, tfmdata = specification.filename or "", nil
- if fname ~= "" then
- if trace_defining then
- report_defining("loading tfm file %s at size %s",fname,specification.size)
- end
- tfmdata = font.read_tfm(fname,specification.size) -- not cached, fast enough
- if tfmdata then
- tfmdata.descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions or { }
- if tfm.resolvevirtualtoo then
-,file.extname(fname),specification) -- strange, why here
- fname = findbinfile(, 'ovf')
- if fname and fname ~= "" then
- local vfdata = font.read_vf(fname,specification.size) -- not cached, fast enough
- if vfdata then
- local chars = tfmdata.characters
- for k,v in next, vfdata.characters do
- chars[k].commands = v.commands
- end
- tfmdata.type = 'virtual'
- tfmdata.fonts = vfdata.fonts
- end
- end
- end
- tfm.enhance(tfmdata,specification)
- end
- elseif trace_defining then
- report_defining("loading tfm with name %s fails",
- end
- return tfmdata
+local designsizes = allocate()
+constructors.designsizes = designsizes
+local loadedfonts = allocate()
+constructors.loadedfonts = loadedfonts
<p>We need to normalize the scale factor (in scaled points). This has to
@@ -3532,22 +2942,23 @@ local factors = {
bp = 65781.8,
-function tfm.setfactor(f)
- tfm.factor = factors[f or 'pt'] or
+function constructors.setfactor(f)
+ constructors.factor = factors[f or 'pt'] or
-function tfm.scaled(scaledpoints, designsize) -- handles designsize in sp as well
+function constructors.scaled(scaledpoints, designsize) -- handles designsize in sp as well
if scaledpoints < 0 then
if designsize then
- if designsize > tfm.factor then -- or just 1000 / when? mp?
+ local factor = constructors.factor
+ if designsize > factor then -- or just 1000 / when? mp?
return (- scaledpoints/1000) * designsize -- sp's
- return (- scaledpoints/1000) * designsize * tfm.factor
+ return (- scaledpoints/1000) * designsize * factor
- return (- scaledpoints/1000) * 10 * tfm.factor
+ return (- scaledpoints/1000) * 10 * factor
return scaledpoints
@@ -3555,68 +2966,18 @@ function tfm.scaled(scaledpoints, designsize) -- handles designsize in sp as wel
-<p>Before a font is passed to <l n='tex'/> we scale it. Here we also need
-to scale virtual characters.</p>
---~ function tfm.getvirtualid(tfmdata)
---~ -- since we don't know the id yet, we use 0 as signal
---~ local tf = tfmdata.fonts
---~ if not tf then
---~ tfmdata.type = "virtual"
---~ tfmdata.fonts = { { id = 0 } }
---~ return 1
---~ else
---~ local ntf = #tf + 1
---~ tf[ntf] = { id = 0 }
---~ return ntf
---~ end
---~ end
-function tfm.getvirtualid(tfmdata)
- -- since we don't know the id yet, we use 0 as signal
- local tf = tfmdata.fonts
- if not tf then
- tf = { }
- tfmdata.type = "virtual"
- tfmdata.fonts = tf
- end
- local ntf = #tf + 1
- tf[ntf] = { id = 0 }
- return ntf
-function tfm.checkvirtualid(tfmdata, id)
- if tfmdata and tfmdata.type == "virtual" then
- if not tfmdata.fonts or #tfmdata.fonts == 0 then
- tfmdata.type, tfmdata.fonts = "real", nil
- else
- local vfonts = tfmdata.fonts
- for f=1,#vfonts do
- local fnt = vfonts[f]
- if and == 0 then
- = id
- end
- end
- end
- end
<p>Beware, the boundingbox is passed as reference so we may not overwrite it
in the process; numbers are of course copies. Here 65536 equals 1pt. (Due to
excessive memory usage in CJK fonts, we no longer pass the boundingbox.)</p>
-fonts.trace_scaling = false
-- the following hack costs a bit of runtime but safes memory
-- basekerns are scaled and will be hashed by table id
-- sharedkerns are unscaled and are be hashed by concatenated indexes
---~ function tfm.check_base_kerns(tfmdata)
---~ if tfm.sharebasekerns then
+--~ function constructors.check_base_kerns(tfmdata)
+--~ if constructors.sharebasekerns then
--~ local sharedkerns = tfmdata.sharedkerns
--~ if sharedkerns then
--~ local basekerns = { }
@@ -3627,8 +2988,8 @@ fonts.trace_scaling = false
--~ return nil, nil
--~ end
---~ function tfm.prepare_base_kerns(tfmdata)
---~ if tfm.sharebasekerns and not tfmdata.sharedkerns then
+--~ function constructors.prepare_base_kerns(tfmdata)
+--~ if constructors.sharebasekerns and not tfmdata.sharedkerns then
--~ local sharedkerns = { }
--~ tfmdata.sharedkerns = sharedkerns
--~ for u, chr in next, tfmdata.characters do
@@ -3646,16 +3007,15 @@ fonts.trace_scaling = false
--~ end
--~ end
--- we can have cache scaled characters when we are in node mode and don't have
+-- we can cache scaled characters when we are in node mode and don't have
-- protruding and expansion: hash == fullname @ size @ protruding @ expansion
-- but in practice (except from mk) the otf hash will be enough already so it
--- makes no sense to mess up the code now
-local charactercache = { }
+-- makes no sense to mess up the code now
-- The scaler is only used for otf and afm and virtual fonts. If
-- a virtual font has italic correction make sure to set the
--- has_italic flag. Some more flags will be added in the future.
+-- italic_correction flag. Some more flags will be added in
+-- the future.
<p>The reason why the scaler was originally split, is that for a while we experimented
@@ -3664,156 +3024,302 @@ make this profitable and the <l n='lua'/> based variant was just faster. A days
wasted day but an experience richer.</p>
-tfm.autocleanup = true
-local lastfont = nil
-- we can get rid of the tfm instance when we have fast access to the
-- scaled character dimensions at the tex end, e.g. a fontobject.width
+-- actually we already have soem of that now as virtual keys in glyphs
-- flushing the kern and ligature tables from memory saves a lot (only
-- base mode) but it complicates vf building where the new characters
-- demand this data .. solution: functions that access them
--- we don't need the glyph data as we can use the description .. but we will
--- have to wait till we can access the internal tfm table efficiently in which
--- case characters will become a metatable afterwards
-function tfm.cleanuptable(tfmdata) -- we need a cleanup callback, now we miss the last one
- if tfm.autocleanup then -- ok, we can hook this into everyshipout or so ... todo
- if tfmdata.type == 'virtual' or tfmdata.virtualized then
- for k, v in next, tfmdata.characters do
- if v.commands then v.commands = nil end
- -- if v.kerns then v.kerns = nil end
- end
- else
- -- for k, v in next, tfmdata.characters do
- -- if v.kerns then v.kerns = nil end
- -- end
+function constructors.cleanuptable(tfmdata)
+ if constructors.autocleanup and then
+ for k, v in next, tfmdata.characters do
+ if v.commands then v.commands = nil end
+ -- if v.kerns then v.kerns = nil end
-function tfm.cleanup(tfmdata) -- we need a cleanup callback, now we miss the last one
+-- experimental, sharing kerns (unscaled and scaled) saves memory
+-- local sharedkerns, basekerns = constructors.check_base_kerns(tfmdata)
+-- loop over descriptions (afm and otf have descriptions, tfm not)
+-- there is no need (yet) to assign a value to chr.tonunicode
-function tfm.calculatescale(tfmtable, scaledpoints)
+-- constructors.prepare_base_kerns(tfmdata) -- optimalization
+-- we have and target.fullname=RealName and target.filename=diskfilename
+-- when collapsing fonts, luatex looks as both and target.fullname as ttc files
+-- can have multiple subfonts
+function constructors.calculatescale(tfmdata,scaledpoints)
+ local parameters = tfmdata.parameters
if scaledpoints < 0 then
- scaledpoints = (- scaledpoints/1000) * tfmtable.designsize -- already in sp
+ scaledpoints = (- scaledpoints/1000) * (tfmdata.designsize or parameters.designsize) -- already in sp
- local units = tfmtable.units or 1000
- local delta = scaledpoints/units -- brr, some open type fonts have 2048
- return scaledpoints, delta, units
+ return scaledpoints, scaledpoints / (parameters.units or 1000) -- delta
-function tfm.scale(tfmtable, scaledpoints, relativeid)
- -- tfm.prepare_base_kerns(tfmtable) -- optimalization
- local t = { } -- the new table
- local scaledpoints, delta, units = tfm.calculatescale(tfmtable, scaledpoints, relativeid)
- -- is just a trigger for the backend
- t.units_per_em = units or 1000
+function constructors.scale(tfmdata,specification)
+ local target = { } -- the new table
- local hdelta, vdelta = delta, delta
- -- unicoded unique descriptions shared cidinfo characters changed parameters indices
- for k,v in next, tfmtable do
- if type(v) == "table" then
- -- print(k)
- else
- t[k] = v
- end
+ if tonumber(specification) then
+ specification = { size = specification }
- local extend_factor = tfmtable.extend_factor or 0
+ --
+ local scaledpoints = specification.size
+ local relativeid = specification.relativeid
+ --
+ local properties = or { }
+ local goodies = tfmdata.goodies or { }
+ local resources = tfmdata.resources or { }
+ local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions or { } -- bad news if empty
+ local characters = tfmdata.characters or { } -- bad news if empty
+ local changed = tfmdata.changed or { } -- for base mode
+ local shared = tfmdata.shared or { }
+ local parameters = tfmdata.parameters or { }
+ local mathparameters = tfmdata.mathparameters or { }
+ local MathConstants = tfmdata.mathconstants or { }
+ --
+ local targetcharacters = { }
+ local targetdescriptions = table.derive(descriptions)
+ local targetparameters = table.derive(parameters)
+ local targetmathparameters = table.derive(mathparameters)
+ local targetproperties = table.derive(properties)
+ local targetgoodies = table.derive(goodies)
+ target.characters = targetcharacters
+ target.descriptions = targetdescriptions
+ target.parameters = targetparameters
+ target.mathparameters = targetmathparameters
+ = targetproperties
+ target.goodies = targetgoodies
+ target.shared = shared
+ target.resources = resources
+ target.unscaled = tfmdata -- the original unscaled one (temp)
+ --
+ -- specification.mathsize : 1=text 2=script 3=scriptscript
+ -- specification.textsize : natural (text)size
+ -- parameters.mathsize : 1=text 2=script 3=scriptscript >1000 enforced size (feature value other than yes)
+ --
+ local mathsize = tonumber(specification.mathsize) or 0
+ local textsize = tonumber(specification.textsize) or scaledpoints
+ local forcedsize = tonumber(parameters.mathsize ) or 0
+ if (mathsize == 2 or forcedsize == 2) and parameters.scriptpercentage then
+ scaledpoints = parameters.scriptpercentage * textsize / 100
+ elseif (mathsize == 3 or forcedsize == 3) and parameters.scriptscriptpercentage then
+ scaledpoints = parameters.scriptscriptpercentage * textsize / 100
+ elseif forcedsize > 1000 then -- safeguard
+ scaledpoints = forcedsize
+ end
+ --
+ local tounicode = resources.tounicode
+ local defaultwidth = resources.defaultwidth or 0
+ local defaultheight = resources.defaultheight or 0
+ local defaultdepth = resources.defaultdepth or 0
+ local units = parameters.units or 1000
+ --
+ if target.fonts then
+ target.fonts = fastcopy(target.fonts) -- maybe we virtualize more afterwards
+ end
+ --
+ -- boundary keys are no longer needed as we now have a string 'right_boundary'
+ -- that can be used in relevant tables (kerns and ligatures) ... not that I ever
+ -- used them
+ --
+ -- boundarychar_label = 0, -- not needed
+ -- boundarychar = 65536, -- there is now a string 'right_boundary'
+ -- false_boundarychar = 65536, -- produces invalid tfm in luatex
+ --
+ targetproperties.language = properties.language or "dflt" -- inherited
+ targetproperties.script = properties.script or "dflt" -- inherited
+ targetproperties.mode = properties.mode or "base" -- inherited
+ --
+ local askedscaledpoints = scaledpoints
+ local scaledpoints, delta = constructors.calculatescale(tfmdata,scaledpoints) -- no shortcut, dan be redefined
+ --
+ local hdelta = delta
+ local vdelta = delta
+ --
+ target.designsize = parameters.designsize -- not really needed so it muight become obsolete
+ target.units_per_em = units -- just a trigger for the backend (does luatex use this? if not it will go)
+ --
+ local direction = properties.direction or tfmdata.direction or 0 -- pointless, as we don't use omf fonts at all
+ target.direction = direction
+ properties.direction = direction
+ --
+ target.size = scaledpoints
+ --
+ target.encodingbytes = properties.encodingbytes or 1
+ target.embedding = properties.embedding or "subset"
+ target.tounicode = 1
+ target.cidinfo = properties.cidinfo
+ target.format = properties.format
+ --
+ local fontname = properties.fontname or tfmdata.fontname -- for the moment we fall back on
+ local fullname = properties.fullname or tfmdata.fullname -- names in the tfmdata although
+ local filename = properties.filename or tfmdata.filename -- that is not the right place to
+ local psname = properties.psname or tfmdata.psname -- pass them
+ local name = or
+ --
+ if not psname or psname == "" then
+ -- name used in pdf file as well as for selecting subfont in ttc/dfont
+ psname = fontname or (fullname and fonts.names.cleanname(fullname))
+ end
+ target.fontname = fontname
+ target.fullname = fullname
+ target.filename = filename
+ target.psname = psname
+ = name
+ --
+ properties.fontname = fontname
+ properties.fullname = fullname
+ properties.filename = filename
+ properties.psname = psname
+ = name
+ -- expansion (hz)
+ local expansion = parameters.expansion
+ if expansion then
+ target.stretch = expansion.stretch
+ target.shrink = expansion.shrink
+ target.step = expansion.step
+ target.auto_expand =
+ end
+ -- protrusion
+ local protrusion = parameters.protrusion
+ if protrusion then
+ target.auto_protrude =
+ end
+ -- widening
+ local extend_factor = parameters.extend_factor or 0
if extend_factor ~= 0 and extend_factor ~= 1 then
hdelta = hdelta * extend_factor
- t.extend = extend_factor * 1000
+ target.extend = extend_factor * 1000 -- extent ?
- t.extend = 1000
+ target.extend = 1000 -- extent ?
- local slant_factor = tfmtable.slant_factor or 0
+ -- slanting
+ local slant_factor = parameters.slant_factor or 0
if slant_factor ~= 0 then
- t.slant = slant_factor * 1000
+ target.slant = slant_factor * 1000
- t.slant = 0
- end
- -- status
- local isvirtual = tfmtable.type == "virtual" or tfmtable.virtualized
- local hasmath = (tfmtable.mathparameters ~= nil and next(tfmtable.mathparameters) ~= nil) or (tfmtable.MathConstants ~= nil and next(tfmtable.MathConstants) ~= nil)
- local nodemode = tfmtable.mode == "node"
- local hasquality = tfmtable.auto_expand or tfmtable.auto_protrude
- local hasitalic = tfmtable.has_italic
- local descriptions = tfmtable.descriptions or { }
+ target.slant = 0
+ end
- if hasmath then
- t.has_math = true -- this will move to elsewhere
+ targetparameters.hfactor = hdelta
+ targetparameters.vfactor = vdelta
+ targetparameters.factor = delta
+ targetparameters.size = scaledpoints
+ targetparameters.units = units
+ targetparameters.scaledpoints = askedscaledpoints
+ --
+ local isvirtual = properties.virtualized or tfmdata.type == "virtual"
+ local hasquality = target.auto_expand or target.auto_protrude
+ local hasitalic = properties.italic_correction
+ local stackmath = not properties.no_stackmath
+ local nonames = properties.noglyphnames
+ local nodemode = properties.mode == "node"
+ --
+ if changed and not next(changed) then
+ changed = false
- t.parameters = { }
- t.characters = { }
- t.MathConstants = { }
- -- fast access
- t.unscaled = tfmtable -- the original unscaled one (temp)
- t.unicodes = tfmtable.unicodes
- t.indices = tfmtable.indices
- t.marks = tfmtable.marks
+ target.type = isvirtual and "virtual" or "real"
+ -- more extensive test
+ local hasmath = (properties.math or next(mathparameters) or next(MathConstants)) and true
+ if hasmath then
+ properties.has_math = true
+ target.nomath = false
+ target.MathConstants = MathConstants
+ target.mathconstants = MathConstants
+ else
+ properties.has_math = false
+ target.nomath = true
+ target.mathparameters = nil -- nop
+ end
-- this will move to some subtable so that it is copied at once
- t.goodies = tfmtable.goodies
- t.colorscheme = tfmtable.colorscheme
- t.postprocessors = tfmtable.postprocessors
+ target.postprocessors = tfmdata.postprocessors
+ --
+ local targetslant = (parameters.slant or parameters[1] or 0)
+ local targetspace = ( or parameters[2] or 0)*hdelta
+ local targetspace_stretch = (parameters.space_stretch or parameters[3] or 0)*hdelta
+ local targetspace_shrink = (parameters.space_shrink or parameters[4] or 0)*hdelta
+ local targetx_height = (parameters.x_height or parameters[5] or 0)*vdelta
+ local targetquad = (parameters.quad or parameters[6] or 0)*hdelta
+ local targetextra_space = (parameters.extra_space or parameters[7] or 0)*hdelta
- -- t.embedding = tfmtable.embedding
- t.descriptions = descriptions
- if tfmtable.fonts then
- t.fonts = table.fastcopy(tfmtable.fonts) -- hm also at the end
- end
- local tp = t.parameters
- local mp = t.mathparameters
- local tfmp = tfmtable.parameters -- let's check for indexes
+ targetparameters.slant = targetslant
+ = targetspace
+ targetparameters.space_stretch = targetspace_stretch
+ targetparameters.space_shrink = targetspace_shrink
+ targetparameters.x_height = targetx_height
+ targetparameters.quad = targetquad
+ targetparameters.extra_space = targetextra_space
- tp.slant = (tfmp.slant or tfmp[1] or 0)
- = ( or tfmp[2] or 0)*hdelta
- tp.space_stretch = (tfmp.space_stretch or tfmp[3] or 0)*hdelta
- tp.space_shrink = (tfmp.space_shrink or tfmp[4] or 0)*hdelta
- tp.x_height = (tfmp.x_height or tfmp[5] or 0)*vdelta
- tp.quad = (tfmp.quad or tfmp[6] or 0)*hdelta
- tp.extra_space = (tfmp.extra_space or tfmp[7] or 0)*hdelta
- local protrusionfactor = (tp.quad ~= 0 and 1000/tp.quad) or 0
- local tc = t.characters
- local characters = tfmtable.characters
- local nameneeded = not tfmtable.shared.otfdata --hack
- local changed = tfmtable.changed or { } -- for base mode
- local ischanged = changed and next(changed)
- local indices = tfmtable.indices
- local luatex = tfmtable.luatex
- local tounicode = luatex and luatex.tounicode
- local defaultwidth = luatex and luatex.defaultwidth or 0
- local defaultheight = luatex and luatex.defaultheight or 0
- local defaultdepth = luatex and luatex.defaultdepth or 0
- -- experimental, sharing kerns (unscaled and scaled) saves memory
- -- local sharedkerns, basekerns = tfm.check_base_kerns(tfmtable)
- -- loop over descriptions (afm and otf have descriptions, tfm not)
- -- there is no need (yet) to assign a value to chr.tonunicode
- local scaledwidth = defaultwidth * hdelta
- local scaledheight = defaultheight * vdelta
- local scaleddepth = defaultdepth * vdelta
- local stackmath = tfmtable.ignore_stack_math ~= true
- local private = fonts.privateoffset
- local sharedkerns = { }
- for k,v in next, characters do
+ local ascender = parameters.ascender
+ if ascender then
+ targetparameters.ascender = delta * ascender
+ end
+ local descender = parameters.descender
+ if descender then
+ targetparameters.descender = delta * descender
+ end
+ --
+ if hasmath then
+ local ma = constructors.mathactions
+ local ta = type(ma)
+ if ta == "function" then -- context
+ ma(target,tfmdata)
+ elseif ta == "table" then -- generic (we keep the deltas)
+ for i=1,#ma do
+ ma[i](target,tfmdata,delta,hdelta,vdelta)
+ end
+ end
+ if not targetparameters[13] then targetparameters[13] = .86*targetx_height end -- mathsupdisplay
+ if not targetparameters[14] then targetparameters[14] = .86*targetx_height end -- mathsupnormal
+ if not targetparameters[15] then targetparameters[15] = .86*targetx_height end -- mathsupcramped
+ if not targetparameters[16] then targetparameters[16] = .48*targetx_height end -- mathsubnormal
+ if not targetparameters[17] then targetparameters[17] = .48*targetx_height end -- mathsubcombined
+ if not targetparameters[22] then targetparameters[22] = 0 end -- mathaxisheight
+ if target.MathConstants then target.MathConstants.AccentBaseHeight = nil end -- safeguard
+ if trace_defining then
+ report_defining("math enabled for: name '%s', fullname: '%s', filename: '%s'",
+ name or "noname",fullname or "nofullname",filename or "nofilename")
+ end
+ else
+ if trace_defining then
+ report_defining("math disabled for: name '%s', fullname: '%s', filename: '%s'",
+ name or "noname",fullname or "nofullname",filename or "nofilename")
+ end
+ end
+ --
+ targetparameters.xheight = targetparameters.xheight or parameters.x_height
+ = or parameters.extra_space
+ targetparameters.spacestretch = targetparameters.spacestretch or parameters.space_stretch
+ targetparameters.spaceshrink = targetparameters.spaceshrink or parameters.space_shrink
+ --
+ local protrusionfactor = (targetquad ~= 0 and 1000/targetquad) or 0
+ local scaledwidth = defaultwidth * hdelta
+ local scaledheight = defaultheight * vdelta
+ local scaleddepth = defaultdepth * vdelta
+ --
+ local sharedkerns = { }
+ --
+ for unicode, character in next, characters do
local chr, description, index
- if ischanged then
+ if changed then
-- basemode hack
- local c = changed[k]
+ local c = changed[unicode]
if c then
- description = descriptions[c] or v
- v = characters[c] or v
- index = (indices and indices[c]) or c
+ description = descriptions[c] or character
+ character = characters[c] or character
+ index = description.index or c
- description = descriptions[k] or v
- index = (indices and indices[k]) or k
+ description = descriptions[unicode] or character
+ index = description.index or unicode
- description = descriptions[k] or v
- index = (indices and indices[k]) or k
+ description = descriptions[unicode] or character
+ index = description.index or unicode
local width = description.width
local height = description.height
@@ -3823,9 +3329,8 @@ function tfm.scale(tfmtable, scaledpoints, relativeid)
-- if depth then depth = vdelta*depth else depth = scaleddepth end
if depth and depth ~= 0 then
depth = delta*depth
- if nameneeded then
+ if nonames then
chr = {
- name =,
index = index,
height = height,
depth = depth,
@@ -3833,6 +3338,7 @@ function tfm.scale(tfmtable, scaledpoints, relativeid)
chr = {
+ name =,
index = index,
height = height,
depth = depth,
@@ -3841,15 +3347,15 @@ function tfm.scale(tfmtable, scaledpoints, relativeid)
-- this saves a little bit of memory time and memory, esp for big cjk fonts
- if nameneeded then
+ if nonames then
chr = {
- name =,
index = index,
height = height,
width = width,
chr = {
+ name =,
index = index,
height = height,
width = width,
@@ -3867,22 +3373,22 @@ function tfm.scale(tfmtable, scaledpoints, relativeid)
if hasquality then
-- we could move these calculations elsewhere (saves calculations)
- local ve = v.expansion_factor
+ local ve = character.expansion_factor
if ve then
chr.expansion_factor = ve*1000 -- expansionfactor, hm, can happen elsewhere
- local vl = v.left_protruding
+ local vl = character.left_protruding
if vl then
chr.left_protruding = protrusionfactor*width*vl
- local vr = v.right_protruding
+ local vr = character.right_protruding
if vr then
chr.right_protruding = protrusionfactor*width*vr
-- todo: hasitalic
if hasitalic then
- local vi = description.italic or v.italic
+ local vi = description.italic or character.italic
if vi and vi ~= 0 then
chr.italic = vi*hdelta
@@ -3890,14 +3396,14 @@ function tfm.scale(tfmtable, scaledpoints, relativeid)
-- to be tested
if hasmath then
-- todo, just operate on descriptions.math
- local vn =
+ local vn =
if vn then = vn
- --~ if v.vert_variants or v.horiz_variants then
- --~ report_defining("glyph 0x%05X has combination of next, vert_variants and horiz_variants",index)
- --~ end
+ -- if character.vert_variants or character.horiz_variants then
+ -- report_defining("glyph 0x%05X has combination of next, vert_variants and horiz_variants",index)
+ -- end
- local vv = v.vert_variants
+ local vv = character.vert_variants
if vv then
local t = { }
for i=1,#vv do
@@ -3911,13 +3417,8 @@ function tfm.scale(tfmtable, scaledpoints, relativeid)
chr.vert_variants = t
- --~ local ic = v.vert_italic_correction
- --~ if ic then
- --~ chr.italic = ic * hdelta
- --~ print(format("0x%05X -> %s",k,chr.italic))
- --~ end
- local hv = v.horiz_variants
+ local hv = character.horiz_variants
if hv then
local t = { }
for i=1,#hv do
@@ -3934,12 +3435,12 @@ function tfm.scale(tfmtable, scaledpoints, relativeid)
- local vt = description.top_accent
- if vt then
- chr.top_accent = vdelta*vt
+ local va = character.top_accent
+ if va then
+ chr.top_accent = vdelta*va
if stackmath then
- local mk = v.mathkerns
+ local mk = character.mathkerns -- not in math ?
if mk then
local kerns = { }
local v = mk.top_right if v then local k = { } for i=1,#v do local vi = v[i]
@@ -3954,26 +3455,26 @@ function tfm.scale(tfmtable, scaledpoints, relativeid)
local v = mk.bottom_right if v then local k = { } for i=1,#v do local vi = v[i]
k[i] = { height = vdelta*vi.height, kern = vdelta*vi.kern }
end kerns.bottom_right = k end
- chr.mathkern = kerns -- singular
+ chr.mathkern = kerns -- singular -> should be patched in luatex !
if not nodemode then
- local vk = v.kerns
+ local vk = character.kerns
if vk then
- --~ if sharedkerns then
- --~ local base = basekerns[vk] -- hashed by table id, not content
- --~ if not base then
- --~ base = {}
- --~ for k,v in next, vk do base[k] = v*hdelta end
- --~ basekerns[vk] = base
- --~ end
- --~ chr.kerns = base
- --~ else
- --~ local tt = {}
- --~ for k,v in next, vk do tt[k] = v*hdelta end
- --~ chr.kerns = tt
- --~ end
+ -- if sharedkerns then
+ -- local base = basekerns[vk] -- hashed by table id, not content
+ -- if not base then
+ -- base = {}
+ -- for k,v in next, vk do base[k] = v*hdelta end
+ -- basekerns[vk] = base
+ -- end
+ -- chr.kerns = base
+ -- else
+ -- local tt = {}
+ -- for k,v in next, vk do tt[k] = v*hdelta end
+ -- chr.kerns = tt
+ -- end
local s = sharedkerns[vk]
if not s then
s = { }
@@ -3982,7 +3483,7 @@ function tfm.scale(tfmtable, scaledpoints, relativeid)
chr.kerns = s
- local vl = v.ligatures
+ local vl = character.ligatures
if vl then
if true then
chr.ligatures = vl -- shared
@@ -3996,7 +3497,7 @@ function tfm.scale(tfmtable, scaledpoints, relativeid)
if isvirtual then
- local vc = v.commands
+ local vc = character.commands
if vc then
-- we assume non scaled commands here
-- tricky .. we need to scale pseudo math glyphs too
@@ -4031,218 +3532,555 @@ function tfm.scale(tfmtable, scaledpoints, relativeid)
chr.index = nil
- tc[k] = chr
+ targetcharacters[unicode] = chr
- -- t.encodingbytes, t.filename, t.fullname, elsewhere
- t.size = scaledpoints
- t.factor = delta
- t.hfactor = hdelta
- t.vfactor = vdelta
- if t.fonts then
- t.fonts = table.fastcopy(t.fonts) -- maybe we virtualize more afterwards
+ return target
+function constructors.finalize(tfmdata)
+ if and then
+ return
- if hasmath then
- -- mathematics.extras.copy(t) -- can be done elsewhere if needed
- local ma = tfm.mathactions
- for i=1,#ma do
- ma[i](t,tfmtable,delta,hdelta,vdelta) -- what delta?
- end
+ --
+ if not tfmdata.characters then
+ return nil
- -- needed for \high cum suis
- local tpx = tp.x_height
- if hasmath then
- if not tp[13] then tp[13] = .86*tpx end -- mathsupdisplay
- if not tp[14] then tp[14] = .86*tpx end -- mathsupnormal
- if not tp[15] then tp[15] = .86*tpx end -- mathsupcramped
- if not tp[16] then tp[16] = .48*tpx end -- mathsubnormal
- if not tp[17] then tp[17] = .48*tpx end -- mathsubcombined
- if not tp[22] then tp[22] = 0 end -- mathaxisheight
- if t.MathConstants then t.MathConstants.AccentBaseHeight = nil end -- safeguard
- end
- t.tounicode = 1
- t.cidinfo = tfmtable.cidinfo
- -- we have and t.fullname=RealName and t.filename=diskfilename
- -- when collapsing fonts, luatex looks as both and t.fullname as ttc files
- -- can have multiple subfonts
- if hasmath then
- if trace_defining then
- report_defining("math enabled for: name '%s', fullname: '%s', filename: '%s'", or "noname",t.fullname or "nofullname",t.filename or "nofilename")
- end
- else
- if trace_defining then
- report_defining("math disabled for: name '%s', fullname: '%s', filename: '%s'", or "noname",t.fullname or "nofullname",t.filename or "nofilename")
- end
- t.nomath, t.MathConstants = true, nil
+ --
+ if not tfmdata.goodies then
+ tfmdata.goodies = { } -- context specific
- if not t.psname then
- -- name used in pdf file as well as for selecting subfont in ttc/dfont
- t.psname = t.fontname or (t.fullname and fonts.names.cleanname(t.fullname))
+ --
+ local parameters = tfmdata.parameters
+ if not parameters then
+ return nil
- if trace_defining then
- report_defining("used for accessing (sub)font: '%s'",t.psname or "nopsname")
- report_defining("used for subsetting: '%s'",t.fontname or "nofontname")
- end
- -- this will move up (side effect of merging split call)
- t.factor = delta
- t.ascender = delta*(tfmtable.ascender or 0)
- t.descender = delta*(tfmtable.descender or 0)
- t.shared = tfmtable.shared or { }
- t.unique = table.fastcopy(tfmtable.unique or {})
- tfm.cleanup(t)
- -- print(t.fontname,table.serialize(t.MathConstants))
- return t
+ --
+ if not parameters.expansion then
+ parameters.expansion = {
+ stretch = tfmdata.stretch or 0,
+ shrink = tfmdata.shrink or 0,
+ step = tfmdata.step or 0,
+ auto = tfmdata.auto_expand or false,
+ }
+ end
+ --
+ if not parameters.protrusion then
+ parameters.protrusion = {
+ auto = auto_protrude
+ }
+ end
+ --
+ if not parameters.size then
+ parameters.size = tfmdata.size
+ end
+ --
+ if not parameters.extend_factor then
+ parameters.extend_factor = tfmdata.extend or 0
+ end
+ --
+ if not parameters.slant_factor then
+ parameters.slant_factor = tfmdata.slant or 0
+ end
+ --
+ if not parameters.designsize then
+ parameters.designsize = tfmdata.designsize or 655360
+ end
+ --
+ if not parameters.units then
+ parameters.units = tfmdata.units_per_em or 1000
+ end
+ --
+ if not tfmdata.descriptions then
+ local descriptions = { } -- yes or no
+ setmetatable(descriptions, { __index = function(t,k) local v = { } t[k] = v return v end })
+ tfmdata.descriptions = descriptions
+ end
+ --
+ local properties =
+ if not properties then
+ properties = { }
+ = properties
+ end
+ --
+ if not properties.virtualized then
+ properties.virtualized = tfmdata.type == "virtual"
+ end
+ --
+ if not then
+ = {
+ fontname = tfmdata.fontname,
+ filename = tfmdata.filename,
+ fullname = tfmdata.fullname,
+ name =,
+ psname = tfmdata.psname,
+ --
+ encodingbytes = tfmdata.encodingbytes or 1,
+ embedding = tfmdata.embedding or "subset",
+ tounicode = tfmdata.tounicode or 1,
+ cidinfo = tfmdata.cidinfo or nil,
+ format = tfmdata.format or "type1",
+ direction = tfmdata.direction or 0,
+ }
+ end
+ if not tfmdata.resources then
+ tfmdata.resources = { }
+ end
+ if not tfmdata.shared then
+ tfmdata.shared = { }
+ end
+ --
+ -- tfmdata.fonts
+ -- tfmdata.unscaled
+ -- tfmdata.mathconstants
+ --
+ if not properties.has_math then
+ properties.has_math = not tfmdata.nomath
+ end
+ --
+ tfmdata.MathConstants = nil
+ tfmdata.postprocessors = nil
+ --
+ tfmdata.fontname = nil
+ tfmdata.filename = nil
+ tfmdata.fullname = nil
+ = nil -- most tricky part
+ tfmdata.psname = nil
+ --
+ tfmdata.encodingbytes = nil
+ tfmdata.embedding = nil
+ tfmdata.tounicode = nil
+ tfmdata.cidinfo = nil
+ tfmdata.format = nil
+ tfmdata.direction = nil
+ tfmdata.type = nil
+ tfmdata.nomath = nil
+ tfmdata.designsize = nil
+ --
+ tfmdata.size = nil
+ tfmdata.stretch = nil
+ tfmdata.shrink = nil
+ tfmdata.step = nil
+ tfmdata.auto_expand = nil
+ tfmdata.auto_protrude = nil
+ tfmdata.extend = nil
+ tfmdata.slant = nil
+ tfmdata.units_per_em = nil
+ --
+ properties.finalized = true
+ --
+ return tfmdata
-<p>Analyzers run per script and/or language and are needed in order to
-process features right.</p>
+<p>A unique hash value is generated by:</p>
-fonts.analyzers = fonts.analyzers or { }
-local analyzers = fonts.analyzers
-analyzers.aux = analyzers.aux or { }
-analyzers.methods = analyzers.methods or { }
-analyzers.initializers = analyzers.initializers or { }
+local hashmethods = { }
+constructors.hashmethods = hashmethods
--- todo: analyzers per script/lang, cross font, so we need an font id hash -> script
--- e.g. latin -> hyphenate, arab -> 1/2/3 analyze
--- an example analyzer (should move to font-ota.lua)
-local state = attributes.private('state')
-function analyzers.aux.setstate(head,font)
- local useunicodemarks = analyzers.useunicodemarks
- local tfmdata = fontdata[font]
- local characters = tfmdata.characters
- local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions
- local first, last, current, n, done = nil, nil, head, 0, false -- maybe make n boolean
- while current do
- local id =
- if id == glyph_code and current.font == font then
- local char = current.char
- local d = descriptions[char]
- if d then
- if d.class == "mark" or (useunicodemarks and categories[char] == "mn") then
- done = true
- set_attribute(current,state,5) -- mark
- elseif n == 0 then
- first, last, n = current, current, 1
- set_attribute(current,state,1) -- init
- else
- last, n = current, n+1
- set_attribute(current,state,2) -- medi
- end
- else -- finish
- if first and first == last then
- set_attribute(last,state,4) -- isol
- elseif last then
- set_attribute(last,state,3) -- fina
+function constructors.hashfeatures(specification) -- will be overloaded
+ local features = specification.features
+ if features then
+ local t, tn = { }, 0
+ for category, list in next, features do
+ if next(list) then
+ local hasher = hashmethods[category]
+ if hasher then
+ local hash = hasher(list)
+ if hash then
+ tn = tn + 1
+ t[tn] = category .. ":" .. hash
+ end
- first, last, n = nil, nil, 0
- elseif id == disc_code then
- -- always in the middle
- set_attribute(current,state,2) -- midi
- last = current
- else -- finish
- if first and first == last then
- set_attribute(last,state,4) -- isol
- elseif last then
- set_attribute(last,state,3) -- fina
- end
- first, last, n = nil, nil, 0
- current =
+ if tn > 0 then
+ return concat(t," & ")
+ end
- if first and first == last then
- set_attribute(last,state,4) -- isol
- elseif last then
- set_attribute(last,state,3) -- fina
+ return "unknown"
+hashmethods.normal = function(list)
+ local s = { }
+ local n = 0
+ for k, v in next, list do
+ if k ~= "number" and k ~= "features" then -- I need to figure this out, features
+ n = n + 1
+ s[n] = k
+ end
+ end
+ if n > 0 then
+ sort(s)
+ for i=1,n do
+ local k = s[i]
+ s[i] = k .. '=' .. tostring(list[k])
+ end
+ return concat(s,"+")
- return head, done
-function tfm.replacements(tfm,value)
- -- tfm.characters[0x0022] = table.fastcopy(tfm.characters[0x201D])
- -- tfm.characters[0x0027] = table.fastcopy(tfm.characters[0x2019])
- -- tfm.characters[0x0060] = table.fastcopy(tfm.characters[0x2018])
- -- tfm.characters[0x0022] = tfm.characters[0x201D]
- tfm.characters[0x0027] = tfm.characters[0x2019]
- -- tfm.characters[0x0060] = tfm.characters[0x2018]
+<p>In principle we can share tfm tables when we are in node for a font, but then
+we need to define a font switch as an id/attr switch which is no fun, so in that
+case users can best use dynamic features ... so, we will not use that speedup. Okay,
+when we get rid of base mode we can optimize even further by sharing, but then we
+loose our testcases for <l n='luatex'/>.</p>
+function constructors.hashinstance(specification,force)
+ local hash, size, fallbacks = specification.hash, specification.size, specification.fallbacks
+ if force or not hash then
+ hash = constructors.hashfeatures(specification)
+ specification.hash = hash
+ end
+ if size < 1000 and designsizes[hash] then
+ size = math.round(constructors.scaled(size,designsizes[hash]))
+ specification.size = size
+ end
+ -- local mathsize = specification.mathsize or 0
+ -- if mathsize > 0 then
+ -- local textsize = specification.textsize
+ -- if fallbacks then
+ -- return hash .. ' @ ' .. tostring(size) .. ' [ ' .. tostring(mathsize) .. ' : ' .. tostring(textsize) .. ' ] @ ' .. fallbacks
+ -- else
+ -- return hash .. ' @ ' .. tostring(size) .. ' [ ' .. tostring(mathsize) .. ' : ' .. tostring(textsize) .. ' ]'
+ -- end
+ -- else
+ if fallbacks then
+ return hash .. ' @ ' .. tostring(size) .. ' @ ' .. fallbacks
+ else
+ return hash .. ' @ ' .. tostring(size)
+ end
+ -- end
--- checking
+function constructors.setname(tfmdata,specification) -- todo: get specification from tfmdata
+ if constructors.namemode == "specification" then
+ -- not to be used in context !
+ local specname = specification.specification
+ if specname then
+ = specname
+ if trace_defining then
+ report_otf("overloaded fontname: '%s'",specname)
+ end
+ end
+ end
-function tfm.checkedfilename(metadata,whatever)
- local foundfilename = metadata.foundfilename
+function constructors.checkedfilename(data)
+ local foundfilename = data.foundfilename
if not foundfilename then
- local askedfilename = metadata.filename or ""
+ local askedfilename = data.filename or ""
if askedfilename ~= "" then
askedfilename = resolvers.resolve(askedfilename) -- no shortcut
- foundfilename = findbinfile(askedfilename,"") or ""
+ foundfilename = resolvers.findbinfile(askedfilename,"") or ""
if foundfilename == "" then
report_defining("source file '%s' is not found",askedfilename)
- foundfilename = findbinfile(file.basename(askedfilename),"") or ""
+ foundfilename = resolvers.findbinfile(file.basename(askedfilename),"") or ""
if foundfilename ~= "" then
report_defining("using source file '%s' (cache mismatch)",foundfilename)
- elseif whatever then
- report_defining("no source file for '%s'",whatever)
- foundfilename = ""
- metadata.foundfilename = foundfilename
- -- report_defining("using source file '%s'",foundfilename)
+ data.foundfilename = foundfilename
return foundfilename
--- status info
+local formats = allocate()
+fonts.formats = formats
-statistics.register("fonts load time", function()
- return statistics.elapsedseconds(fonts)
+setmetatable(formats, {
+ __index = function(t,k)
+ local l = lower(k)
+ if rawget(t,k) then
+ t[k] = l
+ return l
+ end
+ return rawget(t,file.extname(l))
+ end
+} )
--- readers
+local locations = { }
-fonts.formats.tfm = "type1" -- we need to have at least a value here
+local function setindeed(mode,target,group,name,action,position)
+ local t = target[mode]
+ if not t then
+ report_defining("fatal error in setting feature '%s', group '%s', mode '%s'",name or "?",group or "?",mode)
+ os.exit()
+ elseif position then
+ -- todo: remove existing
+ insert(t, position, { name = name, action = action })
+ else
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local ti = t[i]
+ if == name then
+ ti.action = action
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ insert(t, { name = name, action = action })
+ end
-local function check_tfm(specification,fullname)
- -- ofm directive blocks local path search unless set; btw, in context we
- -- don't support ofm files anyway as this format is obsolete
- local foundname = findbinfile(fullname, 'tfm') or "" -- just to be sure
- if foundname == "" then
- foundname = findbinfile(fullname, 'ofm') or "" -- bonus for usage outside context
+local function set(group,name,target,source)
+ target = target[group]
+ if not target then
+ report_defining("fatal target error in setting feature '%s', group '%s'",name or "?",group or "?")
+ os.exit()
- if foundname == "" then
- foundname = fonts.names.getfilename(fullname,"tfm")
+ local source = source[group]
+ if not source then
+ report_defining("fatal source error in setting feature '%s', group '%s'",name or "?",group or "?")
+ os.exit()
- if foundname ~= "" then
- specification.filename, specification.format = foundname, "ofm"
- return read_from_tfm(specification)
+ local node = source.node
+ local base = source.base
+ local position = source.position
+ if node then
+ setindeed("node",target,group,name,node,position)
+ end
+ if base then
+ setindeed("base",target,group,name,base,position)
+ end
+local function register(where,specification)
+ local name =
+ if name and name ~= "" then
+ local default = specification.default
+ local description = specification.description
+ local initializers = specification.initializers
+ local processors = specification.processors
+ local manipulators = specification.manipulators
+ local modechecker = specification.modechecker
+ if default then
+ where.defaults[name] = default
+ end
+ if description and description ~= "" then
+ where.descriptions[name] = description
+ end
+ if initializers then
+ set('initializers',name,where,specification)
+ end
+ if processors then
+ set('processors', name,where,specification)
+ end
+ if manipulators then
+ set('manipulators',name,where,specification)
+ end
+ if modechecker then
+ where.modechecker = modechecker
+ end
-readers.check_tfm = check_tfm
+constructors.registerfeature = register
-function readers.tfm(specification)
- local fullname, tfmtable = specification.filename or "", nil
- if fullname == "" then
- local forced = specification.forced or ""
- if forced ~= "" then
- tfmtable = check_tfm(specification, .. "." .. forced)
+function constructors.getfeatureaction(what,where,mode,name)
+ what = handlers[what].features
+ if what then
+ where = what[where]
+ if where then
+ mode = where[mode]
+ if mode then
+ for i=1,#mode do
+ local m = mode[i]
+ if == name then
+ return m.action
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function constructors.newfeatures(what)
+ local features = handlers[what].features
+ if not features then
+ local tables = handlers[what].tables -- can be preloaded
+ features = {
+ defaults = { },
+ descriptions = tables and tables.features or { },
+ initializers = { base = { }, node = { } },
+ processors = { base = { }, node = { } },
+ manipulators = { base = { }, node = { } },
+ }
+ features.register = function(specification) return register(features,specification) end
+ handlers[what].features = features -- will also become hidden
+ end
+ return features
+<p>We need to check for default features. For this we provide
+a helper function.</p>
+function constructors.checkedfeatures(what,features)
+ if features and next(features) then
+ local done = false
+ for key, value in next, handlers[what].features.defaults do
+ if features[key] == nil then
+ features[key] = value
+ done = true
+ end
- if not tfmtable then
- tfmtable = check_tfm(specification,
+ return features, done -- done signals a change
+ else
+ return fastcopy(defaults), true
+ end
+-- before scaling
+function constructors.initializefeatures(what,tfmdata,features,trace,report)
+ if features and next(features) then
+ local properties = or { } -- brrr
+ local whathandler = handlers[what]
+ local whatfeatures = whathandler.features
+ local whatinitializers = whatfeatures.initializers
+ local whatmodechecker = whatfeatures.modechecker
+ local mode = properties.mode or (whatmodechecker and whatmodechecker(tfmdata,features)) or features.mode or "base"
+ properties.mode = mode -- also status
+ local done = { }
+ while true do
+ local redo = false
+ local initializers = whatfeatures.initializers[mode]
+ if initializers then
+ for i=1,#initializers do
+ local step = initializers[i]
+ local feature =
+ local value = features[feature]
+ if not value then
+ -- disabled
+ elseif done[feature] then
+ -- already done
+ else
+ local action = step.action
+ if trace then
+ report("initializing feature %s to %s for mode %s for font %s",feature,
+ tostring(value),mode or 'unknown', or 'unknown')
+ end
+ action(tfmdata,value,features) -- can set mode (e.g. goodies) so it can trigger a restart
+ if mode ~= properties.mode then
+ mode = properties.mode
+ redo = true
+ end
+ done[feature] = true
+ end
+ if redo then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not redo then
+ break
+ end
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ properties.mode = mode -- to be sure
+ return true
- tfmtable = check_tfm(specification,fullname)
+ return false
- return tfmtable
+-- while typesetting
+function constructors.collectprocessors(what,tfmdata,features,trace,report)
+ local processes, nofprocesses = { }, 0
+ if features and next(features) then
+ local properties =
+ local whathandler = handlers[what]
+ local whatfeatures = whathandler.features
+ local whatprocessors = whatfeatures.processors
+ local processors = whatprocessors[properties.mode]
+ if processors then
+ for i=1,#processors do
+ local step = processors[i]
+ local feature =
+ if features[feature] then
+ local action = step.action
+ if trace then
+ report("installing feature processor %s for mode %s for font %s",feature,
+ mode or 'unknown', or 'unknown')
+ end
+ if action then
+ nofprocesses = nofprocesses + 1
+ processes[nofprocesses] = action
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return processes
+-- after scaling
+function constructors.applymanipulators(what,tfmdata,features,trace,report)
+ if features and next(features) then
+ local properties =
+ local whathandler = handlers[what]
+ local whatfeatures = whathandler.features
+ local whatmanipulators = whatfeatures.manipulators
+ local manipulators = whatmanipulators[properties.mode]
+ if manipulators then
+ for i=1,#manipulators do
+ local step = manipulators[i]
+ local feature =
+ local value = features[feature]
+ if value then
+ local action = step.action
+ if trace then
+ report("applying feature manipulator %s for mode %s for font %s",feature,
+ mode or 'unknown', or 'unknown')
+ end
+ if action then
+ action(tfmdata,feature,value)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-font-enc'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luatex-*.tex",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+if context then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context")
+ os.exit()
+local fonts = fonts
+fonts.encodings = { }
+fonts.encodings.agl = { }
+setmetatable(fonts.encodings.agl, { __index = function(t,k)
+ if k == "unicodes" then
+ texio.write(" <loading (extended) adobe glyph list>")
+ local unicodes = dofile(resolvers.findfile("font-agl.lua"))
+ fonts.encodings.agl = { unicodes = unicodes }
+ return unicodes
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+end })
end -- closure
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
@@ -4257,18 +4095,19 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-cid'] = {
local format, match, lower = string.format, string.match, string.lower
local tonumber = tonumber
-local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+local P, S, R, C, V, lpegmatch = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.C, lpeg.V, lpeg.match
-local trace_loading = false trackers.register("otf.loading", function(v) trace_loading = v end)
+local trace_loading = false trackers.register("otf.loading", function(v) trace_loading = v end)
local report_otf = logs.reporter("fonts","otf loading")
-local fonts = fonts
+local fonts = fonts
+local cid = { }
+fonts.cid = cid
-fonts.cid = fonts.cid or { }
-local cid = fonts.cid = or { }
-cid.max = cid.max or 10
+local cidmap = { }
+local cidmax = 10
-- original string parser: 0.109, lpeg parser: 0.036 seconds for Adobe-CNS1-4.cidmap
@@ -4277,8 +4116,6 @@ cid.max = cid.max or 10
-- 1..95 0020
-- 99 3000
-local P, S, R, C = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.C
local number = C(R("09","af","AF")^1)
local space = S(" \n\r\t")
local spaces = space^0
@@ -4286,7 +4123,7 @@ local period = P(".")
local periods = period * period
local name = P("/") * C((1-space)^1)
-local unicodes, names = { }, { }
+local unicodes, names = { }, { } -- we could use Carg now
local function do_one(a,b)
unicodes[tonumber(a)] = tonumber(b,16)
@@ -4304,15 +4141,15 @@ local function do_name(a,b)
names[tonumber(a)] = b
-local grammar = lpeg.P { "start",
- start = number * spaces * number * lpeg.V("series"),
- series = (spaces * (lpeg.V("one") + lpeg.V("range") + lpeg.V("named")) )^1,
+local grammar = P { "start",
+ start = number * spaces * number * V("series"),
+ series = (spaces * (V("one") + V("range") + V("named")))^1,
one = (number * spaces * number) / do_one,
range = (number * periods * number * spaces * number) / do_range,
named = (number * spaces * name) / do_name
-function cid.load(filename)
+local function loadcidfile(filename)
local data = io.loaddata(filename)
if data then
unicodes, names = { }, { }
@@ -4326,1043 +4163,94 @@ function cid.load(filename)
unicodes = unicodes,
names = names
- else
- return nil
+cid.loadfile = loadcidfile -- we use the frozen variant
local template = "%s-%s-%s.cidmap"
local function locate(registry,ordering,supplement)
local filename = format(template,registry,ordering,supplement)
local hashname = lower(filename)
- local cidmap =[hashname]
- if not cidmap then
+ local found = cidmap[hashname]
+ if not found then
if trace_loading then
report_otf("checking cidmap, registry: %s, ordering: %s, supplement: %s, filename: %s",registry,ordering,supplement,filename)
local fullname = resolvers.findfile(filename,'cid') or ""
if fullname ~= "" then
- cidmap = cid.load(fullname)
- if cidmap then
+ found = loadcidfile(fullname)
+ if found then
if trace_loading then
report_otf("using cidmap file %s",filename)
-[hashname] = cidmap
- cidmap.usedname = file.basename(filename)
- return cidmap
+ cidmap[hashname] = found
+ found.usedname = file.basename(filename)
- return cidmap
+ return found
-function cid.getmap(registry,ordering,supplement)
- -- cf Arthur R. we can safely scan upwards since cids are downward compatible
- local supplement = tonumber(supplement)
+-- cf Arthur R. we can safely scan upwards since cids are downward compatible
+function cid.getmap(specification)
+ if not specification then
+ report_otf("invalid cidinfo specification (table expected)")
+ return
+ end
+ local registry = specification.registry
+ local ordering = specification.ordering
+ local supplement = specification.supplement
+ -- check for already loaded file
+ local filename = format(registry,ordering,supplement)
+ local found = cidmap[lower(filename)]
+ if found then
+ return found
+ end
if trace_loading then
report_otf("needed cidmap, registry: %s, ordering: %s, supplement: %s",registry,ordering,supplement)
- local cidmap = locate(registry,ordering,supplement)
- if not cidmap then
+ found = locate(registry,ordering,supplement)
+ if not found then
+ local supnum = tonumber(supplement)
local cidnum = nil
-- next highest (alternatively we could start high)
- if supplement < cid.max then
- for supplement=supplement+1,cid.max do
- local c = locate(registry,ordering,supplement)
+ if supnum < cidmax then
+ for s=supnum+1,cidmax do
+ local c = locate(registry,ordering,s)
if c then
- cidmap, cidnum = c, supplement
+ found, cidnum = c, s
-- next lowest (least worse fit)
- if not cidmap and supplement > 0 then
- for supplement=supplement-1,0,-1 do
- local c = locate(registry,ordering,supplement)
+ if not found and supnum > 0 then
+ for s=supnum-1,0,-1 do
+ local c = locate(registry,ordering,s)
if c then
- cidmap, cidnum = c, supplement
+ found, cidnum = c, s
- -- prevent further lookups
- if cidmap and cidnum > 0 then
+ -- prevent further lookups -- somewhat tricky
+ registry = lower(registry)
+ ordering = lower(ordering)
+ if found and cidnum > 0 then
for s=0,cidnum-1 do
- filename = format(template,registry,ordering,s)
- if not[filename] then
-[filename] = cidmap -- copy of ref
+ local filename = format(template,registry,ordering,s)
+ if not cidmap[filename] then
+ cidmap[filename] = found
- return cidmap
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-otf'] = {
- version = 1.001,
- comment = "companion to font-otf.lua (tables)",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files"
-local type, next, tonumber, tostring = type, next, tonumber, tostring
-local gsub, lower, format = string.gsub, string.lower, string.format
-local is_boolean = string.is_boolean
-local allocate =
-fonts = fonts or { } -- needed for font server
-local fonts = fonts
-fonts.otf = fonts.otf or { }
-local otf = fonts.otf
-otf.tables = otf.tables or { }
-local tables = otf.tables
-otf.meanings = otf.meanings or { }
-local meanings = otf.meanings
-local scripts = allocate {
- ['dflt'] = 'Default',
- ['arab'] = 'Arabic',
- ['armn'] = 'Armenian',
- ['bali'] = 'Balinese',
- ['beng'] = 'Bengali',
- ['bopo'] = 'Bopomofo',
- ['brai'] = 'Braille',
- ['bugi'] = 'Buginese',
- ['buhd'] = 'Buhid',
- ['byzm'] = 'Byzantine Music',
- ['cans'] = 'Canadian Syllabics',
- ['cher'] = 'Cherokee',
- ['copt'] = 'Coptic',
- ['cprt'] = 'Cypriot Syllabary',
- ['cyrl'] = 'Cyrillic',
- ['deva'] = 'Devanagari',
- ['dsrt'] = 'Deseret',
- ['ethi'] = 'Ethiopic',
- ['geor'] = 'Georgian',
- ['glag'] = 'Glagolitic',
- ['goth'] = 'Gothic',
- ['grek'] = 'Greek',
- ['gujr'] = 'Gujarati',
- ['guru'] = 'Gurmukhi',
- ['hang'] = 'Hangul',
- ['hani'] = 'CJK Ideographic',
- ['hano'] = 'Hanunoo',
- ['hebr'] = 'Hebrew',
- ['ital'] = 'Old Italic',
- ['jamo'] = 'Hangul Jamo',
- ['java'] = 'Javanese',
- ['kana'] = 'Hiragana and Katakana',
- ['khar'] = 'Kharosthi',
- ['khmr'] = 'Khmer',
- ['knda'] = 'Kannada',
- ['lao' ] = 'Lao',
- ['latn'] = 'Latin',
- ['limb'] = 'Limbu',
- ['linb'] = 'Linear B',
- ['math'] = 'Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols',
- ['mlym'] = 'Malayalam',
- ['mong'] = 'Mongolian',
- ['musc'] = 'Musical Symbols',
- ['mymr'] = 'Myanmar',
- ['nko' ] = "N'ko",
- ['ogam'] = 'Ogham',
- ['orya'] = 'Oriya',
- ['osma'] = 'Osmanya',
- ['phag'] = 'Phags-pa',
- ['phnx'] = 'Phoenician',
- ['runr'] = 'Runic',
- ['shaw'] = 'Shavian',
- ['sinh'] = 'Sinhala',
- ['sylo'] = 'Syloti Nagri',
- ['syrc'] = 'Syriac',
- ['tagb'] = 'Tagbanwa',
- ['tale'] = 'Tai Le',
- ['talu'] = 'Tai Lu',
- ['taml'] = 'Tamil',
- ['telu'] = 'Telugu',
- ['tfng'] = 'Tifinagh',
- ['tglg'] = 'Tagalog',
- ['thaa'] = 'Thaana',
- ['thai'] = 'Thai',
- ['tibt'] = 'Tibetan',
- ['ugar'] = 'Ugaritic Cuneiform',
- ['xpeo'] = 'Old Persian Cuneiform',
- ['xsux'] = 'Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform',
- ['yi' ] = 'Yi',
-local languages = allocate {
- ['dflt'] = 'Default',
- ['aba'] = 'Abaza',
- ['abk'] = 'Abkhazian',
- ['ady'] = 'Adyghe',
- ['afk'] = 'Afrikaans',
- ['afr'] = 'Afar',
- ['agw'] = 'Agaw',
- ['als'] = 'Alsatian',
- ['alt'] = 'Altai',
- ['amh'] = 'Amharic',
- ['ara'] = 'Arabic',
- ['ari'] = 'Aari',
- ['ark'] = 'Arakanese',
- ['asm'] = 'Assamese',
- ['ath'] = 'Athapaskan',
- ['avr'] = 'Avar',
- ['awa'] = 'Awadhi',
- ['aym'] = 'Aymara',
- ['aze'] = 'Azeri',
- ['bad'] = 'Badaga',
- ['bag'] = 'Baghelkhandi',
- ['bal'] = 'Balkar',
- ['bau'] = 'Baule',
- ['bbr'] = 'Berber',
- ['bch'] = 'Bench',
- ['bcr'] = 'Bible Cree',
- ['bel'] = 'Belarussian',
- ['bem'] = 'Bemba',
- ['ben'] = 'Bengali',
- ['bgr'] = 'Bulgarian',
- ['bhi'] = 'Bhili',
- ['bho'] = 'Bhojpuri',
- ['bik'] = 'Bikol',
- ['bil'] = 'Bilen',
- ['bkf'] = 'Blackfoot',
- ['bli'] = 'Balochi',
- ['bln'] = 'Balante',
- ['blt'] = 'Balti',
- ['bmb'] = 'Bambara',
- ['bml'] = 'Bamileke',
- ['bos'] = 'Bosnian',
- ['bre'] = 'Breton',
- ['brh'] = 'Brahui',
- ['bri'] = 'Braj Bhasha',
- ['brm'] = 'Burmese',
- ['bsh'] = 'Bashkir',
- ['bti'] = 'Beti',
- ['cat'] = 'Catalan',
- ['ceb'] = 'Cebuano',
- ['che'] = 'Chechen',
- ['chg'] = 'Chaha Gurage',
- ['chh'] = 'Chattisgarhi',
- ['chi'] = 'Chichewa',
- ['chk'] = 'Chukchi',
- ['chp'] = 'Chipewyan',
- ['chr'] = 'Cherokee',
- ['chu'] = 'Chuvash',
- ['cmr'] = 'Comorian',
- ['cop'] = 'Coptic',
- ['cos'] = 'Corsican',
- ['cre'] = 'Cree',
- ['crr'] = 'Carrier',
- ['crt'] = 'Crimean Tatar',
- ['csl'] = 'Church Slavonic',
- ['csy'] = 'Czech',
- ['dan'] = 'Danish',
- ['dar'] = 'Dargwa',
- ['dcr'] = 'Woods Cree',
- ['deu'] = 'German',
- ['dgr'] = 'Dogri',
- ['div'] = 'Divehi',
- ['djr'] = 'Djerma',
- ['dng'] = 'Dangme',
- ['dnk'] = 'Dinka',
- ['dri'] = 'Dari',
- ['dun'] = 'Dungan',
- ['dzn'] = 'Dzongkha',
- ['ebi'] = 'Ebira',
- ['ecr'] = 'Eastern Cree',
- ['edo'] = 'Edo',
- ['efi'] = 'Efik',
- ['ell'] = 'Greek',
- ['eng'] = 'English',
- ['erz'] = 'Erzya',
- ['esp'] = 'Spanish',
- ['eti'] = 'Estonian',
- ['euq'] = 'Basque',
- ['evk'] = 'Evenki',
- ['evn'] = 'Even',
- ['ewe'] = 'Ewe',
- ['fan'] = 'French Antillean',
- ['far'] = 'Farsi',
- ['fin'] = 'Finnish',
- ['fji'] = 'Fijian',
- ['fle'] = 'Flemish',
- ['fne'] = 'Forest Nenets',
- ['fon'] = 'Fon',
- ['fos'] = 'Faroese',
- ['fra'] = 'French',
- ['fri'] = 'Frisian',
- ['frl'] = 'Friulian',
- ['fta'] = 'Futa',
- ['ful'] = 'Fulani',
- ['gad'] = 'Ga',
- ['gae'] = 'Gaelic',
- ['gag'] = 'Gagauz',
- ['gal'] = 'Galician',
- ['gar'] = 'Garshuni',
- ['gaw'] = 'Garhwali',
- ['gez'] = "Ge'ez",
- ['gil'] = 'Gilyak',
- ['gmz'] = 'Gumuz',
- ['gon'] = 'Gondi',
- ['grn'] = 'Greenlandic',
- ['gro'] = 'Garo',
- ['gua'] = 'Guarani',
- ['guj'] = 'Gujarati',
- ['hai'] = 'Haitian',
- ['hal'] = 'Halam',
- ['har'] = 'Harauti',
- ['hau'] = 'Hausa',
- ['haw'] = 'Hawaiin',
- ['hbn'] = 'Hammer-Banna',
- ['hil'] = 'Hiligaynon',
- ['hin'] = 'Hindi',
- ['hma'] = 'High Mari',
- ['hnd'] = 'Hindko',
- ['ho'] = 'Ho',
- ['hri'] = 'Harari',
- ['hrv'] = 'Croatian',
- ['hun'] = 'Hungarian',
- ['hye'] = 'Armenian',
- ['ibo'] = 'Igbo',
- ['ijo'] = 'Ijo',
- ['ilo'] = 'Ilokano',
- ['ind'] = 'Indonesian',
- ['ing'] = 'Ingush',
- ['inu'] = 'Inuktitut',
- ['iri'] = 'Irish',
- ['irt'] = 'Irish Traditional',
- ['isl'] = 'Icelandic',
- ['ism'] = 'Inari Sami',
- ['ita'] = 'Italian',
- ['iwr'] = 'Hebrew',
- ['jan'] = 'Japanese',
- ['jav'] = 'Javanese',
- ['jii'] = 'Yiddish',
- ['jud'] = 'Judezmo',
- ['jul'] = 'Jula',
- ['kab'] = 'Kabardian',
- ['kac'] = 'Kachchi',
- ['kal'] = 'Kalenjin',
- ['kan'] = 'Kannada',
- ['kar'] = 'Karachay',
- ['kat'] = 'Georgian',
- ['kaz'] = 'Kazakh',
- ['keb'] = 'Kebena',
- ['kge'] = 'Khutsuri Georgian',
- ['kha'] = 'Khakass',
- ['khk'] = 'Khanty-Kazim',
- ['khm'] = 'Khmer',
- ['khs'] = 'Khanty-Shurishkar',
- ['khv'] = 'Khanty-Vakhi',
- ['khw'] = 'Khowar',
- ['kik'] = 'Kikuyu',
- ['kir'] = 'Kirghiz',
- ['kis'] = 'Kisii',
- ['kkn'] = 'Kokni',
- ['klm'] = 'Kalmyk',
- ['kmb'] = 'Kamba',
- ['kmn'] = 'Kumaoni',
- ['kmo'] = 'Komo',
- ['kms'] = 'Komso',
- ['knr'] = 'Kanuri',
- ['kod'] = 'Kodagu',
- ['koh'] = 'Korean Old Hangul',
- ['kok'] = 'Konkani',
- ['kon'] = 'Kikongo',
- ['kop'] = 'Komi-Permyak',
- ['kor'] = 'Korean',
- ['koz'] = 'Komi-Zyrian',
- ['kpl'] = 'Kpelle',
- ['kri'] = 'Krio',
- ['krk'] = 'Karakalpak',
- ['krl'] = 'Karelian',
- ['krm'] = 'Karaim',
- ['krn'] = 'Karen',
- ['krt'] = 'Koorete',
- ['ksh'] = 'Kashmiri',
- ['ksi'] = 'Khasi',
- ['ksm'] = 'Kildin Sami',
- ['kui'] = 'Kui',
- ['kul'] = 'Kulvi',
- ['kum'] = 'Kumyk',
- ['kur'] = 'Kurdish',
- ['kuu'] = 'Kurukh',
- ['kuy'] = 'Kuy',
- ['kyk'] = 'Koryak',
- ['lad'] = 'Ladin',
- ['lah'] = 'Lahuli',
- ['lak'] = 'Lak',
- ['lam'] = 'Lambani',
- ['lao'] = 'Lao',
- ['lat'] = 'Latin',
- ['laz'] = 'Laz',
- ['lcr'] = 'L-Cree',
- ['ldk'] = 'Ladakhi',
- ['lez'] = 'Lezgi',
- ['lin'] = 'Lingala',
- ['lma'] = 'Low Mari',
- ['lmb'] = 'Limbu',
- ['lmw'] = 'Lomwe',
- ['lsb'] = 'Lower Sorbian',
- ['lsm'] = 'Lule Sami',
- ['lth'] = 'Lithuanian',
- ['ltz'] = 'Luxembourgish',
- ['lub'] = 'Luba',
- ['lug'] = 'Luganda',
- ['luh'] = 'Luhya',
- ['luo'] = 'Luo',
- ['lvi'] = 'Latvian',
- ['maj'] = 'Majang',
- ['mak'] = 'Makua',
- ['mal'] = 'Malayalam Traditional',
- ['man'] = 'Mansi',
- ['map'] = 'Mapudungun',
- ['mar'] = 'Marathi',
- ['maw'] = 'Marwari',
- ['mbn'] = 'Mbundu',
- ['mch'] = 'Manchu',
- ['mcr'] = 'Moose Cree',
- ['mde'] = 'Mende',
- ['men'] = "Me'en",
- ['miz'] = 'Mizo',
- ['mkd'] = 'Macedonian',
- ['mle'] = 'Male',
- ['mlg'] = 'Malagasy',
- ['mln'] = 'Malinke',
- ['mlr'] = 'Malayalam Reformed',
- ['mly'] = 'Malay',
- ['mnd'] = 'Mandinka',
- ['mng'] = 'Mongolian',
- ['mni'] = 'Manipuri',
- ['mnk'] = 'Maninka',
- ['mnx'] = 'Manx Gaelic',
- ['moh'] = 'Mohawk',
- ['mok'] = 'Moksha',
- ['mol'] = 'Moldavian',
- ['mon'] = 'Mon',
- ['mor'] = 'Moroccan',
- ['mri'] = 'Maori',
- ['mth'] = 'Maithili',
- ['mts'] = 'Maltese',
- ['mun'] = 'Mundari',
- ['nag'] = 'Naga-Assamese',
- ['nan'] = 'Nanai',
- ['nas'] = 'Naskapi',
- ['ncr'] = 'N-Cree',
- ['ndb'] = 'Ndebele',
- ['ndg'] = 'Ndonga',
- ['nep'] = 'Nepali',
- ['new'] = 'Newari',
- ['ngr'] = 'Nagari',
- ['nhc'] = 'Norway House Cree',
- ['nis'] = 'Nisi',
- ['niu'] = 'Niuean',
- ['nkl'] = 'Nkole',
- ['nko'] = "N'ko",
- ['nld'] = 'Dutch',
- ['nog'] = 'Nogai',
- ['nor'] = 'Norwegian',
- ['nsm'] = 'Northern Sami',
- ['nta'] = 'Northern Tai',
- ['nto'] = 'Esperanto',
- ['nyn'] = 'Nynorsk',
- ['oci'] = 'Occitan',
- ['ocr'] = 'Oji-Cree',
- ['ojb'] = 'Ojibway',
- ['ori'] = 'Oriya',
- ['oro'] = 'Oromo',
- ['oss'] = 'Ossetian',
- ['paa'] = 'Palestinian Aramaic',
- ['pal'] = 'Pali',
- ['pan'] = 'Punjabi',
- ['pap'] = 'Palpa',
- ['pas'] = 'Pashto',
- ['pgr'] = 'Polytonic Greek',
- ['pil'] = 'Pilipino',
- ['plg'] = 'Palaung',
- ['plk'] = 'Polish',
- ['pro'] = 'Provencal',
- ['ptg'] = 'Portuguese',
- ['qin'] = 'Chin',
- ['raj'] = 'Rajasthani',
- ['rbu'] = 'Russian Buriat',
- ['rcr'] = 'R-Cree',
- ['ria'] = 'Riang',
- ['rms'] = 'Rhaeto-Romanic',
- ['rom'] = 'Romanian',
- ['roy'] = 'Romany',
- ['rsy'] = 'Rusyn',
- ['rua'] = 'Ruanda',
- ['rus'] = 'Russian',
- ['sad'] = 'Sadri',
- ['san'] = 'Sanskrit',
- ['sat'] = 'Santali',
- ['say'] = 'Sayisi',
- ['sek'] = 'Sekota',
- ['sel'] = 'Selkup',
- ['sgo'] = 'Sango',
- ['shn'] = 'Shan',
- ['sib'] = 'Sibe',
- ['sid'] = 'Sidamo',
- ['sig'] = 'Silte Gurage',
- ['sks'] = 'Skolt Sami',
- ['sky'] = 'Slovak',
- ['sla'] = 'Slavey',
- ['slv'] = 'Slovenian',
- ['sml'] = 'Somali',
- ['smo'] = 'Samoan',
- ['sna'] = 'Sena',
- ['snd'] = 'Sindhi',
- ['snh'] = 'Sinhalese',
- ['snk'] = 'Soninke',
- ['sog'] = 'Sodo Gurage',
- ['sot'] = 'Sotho',
- ['sqi'] = 'Albanian',
- ['srb'] = 'Serbian',
- ['srk'] = 'Saraiki',
- ['srr'] = 'Serer',
- ['ssl'] = 'South Slavey',
- ['ssm'] = 'Southern Sami',
- ['sur'] = 'Suri',
- ['sva'] = 'Svan',
- ['sve'] = 'Swedish',
- ['swa'] = 'Swadaya Aramaic',
- ['swk'] = 'Swahili',
- ['swz'] = 'Swazi',
- ['sxt'] = 'Sutu',
- ['syr'] = 'Syriac',
- ['tab'] = 'Tabasaran',
- ['taj'] = 'Tajiki',
- ['tam'] = 'Tamil',
- ['tat'] = 'Tatar',
- ['tcr'] = 'TH-Cree',
- ['tel'] = 'Telugu',
- ['tgn'] = 'Tongan',
- ['tgr'] = 'Tigre',
- ['tgy'] = 'Tigrinya',
- ['tha'] = 'Thai',
- ['tht'] = 'Tahitian',
- ['tib'] = 'Tibetan',
- ['tkm'] = 'Turkmen',
- ['tmn'] = 'Temne',
- ['tna'] = 'Tswana',
- ['tne'] = 'Tundra Nenets',
- ['tng'] = 'Tonga',
- ['tod'] = 'Todo',
- ['trk'] = 'Turkish',
- ['tsg'] = 'Tsonga',
- ['tua'] = 'Turoyo Aramaic',
- ['tul'] = 'Tulu',
- ['tuv'] = 'Tuvin',
- ['twi'] = 'Twi',
- ['udm'] = 'Udmurt',
- ['ukr'] = 'Ukrainian',
- ['urd'] = 'Urdu',
- ['usb'] = 'Upper Sorbian',
- ['uyg'] = 'Uyghur',
- ['uzb'] = 'Uzbek',
- ['ven'] = 'Venda',
- ['vit'] = 'Vietnamese',
- ['wa' ] = 'Wa',
- ['wag'] = 'Wagdi',
- ['wcr'] = 'West-Cree',
- ['wel'] = 'Welsh',
- ['wlf'] = 'Wolof',
- ['xbd'] = 'Tai Lue',
- ['xhs'] = 'Xhosa',
- ['yak'] = 'Yakut',
- ['yba'] = 'Yoruba',
- ['ycr'] = 'Y-Cree',
- ['yic'] = 'Yi Classic',
- ['yim'] = 'Yi Modern',
- ['zhh'] = 'Chinese Hong Kong',
- ['zhp'] = 'Chinese Phonetic',
- ['zhs'] = 'Chinese Simplified',
- ['zht'] = 'Chinese Traditional',
- ['znd'] = 'Zande',
- ['zul'] = 'Zulu'
-local features = allocate {
- ['aalt'] = 'Access All Alternates',
- ['abvf'] = 'Above-Base Forms',
- ['abvm'] = 'Above-Base Mark Positioning',
- ['abvs'] = 'Above-Base Substitutions',
- ['afrc'] = 'Alternative Fractions',
- ['akhn'] = 'Akhands',
- ['blwf'] = 'Below-Base Forms',
- ['blwm'] = 'Below-Base Mark Positioning',
- ['blws'] = 'Below-Base Substitutions',
- ['c2pc'] = 'Petite Capitals From Capitals',
- ['c2sc'] = 'Small Capitals From Capitals',
- ['calt'] = 'Contextual Alternates',
- ['case'] = 'Case-Sensitive Forms',
- ['ccmp'] = 'Glyph Composition/Decomposition',
- ['cjct'] = 'Conjunct Forms',
- ['clig'] = 'Contextual Ligatures',
- ['cpsp'] = 'Capital Spacing',
- ['cswh'] = 'Contextual Swash',
- ['curs'] = 'Cursive Positioning',
- ['dflt'] = 'Default Processing',
- ['dist'] = 'Distances',
- ['dlig'] = 'Discretionary Ligatures',
- ['dnom'] = 'Denominators',
- ['dtls'] = 'Dotless Forms', -- math
- ['expt'] = 'Expert Forms',
- ['falt'] = 'Final glyph Alternates',
- ['fin2'] = 'Terminal Forms #2',
- ['fin3'] = 'Terminal Forms #3',
- ['fina'] = 'Terminal Forms',
- ['flac'] = 'Flattened Accents Over Capitals', -- math
- ['frac'] = 'Fractions',
- ['fwid'] = 'Full Width',
- ['half'] = 'Half Forms',
- ['haln'] = 'Halant Forms',
- ['halt'] = 'Alternate Half Width',
- ['hist'] = 'Historical Forms',
- ['hkna'] = 'Horizontal Kana Alternates',
- ['hlig'] = 'Historical Ligatures',
- ['hngl'] = 'Hangul',
- ['hojo'] = 'Hojo Kanji Forms',
- ['hwid'] = 'Half Width',
- ['init'] = 'Initial Forms',
- ['isol'] = 'Isolated Forms',
- ['ital'] = 'Italics',
- ['jalt'] = 'Justification Alternatives',
- ['jp04'] = 'JIS2004 Forms',
- ['jp78'] = 'JIS78 Forms',
- ['jp83'] = 'JIS83 Forms',
- ['jp90'] = 'JIS90 Forms',
- ['kern'] = 'Kerning',
- ['lfbd'] = 'Left Bounds',
- ['liga'] = 'Standard Ligatures',
- ['ljmo'] = 'Leading Jamo Forms',
- ['lnum'] = 'Lining Figures',
- ['locl'] = 'Localized Forms',
- ['mark'] = 'Mark Positioning',
- ['med2'] = 'Medial Forms #2',
- ['medi'] = 'Medial Forms',
- ['mgrk'] = 'Mathematical Greek',
- ['mkmk'] = 'Mark to Mark Positioning',
- ['mset'] = 'Mark Positioning via Substitution',
- ['nalt'] = 'Alternate Annotation Forms',
- ['nlck'] = 'NLC Kanji Forms',
- ['nukt'] = 'Nukta Forms',
- ['numr'] = 'Numerators',
- ['onum'] = 'Old Style Figures',
- ['opbd'] = 'Optical Bounds',
- ['ordn'] = 'Ordinals',
- ['ornm'] = 'Ornaments',
- ['palt'] = 'Proportional Alternate Width',
- ['pcap'] = 'Petite Capitals',
- ['pnum'] = 'Proportional Figures',
- ['pref'] = 'Pre-base Forms',
- ['pres'] = 'Pre-base Substitutions',
- ['pstf'] = 'Post-base Forms',
- ['psts'] = 'Post-base Substitutions',
- ['pwid'] = 'Proportional Widths',
- ['qwid'] = 'Quarter Widths',
- ['rand'] = 'Randomize',
- ['rkrf'] = 'Rakar Forms',
- ['rlig'] = 'Required Ligatures',
- ['rphf'] = 'Reph Form',
- ['rtbd'] = 'Right Bounds',
- ['rtla'] = 'Right-To-Left Alternates',
- ['rtlm'] = 'Right To Left Math', -- math
- ['ruby'] = 'Ruby Notation Forms',
- ['salt'] = 'Stylistic Alternates',
- ['sinf'] = 'Scientific Inferiors',
- ['size'] = 'Optical Size',
- ['smcp'] = 'Small Capitals',
- ['smpl'] = 'Simplified Forms',
- ['ss01'] = 'Stylistic Set 1',
- ['ss02'] = 'Stylistic Set 2',
- ['ss03'] = 'Stylistic Set 3',
- ['ss04'] = 'Stylistic Set 4',
- ['ss05'] = 'Stylistic Set 5',
- ['ss06'] = 'Stylistic Set 6',
- ['ss07'] = 'Stylistic Set 7',
- ['ss08'] = 'Stylistic Set 8',
- ['ss09'] = 'Stylistic Set 9',
- ['ss10'] = 'Stylistic Set 10',
- ['ss11'] = 'Stylistic Set 11',
- ['ss12'] = 'Stylistic Set 12',
- ['ss13'] = 'Stylistic Set 13',
- ['ss14'] = 'Stylistic Set 14',
- ['ss15'] = 'Stylistic Set 15',
- ['ss16'] = 'Stylistic Set 16',
- ['ss17'] = 'Stylistic Set 17',
- ['ss18'] = 'Stylistic Set 18',
- ['ss19'] = 'Stylistic Set 19',
- ['ss20'] = 'Stylistic Set 20',
- ['ssty'] = 'Script Style', -- math
- ['subs'] = 'Subscript',
- ['sups'] = 'Superscript',
- ['swsh'] = 'Swash',
- ['titl'] = 'Titling',
- ['tjmo'] = 'Trailing Jamo Forms',
- ['tnam'] = 'Traditional Name Forms',
- ['tnum'] = 'Tabular Figures',
- ['trad'] = 'Traditional Forms',
- ['twid'] = 'Third Widths',
- ['unic'] = 'Unicase',
- ['valt'] = 'Alternate Vertical Metrics',
- ['vatu'] = 'Vattu Variants',
- ['vert'] = 'Vertical Writing',
- ['vhal'] = 'Alternate Vertical Half Metrics',
- ['vjmo'] = 'Vowel Jamo Forms',
- ['vkna'] = 'Vertical Kana Alternates',
- ['vkrn'] = 'Vertical Kerning',
- ['vpal'] = 'Proportional Alternate Vertical Metrics',
- ['vrt2'] = 'Vertical Rotation',
- ['zero'] = 'Slashed Zero',
- ['trep'] = 'Traditional TeX Replacements',
- ['tlig'] = 'Traditional TeX Ligatures',
-local baselines = allocate {
- ['hang'] = 'Hanging baseline',
- ['icfb'] = 'Ideographic character face bottom edge baseline',
- ['icft'] = 'Ideographic character face tope edige baseline',
- ['ideo'] = 'Ideographic em-box bottom edge baseline',
- ['idtp'] = 'Ideographic em-box top edge baseline',
- ['math'] = 'Mathmatical centered baseline',
- ['romn'] = 'Roman baseline'
-local function swap(h) -- can be a tables.swap when we get a better name
- local r = { }
- for k, v in next, h do
- r[v] = lower(gsub(k," ",""))
- end
- return r
-local verbosescripts = allocate(swap(scripts ))
-local verboselanguages = allocate(swap(languages))
-local verbosefeatures = allocate(swap(features ))
-tables.scripts = scripts
-tables.languages = languages
-tables.features = features
-tables.baselines = baselines
-tables.verbosescripts = verbosescripts
-tables.verboselanguages = verboselanguages
-tables.verbosefeatures = verbosefeatures
-for k, v in next, verbosefeatures do
- local stripped = gsub(k,"%-"," ")
- verbosefeatures[stripped] = v
- local stripped = gsub(k,"[^a-zA-Z0-9]","")
- verbosefeatures[stripped] = v
-for k, v in next, verbosefeatures do
- verbosefeatures[lower(k)] = v
-local function resolve(tab,id)
- if tab and id then
- id = lower(id)
- return tab[id] or tab[gsub(id," ","")] or tab['dflt'] or ''
- else
- return "unknown"
- end
+ return found
-function meanings.script (id) return resolve(scripts, id) end
-function meanings.language(id) return resolve(languages,id) end
-function meanings.feature (id) return resolve(features, id) end
-function meanings.baseline(id) return resolve(baselines,id) end
-local checkers = {
- rand = function(v)
- return v and "random"
- end
-meanings.checkers = checkers
-function meanings.normalize(features)
- if features then
- local h = { }
- for k,v in next, features do
- k = lower(k)
- if k == "language" or k == "lang" then
- v = gsub(lower(v),"[^a-z0-9%-]","")
- if not languages[v] then
- h.language = verboselanguages[v] or "dflt"
- else
- h.language = v
- end
- elseif k == "script" then
- v = gsub(lower(v),"[^a-z0-9%-]","")
- if not scripts[v] then
- h.script = verbosescripts[v] or "dflt"
- else
- h.script = v
- end
- else
- if type(v) == "string" then
- local b = is_boolean(v)
- if type(b) == "nil" then
- v = tonumber(v) or lower(v)
- else
- v = b
- end
- end
- k = verbosefeatures[k] or k
- local c = checkers[k]
- h[k] = c and c(v) or v
- end
- end
- return h
- end
--- When I feel the need ...
---~ tables.aat = {
---~ [ 0] = {
---~ name = "allTypographicFeaturesType",
---~ [ 0] = "allTypeFeaturesOnSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "allTypeFeaturesOffSelector",
---~ },
---~ [ 1] = {
---~ name = "ligaturesType",
---~ [0 ] = "requiredLigaturesOnSelector",
---~ [1 ] = "requiredLigaturesOffSelector",
---~ [2 ] = "commonLigaturesOnSelector",
---~ [3 ] = "commonLigaturesOffSelector",
---~ [4 ] = "rareLigaturesOnSelector",
---~ [5 ] = "rareLigaturesOffSelector",
---~ [6 ] = "logosOnSelector ",
---~ [7 ] = "logosOffSelector ",
---~ [8 ] = "rebusPicturesOnSelector",
---~ [9 ] = "rebusPicturesOffSelector",
---~ [10] = "diphthongLigaturesOnSelector",
---~ [11] = "diphthongLigaturesOffSelector",
---~ [12] = "squaredLigaturesOnSelector",
---~ [13] = "squaredLigaturesOffSelector",
---~ [14] = "abbrevSquaredLigaturesOnSelector",
---~ [15] = "abbrevSquaredLigaturesOffSelector",
---~ },
---~ [ 2] = {
---~ name = "cursiveConnectionType",
---~ [ 0] = "unconnectedSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "partiallyConnectedSelector",
---~ [ 2] = "cursiveSelector ",
---~ },
---~ [ 3] = {
---~ name = "letterCaseType",
---~ [ 0] = "upperAndLowerCaseSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "allCapsSelector ",
---~ [ 2] = "allLowerCaseSelector",
---~ [ 3] = "smallCapsSelector ",
---~ [ 4] = "initialCapsSelector",
---~ [ 5] = "initialCapsAndSmallCapsSelector",
---~ },
---~ [ 4] = {
---~ name = "verticalSubstitutionType",
---~ [ 0] = "substituteVerticalFormsOnSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "substituteVerticalFormsOffSelector",
---~ },
---~ [ 5] = {
---~ name = "linguisticRearrangementType",
---~ [ 0] = "linguisticRearrangementOnSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "linguisticRearrangementOffSelector",
---~ },
---~ [ 6] = {
---~ name = "numberSpacingType",
---~ [ 0] = "monospacedNumbersSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "proportionalNumbersSelector",
---~ },
---~ [ 7] = {
---~ name = "appleReserved1Type",
---~ },
---~ [ 8] = {
---~ name = "smartSwashType",
---~ [ 0] = "wordInitialSwashesOnSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "wordInitialSwashesOffSelector",
---~ [ 2] = "wordFinalSwashesOnSelector",
---~ [ 3] = "wordFinalSwashesOffSelector",
---~ [ 4] = "lineInitialSwashesOnSelector",
---~ [ 5] = "lineInitialSwashesOffSelector",
---~ [ 6] = "lineFinalSwashesOnSelector",
---~ [ 7] = "lineFinalSwashesOffSelector",
---~ [ 8] = "nonFinalSwashesOnSelector",
---~ [ 9] = "nonFinalSwashesOffSelector",
---~ },
---~ [ 9] = {
---~ name = "diacriticsType",
---~ [ 0] = "showDiacriticsSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "hideDiacriticsSelector",
---~ [ 2] = "decomposeDiacriticsSelector",
---~ },
---~ [10] = {
---~ name = "verticalPositionType",
---~ [ 0] = "normalPositionSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "superiorsSelector ",
---~ [ 2] = "inferiorsSelector ",
---~ [ 3] = "ordinalsSelector ",
---~ },
---~ [11] = {
---~ name = "fractionsType",
---~ [ 0] = "noFractionsSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "verticalFractionsSelector",
---~ [ 2] = "diagonalFractionsSelector",
---~ },
---~ [12] = {
---~ name = "appleReserved2Type",
---~ },
---~ [13] = {
---~ name = "overlappingCharactersType",
---~ [ 0] = "preventOverlapOnSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "preventOverlapOffSelector",
---~ },
---~ [14] = {
---~ name = "typographicExtrasType",
---~ [0 ] = "hyphensToEmDashOnSelector",
---~ [1 ] = "hyphensToEmDashOffSelector",
---~ [2 ] = "hyphenToEnDashOnSelector",
---~ [3 ] = "hyphenToEnDashOffSelector",
---~ [4 ] = "unslashedZeroOnSelector",
---~ [5 ] = "unslashedZeroOffSelector",
---~ [6 ] = "formInterrobangOnSelector",
---~ [7 ] = "formInterrobangOffSelector",
---~ [8 ] = "smartQuotesOnSelector",
---~ [9 ] = "smartQuotesOffSelector",
---~ [10] = "periodsToEllipsisOnSelector",
---~ [11] = "periodsToEllipsisOffSelector",
---~ },
---~ [15] = {
---~ name = "mathematicalExtrasType",
---~ [ 0] = "hyphenToMinusOnSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "hyphenToMinusOffSelector",
---~ [ 2] = "asteriskToMultiplyOnSelector",
---~ [ 3] = "asteriskToMultiplyOffSelector",
---~ [ 4] = "slashToDivideOnSelector",
---~ [ 5] = "slashToDivideOffSelector",
---~ [ 6] = "inequalityLigaturesOnSelector",
---~ [ 7] = "inequalityLigaturesOffSelector",
---~ [ 8] = "exponentsOnSelector",
---~ [ 9] = "exponentsOffSelector",
---~ },
---~ [16] = {
---~ name = "ornamentSetsType",
---~ [ 0] = "noOrnamentsSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "dingbatsSelector ",
---~ [ 2] = "piCharactersSelector",
---~ [ 3] = "fleuronsSelector ",
---~ [ 4] = "decorativeBordersSelector",
---~ [ 5] = "internationalSymbolsSelector",
---~ [ 6] = "mathSymbolsSelector",
---~ },
---~ [17] = {
---~ name = "characterAlternativesType",
---~ [ 0] = "noAlternatesSelector",
---~ },
---~ [18] = {
---~ name = "designComplexityType",
---~ [ 0] = "designLevel1Selector",
---~ [ 1] = "designLevel2Selector",
---~ [ 2] = "designLevel3Selector",
---~ [ 3] = "designLevel4Selector",
---~ [ 4] = "designLevel5Selector",
---~ },
---~ [19] = {
---~ name = "styleOptionsType",
---~ [ 0] = "noStyleOptionsSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "displayTextSelector",
---~ [ 2] = "engravedTextSelector",
---~ [ 3] = "illuminatedCapsSelector",
---~ [ 4] = "titlingCapsSelector",
---~ [ 5] = "tallCapsSelector ",
---~ },
---~ [20] = {
---~ name = "characterShapeType",
---~ [0 ] = "traditionalCharactersSelector",
---~ [1 ] = "simplifiedCharactersSelector",
---~ [2 ] = "jis1978CharactersSelector",
---~ [3 ] = "jis1983CharactersSelector",
---~ [4 ] = "jis1990CharactersSelector",
---~ [5 ] = "traditionalAltOneSelector",
---~ [6 ] = "traditionalAltTwoSelector",
---~ [7 ] = "traditionalAltThreeSelector",
---~ [8 ] = "traditionalAltFourSelector",
---~ [9 ] = "traditionalAltFiveSelector",
---~ [10] = "expertCharactersSelector",
---~ },
---~ [21] = {
---~ name = "numberCaseType",
---~ [ 0] = "lowerCaseNumbersSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "upperCaseNumbersSelector",
---~ },
---~ [22] = {
---~ name = "textSpacingType",
---~ [ 0] = "proportionalTextSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "monospacedTextSelector",
---~ [ 2] = "halfWidthTextSelector",
---~ [ 3] = "normallySpacedTextSelector",
---~ },
---~ [23] = {
---~ name = "transliterationType",
---~ [ 0] = "noTransliterationSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "hanjaToHangulSelector",
---~ [ 2] = "hiraganaToKatakanaSelector",
---~ [ 3] = "katakanaToHiraganaSelector",
---~ [ 4] = "kanaToRomanizationSelector",
---~ [ 5] = "romanizationToHiraganaSelector",
---~ [ 6] = "romanizationToKatakanaSelector",
---~ [ 7] = "hanjaToHangulAltOneSelector",
---~ [ 8] = "hanjaToHangulAltTwoSelector",
---~ [ 9] = "hanjaToHangulAltThreeSelector",
---~ },
---~ [24] = {
---~ name = "annotationType",
---~ [ 0] = "noAnnotationSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "boxAnnotationSelector",
---~ [ 2] = "roundedBoxAnnotationSelector",
---~ [ 3] = "circleAnnotationSelector",
---~ [ 4] = "invertedCircleAnnotationSelector",
---~ [ 5] = "parenthesisAnnotationSelector",
---~ [ 6] = "periodAnnotationSelector",
---~ [ 7] = "romanNumeralAnnotationSelector",
---~ [ 8] = "diamondAnnotationSelector",
---~ },
---~ [25] = {
---~ name = "kanaSpacingType",
---~ [ 0] = "fullWidthKanaSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "proportionalKanaSelector",
---~ },
---~ [26] = {
---~ name = "ideographicSpacingType",
---~ [ 0] = "fullWidthIdeographsSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "proportionalIdeographsSelector",
---~ },
---~ [103] = {
---~ name = "cjkRomanSpacingType",
---~ [ 0] = "halfWidthCJKRomanSelector",
---~ [ 1] = "proportionalCJKRomanSelector",
---~ [ 2] = "defaultCJKRomanSelector",
---~ [ 3] = "fullWidthCJKRomanSelector",
---~ },
---~ }
end -- closure
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
@@ -5375,15 +4263,18 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-map'] = {
license = "see context related readme files"
-local utf = unicode.utf8
local match, format, find, concat, gsub, lower = string.match, string.format, string.find, table.concat, string.gsub, string.lower
-local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+local P, R, S, C, Ct, Cc, lpegmatch = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.match
local utfbyte = utf.byte
-local trace_loading = false trackers.register("otf.loading", function(v) trace_loading = v end)
-local trace_unimapping = false trackers.register("otf.unimapping", function(v) trace_unimapping = v end)
+local trace_loading = false trackers.register("fonts.loading", function(v) trace_loading = v end)
+local trace_mapping = false trackers.register("fonts.mapping", function(v) trace_unimapping = v end)
-local report_otf = logs.reporter("fonts","otf loading")
+local report_fonts = logs.reporter("fonts","loading") -- not otf only
+local fonts = fonts
+local mappings = { }
+fonts.mappings = mappings
<p>Eventually this code will disappear because map files are kind
@@ -5391,23 +4282,18 @@ of obsolete. Some code may move to runtime or auxiliary modules.</p>
<p>The name to unciode related code will stay of course.</p>
-local fonts = fonts = or { }
local function loadlumtable(filename) -- will move to font goodies
local lumname = file.replacesuffix(file.basename(filename),"lum")
local lumfile = resolvers.findfile(lumname,"map") or ""
if lumfile ~= "" and lfs.isfile(lumfile) then
- if trace_loading or trace_unimapping then
- report_otf("enhance: loading %s ",lumfile)
+ if trace_loading or trace_mapping then
+ report_fonts("enhance: loading %s ",lumfile)
lumunic = dofile(lumfile)
return lumunic, lumfile
-local P, R, S, C, Ct, Cc = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cc
local hex = R("AF","09")
local hexfour = (hex*hex*hex*hex) / function(s) return tonumber(s,16) end
local hexsix = (hex^1) / function(s) return tonumber(s,16) end
@@ -5434,8 +4320,8 @@ local function makenameparser(str)
---~ local parser ="Japan1")
---~ local parser =
+--~ local parser = mappings.makenameparser("Japan1")
+--~ local parser = mappings.makenameparser()
--~ local function test(str)
--~ local b, a = lpegmatch(parser,str)
--~ print((a and table.serialize(b)) or b)
@@ -5476,7 +4362,7 @@ end
--~ local cache = { }
---~ function
+--~ function mappings.tounicode16(unicode)
--~ local s = cache[unicode]
--~ if not s then
--~ if unicode < 0x10000 then
@@ -5489,10 +4375,10 @@ end
--~ return s
--~ end = loadlumtable = makenameparser = tounicode16 = tounicode16sequence
+mappings.loadlumtable = loadlumtable
+mappings.makenameparser = makenameparser
+mappings.tounicode16 = tounicode16
+mappings.tounicode16sequence = tounicode16sequence
local separator = S("_.")
local other = C((1 - separator)^1)
@@ -5504,8 +4390,11 @@ local ligsplitter = Ct(other * (separator * other)^0)
--~ print(table.serialize(lpegmatch(ligsplitter,"such_so_more")))
--~ print(table.serialize(lpegmatch(ligsplitter,"such_so_more.that"))) = function(data,filename)
- local unicodes = data.luatex and data.luatex.unicodes
+function mappings.addtounicode(data,filename)
+ local resources = data.resources
+ local properties =
+ local descriptions = data.descriptions
+ local unicodes = resources.unicodes
if not unicodes then
@@ -5515,28 +4404,35 @@ = function(data,filename)
unicodes['zwj'] = unicodes['zwj'] or 0x200D
unicodes['zwnj'] = unicodes['zwnj'] or 0x200C
-- the tounicode mapping is sparse and only needed for alternatives
- local tounicode, originals, ns, nl, private, unknown = { }, { }, 0, 0, fonts.privateoffset, format("%04X",utfbyte("?"))
- data.luatex.tounicode, data.luatex.originals = tounicode, originals
+ local private = fonts.constructors.privateoffset
+ local unknown = format("%04X",utfbyte("?"))
+ local unicodevector = fonts.encodings.agl.unicodes -- loaded runtime in context
+ local tounicode = { }
+ local originals = { }
+ resources.tounicode = tounicode
+ resources.originals = originals
local lumunic, uparser, oparser
+ local cidinfo, cidnames, cidcodes, usedmap
if false then -- will become an option
lumunic = loadlumtable(filename)
lumunic = lumunic and lumunic.tounicode
- local cidinfo, cidnames, cidcodes = data.cidinfo
- local usedmap = cidinfo and cidinfo.usedname
- usedmap = usedmap and lower(usedmap)
- usedmap = usedmap and[usedmap]
+ --
+ cidinfo = properties.cidinfo
+ usedmap = cidinfo and fonts.cid.getmap(cidinfo)
+ --
if usedmap then
- oparser = usedmap and makenameparser(cidinfo.ordering)
+ oparser = usedmap and makenameparser(cidinfo.ordering)
cidnames = usedmap.names
cidcodes = usedmap.unicodes
uparser = makenameparser()
- local unicodevector = fonts.enc.agl.unicodes -- loaded runtime in context
- for index, glyph in next, data.glyphs do
- local name, unic =, glyph.unicode or -1 -- play safe
+ local ns, nl = 0, 0
+ for unic, glyph in next, descriptions do
+ local index = glyph.index
+ local name =
if unic == -1 or unic >= private or (unic >= 0xE000 and unic <= 0xF8FF) or unic == 0xFFFE or unic == 0xFFFF then
- local unicode = (lumunic and lumunic[name]) or unicodevector[name]
+ local unicode = lumunic and lumunic[name] or unicodevector[name]
if unicode then
originals[index], tounicode[index], ns = unicode, tounicode16(unicode), ns + 1
@@ -5627,18 +4523,20 @@ = function(data,filename)
- if trace_unimapping then
- for index, glyph in table.sortedhash(data.glyphs) do
- local toun, name, unic = tounicode[index],, glyph.unicode or -1 -- play safe
+ if trace_mapping then
+ for unic, glyph in table.sortedhash(descriptions) do
+ local name =
+ local index = glyph.index
+ local toun = tounicode[index]
if toun then
- report_otf("internal: 0x%05X, name: %s, unicode: 0x%05X, tounicode: %s",index,name,unic,toun)
+ report_fonts("internal: 0x%05X, name: %s, unicode: 0x%05X, tounicode: %s",index,name,unic,toun)
- report_otf("internal: 0x%05X, name: %s, unicode: 0x%05X",index,name,unic)
+ report_fonts("internal: 0x%05X, name: %s, unicode: 0x%05X",index,name,unic)
if trace_loading and (ns > 0 or nl > 0) then
- report_otf("enhance: %s tounicode entries added (%s ligatures)",nl+ns, ns)
+ report_fonts("enhance: %s tounicode entries added (%s ligatures)",nl+ns, ns)
@@ -5646,52 +4544,230 @@ end -- closure
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-lua'] = {
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-fonts-syn'] = {
version = 1.001,
- comment = "companion to font-ini.mkiv",
+ comment = "companion to luatex-*.tex",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
license = "see context related readme files"
-local trace_defining = false trackers.register("fonts.defining", function(v) trace_defining = v end)
+if context then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context")
+ os.exit()
-local report_lua = logs.reporter("fonts","lua loading")
+-- Generic font names support.
+-- Watch out, the version number is the same as the one used in
+-- the mtx-fonts.lua function scripts.fonts.names as we use a
+-- simplified font database in the plain solution and by using
+-- a different number we're less dependent on context.
+-- mtxrun --script font --reload --simple
+-- The format of the file is as follows:
+-- return {
+-- ["version"] = 1.001,
+-- ["mappings"] = {
+-- ["somettcfontone"] = { "Some TTC Font One", "SomeFontA.ttc", 1 },
+-- ["somettcfonttwo"] = { "Some TTC Font Two", "SomeFontA.ttc", 2 },
+-- ["somettffont"] = { "Some TTF Font", "SomeFontB.ttf" },
+-- ["someotffont"] = { "Some OTF Font", "SomeFontC.otf" },
+-- },
+-- }
-fonts.formats.lua = "lua"
+local fonts = fonts
+fonts.names = fonts.names or { }
-local readers = fonts.tfm.readers
+fonts.names.version = 1.001 -- not the same as in context
+fonts.names.basename = "luatex-fonts-names.lua"
+fonts.names.new_to_old = { }
+fonts.names.old_to_new = { }
-local function check_lua(specification,fullname)
- -- standard tex file lookup
- local fullname = resolvers.findfile(fullname) or ""
- if fullname ~= "" then
- local loader = loadfile(fullname)
- loader = loader and loader()
- return loader and loader(specification)
+local data, loaded = nil, false
+local fileformats = { "lua", "tex", "other text files" }
+function fonts.names.resolve(name,sub)
+ if not loaded then
+ local basename = fonts.names.basename
+ if basename and basename ~= "" then
+ for i=1,#fileformats do
+ local format = fileformats[i]
+ local foundname = resolvers.findfile(basename,format) or ""
+ if foundname ~= "" then
+ data = dofile(foundname)
+ texio.write("<font database loaded: ",foundname,">")
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ loaded = true
+ end
+ if type(data) == "table" and data.version == fonts.names.version then
+ local condensed = string.gsub(string.lower(name),"[^%a%d]","")
+ local found = data.mappings and data.mappings[condensed]
+ if found then
+ local fontname, filename, subfont = found[1], found[2], found[3]
+ if subfont then
+ return filename, fontname
+ else
+ return filename, false
+ end
+ else
+ return name, false -- fallback to filename
+ end
-function readers.lua(specification)
- local original = specification.specification
- if trace_defining then
- report_lua("using lua reader for '%s'",original)
- end
- local fullname, tfmtable = specification.filename or "", nil
+fonts.names.resolvespec = fonts.names.resolve -- only supported in mkiv
+function fonts.names.getfilename(askedname,suffix) -- only supported in mkiv
+ return ""
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-fonts-tfm'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luatex-*.tex",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+if context then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context")
+ os.exit()
+local fonts = fonts
+local tfm = { }
+fonts.handlers.tfm = tfm
+fonts.formats.tfm = "type1" -- we need to have at least a value here
+function fonts.readers.tfm(specification)
+ local fullname = specification.filename or ""
if fullname == "" then
local forced = specification.forced or ""
if forced ~= "" then
- tfmtable = check_lua(specification, .. "." .. forced)
+ fullname = .. "." .. forced
+ else
+ fullname =
+ end
+ end
+ local foundname = resolvers.findbinfile(fullname, 'tfm') or ""
+ if foundname == "" then
+ foundname = resolvers.findbinfile(fullname, 'ofm') or ""
+ end
+ if foundname ~= "" then
+ specification.filename = foundname
+ specification.format = "ofm"
+ return font.read_tfm(specification.filename,specification.size)
+ end
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-oti'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to font-ini.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+local lower = string.lower
+local allocate =
+local fonts = fonts
+local otf = { }
+fonts.handlers.otf = otf
+local otffeatures = fonts.constructors.newfeatures("otf")
+local registerotffeature = otffeatures.register
+registerotffeature {
+ name = "features",
+ description = "initialization of feature handler",
+ default = true,
+-- these are later hooked into node and base initializaters
+local otftables = otf.tables -- not always defined
+local function setmode(tfmdata,value)
+ if value then
+ = lower(value)
+ end
+local function setlanguage(tfmdata,value)
+ if value then
+ local cleanvalue = lower(value)
+ local languages = otftables and otftables.languages
+ local properties =
+ if not languages then
+ properties.language = cleanvalue
+ elseif languages[value] then
+ properties.language = cleanvalue
+ else
+ properties.language = "dflt"
- if not tfmtable then
- tfmtable = check_lua(specification,
+ end
+local function setscript(tfmdata,value)
+ if value then
+ local cleanvalue = lower(value)
+ local scripts = otftables and otftables.scripts
+ local properties =
+ if not scripts then
+ properties.script = cleanvalue
+ elseif scripts[value] then
+ properties.script = cleanvalue
+ else
+ properties.script = "dflt"
- else
- tfmtable = check_lua(specification,fullname)
- return tfmtable
+registerotffeature {
+ name = "mode",
+ description = "mode",
+ initializers = {
+ base = setmode,
+ node = setmode,
+ }
+registerotffeature {
+ name = "language",
+ description = "language",
+ initializers = {
+ base = setlanguage,
+ node = setlanguage,
+ }
+registerotffeature {
+ name = "script",
+ description = "script",
+ initializers = {
+ base = setscript,
+ node = setscript,
+ }
end -- closure
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
@@ -5708,6 +4784,7 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-otf'] = {
-- anchor_classes vs kernclasses
-- modification/creationtime in subfont is runtime dus zinloos
-- to_table -> totable
+-- ascent descent
local utf = unicode.utf8
@@ -5717,93 +4794,71 @@ local type, next, tonumber, tostring = type, next, tonumber, tostring
local abs = math.abs
local getn = table.getn
local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
-local reversed, concat = table.reversed, table.concat
+local reversed, concat, remove = table.reversed, table.concat, table.remove
local ioflush = io.flush
+local fastcopy = table.fastcopy
+local allocate =
+local registertracker = trackers.register
+local registerdirective = directives.register
+local starttiming = statistics.starttiming
+local stoptiming = statistics.stoptiming
+local elapsedtime = statistics.elapsedtime
+local findbinfile = resolvers.findbinfile
+local trace_private = false registertracker("otf.private", function(v) trace_private = v end)
+local trace_loading = false registertracker("otf.loading", function(v) trace_loading = v end)
+local trace_features = false registertracker("otf.features", function(v) trace_features = v end)
+local trace_dynamics = false registertracker("otf.dynamics", function(v) trace_dynamics = v end)
+local trace_sequences = false registertracker("otf.sequences", function(v) trace_sequences = v end)
+local trace_markwidth = false registertracker("otf.markwidth", function(v) trace_markwidth = v end)
+local trace_defining = false registertracker("fonts.defining", function(v) trace_defining = v end)
+local report_otf = logs.reporter("fonts","otf loading")
-local allocate =
-local trace_private = false trackers.register("otf.private", function(v) trace_private = v end)
-local trace_loading = false trackers.register("otf.loading", function(v) trace_loading = v end)
-local trace_features = false trackers.register("otf.features", function(v) trace_features = v end)
-local trace_dynamics = false trackers.register("otf.dynamics", function(v) trace_dynamics = v end)
-local trace_sequences = false trackers.register("otf.sequences", function(v) trace_sequences = v end)
-local trace_math = false trackers.register("otf.math", function(v) trace_math = v end)
-local trace_defining = false trackers.register("fonts.defining", function(v) trace_defining = v end)
-local report_otf = logs.reporter("fonts","otf loading")
-local starttiming, stoptiming, elapsedtime = statistics.starttiming, statistics.stoptiming, statistics.elapsedtime
-local findbinfile = resolvers.findbinfile
-local fonts = fonts
-fonts.otf = fonts.otf or { }
-local otf = fonts.otf
-local tfm = fonts.tfm
-local fontdata = fonts.identifiers
-local chardata = characters and -- not used
--- todo: probably first time so local first
-otf.features = otf.features or { }
-local features = otf.features
-features.list = features.list or { }
-local featurelist = features.list
-features.default = features.default or { }
-local defaultfeatures = features.default
-otf.enhancers = allocate()
-local enhancers = otf.enhancers
-enhancers.patches = { }
-local patches = enhancers.patches
-local definers = fonts.definers
-local readers = fonts.tfm.readers
+local fonts = fonts
+local otf = fonts.handlers.otf
-otf.glists = { "gsub", "gpos" }
+otf.glists = { "gsub", "gpos" }
-otf.version = 2.710 -- beware: also sync font-mis.lua
-otf.cache = containers.define("fonts", "otf", otf.version, true)
+otf.version = 2.710 -- beware: also sync font-mis.lua
+otf.cache = containers.define("fonts", "otf", otf.version, true)
-local loadmethod = "table" -- table, mixed, sparse
-local forceload = false
-local cleanup = 0
-local usemetatables = false -- .4 slower on mk but 30 M less mem so we might change the default -- will be directive
-local packdata = true
-local syncspace = true
-local forcenotdef = false
+local fontdata = fonts.hashes.identifiers
+local chardata = characters and -- not used
-local wildcard = "*"
-local default = "dflt"
+local otffeatures = fonts.constructors.newfeatures("otf")
+local registerotffeature = otffeatures.register
-local fontloaderfields = fontloader.fields
-local mainfields = nil
-local glyphfields = nil -- not used yet
+local enhancers = allocate()
+otf.enhancers = enhancers
+local patches = { }
+enhancers.patches = patches
-directives.register("fonts.otf.loader.method", function(v)
- if v == "sparse" and fontloaderfields then
- loadmethod = "sparse"
- elseif v == "mixed" then
- loadmethod = "mixed"
- elseif v == "table" then
- loadmethod = "table"
- else
- loadmethod = "table"
- report_otf("no loader method '%s', using '%s' instead",v,loadmethod)
- end
- cleanup = tonumber(v) or (v and 1) or 0
-directives.register("fonts.otf.loader.force", function(v) forceload = v end)
-directives.register("fonts.otf.loader.usemetatables", function(v) usemetatables = v end)
-directives.register("fonts.otf.loader.pack", function(v) packdata = v end)
-directives.register("fonts.otf.loader.syncspace", function(v) syncspace = v end)
-directives.register("fonts.otf.loader.forcenotdef", function(v) forcenotdef = v end)
+local definers = fonts.definers
+local readers = fonts.readers
+local constructors = fonts.constructors
+local forceload = false
+local cleanup = 0 -- mk: 0=885M 1=765M 2=735M (regular run 730M)
+local usemetatables = false -- .4 slower on mk but 30 M less mem so we might change the default -- will be directive
+local packdata = true
+local syncspace = true
+local forcenotdef = false
+local wildcard = "*"
+local default = "dflt"
+local fontloaderfields = fontloader.fields
+local mainfields = nil
+local glyphfields = nil -- not used yet
+registerdirective("fonts.otf.loader.cleanup", function(v) cleanup = tonumber(v) or (v and 1) or 0 end)
+registerdirective("fonts.otf.loader.force", function(v) forceload = v end)
+registerdirective("fonts.otf.loader.usemetatables", function(v) usemetatables = v end)
+registerdirective("fonts.otf.loader.pack", function(v) packdata = v end)
+registerdirective("fonts.otf.loader.syncspace", function(v) syncspace = v end)
+registerdirective("fonts.otf.loader.forcenotdef", function(v) forcenotdef = v end)
local function load_featurefile(raw,featurefile)
if featurefile and featurefile ~= "" then
@@ -5814,19 +4869,19 @@ local function load_featurefile(raw,featurefile)
-local function showfeatureorder(otfdata,filename)
- local sequences = otfdata.luatex.sequences
+local function showfeatureorder(rawdata,filename)
+ local sequences = rawdata.resources.sequences
if sequences and #sequences > 0 then
if trace_loading then
report_otf("font %s has %s sequences",filename,#sequences)
report_otf(" ")
for nos=1,#sequences do
- local sequence = sequences[nos]
- local typ = sequence.type or "no-type"
- local name = or "no-name"
+ local sequence = sequences[nos]
+ local typ = sequence.type or "no-type"
+ local name = or "no-name"
local subtables = sequence.subtables or { "no-subtables" }
- local features = sequence.features
+ local features = sequence.features
if trace_loading then
report_otf("%3i %-15s %-20s [%s]",nos,name,typ,concat(subtables,","))
@@ -5858,25 +4913,6 @@ end
<p>We start with a lot of tables and related functions.</p>
-local global_fields = table.tohash {
- "metadata",
- "lookups",
- "glyphs",
- "subfonts",
- "luatex",
- "pfminfo",
- "cidinfo",
- "tables",
- "names",
- "unicodes",
- "names",
- -- "math",
- "anchor_classes",
- "kern_classes",
- "gpos",
- "gsub"
local valid_fields = table.tohash {
-- "anchor_classes",
@@ -5892,32 +4928,32 @@ local valid_fields = table.tohash {
+ "fontname",
-- "glyphs",
- "head_optimized_for_cleartype",
+ -- "head_optimized_for_cleartype",
-- "kerns",
-- "lookups",
- -- "luatex",
-- "modificationtime",
- -- "pfminfo",
+ "pfminfo",
-- "private",
-- "size",
- "subfonts",
+ -- "subfonts",
-- "tables",
-- "ttf_tab_saved",
@@ -5929,7 +4965,6 @@ local valid_fields = table.tohash {
-- "validation_state",
- "verbose",
@@ -5956,43 +4991,47 @@ local ordered_enhancers = {
"reorganize glyph lookups",
"reorganize glyph anchors",
+ "merge kern classes",
"reorganize features",
"reorganize subtables",
"check glyphs",
"check metadata",
- "check math parameters",
"check extra features", -- after metadata
+ "cleanup tables",
<p>Here we go.</p>
-local actions = { }
+local actions = allocate()
+local before = allocate()
+local after = allocate()
-patches.before = allocate()
-patches.after = allocate()
+patches.before = before
+patches.after = after
-local before = patches.before
-local after = patches.after
-local function enhance(name,data,filename,raw,verbose)
+local function enhance(name,data,filename,raw)
local enhancer = actions[name]
if enhancer then
- if verbose then
+ if trace_loading then
report_otf("enhance: %s (%s)",name,filename)
- else
- report_otf("enhance: %s is undefined",name)
+ elseif trace_loading then
+ -- report_otf("enhance: %s is undefined",name)
-function enhancers.apply(data,filename,raw,verbose)
+function enhancers.apply(data,filename,raw)
local basename = file.basename(lower(filename))
- report_otf("start enhancing: %s",filename)
+ if trace_loading then
+ report_otf("start enhancing: %s",filename)
+ end
ioflush() -- we want instant messages
for e=1,#ordered_enhancers do
local enhancer = ordered_enhancers[e]
@@ -6004,7 +5043,7 @@ function enhancers.apply(data,filename,raw,verbose)
- enhance(enhancer,data,filename,raw,verbose)
+ enhance(enhancer,data,filename,raw)
local a = after[enhancer]
if a then
for pattern, action in next, a do
@@ -6015,7 +5054,9 @@ function enhancers.apply(data,filename,raw,verbose)
ioflush() -- we want instant messages
- report_otf("stop enhancing")
+ if trace_loading then
+ report_otf("stop enhancing")
+ end
ioflush() -- we want instant messages
@@ -6043,11 +5084,14 @@ end
function otf.load(filename,format,sub,featurefile)
local name = file.basename(file.removesuffix(filename))
local attr = lfs.attributes(filename)
- local size, time = attr and attr.size or 0, attr and attr.modification or 0
+ local size = attr and attr.size or 0
+ local time = attr and attr.modification or 0
if featurefile then
name = name .. "@" .. file.removesuffix(file.basename(featurefile))
- if sub == "" then sub = false end
+ if sub == "" then
+ sub = false
+ end
local hash = name
if sub then
hash = hash .. "-" .. sub
@@ -6064,8 +5108,8 @@ function otf.load(filename,format,sub,featurefile)
local attr = lfs.attributes(name)
featurefiles[#featurefiles+1] = {
name = name,
- size = attr.size or 0,
- time = attr.modification or 0,
+ size = size,
+ time = time,
@@ -6074,7 +5118,7 @@ function otf.load(filename,format,sub,featurefile)
local data =,hash)
- local reload = not data or data.verbose ~= fonts.verbose or data.size ~= size or data.time ~= time
+ local reload = not data or data.size ~= size or data.time ~= time
if forceload then
report_otf("loading: forced reload due to hard coded flag")
reload = true
@@ -6102,7 +5146,7 @@ function otf.load(filename,format,sub,featurefile)
if reload then
report_otf("loading: %s (hash: %s)",filename,hash)
- local fontdata, messages, rawdata
+ local fontdata, messages
if sub then
fontdata, messages =,sub)
@@ -6128,51 +5172,66 @@ function otf.load(filename,format,sub,featurefile)
- report_otf("loading method: %s",loadmethod)
- if loadmethod == "sparse" then
- rawdata = fontdata
- else
- rawdata = fontloader.to_table(fontdata)
- fontloader.close(fontdata)
- end
- if rawdata then
- data = { }
- starttiming(data)
- local verboseindeed = verbose ~= nil and verbose or trace_loading
- report_otf("file size: %s", size)
- enhancers.apply(data,filename,rawdata,verboseindeed)
- if packdata and not fonts.verbose then
- enhance("pack",data,filename,nil,verboseindeed)
- end
- data.size = size
- data.time = time
- data.format = format
- if featurefiles then
- data.featuredata = featurefiles
- end
- data.verbose = fonts.verbose
- report_otf("saving in cache: %s",filename)
- data = containers.write(otf.cache, hash, data)
+ local unicodes = {
+ -- names to unicodes
+ }
+ local splitter = lpeg.splitter(" ",unicodes)
+ data = {
+ size = size,
+ time = time,
+ format = format,
+ featuredata = featurefiles,
+ resources = {
+ filename = resolvers.unresolve(filename), -- no shortcut
+ version = otf.version,
+ creator = "context mkiv",
+ unicodes = unicodes,
+ indices = {
+ -- unicodes to names
+ },
+ lookuptypes = {
+ },
+ },
+ metadata = {
+ -- raw metadata, not to be used
+ },
+ properties = {
+ -- normalized metadata
+ },
+ descriptions = {
+ },
+ goodies = {
+ },
+ helpers = {
+ tounicodelist = splitter,
+ tounicodetable = lpeg.Ct(splitter),
+ },
+ }
+ starttiming(data)
+ report_otf("file size: %s", size)
+ enhancers.apply(data,filename,fontdata)
+ if packdata then
if cleanup > 0 then
- stoptiming(data)
- if elapsedtime then -- not in generic
- report_otf("preprocessing and caching took %s seconds",elapsedtime(data))
- end
- data =, hash) -- this frees the old table and load the sparse one
- if cleanup > 1 then
- collectgarbage("collect")
- end
- else
- data = nil
- report_otf("loading failed (table conversion error)")
+ enhance("pack",data,filename,nil)
- if loadmethod == "sparse" then
- fontloader.close(fontdata)
- if cleanup > 2 then
- -- collectgarbage("collect")
- end
+ report_otf("saving in cache: %s",filename)
+ data = containers.write(otf.cache, hash, data)
+ if cleanup > 1 then
+ collectgarbage("collect")
+ end
+ stoptiming(data)
+ if elapsedtime then -- not in generic
+ report_otf("preprocessing and caching took %s seconds",elapsedtime(data))
+ end
+ fontloader.close(fontdata) -- free memory
+ if cleanup > 3 then
+ collectgarbage("collect")
+ end
+ data =, hash) -- this frees the old table and load the sparse one
+ if cleanup > 2 then
+ collectgarbage("collect")
data = nil
@@ -6208,35 +5267,42 @@ local mt = {
+actions["prepare tables"] = function(data,filename,raw)
+ = false
actions["add dimensions"] = function(data,filename)
-- todo: forget about the width if it's the defaultwidth (saves mem)
-- we could also build the marks hash here (instead of storing it)
if data then
- local luatex = data.luatex
- local defaultwidth = luatex.defaultwidth or 0
- local defaultheight = luatex.defaultheight or 0
- local defaultdepth = luatex.defaultdepth or 0
+ local descriptions = data.descriptions
+ local resources = data.resources
+ local defaultwidth = resources.defaultwidth or 0
+ local defaultheight = resources.defaultheight or 0
+ local defaultdepth = resources.defaultdepth or 0
if usemetatables then
- for _, d in next, data.glyphs do
+ for _, d in next, descriptions do
local wd = d.width
if not wd then
d.width = defaultwidth
- elseif wd ~= 0 and d.class == "mark" then
- d.width = -wd
+ elseif trace_markwidth and wd ~= 0 and d.class == "mark" then
+ report_otf("mark with width %s (%s) in %s",wd, or "<noname>",file.basename(filename))
+ -- d.width = -wd
- for _, d in next, data.glyphs do
+ for _, d in next, descriptions do
local bb, wd = d.boundingbox, d.width
if not wd then
d.width = defaultwidth
- elseif wd ~= 0 and d.class == "mark" then
- d.width = -wd
- end
- if forcenotdef and not then
- = ".notdef"
+ elseif trace_markwidth and wd ~= 0 and d.class == "mark" then
+ report_otf("mark with width %s (%s) in %s",wd, or "<noname>",file.basename(filename))
+ -- d.width = -wd
+ -- if forcenotdef and not then
+ -- = ".notdef"
+ -- end
if bb then
local ht, dp = bb[4], -bb[2]
if ht == 0 or ht < 0 then
@@ -6255,16 +5321,6 @@ actions["add dimensions"] = function(data,filename)
-actions["prepare tables"] = function(data,filename,raw)
- local luatex = {
- filename = resolvers.unresolve(filename), -- no shortcut
- version = otf.version,
- creator = "context mkiv",
- }
- data.luatex = luatex
- data.metadata = { }
local function somecopy(old) -- fast one
if old then
local new = { }
@@ -6301,192 +5357,220 @@ end
-- table cronstruction can save some mem
actions["prepare glyphs"] = function(data,filename,raw)
- -- we can also move the names to data.luatex.names which might
- -- save us some more memory (at the cost of harder tracing)
- local rawglyphs = raw.glyphs
- local glyphs, udglyphs
- if loadmethod == "sparse" then
- glyphs, udglyphs = { }, { }
- elseif loadmethod == "mixed" then
- glyphs, udglyphs = { }, rawglyphs
- else
- glyphs, udglyphs = rawglyphs, rawglyphs
- end
- data.glyphs, data.udglyphs = glyphs, udglyphs
- local subfonts = raw.subfonts
- if subfonts then
- if data.glyphs and next(data.glyphs) then
- report_otf("replacing existing glyph table due to subfonts")
- end
- local cidinfo = raw.cidinfo
- if cidinfo.registry then
- local cidmap, cidname = fonts.cid.getmap(cidinfo.registry,cidinfo.ordering,cidinfo.supplement)
+ local rawglyphs = raw.glyphs
+ local rawsubfonts = raw.subfonts
+ local rawcidinfo = raw.cidinfo
+ local criterium = constructors.privateoffset
+ local private = criterium
+ local resources = data.resources
+ local metadata = data.metadata
+ local properties =
+ local descriptions = data.descriptions
+ local unicodes = resources.unicodes -- name to unicode
+ local indices = resources.indices -- index to unicode
+ if rawsubfonts then
+ metadata.subfonts = { }
+ properties.cidinfo = rawcidinfo
+ if rawcidinfo.registry then
+ local cidmap = fonts.cid.getmap(rawcidinfo)
if cidmap then
- cidinfo.usedname = cidmap.usedname
- local uni_to_int, int_to_uni, nofnames, nofunicodes = { }, { }, 0, 0
- local unicodes, names = cidmap.unicodes, cidmap.names
- for cidindex=1,#subfonts do
- local subfont = subfonts[cidindex]
- if loadmethod == "sparse" then
- local rawglyphs = subfont.glyphs
- for index=0,subfont.glyphmax - 1 do
- local g = rawglyphs[index]
- if g then
- local unicode, name = unicodes[index], names[index]
- if unicode then
- uni_to_int[unicode] = index
- int_to_uni[index] = unicode
- nofunicodes = nofunicodes + 1
- elseif name then
- nofnames = nofnames + 1
- end
- udglyphs[index] = g
- glyphs[index] = {
- width = g.width,
- italic = g.italic_correction,
- boundingbox = g.boundingbox,
- class = g.class,
- name = or name or "unknown", -- uniXXXX
- cidindex = cidindex,
- unicode = unicode,
- }
+ rawcidinfo.usedname = cidmap.usedname
+ local nofnames, nofunicodes = 0, 0
+ local cidunicodes, cidnames = cidmap.unicodes, cidmap.names
+ for cidindex=1,#rawsubfonts do
+ local subfont = rawsubfonts[cidindex]
+ local cidglyphs = subfont.glyphs
+ metadata.subfonts[cidindex] = somecopy(subfont)
+ for index=0,subfont.glyphmax - 1 do
+ local glyph = cidglyphs[index]
+ if glyph then
+ local unicode = glyph.unicode
+ local name = or cidnames[index]
+ if not unicode or unicode == -1 or unicode >= criterium then
+ unicode = cidunicodes[index]
- end
- -- If we had more userdata, we would need more of this
- -- and it would start working against us in terms of
- -- convenience and speed.
- subfont = somecopy(subfont)
- subfont.glyphs = nil
- subfont[cidindex] = subfont
- elseif loadmethod == "mixed" then
- for index, g in next, subfont.glyphs do
- local unicode, name = unicodes[index], names[index]
- if unicode then
- uni_to_int[unicode] = index
- int_to_uni[index] = unicode
- nofunicodes = nofunicodes + 1
- elseif name then
+ if not unicode or unicode == -1 or unicode >= criterium then
+ if not name then
+ name = format("u%06X",private)
+ end
+ unicode = private
+ unicodes[name] = private
+ if trace_private then
+ report_otf("enhance: glyph %s at index U+%04X is moved to private unicode slot U+%04X",name,index,private)
+ end
+ private = private + 1
nofnames = nofnames + 1
+ else
+ if not name then
+ name = format("u%06X",unicode)
+ end
+ unicodes[name] = unicode
+ nofunicodes = nofunicodes + 1
- udglyphs[index] = g
- glyphs[index] = {
- width = g.width,
- italic = g.italic_correction,
- boundingbox = g.boundingbox,
- class = g.class,
- name = or name or "unknown", -- uniXXXX
+ indices[unicode] = index -- each index in unique (at least now)
+ local description = {
+ -- width = glyph.width,
+ boundingbox = glyph.boundingbox,
+ name = or name or "unknown", -- uniXXXX
cidindex = cidindex,
- unicode = unicode,
+ index = index,
+ glyph = glyph,
+ descriptions[unicode] = description
- subfont.glyphs = nil
- else
- for index, g in next, subfont.glyphs do
- local unicode, name = unicodes[index], names[index]
- if unicode then
- uni_to_int[unicode] = index
- int_to_uni[index] = unicode
- nofunicodes = nofunicodes + 1
- g.unicode = unicode
- elseif name then
- nofnames = nofnames + 1
- end
- g.cidindex = cidindex
- glyphs[index] = g
- end
- subfont.glyphs = nil
if trace_loading then
report_otf("cid font remapped, %s unicode points, %s symbolic names, %s glyphs",nofunicodes, nofnames, nofunicodes+nofnames)
- = or { }
- = uni_to_int
- = int_to_uni
elseif trace_loading then
report_otf("unable to remap cid font, missing cid file for %s",filename)
- data.subfonts = subfonts
elseif trace_loading then
report_otf("font %s has no glyphs",filename)
- if loadmethod == "sparse" then
- -- we get fields from the userdata glyph table and create
- -- a minimal entry first
- for index=0,raw.glyphmax - 1 do
- local g = rawglyphs[index]
- if g then
- udglyphs[index] = g
- glyphs[index] = {
- width = g.width,
- italic = g.italic_correction,
- boundingbox = g.boundingbox,
- class = g.class,
- name =,
- unicode = g.unicode,
- }
+ for index=0,raw.glyphmax-1 do
+ local glyph = rawglyphs[index]
+ if glyph then
+ local unicode = glyph.unicode
+ local name =
+ if not unicode or unicode == -1 or unicode >= criterium then
+ unicode = private
+ unicodes[name] = private
+ if trace_private then
+ report_otf("enhance: glyph %s at index U+%04X is moved to private unicode slot U+%04X",name,index,private)
+ end
+ private = private + 1
+ else
+ unicodes[name] = unicode
- end
- elseif loadmethod == "mixed" then
- -- we get fields from the totable glyph table and copy to the
- -- final glyph table so first we create a minimal entry
- for index, g in next, rawglyphs do
- udglyphs[index] = g
- glyphs[index] = {
- width = g.width,
- italic = g.italic_correction,
- boundingbox = g.boundingbox,
- class = g.class,
- name =,
- unicode = g.unicode,
+ indices[unicode] = index
+ if not name then
+ name = format("u%06X",unicode)
+ end
+ descriptions[unicode] = {
+ -- width = glyph.width,
+ boundingbox = glyph.boundingbox,
+ name = name,
+ index = index,
+ glyph = glyph,
- else
- -- we use the totable glyph table directly and manipulate the
- -- entries in this (also final) table
- =
- data.cidinfo = raw.cidinfo -- hack
+ resources.private = private
--- watch copy of cidinfo: we can best make some more copies to data
+-- the next one is still messy but will get better when we have
+-- flattened map/enc tables in the font loader
+actions["prepare unicodes"] = function(data,filename,raw)
+ local descriptions = data.descriptions
+ local resources = data.resources
+ local properties =
+ local unicodes = resources.unicodes -- name to unicode
+ local indices = resources.indices -- index to unicodes
+ -- begin of messy (not needed whwn cidmap)
+ local mapdata = or { }
+ local unicodetoindex = mapdata and or { }
+ -- local encname = lower(data.enc_name or raw.enc_name or mapdata.enc_name or "")
+ local encname = lower(data.enc_name or mapdata.enc_name or "")
+ local criterium = 0xFFFF -- for instance cambria has a lot of mess up there
+ -- end of messy
+ if find(encname,"unicode") then -- unicodebmp, unicodefull, ...
+ if trace_loading then
+ report_otf("using embedded unicode map '%s'",encname)
+ end
+ local multiples, nofmultiples = { }, 0
+ for unicode, index in next, unicodetoindex do
+ if unicode <= criterium and not descriptions[unicode] then
+ local parent = indices[index]
+ local description = descriptions[parent]
+ if description then
+ local c = fastcopy(description)
+ c.comment = format("copy of 0x%04X", parent)
+ descriptions[unicode] = c
+ local name =
+ if not unicodes[name] then
+ unicodes[name] = unicode
+ end
+ nofmultiples = nofmultiples + 1
+ multiples[nofmultiples] = name -- we can save duplicates if needed
+ else
+ -- make it a notdef
+ report_otf("weird unicode 0x%04X at index 0x%04X",unicode,index)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if trace_loading then
+ if nofmultiples > 0 then
+ report_otf("%s glyphs are reused: %s",nofmultiples,concat(multiples," "))
+ else
+ report_otf("no glyphs are reused")
+ end
+ end
+ elseif properties.cidinfo then
+ report_otf("warning: no unicode map, used cidmap '%s'",properties.cidinfo.usedname or "?")
+ else
+ report_otf("warning: non unicode map '%s', only using glyph unicode data",encname or "whatever")
+ end
+ if mapdata then
+ = { } -- clear some memory
+ end
+-- class : nil base mark ligature component (maybe we don't need it in description)
+-- boundingbox: split into ht/dp takes more memory (larger tables and less sharing)
actions["analyze glyphs"] = function(data,filename,raw) -- maybe integrate this in the previous
- local glyphs = data.glyphs
- -- collect info
- local has_italic, widths, marks = false, { }, { }
- for index, glyph in next, glyphs do
- local italic = glyph.italic_correction
+ local descriptions = data.descriptions
+ local resources = data.resources
+ local metadata = data.metadata
+ local properties =
+ local italic_correction = false
+ local widths = { }
+ local marks = { }
+ for unicode, description in next, descriptions do
+ local glyph = description.glyph
if not italic then
-- skip
elseif italic == 0 then
- glyph.italic_correction = nil
- glyph.italic = nil
+ -- skip
- glyph.italic_correction = nil
- glyph.italic = italic
- has_italic = true
+ description.italic = italic
+ italic_correction = true
local width = glyph.width
widths[width] = (widths[width] or 0) + 1
local class = glyph.class
- local unicode = glyph.unicode
- if class == "mark" then
- marks[unicode] = true
- -- elseif chardata[unicode].category == "mn" then
- -- marks[unicode] = true
- -- glyph.class = "mark"
+ if class then
+ if class == "mark" then
+ marks[unicode] = true
+ end
+ description.class = class
- local a = glyph.altuni if a then glyph.altuni = nil end
- local d = glyph.dependents if d then glyph.dependents = nil end
- local v = glyph.vwidth if v then glyph.vwidth = nil end
-- flag italic
- data.metadata.has_italic = has_italic
+ properties.italic_correction = italic_correction
-- flag marks
- data.luatex.marks = marks
+ resources.marks = marks
-- share most common width for cjk fonts
local wd, most = 0, 1
for k,v in next, widths do
@@ -6498,43 +5582,41 @@ actions["analyze glyphs"] = function(data,filename,raw) -- maybe integrate this
if trace_loading then
report_otf("most common width: %s (%s times), sharing (cjk font)",wd,most)
- for index, glyph in next, glyphs do
- if glyph.width == wd then
- glyph.width = nil
+ for unicode, description in next, descriptions do
+ if description.width == wd then
+ -- description.width = nil
+ else
+ description.width = description.glyph.width
- data.luatex.defaultwidth = wd
+ resources.defaultwidth = wd
+ else
+ for unicode, description in next, descriptions do
+ description.width = description.glyph.width
+ end
actions["reorganize mark classes"] = function(data,filename,raw)
local mark_classes = raw.mark_classes
if mark_classes then
- local luatex = data.luatex
- local unicodes = luatex.unicodes
- local reverse = { }
- luatex.markclasses = reverse
+ local resources = data.resources
+ local unicodes = resources.unicodes
+ local markclasses = { }
+ resources.markclasses = markclasses -- reversed
for name, class in next, mark_classes do
local t = { }
for s in gmatch(class,"[^ ]+") do
- local us = unicodes[s]
- if type(us) == "table" then
- for u=1,#us do
- t[us[u]] = true
- end
- else
- t[us] = true
- end
+ t[unicodes[s]] = true
- reverse[name] = t
+ markclasses[name] = t
- data.mark_classes = nil -- when using table
actions["reorganize features"] = function(data,filename,raw) -- combine with other
local features = { }
- data.luatex.features = features
+ data.resources.features = features
for k, what in next, otf.glists do
local dw = raw[what]
if dw then
@@ -6547,7 +5629,11 @@ actions["reorganize features"] = function(data,filename,raw) -- combine with oth
for i=1,#dfeatures do
local df = dfeatures[i]
local tag = strip(lower(df.tag))
- local ft = f[tag] if not ft then ft = {} f[tag] = ft end
+ local ft = f[tag]
+ if not ft then
+ ft = { }
+ f[tag] = ft
+ end
local dscripts = df.scripts
for i=1,#dscripts do
local d = dscripts[i]
@@ -6566,25 +5652,34 @@ actions["reorganize features"] = function(data,filename,raw) -- combine with oth
actions["reorganize anchor classes"] = function(data,filename,raw)
- local classes = raw.anchor_classes -- anchor classes not in final table
- local luatex = data.luatex
- local anchor_to_lookup, lookup_to_anchor = { }, { }
- luatex.anchor_to_lookup, luatex.lookup_to_anchor = anchor_to_lookup, lookup_to_anchor
+ local resources = data.resources
+ local anchor_to_lookup = { }
+ local lookup_to_anchor = { }
+ resources.anchor_to_lookup = anchor_to_lookup
+ resources.lookup_to_anchor = lookup_to_anchor
+ local classes = raw.anchor_classes -- anchor classes not in final table
if classes then
for c=1,#classes do
- local class = classes[c]
- local anchor =
+ local class = classes[c]
+ local anchor =
local lookups = class.lookup
if type(lookups) ~= "table" then
lookups = { lookups }
local a = anchor_to_lookup[anchor]
- if not a then a = { } anchor_to_lookup[anchor] = a end
+ if not a then
+ a = { }
+ anchor_to_lookup[anchor] = a
+ end
for l=1,#lookups do
local lookup = lookups[l]
local l = lookup_to_anchor[lookup]
- if not l then l = { } lookup_to_anchor[lookup] = l end
- l[anchor] = true
+ if l then
+ l[anchor] = true
+ else
+ l = { [anchor] = true }
+ lookup_to_anchor[lookup] = l
+ end
a[lookup] = true
@@ -6592,13 +5687,16 @@ actions["reorganize anchor classes"] = function(data,filename,raw)
actions["prepare tounicode"] = function(data,filename,raw)
+ fonts.mappings.addtounicode(data,filename)
actions["reorganize subtables"] = function(data,filename,raw)
- local luatex = data.luatex
- local sequences, lookups = { }, { }
- luatex.sequences, luatex.lookups = sequences, lookups
+ local resources = data.resources
+ local sequences = { }
+ local lookups = { }
+ local chainedfeatures = { }
+ resources.sequences = sequences
+ resources.lookups = lookups
for _, what in next, otf.glists do
local dw = raw[what]
if dw then
@@ -6613,9 +5711,7 @@ actions["reorganize subtables"] = function(data,filename,raw)
if subtables then
local t = { }
for s=1,#subtables do
- local subtable = subtables[s]
- local name =
- t[#t+1] = name
+ t[s] = subtables[s].name
subtables = t
@@ -6629,7 +5725,7 @@ actions["reorganize subtables"] = function(data,filename,raw)
markclass = flags.mark_class
if markclass then
- markclass = luatex.markclasses[markclass]
+ markclass = resources.markclasses[markclass]
flags = t
@@ -6678,138 +5774,165 @@ actions["reorganize subtables"] = function(data,filename,raw)
--- the next one is still messy but will get better when we have
--- flattened map/enc tables in the font loader
+-- test this:
+-- for _, what in next, otf.glists do
+-- raw[what] = nil
+-- end
-actions["prepare unicodes"] = function(data,filename,raw)
- local luatex = data.luatex
- local indices, unicodes, multiples, internals= { }, { }, { }, { }
- local mapdata = or -- map already moved
- local mapmap
- if not mapdata then
- report_otf("no mapdata in '%s'",filename)
- mapmap = { }
- mapdata = { map = mapmap }
- = mapdata
- elseif not then
- report_otf("no map in mapdata of '%s'",filename)
- mapmap = { }
- = mapmap
- else
- mapmap =
- end
- local encname = lower(data.enc_name or raw.enc_name or mapdata.enc_name or "")
- local criterium = fonts.privateoffset
- local private = criterium
- local glyphs = data.glyphs
- -- todo: nofmultiples
- for index, glyph in next, glyphs do
- if index > 0 then
- local name = -- really needed ?
- if name then
- local unicode = glyph.unicode
- if not unicode or unicode == -1 or unicode >= criterium then
- glyph.unicode = private
- indices[private] = index
- unicodes[name] = private
- internals[index] = true
- if trace_private then
- report_otf("enhance: glyph %s at index U+%04X is moved to private unicode slot U+%04X",name,index,private)
- end
- private = private + 1
- else
- indices[unicode] = index
- unicodes[name] = unicode
- end
- -- maybe deal with altuni here in the future but first we need
- -- to encounter a proper font that sets them; we have to wait till
- -- a next luatex binary as currently the unicode numbers can be out
- -- of bounds
- if false then
- local altuni = glyph.altuni
- if altuni then
- local un = { unicodes[name] }
- for i=1,#altuni do
- local unicode = altuni[i].unicode
- multiples[#multiples+1] = name
- un[i+1] = unicode
- indices[unicode] = index -- maybe check for duplicates
- end
- unicodes[name] = un
- end
- end
- else
- -- message that something is wrong
- end
- end
- end
- -- beware: the indices table is used to initialize the tfm table
- if find(encname,"unicode") then -- unicodebmp, unicodefull, ...
- if trace_loading then
- report_otf("using embedded unicode map '%s'",encname)
- end
- -- ok -- we can also consider using the altuni
- for unicode, index in next, mapmap do
- if not internals[index] then
- local name = glyphs[index].name
- if name then
- local un = unicodes[name]
- if not un then
- unicodes[name] = unicode -- or 0
- elseif type(un) == "number" then -- tonumber(un)
- if un ~= unicode then
- multiples[#multiples+1] = name
- unicodes[name] = { un, unicode }
- indices[unicode] = index
- end
- else
- local ok = false
- for u=1,#un do
- if un[u] == unicode then
- ok = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not ok then
- multiples[#multiples+1] = name
- un[#un+1] = unicode
- indices[unicode] = index
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- report_otf("warning: non unicode map '%s', only using glyph unicode data",encname or "whatever")
+actions["prepare lookups"] = function(data,filename,raw)
+ local lookups = raw.lookups
+ if lookups then
+ data.lookups = lookups
- if trace_loading then
- if #multiples > 0 then
- report_otf("%s glyphs are reused: %s",#multiples, concat(multiples," "))
- else
- report_otf("no glyphs are reused")
+local function t_uncover(splitter,cache,covers)
+ local result = { }
+ for n=1,#covers do
+ local cover = covers[n]
+ local uncovered = cache[cover]
+ if not uncovered then
+ uncovered = lpegmatch(splitter,cover)
+ cache[cover] = uncovered
+ result[n] = uncovered
- luatex.indices = indices
- luatex.unicodes = unicodes
- luatex.private = private
+ return result
-actions["prepare lookups"] = function(data,filename,raw)
- local lookups = raw.lookups
- if lookups then
- data.lookups = lookups
+local function s_uncover(splitter,cache,cover)
+ if cover == "" then
+ return nil
+ else
+ local uncovered = cache[cover]
+ if not uncovered then
+ uncovered = lpegmatch(splitter,cover)
+ cache[cover] = uncovered
+ end
+ return uncovered
actions["reorganize lookups"] = function(data,filename,raw)
-- we prefer the before lookups in a normal order
if data.lookups then
- for _, v in next, data.lookups do
- if v.rules then
- for _, vv in next, v.rules do
- local c = vv.coverage
- if c and c.before then
- c.before = reversed(c.before)
+ local splitter = data.helpers.tounicodetable
+ local cache = { }
+ for _, lookup in next, data.lookups do
+ local rules = lookup.rules
+ if rules then
+ local format = lookup.format
+ if format == "class" then
+ local before_class = lookup.before_class
+ if before_class then
+ before_class = t_uncover(splitter,cache,reversed(before_class))
+ end
+ local current_class = lookup.current_class
+ if current_class then
+ current_class = t_uncover(splitter,cache,current_class)
+ end
+ local after_class = lookup.after_class
+ if after_class then
+ after_class = t_uncover(splitter,cache,after_class)
+ end
+ for i=1,#rules do
+ local rule = rules[i]
+ local class = rule.class
+ local before = class.before
+ if before then
+ for i=1,#before do
+ before[i] = before_class[before[i]] or { }
+ end
+ rule.before = before
+ end
+ local current = class.current
+ local lookups = rule.lookups
+ if current then
+ for i=1,#current do
+ current[i] = current_class[current[i]] or { }
+ if lookups and not lookups[i] then
+ lookups[i] = false
+ end
+ end
+ rule.current = current
+ end
+ local after = class.after
+ if after then
+ for i=1,#after do
+ after[i] = after_class[after[i]] or { }
+ end
+ rule.after = after
+ end
+ rule.class = nil
+ end
+ lookup.before_class = nil
+ lookup.current_class = nil
+ lookup.after_class = nil
+ lookup.format = "coverage"
+ elseif format == "coverage" then
+ for i=1,#rules do
+ local rule = rules[i]
+ local coverage = rule.coverage
+ if coverage then
+ local before = coverage.before
+ if before then
+ rule.before = t_uncover(splitter,cache,reversed(before))
+ end
+ local current = coverage.current
+ if current then
+ rule.current = t_uncover(splitter,cache,current)
+ end
+ local after = coverage.after
+ if after then
+ rule.after = t_uncover(splitter,cache,after)
+ end
+ rule.coverage = nil
+ end
+ end
+ elseif format == "reversecoverage" then
+ for i=1,#rules do
+ local rule = rules[i]
+ local reversecoverage = rule.reversecoverage
+ if reversecoverage then
+ local before = reversecoverage.before
+ if before then
+ rule.before = t_uncover(splitter,cache,reversed(before))
+ end
+ local current = reversecoverage.current
+ if current then
+ rule.current = t_uncover(splitter,cache,current)
+ end
+ local after = reversecoverage.after
+ if after then
+ rule.after = t_uncover(splitter,cache,after)
+ end
+ local replacements = reversecoverage.replacements
+ if replacements then
+ rule.replacements = s_uncover(splitter,cache,replacements)
+ end
+ rule.reversecoverage = nil
+ end
+ end
+ elseif format == "glyphs" then
+ for i=1,#rules do
+ local rule = rules[i]
+ local glyphs = rule.glyphs
+ if glyphs then
+ local fore = glyphs.fore
+ if fore then
+ rule.fore = s_uncover(splitter,cache,fore)
+ end
+ local back = glyphs.back
+ if back then
+ rule.back = s_uncover(splitter,cache,back)
+ end
+ local names = glyphs.names
+ if names then
+ rule.names = s_uncover(splitter,cache,names)
+ end
+ rule.glyphs = nil
+ end
@@ -6817,144 +5940,152 @@ actions["reorganize lookups"] = function(data,filename,raw)
+-- to be checked italic_correction
actions["analyze math"] = function(data,filename,raw)
if raw.math then
-data.metadata.math = raw.math
- -- we move the math stuff into a math subtable because we then can
- -- test faster in the tfm copy
- local glyphs, udglyphs = data.glyphs, data.udglyphs
- local unicodes = data.luatex.unicodes
- for index, udglyph in next, udglyphs do
- local mk = udglyph.mathkern
- local hv = udglyph.horiz_variants
- local vv = udglyph.vert_variants
- if mk or hv or vv then
- local glyph = glyphs[index]
+ data.metadata.math = raw.math
+ local unicodes = data.resources.unicodes
+ local splitter = data.helpers.tounicodetable
+ for unicode, description in next, data.descriptions do
+ local glyph = description.glyph
+ local mathkerns = glyph.mathkern -- singular
+ local horiz_variants = glyph.horiz_variants
+ local vert_variants = glyph.vert_variants
+ local top_accent = glyph.top_accent
+ if mathkerns or horiz_variants or vert_variants or top_accent then
local math = { }
- glyph.math = math
- if mk then
- for k, v in next, mk do
+ if top_accent then
+ math.top_accent = top_accent
+ end
+ if mathkerns then
+ for k, v in next, mathkerns do
if not next(v) then
- mk[k] = nil
+ mathkerns[k] = nil
+ else
+ for k, v in next, v do
+ if v == 0 then
+ k[v] = nil -- height / kern can be zero
+ end
+ end
- math.kerns = mk
+ math.kerns = mathkerns
- if hv then
- math.horiz_variants = hv.variants
- local p =
- if p and #p > 0 then
- for i=1,#p do
- local pi = p[i]
+ if horiz_variants then
+ local variants = horiz_variants.variants
+ if variants then -- use splitter
+ local glyphs = lpegmatch(splitter,variants)
+ for i=1,#glyphs do
+ if glyphs[i] == u then
+ remove(glyphs,i)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ math.horiz_variants = glyphs
+ end
+ local parts =
+ if parts and #parts > 0 then
+ for i=1,#parts do
+ local pi = parts[i]
pi.glyph = unicodes[pi.component] or 0
+ pi.component = nil
- math.horiz_parts = p
+ math.horiz_parts = parts
- local ic = hv.italic_correction
- if ic and ic ~= 0 then
- math.horiz_italic_correction = ic
+ local italic_correction = horiz_variants.italic_correction
+ if italic_correction and italic_correction ~= 0 then
+ math.horiz_italic_correction = italic_correction
- if vv then
- local uc = unicodes[index]
- math.vert_variants = vv.variants
- local p =
- if p and #p > 0 then
- for i=1,#p do
- local pi = p[i]
+ if vert_variants then
+ local variants = vert_variants.variants
+ if variants then
+ local glyphs = lpegmatch(splitter,variants)
+ for i=1,#glyphs do
+ if glyphs[i] == u then
+ remove(glyphs,i)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ math.vert_variants = glyphs
+ end
+ local p =
+ if parts and #parts > 0 then
+ for i=1,#parts do
+ local pi = parts[i]
pi.glyph = unicodes[pi.component] or 0
+ pi.component = nil
- math.vert_parts = p
+ math.vert_parts = parts
- local ic = vv.italic_correction
- if ic and ic ~= 0 then
- math.vert_italic_correction = ic
+ local italic_correction = vert_variants.italic_correction
+ if italic_correction and italic_correction ~= 0 then
+ math.vert_italic_correction = italic_correction
- local ic = glyph.italic_correction
- if ic then
- if ic ~= 0 then
- math.italic_correction = ic
- end
+ local italic_correction = description.italic
+ if italic_correction and italic_correction ~= 0 then
+ math.italic_correction = italic_correction
+ description.math = math
actions["reorganize glyph kerns"] = function(data,filename,raw)
- local luatex = data.luatex
- local udglyphs, glyphs, mapmap, unicodes = data.udglyphs, data.glyphs, luatex.indices, luatex.unicodes
- local mkdone = false
- local function do_it(lookup,first_unicode,extrakerns) -- can be moved inline but seldom used
- local glyph = glyphs[mapmap[first_unicode]]
- if glyph then
- local kerns = glyph.kerns
- if not kerns then
- kerns = { } -- unicode indexed !
- glyph.kerns = kerns
- end
- local lookupkerns = kerns[lookup]
- if not lookupkerns then
- lookupkerns = { }
- kerns[lookup] = lookupkerns
- end
- for second_unicode, kern in next, extrakerns do
- lookupkerns[second_unicode] = kern
- end
- elseif trace_loading then
- report_otf("no glyph data for U+%04X", first_unicode)
- end
- end
- for index, udglyph in next, data.udglyphs do
- local kerns = udglyph.kerns
+ local descriptions = data.descriptions
+ local resources = data.resources
+ local unicodes = resources.unicodes
+ for unicode, description in next, descriptions do
+ local kerns = description.glyph.kerns
if kerns then
- local glyph = glyphs[index]
local newkerns = { }
- for k,v in next, kerns do
- local vc, vo, vl = v.char,, v.lookup
- if vc and vo and vl then -- brrr, wrong! we miss the non unicode ones
- local uvc = unicodes[vc]
- if not uvc then
- if trace_loading then
- report_otf("problems with unicode %s of kern %s at glyph %s",vc,k,index)
- end
- else
- if type(vl) ~= "table" then
- vl = { vl }
- end
- for l=1,#vl do
- local vll = vl[l]
- local mkl = newkerns[vll]
- if not mkl then
- mkl = { }
- newkerns[vll] = mkl
- end
- if type(uvc) == "table" then
- for u=1,#uvc do
- mkl[uvc[u]] = vo
+ for k, kern in next, kerns do
+ local name = kern.char
+ local offset =
+ local lookup = kern.lookup
+ if name and offset and lookup then
+ local unicode = unicodes[name]
+ if unicode then
+ if type(lookup) == "table" then
+ for l=1,#lookup do
+ local lookup = lookup[l]
+ local lookupkerns = newkerns[lookup]
+ if lookupkerns then
+ lookupkerns[unicode] = offset
+ else
+ newkerns[lookup] = { [unicode] = offset }
+ end
+ else
+ local lookupkerns = newkerns[lookup]
+ if lookupkerns then
+ lookupkerns[unicode] = offset
- mkl[uvc] = vo
+ newkerns[lookup] = { [unicode] = offset }
+ elseif trace_loading then
+ report_otf("problems with unicode %s of kern %s of glyph 0x%04X",name,k,unicode)
- glyph.kerns = newkerns -- udglyph.kerns = nil when in mixed mode
- mkdone = true
+ description.kerns = newkerns
- if trace_loading and mkdone then
- report_otf("replacing 'kerns' tables by a new 'kerns' tables")
- end
- local dgpos = raw.gpos
- if dgpos then
- local separator = lpeg.P(" ")
- local other = ((1 - separator)^0) / unicodes
- local splitter = lpeg.Ct(other * (separator * other)^0)
- for gp=1,#dgpos do
- local gpos = dgpos[gp]
+actions["merge kern classes"] = function(data,filename,raw)
+ local gposlist = raw.gpos
+ if gposlist then
+ local descriptions = data.descriptions
+ local resources = data.resources
+ local unicodes = resources.unicodes
+ local splitter = data.helpers.tounicodetable
+ for gp=1,#gposlist do
+ local gpos = gposlist[gp]
local subtables = gpos.subtables
if subtables then
for s=1,#subtables do
@@ -6964,56 +6095,71 @@ actions["reorganize glyph kerns"] = function(data,filename,raw)
local split = { } -- saves time
for k=1,#kernclass do
local kcl = kernclass[k]
- local firsts, seconds, offsets, lookups = kcl.firsts, kcl.seconds, kcl.offsets, kcl.lookup -- singular
+ local firsts = kcl.firsts
+ local seconds = kcl.seconds
+ local offsets = kcl.offsets
+ local lookups = kcl.lookup -- singular
if type(lookups) ~= "table" then
lookups = { lookups }
- local maxfirsts, maxseconds = getn(firsts), getn(seconds)
- -- here we could convert split into a list of unicodes which is a bit
- -- faster but as this is only done when caching it does not save us much
- for _, s in next, firsts do
+ -- we can check the max in the loop
+ -- local maxseconds = getn(seconds)
+ for n, s in next, firsts do
split[s] = split[s] or lpegmatch(splitter,s)
- for _, s in next, seconds do
+ local maxseconds = 0
+ for n, s in next, seconds do
+ if n > maxseconds then
+ maxseconds = n
+ end
split[s] = split[s] or lpegmatch(splitter,s)
for l=1,#lookups do
local lookup = lookups[l]
- for fk=1,#firsts do
+ for fk=1,#firsts do -- maxfirsts ?
local fv = firsts[fk]
local splt = split[fv]
if splt then
- local kerns, baseoffset = { }, (fk-1) * maxseconds
- for sk=2,maxseconds do
- local sv = seconds[sk]
+ local extrakerns = { }
+ local baseoffset = (fk-1) * maxseconds
+ -- for sk=2,maxseconds do
+ -- local sv = seconds[sk]
+ for sk, sv in next, seconds do
local splt = split[sv]
- if splt then
+ if splt then -- redundant test
local offset = offsets[baseoffset + sk]
if offset then
for i=1,#splt do
- local second_unicode = splt[i]
- if tonumber(second_unicode) then
- kerns[second_unicode] = offset
- else for s=1,#second_unicode do
- kerns[second_unicode[s]] = offset
- end end
+ extrakerns[splt[i]] = offset
for i=1,#splt do
local first_unicode = splt[i]
- if tonumber(first_unicode) then
- do_it(lookup,first_unicode,kerns)
- else for f=1,#first_unicode do
- do_it(lookup,first_unicode[f],kerns)
- end end
+ local description = descriptions[first_unicode]
+ if description then
+ local kerns = description.kerns
+ if not kerns then
+ kerns = { } -- unicode indexed !
+ description.kerns = kerns
+ end
+ local lookupkerns = kerns[lookup]
+ if not lookupkerns then
+ lookupkerns = { }
+ kerns[lookup] = lookupkerns
+ end
+ for second_unicode, kern in next, extrakerns do
+ lookupkerns[second_unicode] = kern
+ end
+ elseif trace_loading then
+ report_otf("no glyph data for U+%04X", first_unicode)
+ end
- subtable.comment = "The kernclass table is merged into kerns in the indexed glyph tables."
subtable.kernclass = { }
@@ -7023,112 +6169,37 @@ actions["reorganize glyph kerns"] = function(data,filename,raw)
actions["check glyphs"] = function(data,filename,raw)
- local verbose = fonts.verbose
- local int_to_uni = data.luatex.unicodes
- for k, v in next, data.glyphs do
- if verbose then
- local code = int_to_uni[k]
- -- looks like this is done twice ... bug?
- if code then
- local vu = v.unicode
- if not vu then
- v.unicode = code
- elseif type(vu) == "table" then
- if vu[#vu] == code then
- -- weird
- else
- vu[#vu+1] = code
- end
- elseif vu ~= code then
- v.unicode = { vu, code }
- end
- end
- else
- v.unicode = nil
- v.index = nil
- end
- -- only needed on non sparse/mixed mode
- if v.math then
- if v.mathkern then v.mathkern = nil end
- if v.horiz_variant then v.horiz_variant = nil end
- if v.vert_variants then v.vert_variants = nil end
- end
- --
+ for unicode, description in next, data.descriptions do
+ description.glyph = nil
- data.luatex.comment = "Glyph tables have their original index. When present, kern tables are indexed by unicode."
+-- future versions will remove _
actions["check metadata"] = function(data,filename,raw)
local metadata = data.metadata
- metadata.method = loadmethod
- if loadmethod == "sparse" then
- for _, k in next, mainfields do
- if valid_fields[k] then
- local v = raw[k]
- if global_fields[k] then
- if not data[k] then
- data[k] = v
- end
- else
- if not metadata[k] then
- metadata[k] = v
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- for k, v in next, raw do
- if valid_fields[k] then
- if global_fields[k] then
- if not data[k] then
- data[v] = v
- end
- else
- if not metadata[k] then
- metadata[k] = v
- end
- end
+ for _, k in next, mainfields do
+ if valid_fields[k] then
+ local v = raw[k]
+ if not metadata[k] then
+ metadata[k] = v
- local pfminfo = raw.pfminfo
- if pfminfo then
- data.pfminfo = pfminfo
- metadata.isfixedpitch = metadata.isfixedpitch or (pfminfo.panose and pfminfo.panose.proportion == "Monospaced")
- metadata.charwidth = pfminfo and pfminfo.avgwidth
- end
+ -- metadata.pfminfo = raw.pfminfo -- not already done?
local ttftables = metadata.ttf_tables
if ttftables then
for i=1,#ttftables do
ttftables[i].data = "deleted"
- metadata.xuid = nil
- data.udglyphs = nil
- = nil
-local private_mathparameters = {
- "FractionDelimiterSize",
- "FractionDelimiterDisplayStyleSize",
-actions["check math parameters"] = function(data,filename,raw)
- local mathdata = data.metadata.math
- if mathdata then
- for m=1,#private_mathparameters do
- local pmp = private_mathparameters[m]
- if not mathdata[pmp] then
- if trace_loading then
- report_otf("setting math parameter '%s' to 0", pmp)
- end
- mathdata[pmp] = 0
- end
- end
- end
+actions["cleanup tables"] = function(data,filename,raw)
+ data.resources.indices = nil -- not needed
+ data.helpers = nil
-- kern: ttf has a table with kerns
-- Weird, as maxfirst and maxseconds can have holes, first seems to be indexed, but
@@ -7136,272 +6207,239 @@ end
-- unpredictable alternatively we could force an [1] if not set (maybe I will do that
-- anyway).
+-- we can share { } as it is never set
+--- ligatures have an extra specification.char entry that we don't use
actions["reorganize glyph lookups"] = function(data,filename,raw)
- local glyphs = data.glyphs
- for index, udglyph in next, data.udglyphs do
- local lookups = udglyph.lookups
+ local resources = data.resources
+ local unicodes = resources.unicodes
+ local descriptions = data.descriptions
+ local splitter = data.helpers.tounicodelist
+ local lookuptypes = resources.lookuptypes
+ for unicode, description in next, descriptions do
+ local lookups = description.glyph.lookups
if lookups then
- local glyph = glyphs[index]
- local l = { }
- for kk, vv in next, lookups do
- local aa = { }
- l[kk] = aa
- for kkk=1,#vv do
- local vvv = vv[kkk]
- local s = vvv.specification
- local t = vvv.type
- -- #aa+1
- if t == "ligature" then
- aa[kkk] = { "ligature", s.components, s.char }
- elseif t == "alternate" then
- aa[kkk] = { "alternate", s.components }
- elseif t == "substitution" then
- aa[kkk] = { "substitution", s.variant }
- elseif t == "multiple" then
- aa[kkk] = { "multiple", s.components }
- elseif t == "position" then
- aa[kkk] = { "position", { s.x or 0, s.y or 0, s.h or 0, s.v or 0 } }
- elseif t == "pair" then
- -- maybe flatten this one
- local one, two, paired = s.offsets[1], s.offsets[2], s.paired or ""
+ for tag, lookuplist in next, lookups do
+ for l=1,#lookuplist do
+ local lookup = lookuplist[l]
+ local specification = lookup.specification
+ local lookuptype = lookup.type
+ local lt = lookuptypes[tag]
+ if not lt then
+ lookuptypes[tag] = lookuptype
+ elseif lt ~= lookuptype then
+ report_otf("conflicting lookuptypes: %s => %s and %s",tag,lt,lookuptype)
+ end
+ if lookuptype == "ligature" then
+ lookuplist[l] = { lpegmatch(splitter,specification.components) }
+ elseif lookuptype == "alternate" then
+ lookuplist[l] = { lpegmatch(splitter,specification.components) }
+ elseif lookuptype == "substitution" then
+ lookuplist[l] = unicodes[specification.variant]
+ elseif lookuptype == "multiple" then
+ lookuplist[l] = { lpegmatch(splitter,specification.components) }
+ elseif lookuptype == "position" then
+ lookuplist[l] = {
+ specification.x or 0,
+ specification.y or 0,
+ specification.h or 0,
+ specification.v or 0
+ }
+ elseif lookuptype == "pair" then
+ local one = specification.offsets[1]
+ local two = specification.offsets[2]
+ local paired = unicodes[specification.paired]
if one then
if two then
- aa[kkk] = { "pair", paired, { one.x or 0, one.y or 0, one.h or 0, one.v or 0 }, { two.x or 0, two.y or 0, two.h or 0, two.v or 0 } }
+ lookuplist[l] = { paired, { one.x or 0, one.y or 0, one.h or 0, one.v or 0 }, { two.x or 0, two.y or 0, two.h or 0, two.v or 0 } }
- aa[kkk] = { "pair", paired, { one.x or 0, one.y or 0, one.h or 0, one.v or 0 } }
+ lookuplist[l] = { paired, { one.x or 0, one.y or 0, one.h or 0, one.v or 0 } }
if two then
- aa[kkk] = { "pair", paired, { }, { two.x or 0, two.y or 0, two.h or 0, two.v or 0} } -- maybe nil instead of { }
+ lookuplist[l] = { paired, { }, { two.x or 0, two.y or 0, two.h or 0, two.v or 0} } -- maybe nil instead of { }
- aa[kkk] = { "pair", paired }
+ lookuplist[l] = { paired }
- -- we could combine this
local slookups, mlookups
- for kk, vv in next, l do
- if #vv == 1 then
- if not slookups then
- slookups = { }
- glyph.slookups = slookups
+ for tag, lookuplist in next, lookups do
+ if #lookuplist == 1 then
+ if slookups then
+ slookups[tag] = lookuplist[1]
+ else
+ slookups = { [tag] = lookuplist[1] }
- slookups[kk] = vv[1]
- if not mlookups then
- mlookups = { }
- glyph.mlookups = mlookups
+ if mlookups then
+ mlookups[tag] = lookuplist
+ else
+ mlookups = { [tag] = lookuplist }
- mlookups[kk] = vv
- glyph.lookups = nil -- when using table
+ if slookups then
+ description.slookups = slookups
+ end
+ if mlookups then
+ description.mlookups = mlookups
+ end
-actions["reorganize glyph anchors"] = function(data,filename,raw)
- local glyphs = data.glyphs
- for index, udglyph in next, data.udglyphs do
- local anchors = udglyph.anchors
+actions["reorganize glyph anchors"] = function(data,filename,raw) -- when we replace inplace we safe entries
+ local descriptions = data.descriptions
+ for unicode, description in next, descriptions do
+ local anchors = description.glyph.anchors
if anchors then
- local glyph = glyphs[index]
- local a = { }
- glyph.anchors = a
- for kk, vv in next, anchors do
- local aa = { }
- a[kk] = aa
- for kkk, vvv in next, vv do
- if vvv.x or vvv.y then
- aa[kkk] = { vvv.x , vvv.y }
- else
- local aaa = { }
- aa[kkk] = aaa
- for kkkk=1,#vvv do
- local vvvv = vvv[kkkk]
- aaa[kkkk] = { vvvv.x, vvvv.y }
+ for class, data in next, anchors do
+ if class == "baselig" then
+ for tag, specification in next, data do
+ for i=1,#specification do
+ local si = specification[i]
+ specification[i] = { si.x or 0, si.y or 0 }
+ else
+ for tag, specification in next, data do
+ data[tag] = { specification.x or 0, specification.y or 0 }
+ end
+ description.anchors = anchors
---~ actions["check extra features"] = function(data,filename,raw)
---~ -- later, ctx only
---~ end
--- -- -- -- -- --
--- -- -- -- -- --
-function features.register(name,default,description)
- featurelist[#featurelist+1] = name
- defaultfeatures[name] = default
- if description and description ~= "" then
- fonts.otf.tables.features[name] = description
- end
--- for context this will become a task handler
-local lists = { -- why local
- fonts.triggers,
- fonts.processors,
- fonts.manipulators,
+-- modes: node, base, none
function otf.setfeatures(tfmdata,features)
- local processes = { }
- if features and next(features) then
- local mode = tfmdata.mode or features.mode or "base"
- local initializers = fonts.initializers
- local fi = initializers[mode]
- if fi then
- local fiotf = fi.otf
- if fiotf then
- local done = { }
- for l=1,#lists do
- local list = lists[l]
- if list then
- for i=1,#list do
- local f = list[i]
- local value = features[f]
- if value and fiotf[f] then -- brr
- if not done[f] then -- so, we can move some to triggers
- if trace_features then
- report_otf("initializing feature %s to %s for mode %s for font %s",f,tostring(value),mode or 'unknown', tfmdata.fullname or 'unknown')
- end
- fiotf[f](tfmdata,value) -- can set mode (no need to pass otf)
- mode = tfmdata.mode or features.mode or "base"
- local im = initializers[mode]
- if im then
- fiotf = initializers[mode].otf
- end
- done[f] = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
-tfmdata.mode = mode
- local fm = fonts.methods[mode] -- todo: zonder node/mode otf/...
- if fm then
- local fmotf = fm.otf
- if fmotf then
- for l=1,#lists do
- local list = lists[l]
- if list then
- for i=1,#list do
- local f = list[i]
- if fmotf[f] then -- brr
- if trace_features then
- report_otf("installing feature handler %s for mode %s for font %s",f,mode or 'unknown', tfmdata.fullname or 'unknown')
- end
- processes[#processes+1] = fmotf[f]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- -- message
- end
+ local okay = constructors.initializefeatures("otf",tfmdata,features,trace_features,report_otf)
+ if okay then
+ return constructors.collectprocessors("otf",tfmdata,features,trace_features,report_otf)
+ else
+ return { } -- will become false
- return processes, features
--- the first version made a top/mid/not extensible table, now we just pass on the variants data
--- and deal with it in the tfm scaler (there is no longer an extensible table anyway)
--- we cannot share descriptions as virtual fonts might extend them (ok, we could
--- use a cache with a hash
+-- the first version made a top/mid/not extensible table, now we just
+-- pass on the variants data and deal with it in the tfm scaler (there
+-- is no longer an extensible table anyway)
+-- we cannot share descriptions as virtual fonts might extend them (ok,
+-- we could use a cache with a hash
+-- we already assing an empty tabel to characters as we can add for
+-- instance protruding info and loop over characters; one is not supposed
+-- to change descriptions and if one does so one should make a copy!
-local function copytotfm(data,cache_id) -- we can save a copy when we reorder the tma to unicode (nasty due to one->many)
+local function copytotfm(data,cache_id)
if data then
- local glyphs, pfminfo, metadata = data.glyphs or { }, data.pfminfo or { }, data.metadata or { }
- local luatex = data.luatex
- local unicodes = luatex.unicodes -- names to unicodes
- local indices = luatex.indices
- local mode = data.mode or "base"
- local characters, parameters, mathparameters, descriptions = { }, { }, { }, { }
- local designsize = metadata.designsize or metadata.design_size or 100
+ local metadata = data.metadata
+ local resources = data.resources
+ local properties = table.derive(
+ local descriptions = table.derive(data.descriptions)
+ local goodies = table.derive(data.goodies)
+ local characters = { }
+ local parameters = { }
+ local mathparameters = { }
+ --
+ local pfminfo = metadata.pfminfo or { }
+ local resources = data.resources
+ local unicodes = resources.unicodes
+ -- local mode = data.mode or "base"
+ local spaceunits = 500
+ local spacer = "space"
+ local designsize = metadata.designsize or metadata.design_size or 100
+ local mathspecs = metadata.math
+ --
if designsize == 0 then
designsize = 100
- local spaceunits, spacer = 500, "space"
- -- indices maps from unicodes to indices
- -- this wil stay as we can manipulate indices
- -- beforehand
- for u, i in next, indices do
- characters[u] = { } -- we need this because for instance we add protruding info and loop over characters
- descriptions[u] = glyphs[i]
- end
- -- math
- if metadata.math then
- -- parameters
- for name, value in next, metadata.math do
+ if mathspecs then
+ for name, value in next, mathspecs do
mathparameters[name] = value
- -- we could use a subset
- for u, char in next, characters do
- local d = descriptions[u]
+ end
+ for unicode, _ in next, data.descriptions do -- use parent table
+ characters[unicode] = { }
+ end
+ if mathspecs then
+ -- we could move this to the scaler but not that much is saved
+ -- and this is cleaner
+ for unicode, character in next, characters do
+ local d = descriptions[unicode]
local m = d.math
- -- we have them shared because that packs nicer
- -- we could prepare the variants and keep 'm in descriptions
if m then
- local variants, parts, c = m.horiz_variants, m.horiz_parts, char
+ -- watch out: luatex uses horiz_variants for the parts
+ local variants, parts = m.horiz_variants, m.horiz_parts
if variants then
- for n in gmatch(variants,"[^ ]+") do
- local un = unicodes[n]
- if un and u ~= un then
- = un
- c = characters[un]
- end
- end
+ local c = character
+ for i=1,#variants do
+ local un = variants[i]
+ = un
+ c = characters[un]
+ end -- c is now last in chain
c.horiz_variants = parts
elseif parts then
- c.horiz_variants = parts
+ character.horiz_variants = parts
- local variants, parts, c = m.vert_variants, m.vert_parts, char
+ local variants, parts = m.vert_variants, m.vert_parts
if variants then
- for n in gmatch(variants,"[^ ]+") do
- local un = unicodes[n]
- if un and u ~= un then
- = un
- c = characters[un]
- end
+ local c = character
+ for i=1,#variants do
+ local un = variants[i]
+ = un
+ c = characters[un]
end -- c is now last in chain
c.vert_variants = parts
elseif parts then
- c.vert_variants = parts
+ character.vert_variants = parts
local italic_correction = m.vert_italic_correction
if italic_correction then
- c.vert_italic_correction = italic_correction
+ character.vert_italic_correction = italic_correction -- was c.
+ end
+ local top_accent = m.top_accent
+ if top_accent then
+ character.top_accent = top_accent
local kerns = m.kerns
if kerns then
- char.mathkerns = kerns
+ character.mathkerns = kerns
-- end math
- local space, emdash = 0x20, 0x2014 -- unicodes['space'], unicodes['emdash']
- if metadata.isfixedpitch then
+ local monospaced = metadata.isfixedpitch or (pfminfo.panose and pfminfo.panose.proportion == "Monospaced")
+ local charwidth = pfminfo.avgwidth -- or unset
+ local italicangle = metadata.italicangle
+ local charxheight = pfminfo.os2_xheight and pfminfo.os2_xheight > 0 and pfminfo.os2_xheight
+ properties.monospaced = monospaced
+ parameters.italicangle = italicangle
+ parameters.charwidth = charwidth
+ parameters.charxheight = charxheight
+ --
+ local space = 0x0020 -- unicodes['space'], unicodes['emdash']
+ local emdash = 0x2014 -- unicodes['space'], unicodes['emdash']
+ if monospaced then
if descriptions[space] then
spaceunits, spacer = descriptions[space].width, "space"
if not spaceunits and descriptions[emdash] then
spaceunits, spacer = descriptions[emdash].width, "emdash"
- if not spaceunits and metadata.charwidth then
- spaceunits, spacer = metadata.charwidth, "charwidth"
+ if not spaceunits and charwidth then
+ spaceunits, spacer = charwidth, "charwidth"
if descriptions[space] then
@@ -7410,20 +6448,17 @@ local function copytotfm(data,cache_id) -- we can save a copy when we reorder th
if not spaceunits and descriptions[emdash] then
spaceunits, spacer = descriptions[emdash].width/2, "emdash/2"
- if not spaceunits and metadata.charwidth then
- spaceunits, spacer = metadata.charwidth, "charwidth"
+ if not spaceunits and charwidth then
+ spaceunits, spacer = charwidth, "charwidth"
spaceunits = tonumber(spaceunits) or 500 -- brrr
-- we need a runtime lookup because of running from cdrom or zip, brrr (shouldn't we use the basename then?)
- local filename = fonts.tfm.checkedfilename(luatex)
+ local filename = constructors.checkedfilename(resources)
local fontname = metadata.fontname
local fullname = metadata.fullname or fontname
- local cidinfo = data.cidinfo -- or { }
local units = metadata.units_per_em or 1000
- cidinfo.registry = cidinfo and cidinfo.registry or "" -- weird here, fix upstream
- --
parameters.slant = 0 = spaceunits -- 3.333 (cmr10)
parameters.space_stretch = units/2 -- 500 -- 1.666 (cmr10)
@@ -7433,11 +6468,12 @@ local function copytotfm(data,cache_id) -- we can save a copy when we reorder th
if spaceunits < 2*units/5 then
-- todo: warning
- local italicangle = metadata.italicangle
- if italicangle then -- maybe also in afm _
- parameters.slant = parameters.slant - math.round(math.tan(italicangle*math.pi/180))
+ if italicangle then
+ parameters.italicangle = italicangle
+ parameters.italicfactor = math.cos(math.rad(90+italicangle))
+ parameters.slant = - math.round(math.tan(italicangle*math.pi/180))
- if metadata.isfixedpitch then
+ if monospaced then
parameters.space_stretch = 0
parameters.space_shrink = 0
elseif syncspace then --
@@ -7445,8 +6481,8 @@ local function copytotfm(data,cache_id) -- we can save a copy when we reorder th
parameters.space_shrink = spaceunits/3
parameters.extra_space = parameters.space_shrink -- 1.111 (cmr10)
- if pfminfo.os2_xheight and pfminfo.os2_xheight > 0 then
- parameters.x_height = pfminfo.os2_xheight
+ if charxheight then
+ parameters.x_height = charxheight
local x = 0x78 -- unicodes['x']
if x then
@@ -7457,150 +6493,109 @@ local function copytotfm(data,cache_id) -- we can save a copy when we reorder th
- local fileformat = data.format or fonts.fontformat(filename,"opentype")
- if units > 1000 then
- fileformat = "truetype"
- end
+ parameters.designsize = (designsize/10)*65536
+ parameters.ascender = abs(metadata.ascent or 0)
+ parameters.descender = abs(metadata.descent or 0)
+ parameters.units = units
+ --
+ = spacer
+ properties.encodingbytes = 2
+ properties.format = data.format or fonts.formats[filename] or "opentype"
+ properties.noglyphnames = true
+ properties.filename = filename
+ properties.fontname = fontname
+ properties.fullname = fullname
+ properties.psname = fontname or fullname
+ = filename or fullname
+ --
+ -- =
+ -- properties.sub = specification.sub
return {
- characters = characters,
- parameters = parameters,
- mathparameters = mathparameters,
- descriptions = descriptions,
- indices = indices,
- unicodes = unicodes,
- type = "real",
- direction = 0,
- boundarychar_label = 0,
- boundarychar = 65536,
- designsize = (designsize/10)*65536,
- encodingbytes = 2,
- mode = mode,
- filename = filename,
- fontname = fontname,
- fullname = fullname,
- psname = fontname or fullname,
- name = filename or fullname,
- units = units,
- format = fileformat,
- cidinfo = cidinfo,
- ascender = abs(metadata.ascent or 0),
- descender = abs(metadata.descent or 0),
- spacer = spacer,
- italicangle = italicangle,
+ characters = characters,
+ descriptions = descriptions,
+ parameters = parameters,
+ mathparameters = mathparameters,
+ resources = resources,
+ properties = properties,
+ goodies = goodies,
- else
- return nil
local function otftotfm(specification)
- local name =
- local sub = specification.sub
- local filename = specification.filename
- local format = specification.format
- local features = specification.features.normal
local cache_id = specification.hash
- local tfmdata =,cache_id)
---~ print(cache_id)
+ local tfmdata =,cache_id)
if not tfmdata then
- local otfdata = otf.load(filename,format,sub,features and features.featurefile)
- if otfdata and next(otfdata) then
- otfdata.shared = otfdata.shared or {
- featuredata = { },
- anchorhash = { },
- initialized = false,
- }
- tfmdata = copytotfm(otfdata,cache_id)
+ local name =
+ local sub = specification.sub
+ local filename = specification.filename
+ local format = specification.format
+ local features = specification.features.normal
+ local rawdata = otf.load(filename,format,sub,features and features.featurefile)
+ if rawdata and next(rawdata) then
+ rawdata.lookuphash = { }
+ tfmdata = copytotfm(rawdata,cache_id)
if tfmdata and next(tfmdata) then
- tfmdata.unique = tfmdata.unique or { }
- tfmdata.shared = tfmdata.shared or { } -- combine
- local shared = tfmdata.shared
- shared.otfdata = otfdata
- shared.features = features -- default
- shared.dynamics = { }
- shared.processes = { }
- shared.setdynamics = otf.setdynamics -- fast access and makes other modules independent
- -- this will be done later anyway, but it's convenient to have
- -- them already for fast access
- tfmdata.luatex = otfdata.luatex
- tfmdata.indices = otfdata.luatex.indices
- tfmdata.unicodes = otfdata.luatex.unicodes
- tfmdata.marks = otfdata.luatex.marks
- tfmdata.originals = otfdata.luatex.originals
- tfmdata.changed = { }
- tfmdata.has_italic = otfdata.metadata.has_italic
- if not tfmdata.language then tfmdata.language = 'dflt' end
- if not tfmdata.script then tfmdata.script = 'dflt' end
- -- at this moment no characters are assinged yet, only empty slots
- shared.processes, shared.features = otf.setfeatures(tfmdata,definers.check(features,defaultfeatures))
- end
- end
- containers.write(tfm.cache,cache_id,tfmdata)
+ -- at this moment no characters are assigned yet, only empty slots
+ local features = constructors.checkedfeatures("otf",features)
+ local shared = tfmdata.shared
+ if not shared then
+ shared = { }
+ tfmdata.shared = shared
+ end
+ shared.rawdata = rawdata
+ shared.features = features -- default
+ shared.dynamics = { }
+ shared.processes = { }
+ tfmdata.changed = { }
+ shared.features = features
+ shared.processes = otf.setfeatures(tfmdata,features)
+ end
+ end
+ containers.write(constructors.cache,cache_id,tfmdata)
return tfmdata
-local function read_from_otf(specification) -- wrong namespace
- local tfmtable = otftotfm(specification)
- if tfmtable then
- local otfdata = tfmtable.shared.otfdata
- =
- tfmtable.sub = specification.sub
- local s = specification.size
- local m = otfdata.metadata.math
- if m then
- -- this will move to a function
- local f = specification.features
- if f then
- local f = f.normal
- if f and f.mathsize then
- local mathsize = specification.mathsize or 0
- if mathsize == 2 then
- local p = m.ScriptPercentScaleDown
- if p then
- local ps = p * specification.textsize / 100
- if trace_math then
- report_otf("asked script size: %s, used: %s (%2.2f %%)",s,ps,(ps/s)*100)
- end
- s = ps
- end
- elseif mathsize == 3 then
- local p = m.ScriptScriptPercentScaleDown
- if p then
- local ps = p * specification.textsize / 100
- if trace_math then
- report_otf("asked scriptscript size: %s, used: %s (%2.2f %%)",s,ps,(ps/s)*100)
- end
- s = ps
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- tfmtable = tfm.scale(tfmtable,s,specification.relativeid)
- if tfm.fontnamemode == "specification" then
- -- not to be used in context !
- local specname = specification.specification
- if specname then
- = specname
- if trace_defining then
- report_otf("overloaded fontname: '%s'",specname)
- end
- end
- end
+local function read_from_otf(specification)
+ local tfmdata = otftotfm(specification)
+ if tfmdata then
+ -- this late ? .. needs checking
+ =
+ = specification.sub
+ --
+ tfmdata = constructors.scale(tfmdata,specification)
+ constructors.applymanipulators("otf",tfmdata,specification.features.normal,trace_features,report_otf)
+ constructors.setname(tfmdata,specification) -- only otf?
+ fonts.loggers.register(tfmdata,file.extname(specification.filename),specification)
+ end
+ return tfmdata
+local function checkmathsize(tfmdata,mathsize)
+ local mathdata = tfmdata.shared.rawdata.metadata.math
+ local mathsize = tonumber(mathsize)
+ if mathdata then -- we cannot use mathparameters as luatex will complain
+ local parameters = tfmdata.parameters
+ parameters.scriptpercentage = mathdata.ScriptPercentScaleDown
+ parameters.scriptscriptpercentage = mathdata.ScriptScriptPercentScaleDown
+ parameters.mathsize = mathsize
---~ print(tfmtable.fullname)
- return tfmtable
+registerotffeature {
+ name = "mathsize",
+ description = "apply mathsize as specified in the font",
+ initializers = {
+ base = checkmathsize,
+ node = checkmathsize,
+ }
-- helpers
-function otf.collectlookups(otfdata,kind,script,language)
- -- maybe store this in the font
- local sequences = otfdata.luatex.sequences
+function otf.collectlookups(rawdata,kind,script,language)
+ local sequences = rawdata.resources.sequences
if sequences then
local featuremap, featurelist = { }, { }
for s=1,#sequences do
@@ -7631,42 +6626,23 @@ end
-- readers
-fonts.formats.dfont = "truetype"
-fonts.formats.ttc = "truetype"
-fonts.formats.ttf = "truetype"
-fonts.formats.otf = "opentype"
local function check_otf(forced,specification,suffix,what)
local name =
if forced then
name = file.addsuffix(name,suffix,true)
- local fullname, tfmtable = findbinfile(name,suffix) or "", nil -- one shot
- -- if false then -- can be enabled again when needed
- -- if fullname == "" then
- -- local fb = fonts.names.old_to_new[name]
- -- if fb then
- -- fullname = findbinfile(fb,suffix) or ""
- -- end
- -- end
- -- if fullname == "" then
- -- local fb = fonts.names.new_to_old[name]
- -- if fb then
- -- fullname = findbinfile(fb,suffix) or ""
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
+ local fullname, tfmdata = findbinfile(name,suffix) or "", nil -- one shot
if fullname == "" then
fullname = fonts.names.getfilename(name,suffix)
if fullname ~= "" then
specification.filename, specification.format = fullname, what -- hm, so we do set the filename, then
- tfmtable = read_from_otf(specification) -- we need to do it for all matches / todo
+ tfmdata = read_from_otf(specification) -- we need to do it for all matches / todo
- return tfmtable
+ return tfmdata
-function readers.opentype(specification,suffix,what)
+local function opentypereader(specification,suffix,what)
local forced = specification.forced or ""
if forced == "otf" then
return check_otf(true,specification,forced,"opentype")
@@ -7677,561 +6653,1071 @@ function readers.opentype(specification,suffix,what)
-function readers.otf (specification) return readers.opentype(specification,"otf","opentype") end
-function readers.ttf (specification) return readers.opentype(specification,"ttf","truetype") end
-function readers.ttc (specification) return readers.opentype(specification,"ttf","truetype") end -- !!
-function readers.dfont(specification) return readers.opentype(specification,"ttf","truetype") end -- !!
+readers.opentype = opentypereader
+local formats = fonts.formats
+formats.otf = "opentype"
+formats.ttf = "truetype"
+formats.ttc = "truetype"
+formats.dfont = "truetype"
+function readers.otf (specification) return opentypereader(specification,"otf",formats.otf ) end
+function readers.ttf (specification) return opentypereader(specification,"ttf",formats.ttf ) end
+function readers.ttc (specification) return opentypereader(specification,"ttf",formats.ttc ) end
+function readers.dfont(specification) return opentypereader(specification,"ttf",formats.dfont) end
+-- this will be overloaded
+function otf.scriptandlanguage(tfmdata,attr)
+ local properties =
+ return properties.script or "dflt", properties.language or "dflt"
end -- closure
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-otd'] = {
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-otb'] = {
version = 1.001,
comment = "companion to font-ini.mkiv",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
license = "see context related readme files"
+local concat = table.concat
+local format, gmatch, gsub, find, match, lower, strip = string.format, string.gmatch, string.gsub, string.find, string.match, string.lower, string.strip
+local type, next, tonumber, tostring = type, next, tonumber, tostring
+local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+local utfchar = utf.char
-local trace_dynamics = false trackers.register("otf.dynamics", function(v) trace_dynamics = v end)
-local report_otf = logs.reporter("fonts","otf loading")
-local fonts = fonts
-local otf = fonts.otf
-local fontdata = fonts.identifiers
+local trace_baseinit = false trackers.register("otf.baseinit", function(v) trace_baseinit = v end)
+local trace_singles = false trackers.register("", function(v) trace_singles = v end)
+local trace_multiples = false trackers.register("otf.multiples", function(v) trace_multiples = v end)
+local trace_alternatives = false trackers.register("otf.alternatives", function(v) trace_alternatives = v end)
+local trace_ligatures = false trackers.register("otf.ligatures", function(v) trace_ligatures = v end)
+local trace_kerns = false trackers.register("otf.kerns", function(v) trace_kerns = v end)
+local trace_preparing = false trackers.register("otf.preparing", function(v) trace_preparing = v end)
-otf.features = otf.features or { }
-otf.features.default = otf.features.default or { }
+local report_prepare = logs.reporter("fonts","otf prepare")
-local definers = fonts.definers
-local contextsetups = definers.specifiers.contextsetups
-local contextnumbers = definers.specifiers.contextnumbers
+local fonts = fonts
+local otf = fonts.handlers.otf
--- todo: dynamics namespace
+local otffeatures = fonts.constructors.newfeatures("otf")
+local registerotffeature = otffeatures.register
-local a_to_script = { }
-local a_to_language = { }
+local wildcard = "*"
+local default = "dflt"
-function otf.setdynamics(font,dynamics,attribute)
- local features = contextsetups[contextnumbers[attribute]] -- can be moved to caller
- if features then
- local script = features.script or 'dflt'
- local language = features.language or 'dflt'
- local ds = dynamics[script]
- if not ds then
- ds = { }
- dynamics[script] = ds
- end
- local dsl = ds[language]
- if not dsl then
- dsl = { }
- ds[language] = dsl
- end
- local dsla = dsl[attribute]
- if dsla then
- -- if trace_dynamics then
- -- report_otf("using dynamics %s: attribute %s, script %s, language %s",contextnumbers[attribute],attribute,script,language)
- -- end
- return dsla
+local function gref(descriptions,n)
+ if type(n) == "number" then
+ local name = descriptions[n].name
+ if name then
+ return format("U+%04X (%s)",n,name)
- local tfmdata = fontdata[font]
- a_to_script [attribute] = script
- a_to_language[attribute] = language
- -- we need to save some values
- local saved = {
- script = tfmdata.script,
- language = tfmdata.language,
- mode = tfmdata.mode,
- features = tfmdata.shared.features
- }
- tfmdata.mode = "node"
- tfmdata.dynamics = true -- handy for tracing
- tfmdata.language = language
- tfmdata.script = script
- tfmdata.shared.features = { }
- -- end of save
- local set = definers.check(features,otf.features.default)
- dsla = otf.setfeatures(tfmdata,set)
- if trace_dynamics then
- report_otf("setting dynamics %s: attribute %s, script %s, language %s, set: %s",contextnumbers[attribute],attribute,script,language,table.sequenced(set))
- end
- -- we need to restore some values
- tfmdata.script = saved.script
- tfmdata.language = saved.language
- tfmdata.mode = saved.mode
- tfmdata.shared.features = saved.features
- -- end of restore
- dynamics[script][language][attribute] = dsla -- cache
- return dsla
- end
- end
- return nil -- { }
+ return format("U+%04X")
+ end
+ elseif n then
+ local num, nam = { }, { }
+ for i=2,#n do -- first is likely a key
+ local ni = n[i]
+ num[i] = format("U+%04X",ni)
+ nam[i] = descriptions[ni].name or "?"
+ end
+ return format("%s (%s)",concat(num," "), concat(nam," "))
+ else
+ return "?"
+ end
-function otf.scriptandlanguage(tfmdata,attr)
- if attr and attr > 0 then
- return a_to_script[attr] or tfmdata.script, a_to_language[attr] or tfmdata.language
+local function cref(feature,lookupname)
+ if lookupname then
+ return format("feature %s, lookup %s",feature,lookupname)
- return tfmdata.script, tfmdata.language
+ return format("feature %s",feature)
-end -- closure
+local basemethods = { }
+local basemethod = "<unset>"
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+local function applybasemethod(what,...)
+ local m = basemethods[basemethod][what]
+ if m then
+ return m(...)
+ end
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-oti'] = {
- version = 1.001,
- comment = "companion to font-ini.mkiv",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files"
+-- We need to make sure that luatex sees the difference between
+-- base fonts that have different glyphs in the same slots in fonts
+-- that have the same fullname (or filename). LuaTeX will merge fonts
+-- eventually (and subset later on). If needed we can use a more
+-- verbose name as long as we don't use <()<>[]{}/%> and the length
+-- is < 128.
-local lower = string.lower
+local basehash, basehashes, applied = { }, 1, { }
-local fonts = fonts
+local function registerbasehash(tfmdata)
+ local properties =
+ local hash = concat(applied," ")
+ local base = basehash[hash]
+ if not base then
+ basehashes = basehashes + 1
+ base = basehashes
+ basehash[hash] = base
+ end
+ properties.basehash = base
+ properties.fullname = properties.fullname .. "-" .. base
+ -- report_prepare("fullname base hash: '%s', featureset '%s'",,hash)
+ applied = { }
+local function registerbasefeature(feature,value)
+ applied[#applied+1] = feature .. "=" .. tostring(value)
+-- The original basemode ligature builder used the names of components
+-- and did some expression juggling to get the chain right. The current
+-- variant starts with unicodes but still uses names to make the chain.
+-- This is needed because we have to create intermediates when needed
+-- but use predefined snippets when available. To some extend the
+-- current builder is more stupid but I don't worry that much about it
+-- as ligatures are rather predicatable.
+-- Personally I think that an ff + i == ffi rule as used in for instance
+-- latin modern is pretty weird as no sane person will key that in and
+-- expect a glyph for that ligature plus the following character. Anyhow,
+-- as we need to deal with this, we do, but no guarantes are given.
+-- latin modern dejavu
+-- f+f 102 102 102 102
+-- f+i 102 105 102 105
+-- f+l 102 108 102 108
+-- f+f+i 102 102 105
+-- f+f+l 102 102 108 102 102 108
+-- ff+i 64256 105 64256 105
+-- ff+l 64256 108
+-- As you can see here, latin modern is less complete than dejavu but
+-- in practice one will not notice it.
+-- The while loop is needed because we need to resolve for instance
+-- pseudo names like hyphen_hyphen to endash so in practice we end
+-- up with a bit too many definitions but the overhead is neglectable.
+-- Todo: if changed[first] or changed[second] then ... end
+local trace = false
+local function finalize_ligatures(tfmdata,ligatures)
+ local nofligatures = #ligatures
+ if nofligatures > 0 then
+ local characters = tfmdata.characters
+ local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions
+ local resources = tfmdata.resources
+ local unicodes = resources.unicodes
+ local private = resources.private
+ local alldone = false
+ while not alldone do
+ local done = 0
+ for i=1,nofligatures do
+ local ligature = ligatures[i]
+ if ligature then
+ local unicode, lookupdata = ligature[1], ligature[2]
+ if trace then
+ print("BUILDING",concat(lookupdata," "),unicode)
+ end
+ local size = #lookupdata
+ local firstcode = lookupdata[1] -- [2]
+ local firstdata = characters[firstcode]
+ local okay = false
+ if firstdata then
+ local firstname = "ctx_" .. firstcode
+ for i=1,size-1 do -- for i=2,size-1 do
+ local firstdata = characters[firstcode]
+ if not firstdata then
+ firstcode = private
+ if trace then
+ print(" DEFINING",firstname,firstcode)
+ end
+ unicodes[firstname] = firstcode
+ firstdata = { intermediate = true, ligatures = { } }
+ characters[firstcode] = firstdata
+ descriptions[firstcode] = { name = firstname }
+ private = private + 1
+ end
+ local target
+ local secondcode = lookupdata[i+1]
+ local secondname = firstname .. "_" .. secondcode
+ if i == size - 1 then
+ target = unicode
+ if not unicodes[secondname] then
+ unicodes[secondname] = unicode -- map final ligature onto intermediates
+ end
+ okay = true
+ else
+ target = unicodes[secondname]
+ if not target then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if trace then
+ print("CODES",firstname,firstcode,secondname,secondcode,target)
+ end
+ local firstligs = firstdata.ligatures
+ if firstligs then
+ firstligs[secondcode] = { char = target }
+ else
+ firstdata.ligatures = { [secondcode] = { char = target } }
+ end
+ firstcode = target
+ firstname = secondname
+ end
+ end
+ if okay then
+ ligatures[i] = false
+ done = done + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ alldone = done == 0
+ end
+ if trace then
+ for k, v in next, characters do
+ if v.ligatures then table.print(v,k) end
+ end
+ end
+ tfmdata.resources.private = private
+ end
-local otf = fonts.otf
-local initializers = fonts.initializers
+local function preparesubstitutions(tfmdata,feature,value,validlookups,lookuplist)
+ local characters = tfmdata.characters
+ local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions
+ local resources = tfmdata.resources
+ local changed = tfmdata.changed
+ local unicodes = resources.unicodes
+ local lookuphash = resources.lookuphash
+ local lookuptypes = resources.lookuptypes
-local languages = otf.tables.languages
-local scripts = otf.tables.scripts
+ local ligatures = { }
-local function set_language(tfmdata,value)
- if value then
- value = lower(value)
- if languages[value] then
- tfmdata.language = value
+ local actions = {
+ substitution = function(lookupdata,lookupname,description,unicode)
+ if trace_baseinit and trace_singles then
+ report_prepare("%s: base substitution %s => %s",cref(feature,lookupname),
+ gref(descriptions,unicode),gref(descriptions,replacement))
+ end
+ changed[unicode] = lookupdata
+ end,
+ alternate = function(lookupdata,lookupname,description,unicode)
+ local replacement = lookupdata[value] or lookupdata[#lookupdata]
+ if trace_baseinit and trace_alternatives then
+ report_prepare("%s: base alternate %s %s => %s",cref(feature,lookupname),
+ tostring(value),gref(descriptions,unicode),gref(descriptions,replacement))
+ end
+ changed[unicode] = replacement
+ end,
+ ligature = function(lookupdata,lookupname,description,unicode)
+ if trace_baseinit and trace_alternatives then
+ report_prepare("%s: base ligature %s %s => %s",cref(feature,lookupname),
+ tostring(value),gref(descriptions,lookupdata),gref(descriptions,unicode))
+ end
+ ligatures[#ligatures+1] = { unicode, lookupdata }
+ end,
+ }
+ for unicode, character in next, characters do
+ local description = descriptions[unicode]
+ local lookups = description.slookups
+ if lookups then
+ for l=1,#lookuplist do
+ local lookupname = lookuplist[l]
+ local lookupdata = lookups[lookupname]
+ if lookupdata then
+ local lookuptype = lookuptypes[lookupname]
+ local action = actions[lookuptype]
+ if action then
+ action(lookupdata,lookupname,description,unicode)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local lookups = description.mlookups
+ if lookups then
+ for l=1,#lookuplist do
+ local lookupname = lookuplist[l]
+ local lookuplist = lookups[lookupname]
+ if lookuplist then
+ local lookuptype = lookuptypes[lookupname]
+ local action = actions[lookuptype]
+ if action then
+ for i=1,#lookuplist do
+ action(lookuplist[i],lookupname,description,unicode)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ finalize_ligatures(tfmdata,ligatures)
-local function set_script(tfmdata,value)
- if value then
- value = lower(value)
- if scripts[value] then
- tfmdata.script = value
+local function preparepositionings(tfmdata,feature,value,validlookups,lookuplist) -- todo what kind of kerns, currently all
+ local characters = tfmdata.characters
+ local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions
+ local resources = tfmdata.resources
+ local unicodes = resources.unicodes
+ local sharedkerns = { }
+ local traceindeed = trace_baseinit and trace_kerns
+ for unicode, character in next, characters do
+ local description = descriptions[unicode]
+ local rawkerns = description.kerns -- shared
+ if rawkerns then
+ local s = sharedkerns[rawkerns]
+ if s == false then
+ -- skip
+ elseif s then
+ character.kerns = s
+ else
+ local newkerns = character.kerns
+ local done = false
+ for l=1,#lookuplist do
+ local lookup = lookuplist[l]
+ local kerns = rawkerns[lookup]
+ if kerns then
+ for otherunicode, value in next, kerns do
+ if value == 0 then
+ -- maybe no 0 test here
+ elseif not newkerns then
+ newkerns = { [otherunicode] = value }
+ done = true
+ if traceindeed then
+ report_prepare("%s: base kern %s + %s => %s",cref(feature,lookup),
+ gref(descriptions,unicode),gref(descriptions,otherunicode),value)
+ end
+ elseif not newkerns[otherunicode] then -- first wins
+ newkerns[otherunicode] = value
+ done = true
+ if traceindeed then
+ report_prepare("%s: base kern %s + %s => %s",cref(feature,lookup),
+ gref(descriptions,unicode),gref(descriptions,otherunicode),value)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if done then
+ sharedkerns[rawkerns] = newkerns
+ character.kerns = newkerns -- no empty assignments
+ else
+ sharedkerns[rawkerns] = false
+ end
+ end
-local function set_mode(tfmdata,value)
- if value then
- tfmdata.mode = lower(value)
+basemethods.independent = {
+ preparesubstitutions = preparesubstitutions,
+ preparepositionings = preparepositionings,
+local function makefake(tfmdata,name,present)
+ local resources = tfmdata.resources
+ local private = resources.private
+ local character = { intermediate = true, ligatures = { } }
+ resources.unicodes[name] = private
+ tfmdata.characters[private] = character
+ tfmdata.descriptions[private] = { name = name }
+ resources.private = private + 1
+ present[name] = private
+ return character
+local function make_1(present,tree,name)
+ for k, v in next, tree do
+ if k == "ligature" then
+ present[name] = v
+ else
+ make_1(present,v,name .. "_" .. k)
+ end
+ end
+local function make_2(present,tfmdata,characters,tree,name,preceding,unicode,done,lookupname)
+ for k, v in next, tree do
+ if k == "ligature" then
+ local character = characters[preceding]
+ if not character then
+ if trace_baseinit then
+ report_prepare("weird ligature in lookup %s: 0x%04X (%s), preceding 0x%04X (%s)",lookupname,v,utfchar(v),preceding,utfchar(preceding))
+ end
+ character = makefake(tfmdata,name,present)
+ end
+ local ligatures = character.ligatures
+ if ligatures then
+ ligatures[unicode] = { char = v }
+ else
+ character.ligatures = { [unicode] = { char = v } }
+ end
+ if done then
+ local d = done[lookupname]
+ if not d then
+ done[lookupname] = { "dummy", v }
+ else
+ d[#d+1] = v
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local code = present[name] or unicode
+ local name = name .. "_" .. k
+ make_2(present,tfmdata,characters,v,name,code,k,done,lookupname)
+ end
+ end
+local function preparesubstitutions(tfmdata,feature,value,validlookups,lookuplist)
+ local characters = tfmdata.characters
+ local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions
+ local resources = tfmdata.resources
+ local changed = tfmdata.changed
+ local lookuphash = resources.lookuphash
+ local lookuptypes = resources.lookuptypes
+ local ligatures = { }
+ for l=1,#lookuplist do
+ local lookupname = lookuplist[l]
+ local lookupdata = lookuphash[lookupname]
+ local lookuptype = lookuptypes[lookupname]
+ for unicode, data in next, lookupdata do
+ if lookuptype == "substitution" then
+ if trace_baseinit and trace_singles then
+ report_prepare("%s: base substitution %s => %s",cref(feature,lookupname),
+ gref(descriptions,unicode),gref(descriptions,data))
+ end
+ changed[unicode] = data
+ elseif lookuptype == "alternate" then
+ local replacement = data[value] or data[#data]
+ if trace_baseinit and trace_alternatives then
+ report_prepare("%s: base alternate %s %s => %s",cref(feature,lookupname),
+ tostring(value),gref(descriptions,unicode),gref(descriptions,replacement))
+ end
+ changed[unicode] = replacement
+ elseif lookuptype == "ligature" then
+ ligatures[#ligatures+1] = { unicode, data, lookupname }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local nofligatures = #ligatures
+ if nofligatures > 0 then
+ local characters = tfmdata.characters
+ local present = { }
+ local done = trace_baseinit and trace_ligatures and { }
+ for i=1,nofligatures do
+ local ligature = ligatures[i]
+ local unicode, tree = ligature[1], ligature[2]
+ make_1(present,tree,"ctx_"..unicode)
+ end
+ for i=1,nofligatures do
+ local ligature = ligatures[i]
+ local unicode, tree, lookupname = ligature[1], ligature[2], ligature[3]
+ make_2(present,tfmdata,characters,tree,"ctx_"..unicode,unicode,unicode,done,lookupname)
+ end
+ if done then
+ for lookupname, list in next, done do
+ report_prepare("%s: base ligatures %s => %s",cref(feature,lookupname),
+ tostring(value),gref(descriptions,done))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function preparepositionings(tfmdata,feature,value,validlookups,lookuplist)
+ local characters = tfmdata.characters
+ local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions
+ local resources = tfmdata.resources
+ local lookuphash = resources.lookuphash
+ local traceindeed = trace_baseinit and trace_kerns
+ -- check out this sharedkerns trickery
+ for l=1,#lookuplist do
+ local lookupname = lookuplist[l]
+ local lookupdata = lookuphash[lookupname]
+ for unicode, data in next, lookupdata do
+ local character = characters[unicode]
+ local kerns = character.kerns
+ if not kerns then
+ kerns = { }
+ character.kerns = kerns
+ end
+ if traceindeed then
+ for otherunicode, kern in next, data do
+ if not kerns[otherunicode] and kern ~= 0 then
+ kerns[otherunicode] = kern
+ report_prepare("%s: base kern %s + %s => %s",cref(feature,lookup),
+ gref(descriptions,unicode),gref(descriptions,otherunicode),kern)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ for otherunicode, kern in next, data do
+ if not kerns[otherunicode] and kern ~= 0 then
+ kerns[otherunicode] = kern
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function initializehashes(tfmdata)
+ nodeinitializers.features(tfmdata)
-local base_initializers = initializers.base.otf
-local node_initializers = initializers.node.otf
+basemethods.shared = {
+ initializehashes = initializehashes,
+ preparesubstitutions = preparesubstitutions,
+ preparepositionings = preparepositionings,
+basemethod = "independent"
-base_initializers.language = set_language
-base_initializers.script = set_script
-base_initializers.mode = set_mode
-base_initializers.method = set_mode
+local function featuresinitializer(tfmdata,value)
+ if true then -- value then
+ local t = trace_preparing and os.clock()
+ local features = tfmdata.shared.features
+ if features then
+ applybasemethod("initializehashes",tfmdata)
+ local collectlookups = otf.collectlookups
+ local rawdata = tfmdata.shared.rawdata
+ local properties =
+ local script = properties.script
+ local language = properties.language
+ local basesubstitutions = rawdata.resources.features.gsub
+ local basepositionings = rawdata.resources.features.gpos
+ if basesubstitutions then
+ for feature, data in next, basesubstitutions do
+ local value = features[feature]
+ if value then
+ local validlookups, lookuplist = collectlookups(rawdata,feature,script,language)
+ if validlookups then
+ applybasemethod("preparesubstitutions",tfmdata,feature,value,validlookups,lookuplist)
+ registerbasefeature(feature,value)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if basepositions then
+ for feature, data in next, basepositions do
+ local value = features[feature]
+ if value then
+ local validlookups, lookuplist = collectlookups(rawdata,feature,script,language)
+ if validlookups then
+ applybasemethod("preparepositionings",tfmdata,feature,features[feature],validlookups,lookuplist)
+ registerbasefeature(feature,value)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ registerbasehash(tfmdata)
+ end
+ if trace_preparing then
+ report_prepare("preparation time is %0.3f seconds for %s",os.clock()-t, or "?")
+ end
+ end
-node_initializers.language = set_language
-node_initializers.script = set_script
-node_initializers.mode = set_mode
-node_initializers.method = set_mode
+registerotffeature {
+ name = "features",
+ description = "features",
+ default = true,
+ initializers = {
+ position = 1,
+ base = featuresinitializer,
+ }
-otf.features.register("features",true) -- we always do features
-table.insert(fonts.processors,"features") -- we need a proper function for doing this
+-- independent : collect lookups independently (takes more runtime ... neglectable)
+-- shared : shares lookups with node mode (takes more memory ... noticeable)
+directives.register("fonts.otf.loader.basemethod", function(v)
+ if basemethods[v] then
+ basemethod = v
+ end
end -- closure
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-otb'] = {
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['node-inj'] = {
version = 1.001,
- comment = "companion to font-ini.mkiv",
+ comment = "companion to node-ini.mkiv",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
license = "see context related readme files"
-local concat = table.concat
-local format, gmatch, gsub, find, match, lower, strip = string.format, string.gmatch, string.gsub, string.find, string.match, string.lower, string.strip
-local type, next, tonumber, tostring = type, next, tonumber, tostring
-local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+-- This is very experimental (this will change when we have luatex > .50 and
+-- a few pending thingies are available. Also, Idris needs to make a few more
+-- test fonts. Btw, future versions of luatex will have extended glyph properties
+-- that can be of help.
-local fonts = fonts
-local otf = fonts.otf
-local tfm = fonts.tfm
+local next = next
-local trace_baseinit = false trackers.register("otf.baseinit", function(v) trace_baseinit = v end)
-local trace_singles = false trackers.register("", function(v) trace_singles = v end)
-local trace_multiples = false trackers.register("otf.multiples", function(v) trace_multiples = v end)
-local trace_alternatives = false trackers.register("otf.alternatives", function(v) trace_alternatives = v end)
-local trace_ligatures = false trackers.register("otf.ligatures", function(v) trace_ligatures = v end)
-local trace_kerns = false trackers.register("otf.kerns", function(v) trace_kerns = v end)
-local trace_preparing = false trackers.register("otf.preparing", function(v) trace_preparing = v end)
+local trace_injections = false trackers.register("nodes.injections", function(v) trace_injections = v end)
-local report_prepare = logs.reporter("fonts","otf prepare")
+local report_injections = logs.reporter("nodes","injections")
-local wildcard = "*"
-local default = "dflt"
+local attributes, nodes, node = attributes, nodes, node
-local split_at_space = lpeg.Ct(lpeg.splitat(" ")) -- no trailing or multiple spaces anyway
+fonts = fonts
+local fontdata = fonts.hashes.identifiers
-local pcache, fcache = { }, { } -- could be weak
+nodes.injections = nodes.injections or { }
+local injections = nodes.injections
-local function gref(descriptions,n)
- if type(n) == "number" then
- local name = descriptions[n].name
- if name then
- return format("U+%04X (%s)",n,name)
+local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
+local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph
+local nodepool = nodes.pool
+local newkern = nodepool.kern
+local traverse_id = node.traverse_id
+local unset_attribute = node.unset_attribute
+local has_attribute = node.has_attribute
+local set_attribute = node.set_attribute
+local insert_node_before = node.insert_before
+local insert_node_after = node.insert_after
+local markbase = attributes.private('markbase')
+local markmark = attributes.private('markmark')
+local markdone = attributes.private('markdone')
+local cursbase = attributes.private('cursbase')
+local curscurs = attributes.private('curscurs')
+local cursdone = attributes.private('cursdone')
+local kernpair = attributes.private('kernpair')
+local cursives = { }
+local marks = { }
+local kerns = { }
+-- currently we do gpos/kern in a bit inofficial way but when we
+-- have the extra fields in glyphnodes to manipulate ht/dp/wd
+-- explicitly i will provide an alternative; also, we can share
+-- tables
+-- for the moment we pass the r2l key ... volt/arabtype tests
+function injections.setcursive(start,nxt,factor,rlmode,exit,entry,tfmstart,tfmnext)
+ local dx, dy = factor*(exit[1]-entry[1]), factor*(exit[2]-entry[2])
+ local ws, wn = tfmstart.width, tfmnext.width
+ local bound = #cursives + 1
+ set_attribute(start,cursbase,bound)
+ set_attribute(nxt,curscurs,bound)
+ cursives[bound] = { rlmode, dx, dy, ws, wn }
+ return dx, dy, bound
+function injections.setpair(current,factor,rlmode,r2lflag,spec,tfmchr)
+ local x, y, w, h = factor*spec[1], factor*spec[2], factor*spec[3], factor*spec[4]
+ -- dy = y - h
+ if x ~= 0 or w ~= 0 or y ~= 0 or h ~= 0 then
+ local bound = has_attribute(current,kernpair)
+ if bound then
+ local kb = kerns[bound]
+ -- inefficient but singles have less, but weird anyway, needs checking
+ kb[2], kb[3], kb[4], kb[5] = (kb[2] or 0) + x, (kb[3] or 0) + y, (kb[4] or 0)+ w, (kb[5] or 0) + h
- return format("U+%04X")
- end
- elseif n then
- local num, nam = { }, { }
- for i=1,#n do
- local ni = n[i]
- -- ! ! ! could be a helper ! ! !
- if type(ni) == "table" then
- local nnum, nnam = { }, { }
- for j=1,#ni do
- local nj = ni[j]
- nnum[j] = format("U+%04X",nj)
- nnam[j] = descriptions[nj].name or "?"
- end
- num[i] = concat(nnum,"|")
- nam[i] = concat(nnam,"|")
- else
- num[i] = format("U+%04X",ni)
- nam[i] = descriptions[ni].name or "?"
- end
+ bound = #kerns + 1
+ set_attribute(current,kernpair,bound)
+ kerns[bound] = { rlmode, x, y, w, h, r2lflag, tfmchr.width }
- return format("%s (%s)",concat(num," "), concat(nam," "))
- else
- return "?"
+ return x, y, w, h, bound
+ return x, y, w, h -- no bound
-local function cref(kind,lookupname)
- if lookupname then
- return format("feature %s, lookup %s",kind,lookupname)
+function injections.setkern(current,factor,rlmode,x,tfmchr)
+ local dx = factor*x
+ if dx ~= 0 then
+ local bound = #kerns + 1
+ set_attribute(current,kernpair,bound)
+ kerns[bound] = { rlmode, dx }
+ return dx, bound
- return format("feature %s",kind)
+ return 0, 0
-local function resolve_ligatures(tfmdata,ligatures,kind)
- kind = kind or "unknown"
- local unicodes = tfmdata.unicodes
- local characters = tfmdata.characters
- local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions
- local changed = tfmdata.changed
- local done = { }
- while true do
- local ok = false
- for k,v in next, ligatures do
- local lig = v[1]
- if not done[lig] then
- local ligs = lpegmatch(split_at_space,lig)
- if #ligs == 2 then
- local uc = v[2]
- local c, f, s = characters[uc], ligs[1], ligs[2]
- local uft, ust = unicodes[f] or 0, unicodes[s] or 0
- if not uft or not ust then
- report_prepare("%s: unicode problem with base ligature %s = %s + %s",cref(kind),gref(descriptions,uc),gref(descriptions,uft),gref(descriptions,ust))
- -- some kind of error
+function injections.setmark(start,base,factor,rlmode,ba,ma,index) --ba=baseanchor, ma=markanchor
+ local dx, dy = factor*(ba[1]-ma[1]), factor*(ba[2]-ma[2])
+ local bound = has_attribute(base,markbase)
+ if bound then
+ local mb = marks[bound]
+ if mb then
+ if not index then index = #mb + 1 end
+ mb[index] = { dx, dy }
+ set_attribute(start,markmark,bound)
+ set_attribute(start,markdone,index)
+ return dx, dy, bound
+ else
+ report_injections("possible problem, U+%04X is base mark without data (id: %s)",base.char,bound)
+ end
+ end
+ index = index or 1
+ bound = #marks + 1
+ set_attribute(base,markbase,bound)
+ set_attribute(start,markmark,bound)
+ set_attribute(start,markdone,index)
+ marks[bound] = { [index] = { dx, dy, rlmode } }
+ return dx, dy, bound
+local function dir(n)
+ return (n and n<0 and "r-to-l") or (n and n>0 and "l-to-r") or "unset"
+local function trace(head)
+ report_injections("begin run")
+ for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do
+ if n.subtype < 256 then
+ local kp = has_attribute(n,kernpair)
+ local mb = has_attribute(n,markbase)
+ local mm = has_attribute(n,markmark)
+ local md = has_attribute(n,markdone)
+ local cb = has_attribute(n,cursbase)
+ local cc = has_attribute(n,curscurs)
+ report_injections("char U+%05X, font=%s",n.char,n.font)
+ if kp then
+ local k = kerns[kp]
+ if k[3] then
+ report_injections(" pairkern: dir=%s, x=%s, y=%s, w=%s, h=%s",dir(k[1]),k[2] or "?",k[3] or "?",k[4] or "?",k[5] or "?")
+ else
+ report_injections(" kern: dir=%s, dx=%s",dir(k[1]),k[2] or "?")
+ end
+ end
+ if mb then
+ report_injections(" markbase: bound=%s",mb)
+ end
+ if mm then
+ local m = marks[mm]
+ if mb then
+ local m = m[mb]
+ if m then
+ report_injections(" markmark: bound=%s, index=%s, dx=%s, dy=%s",mm,md or "?",m[1] or "?",m[2] or "?")
- if type(uft) == "number" then uft = { uft } end
- if type(ust) == "number" then ust = { ust } end
- for ufi=1,#uft do
- local uf = uft[ufi]
- for usi=1,#ust do
- local us = ust[usi]
- if changed[uf] or changed[us] then
- if trace_baseinit and trace_ligatures then
- report_prepare("%s: base ligature %s + %s ignored",cref(kind),gref(descriptions,uf),gref(descriptions,us))
- end
- else
- local first, second = characters[uf], us
- if first and second then
- local t = first.ligatures
- if not t then
- t = { }
- first.ligatures = t
- end
- if type(uc) == "number" then
- t[second] = { type = 0, char = uc }
- else
- t[second] = { type = 0, char = uc[1] } -- can this still happen?
- end
- if trace_baseinit and trace_ligatures then
- report_prepare("%s: base ligature %s + %s => %s",cref(kind),gref(descriptions,uf),gref(descriptions,us),gref(descriptions,uc))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
+ report_injections(" markmark: bound=%s, missing index",mm)
- ok, done[lig] = true, descriptions[uc].name
+ else
+ m = m[1]
+ report_injections(" markmark: bound=%s, dx=%s, dy=%s",mm,m[1] or "?",m[2] or "?")
- end
- if ok then
- -- done has "a b c" = "a_b_c" and ligatures the already set ligatures: "a b" = 123
- -- and here we add extras (f i i = fi + i and alike)
- --
- -- we could use a hash for fnc and pattern
- --
- -- this might be interfering !
- for d,n in next, done do
- local pattern = pcache[d] if not pattern then pattern = "^(" .. d .. ") " pcache[d] = pattern end
- local fnc = fcache[n] if not fnc then fnc = function() return n .. " " end fcache[n] = fnc end
- for k,v in next, ligatures do
- v[1] = gsub(v[1],pattern,fnc)
- end
+ if cb then
+ report_injections(" cursbase: bound=%s",cb)
+ end
+ if cc then
+ local c = cursives[cc]
+ report_injections(" curscurs: bound=%s, dir=%s, dx=%s, dy=%s",cc,dir(c[1]),c[2] or "?",c[3] or "?")
- else
- break
+ report_injections("end run")
-local splitter = lpeg.splitat(" ")
+-- todo: reuse tables (i.e. no collection), but will be extra fields anyway
+-- todo: check for attribute
+-- we can have a fast test on a font being processed, so we can check faster for marks etc
-local function prepare_base_substitutions(tfmdata,kind,value) -- we can share some code with the node features
- if value then
- local otfdata = tfmdata.shared.otfdata
- local validlookups, lookuplist = otf.collectlookups(otfdata,kind,tfmdata.script,tfmdata.language)
- if validlookups then
- local ligatures = { }
- local unicodes = tfmdata.unicodes -- names to unicodes
- local indices = tfmdata.indices
- local characters = tfmdata.characters
- local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions
- local changed = tfmdata.changed
- --
- local actions = {
- substitution = function(p,lookup,k,glyph,unicode)
- local pv = p[2] -- p.variant
- if pv then
- local upv = unicodes[pv]
- if upv then
- if type(upv) == "table" then -- zero change that table
- upv = upv[1]
+function injections.handler(head,where,keep)
+ local has_marks, has_cursives, has_kerns = next(marks), next(cursives), next(kerns)
+ if has_marks or has_cursives then
+ if trace_injections then
+ trace(head)
+ end
+ -- in the future variant we will not copy items but refs to tables
+ local done, ky, rl, valid, cx, wx, mk, nofvalid = false, { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, 0
+ if has_kerns then -- move outside loop
+ local nf, tm = nil, nil
+ for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do -- only needed for relevant fonts
+ if n.subtype < 256 then
+ nofvalid = nofvalid + 1
+ valid[nofvalid] = n
+ if n.font ~= nf then
+ nf = n.font
+ tm = fontdata[nf].resources.marks
+ end
+ if tm then
+ mk[n] = tm[n.char]
+ end
+ local k = has_attribute(n,kernpair)
+ if k then
+ local kk = kerns[k]
+ if kk then
+ local x, y, w, h = kk[2] or 0, kk[3] or 0, kk[4] or 0, kk[5] or 0
+ local dy = y - h
+ if dy ~= 0 then
+ ky[n] = dy
- if characters[upv] then
- if trace_baseinit and trace_singles then
- report_prepare("%s: base substitution %s => %s",cref(kind,lookup),gref(descriptions,k),gref(descriptions,upv))
- end
- changed[k] = upv
+ if w ~= 0 or x ~= 0 then
+ wx[n] = kk
+ rl[n] = kk[1] -- could move in test
- end,
- alternate = function(p,lookup,k,glyph,unicode)
- local pc = p[2] -- p.components
- if pc then
- -- a bit optimized ugliness
- if value == 1 then
- pc = lpegmatch(splitter,pc)
- elseif value == 2 then
- local a, b = lpegmatch(splitter,pc)
- pc = b or a
- else
- pc = { lpegmatch(splitter,pc) }
- pc = pc[value] or pc[#pc]
- end
- if pc then
- local upc = unicodes[pc]
- if upc then
- if type(upc) == "table" then -- zero change that table
- upc = upc[1]
- end
- if characters[upc] then
- if trace_baseinit and trace_alternatives then
- report_prepare("%s: base alternate %s %s => %s",cref(kind,lookup),tostring(value),gref(descriptions,k),gref(descriptions,upc))
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local nf, tm = nil, nil
+ for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do
+ if n.subtype < 256 then
+ nofvalid = nofvalid + 1
+ valid[nofvalid] = n
+ if n.font ~= nf then
+ nf = n.font
+ tm = fontdata[nf].resources.marks
+ end
+ if tm then
+ mk[n] = tm[n.char]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if nofvalid > 0 then
+ -- we can assume done == true because we have cursives and marks
+ local cx = { }
+ if has_kerns and next(ky) then
+ for n, k in next, ky do
+ n.yoffset = k
+ end
+ end
+ -- todo: reuse t and use maxt
+ if has_cursives then
+ local p_cursbase, p = nil, nil
+ -- since we need valid[n+1] we can also use a "while true do"
+ local t, d, maxt = { }, { }, 0
+ for i=1,nofvalid do -- valid == glyphs
+ local n = valid[i]
+ if not mk[n] then
+ local n_cursbase = has_attribute(n,cursbase)
+ if p_cursbase then
+ local n_curscurs = has_attribute(n,curscurs)
+ if p_cursbase == n_curscurs then
+ local c = cursives[n_curscurs]
+ if c then
+ local rlmode, dx, dy, ws, wn = c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5]
+ if rlmode >= 0 then
+ dx = dx - ws
+ else
+ dx = dx + wn
+ end
+ if dx ~= 0 then
+ cx[n] = dx
+ rl[n] = rlmode
- changed[k] = upc
+ -- if rlmode and rlmode < 0 then
+ dy = -dy
+ -- end
+ maxt = maxt + 1
+ t[maxt] = p
+ d[maxt] = dy
+ else
+ maxt = 0
+ elseif maxt > 0 then
+ local ny = n.yoffset
+ for i=maxt,1,-1 do
+ ny = ny + d[i]
+ local ti = t[i]
+ ti.yoffset = ti.yoffset + ny
+ end
+ maxt = 0
- end
- end,
- ligature = function(p,lookup,k,glyph,unicode)
- local pc = p[2]
- if pc then
- if trace_baseinit and trace_ligatures then
- local upc = { lpegmatch(splitter,pc) }
- for i=1,#upc do upc[i] = unicodes[upc[i]] end
- -- we assume that it's no table
- report_prepare("%s: base ligature %s => %s",cref(kind,lookup),gref(descriptions,upc),gref(descriptions,k))
- end
- ligatures[#ligatures+1] = { pc, k }
- end
- end,
- }
- --
- for k,c in next, characters do
- local glyph = descriptions[k]
- local lookups = glyph.slookups
- if lookups then
- for l=1,#lookuplist do
- local lookup = lookuplist[l]
- local p = lookups[lookup]
- if p then
- local a = actions[p[1]]
- if a then
- a(p,lookup,k,glyph,unicode)
+ if not n_cursbase and maxt > 0 then
+ local ny = n.yoffset
+ for i=maxt,1,-1 do
+ ny = ny + d[i]
+ local ti = t[i]
+ ti.yoffset = ny
+ maxt = 0
+ p_cursbase, p = n_cursbase, n
- local lookups = glyph.mlookups
- if lookups then
- for l=1,#lookuplist do
- local lookup = lookuplist[l]
- local ps = lookups[lookup]
- if ps then
- for i=1,#ps do
- local p = ps[i]
- local a = actions[p[1]]
- if a then
- a(p,lookup,k,glyph,unicode)
- end
- end
- end
+ if maxt > 0 then
+ local ny = n.yoffset
+ for i=maxt,1,-1 do
+ ny = ny + d[i]
+ local ti = t[i]
+ ti.yoffset = ny
+ maxt = 0
+ end
+ if not keep then
+ cursives = { }
- resolve_ligatures(tfmdata,ligatures,kind)
- end
- else
- tfmdata.ligatures = tfmdata.ligatures or { } -- left over from what ?
- end
-local function preparebasekerns(tfmdata,kind,value) -- todo what kind of kerns, currently all
- if value then
- local otfdata = tfmdata.shared.otfdata
- local validlookups, lookuplist = otf.collectlookups(otfdata,kind,tfmdata.script,tfmdata.language)
- if validlookups then
- local unicodes = tfmdata.unicodes -- names to unicodes
- local indices = tfmdata.indices
- local characters = tfmdata.characters
- local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions
- local sharedkerns = { }
- for u, chr in next, characters do
- local d = descriptions[u]
- if d then
- local dk = d.kerns -- shared
- if dk then
- local s = sharedkerns[dk]
- if s == false then
- -- skip
- elseif s then
- chr.kerns = s
- else
- local t, done = chr.kerns or { }, false
- for l=1,#lookuplist do
- local lookup = lookuplist[l]
- local kerns = dk[lookup]
- if kerns then
- for k, v in next, kerns do
- if v ~= 0 and not t[k] then -- maybe no 0 test here
- t[k], done = v, true
- if trace_baseinit and trace_kerns then
- report_prepare("%s: base kern %s + %s => %s",cref(kind,lookup),gref(descriptions,u),gref(descriptions,k),v)
- end
+ if has_marks then
+ for i=1,nofvalid do
+ local p = valid[i]
+ local p_markbase = has_attribute(p,markbase)
+ if p_markbase then
+ local mrks = marks[p_markbase]
+ for n in traverse_id(glyph_code, do
+ local n_markmark = has_attribute(n,markmark)
+ if p_markbase == n_markmark then
+ local index = has_attribute(n,markdone) or 1
+ local d = mrks[index]
+ if d then
+ local rlmode = d[3]
+ if rlmode and rlmode > 0 then
+ -- new per 2010-10-06, width adapted per 2010-02-03
+ -- we used to negate the width of marks because in tfm
+ -- that makes sense but we no longer do that so as a
+ -- consequence the sign of p.width was changed (we need
+ -- to keep an eye on it as we don't have that many fonts
+ -- that enter this branch .. i'm still not sure if this
+ -- one is right
+ local k = wx[p]
+ if k then
+ n.xoffset = p.xoffset + p.width + d[1] - k[2]
+ else
+ n.xoffset = p.xoffset + p.width + d[1]
+ end
+ else
+ local k = wx[p]
+ if k then
+ n.xoffset = p.xoffset - d[1] - k[2]
+ else
+ n.xoffset = p.xoffset - d[1]
+ if mk[p] then
+ n.yoffset = p.yoffset + d[2]
+ else
+ n.yoffset = n.yoffset + p.yoffset + d[2]
+ end
- end
- if done then
- sharedkerns[dk] = t
- chr.kerns = t -- no empty assignments
- sharedkerns[dk] = false
+ break
+ if not keep then
+ marks = { }
+ end
- end
- end
--- In principle we could register each feature individually which was
--- what we did in earlier versions. However, after the rewrite it
--- made more sense to collect them in an overall features initializer
--- just as with the node variant. There it was needed because we need
--- to do complete mixed runs and not run featurewise (as we did before).
-local supported_gsub = {
- 'liga', 'dlig', 'rlig', 'hlig',
- 'pnum', 'onum', 'tnum', 'lnum',
- 'zero',
- 'smcp', 'cpsp', 'c2sc', 'ornm', 'aalt',
- 'hwid', 'fwid',
- 'ssty', 'rtlm', -- math
--- 'tlig', 'trep',
-local supported_gpos = {
- 'kern'
-function otf.features.registerbasesubstitution(tag)
- supported_gsub[#supported_gsub+1] = tag
-function otf.features.registerbasekern(tag)
- supported_gsub[#supported_gpos+1] = tag
-local basehash, basehashes = { }, 1
-function fonts.initializers.base.otf.features(tfmdata,value)
- if true then -- value then
- -- not shared
- local t = trace_preparing and os.clock()
- local features = tfmdata.shared.features
- if features then
- local h = { }
- for f=1,#supported_gsub do
- local feature = supported_gsub[f]
- local value = features[feature]
- prepare_base_substitutions(tfmdata,feature,value)
- if value then
- h[#h+1] = feature .. "=" .. tostring(value)
+ -- todo : combine
+ if next(wx) then
+ for n, k in next, wx do
+ -- only w can be nil, can be sped up when w == nil
+ local rl, x, w, r2l = k[1], k[2] or 0, k[4] or 0, k[6]
+ local wx = w - x
+ if r2l then
+ if wx ~= 0 then
+ insert_node_before(head,n,newkern(wx))
+ end
+ if x ~= 0 then
+ insert_node_after (head,n,newkern(x))
+ end
+ else
+ if x ~= 0 then
+ insert_node_before(head,n,newkern(x))
+ end
+ if wx ~= 0 then
+ insert_node_after(head,n,newkern(wx))
+ end
+ end
- for f=1,#supported_gpos do
- local feature = supported_gpos[f]
- local value = features[feature]
- preparebasekerns(tfmdata,feature,features[feature])
- if value then
- h[#h+1] = feature .. "=" .. tostring(value)
+ if next(cx) then
+ for n, k in next, cx do
+ if k ~= 0 then
+ local rln = rl[n]
+ if rln and rln < 0 then
+ insert_node_before(head,n,newkern(-k))
+ else
+ insert_node_before(head,n,newkern(k))
+ end
+ end
- local hash = concat(h," ")
- local base = basehash[hash]
- if not base then
- basehashes = basehashes + 1
- base = basehashes
- basehash[hash] = base
+ if not keep then
+ kerns = { }
- -- We need to make sure that luatex sees the difference between
- -- base fonts that have different glyphs in the same slots in fonts
- -- that have the same fullname (or filename). LuaTeX will merge fonts
- -- eventually (and subset later on). If needed we can use a more
- -- verbose name as long as we don't use <()<>[]{}/%> and the length
- -- is < 128.
- tfmdata.fullname = tfmdata.fullname .. "-" .. base -- tfmdata.psname is the original
- --~ report_prepare("fullname base hash: '%s', featureset '%s'",tfmdata.fullname,hash)
+ return head, true
+ elseif not keep then
+ kerns, cursives, marks = { }, { }, { }
- if trace_preparing then
- report_prepare("preparation time is %0.3f seconds for %s",os.clock()-t,tfmdata.fullname or "?")
+ elseif has_kerns then
+ if trace_injections then
+ trace(head)
+ end
+ for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do
+ if n.subtype < 256 then
+ local k = has_attribute(n,kernpair)
+ if k then
+ local kk = kerns[k]
+ if kk then
+ local rl, x, y, w = kk[1], kk[2] or 0, kk[3], kk[4]
+ if y and y ~= 0 then
+ n.yoffset = y -- todo: h ?
+ end
+ if w then
+ -- copied from above
+ local r2l = kk[6]
+ local wx = w - x
+ if r2l then
+ if wx ~= 0 then
+ insert_node_before(head,n,newkern(wx))
+ end
+ if x ~= 0 then
+ insert_node_after (head,n,newkern(x))
+ end
+ else
+ if x ~= 0 then
+ insert_node_before(head,n,newkern(x))
+ end
+ if wx ~= 0 then
+ insert_node_after(head,n,newkern(wx))
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ -- simple (e.g. kernclass kerns)
+ if x ~= 0 then
+ insert_node_before(head,n,newkern(x))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not keep then
+ kerns = { }
+ return head, true
+ else
+ -- no tracing needed
+ return head, false
end -- closure
@@ -8250,14 +7736,6 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-otn'] = {
-- much functionality could only be implemented thanks to the husayni font
-- of Idris Samawi Hamid to who we dedicate this module.
--- I'm in the process of cleaning up the code (which happens in another
--- file) so don't rely on things staying the same.
--- some day when we can jit this, we can use more functions
--- we can use more lpegs when lpeg is extended with function args and so
--- resolving to unicode does not gain much
-- in retrospect it always looks easy but believe it or not, it took a lot
-- of work to get proper open type support done: buggy fonts, fuzzy specs,
-- special made testfonts, many skype sessions between taco, idris and me,
@@ -8272,10 +7750,7 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-otn'] = {
-- alternative loop quitters
-- check cursive and r2l
-- find out where ignore-mark-classes went
--- remove unused tables
--- slide tail (always glue at the end so only needed once
-- default features (per language, script)
--- cleanup kern(class) code, remove double info
-- handle positions (we need example fonts)
-- handle gpos_single (we might want an extra width field in glyph nodes because adding kerns might interfere)
@@ -8351,6 +7826,8 @@ results in different tables.</p>
-- gpos_context ok --
-- gpos_contextchain ok --
+-- todo: contextpos and contextsub and class stuff
-- actions:
-- handler : actions triggered by lookup
@@ -8360,16 +7837,20 @@ results in different tables.</p>
-- remark: the 'not implemented yet' variants will be done when we have fonts that use them
-- remark: we need to check what to do with discretionaries
+-- We used to have independent hashes for lookups but as the tags are unique
+-- we now use only one hash. If needed we can have multiple again but in that
+-- case I will probably prefix (i.e. rename) the lookups in the cached font file.
local concat, insert, remove = table.concat, table.insert, table.remove
local format, gmatch, gsub, find, match, lower, strip = string.format, string.gmatch, string.gsub, string.find, string.match, string.lower, string.strip
local type, next, tonumber, tostring = type, next, tonumber, tostring
local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
local random = math.random
-local logs, trackers, fonts, nodes, attributes = logs, trackers, fonts, nodes, attributes
+local logs, trackers, nodes, attributes = logs, trackers, nodes, attributes
-local otf = fonts.otf
-local tfm = fonts.tfm
+local fonts = fonts
+local otf = fonts.handlers.otf
local trace_lookups = false trackers.register("otf.lookups", function(v) trace_lookups = v end)
local trace_singles = false trackers.register("", function(v) trace_singles = v end)
@@ -8404,93 +7885,82 @@ trackers.register("otf.injections","nodes.injections")
-local insert_node_after = node.insert_after
-local delete_node = nodes.delete
-local copy_node = node.copy
-local find_node_tail = node.tail or node.slide
-local set_attribute = node.set_attribute
-local has_attribute = node.has_attribute
+local insert_node_after = node.insert_after
+local delete_node = nodes.delete
+local copy_node = node.copy
+local find_node_tail = node.tail or node.slide
+local set_attribute = node.set_attribute
+local has_attribute = node.has_attribute
-local zwnj = 0x200C
-local zwj = 0x200D
-local wildcard = "*"
-local default = "dflt"
+local zwnj = 0x200C
+local zwj = 0x200D
+local wildcard = "*"
+local default = "dflt"
-local split_at_space = lpeg.Ct(lpeg.splitat(" ")) -- no trailing or multiple spaces anyway
+local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
+local whatcodes = nodes.whatcodes
+local glyphcodes = nodes.glyphcodes
-local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
-local whatcodes = nodes.whatcodes
-local glyphcodes = nodes.glyphcodes
+local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph
+local glue_code = nodecodes.glue
+local disc_code = nodecodes.disc
+local whatsit_code = nodecodes.whatsit
-local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph
-local glue_code = nodecodes.glue
-local disc_code = nodecodes.disc
-local whatsit_code = nodecodes.whatsit
+local dir_code = whatcodes.dir
+local localpar_code = whatcodes.localpar
-local dir_code = whatcodes.dir
-local localpar_code = whatcodes.localpar
+local ligature_code = glyphcodes.ligature
-local ligature_code = glyphcodes.ligature
+local privateattribute = attributes.private
-local state = attributes.private('state')
-local markbase = attributes.private('markbase')
-local markmark = attributes.private('markmark')
-local markdone = attributes.private('markdone')
-local cursbase = attributes.private('cursbase')
-local curscurs = attributes.private('curscurs')
-local cursdone = attributes.private('cursdone')
-local kernpair = attributes.private('kernpair')
+local state = privateattribute('state')
+local markbase = privateattribute('markbase')
+local markmark = privateattribute('markmark')
+local markdone = privateattribute('markdone')
+local cursbase = privateattribute('cursbase')
+local curscurs = privateattribute('curscurs')
+local cursdone = privateattribute('cursdone')
+local kernpair = privateattribute('kernpair')
-local injections = nodes.injections
-local setmark = injections.setmark
-local setcursive = injections.setcursive
-local setkern = injections.setkern
-local setpair = injections.setpair
+local injections = nodes.injections
+local setmark = injections.setmark
+local setcursive = injections.setcursive
+local setkern = injections.setkern
+local setpair = injections.setpair
+local markonce = true
+local cursonce = true
+local kernonce = true
-local markonce = true
-local cursonce = true
-local kernonce = true
+local fonthashes = fonts.hashes
+local fontdata = fonthashes.identifiers
-local fontdata = fonts.identifiers
+local otffeatures = fonts.constructors.newfeatures("otf")
+local registerotffeature = otffeatures.register
-otf.features.process = { }
+local onetimemessage = fonts.loggers.onetimemessage
-- we share some vars here, after all, we have no nested lookups and
-- less code
-local tfmdata = false
-local otfdata = false
-local characters = false
-local descriptions = false
-local marks = false
-local indices = false
-local unicodes = false
-local currentfont = false
-local lookuptable = false
-local anchorlookups = false
-local handlers = { }
-local rlmode = 0
-local featurevalue = false
--- we cheat a bit and assume that a font,attr combination are kind of ranged
-local specifiers = fonts.definers.specifiers
-local contextsetups = specifiers.contextsetups
-local contextnumbers = specifiers.contextnumbers
-local contextmerged = specifiers.contextmerged
+local tfmdata = false
+local characters = false
+local descriptions = false
+local resources = false
+local marks = false
+local currentfont = false
+local lookuptable = false
+local anchorlookups = false
+local lookuptypes = false
+local handlers = { }
+local rlmode = 0
+local featurevalue = false
-- we cannot optimize with "start = first_glyph(head)" because then we don't
-- know which rlmode we're in which messes up cursive handling later on
-- head is always a whatsit so we can safely assume that head is not changed
-local special_attributes = {
- init = 1,
- medi = 2,
- fina = 3,
- isol = 4
-- we use this for special testing and documentation
local checkstep = (nodes and nodes.tracers and nodes.tracers.steppers.check) or function() end
@@ -8503,6 +7973,7 @@ local function logprocess(...)
local function logwarning(...)
@@ -8522,9 +7993,11 @@ local function gref(n)
local num, nam = { }, { }
for i=1,#n do
local ni = n[i]
- local di = descriptions[ni]
- num[i] = format("U+%04X",ni)
- nam[i] = di and or "?"
+ if tonumber(di) then -- later we will start at 2
+ local di = descriptions[ni]
+ num[i] = format("U+%04X",ni)
+ nam[i] = di and or "?"
+ end
return format("%s (%s)",concat(num," "), concat(nam," "))
@@ -8567,84 +8040,72 @@ local function markstoligature(kind,lookupname,start,stop,char)
local function toligature(kind,lookupname,start,stop,char,markflag,discfound) -- brr head
- if start ~= stop then
---~ if discfound then
---~ local lignode = copy_node(start)
---~ lignode.font = start.font
---~ lignode.char = char
---~ lignode.subtype = ligature_code
---~ start = node.do_ligature_n(start, stop, lignode)
---~ if == disc_code then
---~ local prev = start.prev
---~ start =
---~ end
- if discfound then
- -- print("start->stop",nodes.tosequence(start,stop))
- local lignode = copy_node(start)
- lignode.font, lignode.char, lignode.subtype = start.font, char, ligature_code
- local next, prev =, start.prev
- = nil
- lignode = node.do_ligature_n(start, stop, lignode)
- = lignode
- if next then
- next.prev = lignode
- end
-, lignode.prev = next, prev
- start = lignode
- -- print("start->end",nodes.tosequence(start))
- else -- start is the ligature
- local deletemarks = markflag ~= "mark"
- local n = copy_node(start)
- local current
- current, start = insert_node_after(start,start,n)
- local snext =
- = snext
- if snext then
- snext.prev = current
- end
- start.prev, = nil, nil
- current.char, current.subtype, current.components = char, ligature_code, start
- local head = current
- if deletemarks then
- if trace_marks then
- while start do
- if marks[start.char] then
- logwarning("%s: remove mark %s",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(start.char))
- end
- start =
- end
- end
- else
- local i = 0
+ if start == stop then
+ start.char = char
+ elseif discfound then
+ -- print("start->stop",nodes.tosequence(start,stop))
+ local lignode = copy_node(start)
+ lignode.font, lignode.char, lignode.subtype = start.font, char, ligature_code
+ local next, prev =, start.prev
+ = nil
+ lignode = node.do_ligature_n(start, stop, lignode)
+ = lignode
+ if next then
+ next.prev = lignode
+ end
+, lignode.prev = next, prev
+ start = lignode
+ -- print("start->end",nodes.tosequence(start))
+ else -- start is the ligature
+ local deletemarks = markflag ~= "mark"
+ local n = copy_node(start)
+ local current
+ current, start = insert_node_after(start,start,n)
+ local snext =
+ = snext
+ if snext then
+ snext.prev = current
+ end
+ start.prev, = nil, nil
+ current.char, current.subtype, current.components = char, ligature_code, start
+ local head = current
+ if deletemarks then
+ if trace_marks then
while start do
if marks[start.char] then
- set_attribute(start,markdone,i)
- if trace_marks then
- logwarning("%s: keep mark %s, gets index %s",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(start.char),i)
- end
- head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,copy_node(start))
- else
- i = i + 1
+ logwarning("%s: remove mark %s",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(start.char))
start =
- start =
- while start and == glyph_code do
- if marks[start.char] then
- set_attribute(start,markdone,i)
- if trace_marks then
- logwarning("%s: keep mark %s, gets index %s",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(start.char),i)
- end
- else
- break
+ end
+ else
+ local i = 0
+ while start do
+ if marks[start.char] then
+ set_attribute(start,markdone,i)
+ if trace_marks then
+ logwarning("%s: keep mark %s, gets index %s",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(start.char),i)
+ end
+ head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,copy_node(start))
+ else
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ start =
+ end
+ start =
+ while start and == glyph_code do
+ if marks[start.char] then
+ set_attribute(start,markdone,i)
+ if trace_marks then
+ logwarning("%s: keep mark %s, gets index %s",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(start.char),i)
- start =
+ else
+ break
+ start =
- return head
- else
- start.char = char
+ return head
return start
@@ -8687,6 +8148,30 @@ local function alternative_glyph(start,alternatives,kind,chainname,chainlookupna
return choice, value
+local function multiple_glyphs(start,multiple)
+ local nofmultiples = #multiple
+ if nofmultiples > 0 then
+ start.char = multiple[1]
+ if nofmultiples > 1 then
+ local sn =
+ for k=2,nofmultiples do -- todo: use insert_node
+ local n = copy_node(start)
+ n.char = multiple[k]
+ = sn
+ n.prev = start
+ if sn then
+ sn.prev = n
+ end
+ = n
+ start = n
+ end
+ end
+ return start, true
+ else
+ return start, false
+ end
function handlers.gsub_alternate(start,kind,lookupname,alternative,sequence)
local choice, index = alternative_glyph(start,alternative,kind,lookupname)
if trace_alternatives then
@@ -8700,22 +8185,7 @@ function handlers.gsub_multiple(start,kind,lookupname,multiple)
if trace_multiples then
logprocess("%s: replacing %s by multiple %s",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(start.char),gref(multiple))
- start.char = multiple[1]
- if #multiple > 1 then
- for k=2,#multiple do
- local n = copy_node(start)
- n.char = multiple[k]
- local sn =
- = sn
- n.prev = start
- if sn then
- sn.prev = n
- end
- = n
- start = n
- end
- end
- return start, true
+ return multiple_glyphs(start,multiple)
function handlers.gsub_ligature(start,kind,lookupname,ligature,sequence) --or maybe pass lookup ref
@@ -8724,17 +8194,12 @@ function handlers.gsub_ligature(start,kind,lookupname,ligature,sequence) --or ma
if marks[startchar] then
while s do
local id =
- if id == glyph_code and s.subtype<256 then
- if s.font == currentfont then
- local char = s.char
- local lg = ligature[1][char]
- if not lg then
- break
- else
- stop = s
- ligature = lg
- s =
- end
+ if id == glyph_code and s.subtype<256 and s.font == currentfont then
+ local lg = ligature[s.char]
+ if lg then
+ stop = s
+ ligature = lg
+ s =
@@ -8742,13 +8207,14 @@ function handlers.gsub_ligature(start,kind,lookupname,ligature,sequence) --or ma
- if stop and ligature[2] then
+ if stop then
+ local lig = ligature.ligature
if trace_ligatures then
local stopchar = stop.char
- start = markstoligature(kind,lookupname,start,stop,ligature[2])
+ start = markstoligature(kind,lookupname,start,stop,lig)
logprocess("%s: replacing %s upto %s by ligature %s",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(startchar),gref(stopchar),gref(start.char))
- start = markstoligature(kind,lookupname,start,stop,ligature[2])
+ start = markstoligature(kind,lookupname,start,stop,lig)
return start, true
@@ -8762,13 +8228,13 @@ function handlers.gsub_ligature(start,kind,lookupname,ligature,sequence) --or ma
if skipmark and marks[char] then
s =
- local lg = ligature[1][char]
- if not lg then
- break
- else
+ local lg = ligature[char]
+ if lg then
stop = s
ligature = lg
s =
+ else
+ break
@@ -8781,13 +8247,14 @@ function handlers.gsub_ligature(start,kind,lookupname,ligature,sequence) --or ma
- if stop and ligature[2] then
+ if stop then
+ local lig = ligature.ligature
if trace_ligatures then
local stopchar = stop.char
- start = toligature(kind,lookupname,start,stop,ligature[2],skipmark,discfound)
+ start = toligature(kind,lookupname,start,stop,lig,skipmark,discfound)
logprocess("%s: replacing %s upto %s by ligature %s",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(startchar),gref(stopchar),gref(start.char))
- start = toligature(kind,lookupname,start,stop,ligature[2],skipmark,discfound)
+ start = toligature(kind,lookupname,start,stop,lig,skipmark,discfound)
return start, true
@@ -8834,7 +8301,7 @@ function handlers.gpos_mark2base(start,kind,lookupname,markanchors,sequence)
if al[anchor] then
local ma = markanchors[anchor]
if ma then
- local dx, dy, bound = setmark(start,base,tfmdata.factor,rlmode,ba,ma)
+ local dx, dy, bound = setmark(start,base,tfmdata.parameters.factor,rlmode,ba,ma)
if trace_marks then
logprocess("%s, anchor %s, bound %s: anchoring mark %s to basechar %s => (%s,%s)",
@@ -8849,7 +8316,7 @@ function handlers.gpos_mark2base(start,kind,lookupname,markanchors,sequence)
else -- if trace_bugs then
-- logwarning("%s: char %s is missing in font",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(basechar))
- fonts.registermessage(currentfont,basechar,"no base anchors")
+ onetimemessage(currentfont,basechar,"no base anchors",report_fonts)
elseif trace_bugs then
logwarning("%s: prev node is no char",pref(kind,lookupname))
@@ -8902,7 +8369,7 @@ function handlers.gpos_mark2ligature(start,kind,lookupname,markanchors,sequence)
if ma then
ba = ba[index]
if ba then
- local dx, dy, bound = setmark(start,base,tfmdata.factor,rlmode,ba,ma,index)
+ local dx, dy, bound = setmark(start,base,tfmdata.parameters.factor,rlmode,ba,ma,index)
if trace_marks then
logprocess("%s, anchor %s, index %s, bound %s: anchoring mark %s to baselig %s at index %s => (%s,%s)",
@@ -8919,7 +8386,7 @@ function handlers.gpos_mark2ligature(start,kind,lookupname,markanchors,sequence)
else -- if trace_bugs then
-- logwarning("%s: char %s is missing in font",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(basechar))
- fonts.registermessage(currentfont,basechar,"no base anchors")
+ onetimemessage(currentfont,basechar,"no base anchors",report_fonts)
elseif trace_bugs then
logwarning("%s: prev node is no char",pref(kind,lookupname))
@@ -8949,7 +8416,7 @@ function handlers.gpos_mark2mark(start,kind,lookupname,markanchors,sequence)
if al[anchor] then
local ma = markanchors[anchor]
if ma then
- local dx, dy, bound = setmark(start,base,tfmdata.factor,rlmode,ba,ma)
+ local dx, dy, bound = setmark(start,base,tfmdata.parameters.factor,rlmode,ba,ma)
if trace_marks then
logprocess("%s, anchor %s, bound %s: anchoring mark %s to basemark %s => (%s,%s)",
@@ -8965,7 +8432,7 @@ function handlers.gpos_mark2mark(start,kind,lookupname,markanchors,sequence)
else -- if trace_bugs then
-- logwarning("%s: char %s is missing in font",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(basechar))
- fonts.registermessage(currentfont,basechar,"no base anchors")
+ onetimemessage(currentfont,basechar,"no base anchors",report_fonts)
elseif trace_bugs then
logwarning("%s: prev node is no mark",pref(kind,lookupname))
@@ -9007,7 +8474,7 @@ function handlers.gpos_cursive(start,kind,lookupname,exitanchors,sequence) -- to
if al[anchor] then
local exit = exitanchors[anchor]
if exit then
- local dx, dy, bound = setcursive(start,nxt,tfmdata.factor,rlmode,exit,entry,characters[startchar],characters[nextchar])
+ local dx, dy, bound = setcursive(start,nxt,tfmdata.parameters.factor,rlmode,exit,entry,characters[startchar],characters[nextchar])
if trace_cursive then
logprocess("%s: moving %s to %s cursive (%s,%s) using anchor %s and bound %s in rlmode %s",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(startchar),gref(nextchar),dx,dy,anchor,bound,rlmode)
@@ -9020,7 +8487,7 @@ function handlers.gpos_cursive(start,kind,lookupname,exitanchors,sequence) -- to
else -- if trace_bugs then
-- logwarning("%s: char %s is missing in font",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(startchar))
- fonts.registermessage(currentfont,startchar,"no entry anchors")
+ onetimemessage(currentfont,startchar,"no entry anchors",report_fonts)
@@ -9037,7 +8504,8 @@ end
function handlers.gpos_single(start,kind,lookupname,kerns,sequence)
local startchar = start.char
- local dx, dy, w, h = setpair(start,tfmdata.factor,rlmode,sequence.flags[4],kerns,characters[startchar])
+ local kerns = kerns[start.char]
+ local dx, dy, w, h = setpair(start,tfmdata.parameters.factor,rlmode,sequence.flags[4],kerns,characters[startchar])
if trace_kerns then
logprocess("%s: shifting single %s by (%s,%s) and correction (%s,%s)",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(startchar),dx,dy,w,h)
@@ -9052,7 +8520,8 @@ function handlers.gpos_pair(start,kind,lookupname,kerns,sequence)
return start, false
local prev, done = start, false
- local factor = tfmdata.factor
+ local factor = tfmdata.parameters.factor
+ local lookuptype = lookuptypes[lookupname]
while snext and == glyph_code and snext.subtype<256 and snext.font == currentfont do
local nextchar = snext.char
local krn = kerns[nextchar]
@@ -9064,8 +8533,8 @@ function handlers.gpos_pair(start,kind,lookupname,kerns,sequence)
if not krn then
-- skip
elseif type(krn) == "table" then
- if krn[1] == "pair" then
- local a, b = krn[3], krn[4]
+ if lookuptype == "pair" then -- probably not needed
+ local a, b = krn[2], krn[3]
if a and #a > 0 then
local startchar = start.char
local x, y, w, h = setpair(start,factor,rlmode,sequence.flags[4],a,characters[startchar])
@@ -9080,18 +8549,18 @@ function handlers.gpos_pair(start,kind,lookupname,kerns,sequence)
logprocess("%s: shifting second of pair %s and %s by (%s,%s) and correction (%s,%s)",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(startchar),gref(nextchar),x,y,w,h)
- else
+ else -- wrong ... position has different entries
report_process("%s: check this out (old kern stuff)",pref(kind,lookupname))
- local a, b = krn[3], krn[7]
- if a and a ~= 0 then
- local k = setkern(snext,factor,rlmode,a)
- if trace_kerns then
- logprocess("%s: inserting first kern %s between %s and %s",pref(kind,lookupname),k,gref(prev.char),gref(nextchar))
- end
- end
- if b and b ~= 0 then
- logwarning("%s: ignoring second kern xoff %s",pref(kind,lookupname),b*factor)
- end
+ -- local a, b = krn[2], krn[6]
+ -- if a and a ~= 0 then
+ -- local k = setkern(snext,factor,rlmode,a)
+ -- if trace_kerns then
+ -- logprocess("%s: inserting first kern %s between %s and %s",pref(kind,lookupname),k,gref(prev.char),gref(nextchar))
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- if b and b ~= 0 then
+ -- logwarning("%s: ignoring second kern xoff %s",pref(kind,lookupname),b*factor)
+ -- end
done = true
elseif krn ~= 0 then
@@ -9125,37 +8594,31 @@ end
local logwarning = report_subchain
--- ['coverage']={
--- ['after']={ "r" },
--- ['before']={ "q" },
--- ['current']={ "a", "b", "c" },
--- },
--- ['lookups']={ "ls_l_1", "ls_l_1", "ls_l_1" },
-function chainmores.chainsub(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,lookuplist,chainlookupname,n)
+function chainmores.chainsub(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,lookuplist,chainlookupname,n)
logprocess("%s: a direct call to chainsub cannot happen",cref(kind,chainname,chainlookupname))
return start, false
-- handled later:
--- function chainmores.gsub_single(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,currentlookup,chainlookupname,n)
--- return chainprocs.gsub_single(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,currentlookup,chainlookupname,n)
+-- function chainmores.gsub_single(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,currentlookup,chainlookupname,n)
+-- return chainprocs.gsub_single(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,currentlookup,chainlookupname,n)
-- end
-function chainmores.gsub_multiple(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,currentlookup,chainlookupname,n)
+function chainmores.gsub_multiple(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,currentlookup,chainlookupname,n)
logprocess("%s: gsub_multiple not yet supported",cref(kind,chainname,chainlookupname))
return start, false
-function chainmores.gsub_alternate(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,currentlookup,chainlookupname,n)
+function chainmores.gsub_alternate(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,currentlookup,chainlookupname,n)
logprocess("%s: gsub_alternate not yet supported",cref(kind,chainname,chainlookupname))
return start, false
-- handled later:
--- function chainmores.gsub_ligature(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,currentlookup,chainlookupname,n)
--- return chainprocs.gsub_ligature(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,currentlookup,chainlookupname,n)
+-- function chainmores.gsub_ligature(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,currentlookup,chainlookupname,n)
+-- return chainprocs.gsub_ligature(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,currentlookup,chainlookupname,n)
-- end
local function logprocess(...)
@@ -9170,7 +8633,7 @@ local logwarning = report_chain
-- We could share functions but that would lead to extra function calls with many
-- arguments, redundant tests and confusing messages.
-function chainprocs.chainsub(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,lookuplist,chainlookupname)
+function chainprocs.chainsub(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,lookuplist,chainlookupname)
logwarning("%s: a direct call to chainsub cannot happen",cref(kind,chainname,chainlookupname))
return start, false
@@ -9179,7 +8642,7 @@ end
-- in a bit weird way. There is no lookup and the replacement comes from the lookup
-- itself. It is meant mostly for dealing with Urdu.
-function chainprocs.reversesub(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,replacements)
+function chainprocs.reversesub(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,replacements)
local char = start.char
local replacement = replacements[char]
if replacement then
@@ -9225,18 +8688,21 @@ end
-function chainprocs.gsub_single(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,currentlookup,chainlookupname,chainindex)
+function chainprocs.gsub_single(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,currentlookup,chainlookupname,chainindex)
-- todo: marks ?
if not chainindex then
- delete_till_stop(start,stop) -- ,currentlookup.flags[1])
+ delete_till_stop(start,stop) -- ,currentlookup.flags[1]
local current = start
local subtables = currentlookup.subtables
+if #subtables > 1 then
+ log_warning("todo: check if we need to loop over the replacements: %s",concat(subtables," "))
while current do
if == glyph_code then
local currentchar = current.char
local lookupname = subtables[1]
- local replacement = cache.gsub_single[lookupname]
+ local replacement = lookuphash[lookupname]
if not replacement then
if trace_bugs then
logwarning("%s: no single hits",cref(kind,chainname,chainlookupname,lookupname,chainindex))
@@ -9271,12 +8737,12 @@ chainmores.gsub_single = chainprocs.gsub_single
the match.</p>
-function chainprocs.gsub_multiple(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,currentlookup,chainlookupname)
+function chainprocs.gsub_multiple(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,currentlookup,chainlookupname)
local startchar = start.char
local subtables = currentlookup.subtables
local lookupname = subtables[1]
- local replacements = cache.gsub_multiple[lookupname]
+ local replacements = lookuphash[lookupname]
if not replacements then
if trace_bugs then
logwarning("%s: no multiple hits",cref(kind,chainname,chainlookupname,lookupname))
@@ -9291,21 +8757,7 @@ function chainprocs.gsub_multiple(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache
if trace_multiples then
logprocess("%s: replacing %s by multiple characters %s",cref(kind,chainname,chainlookupname,lookupname),gref(startchar),gref(replacements))
- local sn =
- for k=1,#replacements do
- if k == 1 then
- start.char = replacements[k]
- else
- local n = copy_node(start) -- maybe delete the components and such
- n.char = replacements[k]
-, n.prev = sn, start
- if sn then
- sn.prev = n
- end
-, start = n, n
- end
- end
- return start, true
+ return multiple_glyphs(start,replacements)
return start, false
@@ -9315,7 +8767,7 @@ end
<p>Here we replace start by new glyph. First we delete the rest of the match.</p>
-function chainprocs.gsub_alternate(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,currentlookup,chainlookupname)
+function chainprocs.gsub_alternate(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,currentlookup,chainlookupname)
-- todo: marks ?
local current = start
@@ -9324,7 +8776,7 @@ function chainprocs.gsub_alternate(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cach
if == glyph_code then
local currentchar = current.char
local lookupname = subtables[1]
- local alternatives = cache.gsub_alternate[lookupname]
+ local alternatives = lookuphash[lookupname]
if not alternatives then
if trace_bugs then
logwarning("%s: no alternative hits",cref(kind,chainname,chainlookupname,lookupname))
@@ -9359,11 +8811,11 @@ this function (move code inline and handle the marks by a separate function). We
assume rather stupid ligatures (no complex disc nodes).</p>
-function chainprocs.gsub_ligature(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,currentlookup,chainlookupname,chainindex)
+function chainprocs.gsub_ligature(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,currentlookup,chainlookupname,chainindex)
local startchar = start.char
local subtables = currentlookup.subtables
local lookupname = subtables[1]
- local ligatures = cache.gsub_ligature[lookupname]
+ local ligatures = lookuphash[lookupname]
if not ligatures then
if trace_bugs then
logwarning("%s: no ligature hits",cref(kind,chainname,chainlookupname,lookupname,chainindex))
@@ -9386,21 +8838,21 @@ function chainprocs.gsub_ligature(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache
if marks[schar] then -- marks
s =
- local lg = ligatures[1][schar]
- if not lg then
- break
- else
+ local lg = ligatures[schar]
+ if lg then
ligatures, last, nofreplacements = lg, s, nofreplacements + 1
if s == stop then
s =
+ else
+ break
- local l2 = ligatures[2]
+ local l2 = ligatures.ligature
if l2 then
if chainindex then
stop = last
@@ -9428,12 +8880,12 @@ end
chainmores.gsub_ligature = chainprocs.gsub_ligature
-function chainprocs.gpos_mark2base(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,currentlookup,chainlookupname)
+function chainprocs.gpos_mark2base(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,currentlookup,chainlookupname)
local markchar = start.char
if marks[markchar] then
local subtables = currentlookup.subtables
local lookupname = subtables[1]
- local markanchors = cache.gpos_mark2base[lookupname]
+ local markanchors = lookuphash[lookupname]
if markanchors then
markanchors = markanchors[markchar]
@@ -9466,7 +8918,7 @@ function chainprocs.gpos_mark2base(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cach
if al[anchor] then
local ma = markanchors[anchor]
if ma then
- local dx, dy, bound = setmark(start,base,tfmdata.factor,rlmode,ba,ma)
+ local dx, dy, bound = setmark(start,base,tfmdata.parameters.factor,rlmode,ba,ma)
if trace_marks then
logprocess("%s, anchor %s, bound %s: anchoring mark %s to basechar %s => (%s,%s)",
@@ -9492,12 +8944,12 @@ function chainprocs.gpos_mark2base(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cach
return start, false
-function chainprocs.gpos_mark2ligature(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,currentlookup,chainlookupname)
+function chainprocs.gpos_mark2ligature(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,currentlookup,chainlookupname)
local markchar = start.char
if marks[markchar] then
local subtables = currentlookup.subtables
local lookupname = subtables[1]
- local markanchors = cache.gpos_mark2ligature[lookupname]
+ local markanchors = lookuphash[lookupname]
if markanchors then
markanchors = markanchors[markchar]
@@ -9539,7 +8991,7 @@ function chainprocs.gpos_mark2ligature(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,
if ma then
ba = ba[index]
if ba then
- local dx, dy, bound = setmark(start,base,tfmdata.factor,rlmode,ba,ma,index)
+ local dx, dy, bound = setmark(start,base,tfmdata.parameters.factor,rlmode,ba,ma,index)
if trace_marks then
logprocess("%s, anchor %s, bound %s: anchoring mark %s to baselig %s at index %s => (%s,%s)",
cref(kind,chainname,chainlookupname,lookupname),anchor,a or bound,gref(markchar),gref(basechar),index,dx,dy)
@@ -9566,7 +9018,7 @@ function chainprocs.gpos_mark2ligature(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,
return start, false
-function chainprocs.gpos_mark2mark(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,currentlookup,chainlookupname)
+function chainprocs.gpos_mark2mark(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,currentlookup,chainlookupname)
local markchar = start.char
if marks[markchar] then
--~ local alreadydone = markonce and has_attribute(start,markmark)
@@ -9574,7 +9026,7 @@ function chainprocs.gpos_mark2mark(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cach
-- local markanchors = descriptions[markchar].anchors markanchors = markanchors and markanchors.mark
local subtables = currentlookup.subtables
local lookupname = subtables[1]
- local markanchors = cache.gpos_mark2mark[lookupname]
+ local markanchors = lookuphash[lookupname]
if markanchors then
markanchors = markanchors[markchar]
@@ -9591,7 +9043,7 @@ function chainprocs.gpos_mark2mark(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cach
if al[anchor] then
local ma = markanchors[anchor]
if ma then
- local dx, dy, bound = setmark(start,base,tfmdata.factor,rlmode,ba,ma)
+ local dx, dy, bound = setmark(start,base,tfmdata.parameters.factor,rlmode,ba,ma)
if trace_marks then
logprocess("%s, anchor %s, bound %s: anchoring mark %s to basemark %s => (%s,%s)",
@@ -9622,13 +9074,13 @@ end
-- ! ! ! untested ! ! !
-function chainprocs.gpos_cursive(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,currentlookup,chainlookupname)
+function chainprocs.gpos_cursive(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,currentlookup,chainlookupname)
local alreadydone = cursonce and has_attribute(start,cursbase)
if not alreadydone then
local startchar = start.char
local subtables = currentlookup.subtables
local lookupname = subtables[1]
- local exitanchors = cache.gpos_cursive[lookupname]
+ local exitanchors = lookuphash[lookupname]
if exitanchors then
exitanchors = exitanchors[startchar]
@@ -9657,7 +9109,7 @@ function chainprocs.gpos_cursive(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,
if al[anchor] then
local exit = exitanchors[anchor]
if exit then
- local dx, dy, bound = setcursive(start,nxt,tfmdata.factor,rlmode,exit,entry,characters[startchar],characters[nextchar])
+ local dx, dy, bound = setcursive(start,nxt,tfmdata.parameters.factor,rlmode,exit,entry,characters[startchar],characters[nextchar])
if trace_cursive then
logprocess("%s: moving %s to %s cursive (%s,%s) using anchor %s and bound %s in rlmode %s",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(startchar),gref(nextchar),dx,dy,anchor,bound,rlmode)
@@ -9670,7 +9122,7 @@ function chainprocs.gpos_cursive(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,
else -- if trace_bugs then
-- logwarning("%s: char %s is missing in font",pref(kind,lookupname),gref(startchar))
- fonts.registermessage(currentfont,startchar,"no entry anchors")
+ onetimemessage(currentfont,startchar,"no entry anchors",report_fonts)
@@ -9687,16 +9139,16 @@ function chainprocs.gpos_cursive(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,
return start, false
-function chainprocs.gpos_single(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,currentlookup,chainlookupname,chainindex,sequence)
- -- untested
+function chainprocs.gpos_single(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,currentlookup,chainlookupname,chainindex,sequence)
+ -- untested .. needs checking for the new model
local startchar = start.char
local subtables = currentlookup.subtables
local lookupname = subtables[1]
- local kerns = cache.gpos_single[lookupname]
+ local kerns = lookuphash[lookupname]
if kerns then
kerns = kerns[startchar]
if kerns then
- local dx, dy, w, h = setpair(start,tfmdata.factor,rlmode,sequence.flags[4],kerns,characters[startchar])
+ local dx, dy, w, h = setpair(start,tfmdata.parameters.factor,rlmode,sequence.flags[4],kerns,characters[startchar])
if trace_kerns then
logprocess("%s: shifting single %s by (%s,%s) and correction (%s,%s)",cref(kind,chainname,chainlookupname),gref(startchar),dx,dy,w,h)
@@ -9707,19 +9159,20 @@ end
-- when machines become faster i will make a shared function
-function chainprocs.gpos_pair(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,currentlookup,chainlookupname,chainindex,sequence)
+function chainprocs.gpos_pair(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,lookuphash,currentlookup,chainlookupname,chainindex,sequence)
-- logwarning("%s: gpos_pair not yet supported",cref(kind,chainname,chainlookupname))
local snext =
if snext then
local startchar = start.char
local subtables = currentlookup.subtables
local lookupname = subtables[1]
- local kerns = cache.gpos_pair[lookupname]
+ local kerns = lookuphash[lookupname]
if kerns then
kerns = kerns[startchar]
if kerns then
+ local lookuptype = lookuptypes[lookupname]
local prev, done = start, false
- local factor = tfmdata.factor
+ local factor = tfmdata.parameters.factor
while snext and == glyph_code and snext.subtype<256 and snext.font == currentfont do
local nextchar = snext.char
local krn = kerns[nextchar]
@@ -9730,8 +9183,8 @@ function chainprocs.gpos_pair(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,cur
if not krn then
-- skip
elseif type(krn) == "table" then
- if krn[1] == "pair" then
- local a, b = krn[3], krn[4]
+ if lookuptype == "pair" then
+ local a, b = krn[2], krn[3]
if a and #a > 0 then
local startchar = start.char
local x, y, w, h = setpair(start,factor,rlmode,sequence.flags[4],a,characters[startchar])
@@ -9748,7 +9201,7 @@ function chainprocs.gpos_pair(start,stop,kind,chainname,currentcontext,cache,cur
report_process("%s: check this out (old kern stuff)",cref(kind,chainname,chainlookupname))
- local a, b = krn[3], krn[7]
+ local a, b = krn[2], krn[6]
if a and a ~= 0 then
local k = setkern(snext,factor,rlmode,a)
if trace_kerns then
@@ -9793,7 +9246,7 @@ local function show_skip(kind,chainname,char,ck,class)
-local function normal_handle_contextchain(start,kind,chainname,contexts,sequence,cache)
+local function normal_handle_contextchain(start,kind,chainname,contexts,sequence,lookuphash)
-- local rule, lookuptype, sequence, f, l, lookups = ck[1], ck[2] ,ck[3], ck[4], ck[5], ck[6]
local flags, done = sequence.flags, false
local skipmark, skipligature, skipbase = flags[1], flags[2], flags[3]
@@ -9994,35 +9447,11 @@ local function normal_handle_contextchain(start,kind,chainname,contexts,sequence
local chainlookup = lookuptable[chainlookupname]
local cp = chainprocs[chainlookup.type]
if cp then
- start, done = cp(start,last,kind,chainname,ck,cache,chainlookup,chainlookupname,nil,sequence)
+ start, done = cp(start,last,kind,chainname,ck,lookuphash,chainlookup,chainlookupname,nil,sequence)
logprocess("%s: %s is not yet supported",cref(kind,chainname,chainlookupname),chainlookup.type)
- -- actually this needs a more complex treatment for which we will use chainmores
---~ local i = 1
---~ repeat
---~ local chainlookupname = chainlookups[i]
---~ local chainlookup = lookuptable[chainlookupname]
---~ local cp = chainmores[chainlookup.type]
---~ if cp then
---~ local ok, n
---~ start, ok, n = cp(start,last,kind,chainname,ck,cache,chainlookup,chainlookupname,i,sequence)
---~ -- messy since last can be changed !
---~ if ok then
---~ done = true
---~ start =
---~ if n then
---~ -- skip next one(s) if ligature
---~ i = i + n - 1
---~ end
---~ end
---~ else
---~ logprocess("%s: multiple subchains for %s are not yet supported",cref(kind,chainname,chainlookupname),chainlookup.type)
---~ end
---~ i = i + 1
---~ until i > nofchainlookups
local i = 1
if skipped then
@@ -10046,7 +9475,7 @@ local function normal_handle_contextchain(start,kind,chainname,contexts,sequence
local cp = chainmores[chainlookup.type]
if cp then
local ok, n
- start, ok, n = cp(start,last,kind,chainname,ck,cache,chainlookup,chainlookupname,i,sequence)
+ start, ok, n = cp(start,last,kind,chainname,ck,lookuphash,chainlookup,chainlookupname,i,sequence)
-- messy since last can be changed !
if ok then
done = true
@@ -10066,7 +9495,7 @@ local function normal_handle_contextchain(start,kind,chainname,contexts,sequence
local replacements = ck[7]
if replacements then
- start, done = chainprocs.reversesub(start,last,kind,chainname,ck,cache,replacements) -- sequence
+ start, done = chainprocs.reversesub(start,last,kind,chainname,ck,lookuphash,replacements) -- sequence
done = true -- can be meant to be skipped
if trace_contexts then
@@ -10131,122 +9560,120 @@ local function report_missing_cache(typ,lookup)
local t = f[typ] if not t then t = { } f[typ] = t end
if not t[lookup] then
t[lookup] = true
- logwarning("missing cache for lookup %s of type %s in font %s (%s)",lookup,typ,currentfont,tfmdata.fullname)
+ logwarning("missing cache for lookup %s of type %s in font %s (%s)",lookup,typ,currentfont,
local resolved = { } -- we only resolve a font,script,language pair once
-- todo: pass all these 'locals' in a table
--- dynamics will be isolated some day ... for the moment we catch attribute zero
--- not being set
-function fonts.methods.node.otf.features(head,font,attr)
+local lookuphashes = { }
+setmetatable(lookuphashes, { __index =
+ function(t,font)
+ local lookuphash = fontdata[font].resources.lookuphash
+ if not lookuphash or not next(lookuphash) then
+ lookuphash = false
+ end
+ t[font] = lookuphash
+ return lookuphash
+ end
+-- fonts.hashes.lookups = lookuphashes
+local special_attributes = {
+ init = 1,
+ medi = 2,
+ fina = 3,
+ isol = 4
+local function initialize(sequence,script,language,enabled)
+ local features = sequence.features
+ if features then
+ for kind, scripts in next, features do
+ local valid = enabled[kind]
+ if valid then
+ local languages = scripts[script] or scripts[wildcard]
+ if languages and (languages[language] or languages[wildcard]) then
+ return { valid, special_attributes[kind] or false, sequence.chain or 0, kind }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function otf.dataset(ftfmdata,sequences,font) -- generic variant, overloaded in context
+ local shared = tfmdata.shared
+ local properties =
+ local language = properties.language or "dflt"
+ local script = properties.script or "dflt"
+ local enabled = shared.features
+ local res = resolved[font]
+ if not res then
+ res = { }
+ resolved[font] = res
+ end
+ local rs = res[script]
+ if not rs then
+ rs = { }
+ res[script] = rs
+ end
+ local rl = rs[language]
+ if not rl then
+ rl = { }
+ rs[language] = rl
+ setmetatable(rl, { __index = function(t,k)
+ local v = enabled and initialize(sequences[k],script,language,enabled)
+ t[k] = v
+ return v
+ end})
+ end
+ return rl
+local function featuresprocessor(head,font,attr)
+ local lookuphash = lookuphashes[font] -- we can also check sequences here
+ if not lookuphash then
+ return head, false
+ end
if trace_steps then
- tfmdata = fontdata[font]
- local shared = tfmdata.shared
- otfdata = shared.otfdata
- local luatex = otfdata.luatex
- descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions
- characters = tfmdata.characters
- indices = tfmdata.indices
- unicodes = tfmdata.unicodes
- marks = tfmdata.marks
- anchorlookups = luatex.lookup_to_anchor
- currentfont = font
- rlmode = 0
- local featuredata = otfdata.shared.featuredata -- can be made local to closure
- local sequences = luatex.sequences
- lookuptable = luatex.lookups
- local done = false
- local script, language, s_enabled, a_enabled, dyn
- local attribute_driven = attr and attr ~= 0
- if attribute_driven then
- local features = contextsetups[contextnumbers[attr]] -- could be a direct list
- dyn = contextmerged[attr] or 0
- language, script = features.language or "dflt", features.script or "dflt"
- a_enabled = features -- shared.features -- can be made local to the resolver
- if dyn == 2 or dyn == -2 then
- -- font based
- s_enabled = shared.features
- end
- else
- language, script = tfmdata.language or "dflt", tfmdata.script or "dflt"
- s_enabled = shared.features -- can be made local to the resolver
- dyn = 0
- end
- -- we can save some runtime by caching feature tests
- local res = resolved[font] if not res then res = { } resolved[font] = res end
- local rs = res [script] if not rs then rs = { } res [script] = rs end
- local rl = rs [language] if not rl then rl = { } rs [language] = rl end
- local ra = rl [attr] if ra == nil then ra = { } rl [attr] = ra end -- attr can be false
- -- sequences always > 1 so no need for optimization
+ tfmdata = fontdata[font]
+ descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions
+ characters = tfmdata.characters
+ resources = tfmdata.resources
+ marks = resources.marks
+ anchorlookups = resources.lookup_to_anchor
+ lookuptable = resources.lookups
+ lookuptypes = resources.lookuptypes
+ currentfont = font
+ rlmode = 0
+ local sequences = resources.sequences
+ local done = false
+ local datasets = otf.dataset(tfmdata,sequences,font,attr)
for s=1,#sequences do
- local pardir, txtdir, success = 0, { }, false
+ local pardir, txtdir, success = 0, { }, false -- we could reuse txtdir and use a top pointer
local sequence = sequences[s]
- local r = ra[s] -- cache
- if r == nil then
- --
- -- this bit will move to font-ctx and become a function
- ---
- local chain = sequence.chain or 0
- local features = sequence.features
- if not features then
- -- indirect lookup, part of chain (todo: make this a separate table)
- r = false -- { false, false, chain }
- else
- local valid, attribute, kind, what = false, false
- for k,v in next, features do
- -- we can quit earlier but for the moment we want the tracing
- local s_e = s_enabled and s_enabled[k]
- local a_e = a_enabled and a_enabled[k]
- if s_e or a_e then
- local l = v[script] or v[wildcard]
- if l then
- -- not l[language] or l[default] or l[wildcard] because we want tracing
- -- only first attribute match check, so we assume simple fina's
- -- default can become a font feature itself
- if l[language] then
- valid, what = s_e or a_e, language
- -- elseif l[default] then
- -- valid, what = true, default
- elseif l[wildcard] then
- valid, what = s_e or a_e, wildcard
- end
- if valid then
- kind, attribute = k, special_attributes[k] or false
- if a_e and dyn < 0 then
- valid = false
- end
- if trace_applied then
- local typ, action = match(sequence.type,"(.*)_(.*)")
- report_process(
- "%s font: %03i, dynamic: %03i, kind: %s, lookup: %3i, script: %-4s, language: %-4s (%-4s), type: %s, action: %s, name: %s",
- (valid and "+") or "-",font,attr or 0,kind,s,script,language,what,typ,action,
- end
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if valid then
- r = { valid, attribute, chain, kind }
- else
- r = false -- { valid, attribute, chain, "generic" } -- false anyway, could be flag instead of table
- end
- end
- ra[s] = r
- end
- featurevalue = r and r[1] -- todo: pass to function instead of using a global
+ local dataset = datasets[s] -- cache
+ featurevalue = dataset and dataset[1] -- todo: pass to function instead of using a global
if featurevalue then
- local attribute, chain, typ, subtables = r[2], r[3], sequence.type, sequence.subtables
+ local attribute, chain, typ, subtables = dataset[2], dataset[3], sequence.type, sequence.subtables
if chain < 0 then
-- this is a limited case, no special treatments like 'init' etc
local handler = handlers[typ]
- local thecache = featuredata[typ] or { }
-- we need to get rid of this slide !
local start = find_node_tail(head) -- slow (we can store tail because there's always a skip at the end): todo
while start do
@@ -10262,11 +9689,11 @@ function fonts.methods.node.otf.features(head,font,attr)
if a then
for i=1,#subtables do
local lookupname = subtables[i]
- local lookupcache = thecache[lookupname]
+ local lookupcache = lookuphash[lookupname]
if lookupcache then
local lookupmatch = lookupcache[start.char]
if lookupmatch then
- start, success = handler(start,r[4],lookupname,lookupmatch,sequence,featuredata,i)
+ start, success = handler(start,dataset[4],lookupname,lookupmatch,sequence,lookuphash,i)
if success then
@@ -10289,12 +9716,11 @@ function fonts.methods.node.otf.features(head,font,attr)
local handler = handlers[typ]
local ns = #subtables
- local thecache = featuredata[typ] or { }
local start = head -- local ?
rlmode = 0 -- to be checked ?
if ns == 1 then
local lookupname = subtables[1]
- local lookupcache = thecache[lookupname]
+ local lookupcache = lookuphash[lookupname]
if not lookupcache then
@@ -10313,7 +9739,7 @@ function fonts.methods.node.otf.features(head,font,attr)
if lookupmatch then
-- sequence kan weg
local ok
- start, ok = handler(start,r[4],lookupname,lookupmatch,sequence,featuredata,1)
+ start, ok = handler(start,dataset[4],lookupname,lookupmatch,sequence,lookuphash,1)
if ok then
success = true
@@ -10395,13 +9821,13 @@ function fonts.methods.node.otf.features(head,font,attr)
if a then
for i=1,ns do
local lookupname = subtables[i]
- local lookupcache = thecache[lookupname]
+ local lookupcache = lookuphash[lookupname]
if lookupcache then
local lookupmatch = lookupcache[start.char]
if lookupmatch then
-- we could move all code inline but that makes things even more unreadable
local ok
- start, ok = handler(start,r[4],lookupname,lookupmatch,sequence,featuredata,i)
+ start, ok = handler(start,dataset[4],lookupname,lookupmatch,sequence,lookuphash,i)
if ok then
success = true
@@ -10486,305 +9912,156 @@ function fonts.methods.node.otf.features(head,font,attr)
return head, done
-otf.features.prepare = { }
+local function generic(lookupdata,lookupname,unicode,lookuphash)
+ local target = lookuphash[lookupname]
+ if target then
+ target[unicode] = lookupdata
+ else
+ lookuphash[lookupname] = { [unicode] = lookupdata }
+ end
+local action = {
--- we used to share code in the following functions but that costs a lot of
--- memory due to extensive calls to functions (easily hundreds of thousands per
--- document)
+ substitution = generic,
+ multiple = generic,
+ alternate = generic,
+ position = generic,
-local function split(replacement,original,cache,unicodes)
- -- we can cache this too, but not the same (although unicode is a unique enough hash)
- local o, t, n, no = { }, { }, 0, 0
- for s in gmatch(original,"[^ ]+") do
- local us = unicodes[s]
- no = no + 1
- if type(us) == "number" then -- tonumber(us)
- o[no] = us
- else
- o[no] = us[1]
+ ligature = function(lookupdata,lookupname,unicode,lookuphash)
+ local target = lookuphash[lookupname]
+ if not target then
+ target = { }
+ lookuphash[lookupname] = target
- end
- for s in gmatch(replacement,"[^ ]+") do
- n = n + 1
- local us = unicodes[s]
- if type(us) == "number" then -- tonumber(us)
- t[o[n]] = us
- else
- t[o[n]] = us[1]
+ for i=1,#lookupdata do
+ local li = lookupdata[i]
+ local tu = target[li]
+ if not tu then
+ tu = { }
+ target[li] = tu
+ end
+ target = tu
- end
- return t
+ target.ligature = unicode
+ end,
-local function uncover(covers,result,cache,unicodes)
- -- lpeg hardly faster (.005 sec on mk)
- local nofresults = #result
- for n=1,#covers do
- local c = covers[n]
- local cc = cache[c]
- nofresults = nofresults + 1
- if not cc then
- local t = { }
- for s in gmatch(c,"[^ ]+") do
- local us = unicodes[s]
- if type(us) == "number" then
- t[us] = true
- else
- for i=1,#us do
- t[us[i]] = true
- end
- end
- end
- cache[c] = t
- result[nofresults] = t
+ pair = function(lookupdata,lookupname,unicode,lookuphash)
+ local target = lookuphash[lookupname]
+ if not target then
+ target = { }
+ lookuphash[lookupname] = target
+ end
+ local others = target[unicode]
+ local paired = lookupdata[1]
+ if others then
+ others[paired] = lookupdata
- result[nofresults] = cc
+ others = { [paired] = lookupdata }
+ target[unicode] = others
- end
+ end,
local function prepare_lookups(tfmdata)
- local otfdata = tfmdata.shared.otfdata
- local featuredata = otfdata.shared.featuredata
- local anchor_to_lookup = otfdata.luatex.anchor_to_lookup
- local lookup_to_anchor = otfdata.luatex.lookup_to_anchor
- --
- local multiple = featuredata.gsub_multiple
- local alternate = featuredata.gsub_alternate
- local single = featuredata.gsub_single
- local ligature = featuredata.gsub_ligature
- local pair = featuredata.gpos_pair
- local position = featuredata.gpos_single
- local kerns = featuredata.gpos_pair
- local mark = featuredata.gpos_mark2mark
- local cursive = featuredata.gpos_cursive
- --
- local unicodes = tfmdata.unicodes -- names to unicodes
- local indices = tfmdata.indices
- local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions
- --
- -- we can change the otf table after loading but then we need to adapt base mode
- -- as well (no big deal)
- --
- local action = {
- substitution = function(p,lookup,glyph,unicode)
- local old, new = unicode, unicodes[p[2]]
- if type(new) == "table" then
- new = new[1]
- end
- local s = single[lookup]
- if not s then s = { } single[lookup] = s end
- s[old] = new
- --~ if trace_lookups then
- --~ report_prepare("lookup %s: substitution %s => %s",lookup,old,new)
- --~ end
- end,
- multiple = function (p,lookup,glyph,unicode)
- local old, new, nnew = unicode, { }, 0
- local m = multiple[lookup]
- if not m then m = { } multiple[lookup] = m end
- m[old] = new
- for pc in gmatch(p[2],"[^ ]+") do
- local upc = unicodes[pc]
- nnew = nnew + 1
- if type(upc) == "number" then
- new[nnew] = upc
- else
- new[nnew] = upc[1]
- end
- end
- --~ if trace_lookups then
- --~ report_prepare("lookup %s: multiple %s => %s",lookup,old,concat(new," "))
- --~ end
- end,
- alternate = function(p,lookup,glyph,unicode)
- local old, new, nnew = unicode, { }, 0
- local a = alternate[lookup]
- if not a then a = { } alternate[lookup] = a end
- a[old] = new
- for pc in gmatch(p[2],"[^ ]+") do
- local upc = unicodes[pc]
- nnew = nnew + 1
- if type(upc) == "number" then
- new[nnew] = upc
- else
- new[nnew] = upc[1]
- end
- end
- --~ if trace_lookups then
- --~ report_prepare("lookup %s: alternate %s => %s",lookup,old,concat(new,"|"))
- --~ end
- end,
- ligature = function (p,lookup,glyph,unicode)
- --~ if trace_lookups then
- --~ report_prepare("lookup %s: ligature %s => %s",lookup,p[2],
- --~ end
- local first = true
- local t = ligature[lookup]
- if not t then t = { } ligature[lookup] = t end
- for s in gmatch(p[2],"[^ ]+") do
- if first then
- local u = unicodes[s]
- if not u then
- report_prepare("lookup %s: ligature %s => %s ignored due to invalid unicode",lookup,p[2],
- break
- elseif type(u) == "number" then
- if not t[u] then
- t[u] = { { } }
- end
- t = t[u]
- else
- local tt = t
- local tu
- for i=1,#u do
- local u = u[i]
- if i==1 then
- if not t[u] then
- t[u] = { { } }
- end
- tu = t[u]
- t = tu
- else
- if not t[u] then
- tt[u] = tu
- end
- end
- end
- end
- first = false
- else
- s = unicodes[s]
- local t1 = t[1]
- if not t1[s] then
- t1[s] = { { } }
- end
- t = t1[s]
- end
- end
- t[2] = unicode
- end,
- position = function(p,lookup,glyph,unicode)
- -- not used
- local s = position[lookup]
- if not s then s = { } position[lookup] = s end
- s[unicode] = p[2] -- direct pointer to kern spec
- end,
- pair = function(p,lookup,glyph,unicode)
- local s = pair[lookup]
- if not s then s = { } pair[lookup] = s end
- local others = s[unicode]
- if not others then others = { } s[unicode] = others end
- -- todo: fast check for space
- local two = p[2]
- local upc = unicodes[two]
- if not upc then
- for pc in gmatch(two,"[^ ]+") do
- local upc = unicodes[pc]
- if type(upc) == "number" then
- others[upc] = p -- direct pointer to main table
- else
- for i=1,#upc do
- others[upc[i]] = p -- direct pointer to main table
- end
- end
- end
- elseif type(upc) == "number" then
- others[upc] = p -- direct pointer to main table
- else
- for i=1,#upc do
- others[upc[i]] = p -- direct pointer to main table
- end
- end
- --~ if trace_lookups then
- --~ report_prepare("lookup %s: pair for U+%04X",lookup,unicode)
- --~ end
- end,
- }
- --
- for unicode, glyph in next, descriptions do
- local lookups = glyph.slookups
+ local rawdata = tfmdata.shared.rawdata
+ local resources = rawdata.resources
+ local lookuphash = resources.lookuphash
+ local anchor_to_lookup = resources.anchor_to_lookup
+ local lookup_to_anchor = resources.lookup_to_anchor
+ local lookuptypes = resources.lookuptypes
+ local characters = tfmdata.characters
+ local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions
+ -- we cannot free the entries in the descriptions as sometimes we access
+ -- then directly (for instance anchors) ... selectively freeing does save
+ -- much memory as it's only a reference to a table and the slot in the
+ -- description hash is not freed anyway
+ for unicode, character in next, characters do -- we cannot loop over descriptions !
+ local description = descriptions[unicode]
+ local lookups = description.slookups
if lookups then
- for lookup, p in next, lookups do
- action[p[1]](p,lookup,glyph,unicode)
+ for lookupname, lookupdata in next, lookups do
+ action[lookuptypes[lookupname]](lookupdata,lookupname,unicode,lookuphash)
- local lookups = glyph.mlookups
+ local lookups = description.mlookups
if lookups then
- for lookup, whatever in next, lookups do
- for i=1,#whatever do -- normaly one
- local p = whatever[i]
- action[p[1]](p,lookup,glyph,unicode)
+ for lookupname, lookuplist in next, lookups do
+ local lookuptype = lookuptypes[lookupname]
+ for l=1,#lookuplist do
+ local lookupdata = lookuplist[l]
+ action[lookuptype](lookupdata,lookupname,unicode,lookuphash)
- local list = glyph.kerns
+ local list = description.kerns
if list then
- for lookup, krn in next, list do
- local k = kerns[lookup]
- if not k then k = { } kerns[lookup] = k end
- k[unicode] = krn -- ref to glyph, saves lookup
- --~ if trace_lookups then
- --~ report_prepare("lookup %s: kern for U+%04X",lookup,unicode)
- --~ end
+ for lookup, krn in next, list do -- ref to glyph, saves lookup
+ local target = lookuphash[lookup]
+ if target then
+ target[unicode] = krn
+ else
+ lookuphash[lookup] = { [unicode] = krn }
+ end
- local oanchor = glyph.anchors
- if oanchor then
- for typ, anchors in next, oanchor do -- types
- if typ == "mark" then
- for name, anchor in next, anchors do
- local lookups = anchor_to_lookup[name]
- if lookups then
- for lookup, _ in next, lookups do
- local f = mark[lookup]
- if not f then f = { } mark[lookup] = f end
- f[unicode] = anchors -- ref to glyph, saves lookup
- --~ if trace_lookups then
- --~ report_prepare("lookup %s: mark anchor %s for U+%04X",lookup,name,unicode)
- --~ end
- end
- end
- end
- elseif typ == "cexit" then -- or entry?
+ local list = description.anchors
+ if list then
+ for typ, anchors in next, list do -- types
+ if typ == "mark" or typ == "cexit" then -- or entry?
for name, anchor in next, anchors do
local lookups = anchor_to_lookup[name]
if lookups then
for lookup, _ in next, lookups do
- local f = cursive[lookup]
- if not f then f = { } cursive[lookup] = f end
- f[unicode] = anchors -- ref to glyph, saves lookup
- --~ if trace_lookups then
- --~ report_prepare("lookup %s: exit anchor %s for U+%04X",lookup,name,unicode)
- --~ end
+ local target = lookuphash[lookup]
+ if target then
+ target[unicode] = anchors
+ else
+ lookuphash[lookup] = { [unicode] = anchors }
+ end
+ end
+local function split(replacement,original)
+ local result = { }
+ for i=1,#replacement do
+ result[original[i]] = replacement[i]
+ return result
--- local cache = { }
-luatex = luatex or {} -- this has to change ... we need a better one
+local function uncover(covers,result) -- will change (we can store this in the raw table)
+ local nofresults = #result
+ for n=1,#covers do
+ nofresults = nofresults + 1
+ result[nofresults] = covers[n]
+ end
local function prepare_contextchains(tfmdata)
- local otfdata = tfmdata.shared.otfdata
- local lookups = otfdata.lookups
+ local rawdata = tfmdata.shared.rawdata
+ local resources = rawdata.resources
+ local lookuphash = resources.lookuphash
+ local lookups = rawdata.lookups
if lookups then
- local featuredata = otfdata.shared.featuredata
- local contextchain = featuredata.gsub_contextchain -- shared with gpos
- local reversecontextchain = featuredata.gsub_reversecontextchain -- shared with gpos
- local characters = tfmdata.characters
- local unicodes = tfmdata.unicodes
- local indices = tfmdata.indices
- local cache = luatex.covers
- if not cache then
- cache = { }
- luatex.covers = cache
- end
- --
- for lookupname, lookupdata in next, otfdata.lookups do
+ for lookupname, lookupdata in next, rawdata.lookups do
local lookuptype = lookupdata.type
if not lookuptype then
report_prepare("missing lookuptype for %s",lookupname)
@@ -10792,39 +10069,37 @@ local function prepare_contextchains(tfmdata)
local rules = lookupdata.rules
if rules then
local fmt = lookupdata.format
- -- contextchain[lookupname][unicode]
- if fmt == "coverage" then
+ -- lookuphash[lookupname][unicode]
+ if fmt == "coverage" then -- or fmt == "class" (converted into "coverage")
if lookuptype ~= "chainsub" and lookuptype ~= "chainpos" then
+ -- todo: dejavu-serif has one (but i need to see what use it has)
report_prepare("unsupported coverage %s for %s",lookuptype,lookupname)
- local contexts = contextchain[lookupname]
+ local contexts = lookuphash[lookupname]
if not contexts then
contexts = { }
- contextchain[lookupname] = contexts
+ lookuphash[lookupname] = contexts
local t, nt = { }, 0
for nofrules=1,#rules do -- does #rules>1 happen often?
local rule = rules[nofrules]
- local coverage = rule.coverage
- if coverage and coverage.current then
- local current, before, after, sequence = coverage.current, coverage.before, coverage.after, { }
- if before then
- uncover(before,sequence,cache,unicodes)
- end
- local start = #sequence + 1
- uncover(current,sequence,cache,unicodes)
- local stop = #sequence
- if after then
- uncover(after,sequence,cache,unicodes)
- end
- if sequence[1] then
- nt = nt + 1
- t[nt] = { nofrules, lookuptype, sequence, start, stop, rule.lookups }
- for unic, _ in next, sequence[start] do
- local cu = contexts[unic]
- if not cu then
- contexts[unic] = t
- end
+ local current, before, after, sequence = rule.current, rule.before, rule.after, { }
+ if before then
+ uncover(before,sequence)
+ end
+ local start = #sequence + 1
+ uncover(current,sequence)
+ local stop = #sequence
+ if after then
+ uncover(after,sequence)
+ end
+ if sequence[1] then
+ nt = nt + 1
+ t[nt] = { nofrules, lookuptype, sequence, start, stop, rule.lookups }
+ for unic, _ in next, sequence[start] do
+ local cu = contexts[unic]
+ if not cu then
+ contexts[unic] = t
@@ -10834,79 +10109,69 @@ local function prepare_contextchains(tfmdata)
if lookuptype ~= "reversesub" then
report_prepare("unsupported reverse coverage %s for %s",lookuptype,lookupname)
- local contexts = reversecontextchain[lookupname]
+ local contexts = lookuphash[lookupname]
if not contexts then
contexts = { }
- reversecontextchain[lookupname] = contexts
+ lookuphash[lookupname] = contexts
local t, nt = { }, 0
for nofrules=1,#rules do
local rule = rules[nofrules]
- local reversecoverage = rule.reversecoverage
- if reversecoverage and reversecoverage.current then
- local current, before, after, replacements, sequence = reversecoverage.current, reversecoverage.before, reversecoverage.after, reversecoverage.replacements, { }
- if before then
- uncover(before,sequence,cache,unicodes)
- end
- local start = #sequence + 1
- uncover(current,sequence,cache,unicodes)
- local stop = #sequence
- if after then
- uncover(after,sequence,cache,unicodes)
- end
- if replacements then
- replacements = split(replacements,current[1],cache,unicodes)
- end
- if sequence[1] then
- -- this is different from normal coverage, we assume only replacements
- nt = nt + 1
- t[nt] = { nofrules, lookuptype, sequence, start, stop, rule.lookups, replacements }
- for unic, _ in next, sequence[start] do
- local cu = contexts[unic]
- if not cu then
- contexts[unic] = t
- end
+ local current, before, after, replacements, sequence = rule.current, rule.before, rule.after, rule.replacements, { }
+ if before then
+ uncover(before,sequence)
+ end
+ local start = #sequence + 1
+ uncover(current,sequence)
+ local stop = #sequence
+ if after then
+ uncover(after,sequence)
+ end
+ if replacements then
+ replacements = split(replacements,current[1])
+ end
+ if sequence[1] then
+ -- this is different from normal coverage, we assume only replacements
+ nt = nt + 1
+ t[nt] = { nofrules, lookuptype, sequence, start, stop, rule.lookups, replacements }
+ for unic, _ in next, sequence[start] do
+ local cu = contexts[unic]
+ if not cu then
+ contexts[unic] = t
- elseif fmt == "glyphs" then
+ elseif fmt == "glyphs" then --maybe just make then before = { fore } and share with coverage
if lookuptype ~= "chainsub" and lookuptype ~= "chainpos" then
report_prepare("unsupported coverage %s for %s",lookuptype,lookupname)
- local contexts = contextchain[lookupname]
+ local contexts = lookuphash[lookupname]
if not contexts then
contexts = { }
- contextchain[lookupname] = contexts
+ lookuphash[lookupname] = contexts
local t, nt = { }, 0
for nofrules=1,#rules do
- -- nearly the same as coverage so we could as well rename it
local rule = rules[nofrules]
- local glyphs = rule.glyphs
- if glyphs and glyphs.names then
- local fore, back, names, sequence = glyphs.fore, glyphs.back, glyphs.names, { }
- if fore and fore ~= "" then
- fore = lpegmatch(split_at_space,fore)
- uncover(fore,sequence,cache,unicodes)
- end
- local start = #sequence + 1
- names = lpegmatch(split_at_space,names)
- uncover(names,sequence,cache,unicodes)
- local stop = #sequence
- if back and back ~= "" then
- back = lpegmatch(split_at_space,back)
- uncover(back,sequence,cache,unicodes)
- end
- if sequence[1] then
- nt = nt + 1
- t[nt] = { nofrules, lookuptype, sequence, start, stop, rule.lookups }
- for unic, _ in next, sequence[start] do
- local cu = contexts[unic]
- if not cu then
- contexts[unic] = t
- end
+ local current, before, after, sequence = rule.names, rule.fore, rule.back, { }
+ if before then
+ uncover(before,sequence)
+ end
+ local start = #sequence + 1
+ uncover(current,sequence)
+ local stop = #sequence
+ if after then
+ uncover(after,sequence)
+ end
+ if sequence[1] then
+ nt = nt + 1
+ t[nt] = { nofrules, lookuptype, sequence, start, stop, rule.lookups }
+ for unic, _ in next, sequence[start] do
+ local cu = contexts[unic]
+ if not cu then
+ contexts[unic] = t
@@ -10919,38 +10184,40 @@ local function prepare_contextchains(tfmdata)
-function fonts.initializers.node.otf.features(tfmdata,value)
+-- we can consider lookuphash == false (initialized but empty) vs lookuphash == table
+local function featuresinitializer(tfmdata,value)
if true then -- value then
- if not tfmdata.shared.otfdata.shared.initialized then
- local t = trace_preparing and os.clock()
- local otfdata = tfmdata.shared.otfdata
- local featuredata = otfdata.shared.featuredata
- -- caches
- featuredata.gsub_multiple = { }
- featuredata.gsub_alternate = { }
- featuredata.gsub_single = { }
- featuredata.gsub_ligature = { }
- featuredata.gsub_contextchain = { }
- featuredata.gsub_reversecontextchain = { }
- featuredata.gpos_pair = { }
- featuredata.gpos_single = { }
- featuredata.gpos_mark2base = { }
- featuredata.gpos_mark2ligature = featuredata.gpos_mark2base
- featuredata.gpos_mark2mark = featuredata.gpos_mark2base
- featuredata.gpos_cursive = { }
- featuredata.gpos_contextchain = featuredata.gsub_contextchain
- featuredata.gpos_reversecontextchain = featuredata.gsub_reversecontextchain
- --
+ -- beware we need to use the topmost properties table
+ local rawdata = tfmdata.shared.rawdata
+ local properties =
+ if not properties.initialized then
+ local starttime = trace_preparing and os.clock()
+ local resources = rawdata.resources
+ resources.lookuphash = resources.lookuphash or { }
- otfdata.shared.initialized = true
+ properties.initialized = true
if trace_preparing then
- report_prepare("preparation time is %0.3f seconds for %s",os.clock()-t,tfmdata.fullname or "?")
+ report_prepare("preparation time is %0.3f seconds for %s",os.clock()-starttime, or "?")
+registerotffeature {
+ name = "features",
+ description = "features",
+ default = true,
+ initializers = {
+ position = 1,
+ node = featuresinitializer,
+ },
+ processors = {
+ node = featuresprocessor,
+ }
end -- closure
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
@@ -10970,50 +10237,110 @@ local type, tostring, match, format, concat = type, tostring, string.match, stri
if not trackers then trackers = { register = function() end } end
local trace_analyzing = false trackers.register("otf.analyzing", function(v) trace_analyzing = v end)
-local trace_cjk = false trackers.register("cjk.injections", function(v) trace_cjk = v end)
local fonts, nodes = fonts, nodes
local node = node
-local otf = fonts.otf
-local tfm = fonts.tfm
+local otf = fonts.handlers.otf
-fonts.analyzers = fonts.analyzers or { }
-local analyzers = fonts.analyzers
+local analyzers = fonts.analyzers
+local initializers = { }
+local methods = { }
-analyzers.initializers = analyzers.initializers or { node = { otf = { } } }
-analyzers.methods = analyzers.methods or { node = { otf = { } } }
+analyzers.initializers = initializers
+analyzers.methods = methods
+analyzers.useunicodemarks = false
-local initializers = analyzers.initializers
-local methods = analyzers.methods
+local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
+local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph
-local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
-local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph
+local set_attribute = node.set_attribute
+local has_attribute = node.has_attribute
+local traverse_id = node.traverse_id
+local traverse_node_list = node.traverse
-local set_attribute = node.set_attribute
-local has_attribute = node.has_attribute
-local traverse_id = node.traverse_id
-local traverse_node_list = node.traverse
+local fontdata = fonts.hashes.identifiers
+local state = attributes.private('state')
+local categories = characters and characters.categories or { } -- sorry, only in context
+local tracers = nodes.tracers
+local colortracers = tracers and tracers.colors
+local setnodecolor = colortracers and colortracers.set or function() end
+local resetnodecolor = colortracers and colortracers.reset or function() end
+local otffeatures = fonts.constructors.newfeatures("otf")
+local registerotffeature = otffeatures.register
+<p>Analyzers run per script and/or language and are needed in order to
+process features right.</p>
+-- todo: analyzers per script/lang, cross font, so we need an font id hash -> script
+-- e.g. latin -> hyphenate, arab -> 1/2/3 analyze -- its own namespace
-local fontdata = fonts.identifiers
-local state = attributes.private('state')
-local categories = characters and characters.categories or { } -- sorry, only in context
+-- an example analyzer (should move to font-ota.lua)
-local fontscolors = fonts.colors
-local fcs = (fontscolors and fontscolors.set) or function() end
-local fcr = (fontscolors and fontscolors.reset) or function() end
+local state = attributes.private('state')
+function analyzers.setstate(head,font)
+ local useunicodemarks = analyzers.useunicodemarks
+ local tfmdata = fontdata[font]
+ local characters = tfmdata.characters
+ local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions
+ local first, last, current, n, done = nil, nil, head, 0, false -- maybe make n boolean
+ while current do
+ local id =
+ if id == glyph_code and current.font == font then
+ local char = current.char
+ local d = descriptions[char]
+ if d then
+ if d.class == "mark" or (useunicodemarks and categories[char] == "mn") then
+ done = true
+ set_attribute(current,state,5) -- mark
+ elseif n == 0 then
+ first, last, n = current, current, 1
+ set_attribute(current,state,1) -- init
+ else
+ last, n = current, n+1
+ set_attribute(current,state,2) -- medi
+ end
+ else -- finish
+ if first and first == last then
+ set_attribute(last,state,4) -- isol
+ elseif last then
+ set_attribute(last,state,3) -- fina
+ end
+ first, last, n = nil, nil, 0
+ end
+ elseif id == disc_code then
+ -- always in the middle
+ set_attribute(current,state,2) -- midi
+ last = current
+ else -- finish
+ if first and first == last then
+ set_attribute(last,state,4) -- isol
+ elseif last then
+ set_attribute(last,state,3) -- fina
+ end
+ first, last, n = nil, nil, 0
+ end
+ current =
+ end
+ if first and first == last then
+ set_attribute(last,state,4) -- isol
+ elseif last then
+ set_attribute(last,state,3) -- fina
+ end
+ return head, done
-- in the future we will use language/script attributes instead of the
-- font related value, but then we also need dynamic features which is
-- somewhat slower; and .. we need a chain of them
-local scriptandlanguage = otf.scriptandlanguage
-function fonts.initializers.node.otf.analyze(tfmdata,value,attr)
- local script, language = otf.scriptandlanguage(tfmdata,attr)
+local function analyzeinitializer(tfmdata,value) -- attr
+ local script, language = otf.scriptandlanguage(tfmdata) -- attr
local action = initializers[script]
if action then
if type(action) == "function" then
@@ -11025,10 +10352,9 @@ function fonts.initializers.node.otf.analyze(tfmdata,value,attr)
- return nil
-function fonts.methods.node.otf.analyze(head,font,attr)
+local function analyzeprocessor(head,font,attr)
local tfmdata = fontdata[font]
local script, language = otf.scriptandlanguage(tfmdata,attr)
local action = methods[script]
@@ -11045,12 +10371,22 @@ function fonts.methods.node.otf.analyze(head,font,attr)
return head, false
-otf.features.register("analyze",true) -- we always analyze
-table.insert(fonts.triggers,"analyze") -- we need a proper function for doing this
+registerotffeature {
+ name = "analyze",
+ description = "analysis of (for instance) character classes",
+ default = true,
+ initializers = {
+ node = analyzeinitializer,
+ },
+ processors = {
+ position = 1,
+ node = analyzeprocessor,
+ }
-- latin
-analyzers.methods.latn = analyzers.aux.setstate
+methods.latn = analyzers.setstate
-- this info eventually will go into char-def
@@ -11132,10 +10468,10 @@ local function warning(current,what)
-function analyzers.methods.nocolor(head,font,attr)
+function methods.nocolor(head,font,attr)
for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do
if not font or n.font == font then
- fcr(n)
+ resetnodecolor(n)
return head, true
@@ -11147,22 +10483,22 @@ local function finish(first,last)
local fc = first.char
if isol_fina_medi_init[fc] or isol_fina[fc] then
set_attribute(first,state,4) -- isol
- if trace_analyzing then fcs(first,"font:isol") end
+ if trace_analyzing then setnodecolor(first,"font:isol") end
set_attribute(first,state,0) -- error
- if trace_analyzing then fcr(first) end
+ if trace_analyzing then resetnodecolor(first) end
local lc = last.char
if isol_fina_medi_init[lc] or isol_fina[lc] then -- why isol here ?
-- if laststate == 1 or laststate == 2 or laststate == 4 then
set_attribute(last,state,3) -- fina
- if trace_analyzing then fcs(last,"font:fina") end
+ if trace_analyzing then setnodecolor(last,"font:fina") end
set_attribute(last,state,0) -- error
- if trace_analyzing then fcr(last) end
+ if trace_analyzing then resetnodecolor(last) end
first, last = nil, nil
@@ -11171,21 +10507,21 @@ local function finish(first,last)
local fc = first.char
if isol_fina_medi_init[fc] or isol_fina[fc] then
set_attribute(first,state,4) -- isol
- if trace_analyzing then fcs(first,"font:isol") end
+ if trace_analyzing then setnodecolor(first,"font:isol") end
set_attribute(first,state,0) -- error
- if trace_analyzing then fcr(first) end
+ if trace_analyzing then resetnodecolor(first) end
first = nil
return first, last
-function,font,attr) -- maybe make a special version with no trace
+function,font,attr) -- maybe make a special version with no trace
local useunicodemarks = analyzers.useunicodemarks
local tfmdata = fontdata[font]
- local marks = tfmdata.marks
+ local marks = tfmdata.resources.marks
local first, last, current, done = nil, nil, head, false
while current do
if == glyph_code and current.subtype<256 and current.font == font and not has_attribute(current,state) then
@@ -11193,20 +10529,20 @@ function,font,attr) -- maybe make a special version
local char = current.char
if marks[char] or (useunicodemarks and categories[char] == "mn") then
set_attribute(current,state,5) -- mark
- if trace_analyzing then fcs(current,"font:mark") end
+ if trace_analyzing then setnodecolor(current,"font:mark") end
elseif isol[char] then -- can be zwj or zwnj too
first, last = finish(first,last)
set_attribute(current,state,4) -- isol
- if trace_analyzing then fcs(current,"font:isol") end
+ if trace_analyzing then setnodecolor(current,"font:isol") end
first, last = nil, nil
elseif not first then
if isol_fina_medi_init[char] then
set_attribute(current,state,1) -- init
- if trace_analyzing then fcs(current,"font:init") end
+ if trace_analyzing then setnodecolor(current,"font:init") end
first, last = first or current, current
elseif isol_fina[char] then
set_attribute(current,state,4) -- isol
- if trace_analyzing then fcs(current,"font:isol") end
+ if trace_analyzing then setnodecolor(current,"font:isol") end
first, last = nil, nil
else -- no arab
first, last = finish(first,last)
@@ -11214,18 +10550,18 @@ function,font,attr) -- maybe make a special version
elseif isol_fina_medi_init[char] then
first, last = first or current, current
set_attribute(current,state,2) -- medi
- if trace_analyzing then fcs(current,"font:medi") end
+ if trace_analyzing then setnodecolor(current,"font:medi") end
elseif isol_fina[char] then
if not has_attribute(last,state,1) then
-- tricky, we need to check what last may be !
set_attribute(last,state,2) -- medi
- if trace_analyzing then fcs(last,"font:medi") end
+ if trace_analyzing then setnodecolor(last,"font:medi") end
set_attribute(current,state,3) -- fina
- if trace_analyzing then fcs(current,"font:fina") end
+ if trace_analyzing then setnodecolor(current,"font:fina") end
first, last = nil, nil
elseif char >= 0x0600 and char <= 0x06FF then
- if trace_analyzing then fcs(current,"font:rest") end
+ if trace_analyzing then setnodecolor(current,"font:rest") end
first, last = finish(first,last)
else --no
first, last = finish(first,last)
@@ -11243,3991 +10579,40 @@ end -- closure
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-otc'] = {
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-fonts-lua'] = {
version = 1.001,
- comment = "companion to font-otf.lua (context)",
+ comment = "companion to luatex-*.tex",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
license = "see context related readme files"
-local format, insert = string.format, table.insert
-local type, next = type, next
--- we assume that the other otf stuff is loaded already
-local trace_loading = false trackers.register("otf.loading", function(v) trace_loading = v end)
-local fonts = fonts
-local otf = fonts.otf
-local report_otf = logs.reporter("fonts","otf loading")
--- instead of "script = "DFLT", langs = { 'dflt' }" we now use wildcards (we used to
--- have always); some day we can write a "force always when true" trick for other
--- features as well
--- we could have a tnum variant as well
--- In the userdata interface we can not longer tweak the loaded font as
--- conveniently as before. For instance, instead of pushing extra data in
--- in the table using the original structure, we now have to operate on
--- the mkiv representation. And as the fontloader interface is modelled
--- after fontforge we cannot change that one too much either.
-local extra_lists = {
- tlig = {
- {
- endash = "hyphen hyphen",
- emdash = "hyphen hyphen hyphen",
- -- quotedblleft = "quoteleft quoteleft",
- -- quotedblright = "quoteright quoteright",
- -- quotedblleft = "grave grave",
- -- quotedblright = "quotesingle quotesingle",
- -- quotedblbase = "comma comma",
- },
- },
- trep = {
- {
- -- [0x0022] = 0x201D,
- [0x0027] = 0x2019,
- -- [0x0060] = 0x2018,
- },
- },
- anum = {
- { -- arabic
- [0x0030] = 0x0660,
- [0x0031] = 0x0661,
- [0x0032] = 0x0662,
- [0x0033] = 0x0663,
- [0x0034] = 0x0664,
- [0x0035] = 0x0665,
- [0x0036] = 0x0666,
- [0x0037] = 0x0667,
- [0x0038] = 0x0668,
- [0x0039] = 0x0669,
- },
- { -- persian
- [0x0030] = 0x06F0,
- [0x0031] = 0x06F1,
- [0x0032] = 0x06F2,
- [0x0033] = 0x06F3,
- [0x0034] = 0x06F4,
- [0x0035] = 0x06F5,
- [0x0036] = 0x06F6,
- [0x0037] = 0x06F7,
- [0x0038] = 0x06F8,
- [0x0039] = 0x06F9,
- },
- },
+if context then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context")
+ os.exit()
-local extra_features = { -- maybe just 1..n so that we prescribe order
- tlig = {
- {
- features = { ["*"] = { ["*"] = true } },
- name = "ctx_tlig_1",
- subtables = { "ctx_tlig_1_s" },
- type = "gsub_ligature",
- flags = { },
- },
- },
- trep = {
- {
- features = { ["*"] = { ["*"] = true } },
- name = "ctx_trep_1",
- subtables = { "ctx_trep_1_s" },
- type = "gsub_single",
- flags = { },
- },
- },
- anum = {
- {
- features = { arab = { URD = true, dflt = true } },
- name = "ctx_anum_1",
- subtables = { "ctx_anum_1_s" },
- type = "gsub_single",
- flags = { },
- },
- {
- features = { arab = { URD = true } },
- name = "ctx_anum_2",
- subtables = { "ctx_anum_2_s" },
- type = "gsub_single",
- flags = { },
- },
- },
+local fonts = fonts
+fonts.formats.lua = "lua"
-local function enhancedata(data,filename,raw)
- local luatex = data.luatex
- local lookups = luatex.lookups
- local sequences = luatex.sequences
- local glyphs = data.glyphs
- local indices = luatex.indices
- local gsubfeatures = luatex.features.gsub
- for kind, specifications in next, extra_features do
- if gsub and gsub[kind] then
- -- already present
+function fonts.readers.lua(specification)
+ local fullname = specification.filename or ""
+ if fullname == "" then
+ local forced = specification.forced or ""
+ if forced ~= "" then
+ fullname = .. "." .. forced
- local done = 0
- for s=1,#specifications do
- local added = false
- local specification = specifications[s]
- local features, subtables = specification.features, specification.subtables
- local name, type, flags =, specification.type, specification.flags
- local full = subtables[1]
- local list = extra_lists[kind][s]
- if type == "gsub_ligature" then
- -- inefficient loop
- for unicode, index in next, indices do
- local glyph = glyphs[index]
- local ligature = list[]
- if ligature then
- if glyph.slookups then
- glyph.slookups [full] = { "ligature", ligature, }
- else
- glyph.slookups = { [full] = { "ligature", ligature, } }
- end
- done, added = done+1, true
- end
- end
- elseif type == "gsub_single" then
- -- inefficient loop
- for unicode, index in next, indices do
- local glyph = glyphs[index]
- local r = list[unicode]
- if r then
- local replacement = indices[r]
- if replacement and glyphs[replacement] then
- if glyph.slookups then
- glyph.slookups [full] = { "substitution", glyphs[replacement].name }
- else
- glyph.slookups = { [full] = { "substitution", glyphs[replacement].name } }
- end
- done, added = done+1, true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if added then
- sequences[#sequences+1] = {
- chain = 0,
- features = { [kind] = features },
- flags = flags,
- name = name,
- subtables = subtables,
- type = type,
- }
- -- register in metadata (merge as there can be a few)
- if not gsubfeatures then
- gsubfeatures = { }
- luatex.features.gsub = gsubfeatures
- end
- local k = gsubfeatures[kind]
- if not k then
- k = { }
- gsubfeatures[kind] = k
- end
- for script, languages in next, features do
- local kk = k[script]
- if not kk then
- kk = { }
- k[script] = kk
- end
- for language, value in next, languages do
- kk[language] = value
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if done > 0 then
- if trace_loading then
- report_otf("enhance: registering %s feature (%s glyphs affected)",kind,done)
- end
- end
+ fullname =
+ local fullname = resolvers.findfile(fullname) or ""
+ if fullname ~= "" then
+ local loader = loadfile(fullname)
+ loader = loader and loader()
+ return loader and loader(specification)
+ end
-otf.enhancers.register("check extra features",enhancedata)
-local features = otf.tables.features
-features['tlig'] = 'TeX Ligatures'
-features['trep'] = 'TeX Replacements'
-features['anum'] = 'Arabic Digits'
-local registerbasesubstitution = otf.features.registerbasesubstitution
--- the functionality is defined elsewhere
-local initializers = fonts.initializers
-local common_initializers = initializers.common
-local base_initializers = initializers.base.otf
-local node_initializers = initializers.node.otf
-base_initializers.equaldigits = common_initializers.equaldigits
-node_initializers.equaldigits = common_initializers.equaldigits
-base_initializers.lineheight = common_initializers.lineheight
-node_initializers.lineheight = common_initializers.lineheight
-base_initializers.compose = common_initializers.compose
-node_initializers.compose = common_initializers.compose
-end -- closure
-do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-map'] = {
- version = 1.001,
- comment = "companion to font-ini.mkiv",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "derived from",
- original = "Adobe Glyph List, version 2.0, September 20, 2002",
-fonts = fonts or { }
-fonts.enc = fonts.enc or { }
-fonts.enc.agl = fonts.enc.agl or { }
-fonts.enc.agl.unicodes = { -- generated
- ["A"]=65,
- ["AE"]=198,
- ["AEacute"]=508,
- ["AEmacron"]=482,
- ["Aacute"]=193,
- ["Abreve"]=258,
- ["Abreveacute"]=7854,
- ["Abrevecyrillic"]=1232,
- ["Abrevedotbelow"]=7862,
- ["Abrevegrave"]=7856,
- ["Abrevehookabove"]=7858,
- ["Abrevetilde"]=7860,
- ["Acaron"]=461,
- ["Acircle"]=9398,
- ["Acircumflex"]=194,
- ["Acircumflexacute"]=7844,
- ["Acircumflexdotbelow"]=7852,
- ["Acircumflexgrave"]=7846,
- ["Acircumflexhookabove"]=7848,
- ["Acircumflextilde"]=7850,
- ["Adblgrave"]=512,
- ["Adieresis"]=196,
- ["Adieresiscyrillic"]=1234,
- ["Adieresismacron"]=478,
- ["Adotbelow"]=7840,
- ["Adotmacron"]=480,
- ["Agrave"]=192,
- ["Ahookabove"]=7842,
- ["Aiecyrillic"]=1236,
- ["Ainvertedbreve"]=514,
- ["Alpha"]=913,
- ["Alphatonos"]=902,
- ["Amacron"]=256,
- ["Amonospace"]=65313,
- ["Aogonek"]=260,
- ["Aring"]=197,
- ["Aringacute"]=506,
- ["Aringbelow"]=7680,
- ["Atilde"]=195,
- ["Aybarmenian"]=1329,
- ["B"]=66,
- ["Bcircle"]=9399,
- ["Bdotaccent"]=7682,
- ["Bdotbelow"]=7684,
- ["Benarmenian"]=1330,
- ["Beta"]=914,
- ["Bhook"]=385,
- ["Blinebelow"]=7686,
- ["Bmonospace"]=65314,
- ["Btopbar"]=386,
- ["C"]=67,
- ["Caarmenian"]=1342,
- ["Cacute"]=262,
- ["Ccaron"]=268,
- ["Ccedilla"]=199,
- ["Ccedillaacute"]=7688,
- ["Ccircle"]=9400,
- ["Ccircumflex"]=264,
- ["Cdotaccent"]=266,
- ["Chaarmenian"]=1353,
- ["Cheabkhasiancyrillic"]=1212,
- ["Chedescenderabkhasiancyrillic"]=1214,
- ["Chedescendercyrillic"]=1206,
- ["Chedieresiscyrillic"]=1268,
- ["Cheharmenian"]=1347,
- ["Chekhakassiancyrillic"]=1227,
- ["Cheverticalstrokecyrillic"]=1208,
- ["Chi"]=935,
- ["Chook"]=391,
- ["Cmonospace"]=65315,
- ["Coarmenian"]=1361,
- ["D"]=68,
- ["DZ"]=497,
- ["DZcaron"]=452,
- ["Daarmenian"]=1332,
- ["Dafrican"]=393,
- ["Dcaron"]=270,
- ["Dcedilla"]=7696,
- ["Dcircle"]=9401,
- ["Dcircumflexbelow"]=7698,
- ["Ddotaccent"]=7690,
- ["Ddotbelow"]=7692,
- ["Deicoptic"]=1006,
- ["Deltagreek"]=916,
- ["Dhook"]=394,
- ["Digammagreek"]=988,
- ["Dlinebelow"]=7694,
- ["Dmonospace"]=65316,
- ["Dslash"]=272,
- ["Dtopbar"]=395,
- ["Dz"]=498,
- ["Dzcaron"]=453,
- ["Dzeabkhasiancyrillic"]=1248,
- ["E"]=69,
- ["Eacute"]=201,
- ["Ebreve"]=276,
- ["Ecaron"]=282,
- ["Ecedillabreve"]=7708,
- ["Echarmenian"]=1333,
- ["Ecircle"]=9402,
- ["Ecircumflex"]=202,
- ["Ecircumflexacute"]=7870,
- ["Ecircumflexbelow"]=7704,
- ["Ecircumflexdotbelow"]=7878,
- ["Ecircumflexgrave"]=7872,
- ["Ecircumflexhookabove"]=7874,
- ["Ecircumflextilde"]=7876,
- ["Edblgrave"]=516,
- ["Edieresis"]=203,
- ["Edotaccent"]=278,
- ["Edotbelow"]=7864,
- ["Egrave"]=200,
- ["Eharmenian"]=1335,
- ["Ehookabove"]=7866,
- ["Eightroman"]=8551,
- ["Einvertedbreve"]=518,
- ["Eiotifiedcyrillic"]=1124,
- ["Elevenroman"]=8554,
- ["Emacron"]=274,
- ["Emacronacute"]=7702,
- ["Emacrongrave"]=7700,
- ["Emonospace"]=65317,
- ["Endescendercyrillic"]=1186,
- ["Eng"]=330,
- ["Enghecyrillic"]=1188,
- ["Enhookcyrillic"]=1223,
- ["Eogonek"]=280,
- ["Eopen"]=400,
- ["Epsilon"]=917,
- ["Epsilontonos"]=904,
- ["Ereversed"]=398,
- ["Esdescendercyrillic"]=1194,
- ["Esh"]=425,
- ["Eta"]=919,
- ["Etarmenian"]=1336,
- ["Etatonos"]=905,
- ["Eth"]=208,
- ["Etilde"]=7868,
- ["Etildebelow"]=7706,
- ["Ezh"]=439,
- ["Ezhcaron"]=494,
- ["Ezhreversed"]=440,
- ["F"]=70,
- ["Fcircle"]=9403,
- ["Fdotaccent"]=7710,
- ["Feharmenian"]=1366,
- ["Feicoptic"]=996,
- ["Fhook"]=401,
- ["Fiveroman"]=8548,
- ["Fmonospace"]=65318,
- ["Fourroman"]=8547,
- ["G"]=71,
- ["GBsquare"]=13191,
- ["Gacute"]=500,
- ["Gamma"]=915,
- ["Gammaafrican"]=404,
- ["Gangiacoptic"]=1002,
- ["Gbreve"]=286,
- ["Gcaron"]=486,
- ["Gcircle"]=9404,
- ["Gcircumflex"]=284,
- ["Gcommaaccent"]=290,
- ["Gdotaccent"]=288,
- ["Ghadarmenian"]=1346,
- ["Ghemiddlehookcyrillic"]=1172,
- ["Ghestrokecyrillic"]=1170,
- ["Ghook"]=403,
- ["Gimarmenian"]=1331,
- ["Gmacron"]=7712,
- ["Gmonospace"]=65319,
- ["Gsmallhook"]=667,
- ["Gstroke"]=484,
- ["H"]=72,
- ["HPsquare"]=13259,
- ["Haabkhasiancyrillic"]=1192,
- ["Hadescendercyrillic"]=1202,
- ["Hbar"]=294,
- ["Hbrevebelow"]=7722,
- ["Hcedilla"]=7720,
- ["Hcircle"]=9405,
- ["Hcircumflex"]=292,
- ["Hdieresis"]=7718,
- ["Hdotaccent"]=7714,
- ["Hdotbelow"]=7716,
- ["Hmonospace"]=65320,
- ["Hoarmenian"]=1344,
- ["Horicoptic"]=1000,
- ["Hzsquare"]=13200,
- ["I"]=73,
- ["IJ"]=306,
- ["Iacute"]=205,
- ["Ibreve"]=300,
- ["Icaron"]=463,
- ["Icircle"]=9406,
- ["Icircumflex"]=206,
- ["Idblgrave"]=520,
- ["Idieresis"]=207,
- ["Idieresisacute"]=7726,
- ["Idieresiscyrillic"]=1252,
- ["Idotaccent"]=304,
- ["Idotbelow"]=7882,
- ["Iebrevecyrillic"]=1238,
- ["Ifraktur"]=8465,
- ["Igrave"]=204,
- ["Ihookabove"]=7880,
- ["Iinvertedbreve"]=522,
- ["Imacron"]=298,
- ["Imacroncyrillic"]=1250,
- ["Imonospace"]=65321,
- ["Iniarmenian"]=1339,
- ["Iogonek"]=302,
- ["Iota"]=921,
- ["Iotaafrican"]=406,
- ["Iotadieresis"]=938,
- ["Iotatonos"]=906,
- ["Istroke"]=407,
- ["Itilde"]=296,
- ["Itildebelow"]=7724,
- ["Izhitsadblgravecyrillic"]=1142,
- ["J"]=74,
- ["Jaarmenian"]=1345,
- ["Jcircle"]=9407,
- ["Jcircumflex"]=308,
- ["Jheharmenian"]=1355,
- ["Jmonospace"]=65322,
- ["K"]=75,
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- ["Kmonospace"]=65323,
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- ["LJ"]=455,
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- ["Lcommaaccent"]=315,
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- ["Lj"]=456,
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- ["Lslash"]=321,
- ["M"]=77,
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- ["Mdotbelow"]=7746,
- ["Menarmenian"]=1348,
- ["Mmonospace"]=65325,
- ["Mturned"]=412,
- ["Mu"]=924,
- ["N"]=78,
- ["NJ"]=458,
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- ["Nj"]=459,
- ["Nlinebelow"]=7752,
- ["Nmonospace"]=65326,
- ["Nowarmenian"]=1350,
- ["Ntilde"]=209,
- ["Nu"]=925,
- ["O"]=79,
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- ["Odieresiscyrillic"]=1254,
- ["Odotbelow"]=7884,
- ["Ograve"]=210,
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- ["Ohornhookabove"]=7902,
- ["Ohorntilde"]=7904,
- ["Ohungarumlaut"]=336,
- ["Oi"]=418,
- ["Oinvertedbreve"]=526,
- ["Omacron"]=332,
- ["Omacronacute"]=7762,
- ["Omacrongrave"]=7760,
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- ["Omegaroundcyrillic"]=1146,
- ["Omegatitlocyrillic"]=1148,
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- ["Omicrontonos"]=908,
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- ["Ostrokeacute"]=510,
- ["Otcyrillic"]=1150,
- ["Otilde"]=213,
- ["Otildeacute"]=7756,
- ["Otildedieresis"]=7758,
- ["P"]=80,
- ["Pacute"]=7764,
- ["Pcircle"]=9413,
- ["Pdotaccent"]=7766,
- ["Peharmenian"]=1354,
- ["Pemiddlehookcyrillic"]=1190,
- ["Phi"]=934,
- ["Phook"]=420,
- ["Pi"]=928,
- ["Piwrarmenian"]=1363,
- ["Pmonospace"]=65328,
- ["Psi"]=936,
- ["Psicyrillic"]=1136,
- ["Q"]=81,
- ["Qcircle"]=9414,
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- ["Racute"]=340,
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- ["Rsmallinvertedsuperior"]=694,
- ["S"]=83,
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- ["SF030000"]=9488,
- ["SF040000"]=9496,
- ["SF050000"]=9532,
- ["SF060000"]=9516,
- ["SF070000"]=9524,
- ["SF080000"]=9500,
- ["SF090000"]=9508,
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- ["SF110000"]=9474,
- ["SF190000"]=9569,
- ["SF200000"]=9570,
- ["SF210000"]=9558,
- ["SF220000"]=9557,
- ["SF230000"]=9571,
- ["SF240000"]=9553,
- ["SF250000"]=9559,
- ["SF260000"]=9565,
- ["SF270000"]=9564,
- ["SF280000"]=9563,
- ["SF360000"]=9566,
- ["SF370000"]=9567,
- ["SF380000"]=9562,
- ["SF390000"]=9556,
- ["SF400000"]=9577,
- ["SF410000"]=9574,
- ["SF420000"]=9568,
- ["SF430000"]=9552,
- ["SF440000"]=9580,
- ["SF450000"]=9575,
- ["SF460000"]=9576,
- ["SF470000"]=9572,
- ["SF480000"]=9573,
- ["SF490000"]=9561,
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- ["SF510000"]=9554,
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- ["T"]=84,
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- ["yehhamzaabovefinalarabic"]=65162,
- ["yehhamzaaboveinitialarabic"]=65163,
- ["yehhamzaabovemedialarabic"]=65164,
- ["yehinitialarabic"]=65267,
- ["yehmedialarabic"]=65268,
- ["yehmeeminitialarabic"]=64733,
- ["yehmeemisolatedarabic"]=64600,
- ["yehnoonfinalarabic"]=64660,
- ["yehthreedotsbelowarabic"]=1745,
- ["yekorean"]=12630,
- ["yen"]=165,
- ["yenmonospace"]=65509,
- ["yeokorean"]=12629,
- ["yeorinhieuhkorean"]=12678,
- ["yerahbenyomolefthebrew"]=1450,
- ["yericyrillic"]=1099,
- ["yerudieresiscyrillic"]=1273,
- ["yesieungkorean"]=12673,
- ["yesieungpansioskorean"]=12675,
- ["yesieungsioskorean"]=12674,
- ["yetivhebrew"]=1434,
- ["ygrave"]=7923,
- ["yhook"]=436,
- ["yhookabove"]=7927,
- ["yiarmenian"]=1397,
- ["yicyrillic"]=1111,
- ["yikorean"]=12642,
- ["yinyang"]=9775,
- ["yiwnarmenian"]=1410,
- ["ymonospace"]=65369,
- ["yoddageshhebrew"]=64313,
- ["yodhebrew"]=1497,
- ["yodyodhebrew"]=1522,
- ["yodyodpatahhebrew"]=64287,
- ["yohiragana"]=12424,
- ["yoikorean"]=12681,
- ["yokatakana"]=12520,
- ["yokatakanahalfwidth"]=65430,
- ["yokorean"]=12635,
- ["yosmallhiragana"]=12423,
- ["yosmallkatakana"]=12519,
- ["yosmallkatakanahalfwidth"]=65390,
- ["yotgreek"]=1011,
- ["yoyaekorean"]=12680,
- ["yoyakorean"]=12679,
- ["yoyakthai"]=3618,
- ["yoyingthai"]=3597,
- ["yparen"]=9396,
- ["ypogegrammeni"]=890,
- ["ypogegrammenigreekcmb"]=837,
- ["yr"]=422,
- ["yring"]=7833,
- ["ysuperior"]=696,
- ["ytilde"]=7929,
- ["yturned"]=654,
- ["yuhiragana"]=12422,
- ["yuikorean"]=12684,
- ["yukatakana"]=12518,
- ["yukatakanahalfwidth"]=65429,
- ["yukorean"]=12640,
- ["yusbigcyrillic"]=1131,
- ["yusbigiotifiedcyrillic"]=1133,
- ["yuslittlecyrillic"]=1127,
- ["yuslittleiotifiedcyrillic"]=1129,
- ["yusmallhiragana"]=12421,
- ["yusmallkatakana"]=12517,
- ["yusmallkatakanahalfwidth"]=65389,
- ["yuyekorean"]=12683,
- ["yuyeokorean"]=12682,
- ["yyabengali"]=2527,
- ["yyadeva"]=2399,
- ["z"]=122,
- ["zaarmenian"]=1382,
- ["zacute"]=378,
- ["zadeva"]=2395,
- ["zagurmukhi"]=2651,
- ["zaharabic"]=1592,
- ["zahfinalarabic"]=65222,
- ["zahinitialarabic"]=65223,
- ["zahiragana"]=12374,
- ["zahmedialarabic"]=65224,
- ["zainarabic"]=1586,
- ["zainfinalarabic"]=65200,
- ["zakatakana"]=12470,
- ["zaqefgadolhebrew"]=1429,
- ["zaqefqatanhebrew"]=1428,
- ["zarqahebrew"]=1432,
- ["zayindageshhebrew"]=64310,
- ["zayinhebrew"]=1494,
- ["zbopomofo"]=12567,
- ["zcaron"]=382,
- ["zcircle"]=9449,
- ["zcircumflex"]=7825,
- ["zcurl"]=657,
- ["zdotaccent"]=380,
- ["zdotbelow"]=7827,
- ["zecyrillic"]=1079,
- ["zedescendercyrillic"]=1177,
- ["zedieresiscyrillic"]=1247,
- ["zehiragana"]=12380,
- ["zekatakana"]=12476,
- ["zero"]=48,
- ["zerobengali"]=2534,
- ["zerodeva"]=2406,
- ["zerogujarati"]=2790,
- ["zerogurmukhi"]=2662,
- ["zerohackarabic"]=1632,
- ["zeroinferior"]=8320,
- ["zeromonospace"]=65296,
- ["zeropersian"]=1776,
- ["zerosuperior"]=8304,
- ["zerothai"]=3664,
- ["zerowidthjoiner"]=65279,
- ["zerowidthnonjoiner"]=8204,
- ["zerowidthspace"]=8203,
- ["zeta"]=950,
- ["zhbopomofo"]=12563,
- ["zhearmenian"]=1386,
- ["zhebrevecyrillic"]=1218,
- ["zhecyrillic"]=1078,
- ["zhedescendercyrillic"]=1175,
- ["zhedieresiscyrillic"]=1245,
- ["zihiragana"]=12376,
- ["zikatakana"]=12472,
- ["zinorhebrew"]=1454,
- ["zlinebelow"]=7829,
- ["zmonospace"]=65370,
- ["zohiragana"]=12382,
- ["zokatakana"]=12478,
- ["zparen"]=9397,
- ["zretroflexhook"]=656,
- ["zstroke"]=438,
- ["zuhiragana"]=12378,
- ["zukatakana"]=12474,
- -- extras
- ["Dcroat"]=272,
- ["Delta"]=8710,
- ["Euro"]=8364,
- ["H18533"]=9679,
- ["H18543"]=9642,
- ["H18551"]=9643,
- ["H22073"]=9633,
- ["Ldot"]=319,
- ["Oslashacute"]=510,
- ["SF10000"]=9484,
- ["SF20000"]=9492,
- ["SF30000"]=9488,
- ["SF40000"]=9496,
- ["SF50000"]=9532,
- ["SF60000"]=9516,
- ["SF70000"]=9524,
- ["SF80000"]=9500,
- ["SF90000"]=9508,
- ["Upsilon1"]=978,
- ["afii10066"]=1073,
- ["afii10067"]=1074,
- ["afii10068"]=1075,
- ["afii10069"]=1076,
- ["afii10070"]=1077,
- ["afii10071"]=1105,
- ["afii10072"]=1078,
- ["afii10073"]=1079,
- ["afii10074"]=1080,
- ["afii10075"]=1081,
- ["afii10076"]=1082,
- ["afii10077"]=1083,
- ["afii10078"]=1084,
- ["afii10079"]=1085,
- ["afii10080"]=1086,
- ["afii10081"]=1087,
- ["afii10082"]=1088,
- ["afii10083"]=1089,
- ["afii10084"]=1090,
- ["afii10085"]=1091,
- ["afii10086"]=1092,
- ["afii10087"]=1093,
- ["afii10088"]=1094,
- ["afii10089"]=1095,
- ["afii10090"]=1096,
- ["afii10091"]=1097,
- ["afii10092"]=1098,
- ["afii10093"]=1099,
- ["afii10094"]=1100,
- ["afii10095"]=1101,
- ["afii10096"]=1102,
- ["afii10097"]=1103,
- ["afii10098"]=1169,
- ["afii10099"]=1106,
- ["afii10100"]=1107,
- ["afii10101"]=1108,
- ["afii10102"]=1109,
- ["afii10103"]=1110,
- ["afii10104"]=1111,
- ["afii10105"]=1112,
- ["afii10106"]=1113,
- ["afii10107"]=1114,
- ["afii10108"]=1115,
- ["afii10109"]=1116,
- ["afii10110"]=1118,
- ["afii10193"]=1119,
- ["afii10194"]=1123,
- ["afii10195"]=1139,
- ["afii10196"]=1141,
- ["afii10846"]=1241,
- ["afii208"]=8213,
- ["afii57381"]=1642,
- ["afii57388"]=1548,
- ["afii57392"]=1632,
- ["afii57393"]=1633,
- ["afii57394"]=1634,
- ["afii57395"]=1635,
- ["afii57396"]=1636,
- ["afii57397"]=1637,
- ["afii57398"]=1638,
- ["afii57399"]=1639,
- ["afii57400"]=1640,
- ["afii57401"]=1641,
- ["afii57403"]=1563,
- ["afii57407"]=1567,
- ["afii57409"]=1569,
- ["afii57410"]=1570,
- ["afii57411"]=1571,
- ["afii57412"]=1572,
- ["afii57413"]=1573,
- ["afii57414"]=1574,
- ["afii57415"]=1575,
- ["afii57416"]=1576,
- ["afii57417"]=1577,
- ["afii57418"]=1578,
- ["afii57419"]=1579,
- ["afii57420"]=1580,
- ["afii57421"]=1581,
- ["afii57422"]=1582,
- ["afii57423"]=1583,
- ["afii57424"]=1584,
- ["afii57425"]=1585,
- ["afii57426"]=1586,
- ["afii57427"]=1587,
- ["afii57428"]=1588,
- ["afii57429"]=1589,
- ["afii57430"]=1590,
- ["afii57431"]=1591,
- ["afii57432"]=1592,
- ["afii57433"]=1593,
- ["afii57434"]=1594,
- ["afii57440"]=1600,
- ["afii57441"]=1601,
- ["afii57442"]=1602,
- ["afii57443"]=1603,
- ["afii57444"]=1604,
- ["afii57445"]=1605,
- ["afii57446"]=1606,
- ["afii57448"]=1608,
- ["afii57449"]=1609,
- ["afii57450"]=1610,
- ["afii57451"]=1611,
- ["afii57452"]=1612,
- ["afii57453"]=1613,
- ["afii57454"]=1614,
- ["afii57455"]=1615,
- ["afii57456"]=1616,
- ["afii57457"]=1617,
- ["afii57458"]=1618,
- ["afii57470"]=1607,
- ["afii57505"]=1700,
- ["afii57506"]=1662,
- ["afii57507"]=1670,
- ["afii57508"]=1688,
- ["afii57509"]=1711,
- ["afii57511"]=1657,
- ["afii57512"]=1672,
- ["afii57513"]=1681,
- ["afii57514"]=1722,
- ["afii57519"]=1746,
- ["afii57636"]=8362,
- ["afii57645"]=1470,
- ["afii57658"]=1475,
- ["afii57664"]=1488,
- ["afii57665"]=1489,
- ["afii57666"]=1490,
- ["afii57667"]=1491,
- ["afii57668"]=1492,
- ["afii57669"]=1493,
- ["afii57670"]=1494,
- ["afii57671"]=1495,
- ["afii57672"]=1496,
- ["afii57673"]=1497,
- ["afii57674"]=1498,
- ["afii57675"]=1499,
- ["afii57676"]=1500,
- ["afii57677"]=1501,
- ["afii57678"]=1502,
- ["afii57679"]=1503,
- ["afii57680"]=1504,
- ["afii57681"]=1505,
- ["afii57682"]=1506,
- ["afii57683"]=1507,
- ["afii57684"]=1508,
- ["afii57685"]=1509,
- ["afii57686"]=1510,
- ["afii57687"]=1511,
- ["afii57688"]=1512,
- ["afii57689"]=1513,
- ["afii57690"]=1514,
- ["afii57716"]=1520,
- ["afii57717"]=1521,
- ["afii57718"]=1522,
- ["afii57793"]=1460,
- ["afii57794"]=1461,
- ["afii57795"]=1462,
- ["afii57796"]=1467,
- ["afii57797"]=1464,
- ["afii57798"]=1463,
- ["afii57799"]=1456,
- ["afii57800"]=1458,
- ["afii57801"]=1457,
- ["afii57802"]=1459,
- ["afii57803"]=1474,
- ["afii57804"]=1473,
- ["afii57806"]=1465,
- ["afii57807"]=1468,
- ["afii57839"]=1469,
- ["afii57841"]=1471,
- ["afii57842"]=1472,
- ["afii57929"]=700,
- ["afii61248"]=8453,
- ["afii61289"]=8467,
- ["afii61352"]=8470,
- ["afii61664"]=8204,
- ["afii63167"]=1645,
- ["afii64937"]=701,
- ["arrowdblboth"]=8660,
- ["arrowdblleft"]=8656,
- ["arrowdblright"]=8658,
- ["arrowupdnbse"]=8616,
- ["bar"]=124,
- ["circle"]=9675,
- ["circlemultiply"]=8855,
- ["circleplus"]=8853,
- ["club"]=9827,
- ["colonmonetary"]=8353,
- ["dcroat"]=273,
- ["dkshade"]=9619,
- ["existential"]=8707,
- ["female"]=9792,
- ["gradient"]=8711,
- ["heart"]=9829,
- ["hookabovecomb"]=777,
- ["invcircle"]=9689,
- ["ldot"]=320,
- ["longs"]=383,
- ["ltshade"]=9617,
- ["male"]=9794,
- ["mu"]=181,
- ["napostrophe"]=329,
- ["notelement"]=8713,
- ["omega1"]=982,
- ["openbullet"]=9702,
- ["orthogonal"]=8735,
- ["oslashacute"]=511,
- ["phi1"]=981,
- ["propersubset"]=8834,
- ["propersuperset"]=8835,
- ["reflexsubset"]=8838,
- ["reflexsuperset"]=8839,
- ["shade"]=9618,
- ["sigma1"]=962,
- ["similar"]=8764,
- ["smileface"]=9786,
- ["spacehackarabic"]=32,
- ["spade"]=9824,
- ["theta1"]=977,
- ["twodotenleader"]=8229,
end -- closure
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
@@ -15261,44 +10646,32 @@ default loader that only handles <l n='tfm'/>.</p>
local fonts = fonts
-local tfm = fonts.tfm
-local vf = fonts.vf
-fonts.used = allocate()
-tfm.readers = tfm.readers or { }
-tfm.fonts = allocate()
-local readers = tfm.readers
-local sequence = allocate { 'otf', 'ttf', 'afm', 'tfm', 'lua' }
-readers.sequence = sequence
-tfm.version = 1.01
-tfm.cache = containers.define("fonts", "tfm", tfm.version, false) -- better in font-tfm
-tfm.autoprefixedafm = true -- this will become false some day (catches texnansi-blabla.*)
-fonts.definers = fonts.definers or { }
+local fontdata = fonts.hashes.identifiers
+local readers = fonts.readers
local definers = fonts.definers
+local specifiers = fonts.specifiers
+local constructors = fonts.constructors
-definers.specifiers = definers.specifiers or { }
-local specifiers = definers.specifiers
+readers.sequence = allocate { 'otf', 'ttf', 'afm', 'tfm', 'lua' } -- dfont ttc
-specifiers.variants = allocate()
-local variants = specifiers.variants
+local variants = allocate()
+specifiers.variants = variants
-definers.method = "afm or tfm" -- afm, tfm, afm or tfm, tfm or afm
definers.methods = definers.methods or { }
-local findbinfile = resolvers.findbinfile
+local internalized = allocate() -- internal tex numbers (private)
+local loadedfonts = constructors.loadedfonts
+local designsizes = constructors.designsizes
<p>We hardly gain anything when we cache the final (pre scaled)
-<l n='tfm'/> table. But it can be handy for debugging.</p>
+<l n='tfm'/> table. But it can be handy for debugging, so we no
+longer carry this code along. Also, we now have quite some reference
+to other tables so we would end up with lots of catches.</p>
-fonts.version = 1.05
-fonts.cache = containers.define("fonts", "def", fonts.version, false)
<p>We can prefix a font specification by <type>name:</type> or
<type>file:</type>. The first case will result in a lookup in the
@@ -15397,84 +10770,6 @@ function definers.analyze(specification, size)
-<p>A unique hash value is generated by:</p>
-local sortedhashkeys = table.sortedhashkeys
-function tfm.hashfeatures(specification)
- local features = specification.features
- if features then
- local t, tn = { }, 0
- local normal = features.normal
- if normal and next(normal) then
- local f = sortedhashkeys(normal)
- for i=1,#f do
- local v = f[i]
- if v ~= "number" and v ~= "features" then -- i need to figure this out, features
- tn = tn + 1
- t[tn] = v .. '=' .. tostring(normal[v])
- end
- end
- end
- local vtf = features.vtf
- if vtf and next(vtf) then
- local f = sortedhashkeys(vtf)
- for i=1,#f do
- local v = f[i]
- tn = tn + 1
- t[tn] = v .. '=' .. tostring(vtf[v])
- end
- end
- -- if specification.mathsize then
- -- tn = tn + 1
- -- t[tn] = "mathsize=" .. specification.mathsize
- -- end
- if tn > 0 then
- return concat(t,"+")
- end
- end
- return "unknown"
-fonts.designsizes = allocate()
-<p>In principle we can share tfm tables when we are in node for a font, but then
-we need to define a font switch as an id/attr switch which is no fun, so in that
-case users can best use dynamic features ... so, we will not use that speedup. Okay,
-when we get rid of base mode we can optimize even further by sharing, but then we
-loose our testcases for <l n='luatex'/>.</p>
-function tfm.hashinstance(specification,force)
- local hash, size, fallbacks = specification.hash, specification.size, specification.fallbacks
- if force or not hash then
- hash = tfm.hashfeatures(specification)
- specification.hash = hash
- end
- if size < 1000 and fonts.designsizes[hash] then
- size = math.round(tfm.scaled(size,fonts.designsizes[hash]))
- specification.size = size
- end
- -- local mathsize = specification.mathsize or 0
- -- if mathsize > 0 then
- -- local textsize = specification.textsize
- -- if fallbacks then
- -- return hash .. ' @ ' .. tostring(size) .. ' [ ' .. tostring(mathsize) .. ' : ' .. tostring(textsize) .. ' ] @ ' .. fallbacks
- -- else
- -- return hash .. ' @ ' .. tostring(size) .. ' [ ' .. tostring(mathsize) .. ' : ' .. tostring(textsize) .. ' ]'
- -- end
- -- else
- if fallbacks then
- return hash .. ' @ ' .. tostring(size) .. ' @ ' .. fallbacks
- else
- return hash .. ' @ ' .. tostring(size)
- end
- -- end
<p>We can resolve the filename using the next function:</p>
@@ -15544,7 +10839,7 @@ function definers.resolve(specification)
- specification.hash = lower( .. ' @ ' .. tfm.hashfeatures(specification))
+ specification.hash = lower( .. ' @ ' .. constructors.hashfeatures(specification))
if specification.sub and specification.sub ~= "" then
specification.hash = specification.sub .. ' @ ' .. specification.hash
@@ -15567,26 +10862,48 @@ features (esp in virtual fonts) so let's not do that now.</p>
specification yet.</p>
- local hash = tfm.hashinstance(specification)
- local tfmtable = tfm.fonts[hash] -- hashes by size !
- if not tfmtable then
+-- not in context, at least not now:
+-- function definers.applypostprocessors(tfmdata)
+-- local postprocessors = tfmdata.postprocessors
+-- if postprocessors then
+-- for i=1,#postprocessors do
+-- local extrahash = postprocessors[i](tfmdata) -- after scaling etc
+-- if type(extrahash) == "string" and extrahash ~= "" then
+-- -- e.g. a reencoding needs this
+-- extrahash = gsub(lower(extrahash),"[^a-z]","-")
+-- = format("%s-%s",,extrahash)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return tfmdata
+-- end
+function definers.applypostprocessors(tfmdata)
+ return tfmdata
+function definers.loadfont(specification)
+ local hash = constructors.hashinstance(specification)
+ local tfmdata = loadedfonts[hash] -- hashes by size !
+ if not tfmdata then
local forced = specification.forced or ""
if forced ~= "" then
local reader = readers[lower(forced)]
- tfmtable = reader and reader(specification)
- if not tfmtable then
+ tfmdata = reader and reader(specification)
+ if not tfmdata then
report_defining("forced type %s of %s not found",forced,
- for s=1,#sequence do -- reader sequence
+ local sequence = readers.sequence -- can be overloaded so only a shortcut here
+ for s=1,#sequence do
local reader = sequence[s]
- if readers[reader] then -- not really needed
+ if readers[reader] then -- we skip not loaded readers
if trace_defining then
report_defining("trying (reader sequence driven) type %s for %s with file %s",reader,,specification.filename or "unknown")
- tfmtable = readers[reader](specification)
- if tfmtable then
+ tfmdata = readers[reader](specification)
+ if tfmdata then
specification.filename = nil
@@ -15594,82 +10911,56 @@ function
- if tfmtable then
+ if tfmdata then
+ local properties =
+ local embedding
if directive_embedall then
- tfmtable.embedding = "full"
- elseif tfmtable.filename and fonts.dontembed[tfmtable.filename] then
- tfmtable.embedding = "no"
+ embedding = "full"
+ elseif properties.filename and constructors.dontembed[properties.filename] then
+ embedding = "no"
- tfmtable.embedding = "subset"
+ embedding = "subset"
- -- fonts.goodies.postprocessors.apply(tfmdata) -- only here
- local postprocessors = tfmtable.postprocessors
- if postprocessors then
- for i=1,#postprocessors do
- local extrahash = postprocessors[i](tfmtable) -- after scaling etc
- if type(extrahash) == "string" and extrahash ~= "" then
- -- e.g. a reencoding needs this
- extrahash = gsub(lower(extrahash),"[^a-z]","-")
- tfmtable.fullname = format("%s-%s",tfmtable.fullname,extrahash)
- end
- end
+ if properties then
+ properties.embedding = embedding
+ else
+ = { embedding = embedding }
- --
- tfm.fonts[hash] = tfmtable
- fonts.designsizes[specification.hash] = tfmtable.designsize -- we only know this for sure after loading once
- --~ tfmtable.mode = specification.features.normal.mode or "base"
+ tfmdata = definers.applypostprocessors(tfmdata)
+ loadedfonts[hash] = tfmdata
+ designsizes[specification.hash] = tfmdata.parameters.designsize
- if not tfmtable then
+ if not tfmdata then
report_defining("font with asked name '%s' is not found using lookup '%s'",,specification.lookup)
- return tfmtable
+ return tfmdata
<p>For virtual fonts we need a slightly different approach:</p>
-function tfm.readanddefine(name,size) -- no id
+function constructors.readanddefine(name,size) -- no id -- maybe a dummy first
local specification = definers.analyze(name,size)
local method = specification.method
if method and variants[method] then
specification = variants[method](specification)
specification = definers.resolve(specification)
- local hash = tfm.hashinstance(specification)
+ local hash = constructors.hashinstance(specification)
local id = definers.registered(hash)
if not id then
- local tfmdata =
+ local tfmdata = definers.loadfont(specification)
if tfmdata then
- tfmdata.hash = hash
+ = hash
id = font.define(tfmdata)
- tfm.cleanuptable(tfmdata)
id = 0 -- signal
- return fonts.identifiers[id], id
-<p>We need to check for default features. For this we provide
-a helper function.</p>
-function definers.check(features,defaults) -- nb adapts features !
- local done = false
- if features and next(features) then
- for k,v in next, defaults do
- if features[k] == nil then
- features[k], done = v, true
- end
- end
- else
- features, done = table.fastcopy(defaults), true
- end
- return features, done -- done signals a change
+ return fontdata[id], id
@@ -15691,42 +10982,24 @@ function definers.current() -- or maybe current
return lastdefined
-function definers.register(tfmdata,id) -- will be overloaded
+function definers.registered(hash)
+ local id = internalized[hash]
+ return id, id and fontdata[id]
+function definers.register(tfmdata,id)
if tfmdata and id then
- local hash = tfmdata.hash
+ local hash =
if not internalized[hash] then
+ internalized[hash] = id
if trace_defining then
report_defining("registering font, id: %s, hash: %s",id or "?",hash or "?")
- fonts.identifiers[id] = tfmdata
- internalized[hash] = id
+ fontdata[id] = tfmdata
-function definers.registered(hash) -- will be overloaded
- local id = internalized[hash]
- return id, id and fonts.identifiers[id]
-local cache_them = false
-function tfm.make(specification)
- -- currently fonts are scaled while constructing the font, so we
- -- have to do scaling of commands in the vf at that point using
- -- e.g. "local scale = g.factor or 1" after all, we need to work
- -- with copies anyway and scaling needs to be done at some point;
- -- however, when virtual tricks are used as feature (makes more
- -- sense) we scale the commands in fonts.tfm.scale (and set the
- -- factor there)
- local fvm = definers.methods.variants[specification.features.vtf.preset]
- if fvm then
- return fvm(specification)
- else
- return nil
- end
function,size,id) -- id can be optional, name can already be table
if type(specification) == "string" then
@@ -15737,26 +11010,13 @@ function,size,id) -- id can be optional, name can al
specification = variants[method](specification)
specification = definers.resolve(specification)
- local hash = tfm.hashinstance(specification)
- if cache_them then
- local tfmdata =,hash) -- for tracing purposes
- end
+ local hash = constructors.hashinstance(specification)
local tfmdata = definers.registered(hash) -- id
if not tfmdata then
- if specification.features.vtf and specification.features.vtf.preset then
- tfmdata = tfm.make(specification)
- else
- tfmdata =
- if tfmdata then
- tfm.checkvirtualid(tfmdata)
- end
- end
- if cache_them then
- tfmdata = containers.write(fonts.cache,hash,tfmdata) -- for tracing purposes
- end
+ tfmdata = definers.loadfont(specification) -- can be overloaded
if tfmdata then
- tfmdata.hash = hash
- tfmdata.cache = "no"
+--~ constructors.checkvirtualid(tfmdata) -- interferes
+ = hash
if id then
@@ -15766,116 +11026,82 @@ function,size,id) -- id can be optional, name can al
if not tfmdata then -- or id?
report_defining( "unknown font %s, loading aborted",
elseif trace_defining and type(tfmdata) == "table" then
+ constructors.finalize(tfmdata)
+ -- local properties = or { }
+ -- local parameters = tfmdata.parameters or { }
report_defining("using %s font with id %s, name:%s size:%s bytes:%s encoding:%s fullname:%s filename:%s",
- tfmdata.type or "unknown",
- id or "?",
- or "?",
- tfmdata.size or "default",
- tfmdata.encodingbytes or "?",
- tfmdata.encodingname or "unicode",
- tfmdata.fullname or "?",
- file.basename(tfmdata.filename or "?"))
+ properties.type or "unknown",
+ id or "?",
+ or "?",
+ parameters.size or "default",
+ properties.encodingbytes or "?",
+ properties.encodingname or "unicode",
+ properties.fullname or "?",
+ file.basename(properties.filename or "?"))
return tfmdata
-function vf.find(name)
- name = file.removesuffix(file.basename(name))
- if tfm.resolvevirtualtoo then
- local format = fonts.logger.format(name)
- if format == 'tfm' or format == 'ofm' then
- if trace_defining then
- report_defining("locating vf for %s",name)
- end
- return findbinfile(name,"ovf")
- else
- if trace_defining then
- report_defining("vf for %s is already taken care of",name)
- end
- return nil -- ""
- end
- else
- if trace_defining then
- report_defining("locating vf for %s",name)
- end
- return findbinfile(name,"ovf")
- end
-<p>We overload both the <l n='tfm'/> and <l n='vf'/> readers.</p>
+<p>We overload the <l n='tfm'/> reader.</p>
-callbacks.register('define_font' ,, "definition of fonts (tfmtable preparation)")
-callbacks.register('find_vf_file', vf.find, "locating virtual fonts, insofar needed") -- not that relevant any more
+callbacks.register('define_font' ,, "definition of fonts (tfmdata preparation)")
end -- closure
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-xtx'] = {
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-font-def'] = {
version = 1.001,
- comment = "companion to font-ini.mkiv",
+ comment = "companion to luatex-*.tex",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
license = "see context related readme files"
-local texsprint, count = tex.sprint, tex.count
-local format, concat, gmatch, match, find, lower = string.format, table.concat, string.gmatch, string.match, string.find, string.lower
-local tostring, next = tostring, next
-local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+if context then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context")
+ os.exit()
-local trace_defining = false trackers.register("fonts.defining", function(v) trace_defining = v end)
+local fonts = fonts
-<p>Choosing a font by name and specififying its size is only part of the
-game. In order to prevent complex commands, <l n='xetex'/> introduced
-a method to pass feature information as part of the font name. At the
-risk of introducing nasty parsing and compatinility problems, this
-syntax was expanded over time.</p>
-<p>For the sake of users who have defined fonts using that syntax, we
-will support it, but we will provide additional methods as well.
-Normally users will not use this direct way, but use a more abstract
-<p>The next one is the official one. However, in the plain
-variant we need to support the crappy [] specification as
-well and that does not work too well with the general design
-of the specifier.</p>
+-- A bit of tuning for definitions.
-local fonts = fonts
-local definers = fonts.definers
-local specifiers = definers.specifiers
-local normalize_meanings = fonts.otf.meanings.normalize
+fonts.constructors.namemode = "specification" -- somehow latex needs this (changed name!) => will change into an overload
-local list = { }
+-- tricky: we sort of bypass the parser and directly feed all into
+-- the sub parser
-specifiers.colonizedpreference = "file"
+function fonts.definers.getspecification(str)
+ return "", str, "", ":", str
-local function issome () list.lookup = specifiers.colonizedpreference end
-local function isfile () list.lookup = 'file' end
-local function isname () list.lookup = 'name' end
-local function thename(s) = s end
-local function issub (v) list.sub = v end
-local function iscrap (s) list.crap = string.lower(s) end
-local function istrue (s) list[s] = 'yes' end
-local function isfalse(s) list[s] = 'no' end
-local function iskey (k,v) list[k] = v end
+-- the generic name parser (different from context!)
-local function istrue (s) list[s] = true end
-local function isfalse(s) list[s] = false end
+local list = { }
+local function issome () list.lookup = 'name' end -- xetex mode prefers name (not in context!)
+local function isfile () list.lookup = 'file' end
+local function isname () list.lookup = 'name' end
+local function thename(s) = s end
+local function issub (v) list.sub = v end
+local function iscrap (s) list.crap = string.lower(s) end
+local function iskey (k,v) list[k] = v end
+local function istrue (s) list[s] = true end
+local function isfalse(s) list[s] = false end
local P, S, R, C = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.C
local spaces = P(" ")^0
local namespec = (1-S("/:("))^0 -- was: (1-S("/: ("))^0
local crapspec = spaces * P("/") * (((1-P(":"))^0)/iscrap) * spaces
-local filename = (P("file:")/isfile * (namespec/thename)) + (P("[") * P(true)/isname * (((1-P("]"))^0)/thename) * P("]"))
-local fontname = (P("name:")/isname * (namespec/thename)) + P(true)/issome * (namespec/thename)
+local filename_1 = P("file:")/isfile * (namespec/thename)
+local filename_2 = P("[") * P(true)/isname * (((1-P("]"))^0)/thename) * P("]")
+local fontname_1 = P("name:")/isname * (namespec/thename)
+local fontname_2 = P(true)/issome * (namespec/thename)
local sometext = (R("az","AZ","09") + S("+-."))^1
local truevalue = P("+") * spaces * (sometext/istrue)
local falsevalue = P("-") * spaces * (sometext/isfalse)
@@ -15884,17 +11110,12 @@ local somevalue = sometext/istrue
local subvalue = P("(") * (C(P(1-S("()"))^1)/issub) * P(")") -- for Kim
local option = spaces * (keyvalue + falsevalue + truevalue + somevalue) * spaces
local options = P(":") * spaces * (P(";")^0 * option)^0
-local pattern = (filename + fontname) * subvalue^0 * crapspec^0 * options^0
+local pattern = (filename_1 + filename_2 + fontname_1 + fontname_2) * subvalue^0 * crapspec^0 * options^0
local function colonized(specification) -- xetex mode
list = { }
- lpegmatch(pattern,specification.specification)
- -- for k, v in next, list do
- -- list[k] = is_boolean(v)
- -- if type(list[a]) == "nil" then
- -- list[k] = v
- -- end
- -- end
+ lpeg.match(pattern,specification.specification)
list.crap = nil -- style not supported, maybe some day
if then =
@@ -15908,18 +11129,33 @@ local function colonized(specification) -- xetex mode
specification.sub = list.sub
list.sub = nil
- -- specification.features.normal = list
- specification.features.normal = normalize_meanings(list)
+ specification.features.normal = fonts.handlers.otf.features.normalize(list)
return specification
+fonts.definers.registersplit("", colonized,"more cryptic") -- catches \font\text=[names]
+function definers.applypostprocessors(tfmdata)
+ local postprocessors = tfmdata.postprocessors
+ if postprocessors then
+ for i=1,#postprocessors do
+ local extrahash = postprocessors[i](tfmdata) -- after scaling etc
+ if type(extrahash) == "string" and extrahash ~= "" then
+ -- e.g. a reencoding needs this
+ extrahash = string.gsub(lower(extrahash),"[^a-z]","-")
+ = format("%s-%s",,extrahash)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return tfmdata
end -- closure
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-dum'] = {
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-fonts-ext'] = {
version = 1.001,
comment = "companion to luatex-*.tex",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
@@ -15927,125 +11163,46 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-dum'] = {
license = "see context related readme files"
-fonts = fonts or { }
--- general
-fonts.otf.pack = false -- only makes sense in context
-fonts.tfm.resolvevirtualtoo = false -- context specific (due to resolver)
-fonts.tfm.fontnamemode = "specification" -- somehow latex needs this (changed name!)
--- readers
-fonts.tfm.readers = fonts.tfm.readers or { }
-fonts.tfm.readers.sequence = { 'otf', 'ttf', 'tfm', 'lua' }
-fonts.tfm.readers.afm = nil
--- define
-fonts.definers = fonts.definers or { }
-fonts.definers.specifiers = fonts.definers.specifiers or { }
-fonts.definers.specifiers.colonizedpreference = "name" -- is "file" in context
-function fonts.definers.getspecification(str)
- return "", str, "", ":", str
-fonts.definers.registersplit("",fonts.definers.specifiers.variants[":"]) -- we add another one for catching lone [names]
--- logger
-fonts.logger = fonts.logger or { }
--- names
--- Watch out, the version number is the same as the one used in
--- the mtx-fonts.lua function scripts.fonts.names as we use a
--- simplified font database in the plain solution and by using
--- a different number we're less dependent on context.
-fonts.names = fonts.names or { }
-fonts.names.version = 1.001 -- not the same as in context
-fonts.names.basename = "luatex-fonts-names.lua"
-fonts.names.new_to_old = { }
-fonts.names.old_to_new = { }
-local data, loaded = nil, false
-local fileformats = { "lua", "tex", "other text files" }
-function fonts.names.resolve(name,sub)
- if not loaded then
- local basename = fonts.names.basename
- if basename and basename ~= "" then
- for i=1,#fileformats do
- local format = fileformats[i]
- local foundname = resolvers.findfile(basename,format) or ""
- if foundname ~= "" then
- data = dofile(foundname)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- loaded = true
- end
- if type(data) == "table" and data.version == fonts.names.version then
- local condensed = string.gsub(string.lower(name),"[^%a%d]","")
- local found = data.mappings and data.mappings[condensed]
- if found then
- local fontname, filename, subfont = found[1], found[2], found[3]
- if subfont then
- return filename, fontname
- else
- return filename, false
- end
- else
- return name, false -- fallback to filename
- end
- end
-fonts.names.resolvespec = fonts.names.resolve -- only supported in mkiv
-function fonts.names.getfilename(askedname,suffix) -- only supported in mkiv
- return ""
+if context then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context")
+ os.exit()
--- For the moment we put this (adapted) pseudo feature here.
+local fonts = fonts
+local otffeatures = fonts.constructors.newfeatures("otf")
+-- A few generic extensions.
-local function itlc(tfmdata,value)
+local function initializeitlc(tfmdata,value)
if value then
-- the magic 40 and it formula come from Dohyun Kim
- local metadata = tfmdata.shared.otfdata.metadata
- if metadata then
- local italicangle = metadata.italicangle
- if italicangle and italicangle ~= 0 then
- local uwidth = (metadata.uwidth or 40)/2
- for unicode, d in next, tfmdata.descriptions do
- local it = d.boundingbox[3] - d.width + uwidth
- if it ~= 0 then
- d.italic = it
- end
+ local parameters = tfmdata.parameters
+ local italicangle = parameters.italicangle
+ if italicangle and italicangle ~= 0 then
+ local uwidth = (parameters.uwidth or 40)/2
+ for unicode, d in next, tfmdata.descriptions do
+ local it = d.boundingbox[3] - d.width + uwidth
+ if it ~= 0 then
+ d.italic = it
- tfmdata.has_italic = true
+ = true
-fonts.initializers.base.otf.itlc = itlc
-fonts.initializers.node.otf.itlc = itlc
+otffeatures.register {
+ name = "itlc",
+ description = "italic correction",
+ initializers = {
+ base = initializeitlc,
+ node = initializeitlc,
+ }
-- slant and extend
-function fonts.initializers.common.slant(tfmdata,value)
+local function initializeslant(tfmdata,value)
value = tonumber(value)
if not value then
value = 0
@@ -16054,10 +11211,19 @@ function fonts.initializers.common.slant(tfmdata,value)
elseif value < -1 then
value = -1
- tfmdata.slant_factor = value
+ tfmdata.parameters.slant_factor = value
-function fonts.initializers.common.extend(tfmdata,value)
+otffeatures.register {
+ name = "slant",
+ description = "slant glyphs",
+ initializers = {
+ base = initializeslant,
+ node = initializeslant,
+ }
+local function initializeextend(tfmdata,value)
value = tonumber(value)
if not value then
value = 0
@@ -16066,31 +11232,34 @@ function fonts.initializers.common.extend(tfmdata,value)
elseif value < -10 then
value = -10
- tfmdata.extend_factor = value
+ tfmdata.parameters.extend_factor = value
-fonts.initializers.base.otf.slant = fonts.initializers.common.slant
-fonts.initializers.node.otf.slant = fonts.initializers.common.slant
-fonts.initializers.base.otf.extend = fonts.initializers.common.extend
-fonts.initializers.node.otf.extend = fonts.initializers.common.extend
+otffeatures.register {
+ name = "extend",
+ description = "scale glyphs horizontally",
+ initializers = {
+ base = initializeextend,
+ node = initializeextend,
+ }
-- expansion and protrusion
fonts.protrusions = fonts.protrusions or { }
fonts.protrusions.setups = fonts.protrusions.setups or { }
-local setups = fonts.protrusions.setups
+local setups = fonts.protrusions.setups
-function fonts.initializers.common.protrusion(tfmdata,value)
+local function initializeprotrusion(tfmdata,value)
if value then
local setup = setups[value]
if setup then
local factor, left, right = setup.factor or 1, setup.left or 1, setup.right or 1
local emwidth = tfmdata.parameters.quad
- tfmdata.auto_protrude = true
+ tfmdata.parameters.protrusion = {
+ auto = true,
+ }
for i, chr in next, tfmdata.characters do
local v, pl, pr = setup[i], nil, nil
if v then
@@ -16103,17 +11272,31 @@ function fonts.initializers.common.protrusion(tfmdata,value)
+otffeatures.register {
+ name = "protrusion",
+ description = "shift characters into the left and or right margin",
+ initializers = {
+ base = initializeprotrusion,
+ node = initializeprotrusion,
+ }
fonts.expansions = fonts.expansions or { }
fonts.expansions.setups = fonts.expansions.setups or { }
local setups = fonts.expansions.setups
-function fonts.initializers.common.expansion(tfmdata,value)
+local function initializeexpansion(tfmdata,value)
if value then
local setup = setups[value]
if setup then
- local stretch, shrink, step, factor = setup.stretch or 0, setup.shrink or 0, setup.step or 0, setup.factor or 1
- tfmdata.stretch, tfmdata.shrink, tfmdata.step, tfmdata.auto_expand = stretch * 10, shrink * 10, step * 10, true
+ local factor = setup.factor or 1
+ tfmdata.parameters.expansion = {
+ stretch = 10 * (setup.stretch or 0),
+ shrink = 10 * (setup.shrink or 0),
+ step = 10 * (setup.step or 0),
+ auto = true,
+ }
for i, chr in next, tfmdata.characters do
local v = setup[i]
if v and v ~= 0 then
@@ -16126,18 +11309,18 @@ function fonts.initializers.common.expansion(tfmdata,value)
-fonts.initializers.base.otf.protrusion = fonts.initializers.common.protrusion
-fonts.initializers.node.otf.protrusion = fonts.initializers.common.protrusion
-fonts.initializers.base.otf.expansion = fonts.initializers.common.expansion
-fonts.initializers.node.otf.expansion = fonts.initializers.common.expansion
+otffeatures.register {
+ name = "expansion",
+ description = "apply hz optimization",
+ initializers = {
+ base = initializeexpansion,
+ node = initializeexpansion,
+ }
-- left over
-function fonts.registermessage()
+function fonts.loggers.onetimemessage() end
-- example vectors
@@ -16179,68 +11362,37 @@ fonts.protrusions.setups['default'] = {
-- normalizer
-fonts.otf.meanings = fonts.otf.meanings or { }
-fonts.otf.meanings.normalize = fonts.otf.meanings.normalize or function(t)
+fonts.handlers.otf.features.normalize = function(t)
if t.rand then
t.rand = "random"
--- needed (different in context)
-function fonts.otf.scriptandlanguage(tfmdata)
- return tfmdata.script, tfmdata.language
+ return t
-- bonus
-function fonts.otf.nametoslot(name)
- local tfmdata = fonts.identifiers[font.current()]
- if tfmdata and tfmdata.shared then
- local otfdata = tfmdata.shared.otfdata
- local unicode = otfdata.luatex.unicodes[name]
- return unicode and (type(unicode) == "number" and unicode or unicode[1])
+function fonts.helpers.nametoslot(name)
+ local t = type(name)
+ if t == "string" then
+ local tfmdata = fonts.hashes.identifiers[currentfont()]
+ local shared = tfmdata and tfmdata.shared
+ local fntdata = shared and shared.rawdata
+ return fntdata and fntdata.resources.unicodes[name]
+ elseif t == "number" then
+ return n
-function fonts.otf.char(n)
- if type(n) == "string" then
- n = fonts.otf.nametoslot(n)
- end
- if type(n) == "number" then
- tex.sprint("\\char" .. n)
- end
--- another one:
-fonts.strippables = table.tohash {
- 0x000AD, 0x017B4, 0x017B5, 0x0200B, 0x0200C, 0x0200D, 0x0200E, 0x0200F, 0x0202A, 0x0202B,
- 0x0202C, 0x0202D, 0x0202E, 0x02060, 0x02061, 0x02062, 0x02063, 0x0206A, 0x0206B, 0x0206C,
- 0x0206D, 0x0206E, 0x0206F, 0x0FEFF, 0x1D173, 0x1D174, 0x1D175, 0x1D176, 0x1D177, 0x1D178,
- 0x1D179, 0x1D17A, 0xE0001, 0xE0020, 0xE0021, 0xE0022, 0xE0023, 0xE0024, 0xE0025, 0xE0026,
- 0xE0027, 0xE0028, 0xE0029, 0xE002A, 0xE002B, 0xE002C, 0xE002D, 0xE002E, 0xE002F, 0xE0030,
- 0xE0031, 0xE0032, 0xE0033, 0xE0034, 0xE0035, 0xE0036, 0xE0037, 0xE0038, 0xE0039, 0xE003A,
- 0xE003B, 0xE003C, 0xE003D, 0xE003E, 0xE003F, 0xE0040, 0xE0041, 0xE0042, 0xE0043, 0xE0044,
- 0xE0045, 0xE0046, 0xE0047, 0xE0048, 0xE0049, 0xE004A, 0xE004B, 0xE004C, 0xE004D, 0xE004E,
- 0xE004F, 0xE0050, 0xE0051, 0xE0052, 0xE0053, 0xE0054, 0xE0055, 0xE0056, 0xE0057, 0xE0058,
- 0xE0059, 0xE005A, 0xE005B, 0xE005C, 0xE005D, 0xE005E, 0xE005F, 0xE0060, 0xE0061, 0xE0062,
- 0xE0063, 0xE0064, 0xE0065, 0xE0066, 0xE0067, 0xE0068, 0xE0069, 0xE006A, 0xE006B, 0xE006C,
- 0xE006D, 0xE006E, 0xE006F, 0xE0070, 0xE0071, 0xE0072, 0xE0073, 0xE0074, 0xE0075, 0xE0076,
- 0xE0077, 0xE0078, 0xE0079, 0xE007A, 0xE007B, 0xE007C, 0xE007D, 0xE007E, 0xE007F,
-- \font\test=file:somefont:reencode=mymessup
--- fonts.enc.reencodings.mymessup = {
+-- fonts.encodings.reencodings.mymessup = {
-- [109] = 110, -- m
-- [110] = 109, -- n
-- }
-fonts.enc = fonts.enc or {}
-local reencodings = { }
-fonts.enc.reencodings = reencodings
+fonts.encodings = fonts.encodings or { }
+local reencodings = { }
+fonts.encodings.reencodings = reencodings
local function specialreencode(tfmdata,value)
-- we forget about kerns as we assume symbols and we
@@ -16271,7 +11423,86 @@ local function reencode(tfmdata,value)
-fonts.initializers.base.otf.reencode = reencode
+otffeatures.register {
+ name = "reencode",
+ description = "reencode characters",
+ manipulators = {
+ base = reencode,
+ node = reencode,
+ }
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-fonts-cbk'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luatex-*.tex",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+if context then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context")
+ os.exit()
+local fonts = fonts
+local nodes = nodes
+-- Fonts: (might move to node-gef.lua)
+local traverse_id = node.traverse_id
+local glyph_code = nodes.nodecodes.glyph
+function nodes.handlers.characters(head)
+ local fontdata = fonts.hashes.identifiers
+ if fontdata then
+ local usedfonts, done, prevfont = { }, false, nil
+ for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do
+ local font = n.font
+ if font ~= prevfont then
+ prevfont = font
+ local used = usedfonts[font]
+ if not used then
+ local tfmdata = fontdata[font] --
+ if tfmdata then
+ local shared = tfmdata.shared -- we need to check shared, only when same features
+ if shared then
+ local processors = shared.processes
+ if processors and #processors > 0 then
+ usedfonts[font] = processors
+ done = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if done then
+ for font, processors in next, usedfonts do
+ for i=1,#processors do
+ local h, d = processors[i](head,font,0)
+ head, done = h or head, done or d
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return head, true
+ else
+ return head, false
+ end
+function nodes.simple_font_handler(head)
+-- lang.hyphenate(head)
+ head = nodes.handlers.characters(head)
+ nodes.injections.handler(head)
+ nodes.handlers.protectglyphs(head)
+ head = node.ligaturing(head)
+ head = node.kerning(head)
+ return head
end -- closure
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-syn.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-syn.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36a74d0f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-syn.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-fonts-syn'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luatex-*.tex",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+if context then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context")
+ os.exit()
+-- Generic font names support.
+-- Watch out, the version number is the same as the one used in
+-- the mtx-fonts.lua function scripts.fonts.names as we use a
+-- simplified font database in the plain solution and by using
+-- a different number we're less dependent on context.
+-- mtxrun --script font --reload --simple
+-- The format of the file is as follows:
+-- return {
+-- ["version"] = 1.001,
+-- ["mappings"] = {
+-- ["somettcfontone"] = { "Some TTC Font One", "SomeFontA.ttc", 1 },
+-- ["somettcfonttwo"] = { "Some TTC Font Two", "SomeFontA.ttc", 2 },
+-- ["somettffont"] = { "Some TTF Font", "SomeFontB.ttf" },
+-- ["someotffont"] = { "Some OTF Font", "SomeFontC.otf" },
+-- },
+-- }
+local fonts = fonts
+fonts.names = fonts.names or { }
+fonts.names.version = 1.001 -- not the same as in context
+fonts.names.basename = "luatex-fonts-names.lua"
+fonts.names.new_to_old = { }
+fonts.names.old_to_new = { }
+local data, loaded = nil, false
+local fileformats = { "lua", "tex", "other text files" }
+function fonts.names.resolve(name,sub)
+ if not loaded then
+ local basename = fonts.names.basename
+ if basename and basename ~= "" then
+ for i=1,#fileformats do
+ local format = fileformats[i]
+ local foundname = resolvers.findfile(basename,format) or ""
+ if foundname ~= "" then
+ data = dofile(foundname)
+ texio.write("<font database loaded: ",foundname,">")
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ loaded = true
+ end
+ if type(data) == "table" and data.version == fonts.names.version then
+ local condensed = string.gsub(string.lower(name),"[^%a%d]","")
+ local found = data.mappings and data.mappings[condensed]
+ if found then
+ local fontname, filename, subfont = found[1], found[2], found[3]
+ if subfont then
+ return filename, fontname
+ else
+ return filename, false
+ end
+ else
+ return name, false -- fallback to filename
+ end
+ end
+fonts.names.resolvespec = fonts.names.resolve -- only supported in mkiv
+function fonts.names.getfilename(askedname,suffix) -- only supported in mkiv
+ return ""
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-tfm.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-tfm.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9bb1bd0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts-tfm.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-fonts-tfm'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luatex-*.tex",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+if context then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context")
+ os.exit()
+local fonts = fonts
+local tfm = { }
+fonts.handlers.tfm = tfm
+fonts.formats.tfm = "type1" -- we need to have at least a value here
+function fonts.readers.tfm(specification)
+ local fullname = specification.filename or ""
+ if fullname == "" then
+ local forced = specification.forced or ""
+ if forced ~= "" then
+ fullname = .. "." .. forced
+ else
+ fullname =
+ end
+ end
+ local foundname = resolvers.findbinfile(fullname, 'tfm') or ""
+ if foundname == "" then
+ foundname = resolvers.findbinfile(fullname, 'ofm') or ""
+ end
+ if foundname ~= "" then
+ specification.filename = foundname
+ specification.format = "ofm"
+ return font.read_tfm(specification.filename,specification.size)
+ end
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts.lua
index c96dada77..84d79a63f 100644
--- a/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts.lua
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex-fonts.lua
@@ -6,8 +6,58 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-fonts'] = {
license = "see context related readme files"
+-- The following code isolates the generic ConTeXt code from already
+-- defined or to be defined namespaces.
+-- todo: all global namespaces in called modules will get local shortcuts
+utf = unicode.utf8
+if not generic_context then
+ generic_context = { }
+if not generic_context.push_namespaces then
+ function generic_context.push_namespaces()
+ texio.write(" <push namespace>")
+ local normalglobal = { }
+ for k, v in next, _G do
+ normalglobal[k] = v
+ end
+ return normalglobal
+ end
+ function generic_context.pop_namespaces(normalglobal,isolate)
+ if normalglobal then
+ texio.write(" <pop namespace>")
+ for k, v in next, _G do
+ if not normalglobal[k] then
+ generic_context[k] = v
+ if isolate then
+ _G[k] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for k, v in next, normalglobal do
+ _G[k] = v
+ end
+ -- just to be sure:
+ setmetatable(generic_context,_G)
+ else
+ texio.write(" <fatal error: invalid pop of generic_context>")
+ os.exit()
+ end
+ end
+local whatever = generic_context.push_namespaces()
-- We keep track of load time by storing the current time. That
--- way we cannot be accused of slowing down luading too much.
+-- way we cannot be accused of slowing down loading too much.
-- Please don't update to this version without proper testing. It
-- might be that this version lags behind stock context and the only
@@ -58,7 +108,8 @@ if fonts then
texio.write_nl("log", "! if you have ConTeXt installed you can try to delete the file")
texio.write_nl("log", "! 'luatex-font-merged.lua' as I might then use the possibly")
texio.write_nl("log", "! updated libraries. The merged version is not supported as it")
- texio.write_nl("log", "! is a frozen instance.")
+ texio.write_nl("log", "! is a frozen instance. Problems can be reported to the ConTeXt")
+ texio.write_nl("log", "! mailing list.")
texio.write_nl("log", "!")
@@ -83,24 +134,20 @@ else
-- lack of other modules.
-- First we load a few helper modules. This is about the miminum
- -- needed to let the font modules do theuir work.
+ -- needed to let the font modules do their work. Don't depend on
+ -- their functions as we might strip them in future versions of
+ -- this generic variant.
- loadmodule('luat-dum.lua') -- not used in context at all
- loadmodule('data-con.lua') -- maybe some day we don't need this one
+ loadmodule('luatex-basics-gen.lua')
+ loadmodule('data-con.lua')
- -- We do need some basic node support although the following
- -- modules contain a little bit of code that is not used. It's
- -- not worth weeding. Beware, in node-dum some functions use
- -- fonts.* tables, not that nice but I don't want two dummy
- -- files. Some day I will sort this out (no problem in context).
+ -- We do need some basic node support. The code in there is not for
+ -- general use as it might change.
- loadmodule('node-dum.lua')
- loadmodule('node-inj.lua') -- will be replaced (luatex >= .70)
+ loadmodule('luatex-basics-nod.lua')
-- Now come the font modules that deal with traditional TeX fonts
- -- as well as open type fonts. We don't load the afm related code
- -- from font-enc.lua and font-afm.lua as only ConTeXt deals with
- -- it.
+ -- as well as open type fonts. We only support OpenType fonts here.
-- The font database file (if used at all) must be put someplace
-- visible for kpse and is not shared with ConTeXt. The mtx-fonts
@@ -108,37 +155,58 @@ else
-- option).
- loadmodule('font-tfm.lua') -- will be split (we may need font-log)
+ loadmodule('font-con.lua')
+ loadmodule('luatex-fonts-enc.lua') -- will load font-age on demand
- loadmodule('font-ott.lua') -- might be split
- loadmodule('font-map.lua') -- for loading lum file (will be stripped)
- loadmodule('font-lua.lua')
- loadmodule('font-otf.lua')
- loadmodule('font-otd.lua')
+ loadmodule('font-map.lua') -- for loading lum file (will be stripped)
+ loadmodule('luatex-fonts-syn.lua') -- deals with font names (synonyms)
+ loadmodule('luatex-fonts-tfm.lua')
+ loadmodule('font-otf.lua')
+ loadmodule('node-inj.lua') -- will be replaced (luatex >= .70)
- loadmodule('font-otc.lua')
- loadmodule('font-age.lua') -- special for this variant
+ loadmodule('luatex-fonts-lua.lua')
- loadmodule('font-xtx.lua')
- loadmodule('font-dum.lua')
+ loadmodule('luatex-fonts-def.lua')
+ loadmodule('luatex-fonts-ext.lua') -- some extensions
+ -- We need to plug into a callback and the following module implements
+ -- the handlers. Actual plugging in happens later.
+ loadmodule('luatex-fonts-cbk.lua')
resolvers.loadmodule = loadmodule
-- In order to deal with the fonts we need to initialize some
--- callbacks. One can overload them later on if needed.
+-- callbacks. One can overload them later on if needed. First
+-- a bit of abstraction.
+generic_context.callback_ligaturing = false
+generic_context.callback_kerning = false
+generic_context.callback_pre_linebreak_filter = nodes.simple_font_handler
+generic_context.callback_hpack_filter = nodes.simple_font_handler
+generic_context.callback_define_font =
+-- The next ones can be done at a different moment if needed. You can create
+-- a generic_context namespace and set no_callbacks_yet to true, load this
+-- module, and enable the callbacks later.
+if not generic_context.no_callbacks_yet then
-callback.register('ligaturing', false)
-callback.register('kerning', false)
-callback.register('pre_linebreak_filter', nodes.simple_font_handler)
-callback.register('hpack_filter', nodes.simple_font_handler)
-callback.register('define_font' ,
-callback.register('find_vf_file', nil) -- reset to normal
+ callback.register('ligaturing', generic_context.callback_ligaturing)
+ callback.register('kerning', generic_context.callback_kerning)
+ callback.register('pre_linebreak_filter', generic_context.callback_pre_linebreak_filter)
+ callback.register('hpack_filter', generic_context.callback_hpack_filter)
+ callback.register('define_font' , generic_context.callback_define_font)
-- We're done.
texio.write(string.format(" <luatex-fonts.lua loaded in %0.3f seconds>", os.gettimeofday()-starttime))