path: root/tex/context/base/util-mrg.lua
diff options
authorMarius <>2013-05-20 03:20:28 +0300
committerMarius <>2013-05-20 03:20:28 +0300
commit5fc5cfb5014ddcc2942e13a559f4082fb66aa6e7 (patch)
tree53f81e99fac8c80ddd2fb70e233a7e5d5735722f /tex/context/base/util-mrg.lua
parent13ec4b540e0d46c97fd7b089e0b7413da81e0a9f (diff)
beta 2013.05.20 02:00
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/util-mrg.lua')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 228 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/util-mrg.lua b/tex/context/base/util-mrg.lua
index c50ae8a75..690188ef8 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/util-mrg.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/util-mrg.lua
@@ -1,228 +1,228 @@
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-mrg'] = {
- version = 1.001,
- comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files"
--- hm, quite unreadable
-local gsub, format = string.gsub, string.format
-local concat = table.concat
-local type, next = type, next
-local P, R, S, V, Ct, C, Cs, Cc, Cp, Cmt, Cb, Cg = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cb, lpeg.Cg
-local lpegmatch, patterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns
-utilities = utilities or { }
-local merger = utilities.merger or { }
-utilities.merger = merger
-merger.strip_comment = true
-local report = logs.reporter("system","merge") = report
-local m_begin_merge = "begin library merge"
-local m_end_merge = "end library merge"
-local m_begin_closure = "do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit"
-local m_end_closure = "end -- of closure"
-local m_pattern =
- "%c+" ..
- "%-%-%s+" .. m_begin_merge ..
- "%c+(.-)%c+" ..
- "%-%-%s+" .. m_end_merge ..
- "%c+"
-local m_format =
- "\n\n-- " .. m_begin_merge ..
- "\n%s\n" ..
- "-- " .. m_end_merge .. "\n\n"
-local m_faked =
- "-- " .. "created merged file" .. "\n\n" ..
- "-- " .. m_begin_merge .. "\n\n" ..
- "-- " .. m_end_merge .. "\n\n"
-local m_report = [[
--- used libraries : %s
--- skipped libraries : %s
--- original bytes : %s
--- stripped bytes : %s
-local m_preloaded = [[package.loaded[%q] = package.loaded[%q] or true]]
-local function self_fake()
- return m_faked
-local function self_nothing()
- return ""
-local function self_load(name)
- local data = io.loaddata(name) or ""
- if data == "" then
- report("unknown file %a",name)
- else
- report("inserting file %a",name)
- end
- return data or ""
--- -- saves some 20K .. scite comments
--- data = gsub(data,"%-%-~[^\n\r]*[\r\n]","")
--- -- saves some 20K .. ldx comments
--- data = gsub(data,"%-%-%[%[ldx%-%-.-%-%-ldx%]%]%-%-","")
-local space =
-local eol = patterns.newline
-local equals = P("=")^0
-local open = P("[") * Cg(equals,"init") * P("[") * P("\n")^-1
-local close = P("]") * C(equals) * P("]")
-local closeeq = Cmt(close * Cb("init"), function(s,i,a,b) return a == b end)
-local longstring = open * (1 - closeeq)^0 * close
-local quoted = patterns.quoted
-local digit = patterns.digit
-local emptyline = space^0 * eol
-local operator1 = P("<=") + P(">=") + P("~=") + P("..") + S("/^<>=*+%%")
-local operator2 = S("*+/")
-local operator3 = S("-")
-local operator4 = P("..")
-local separator = S(",;")
-local ignore = (P("]") * space^1 * P("=") * space^1 * P("]")) / "]=[" +
- (P("=") * space^1 * P("{")) / "={" +
- (P("(") * space^1) / "(" +
- (P("{") * (space+eol)^1 * P("}")) / "{}"
-local strings = quoted -- / function (s) print("<<"..s..">>") return s end
-local longcmt = (emptyline^0 * P("--") * longstring * emptyline^0) / ""
-local longstr = longstring
-local comment = emptyline^0 * P("--") * P("-")^0 * (1-eol)^0 * emptyline^1 / "\n"
-local optionalspaces = space^0 / ""
-local mandatespaces = space^1 / ""
-local optionalspacing = (eol+space)^0 / ""
-local mandatespacing = (eol+space)^1 / ""
-local pack = digit * space^1 * operator4 * optionalspacing +
- optionalspacing * operator1 * optionalspacing +
- optionalspacing * operator2 * optionalspaces +
- mandatespacing * operator3 * mandatespaces +
- optionalspaces * separator * optionalspaces
-local lines = emptyline^2 / "\n"
-local spaces = (space * space) / " "
------ spaces = ((space+eol)^1 ) / " "
-local compact = Cs ( (
- ignore +
- strings +
- longcmt +
- longstr +
- comment +
- pack +
- lines +
- spaces +
- 1
-)^1 )
-local strip = Cs((emptyline^2/"\n" + 1)^0)
-local stripreturn = Cs((1-P("return") * space^1 * P(1-space-eol)^1 * (space+eol)^0 * P(-1))^1)
-function merger.compact(data)
- return lpegmatch(strip,lpegmatch(compact,data))
-local function self_compact(data)
- local delta = 0
- if merger.strip_comment then
- local before = #data
- data = lpegmatch(compact,data)
- data = lpegmatch(strip,data) -- also strips in longstrings ... alas
- -- data = string.strip(data)
- local after = #data
- delta = before - after
- report("original size %s, compacted to %s, stripped %s",before,after,delta)
- data = format("-- original size: %s, stripped down to: %s\n\n%s",before,after,data)
- end
- return lpegmatch(stripreturn,data) or data, delta
-local function self_save(name, data)
- if data ~= "" then
- io.savedata(name,data)
- report("saving %s with size %s",name,#data)
- end
-local function self_swap(data,code)
- return data ~= "" and (gsub(data,m_pattern, function() return format(m_format,code) end, 1)) or ""
-local function self_libs(libs,list)
- local result, f, frozen, foundpath = { }, nil, false, nil
- result[#result+1] = "\n"
- if type(libs) == 'string' then libs = { libs } end
- if type(list) == 'string' then list = { list } end
- for i=1,#libs do
- local lib = libs[i]
- for j=1,#list do
- local pth = gsub(list[j],"\\","/") -- file.clean_path
- report("checking library path %a",pth)
- local name = pth .. "/" .. lib
- if lfs.isfile(name) then
- foundpath = pth
- end
- end
- if foundpath then break end
- end
- if foundpath then
- report("using library path %a",foundpath)
- local right, wrong, original, stripped = { }, { }, 0, 0
- for i=1,#libs do
- local lib = libs[i]
- local fullname = foundpath .. "/" .. lib
- if lfs.isfile(fullname) then
- report("using library %a",fullname)
- local preloaded = file.nameonly(lib)
- local data = io.loaddata(fullname,true)
- original = original + #data
- local data, delta = self_compact(data)
- right[#right+1] = lib
- result[#result+1] = m_begin_closure
- result[#result+1] = format(m_preloaded,preloaded,preloaded)
- result[#result+1] = data
- result[#result+1] = m_end_closure
- stripped = stripped + delta
- else
- report("skipping library %a",fullname)
- wrong[#wrong+1] = lib
- end
- end
- right = #right > 0 and concat(right," ") or "-"
- wrong = #wrong > 0 and concat(wrong," ") or "-"
- report("used libraries: %a",right)
- report("skipped libraries: %a",wrong)
- report("original bytes: %a",original)
- report("stripped bytes: %a",stripped)
- result[#result+1] = format(m_report,right,wrong,original,stripped)
- else
- report("no valid library path found")
- end
- return concat(result, "\n\n")
-function merger.selfcreate(libs,list,target)
- if target then
- self_save(target,self_swap(self_fake(),self_libs(libs,list)))
- end
-function merger.selfmerge(name,libs,list,target)
- self_save(target or name,self_swap(self_load(name),self_libs(libs,list)))
-function merger.selfclean(name)
- self_save(name,self_swap(self_load(name),self_nothing()))
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-mrg'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- hm, quite unreadable
+local gsub, format = string.gsub, string.format
+local concat = table.concat
+local type, next = type, next
+local P, R, S, V, Ct, C, Cs, Cc, Cp, Cmt, Cb, Cg = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cb, lpeg.Cg
+local lpegmatch, patterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns
+utilities = utilities or { }
+local merger = utilities.merger or { }
+utilities.merger = merger
+merger.strip_comment = true
+local report = logs.reporter("system","merge") = report
+local m_begin_merge = "begin library merge"
+local m_end_merge = "end library merge"
+local m_begin_closure = "do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit"
+local m_end_closure = "end -- of closure"
+local m_pattern =
+ "%c+" ..
+ "%-%-%s+" .. m_begin_merge ..
+ "%c+(.-)%c+" ..
+ "%-%-%s+" .. m_end_merge ..
+ "%c+"
+local m_format =
+ "\n\n-- " .. m_begin_merge ..
+ "\n%s\n" ..
+ "-- " .. m_end_merge .. "\n\n"
+local m_faked =
+ "-- " .. "created merged file" .. "\n\n" ..
+ "-- " .. m_begin_merge .. "\n\n" ..
+ "-- " .. m_end_merge .. "\n\n"
+local m_report = [[
+-- used libraries : %s
+-- skipped libraries : %s
+-- original bytes : %s
+-- stripped bytes : %s
+local m_preloaded = [[package.loaded[%q] = package.loaded[%q] or true]]
+local function self_fake()
+ return m_faked
+local function self_nothing()
+ return ""
+local function self_load(name)
+ local data = io.loaddata(name) or ""
+ if data == "" then
+ report("unknown file %a",name)
+ else
+ report("inserting file %a",name)
+ end
+ return data or ""
+-- -- saves some 20K .. scite comments
+-- data = gsub(data,"%-%-~[^\n\r]*[\r\n]","")
+-- -- saves some 20K .. ldx comments
+-- data = gsub(data,"%-%-%[%[ldx%-%-.-%-%-ldx%]%]%-%-","")
+local space =
+local eol = patterns.newline
+local equals = P("=")^0
+local open = P("[") * Cg(equals,"init") * P("[") * P("\n")^-1
+local close = P("]") * C(equals) * P("]")
+local closeeq = Cmt(close * Cb("init"), function(s,i,a,b) return a == b end)
+local longstring = open * (1 - closeeq)^0 * close
+local quoted = patterns.quoted
+local digit = patterns.digit
+local emptyline = space^0 * eol
+local operator1 = P("<=") + P(">=") + P("~=") + P("..") + S("/^<>=*+%%")
+local operator2 = S("*+/")
+local operator3 = S("-")
+local operator4 = P("..")
+local separator = S(",;")
+local ignore = (P("]") * space^1 * P("=") * space^1 * P("]")) / "]=[" +
+ (P("=") * space^1 * P("{")) / "={" +
+ (P("(") * space^1) / "(" +
+ (P("{") * (space+eol)^1 * P("}")) / "{}"
+local strings = quoted -- / function (s) print("<<"..s..">>") return s end
+local longcmt = (emptyline^0 * P("--") * longstring * emptyline^0) / ""
+local longstr = longstring
+local comment = emptyline^0 * P("--") * P("-")^0 * (1-eol)^0 * emptyline^1 / "\n"
+local optionalspaces = space^0 / ""
+local mandatespaces = space^1 / ""
+local optionalspacing = (eol+space)^0 / ""
+local mandatespacing = (eol+space)^1 / ""
+local pack = digit * space^1 * operator4 * optionalspacing +
+ optionalspacing * operator1 * optionalspacing +
+ optionalspacing * operator2 * optionalspaces +
+ mandatespacing * operator3 * mandatespaces +
+ optionalspaces * separator * optionalspaces
+local lines = emptyline^2 / "\n"
+local spaces = (space * space) / " "
+----- spaces = ((space+eol)^1 ) / " "
+local compact = Cs ( (
+ ignore +
+ strings +
+ longcmt +
+ longstr +
+ comment +
+ pack +
+ lines +
+ spaces +
+ 1
+)^1 )
+local strip = Cs((emptyline^2/"\n" + 1)^0)
+local stripreturn = Cs((1-P("return") * space^1 * P(1-space-eol)^1 * (space+eol)^0 * P(-1))^1)
+function merger.compact(data)
+ return lpegmatch(strip,lpegmatch(compact,data))
+local function self_compact(data)
+ local delta = 0
+ if merger.strip_comment then
+ local before = #data
+ data = lpegmatch(compact,data)
+ data = lpegmatch(strip,data) -- also strips in longstrings ... alas
+ -- data = string.strip(data)
+ local after = #data
+ delta = before - after
+ report("original size %s, compacted to %s, stripped %s",before,after,delta)
+ data = format("-- original size: %s, stripped down to: %s\n\n%s",before,after,data)
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(stripreturn,data) or data, delta
+local function self_save(name, data)
+ if data ~= "" then
+ io.savedata(name,data)
+ report("saving %s with size %s",name,#data)
+ end
+local function self_swap(data,code)
+ return data ~= "" and (gsub(data,m_pattern, function() return format(m_format,code) end, 1)) or ""
+local function self_libs(libs,list)
+ local result, f, frozen, foundpath = { }, nil, false, nil
+ result[#result+1] = "\n"
+ if type(libs) == 'string' then libs = { libs } end
+ if type(list) == 'string' then list = { list } end
+ for i=1,#libs do
+ local lib = libs[i]
+ for j=1,#list do
+ local pth = gsub(list[j],"\\","/") -- file.clean_path
+ report("checking library path %a",pth)
+ local name = pth .. "/" .. lib
+ if lfs.isfile(name) then
+ foundpath = pth
+ end
+ end
+ if foundpath then break end
+ end
+ if foundpath then
+ report("using library path %a",foundpath)
+ local right, wrong, original, stripped = { }, { }, 0, 0
+ for i=1,#libs do
+ local lib = libs[i]
+ local fullname = foundpath .. "/" .. lib
+ if lfs.isfile(fullname) then
+ report("using library %a",fullname)
+ local preloaded = file.nameonly(lib)
+ local data = io.loaddata(fullname,true)
+ original = original + #data
+ local data, delta = self_compact(data)
+ right[#right+1] = lib
+ result[#result+1] = m_begin_closure
+ result[#result+1] = format(m_preloaded,preloaded,preloaded)
+ result[#result+1] = data
+ result[#result+1] = m_end_closure
+ stripped = stripped + delta
+ else
+ report("skipping library %a",fullname)
+ wrong[#wrong+1] = lib
+ end
+ end
+ right = #right > 0 and concat(right," ") or "-"
+ wrong = #wrong > 0 and concat(wrong," ") or "-"
+ report("used libraries: %a",right)
+ report("skipped libraries: %a",wrong)
+ report("original bytes: %a",original)
+ report("stripped bytes: %a",stripped)
+ result[#result+1] = format(m_report,right,wrong,original,stripped)
+ else
+ report("no valid library path found")
+ end
+ return concat(result, "\n\n")
+function merger.selfcreate(libs,list,target)
+ if target then
+ self_save(target,self_swap(self_fake(),self_libs(libs,list)))
+ end
+function merger.selfmerge(name,libs,list,target)
+ self_save(target or name,self_swap(self_load(name),self_libs(libs,list)))
+function merger.selfclean(name)
+ self_save(name,self_swap(self_load(name),self_nothing()))