path: root/tex/context/base/s-fonts-shapes.lua
diff options
authorMarius <>2013-05-18 02:00:21 +0300
committerMarius <>2013-05-18 02:00:21 +0300
commit8d3701ff9eeacb5b724498029b61598114d8e37d (patch)
tree02a7b2034fd6fa8d6482b20786c1541fc510b1f3 /tex/context/base/s-fonts-shapes.lua
parentbf72c3bfde9979fbf21e0e8f43d0c1042d907349 (diff)
beta 2013.05.18 00:46
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/s-fonts-shapes.lua')
1 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/s-fonts-shapes.lua b/tex/context/base/s-fonts-shapes.lua
index e0c1262c5..0fddfa01a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/s-fonts-shapes.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/s-fonts-shapes.lua
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ local fontdata = fonts.hashes.identifiers
local NC, NR = context.NC, context.NR
local space, dontleavehmode, glyph =, context.dontleavehmode, context.glyph
+local formatters = string.formatters
function moduledata.fonts.shapes.showlist(specification) -- todo: ranges
specification = interfaces.checkedspecification(specification)
@@ -60,3 +61,270 @@ function moduledata.fonts.shapes.showlist(specification) -- todo: ranges
+function moduledata.fonts.shapes.showlist(specification) -- todo: ranges
+ specification = interfaces.checkedspecification(specification)
+ local id = tonumber(specification.number) or font.current()
+ local chrs = fontdata[id].characters
+ function char(k)
+ dontleavehmode()
+ glyph(id,k)
+ end
+ local function special(v)
+ local specials = v.specials
+ if specials and #specials > 1 then
+ context("%s:",specials[1])
+ for i=2,#specials do
+ space()
+ char(specials[i])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context.begingroup()
+ context.starttabulate { "|l|c|c|c|c|l|l|" }
+ context.FL()
+ NC() context.bold("unicode")
+ NC() context.bold("glyph")
+ NC() context.bold("shape")
+ NC() context.bold("lower")
+ NC() context.bold("upper")
+ NC() context.bold("specials")
+ NC() context.bold("description")
+ NC() NR()
+ context.TL()
+ for k, v in next, do
+ if chrs[k] then
+ NC() context("0x%05X",k)
+ NC() char(k)
+ NC() char(v.shcode)
+ NC() char(v.lccode or k)
+ NC() char(v.uccode or k)
+ NC() special(v)
+ NC() context.tx(v.description)
+ NC() NR()
+ end
+ end
+ context.stoptabulate()
+ context.endgroup()
+local descriptions = nil
+local characters = nil
+local function showglyphshape(specification)
+ specification = interfaces.checkedspecification(specification)
+ specification.cs = "showglyphshape:font"
+ local id, cs = fonts.definers.internal(specification)
+ local tfmdata = fontdata[id]
+ local charnum = tonumber(specification.character)
+ if not charnum then
+ charnum = fonts.helpers.nametoslot(n)
+ end
+-- print(id,cs,charnum)
+ context.start()
+ context.dontleavehmode()
+ context.obeyMPboxdepth()
+ local characters = tfmdata.characters
+ local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions
+ local parameters = tfmdata.parameters
+ local c = characters[charnum]
+ local d = descriptions[charnum]
+ if d then
+ local factor = (parameters.size/parameters.units)*((7200/7227)/65536)
+ local llx, lly, urx, ury = unpack(d.boundingbox)
+ llx, lly, urx, ury = llx*factor, lly*factor, urx*factor, ury*factor
+ local width, italic = (d.width or 0)*factor, (d.italic or 0)*factor
+ local top_accent, bot_accent = (d.top_accent or 0)*factor, (d.bot_accent or 0)*factor
+ local anchors, math = d.anchors, d.math
+ context.startMPcode()
+ context("pickup pencircle scaled .25bp ;")
+ context('picture p ; p := image(draw textext.drt("\\getuvalue{%s}\\gray\\char%s");); draw p ;',cs,charnum)
+ context('draw (%s,%s)--(%s,%s)--(%s,%s)--(%s,%s)--cycle withcolor green ;',llx,lly,urx,lly,urx,ury,llx,ury)
+ context('draw (%s,%s)--(%s,%s) withcolor green ;',llx,0,urx,0)
+ context('draw boundingbox p withcolor .2white withpen pencircle scaled .065bp ;')
+ context("defaultscale := 0.05 ; ")
+ -- inefficient but non critical
+ local function slant_1(v,dx,dy,txt,xsign,ysign,loc,labloc)
+ if #v > 0 then
+ local l = { }
+ for kk, vv in ipairs(v) do
+ local h, k = vv.height, vv.kern
+ if h and k then
+ l[#l+1] = formatters["((%s,%s) shifted (%s,%s))"](xsign*k*factor,ysign*h*factor,dx,dy)
+ end
+ end
+ context("draw ((%s,%s) shifted (%s,%s))--%s dashed (evenly scaled .25) withcolor .5white;", xsign*v[1].kern*factor,lly,dx,dy,l[1])
+ context("draw laddered (%s) withcolor .5white ;",table.concat(l,".."))
+ context("draw ((%s,%s) shifted (%s,%s))--%s dashed (evenly scaled .25) withcolor .5white;", xsign*v[#v].kern*factor,ury,dx,dy,l[#l])
+ for k, v in ipairs(l) do
+ context("draw %s withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 1bp;",v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function slant_2(v,dx,dy,txt,xsign,ysign,loc,labloc)
+ if #v > 0 then
+ local l = { }
+ for kk, vv in ipairs(v) do
+ local h, k = vv.height, vv.kern
+ if h and k then
+ l[#l+1] = formatters["((%s,%s) shifted (%s,%s))"](xsign*k*factor,ysign*h*factor,dx,dy)
+ end
+ end
+ if loc == "top" then
+ context('label.%s("\\type{%s}",%s shifted (0,-1bp)) ;',loc,txt,l[#l])
+ else
+ context('label.%s("\\type{%s}",%s shifted (0,2bp)) ;',loc,txt,l[1])
+ end
+ for kk, vv in ipairs(v) do
+ local h, k = vv.height, vv.kern
+ if h and k then
+ context('"(%s,%s)",%s shifted (0,-2bp));',k,h,l[kk])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if math then
+ local kerns = math.kerns
+ if kerns then
+ for _, slant in ipairs { slant_1, slant_2 } do
+ for k,v in pairs(kerns) do
+ if k == "top_right" then
+ slant(v,width+italic,0,k,1,1,"top","ulft")
+ elseif k == "bottom_right" then
+ slant(v,width,0,k,1,1,"bot","lrt")
+ elseif k == "top_left" then
+ slant(v,0,0,k,-1,1,"top","ulft")
+ elseif k == "bottom_left" then
+ slant(v,0,0,k,-1,1,"bot","lrt")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function show(x,y,txt)
+ local xx, yy = x*factor, y*factor
+ context("draw (%s,%s) withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 1bp;",xx,yy)
+ context('"\\type{%s}",(%s,%s-2bp)) ;',txt,xx,yy)
+ context('"(%s,%s)",(%s,%s+2bp)) ;',x,y,xx,yy)
+ end
+ if anchors then
+ local a = anchors.baselig
+ if a then
+ for k, v in pairs(a) do
+ for kk, vv in ipairs(v) do
+ show(vv[1],vv[2],k .. ":" .. kk)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local a = anchors.mark
+ if a then
+ for k, v in pairs(a) do
+ show(v[1],v[2],k)
+ end
+ end
+ local a = anchors.basechar
+ if a then
+ for k, v in pairs(a) do
+ show(v[1],v[2],k)
+ end
+ end
+ local ba = anchors.centry
+ if a then
+ for k, v in pairs(a) do
+ show(v[1],v[2],k)
+ end
+ end
+ local a = anchors.cexit
+ if a then
+ for k, v in pairs(a) do
+ show(v[1],v[2],k)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if italic ~= 0 then
+ context('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-0.5bp) withcolor blue;',width,ury,width,ury)
+ context('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-0.5bp) withcolor blue;',width+italic,ury,width+italic,ury)
+ context('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue;',width,ury,width+italic,ury)
+ context('label.lft("\\type{%s}",(%s+2bp,%s-1bp));',"italic",width,ury)
+ context('label.rt("%s",(%s-2bp,%s-1bp));',d.italic,width+italic,ury)
+ end
+ if top_accent ~= 0 then
+ context('draw (%s,%s+1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue;',top_accent,ury,top_accent,ury)
+ context('"\\type{%s}",(%s,%s+1bp));',"top_accent",top_accent,ury)
+ context('"%s",(%s,%s-1bp));',d.top_accent,top_accent,ury)
+ end
+ if bot_accent ~= 0 then
+ context('draw (%s,%s+1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue;',bot_accent,lly,bot_accent,lly)
+ context('"\\type{%s}",(%s,%s-1bp));',"bot_accent",top_accent,ury)
+ context('"%s",(%s,%s+1bp));',d.bot_accent,bot_accent,lly)
+ end
+ context('draw origin withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 1bp;')
+ context("setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox currentpicture enlarged 1bp ;")
+ context("currentpicture := currentpicture scaled 8 ;")
+ context.stopMPcode()
+ -- elseif c then
+ -- lastdata, lastunicode = nil, nil
+ -- local factor = (7200/7227)/65536
+ -- context.startMPcode()
+ -- context("pickup pencircle scaled .25bp ; ")
+ -- context('picture p ; p := image(draw textext.drt("\\gray\\char%s");); draw p ;',charnum)
+ -- context('draw boundingbox p withcolor .2white withpen pencircle scaled .065bp ;')
+ -- context("defaultscale := 0.05 ; ")
+ -- local italic, top_accent, bot_accent = (c.italic or 0)*factor, (c.top_accent or 0)*factor, (c.bot_accent or 0)*factor
+ -- local width, height, depth = (c.width or 0)*factor, (c.height or 0)*factor, (c.depth or 0)*factor
+ -- local ury = height
+ -- if italic ~= 0 then
+ -- context('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-0.5bp) withcolor blue;',width,ury,width,ury)
+ -- context('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-0.5bp) withcolor blue;',width+italic,ury,width+italic,ury)
+ -- context('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue;',width,ury,width+italic,height)
+ -- context('label.lft("\\type{%s}",(%s+2bp,%s-1bp));',"italic",width,height)
+ -- context('label.rt("%6.3f bp",(%s-2bp,%s-1bp));',italic,width+italic,height)
+ -- end
+ -- if top_accent ~= 0 then
+ -- context('draw (%s,%s+1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue;',top_accent,ury,top_accent,height)
+ -- context('"\\type{%s}",(%s,%s+1bp));',"top_accent",top_accent,height)
+ -- context('"%6.3f bp",(%s,%s-1bp));',top_accent,top_accent,height)
+ -- end
+ -- if bot_accent ~= 0 then
+ -- context('draw (%s,%s+1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue;',bot_accent,lly,bot_accent,height)
+ -- context('"\\type{%s}",(%s,%s-1bp));',"bot_accent",top_accent,height)
+ -- context('"%6.3f bp",(%s,%s+1bp));',bot_accent,bot_accent,height)
+ -- end
+ -- context('draw origin withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 1bp;')
+ -- context("setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox currentpicture enlarged 1bp ;")
+ -- context("currentpicture := currentpicture scaled 8 ;")
+ -- context.stopMPcode()
+ else
+ lastdata, lastunicode = nil, nil
+ context("no such shape: 0x%05X",charnum)
+ end
+ context.stop()
+moduledata.fonts.shapes.showglyphshape = showglyphshape
+function moduledata.fonts.shapes.showallglypshapes(specification)
+ specification = interfaces.checkedspecification(specification)
+ specification.cs = "showglyphshape:font"
+ local id, cs = fonts.definers.internal(specification)
+ local descriptions = fontdata[id].descriptions
+ for unicode, description in fonts.iterators.descriptions(tfmdata) do
+ context.modulefontsstartshowglyphshape(unicode,
+ showglyphshape { number = id, character = unicode }
+ context.modulefontsstopshowglyphshape()
+ end
+function moduledata.fonts.shapes.showlastglyphshapefield(unicode,name)
+ if not descriptions then
+ -- bad news
+ elseif name == "unicode" then
+ context("U+%05X",descriptions.unicode)
+ else
+ local d = descriptions[name]
+ if d then
+ context(d)
+ end
+ end