path: root/tex/context/base/page-lin.lua
diff options
authorMarius <>2013-05-20 03:20:28 +0300
committerMarius <>2013-05-20 03:20:28 +0300
commit5fc5cfb5014ddcc2942e13a559f4082fb66aa6e7 (patch)
tree53f81e99fac8c80ddd2fb70e233a7e5d5735722f /tex/context/base/page-lin.lua
parent13ec4b540e0d46c97fd7b089e0b7413da81e0a9f (diff)
beta 2013.05.20 02:00
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/page-lin.lua')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 290 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-lin.lua b/tex/context/base/page-lin.lua
index 5f7ea7eed..e6b500e8b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/page-lin.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/page-lin.lua
@@ -1,290 +1,290 @@
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['page-lin'] = {
- version = 1.001,
- comment = "companion to page-lin.mkiv",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files"
--- experimental -> will become builders
-local trace_numbers = false trackers.register("lines.numbers", function(v) trace_numbers = v end)
-local report_lines = logs.reporter("lines")
-local texbox =
-local attributes, nodes, node, context = attributes, nodes, node, context
-nodes.lines = nodes.lines or { }
-local lines = nodes.lines
- = or { } -- start step tag
-local data =
-local last = #data
-lines.scratchbox = lines.scratchbox or 0
-local leftmarginwidth = nodes.leftmarginwidth
-storage.register("lines/data",, "")
--- if there is demand for it, we can support multiple numbering streams
--- and use more than one attibute
-local variables = interfaces.variables
-local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
-local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist
-local vlist_code = nodecodes.vlist
-local whatsit_code = nodecodes.whatsit
-local a_displaymath = attributes.private('displaymath')
-local a_linenumber = attributes.private('linenumber')
-local a_linereference = attributes.private('linereference')
-local a_verbatimline = attributes.private('verbatimline')
-local current_list = { }
-local cross_references = { }
-local chunksize = 250 -- not used in boxed
-local traverse_id = node.traverse_id
-local traverse = node.traverse
-local copy_node = node.copy
-local hpack_node = node.hpack
-local insert_node_after = node.insert_after
-local insert_node_before = node.insert_before
--- cross referencing
-function lines.number(n)
- n = tonumber(n)
- local cr = cross_references[n] or 0
- cross_references[n] = nil
- return cr
-local function resolve(n,m) -- we can now check the 'line' flag (todo)
- while n do
- local id =
- if id == whatsit_code then -- why whatsit
- local a = n[a_linereference]
- if a then
- cross_references[a] = m
- end
- elseif id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
- resolve(n.list,m)
- end
- n =
- end
-function lines.finalize(t)
- local getnumber = lines.number
- for _,p in next, t do
- for _,r in next, p do
- local m = r.metadata
- if m and m.kind == "line" then
- local e = r.entries
- local u = r.userdata
- e.linenumber = getnumber(e.text or 0) -- we can nil e.text
- e.conversion = u and u.conversion
- r.userdata = nil -- hack
- end
- end
- end
-local filters = structures.references.filters
-local helpers = structures.helpers
-filters.line = filters.line or { }
-function filters.line.default(data)
--- helpers.title(data.entries.linenumber or "?",data.metadata)
- context.convertnumber(data.entries.conversion or "numbers",data.entries.linenumber or "0")
-function,prefixspec,pagespec) -- redundant
- helpers.prefixpage(data,prefixspec,pagespec)
-function filters.line.linenumber(data) -- raw
- context(data.entries.linenumber or "0")
--- boxed variant, todo: use number mechanism
-lines.boxed = { }
-local boxed = lines.boxed
--- todo: cache setups, and free id no longer used
--- use interfaces.cachesetup(t)
-function boxed.register(configuration)
- last = last + 1
- data[last] = configuration
- if trace_numbers then
- report_lines("registering setup %a",last)
- end
- return last
-function commands.registerlinenumbering(configuration)
- context(boxed.register(configuration))
-function boxed.setup(n,configuration)
- local d = data[n]
- if d then
- if trace_numbers then
- report_lines("updating setup %a",n)
- end
- for k,v in next, configuration do
- d[k] = v
- end
- else
- if trace_numbers then
- report_lines("registering setup %a (br)",n)
- end
- data[n] = configuration
- end
- return n
-commands.setuplinenumbering = boxed.setup
-local function check_number(n,a,skip,sameline)
- local d = data[a]
- if d then
- local tag, skipflag, s = d.tag or "", 0, d.start or 1
- current_list[#current_list+1] = { n, s }
- if sameline then
- skipflag = 0
- if trace_numbers then
- report_lines("skipping broken line number %s for setup %a: %s (%s)",#current_list,a,s,d.continue or "no")
- end
- elseif not skip and s % d.step == 0 then
- skipflag, d.start = 1, s + 1 -- (d.step or 1)
- if trace_numbers then
- report_lines("making number %s for setup %a: %s (%s)",#current_list,a,s,d.continue or "no")
- end
- else
- skipflag, d.start = 0, s + 1 -- (d.step or 1)
- if trace_numbers then
- report_lines("skipping line number %s for setup %a: %s (%s)",#current_list,a,s,d.continue or "no")
- end
- end
- context.makelinenumber(tag,skipflag,s,n.shift,n.width,leftmarginwidth(n.list),n.dir)
- end
--- xlist
--- xlist
--- hlist
-local function identify(list)
- if list then
- for n in traverse_id(hlist_code,list) do
- if n[a_linenumber] then
- return list
- end
- end
- local n = list
- while n do
- local id =
- if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
- local ok = identify(n.list)
- if ok then
- return ok
- end
- end
- n =
- end
- end
-function boxed.stage_zero(n)
- return identify(texbox[n].list)
--- reset ranges per page
--- store first and last per page
--- maybe just set marks directly
-function boxed.stage_one(n,nested)
- current_list = { }
- local head = texbox[n]
- if head then
- local list = head.list
- if nested then
- list = identify(list)
- end
- local last_a, last_v, skip = nil, -1, false
- for n in traverse_id(hlist_code,list) do -- attr test here and quit as soon as zero found
- if n.height == 0 and n.depth == 0 then
- -- skip funny hlists -- todo: check line subtype
- else
- local list = n.list
- local a = list[a_linenumber]
- if a and a > 0 then
- if last_a ~= a then
- local da = data[a]
- local ma = da.method
- if ma == then
- skip = true
- elseif ma == then
- da.start = 1 -- eventually we will have a normal counter
- end
- last_a = a
- if trace_numbers then
- report_lines("starting line number range %s: start %s, continue",a,da.start,da.continue or "no")
- end
- end
- if n[a_displaymath] then
- if nodes.is_display_math(n) then
- check_number(n,a,skip)
- end
- else
- local v = list[a_verbatimline]
- if not v or v ~= last_v then
- last_v = v
- check_number(n,a,skip)
- else
- check_number(n,a,skip,true)
- end
- end
- skip = false
- end
- end
- end
- end
-function boxed.stage_two(n,m)
- if #current_list > 0 then
- m = m or lines.scratchbox
- local t, tn = { }, 0
- for l in traverse_id(hlist_code,texbox[m].list) do
- tn = tn + 1
- t[tn] = copy_node(l)
- end
- for i=1,#current_list do
- local li = current_list[i]
- local n, m, ti = li[1], li[2], t[i]
- if ti then
-, n.list = n.list, ti
- resolve(n,m)
- else
- report_lines("error in linenumbering (1)")
- return
- end
- end
- end
-commands.linenumbersstageone = boxed.stage_one
-commands.linenumbersstagetwo = boxed.stage_two
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['page-lin'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to page-lin.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- experimental -> will become builders
+local trace_numbers = false trackers.register("lines.numbers", function(v) trace_numbers = v end)
+local report_lines = logs.reporter("lines")
+local texbox =
+local attributes, nodes, node, context = attributes, nodes, node, context
+nodes.lines = nodes.lines or { }
+local lines = nodes.lines
+ = or { } -- start step tag
+local data =
+local last = #data
+lines.scratchbox = lines.scratchbox or 0
+local leftmarginwidth = nodes.leftmarginwidth
+storage.register("lines/data",, "")
+-- if there is demand for it, we can support multiple numbering streams
+-- and use more than one attibute
+local variables = interfaces.variables
+local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes
+local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist
+local vlist_code = nodecodes.vlist
+local whatsit_code = nodecodes.whatsit
+local a_displaymath = attributes.private('displaymath')
+local a_linenumber = attributes.private('linenumber')
+local a_linereference = attributes.private('linereference')
+local a_verbatimline = attributes.private('verbatimline')
+local current_list = { }
+local cross_references = { }
+local chunksize = 250 -- not used in boxed
+local traverse_id = node.traverse_id
+local traverse = node.traverse
+local copy_node = node.copy
+local hpack_node = node.hpack
+local insert_node_after = node.insert_after
+local insert_node_before = node.insert_before
+-- cross referencing
+function lines.number(n)
+ n = tonumber(n)
+ local cr = cross_references[n] or 0
+ cross_references[n] = nil
+ return cr
+local function resolve(n,m) -- we can now check the 'line' flag (todo)
+ while n do
+ local id =
+ if id == whatsit_code then -- why whatsit
+ local a = n[a_linereference]
+ if a then
+ cross_references[a] = m
+ end
+ elseif id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
+ resolve(n.list,m)
+ end
+ n =
+ end
+function lines.finalize(t)
+ local getnumber = lines.number
+ for _,p in next, t do
+ for _,r in next, p do
+ local m = r.metadata
+ if m and m.kind == "line" then
+ local e = r.entries
+ local u = r.userdata
+ e.linenumber = getnumber(e.text or 0) -- we can nil e.text
+ e.conversion = u and u.conversion
+ r.userdata = nil -- hack
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local filters = structures.references.filters
+local helpers = structures.helpers
+filters.line = filters.line or { }
+function filters.line.default(data)
+-- helpers.title(data.entries.linenumber or "?",data.metadata)
+ context.convertnumber(data.entries.conversion or "numbers",data.entries.linenumber or "0")
+function,prefixspec,pagespec) -- redundant
+ helpers.prefixpage(data,prefixspec,pagespec)
+function filters.line.linenumber(data) -- raw
+ context(data.entries.linenumber or "0")
+-- boxed variant, todo: use number mechanism
+lines.boxed = { }
+local boxed = lines.boxed
+-- todo: cache setups, and free id no longer used
+-- use interfaces.cachesetup(t)
+function boxed.register(configuration)
+ last = last + 1
+ data[last] = configuration
+ if trace_numbers then
+ report_lines("registering setup %a",last)
+ end
+ return last
+function commands.registerlinenumbering(configuration)
+ context(boxed.register(configuration))
+function boxed.setup(n,configuration)
+ local d = data[n]
+ if d then
+ if trace_numbers then
+ report_lines("updating setup %a",n)
+ end
+ for k,v in next, configuration do
+ d[k] = v
+ end
+ else
+ if trace_numbers then
+ report_lines("registering setup %a (br)",n)
+ end
+ data[n] = configuration
+ end
+ return n
+commands.setuplinenumbering = boxed.setup
+local function check_number(n,a,skip,sameline)
+ local d = data[a]
+ if d then
+ local tag, skipflag, s = d.tag or "", 0, d.start or 1
+ current_list[#current_list+1] = { n, s }
+ if sameline then
+ skipflag = 0
+ if trace_numbers then
+ report_lines("skipping broken line number %s for setup %a: %s (%s)",#current_list,a,s,d.continue or "no")
+ end
+ elseif not skip and s % d.step == 0 then
+ skipflag, d.start = 1, s + 1 -- (d.step or 1)
+ if trace_numbers then
+ report_lines("making number %s for setup %a: %s (%s)",#current_list,a,s,d.continue or "no")
+ end
+ else
+ skipflag, d.start = 0, s + 1 -- (d.step or 1)
+ if trace_numbers then
+ report_lines("skipping line number %s for setup %a: %s (%s)",#current_list,a,s,d.continue or "no")
+ end
+ end
+ context.makelinenumber(tag,skipflag,s,n.shift,n.width,leftmarginwidth(n.list),n.dir)
+ end
+-- xlist
+-- xlist
+-- hlist
+local function identify(list)
+ if list then
+ for n in traverse_id(hlist_code,list) do
+ if n[a_linenumber] then
+ return list
+ end
+ end
+ local n = list
+ while n do
+ local id =
+ if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
+ local ok = identify(n.list)
+ if ok then
+ return ok
+ end
+ end
+ n =
+ end
+ end
+function boxed.stage_zero(n)
+ return identify(texbox[n].list)
+-- reset ranges per page
+-- store first and last per page
+-- maybe just set marks directly
+function boxed.stage_one(n,nested)
+ current_list = { }
+ local head = texbox[n]
+ if head then
+ local list = head.list
+ if nested then
+ list = identify(list)
+ end
+ local last_a, last_v, skip = nil, -1, false
+ for n in traverse_id(hlist_code,list) do -- attr test here and quit as soon as zero found
+ if n.height == 0 and n.depth == 0 then
+ -- skip funny hlists -- todo: check line subtype
+ else
+ local list = n.list
+ local a = list[a_linenumber]
+ if a and a > 0 then
+ if last_a ~= a then
+ local da = data[a]
+ local ma = da.method
+ if ma == then
+ skip = true
+ elseif ma == then
+ da.start = 1 -- eventually we will have a normal counter
+ end
+ last_a = a
+ if trace_numbers then
+ report_lines("starting line number range %s: start %s, continue",a,da.start,da.continue or "no")
+ end
+ end
+ if n[a_displaymath] then
+ if nodes.is_display_math(n) then
+ check_number(n,a,skip)
+ end
+ else
+ local v = list[a_verbatimline]
+ if not v or v ~= last_v then
+ last_v = v
+ check_number(n,a,skip)
+ else
+ check_number(n,a,skip,true)
+ end
+ end
+ skip = false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function boxed.stage_two(n,m)
+ if #current_list > 0 then
+ m = m or lines.scratchbox
+ local t, tn = { }, 0
+ for l in traverse_id(hlist_code,texbox[m].list) do
+ tn = tn + 1
+ t[tn] = copy_node(l)
+ end
+ for i=1,#current_list do
+ local li = current_list[i]
+ local n, m, ti = li[1], li[2], t[i]
+ if ti then
+, n.list = n.list, ti
+ resolve(n,m)
+ else
+ report_lines("error in linenumbering (1)")
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ end
+commands.linenumbersstageone = boxed.stage_one
+commands.linenumbersstagetwo = boxed.stage_two