path: root/tex/context/base/mkiv/util-deb.lua
diff options
authorHans Hagen <>2017-02-23 18:12:36 +0100
committerContext Git Mirror Bot <>2017-02-23 18:12:36 +0100
commitc91d92093b72a73a92c3ae3c641137abe6fb64b9 (patch)
treebfbdc4359ae391d0d96e577fb544023464427e81 /tex/context/base/mkiv/util-deb.lua
parente4223677ac0d23e4888e41efda0d2e6aabbe76bf (diff)
2017-02-23 17:13:00
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/mkiv/util-deb.lua')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/util-deb.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/util-deb.lua
index ee732b3b5..040a7a9cf 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/util-deb.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/util-deb.lua
@@ -12,87 +12,236 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-deb'] = {
local debug = require "debug"
-local getinfo = debug.getinfo
+local getinfo, sethook = debug.getinfo, debug.sethook
local type, next, tostring = type, next, tostring
-local format, find = string.format, string.find
-local is_boolean = string.is_boolean
+local format, find, sub, gsub = string.format, string.find, string.sub, string.gsub
+local insert, remove, sort = table.insert, table.remove, table.sort
utilities = utilities or { }
local debugger = utilities.debugger or { }
utilities.debugger = debugger
-local counters = { }
+local report = logs.reporter("debugger")
+local ticks = os.gettimeofday or os.clock
+local seconds = function(n) return n or 0 end
+local overhead = 0
+local dummycalls = 10*1000
+local nesting = 0
local names = { }
-local report = logs.reporter("debugger")
+local function initialize()
--- one
+ if FFISUPPORTED and ffi then
-local function hook()
- local f = getinfo(2) -- "nS"
- if f then
- local n = "unknown"
- if f.what == "C" then
- n = or '<anonymous>'
- if not names[n] then
- names[n] = format("%42s",n)
+ if os.type == "windows" then
+ local okay, kernel = pcall(ffi.load,"kernel32")
+ if kernel then
+ local tonumber = ffi.number or tonumber
+int QueryPerformanceFrequency(int64_t *lpFrequency);
+int QueryPerformanceCounter(int64_t *lpPerformanceCount);
+ local target ="__int64[1]")
+ ticks = function()
+ if kernel.QueryPerformanceCounter(target) == 1 then
+ return tonumber(target[0])
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+ end
+ local target ="__int64[1]")
+ seconds = function(ticks)
+ if kernel.QueryPerformanceFrequency(target) == 1 then
+ return ticks / tonumber(target[0])
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+ end
- else
- -- source short_src linedefined what name namewhat nups func
- n = or f.namewhat or f.what
- if not n or n == "" then
- n = "?"
+ elseif os.type == "unix" then
+ local C = ffi.C
+ local tonumber = ffi.number or tonumber
+ffi.cdef [[
+struct timespec { long sec; long nsec; };
+int clock_gettime(int timerid, struct timespec *t);
+ ]]
+ local target ="timespec[?]",1)
+ function ticks()
+ C.clock_gettime(2,target)
+ return tonumber(target[0].sec*1000000000 + target[0].nsec)
- if not names[n] then
- names[n] = format("%42s : % 5i : %s",n,f.linedefined or 0,f.short_src or "unknown source")
+ seconds = function(ticks)
+ return ticks/1000000000
- counters[n] = (counters[n] or 0) + 1
+ initialize = false
-function debugger.showstats(printer,threshold) -- hm, something has changed, rubish now
- printer = printer or report
- threshold = threshold or 0
- local total, grandtotal, functions = 0, 0, 0
- local dataset = { }
- for name, count in next, counters do
- dataset[#dataset+1] = { name, count }
+ local v = table.setmetatableindex(function(t,source)
+ local v = table.setmetatableindex(function(t,line)
+ local v = { total = 0, count = 0 }
+ t[line] = v
+ return v
+ end)
+ t[source] = v
+ return v
+ end)
+ t[name] = v
+ return v
+local function hook(where)
+ local f = getinfo(2,"nSl")
+ if f then
+ local source = f.short_src
+ if not source then
+ return
+ end
+ local line = f.linedefined or 0
+ local name =
+ if not name then
+ local what = f.what
+ if what == "C" then
+ name = "<anonymous>"
+ else
+ name = f.namewhat or what or "<unknown>"
+ end
+ end
+ local data = names[name][source][line]
+ if where == "call" then
+ data.count = data.count + 1
+ insert(data,ticks())
+ elseif where == "return" then
+ local t = remove(data)
+ if t then
+ = + ticks() - t
+ end
+ end
- table.sort(dataset,function(a,b) return a[2] == b[2] and b[1] > a[1] or a[2] > b[2] end)
- for i=1,#dataset do
- local d = dataset[i]
- local name = d[1]
- local count = d[2]
- if count > threshold and not find(name,"for generator") then -- move up
- printer(format("%8i %s\n", count, names[name]))
- total = total + count
+function debugger.showstats(printer)
+ local printer = printer or report
+ local calls = 0
+ local functions = 0
+ local dataset = { }
+ local length = 0
+ local wholetime = 0
+ for name, sources in next, names do
+ for source, lines in next, sources do
+ for line, data in next, lines do
+ if #name > length then
+ length = #name
+ end
+ local total =
+ local count = data.count
+ local real = total
+ if real > 0 then
+ real = total - (count * overhead / dummycalls)
+ if real < 0 then
+ real = 0
+ end
+ wholetime = wholetime + real
+ end
+ if line < 0 then
+ line = 0
+ end
+ dataset[#dataset+1] = { real, total, count, name, source, line }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ sort(dataset,function(a,b)
+ if a[1] == b[1] then
+ if a[2] == b[2] then
+ if a[3] == b[3] then
+ if a[4] == b[4] then
+ if a[5] == b[5] then
+ return a[6] < b[6]
+ else
+ return a[5] < b[5]
+ end
+ else
+ return a[4] < b[4]
+ end
+ else
+ return b[3] < a[3]
+ end
+ else
+ return b[2] < a[2]
+ end
+ else
+ return b[1] < a[1]
- grandtotal = grandtotal + count
+ end)
+ if length > 50 then
+ length = 50
+ end
+ local fmt = string.formatters["%4.9k %4.9k %3.3k %8i %-" .. length .. "s %4i %s"]
+ for i=1,#dataset do
+ local data = dataset[i]
+ local real = data[1]
+ local total = data[2]
+ local count = data[3]
+ local name = data[4]
+ local source = data[5]
+ local line = data[6]
+ local percent = real / wholetime
+ calls = calls + count
functions = functions + 1
+ name = gsub(name,"%s+"," ")
+ if #name > length then
+ name = sub(name,1,length)
+ end
+ printer(fmt(seconds(total),seconds(real),percent,count,name,line,source))
- printer("\n")
- printer(format("functions : % 10i\n", functions))
- printer(format("total : % 10i\n", total))
- printer(format("grand total: % 10i\n", grandtotal))
- printer(format("threshold : % 10i\n", threshold))
+ printer("")
+ printer(format("functions : %i", functions))
+ printer(format("calls : %i", calls))
+ printer(format("overhead : %f", seconds(overhead/1000)))
-function debugger.savestats(filename,threshold)
+function debugger.savestats(filename)
local f =,'w')
if f then
- debugger.showstats(function(str) f:write(str) end,threshold)
+ debugger.showstats(function(str) f:write(str,"\n") end)
function debugger.enable()
- debug.sethook(hook,"c")
+ if nesting == 0 then
+ running = true
+ if initialize then
+ initialize()
+ end
+ sethook(hook,"cr")
+ local function dummy() end
+ local t = ticks()
+ for i=1,dummycalls do
+ dummy()
+ end
+ overhead = ticks() - t
+ end
+ if nesting > 0 then
+ nesting = nesting + 1
+ end
function debugger.disable()
- debug.sethook()
- -- counters[debug.getinfo(2,"f").func] = nil
+ if nesting > 0 then
+ nesting = nesting - 1
+ end
+ if nesting == 0 then
+ sethook()
+ end
-- debugger.enable()