path: root/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-set.lua
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authorContext Git Mirror Bot <>2016-01-12 17:15:07 +0100
committerContext Git Mirror Bot <>2016-01-12 17:15:07 +0100
commit8d8d528d2ad52599f11250cfc567fea4f37f2a8b (patch)
tree94286bc131ef7d994f9432febaf03fe23d10eef8 /tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-set.lua
parentf5aed2e51223c36c84c5f25a6cad238b2af59087 (diff)
2016-01-12 16:26:00
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-set.lua')
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-set.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-set.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e2bf8758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-set.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['trac-set'] = { -- might become util-set.lua
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- maybe this should be util-set.lua
+local type, next, tostring = type, next, tostring
+local concat = table.concat
+local format, find, lower, gsub, topattern = string.format, string.find, string.lower, string.gsub, string.topattern
+local is_boolean = string.is_boolean
+local settings_to_hash = utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash
+local allocate =
+utilities = utilities or { }
+local utilities = utilities
+local setters = utilities.setters or { }
+utilities.setters = setters
+local data = { }
+-- We can initialize from the cnf file. This is sort of tricky as
+-- later defined setters also need to be initialized then. If set
+-- this way, we need to ensure that they are not reset later on.
+local trace_initialize = false -- only for testing during development
+function setters.initialize(filename,name,values) -- filename only for diagnostics
+ local setter = data[name]
+ if setter then
+ frozen = true -- don't permitoverload
+ -- trace_initialize = true
+ local data =
+ if data then
+ for key, newvalue in next, values do
+ local newvalue = is_boolean(newvalue,newvalue,true) -- strict
+ local functions = data[key]
+ if functions then
+ local oldvalue = functions.value
+ if functions.frozen then
+ if trace_initialize then
+"%s: %a is %s to %a",filename,key,"frozen",oldvalue)
+ end
+ elseif #functions > 0 and not oldvalue then
+-- elseif #functions > 0 and oldvalue == nil then
+ if trace_initialize then
+"%s: %a is %s to %a",filename,key,"set",newvalue)
+ end
+ for i=1,#functions do
+ functions[i](newvalue)
+ end
+ functions.value = newvalue
+ functions.frozen = functions.frozen or frozen
+ else
+ if trace_initialize then
+"%s: %a is %s as %a",filename,key,"kept",oldvalue)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ -- we do a simple preregistration i.e. not in the
+ -- list as it might be an obsolete entry
+ functions = { default = newvalue, frozen = frozen }
+ data[key] = functions
+ if trace_initialize then
+"%s: %a is %s to %a",filename,key,"defaulted",newvalue)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+-- user interface code
+local function set(t,what,newvalue)
+ local data =
+ if not data.frozen then
+ local done = t.done
+ if type(what) == "string" then
+ what = settings_to_hash(what) -- inefficient but ok
+ end
+ if type(what) ~= "table" then
+ return
+ end
+ if not done then -- catch ... why not set?
+ done = { }
+ t.done = done
+ end
+ for w, value in next, what do
+ if value == "" then
+ value = newvalue
+ elseif not value then
+ value = false -- catch nil
+ else
+ value = is_boolean(value,value,true) -- strict
+ end
+ w = topattern(w,true,true)
+ for name, functions in next, data do
+ if done[name] then
+ -- prevent recursion due to wildcards
+ elseif find(name,w) then
+ done[name] = true
+ for i=1,#functions do
+ functions[i](value)
+ end
+ functions.value = value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function reset(t)
+ local data =
+ if not data.frozen then
+ for name, functions in next, data do
+ for i=1,#functions do
+ functions[i](false)
+ end
+ functions.value = false
+ end
+ end
+local function enable(t,what)
+ set(t,what,true)
+local function disable(t,what)
+ local data =
+ if not what or what == "" then
+ t.done = { }
+ reset(t)
+ else
+ set(t,what,false)
+ end
+function setters.register(t,what,...)
+ local data =
+ what = lower(what)
+ local functions = data[what]
+ if not functions then
+ functions = { }
+ data[what] = functions
+ if trace_initialize then
+"defining %a",what)
+ end
+ end
+ local default = functions.default -- can be set from cnf file
+ for i=1,select("#",...) do
+ local fnc = select(i,...)
+ local typ = type(fnc)
+ if typ == "string" then
+ if trace_initialize then
+"coupling %a to %a",what,fnc)
+ end
+ local s = fnc -- else wrong reference
+ fnc = function(value) set(t,s,value) end
+ elseif typ ~= "function" then
+ fnc = nil
+ end
+ if fnc then
+ functions[#functions+1] = fnc
+ -- default: set at command line or in cnf file
+ -- value : set in tex run (needed when loading runtime)
+ local value = functions.value or default
+ if value ~= nil then
+ fnc(value)
+ functions.value = value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false -- so we can use it in an assignment
+function setters.enable(t,what)
+ local e = t.enable
+ t.enable, t.done = enable, { }
+ enable(t,what)
+ t.enable, t.done = e, { }
+function setters.disable(t,what)
+ local e = t.disable
+ t.disable, t.done = disable, { }
+ disable(t,what)
+ t.disable, t.done = e, { }
+function setters.reset(t)
+ t.done = { }
+ reset(t)
+function setters.list(t) -- pattern
+ local list = table.sortedkeys(
+ local user, system = { }, { }
+ for l=1,#list do
+ local what = list[l]
+ if find(what,"^%*") then
+ system[#system+1] = what
+ else
+ user[#user+1] = what
+ end
+ end
+ return user, system
+ local category =
+ local list = setters.list(t)
+ for k=1,#list do
+ local name = list[k]
+ local functions =[name]
+ if functions then
+ local value, default, modules = functions.value, functions.default, #functions
+ value = value == nil and "unset" or tostring(value)
+ default = default == nil and "unset" or tostring(default)
+"%-50s modules: %2i default: %-12s value: %-12s",name,modules,default,value)
+ end
+ end
+-- we could have used a bit of oo and the trackers:enable syntax but
+-- there is already a lot of code around using the singular tracker
+-- we could make this into a module but we also want the rest avaliable
+local enable, disable, register, list, show = setters.enable, setters.disable, setters.register, setters.list,
+ print(format("%-15s : %s\n",,format(...)))
+local function default(setter,name)
+ local d =[name]
+ return d and d.default
+local function value(setter,name)
+ local d =[name]
+ return d and (d.value or d.default)
+function -- we could use foo:bar syntax (but not used that often)
+ local setter -- we need to access it in setter itself
+ setter = {
+ data = allocate(), -- indexed, but also default and value fields
+ name = name,
+ report = function(...) (setter,...) end,
+ enable = function(...) enable (setter,...) end,
+ disable = function(...) disable (setter,...) end,
+ reset = function(...) reset (setter,...) end, -- can be dangerous
+ register = function(...) register(setter,...) end,
+ list = function(...) list (setter,...) end,
+ show = function(...) show (setter,...) end,
+ default = function(...) return default (setter,...) end,
+ value = function(...) return value (setter,...) end,
+ }
+ data[name] = setter
+ return setter
+trackers ="trackers")
+directives ="directives")
+experiments ="experiments")
+local t_enable, t_disable = trackers .enable, trackers .disable
+local d_enable, d_disable = directives .enable, directives .disable
+local e_enable, e_disable = experiments.enable, experiments.disable
+-- nice trick: we overload two of the directives related functions with variants that
+-- do tracing (itself using a tracker) .. proof of concept
+local trace_directives = false local trace_directives = false trackers.register("system.directives", function(v) trace_directives = v end)
+local trace_experiments = false local trace_experiments = false trackers.register("system.experiments", function(v) trace_experiments = v end)
+function directives.enable(...)
+ if trace_directives then
+"enabling: % t",{...})
+ end
+ d_enable(...)
+function directives.disable(...)
+ if trace_directives then
+"disabling: % t",{...})
+ end
+ d_disable(...)
+function experiments.enable(...)
+ if trace_experiments then
+"enabling: % t",{...})
+ end
+ e_enable(...)
+function experiments.disable(...)
+ if trace_experiments then
+"disabling: % t",{...})
+ end
+ e_disable(...)
+-- a useful example
+directives.register("system.nostatistics", function(v)
+ if statistics then
+ statistics.enable = not v
+ else
+ -- forget about it
+ end
+directives.register("system.nolibraries", function(v)
+ if libraries then
+ libraries = nil -- we discard this tracing for security
+ else
+ -- no libraries defined
+ end
+-- experiment
+if environment then
+ -- The engineflags are known earlier than environment.arguments but maybe we
+ -- need to handle them both as the later are parsed differently. The c: prefix
+ -- is used by mtx-context to isolate the flags from those that concern luatex.
+ local engineflags = environment.engineflags
+ if engineflags then
+ local list = engineflags["c:trackers"] or engineflags["trackers"]
+ if type(list) == "string" then
+ setters.initialize("commandline flags","trackers",settings_to_hash(list))
+ -- t_enable(list)
+ end
+ local list = engineflags["c:directives"] or engineflags["directives"]
+ if type(list) == "string" then
+ setters.initialize("commandline flags","directives", settings_to_hash(list))
+ -- d_enable(list)
+ end
+ end
+-- here
+if texconfig then
+ -- this happens too late in ini mode but that is no problem
+ local function set(k,v)
+ v = tonumber(v)
+ if v then
+ texconfig[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ directives.register("luatex.expanddepth", function(v) set("expand_depth",v) end)
+ directives.register("luatex.hashextra", function(v) set("hash_extra",v) end)
+ directives.register("luatex.nestsize", function(v) set("nest_size",v) end)
+ directives.register("luatex.maxinopen", function(v) set("max_in_open",v) end)
+ directives.register("luatex.maxprintline", function(v) set("max_print_line",v) end)
+ directives.register("luatex.maxstrings", function(v) set("max_strings",v) end)
+ directives.register("luatex.paramsize", function(v) set("param_size",v) end)
+ directives.register("luatex.savesize", function(v) set("save_size",v) end)
+ directives.register("luatex.stacksize", function(v) set("stack_size",v) end)