path: root/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ocl.lua
diff options
authorContext Git Mirror Bot <>2016-06-16 12:35:50 +0200
committerContext Git Mirror Bot <>2016-06-16 12:35:50 +0200
commite5f31b4b88e3f4dc2fad65156c4dff08d27f528b (patch)
tree28f00761e62b7f08fef3d4fe28dbcdd6621d3d63 /tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ocl.lua
parent3d9fb7a20b16edd5babed9a56ca70662c0fcb011 (diff)
2016-06-16 11:52:00
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ocl.lua')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ocl.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ocl.lua
index b2aba7ac7..ed1be9535 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ocl.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ocl.lua
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-ocl'] = {
-- todo : user list of colors
-local tostring, next = tostring, next
+local tostring, next, format = tostring, next, string.format
local formatters = string.formatters
@@ -166,34 +166,56 @@ do
-if context and xml.convert then
local report_svg = logs.reporter("fonts","svg conversion")
- local xmlconvert = xml.convert
- local xmlfirst = xml.first
local loaddata = io.loaddata
local savedata = io.savedata
local remove = os.remove
+ if context and xml.convert then
+ local xmlconvert = xml.convert
+ local xmlfirst = xml.first
+ function otfsvg.filterglyph(entry,index)
+ local svg = xmlconvert(
+ local root = svg and xmlfirst(svg,"/svg[@id='glyph"..index.."']")
+ local data = root and tostring(root)
+ -- report_svg("data for glyph %04X: %s",index,data)
+ return data
+ end
+ else
+ function otfsvg.filterglyph(entry,index) -- can be overloaded
+ return
+ end
+ end
-- function otfsvg.topdf(svgshapes)
- -- local svgfile = "temp-otf-svg-shape.svg"
- -- local pdffile = "temp-otf-svg-shape.pdf"
- -- local command = "inkscape " .. svgfile .. " --export-pdf=" .. pdffile
- -- local testrun = false
- -- local pdfshapes = { }
- -- local nofshapes = #svgshapes
+ -- local svgfile = "temp-otf-svg-shape.svg"
+ -- local pdffile = "temp-otf-svg-shape.pdf"
+ -- local command = "inkscape " .. svgfile .. " --export-pdf=" .. pdffile
+ -- local testrun = false
+ -- local pdfshapes = { }
+ -- local nofshapes = #svgshapes
+ -- local filterglyph = otfsvg.filterglyph
-- report_svg("processing %i svg containers",nofshapes)
-- statistics.starttiming()
-- for i=1,nofshapes do
-- local entry = svgshapes[i]
- -- for j=entry.first,entry.last do
- -- local svg = xmlconvert(
- -- local data = xmlfirst(svg,"/svg[@id='glyph"..j.."']")
+ -- for index=entry.first,entry.last do
+ -- local data = filterglyph(entry,index)
-- savedata(svgfile,tostring(data))
- -- report_svg("processing svg shape of glyph %i in container %i",j,i)
- -- os.execute(command)
- -- pdfshapes[j] = loaddata(pdffile)
+ -- if data and data ~= "" then
+ -- report_svg("processing svg shape of glyph %i in container %i",index,i)
+ -- os.execute(command)
+ -- pdfshapes[index] = loaddata(pdffile)
+ -- end
-- end
-- if testrun and i > testrun then
-- report_svg("quiting test run")
@@ -207,26 +229,25 @@ if context and xml.convert then
-- end
function otfsvg.topdf(svgshapes)
- local inkscape = io.popen("inkscape --shell 2>&1","w")
- local pdfshapes = { }
- local nofshapes = #svgshapes
- local f_svgfile = formatters["temp-otf-svg-shape-%i.svg"]
- local f_pdffile = formatters["temp-otf-svg-shape-%i.pdf"]
- local f_convert = formatters["%s --export-pdf=%s\n"]
+ local inkscape = io.popen("inkscape --shell > temp-otf-svg-shape.log","w")
+ local pdfshapes = { }
+ local nofshapes = #svgshapes
+ local f_svgfile = formatters["temp-otf-svg-shape-%i.svg"]
+ local f_pdffile = formatters["temp-otf-svg-shape-%i.pdf"]
+ local f_convert = formatters["%s --export-pdf=%s\n"]
+ local filterglyph = otfsvg.filterglyph
report_svg("processing %i svg containers",nofshapes)
for i=1,nofshapes do
local entry = svgshapes[i]
- for j=entry.first,entry.last do
- local svg = xmlconvert(
- local root = svg and xmlfirst(svg,"/svg[@id='glyph"..j.."']")
- local data = root and tostring(root)
+ for index=entry.first,entry.last do
+ local data = filterglyph(entry,index)
if data and data ~= "" then
- local svgfile = f_svgfile(j)
- local pdffile = f_pdffile(j)
+ local svgfile = f_svgfile(index)
+ local pdffile = f_pdffile(index)
- pdfshapes[j] = true
+ pdfshapes[index] = true
@@ -236,39 +257,17 @@ if context and xml.convert then
-- end
report_svg("processing %i pdf results",nofshapes)
- for i in next, pdfshapes do
- local svgfile = f_svgfile(i)
- local pdffile = f_pdffile(i)
- pdfshapes[i] = loaddata(pdffile)
+ for index in next, pdfshapes do
+ local svgfile = f_svgfile(index)
+ local pdffile = f_pdffile(index)
+ pdfshapes[index] = loaddata(pdffile)
- report_svg("conversion time: %0.3f",statistics.elapsedtime())
- return pdfshapes
- end
- function otfsvg.topdf(svgshapes)
- local svgfile = "temp-otf-svg-shape.svg"
- local pdffile = "temp-otf-svg-shape.pdf"
- local command = "inkscape " .. svgfile .. " --export-pdf=" .. pdffile
- local pdfshapes = { }
- local nofshapes = #svgshapes
- texio.write(formatters["[converting %i svg glyphs to pdf using command %q : "](nofshapes,command))
- for i=1,nofshapes do
- local entry = svgshapes[i]
- for j=entry.first,entry.last do
- -- cross our fingers .. some, day i will filter
- texio.write(formatters["%i "](j))
- io.savedata(svgfile,tostring(
- os.execute(command)
- pdfshapes[j] = io.loaddata(pdffile)
- end
+ if statistics.elapsedseconds then
+ report_svg("svg conversion time %s",statistics.elapsedseconds())
- os.remove(svgfile)
- texio.write("done]")
return pdfshapes