path: root/scripts/context/ruby/textools.rb
diff options
authorMarius <>2010-07-04 15:32:09 +0300
committerMarius <>2010-07-04 15:32:09 +0300
commit85b7bc695629926641c7cb752fd478adfdf374f3 (patch)
tree80293f5aaa7b95a500a78392c39688d8ee7a32fc /scripts/context/ruby/textools.rb
stable 2010-05-24 13:10
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/context/ruby/textools.rb')
1 files changed, 1033 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/context/ruby/textools.rb b/scripts/context/ruby/textools.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5858c5ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/context/ruby/textools.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1033 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# program : textools
+# copyright : PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering
+# version : 2002-2005
+# author : Hans Hagen
+# project : ConTeXt / eXaMpLe
+# concept : Hans Hagen
+# info :
+# www :
+# This script will harbor some handy manipulations on tex
+# related files.
+banner = ['TeXTools', 'version 1.3.1', '2002/2006', 'PRAGMA ADE/POD']
+$: << File.expand_path(File.dirname($0)) ; $: << File.join($:.last,'lib') ; $:.uniq!
+require 'base/switch'
+require 'base/logger'
+require 'fileutils'
+# require 'ftools'
+# Remark
+# The fixtexmftrees feature does not realy belong in textools, but
+# since it looks like no measures will be taken to make texlive (and
+# tetex) downward compatible with respect to fonts installed by
+# users, we provide this fixer. This option also moves script files
+# to their new location (only for context) in the TDS. Beware: when
+# locating scripts, the --format switch in kpsewhich should now use
+# 'texmfscripts' instead of 'other text files' (texmfstart is already
+# aware of this). Files will only be moved when --force is given. Let
+# me know if more fixes need to be made.
+class Commands
+ include CommandBase
+ def tpmmake
+ if filename = @commandline.argument('first') then
+ filename = File.join('tpm',filename) unless filename =~ /^tpm[\/\\]/
+ filename += '.tpm' unless filename =~ /\.tpm$/
+ if FileTest.file?(filename) then
+ data = rescue ''
+ data, fn, n = calculate_tpm(data,"TPM:RunFiles")
+ data, fm, m = calculate_tpm(data,"TPM:DocFiles")
+ data = replace_tpm(data,"TPM:Size",n+m)
+ report("total size #{n+m}")
+ begin
+, 'w') do |f|
+ f << data
+ end
+ rescue
+ report("unable to save '#{filename}'")
+ else
+ report("file '#{filename}' is updated")
+ filename = File.basename(filename).sub(/\..*$/,'')
+ zipname = sprintf("%s-%04i.%02i.%02i%s",filename,,,,'.zip')
+ File.delete(zipname) rescue true
+ report("zipping file '#{zipname}'")
+ system("zip -r -9 -q #{zipname} #{[fn,fm].flatten.join(' ')}")
+ end
+ else
+ report("no file '#{filename}'")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def calculate_tpm(data, tag='')
+ size, ok = 0,
+ data.gsub!(/<#{tag}.*>(.*?)<\/#{tag}>/m) do
+ content = $1
+ files = content.split(/\s+/)
+ files.each do |file|
+ unless file =~ /^\s*$/ then
+ if FileTest.file?(file) then
+ report("found file #{file}")
+ size += FileTest.size(file) rescue 0
+ ok << file
+ else
+ report("missing file #{file}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ "<#{tag} size=\"#{size}\">#{content}</#{tag}>"
+ end
+ [data, ok, size]
+ end
+ def replace_tpm(data, tag='', txt='')
+ data.gsub(/(<#{tag}.*>)(.*?)(<\/#{tag}>)/m) do
+ $1 + txt.to_s + $3
+ end
+ end
+class Commands
+ include CommandBase
+ def hidemapnames
+ report('hiding FontNames in map files')
+ xidemapnames(true)
+ end
+ def videmapnames
+ report('unhiding FontNames in map files')
+ xidemapnames(false)
+ end
+ def removemapnames
+ report('removing FontNames from map files')
+ if files = findfiles('map') then
+ report
+ files.sort.each do |fn|
+ gn = fn # + '.nonames'
+ hn = fn + '.original'
+ begin
+ if FileTest.file?(fn) && ! FileTest.file?(hn) then
+ if File.rename(fn,hn) then
+ if (fh =,'r')) && (gh =,'w')) then
+ report("processing #{fn}")
+ while str = fh.gets do
+ str.sub!(/^([^\%]+?)(\s+)([^\"\<\s]*?)(\s)/) do
+ $1 + $2 + " "*$3.length + $4
+ end
+ gh.puts(str)
+ end
+ fh.close
+ gh.close
+ else
+ report("no permissions to handle #{fn}")
+ end
+ else
+ report("unable to rename #{fn} to #{hn}")
+ end
+ else
+ report("not processing #{fn} due to presence of #{hn}")
+ end
+ rescue
+ report("error in handling #{fn}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def restoremapnames
+ report('restoring FontNames in map files')
+ if files = findfiles('map') then
+ report
+ files.sort.each do |fn|
+ hn = fn + '.original'
+ begin
+ if FileTest.file?(hn) then
+ File.delete(fn) if FileTest.file?(fn)
+ report("#{fn} restored") if File.rename(hn,fn)
+ else
+ report("no original found for #{fn}")
+ end
+ rescue
+ report("error in restoring #{fn}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def findfile
+ report('locating file in texmf tree')
+ # ! not in tree
+ # ? fuzzy
+ # . in tree
+ # > in tree and used
+ if filename = @commandline.argument('first') then
+ if filename && ! filename.empty? then
+ report
+ used = kpsefile(filename) || pathfile(filename)
+ if paths = texmfroots then
+ found, prefered = false, false
+ paths.each do |p|
+ if files = texmffiles(p,filename) then
+ found = true
+ files.each do |f|
+ # unreadable: report("#{if f == used then '>' else '.' end} #{f}")
+ if f == used then
+ prefered = true
+ report("> #{f}")
+ else
+ report(". #{f}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if prefered then
+ report("! #{used}") unless found
+ else
+ report("> #{used}")
+ end
+ elsif used then
+ report("? #{used}")
+ else
+ report('no file found')
+ end
+ else
+ report('no file specified')
+ end
+ else
+ report('no file specified')
+ end
+ end
+ def unzipfiles
+ report('g-unzipping files')
+ if files = findfiles('gz') then
+ report
+ files.each do |f|
+ begin
+ system("gunzip -d #{f}")
+ rescue
+ report("unable to unzip file #{f}")
+ else
+ report("file #{f} is unzipped")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def fixafmfiles
+ report('fixing afm files')
+ if files = findfiles('afm') then
+ report
+ ok = false
+ files.each do |filename|
+ if filename =~ /\.afm$/io then
+ if f = then
+ result = ''
+ done = false
+ while str = f.gets do
+ str.chomp!
+ str.strip!
+ if str.empty? then
+ # skip
+ elsif (str.length > 200) && (str =~ /^(comment|notice)\s(.*)\s*$/io) then
+ done = true
+ tag, words, len = $1, $2.split(' '), 0
+ result += tag
+ while words.size > 0 do
+ str = words.shift
+ len += str.length + 1
+ result += ' ' + str
+ if len > (70 - tag.length) then
+ result += "\n"
+ result += tag if words.size > 0
+ len = 0
+ end
+ end
+ result += "\n" if len>0
+ else
+ result += str + "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ f.close
+ if done then
+ ok = true
+ begin
+ if File.rename(filename,filename+'.original') then
+ if FileTest.file?(filename) then
+ report("something to fix in #{filename} but error in renaming (3)")
+ elsif f =,'w') then
+ f.puts(result)
+ f.close
+ report('file', filename, 'has been fixed')
+ else
+ report("something to fix in #{filename} but error in opening (4)")
+ File.rename(filename+'.original',filename) # gamble
+ end
+ else
+ report("something to fix in #{filename} but error in renaming (2)")
+ end
+ rescue
+ report("something to fix in #{filename} but error in renaming (1)")
+ end
+ else
+ report("nothing to fix in #{filename}")
+ end
+ else
+ report("error in opening #{filename}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ report('no files match the pattern') unless ok
+ end
+ end
+ def mactodos
+ report('fixing mac newlines')
+ if files = findfiles('tex') then
+ report
+ files.each do |filename|
+ begin
+ report("converting file #{filename}")
+ tmpfilename = filename + '.tmp'
+ if f = then
+ if g =, 'w')
+ while str = f.gets do
+ g.puts(str.gsub(/\r/,"\n"))
+ end
+ if f.close && g.close && FileTest.file?(tmpfilename) then
+ File.delete(filename)
+ File.rename(tmpfilename,filename)
+ end
+ else
+ report("unable to open temporary file #{tmpfilename}")
+ end
+ else
+ report("unable to open #{filename}")
+ end
+ rescue
+ report("problems with fixing #{filename}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def fixtexmftrees
+ if paths = @commandline.argument('first') then
+ paths = [paths] if ! paths.empty?
+ end
+ paths = texmfroots if paths.empty?
+ if paths then
+ moved = 0
+ force = @commandline.option('force')
+ report
+ report("checking TDS 2003 => TDS 2004 : map files")
+ # report
+ # move [map,enc] files from /texmf/[dvips,pdftex,dvipdfmx] -> /texmf/fonts/[*]
+ ['map','enc'].each do |suffix|
+ paths.each do |path|
+ ['dvips','pdftex','dvipdfmx'].each do |program|
+ report
+ report("checking #{suffix} files for #{program} on #{path}")
+ report
+ moved += movefiles("#{path}/#{program}","#{path}/fonts/#{suffix}/#{program}",suffix) do
+ # nothing
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ report
+ report("checking TDS 2003 => TDS 2004 : scripts")
+ # report
+ # move [rb,pl,py] files from /texmf/someplace -> /texmf/scripts/someplace
+ ['rb','pl','py'].each do |suffix|
+ paths.each do |path|
+ ['context'].each do |program|
+ report
+ report("checking #{suffix} files for #{program} on #{path}")
+ report
+ moved += movefiles("#{path}/#{program}","#{path}/scripts/#{program}",suffix) do |f|
+ f.gsub!(/\/(perl|ruby|python)tk\//o) do
+ "/#{$1}/"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ if moved>0 then
+ report
+ if force then
+ system('mktexlsr')
+ report
+ report("#{moved} files moved")
+ else
+ report("#{moved} files will be moved")
+ end
+ else
+ report('no files need to be moved')
+ end
+ rescue
+ report('you need to run mktexlsr')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def replacefile
+ report('replace file')
+ if newname = @commandline.argument('first') then
+ if newname && ! newname.empty? then
+ report
+ report("replacing #{newname}")
+ report
+ oldname = kpsefile(File.basename(newname))
+ force = @commandline.option('force')
+ if oldname && ! oldname.empty? then
+ oldname = File.expand_path(oldname)
+ newname = File.expand_path(newname)
+ report("old: #{oldname}")
+ report("new: #{newname}")
+ report
+ if newname == oldname then
+ report('unable to replace itself')
+ elsif force then
+ begin
+ File.copy(newname,oldname)
+ rescue
+ report('error in replacing the old file')
+ end
+ else
+ report('the old file will be replaced (use --force)')
+ end
+ else
+ report('nothing to replace')
+ end
+ else
+ report('no file specified')
+ end
+ else
+ report('no file specified')
+ end
+ end
+ private # general
+ def texmfroots
+ begin
+ paths = `kpsewhich -expand-path=\$TEXMF`.chomp
+ rescue
+ else
+ return paths.split(/#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}/) if paths && ! paths.empty?
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ def texmffiles(root, filename)
+ begin
+ files = Dir.glob("#{root}/**/#{filename}")
+ rescue
+ else
+ return files if files && files.length>0
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ def pathfile(filename)
+ used = nil
+ begin
+ if ! filename || filename.empty? then
+ return nil
+ else
+ ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path|
+ if FileTest.file?(File.join(path,filename)) then
+ used = File.join(path,filename)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ used = nil
+ else
+ used = nil if used && used.empty?
+ end
+ return used
+ end
+ def kpsefile(filename)
+ used = nil
+ begin
+ if ! filename || filename.empty? then
+ return nil
+ else
+ used = `kpsewhich #{filename}`.chomp
+ end
+ if used && used.empty? then
+ used = `kpsewhich -progname=context #{filename}`.chomp
+ end
+ if used && used.empty? then
+ used = `kpsewhich -format=texmfscripts #{filename}`.chomp
+ end
+ if used && used.empty? then
+ used = `kpsewhich -progname=context -format=texmfscripts #{filename}`.chomp
+ end
+ if used && used.empty? then
+ used = `kpsewhich -format="other text files" #{filename}`.chomp
+ end
+ if used && used.empty? then
+ used = `kpsewhich -progname=context -format="other text files" #{filename}`.chomp
+ end
+ rescue
+ used = nil
+ else
+ used = nil if used && used.empty?
+ end
+ return used
+ end
+ def downcasefilenames
+ report('downcase filenames')
+ force = @commandline.option('force')
+ # if @commandline.option('recurse') then
+ # files = Dir.glob('**/*')
+ # else
+ # files = Dir.glob('*')
+ # end
+ # if files && files.length>0 then
+ if files = findfiles() then
+ files.each do |oldname|
+ if FileTest.file?(oldname) then
+ newname = oldname.downcase
+ if oldname != newname then
+ if force then
+ begin
+ File.rename(oldname,newname)
+ rescue
+ report("#{oldname} == #{oldname}\n")
+ else
+ report("#{oldname} => #{newname}\n")
+ end
+ else
+ report("(#{oldname} => #{newname})\n")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def stripformfeeds
+ report('strip formfeeds')
+ force = @commandline.option('force')
+ if files = findfiles() then
+ files.each do |filename|
+ if FileTest.file?(filename) then
+ begin
+ data = IO.readlines(filename).join('')
+ rescue
+ else
+ if data.gsub!(/\n*\f\n*/io,"\n\n") then
+ if force then
+ if f = open(filename,'w') then
+ report("#{filename} is stripped\n")
+ f.puts(data)
+ f.close
+ else
+ report("#{filename} cannot be stripped\n")
+ end
+ else
+ report("#{filename} will be stripped\n")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ public
+ def showfont
+ file = @commandline.argument('first')
+ if file.empty? then
+ report('provide filename')
+ else
+ file.sub!(/\.afm$/,'')
+ begin
+ report("analyzing afm file #{file}.afm")
+ file = `kpsewhich #{file}.afm`.chomp
+ rescue
+ report('unable to run kpsewhich')
+ return
+ end
+ names =
+ if FileTest.file?(file) then
+ do |line|
+ if line.match(/^C\s*([\-\d]+)\s*\;.*?\s*N\s*(.+?)\s*\;/o) then
+ names.push($2)
+ end
+ end
+ ranges = names.size
+ report("number of glyphs: #{ranges}")
+ ranges = ranges/256 + 1
+ report("number of subsets: #{ranges}")
+ file = File.basename(file).sub(/\.afm$/,'')
+ tex ="textools.tex",'w')
+ map ="",'w')
+ tex.puts("\\starttext\n")
+ tex.puts("\\loadmapfile[]\n")
+ for i in 1..ranges do
+ rfile = "#{file}-range-#{i}"
+ report("generating enc file #{rfile}.enc")
+ flushencoding("#{rfile}", (i-1)*256, i*256-1, names)
+ # catch console output
+ report("generating tfm file #{rfile}.tfm")
+ mapline = `afm2tfm #{file}.afm -T #{rfile}.enc #{rfile}.tfm`
+ # more robust replacement
+ mapline = "#{rfile} <#{rfile}.enc <#{file}.pfb"
+ # final entry in map file
+ mapline = "#{mapline} <#{file}.pfb"
+ map.puts("#{mapline}\n")
+ tex.puts("\\showfont[#{rfile}][unknown]\n")
+ end
+ tex.puts("\\stoptext\n")
+ report("generating map file")
+ report("generating tex file textools.tex")
+ map.close
+ tex.close
+ else
+ report("invalid file #{file}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ @@knownchars =
+ @@knownchars['ae'] = 'aeligature' ; @@knownchars['oe'] = 'oeligature'
+ @@knownchars['AE'] = 'AEligature' ; @@knownchars['OE'] = 'OEligature'
+ @@knownchars['acute' ] = 'textacute'
+ @@knownchars['breve' ] = 'textbreve'
+ @@knownchars['caron' ] = 'textcaron'
+ @@knownchars['cedilla' ] = 'textcedilla'
+ @@knownchars['circumflex' ] = 'textcircumflex'
+ @@knownchars['diaeresis' ] = 'textdiaeresis'
+ @@knownchars['dotaccent' ] = 'textdotaccent'
+ @@knownchars['grave' ] = 'textgrave'
+ @@knownchars['hungarumlaut'] = 'texthungarumlaut'
+ @@knownchars['macron' ] = 'textmacron'
+ @@knownchars['ogonek' ] = 'textogonek'
+ @@knownchars['ring' ] = 'textring'
+ @@knownchars['tilde' ] = 'texttilde'
+ @@knownchars['cent' ] = 'textcent'
+ @@knownchars['currency'] = 'textcurrency'
+ @@knownchars['euro' ] = 'texteuro'
+ @@knownchars['florin' ] = 'textflorin'
+ @@knownchars['sterling'] = 'textsterling'
+ @@knownchars['yen' ] = 'textyen'
+ @@knownchars['brokenbar'] = 'textbrokenbar'
+ @@knownchars['bullet' ] = 'textbullet'
+ @@knownchars['dag' ] = 'textdag'
+ @@knownchars['ddag' ] = 'textddag'
+ @@knownchars['degree' ] = 'textdegree'
+ @@knownchars['div' ] = 'textdiv'
+ @@knownchars['ellipsis' ] = 'textellipsis'
+ @@knownchars['fraction' ] = 'textfraction'
+ @@knownchars['lognot' ] = 'textlognot'
+ @@knownchars['minus' ] = 'textminus'
+ @@knownchars['mu' ] = 'textmu'
+ @@knownchars['multiply' ] = 'textmultiply'
+ @@knownchars['pm' ] = 'textpm'
+ def encmake
+ afmfile = @commandline.argument('first')
+ encoding = @commandline.argument('second') || 'dummy'
+ if afmfile && FileTest.file?(afmfile) then
+ chars =
+ IO.readlines(afmfile).each do |line|
+ if line =~ /C\s+(\d+).*?N\s+([a-zA-Z\-\.]+?)\s*;/ then
+ chars[$1.to_i] = $2
+ end
+ end
+ if f ='.enc','w') then
+ f << "% Encoding file, generated by textools.rb from #{afmfile}\n"
+ f << "\n"
+ f << "/#{encoding.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z]/,'')}encoding [\n"
+ 256.times do |i|
+ f << " /#{chars[i] || '.notdef'} % #{i}\n"
+ end
+ f << "] def\n"
+ f.close
+ end
+ if f ='enco-'+encoding+'.tex','w') then
+ f << "% ConTeXt file, generated by textools.rb from #{afmfile}\n"
+ f << "\n"
+ f << "\\startencoding[#{encoding}]\n\n"
+ 256.times do |i|
+ if str = chars[i] then
+ tmp = str.gsub(/dieresis/,'diaeresis')
+ if chr = @@knownchars[tmp] then
+ f << " \\definecharacter #{chr} #{i}\n"
+ elsif tmp.length > 5 then
+ f << " \\definecharacter #{tmp} #{i}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ f << "\n\\stopencoding\n"
+ f << "\n\\endinput\n"
+ f.close
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def flushencoding (file, from, to, names)
+ n = 0
+ out ="#{file}.enc",'w')
+ out.puts("/#{file.gsub(/\-/,'')} [\n")
+ for i in do
+ if names[i] then
+ n += 1
+ out.puts("/#{names[i]}\n")
+ else
+ out.puts("/.notdef\n")
+ end
+ end
+ out.puts("] def\n")
+ out.close
+ return n
+ end
+ private # specific
+ def movefiles(from_path,to_path,suffix,&block)
+ obsolete = 'obsolete'
+ force = @commandline.option('force')
+ moved = 0
+ if files = texmffiles(from_path, "*.#{suffix}") then
+ files.each do |filename|
+ newfilename = filename.sub(/^#{from_path}/, to_path)
+ yield(newfilename) if block
+ if FileTest.file?(newfilename) then
+ begin
+ File.rename(filename,filename+'.obsolete') if force
+ rescue
+ report("#{filename} cannot be made obsolete") if force
+ else
+ if force then
+ report("#{filename} is made obsolete")
+ else
+ report("#{filename} will become obsolete")
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ File.makedirs(File.dirname(newfilename)) if force
+ rescue
+ end
+ begin
+ File.copy(filename,newfilename) if force
+ rescue
+ report("#{filename} cannot be copied to #{newfilename}")
+ else
+ begin
+ File.delete(filename) if force
+ rescue
+ report("#{filename} cannot be deleted") if force
+ else
+ if force then
+ report("#{filename} is moved to #{newfilename}")
+ moved += 1
+ else
+ report("#{filename} will be moved to #{newfilename}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ report('no matches found')
+ end
+ return moved
+ end
+ def xidemapnames(hide)
+ filter = /^([^\%]+?)(\s+)([^\"\<\s]*?)(\s)/
+ banner = '% textools:nn '
+ if files = findfiles('map') then
+ report
+ files.sort.each do |fn|
+ if fn.has_suffix?('map') then
+ begin
+ lines =
+ report("processing #{fn}")
+ if f =,'w') then
+ skip = false
+ if hide then
+ lines.each do |str|
+ if skip then
+ skip = false
+ elsif str =~ /#{banner}/ then
+ skip = true
+ elsif str =~ filter then
+ f.puts(banner+str)
+ str.sub!(filter) do
+ $1 + $2 + " "*$3.length + $4
+ end
+ end
+ f.puts(str)
+ end
+ else
+ lines.each do |str|
+ if skip then
+ skip = false
+ elsif str.sub!(/#{banner}/, '') then
+ f.puts(str)
+ skip = true
+ else
+ f.puts(str)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ f.close
+ end
+ rescue
+ report("error in handling #{fn}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ public
+ def updatetree
+ nocheck = @commandline.option('nocheck')
+ merge = @commandline.option('merge')
+ delete = @commandline.option('delete')
+ force = @commandline.option('force')
+ root = @commandline.argument('first').gsub(/\\/,'/')
+ path = @commandline.argument('second').gsub(/\\/,'/')
+ if then
+ report("scanning #{root}")
+ rootfiles = Dir.glob("#{root}/**/*")
+ else
+ report("provide source root")
+ return
+ end
+ if rootfiles.size > 0 then
+ report("#{rootfiles.size} files")
+ else
+ report("no files")
+ return
+ end
+ rootfiles.collect! do |rf|
+ rf.gsub(/\\/o, '/').sub(/#{root}\//o, '')
+ end
+ rootfiles = rootfiles.delete_if do |rf|
+ end
+ if then
+ report("scanning #{path}")
+ pathfiles = Dir.glob("#{path}/**/*")
+ else
+ report("provide destination root")
+ return
+ end
+ if pathfiles.size > 0 then
+ report("#{pathfiles.size} files")
+ else
+ report("no files")
+ return
+ end
+ pathfiles.collect! do |pf|
+ pf.gsub(/\\/o, '/').sub(/#{path}\//o, '')
+ end
+ pathfiles = pathfiles.delete_if do |pf|
+ end
+ root = File.expand_path(root)
+ path = File.expand_path(path)
+ donepaths =
+ copiedfiles =
+ # update existing files, assume similar paths
+ report("")
+ pathfiles.each do |f| # destination
+ p = File.join(path,f)
+ if rootfiles.include?(f) then
+ r = File.join(root,f)
+ if p != r then
+ if nocheck or File.mtime(p) < File.mtime(r) then
+ copiedfiles[File.expand_path(p)] = true
+ report("updating '#{r}' to '#{p}'")
+ begin
+ begin File.makedirs(File.dirname(p)) if force ; rescue ; end
+ File.copy(r,p) if force
+ rescue
+ report("updating failed")
+ end
+ else
+ report("not updating '#{r}'")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # merging non existing files
+ report("")
+ rootfiles.each do |f|
+ donepaths[File.dirname(f)] = true
+ r = File.join(root,f)
+ if not pathfiles.include?(f) then
+ p = File.join(path,f)
+ if p != r then
+ if merge then
+ copiedfiles[File.expand_path(p)] = true
+ report("merging '#{r}' to '#{p}'")
+ begin
+ begin File.makedirs(File.dirname(p)) if force ; rescue ; end
+ File.copy(r,p) if force
+ rescue
+ report("merging failed")
+ end
+ else
+ report("not merging '#{r}'")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # deleting obsolete files
+ report("")
+ donepaths.keys.sort.each do |d|
+ pathfiles = Dir.glob("#{path}/#{d}/**/*")
+ pathfiles.each do |p|
+# puts(File.dirname(p))
+# if donepaths[File.dirname(p)] then
+ r = File.join(root,d,File.basename(p))
+ if FileTest.file?(p) and not FileTest.file?(r) and not copiedfiles.key?(File.expand_path(p)) then
+ if delete then
+ report("deleting '#{p}'")
+ begin
+ File.delete(p) if force
+ rescue
+ report("deleting failed")
+ end
+ else
+ report("not deleting '#{p}'")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# end
+ end
+ end
+logger =
+commandline =
+commandline.registeraction('removemapnames' , '[pattern] [--recurse]')
+commandline.registeraction('restoremapnames' , '[pattern] [--recurse]')
+commandline.registeraction('hidemapnames' , '[pattern] [--recurse]')
+commandline.registeraction('videmapnames' , '[pattern] [--recurse]')
+commandline.registeraction('findfile' , 'filename [--recurse]')
+commandline.registeraction('unzipfiles' , '[pattern] [--recurse]')
+commandline.registeraction('fixafmfiles' , '[pattern] [--recurse]')
+commandline.registeraction('mactodos' , '[pattern] [--recurse]')
+commandline.registeraction('fixtexmftrees' , '[texmfroot] [--force]')
+commandline.registeraction('replacefile' , 'filename [--force]')
+commandline.registeraction('updatetree' , 'fromroot toroot [--force --nocheck --merge --delete]')
+commandline.registeraction('downcasefilenames', '[--recurse] [--force]') # not yet documented
+commandline.registeraction('stripformfeeds' , '[--recurse] [--force]') # not yet documented
+commandline.registeraction('showfont' , 'filename')
+commandline.registeraction('encmake' , 'afmfile encodingname')
+commandline.registeraction('tpmmake' , 'tpm file (run in texmf root)')
+,logger,banner).send(commandline.action || 'help')