path: root/scripts/context/ruby/runtools.rb
diff options
authorMarius <>2010-07-04 15:32:09 +0300
committerMarius <>2010-07-04 15:32:09 +0300
commit85b7bc695629926641c7cb752fd478adfdf374f3 (patch)
tree80293f5aaa7b95a500a78392c39688d8ee7a32fc /scripts/context/ruby/runtools.rb
stable 2010-05-24 13:10
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/context/ruby/runtools.rb')
1 files changed, 506 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/context/ruby/runtools.rb b/scripts/context/ruby/runtools.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5565748e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/context/ruby/runtools.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+require 'timeout'
+require 'fileutils'
+# require 'ftools'
+require 'rbconfig'
+class File
+ # we don't want a/b//c
+ #
+ # puts File.join('a','b','c')
+ # puts File.join('/a','b','c')
+ # puts File.join('a:','b','c')
+ # puts File.join('a/','/b/','c')
+ # puts File.join('/a','/b/','c')
+ # puts File.join('//a/','/b/','c')
+ def File.join(*list)
+ path, prefix = [*list].flatten.join(File::SEPARATOR), ''
+ path.sub!(/^([\/]+)/) do
+ prefix = $1
+ ''
+ end
+ path.gsub!(/([\\\/]+)/) do
+ end
+ prefix + path
+ end
+class Job
+ $ownfile, $ownpath = '', ''
+ def Job::set_own_path(file)
+ $ownfile, $ownpath = File.basename(file), File.expand_path(File.dirname(file))
+ $: << $ownpath
+ end
+ def Job::ownfile
+ $ownfile
+ end
+ def Job::ownpath
+ $ownpath
+ end
+class Job
+ def initialize
+ @startuppath = Dir.getwd
+ @log =
+ @testmode = false
+ @ownpath = $ownpath
+ @paths =
+ end
+ def exit(showlog=false)
+ Dir.chdir(@startuppath)
+ show_log if showlog
+ Kernel::exit
+ end
+ def platform
+ case Config::CONFIG['host_os']
+ when /mswin/ then :windows
+ else :unix
+ end
+ end
+ def path(*components)
+ File.join([*components].flatten)
+ end
+ def found(name)
+ FileTest.file?(path(name)) ||
+ end
+ def binary(name)
+ if platform == :windows then
+ name.sub(/\.[^\/]+$/o,'') + '.exe'
+ else
+ name
+ end
+ end
+ def suffixed(name,suffix)
+ if name =~ /\.[^\/]+$/o then
+ name
+ else
+ name + '.' + suffix
+ end
+ end
+ def expanded(*name)
+ File.expand_path(File.join(*name))
+ end
+ def argument(n,default=nil)
+ ARGV[n] || default
+ end
+ def variable(name,default='')
+ ENV[name] || default
+ end
+ def change_dir(*dir)
+ dir, old = expanded(path(*dir)), expanded(Dir.getwd)
+ unless old == dir then
+ begin
+ Dir.chdir(dir)
+ rescue
+ error("unable to change to path #{dir}")
+ else
+ if old == dir then
+ error("error in changing to path #{dir}")
+ else
+ message("changed to path #{dir}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # return File.expand_path(Dir.getwd)
+ end
+ def delete_dir(*dir)
+ begin
+ dir = path(*dir)
+ pattern = "#{dir}/**/*"
+ puts("analyzing dir #{pattern}")
+ files = Dir.glob(pattern).sort.reverse
+ files.each do |f|
+ begin
+ # FileTest.file?(f) fails on .whatever files
+ File.delete(f)
+ rescue
+ # probably directory
+ else
+ puts("deleting file #{f}")
+ end
+ end
+ files.each do |f|
+ begin
+ Dir.rmdir(f)
+ rescue
+ # strange
+ else
+ message("deleting path #{f}")
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ Dir.rmdir(dir)
+ rescue
+ # strange
+ else
+ message("deleting parent #{dir}")
+ end
+ Dir.glob(pattern).sort.each do |f|
+ warning("unable to delete #{f}")
+ end
+ rescue
+ warning("unable to delete path #{File.expand_path(dir)} (#{$!})")
+ else
+ message("path #{File.expand_path(dir)} removed")
+ end
+ end
+ def create_dir(*dir)
+ begin
+ dir = path(*dir)
+ unless then
+ File.makedirs(dir)
+ else
+ return
+ end
+ rescue
+ error("unable to create path #{File.expand_path(dir)}")
+ else
+ message("path #{File.expand_path(dir)} created")
+ end
+ end
+ def show_dir(delay=0)
+ _puts_("\n")
+ print Dir.getwd + ' '
+ begin
+ timeout(delay) do
+ loop do
+ print '.'
+ sleep(1)
+ end
+ end
+ rescue TimeoutError
+ # ok
+ end
+ _puts_("\n\n")
+ end
+ def copy_file(from,to='.',exclude=[])
+ to, ex = path(to), [exclude].flatten
+ Dir.glob(path(from)).each do |file|
+ tofile = to.sub(/[\.\*]$/o) do File.basename(file) end
+ _do_copy_(file,tofile) unless ex.include?(File.extname(file))
+ end
+ end
+ def clone_file(from,to)
+ if from and to then
+ to = File.join(File.basename(from),to) if File.basename(to).empty?
+ _do_copy_(from,to)
+ end
+ end
+ def copy_dir(from,to,pattern='*',exclude=[]) # recursive
+ pattern = '*' if ! pattern or pattern.empty?
+ if from and to and File.expand_path(from) != File.expand_path(to) then
+ ex = [exclude].flatten
+ Dir.glob("#{from}/**/#{pattern}").each do |file|
+ unless ex.include?(File.extname(file)) then
+ _do_copy_(file,File.join(to,file.sub(/^#{from}/, '')))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def copy_path(from,to,pattern='*',exclude=[]) # non-recursive
+ pattern = '*' if ! pattern or pattern.empty?
+ if from and to and File.expand_path(from) != File.expand_path(to) then
+ ex = [exclude].flatten
+ Dir.glob("#{from}/#{pattern}").each do |file|
+ unless ex.include?(File.extname(file)) then
+ _do_copy_(file,File.join(to,file.sub(/^#{from}/, '')))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def _do_copy_(file,tofile)
+ if FileTest.file?(file) and File.expand_path(file) != File.expand_path(tofile) then
+ begin
+ create_dir(File.dirname(tofile))
+ File.copy(file,tofile)
+ rescue
+ error("unable to copy #{file} to #{tofile}")
+ else
+ message("file #{file} copied to #{tofile}")
+ end
+ else
+ puts("file #{file} is not copied")
+ end
+ end
+ def rename_file(from,to)
+ from, to = path(from), path(to)
+ begin
+ File.move(from,to)
+ rescue
+ error("unable to rename #{from} to #{to}")
+ else
+ message("#{from} renamed to #{to}")
+ end
+ end
+ def delete_file(pattern)
+ Dir.glob(path(pattern)).each do |file|
+ _do_delete_(file)
+ end
+ end
+ def delete_files(*files)
+ [*files].flatten.each do |file|
+ _do_delete_(file)
+ end
+ end
+ def _do_delete_(file)
+ if FileTest.file?(file) then
+ begin
+ File.delete(file)
+ rescue
+ error("unable to delete file #{file}")
+ else
+ message("file #{file} deleted")
+ end
+ else
+ message("no file #{File.expand_path(file)}")
+ end
+ end
+ def show_log(filename=nil)
+ if filename then
+ begin
+ if f =,'w') then
+ @log.each do |line|
+ f.puts(line)
+ end
+ f.close
+ end
+ message("log data written to #{filename}")
+ rescue
+ error("unable to write log to #{filename}")
+ end
+ else
+ @log.each do |line|
+ _puts_(line)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def _puts_(str)
+ begin
+ STDOUT.puts( str)
+ rescue
+ STDERR.puts("error while writing '#{str}' to terminal")
+ end
+ end
+ def puts(message)
+ @log << message
+ _puts_(message)
+ end
+ def error(message)
+ puts("! #{message}")
+ exit
+ end
+ def warning(message)
+ puts("- #{message}")
+ end
+ def message(message)
+ puts("+ #{message}")
+ end
+ def export_variable(variable,value)
+ value = path(value) if value.class == Array
+ ENV[variable] = value
+ message("environment variable #{variable} set to #{value}")
+ return value
+ end
+ def execute_command(*command)
+ begin
+ command = [*command].flatten.join(' ')
+ message("running '#{command}'")
+ _puts_("\n")
+ ok = system(command)
+ _puts_("\n")
+ if true then # ok then
+ message("finished '#{command}'")
+ else
+ error("error in running #{command}")
+ end
+ rescue
+ error("unable to run #{command}")
+ end
+ end
+ def pipe_command(*command)
+ begin
+ command = [*command].flatten.join(' ')
+ message("running '#{command}'")
+ result = `#{command}`
+ _puts_("\n")
+ _puts_(result)
+ _puts_("\n")
+ rescue
+ error("unable to run #{command}")
+ end
+ end
+ def execute_script(script)
+ script = suffixed(script,'rb')
+ script = path(script_path,File.basename(script)) unless found(script)
+ if found(script) then
+ begin
+ message("loading script #{script}")
+ load(script)
+ rescue
+ error("error in loading script #{script} (#{$!})")
+ else
+ message("script #{script} finished")
+ end
+ else
+ warning("no script #{script}")
+ end
+ end
+ def execute_binary(*command)
+ command = [*command].flatten.join(' ').split(' ')
+ command[0] = binary(command[0])
+ execute_command(command)
+ end
+ def extend_path(pth)
+ export_variable('PATH',"#{path(pth)}#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}#{ENV['PATH']}")
+ end
+ def startup_path
+ @startuppath
+ end
+ def current_path
+ Dir.getwd
+ end
+ def script_path
+ @ownpath
+ end
+ def push_path(newpath)
+ newpath = File.expand_path(newpath)
+ @paths.push(newpath)
+ change_dir(newpath)
+ end
+ def pop_path
+ change_dir(if @paths.length > 0 then @paths.pop else @startuppath end)
+ end
+ # runner =
+ # runner.texmfstart('texexec','--help')
+ def texmfstart(name,args,verbose=false)
+ command = ['texmfstart',"#{'--verbose' if verbose}",name,args].flatten.join(' ')
+ system(command)
+ end
+class Job
+ # copied from texmfstart and patched (message/error), different name
+ def use_tree(tree)
+ unless tree.empty? then
+ begin
+ setuptex = File.join(tree,'setuptex.tmf')
+ if FileTest.file?(setuptex) then
+ message("tex tree : #{setuptex}")
+ ENV['TEXPATH'] = tree.sub(/\/+$/,'') # + '/'
+ ENV['TMP'] = ENV['TMP'] || ENV['TEMP'] || ENV['TMPDIR'] || ENV['HOME']
+ when /(mswin|bccwin|mingw|cygwin)/i then ENV['TEXOS'] = ENV['TEXOS'] || 'texmf-mswin'
+ when /(linux)/i then ENV['TEXOS'] = ENV['TEXOS'] || 'texmf-linux'
+ when /(darwin|rhapsody|nextstep)/i then ENV['TEXOS'] = ENV['TEXOS'] || 'texmf-macosx'
+ # when /(netbsd|unix)/i then # todo
+ else # todo
+ end
+ message("preset : TEXPATH => #{ENV['TEXPATH']}")
+ message("preset : TEXOS => #{ENV['TEXOS']}")
+ message("preset : TEXMFOS => #{ENV['TEXMFOS']}")
+ message("preset : TMP => #{ENV['TMP']}")
+ IO.readlines(File.join(tree,'setuptex.tmf')).each do |line|
+ case line
+ when /^[\#\%]/ then
+ # comment
+ when /^(.*?)\s+\=\s+(.*)\s*$/ then
+ k, v = $1, $2
+ ENV[k] = v.gsub(/\%(.*?)\%/) do
+ ENV[$1] || ''
+ end
+ message("user set : #{k} => #{ENV[k]}")
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ warning("no setup file '#{setuptex}', tree not initialized") # no error
+ end
+ rescue
+ warning("error in setup: #{$!}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+if Job::ownfile == 'runtools.rb' then
+ begin
+ script = ARGV.shift
+ if script then
+ script += '.rb' if File.extname(script).empty?
+ fullname = File.expand_path(script)
+ fullname = File.join(Job::ownpath,script) unless FileTest.file?(fullname)
+ if FileTest.file?(fullname) then
+ puts("loading script #{fullname}")
+ Job::set_own_path(fullname)
+ load(fullname)
+ else
+ puts("unknown script #{fullname}")
+ end
+ else
+ puts("provide script name")
+ end
+ rescue
+ puts("fatal error: #{$!}")
+ end