path: root/scripts/context/lua/mtx-server.lua
diff options
authorMarius <>2013-05-19 20:40:34 +0300
committerMarius <>2013-05-19 20:40:34 +0300
commit13ec4b540e0d46c97fd7b089e0b7413da81e0a9f (patch)
treebebfa563a17c06b3bd3bf8f6f4ba6d025e00d107 /scripts/context/lua/mtx-server.lua
parent69ad13650cda027526271179e95b5294694143a1 (diff)
beta 2013.05.19 19:27
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/context/lua/mtx-server.lua')
1 files changed, 402 insertions, 402 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-server.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-server.lua
index 5ec15de70..675ab2c62 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-server.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-server.lua
@@ -1,402 +1,402 @@
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtx-server'] = {
- version = 1.001,
- comment = "companion to mtxrun.lua",
- author = "Hans Hagen & Taco Hoekwater",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files"
-local helpinfo = [[
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <metadata>
- <entry name="name">mtx-server</entry>
- <entry name="detail">Simple Webserver For Helpers</entry>
- <entry name="version">0.10</entry>
- </metadata>
- <flags>
- <category name="basic">
- <subcategory>
- <flag name="start"><short>start server</short></flag>
- <flag name="port"><short>port to listen to</short></flag>
- <flag name="root"><short>server root</short></flag>
- <flag name="scripts"><short>scripts sub path</short></flag>
- <flag name="index"><short>index file</short></flag>
- <flag name="auto"><short>start on own path</short></flag>
- </subcategory>
- </category>
- </flags>
-local application = logs.application {
- name = "mtx-server",
- banner = "Simple Webserver For Helpers 0.10",
- helpinfo = helpinfo,
-local report =
-scripts = scripts or { }
-scripts.webserver = scripts.webserver or { }
-local socket = socket or require("socket")
-local http = http or require("socket.http") -- not needed
-local format = string.format
--- The following two lists are taken from webrick (ruby) and
--- extended with a few extra suffixes.
-local mimetypes = {
- ai = 'application/postscript',
- asc = 'text/plain',
- avi = 'video/x-msvideo',
- bin = 'application/octet-stream',
- bmp = 'image/bmp',
- bz2 = 'application/x-bzip2',
- cer = 'application/pkix-cert',
- class = 'application/octet-stream',
- crl = 'application/pkix-crl',
- crt = 'application/x-x509-ca-cert',
- css = 'text/css',
- dms = 'application/octet-stream',
- doc = 'application/msword',
- dvi = 'application/x-dvi',
- eps = 'application/postscript',
- etx = 'text/x-setext',
- exe = 'application/octet-stream',
- gif = 'image/gif',
- gz = 'application/x-tar',
- hqx = 'application/mac-binhex40',
- htm = 'text/html',
- html = 'text/html',
- jpe = 'image/jpeg',
- jpeg = 'image/jpeg',
- jpg = 'image/jpeg',
- lha = 'application/octet-stream',
- lzh = 'application/octet-stream',
- mov = 'video/quicktime',
- mpe = 'video/mpeg',
- mpeg = 'video/mpeg',
- mpg = 'video/mpeg',
- pbm = 'image/x-portable-bitmap',
- pdf = 'application/pdf',
- pgm = 'image/x-portable-graymap',
- png = 'image/png',
- pnm = 'image/x-portable-anymap',
- ppm = 'image/x-portable-pixmap',
- ppt = 'application/',
- ps = 'application/postscript',
- qt = 'video/quicktime',
- ras = 'image/x-cmu-raster',
- rb = 'text/plain',
- rd = 'text/plain',
- rgb = 'image/x-rgb',
- rtf = 'application/rtf',
- sgm = 'text/sgml',
- sgml = 'text/sgml',
- snd = 'audio/basic',
- tar = 'application/x-tar',
- tgz = 'application/x-tar',
- tif = 'image/tiff',
- tiff = 'image/tiff',
- txt = 'text/plain',
- xbm = 'image/x-xbitmap',
- xls = 'application/',
- xml = 'text/xml',
- xpm = 'image/x-xpixmap',
- xwd = 'image/x-xwindowdump',
- zip = 'application/zip',
-local messages = {
- [100] = 'Continue',
- [101] = 'Switching Protocols',
- [200] = 'OK',
- [201] = 'Created',
- [202] = 'Accepted',
- [203] = 'Non-Authoritative Information',
- [204] = 'No Content',
- [205] = 'Reset Content',
- [206] = 'Partial Content',
- [300] = 'Multiple Choices',
- [301] = 'Moved Permanently',
- [302] = 'Found',
- [303] = 'See Other',
- [304] = 'Not Modified',
- [305] = 'Use Proxy',
- [307] = 'Temporary Redirect',
- [400] = 'Bad Request',
- [401] = 'Unauthorized',
- [402] = 'Payment Required',
- [403] = 'Forbidden',
- [404] = 'Not Found',
- [405] = 'Method Not Allowed',
- [406] = 'Not Acceptable',
- [407] = 'Proxy Authentication Required',
- [408] = 'Request Timeout',
- [409] = 'Conflict',
- [410] = 'Gone',
- [411] = 'Length Required',
- [412] = 'Precondition Failed',
- [413] = 'Request Entity Too Large',
- [414] = 'Request-URI Too Large',
- [415] = 'Unsupported Media Type',
- [416] = 'Request Range Not Satisfiable',
- [417] = 'Expectation Failed',
- [500] = 'Internal Server Error',
- [501] = 'Not Implemented',
- [502] = 'Bad Gateway',
- [503] = 'Service Unavailable',
- [504] = 'Gateway Timeout',
- [505] = 'HTTP Version Not Supported',
-local handlers = { }
-local function errormessage(client,configuration,n)
- local data = format("<head><title>%s %s</title></head><html><h2>%s %s</h2></html>",n,messages[n],n,messages[n])
- report("handling error %s: %s",n,messages[n])
- handlers.generic(client,configuration,data,nil,true)
-local validpaths, registered = { }, { }
-function scripts.webserver.registerpath(name)
- if not registered[name] then
- local cleanname = string.gsub(name,"%.%.","deleted-parent")
- report("registering path '%s'",cleanname)
- validpaths[#validpaths+1] = cleanname
- registered[name] = true
- end
-function handlers.generic(client,configuration,data,suffix,iscontent)
- if not iscontent then
- local name = data
- report("requested file '%s'",name)
- local fullname = file.join(configuration.root,name)
- data = io.loaddata(fullname) or ""
- if data == "" then
- for n=1,#validpaths do
- local fullname = file.join(validpaths[n],name)
- data = io.loaddata(fullname) or ""
- if data ~= "" then
- report("sending generic file '%s'",fullname)
- break
- end
- end
- else
- report("sending generic file '%s'",fullname)
- end
- end
- if data and data ~= "" then
- client:send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n")
- client:send("Connection: close\r\n")
- client:send(format("Content-Length: %s\r\n",#data))
- client:send(format("Content-Type: %s\r\n",(suffix and mimetypes[suffix]) or "text/html"))
- client:send("\r\n")
- client:send(data)
- client:send("\r\n")
- else
- errormessage(client,configuration,404)
- end
--- return
--- return { content = "crap" }
--- return function(configuration,filename)
--- return { content = filename }
--- end
-local loaded = { }
-function handlers.lua(client,configuration,filename,suffix,iscontent,hashed) -- filename will disappear, and become hashed.filename
- local filename = file.join(configuration.scripts,filename)
- if not file.is_qualified_path(filename) then
- filename = file.join(configuration.root,filename)
- end
- -- todo: split url in components, see l-url; rather trivial
- local result, keep = loaded[filename], false
- if result then
- report("reusing script: %s",filename)
- else
- report("locating script: %s",filename)
- if lfs.isfile(filename) then
- report("loading script: %s",filename)
- result = loadfile(filename)
- report("return type: %s",type(result))
- if result and type(result) == "function" then
- -- result() should return a table { [type=,] [length=,] content= }, function or string
- result, keep = result()
- if keep then
- report("saving script: %s",type(result))
- loaded[filename] = result
- end
- end
- else
- report("problematic script: %s",filename)
- errormessage(client,configuration,404)
- end
- end
- if result then
- if type(result) == "function" then
- report("running script: %s",filename)
- result = result(configuration,filename,hashed) -- second argument will become query
- end
- if result and type(result) == "string" then
- result = { content = result }
- end
- if result and type(result) == "table" then
- if result.content then
- local suffix = result.type or "text/html"
- local action = handlers[suffix] or handlers.generic
- action(client,configuration,result.content,suffix,true) -- content
- elseif result.filename then
- local suffix = file.suffix(result.filename) or "text/html"
- local action = handlers[suffix] or handlers.generic
- action(client,configuration,result.filename,suffix,false) -- filename
- else
- errormessage(client,configuration,404)
- end
- else
- errormessage(client,configuration,500)
- end
- else
- errormessage(client,configuration,404)
- end
-handlers.luc = handlers.lua
-handlers.html = handlers.htm
-local indices = { "index.htm", "index.html" }
-local portnumber = 31415 -- pi suits tex
- -- check configuration
- configuration.port = tonumber(configuration.port or os.getenv("MTX_SERVER_PORT") or portnumber) or portnumber
- if not configuration.root or not lfs.isdir(configuration.root) then
- configuration.root = os.getenv("MTX_SERVER_ROOT") or "."
- end
- -- locate root and index file in tex tree
- if not lfs.isdir(configuration.root) then
- for i=1,#indices do
- local name = indices[i]
- local root = resolvers.resolve("path:" .. name) or ""
- if root ~= "" then
- configuration.root = root
- configuration.index = configuration.index or name
- break
- end
- end
- end
- configuration.root = dir.expandname(configuration.root)
- if not configuration.index then
- for i=1,#indices do
- local name = indices[i]
- if lfs.isfile(file.join(configuration.root,name)) then
- configuration.index = name -- we will prepend the rootpath later
- break
- end
- end
- configuration.index = configuration.index or "unknown"
- end
- if not configuration.scripts or configuration.scripts == "" then
- configuration.scripts = dir.expandname(file.join(configuration.root or ".",configuration.scripts or "."))
- end
- -- so far for checks
- report("running at port: %s",configuration.port)
- report("document root: %s",configuration.root or resolvers.ownpath)
- report("main index file: %s",configuration.index)
- report("scripts subpath: %s",configuration.scripts)
- report("context services: http://localhost:%s/mtx-server-ctx-startup.lua",configuration.port)
- local server = assert(socket.bind("*", configuration.port))
- local script = configuration.script
- while true do -- blocking
- local start = os.clock()
- local client = server:accept()
- client:settimeout(configuration.timeout or 60)
- local request, e = client:receive()
- if e then
- errormessage(client,configuration,404)
- else
- local from = client:getpeername()
- report("request from: %s",tostring(from))
- report("request data: %s",tostring(request))
- local fullurl = string.match(request,"GET (.+) HTTP/.*$") or "" -- todo: more clever / post
- if fullurl == "" then
- report("no url")
- errormessage(client,configuration,404)
- else
- report("requested url: %s",fullurl)
- fullurl = socket.url.unescape(fullurl) -- still needed?
- local hashed = url.hashed(fullurl)
- local query = url.query(hashed.query)
- local filename = hashed.path -- hm, not query?
- if script then
- filename = script
- report("forced script: %s",filename)
- local suffix = file.suffix(filename)
- local action = handlers[suffix] or handlers.generic
- if action then
- report("performing action: %s",filename)
- action(client,configuration,filename,suffix,false,hashed) -- filename and no content
- else
- errormessage(client,configuration,404)
- end
- elseif filename then
- filename = socket.url.unescape(filename)
- report("requested action: %s",filename)
- if string.find(filename,"%.%.") then
- filename = nil -- invalid path
- end
- if filename == nil or filename == "" or filename == "/" then
- filename = configuration.index
- report("invalid filename, forcing: %s",filename)
- end
- local suffix = file.suffix(filename)
- local action = handlers[suffix] or handlers.generic
- if action then
- report("performing action: %s",filename)
- action(client,configuration,filename,suffix,false,hashed) -- filename and no content
- else
- errormessage(client,configuration,404)
- end
- else
- errormessage(client,configuration,404)
- end
- end
- end
- client:close()
- report("time spent with client: %0.03f seconds",os.clock()-start)
- end
-if environment.argument("auto") then
- local path = resolvers.findfile("mtx-server.lua") or "."
- {
- port = environment.argument("port"),
- root = environment.argument("root") or file.dirname(path) or ".",
- scripts = environment.argument("scripts") or file.dirname(path) or ".",
- script = environment.argument("script"),
- }
-elseif environment.argument("start") then
- {
- port = environment.argument("port"),
- root = environment.argument("root") or ".", -- "e:/websites/",
- index = environment.argument("index"),
- scripts = environment.argument("scripts"),
- script = environment.argument("script"),
- }
-elseif environment.argument("exporthelp") then
- application.export(environment.argument("exporthelp"),environment.files[1])
--- mtxrun --script server --start => http://localhost:31415/mtx-server-ctx-startup.lua
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtx-server'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to mtxrun.lua",
+ author = "Hans Hagen & Taco Hoekwater",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+local helpinfo = [[
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <metadata>
+ <entry name="name">mtx-server</entry>
+ <entry name="detail">Simple Webserver For Helpers</entry>
+ <entry name="version">0.10</entry>
+ </metadata>
+ <flags>
+ <category name="basic">
+ <subcategory>
+ <flag name="start"><short>start server</short></flag>
+ <flag name="port"><short>port to listen to</short></flag>
+ <flag name="root"><short>server root</short></flag>
+ <flag name="scripts"><short>scripts sub path</short></flag>
+ <flag name="index"><short>index file</short></flag>
+ <flag name="auto"><short>start on own path</short></flag>
+ </subcategory>
+ </category>
+ </flags>
+local application = logs.application {
+ name = "mtx-server",
+ banner = "Simple Webserver For Helpers 0.10",
+ helpinfo = helpinfo,
+local report =
+scripts = scripts or { }
+scripts.webserver = scripts.webserver or { }
+local socket = socket or require("socket")
+local http = http or require("socket.http") -- not needed
+local format = string.format
+-- The following two lists are taken from webrick (ruby) and
+-- extended with a few extra suffixes.
+local mimetypes = {
+ ai = 'application/postscript',
+ asc = 'text/plain',
+ avi = 'video/x-msvideo',
+ bin = 'application/octet-stream',
+ bmp = 'image/bmp',
+ bz2 = 'application/x-bzip2',
+ cer = 'application/pkix-cert',
+ class = 'application/octet-stream',
+ crl = 'application/pkix-crl',
+ crt = 'application/x-x509-ca-cert',
+ css = 'text/css',
+ dms = 'application/octet-stream',
+ doc = 'application/msword',
+ dvi = 'application/x-dvi',
+ eps = 'application/postscript',
+ etx = 'text/x-setext',
+ exe = 'application/octet-stream',
+ gif = 'image/gif',
+ gz = 'application/x-tar',
+ hqx = 'application/mac-binhex40',
+ htm = 'text/html',
+ html = 'text/html',
+ jpe = 'image/jpeg',
+ jpeg = 'image/jpeg',
+ jpg = 'image/jpeg',
+ lha = 'application/octet-stream',
+ lzh = 'application/octet-stream',
+ mov = 'video/quicktime',
+ mpe = 'video/mpeg',
+ mpeg = 'video/mpeg',
+ mpg = 'video/mpeg',
+ pbm = 'image/x-portable-bitmap',
+ pdf = 'application/pdf',
+ pgm = 'image/x-portable-graymap',
+ png = 'image/png',
+ pnm = 'image/x-portable-anymap',
+ ppm = 'image/x-portable-pixmap',
+ ppt = 'application/',
+ ps = 'application/postscript',
+ qt = 'video/quicktime',
+ ras = 'image/x-cmu-raster',
+ rb = 'text/plain',
+ rd = 'text/plain',
+ rgb = 'image/x-rgb',
+ rtf = 'application/rtf',
+ sgm = 'text/sgml',
+ sgml = 'text/sgml',
+ snd = 'audio/basic',
+ tar = 'application/x-tar',
+ tgz = 'application/x-tar',
+ tif = 'image/tiff',
+ tiff = 'image/tiff',
+ txt = 'text/plain',
+ xbm = 'image/x-xbitmap',
+ xls = 'application/',
+ xml = 'text/xml',
+ xpm = 'image/x-xpixmap',
+ xwd = 'image/x-xwindowdump',
+ zip = 'application/zip',
+local messages = {
+ [100] = 'Continue',
+ [101] = 'Switching Protocols',
+ [200] = 'OK',
+ [201] = 'Created',
+ [202] = 'Accepted',
+ [203] = 'Non-Authoritative Information',
+ [204] = 'No Content',
+ [205] = 'Reset Content',
+ [206] = 'Partial Content',
+ [300] = 'Multiple Choices',
+ [301] = 'Moved Permanently',
+ [302] = 'Found',
+ [303] = 'See Other',
+ [304] = 'Not Modified',
+ [305] = 'Use Proxy',
+ [307] = 'Temporary Redirect',
+ [400] = 'Bad Request',
+ [401] = 'Unauthorized',
+ [402] = 'Payment Required',
+ [403] = 'Forbidden',
+ [404] = 'Not Found',
+ [405] = 'Method Not Allowed',
+ [406] = 'Not Acceptable',
+ [407] = 'Proxy Authentication Required',
+ [408] = 'Request Timeout',
+ [409] = 'Conflict',
+ [410] = 'Gone',
+ [411] = 'Length Required',
+ [412] = 'Precondition Failed',
+ [413] = 'Request Entity Too Large',
+ [414] = 'Request-URI Too Large',
+ [415] = 'Unsupported Media Type',
+ [416] = 'Request Range Not Satisfiable',
+ [417] = 'Expectation Failed',
+ [500] = 'Internal Server Error',
+ [501] = 'Not Implemented',
+ [502] = 'Bad Gateway',
+ [503] = 'Service Unavailable',
+ [504] = 'Gateway Timeout',
+ [505] = 'HTTP Version Not Supported',
+local handlers = { }
+local function errormessage(client,configuration,n)
+ local data = format("<head><title>%s %s</title></head><html><h2>%s %s</h2></html>",n,messages[n],n,messages[n])
+ report("handling error %s: %s",n,messages[n])
+ handlers.generic(client,configuration,data,nil,true)
+local validpaths, registered = { }, { }
+function scripts.webserver.registerpath(name)
+ if not registered[name] then
+ local cleanname = string.gsub(name,"%.%.","deleted-parent")
+ report("registering path '%s'",cleanname)
+ validpaths[#validpaths+1] = cleanname
+ registered[name] = true
+ end
+function handlers.generic(client,configuration,data,suffix,iscontent)
+ if not iscontent then
+ local name = data
+ report("requested file '%s'",name)
+ local fullname = file.join(configuration.root,name)
+ data = io.loaddata(fullname) or ""
+ if data == "" then
+ for n=1,#validpaths do
+ local fullname = file.join(validpaths[n],name)
+ data = io.loaddata(fullname) or ""
+ if data ~= "" then
+ report("sending generic file '%s'",fullname)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ report("sending generic file '%s'",fullname)
+ end
+ end
+ if data and data ~= "" then
+ client:send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n")
+ client:send("Connection: close\r\n")
+ client:send(format("Content-Length: %s\r\n",#data))
+ client:send(format("Content-Type: %s\r\n",(suffix and mimetypes[suffix]) or "text/html"))
+ client:send("\r\n")
+ client:send(data)
+ client:send("\r\n")
+ else
+ errormessage(client,configuration,404)
+ end
+-- return
+-- return { content = "crap" }
+-- return function(configuration,filename)
+-- return { content = filename }
+-- end
+local loaded = { }
+function handlers.lua(client,configuration,filename,suffix,iscontent,hashed) -- filename will disappear, and become hashed.filename
+ local filename = file.join(configuration.scripts,filename)
+ if not file.is_qualified_path(filename) then
+ filename = file.join(configuration.root,filename)
+ end
+ -- todo: split url in components, see l-url; rather trivial
+ local result, keep = loaded[filename], false
+ if result then
+ report("reusing script: %s",filename)
+ else
+ report("locating script: %s",filename)
+ if lfs.isfile(filename) then
+ report("loading script: %s",filename)
+ result = loadfile(filename)
+ report("return type: %s",type(result))
+ if result and type(result) == "function" then
+ -- result() should return a table { [type=,] [length=,] content= }, function or string
+ result, keep = result()
+ if keep then
+ report("saving script: %s",type(result))
+ loaded[filename] = result
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ report("problematic script: %s",filename)
+ errormessage(client,configuration,404)
+ end
+ end
+ if result then
+ if type(result) == "function" then
+ report("running script: %s",filename)
+ result = result(configuration,filename,hashed) -- second argument will become query
+ end
+ if result and type(result) == "string" then
+ result = { content = result }
+ end
+ if result and type(result) == "table" then
+ if result.content then
+ local suffix = result.type or "text/html"
+ local action = handlers[suffix] or handlers.generic
+ action(client,configuration,result.content,suffix,true) -- content
+ elseif result.filename then
+ local suffix = file.suffix(result.filename) or "text/html"
+ local action = handlers[suffix] or handlers.generic
+ action(client,configuration,result.filename,suffix,false) -- filename
+ else
+ errormessage(client,configuration,404)
+ end
+ else
+ errormessage(client,configuration,500)
+ end
+ else
+ errormessage(client,configuration,404)
+ end
+handlers.luc = handlers.lua
+handlers.html = handlers.htm
+local indices = { "index.htm", "index.html" }
+local portnumber = 31415 -- pi suits tex
+ -- check configuration
+ configuration.port = tonumber(configuration.port or os.getenv("MTX_SERVER_PORT") or portnumber) or portnumber
+ if not configuration.root or not lfs.isdir(configuration.root) then
+ configuration.root = os.getenv("MTX_SERVER_ROOT") or "."
+ end
+ -- locate root and index file in tex tree
+ if not lfs.isdir(configuration.root) then
+ for i=1,#indices do
+ local name = indices[i]
+ local root = resolvers.resolve("path:" .. name) or ""
+ if root ~= "" then
+ configuration.root = root
+ configuration.index = configuration.index or name
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ configuration.root = dir.expandname(configuration.root)
+ if not configuration.index then
+ for i=1,#indices do
+ local name = indices[i]
+ if lfs.isfile(file.join(configuration.root,name)) then
+ configuration.index = name -- we will prepend the rootpath later
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ configuration.index = configuration.index or "unknown"
+ end
+ if not configuration.scripts or configuration.scripts == "" then
+ configuration.scripts = dir.expandname(file.join(configuration.root or ".",configuration.scripts or "."))
+ end
+ -- so far for checks
+ report("running at port: %s",configuration.port)
+ report("document root: %s",configuration.root or resolvers.ownpath)
+ report("main index file: %s",configuration.index)
+ report("scripts subpath: %s",configuration.scripts)
+ report("context services: http://localhost:%s/mtx-server-ctx-startup.lua",configuration.port)
+ local server = assert(socket.bind("*", configuration.port))
+ local script = configuration.script
+ while true do -- blocking
+ local start = os.clock()
+ local client = server:accept()
+ client:settimeout(configuration.timeout or 60)
+ local request, e = client:receive()
+ if e then
+ errormessage(client,configuration,404)
+ else
+ local from = client:getpeername()
+ report("request from: %s",tostring(from))
+ report("request data: %s",tostring(request))
+ local fullurl = string.match(request,"GET (.+) HTTP/.*$") or "" -- todo: more clever / post
+ if fullurl == "" then
+ report("no url")
+ errormessage(client,configuration,404)
+ else
+ report("requested url: %s",fullurl)
+ fullurl = socket.url.unescape(fullurl) -- still needed?
+ local hashed = url.hashed(fullurl)
+ local query = url.query(hashed.query)
+ local filename = hashed.path -- hm, not query?
+ if script then
+ filename = script
+ report("forced script: %s",filename)
+ local suffix = file.suffix(filename)
+ local action = handlers[suffix] or handlers.generic
+ if action then
+ report("performing action: %s",filename)
+ action(client,configuration,filename,suffix,false,hashed) -- filename and no content
+ else
+ errormessage(client,configuration,404)
+ end
+ elseif filename then
+ filename = socket.url.unescape(filename)
+ report("requested action: %s",filename)
+ if string.find(filename,"%.%.") then
+ filename = nil -- invalid path
+ end
+ if filename == nil or filename == "" or filename == "/" then
+ filename = configuration.index
+ report("invalid filename, forcing: %s",filename)
+ end
+ local suffix = file.suffix(filename)
+ local action = handlers[suffix] or handlers.generic
+ if action then
+ report("performing action: %s",filename)
+ action(client,configuration,filename,suffix,false,hashed) -- filename and no content
+ else
+ errormessage(client,configuration,404)
+ end
+ else
+ errormessage(client,configuration,404)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ client:close()
+ report("time spent with client: %0.03f seconds",os.clock()-start)
+ end
+if environment.argument("auto") then
+ local path = resolvers.findfile("mtx-server.lua") or "."
+ {
+ port = environment.argument("port"),
+ root = environment.argument("root") or file.dirname(path) or ".",
+ scripts = environment.argument("scripts") or file.dirname(path) or ".",
+ script = environment.argument("script"),
+ }
+elseif environment.argument("start") then
+ {
+ port = environment.argument("port"),
+ root = environment.argument("root") or ".", -- "e:/websites/",
+ index = environment.argument("index"),
+ scripts = environment.argument("scripts"),
+ script = environment.argument("script"),
+ }
+elseif environment.argument("exporthelp") then
+ application.export(environment.argument("exporthelp"),environment.files[1])
+-- mtxrun --script server --start => http://localhost:31415/mtx-server-ctx-startup.lua