path: root/metapost
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authorMarius <>2011-10-24 22:40:15 +0300
committerMarius <>2011-10-24 22:40:15 +0300
commita5d21303302bf6d9b36b4f83cf2117a7afc6bf23 (patch)
treee9ce2c4d979f36c1c46cdd2dd668d9d552e7f1f2 /metapost
parent3c4b08436ea4eae984ce92fdffc28a0f8d3f3ae9 (diff)
beta 2011.10.24 21:26
Diffstat (limited to 'metapost')
3 files changed, 134 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mp-char.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mp-char.mpiv
index 91d50b912..28fe41512 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mp-char.mpiv
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mp-char.mpiv
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
%D when used in \CONTEXT\ but it does not pay off now to look into
%D that.
+%D For historic reason we first build and then flush but we could
+%D as well flush directly which would save us caching.
if unknown context_shap : input "mp-shap.mpiv" ; fi ;
if known context_flow : endinput ; fi ;
@@ -73,6 +76,10 @@ numeric flow_shape_left ; flow_shape_left := 67 ;
numeric flow_shape_up ; flow_shape_up := 68 ;
numeric flow_shape_down ; flow_shape_down := 69 ;
+numeric flow_label_offset ; flow_label_offset := 0 ;
+numeric flow_exit_offset ; flow_exit_offset := 0 ;
+numeric flow_comment_offset ; flow_comment_offset := 0 ;
% vardef some_shape_path (expr type) == imported from mp-shap
def flow_show_shapes(expr n) =
@@ -107,6 +114,9 @@ def flow_new_chart =
flow_connection_smooth_size := 5pt ;
flow_connection_arrow_size := 4pt ;
flow_connection_dash_size := 3pt ;
+ flow_label_offset := 0 ;
+ flow_exit_offset := 0 ;
+ flow_comment_offset := 0 ;
flow_max_x := 6 ;
flow_max_y := 4 ;
@@ -135,17 +145,9 @@ def flow_new_chart =
numeric flow_xyline [][] ;
boolean flow_xypeep [][] ;
picture flow_xytext [][] ;
- picture flow_xylabel_l [][] ;
- picture flow_xylabel_r [][] ;
- picture flow_xylabel_t [][] ;
- picture flow_xylabel_b [][] ;
- picture flow_xyexit_l [][] ;
- picture flow_xyexit_r [][] ;
- picture flow_xyexit_t [][] ;
- picture flow_xyexit_b [][] ;
- picture flow_xycomment_txt[][][][] ;
- string flow_xycomment_loc[][][][] ;
- numeric flow_xycomment_len[][][][] ;
+ picture flow_xylabel [][] ;
+ picture flow_xyexit [][] ;
+ picture flow_xycomment [][] ;
path flow_cpaths [] ;
numeric flow_cline [] ;
color flow_ccolor [] ;
@@ -156,7 +158,7 @@ def flow_new_chart =
picture flow_bpicture [][] ;
picture flow_lpicture [][] ;
picture flow_rpicture [][] ;
- path flow_centers [][][] ;
+ path flow_connections[][][] ;
predefined_shapes[61] := (fullcircle scaled (1.5*predefined_shapes_yradius) xscaled (flow_grid_height/flow_grid_width)) ;
predefined_shapes[62] := (fullcircle scaled (2.0*predefined_shapes_yradius) xscaled (flow_grid_height/flow_grid_width)) ;
@@ -399,9 +401,9 @@ def flow_draw_connection(expr i,xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto) = % 'i' is a comment refere
flow_cdash[flow_cpath] := flow_dashline ;
flow_ccross[flow_cpath] := flow_showcrossing ;
if flow_reverse_connection :
- flow_centers[xto] [yto] [i] := flow_cpaths[flow_cpath] ;
+ flow_connections[xto] [yto] [i] := flow_cpaths[flow_cpath] ;
else :
- flow_centers[xfrom][yfrom][i] := flow_cpaths[flow_cpath] ;
+ flow_connections[xfrom][yfrom][i] := flow_cpaths[flow_cpath] ;
fi ;
else :
message("no connection defined") ;
@@ -461,108 +463,131 @@ def flow_draw_midpoint (expr n) =
endgroup ;
enddef ;
-def flow_flush_picture(expr x, yy) = % more in lua
+def flow_flush_picture(expr x, yy) =
begingroup ;
save y ; numeric y ;
- y := flow_y_pos(yy) ;
- if known flow_xytext[x][y] : % maybe test on path for comments
- begingroup ;
- % flow_xypath[x][y]
- save p, offset ; path p ; pair offset ;
- offset := flow_xy_offset((x+0.5)*flow_grid_width,(flow_max_y-y+1.5)*flow_grid_height) ;
- offset := offset shifted (-flow_xyline[x][y]/4,-flow_xyline[x][y]/4) ; % terrible hack (some compensation)
- p := fullsquare xscaled flow_grid_width yscaled flow_grid_height shifted offset ;
- %
- save loc ; string loc ;
- save len ; numeric len ;
- save txt ; picture txt ;
- save cen ; path cen ;
- %
- txt := flow_xytext[x][y] ; if known txt :
- draw txt shifted offset ;
- fi ;
- % is simple comment (sort of obsolete)
- txt := flow_xylabel_t[x][y] ; if known txt :
- label.urt(txt,0.5[ulcorner p,urcorner p]) ;
- fi ;
- txt := flow_xylabel_b[x][y] ; if known txt :
- label.lrt(txt,0.5[llcorner p,lrcorner p]) ;
- fi ;
- txt := flow_xylabel_l[x][y] ; if known txt :
- label.ulft(txt,0.5[ulcorner p,llcorner p]) ;
- fi ;
- txt := flow_xylabel_r[x][y] ; if known txt :
- label.urt (txt,0.5[urcorner p,lrcorner p]) ;
- fi ;
- % is shifted comment
- txt := flow_xyexit_t[x][y] ; if known txt :
-,0.5[ulcorner p,urcorner p] shifted (0, flow_grid_height/2)) ;
- fi ;
- txt := flow_xyexit_b[x][y] ; if known txt :
-,0.5[llcorner p,lrcorner p] shifted (0,-flow_grid_height/2)) ;
- fi ;
- txt := flow_xyexit_l[x][y] ; if known txt :
- label.lft(txt,0.5[ulcorner p,llcorner p] shifted (-flow_grid_width/2,0)) ;
- fi ;
- txt := flow_xyexit_r[x][y] ; if known txt :
- label.rt (txt,0.5[urcorner p,lrcorner p] shifted ( flow_grid_width/2,0)) ;
- fi ;
- % along the path or anchored
- for i=1 upto infinity :
- cen := flow_centers[x][y][i] ;
- if unknown cen :
- break ;
- else :
- for j=1 upto infinity :
- txt := flow_xycomment_txt[x][y][i][j] ;
- if unknown txt :
- break ;
- else : % todo: see how we can store suffix
- loc := flow_xycomment_loc[x][y][i][j] ;
- len := flow_xycomment_len[x][y][i][j] ;
- pair a ;
- if len <> 0 :
- a := point len along cen ;
- fi ;
- if loc = "tl" : label.ulft(txt,if len = 0 : 0.5[ulcorner p,urcorner p] else : a fi) ;
- elseif loc = "t" : (txt,if len = 0 : 0.5[ulcorner p,urcorner p] else : a fi) ;
- elseif loc = "tr" : label.urt (txt,if len = 0 : 0.5[ulcorner p,urcorner p] else : a fi) ;
- elseif loc = "bl" : label.llft(txt,if len = 0 : 0.5[llcorner p,lrcorner p] else : a fi) ;
- elseif loc = "b" : (txt,if len = 0 : 0.5[llcorner p,lrcorner p] else : a fi) ;
- elseif loc = "br" : label.lrt (txt,if len = 0 : 0.5[llcorner p,lrcorner p] else : a fi) ;
- elseif loc = "lt" : label.ulft(txt,if len = 0 : 0.5[ulcorner p,llcorner p] else : a fi) ;
- elseif loc = "l" : label.lft (txt,if len = 0 : 0.5[ulcorner p,llcorner p] else : a fi) ;
- elseif loc = "lb" : label.lrt (txt,if len = 0 : 0.5[ulcorner p,llcorner p] else : a fi) ;
- elseif loc = "rt" : label.urt (txt,if len = 0 : 0.5[urcorner p,lrcorner p] else : a fi) ;
- elseif loc = "r" : label.rt (txt,if len = 0 : 0.5[urcorner p,lrcorner p] else : a fi) ;
- elseif loc = "rb" : label.lrt (txt,if len = 0 : 0.5[urcorner p,lrcorner p] else : a fi) ; fi ;
- fi ;
- endfor ;
- fi ;
- endfor ;
- endgroup ;
+ y := flow_y_pos(yy) ; % maybe move this to the makers
+ if known flow_xytext[x][y] :
+ draw flow_xytext[x][y] ;
+ fi ;
+ if known flow_xylabel[x][y] :
+ draw flow_xylabel[x][y] ;
+ fi ;
+ if known flow_xyexit[x][y] :
+ draw flow_xyexit[x][y] ;
+ fi ;
+ if known flow_xycomment[x][y] :
+ draw flow_xycomment[x][y] ;
fi ;
endgroup ;
enddef ;
+vardef flow_offset(expr x, y) =
+ flow_xy_offset((x+0.5)*flow_grid_width,(flow_max_y-y+1.5)*flow_grid_height)
+ shifted (-flow_xyline[x][y]/4,-flow_xyline[x][y]/4) % terrible hack (some compensation)
+enddef ;
def flow_chart_draw_text(expr x, y, p) =
- flow_xytext[x][y] := p ;
+ if known flow_xytext[x][y] :
+ addto flow_xytext[x][y] also
+ else :
+ flow_xytext[x][y] :=
+ fi
+ p shifted flow_offset(x,y) ;
enddef ;
-def flow_chart_draw_label_t (expr x, y, p) = flow_xylabel_t [x][y] := p ; enddef ;
-def flow_chart_draw_label_b (expr x, y, p) = flow_xylabel_b [x][y] := p ; enddef ;
-def flow_chart_draw_label_l (expr x, y, p) = flow_xylabel_l [x][y] := p ; enddef ;
-def flow_chart_draw_label_r (expr x, y, p) = flow_xylabel_r [x][y] := p ; enddef ;
+def flow_chart_draw_label (expr x, y, loc, txt) =
+ begingroup ;
+ save p, s ; path p ; picture s ;
+ p := fullsquare xscaled flow_grid_width yscaled flow_grid_height ;
+ p := p shifted flow_offset(x,y) ;
+ s := txt ;
+ setbounds s to boundingbox s enlarged flow_label_offset ;
+ if known flow_xylabel[x][y] :
+ addto flow_xylabel[x][y] also
+ else :
+ flow_xylabel[x][y] :=
+ fi
+ if loc = "tr" : anchored.llft(s,0.5[ulcorner p,urcorner p]) ;
+ elseif loc = "t" : (s,0.5[ulcorner p,urcorner p]) ;
+ elseif loc = "tl" : anchored.lrt (s,0.5[ulcorner p,urcorner p]) ;
+ elseif loc = "br" : anchored.ulft(s,0.5[llcorner p,lrcorner p]) ;
+ elseif loc = "b" : (s,0.5[llcorner p,lrcorner p]) ;
+ elseif loc = "bl" : anchored.urt (s,0.5[llcorner p,lrcorner p]) ;
+ elseif loc = "lb" : anchored.urt (s,0.5[ulcorner p,llcorner p]) ;
+ elseif loc = "l" : anchored.rt (s,0.5[ulcorner p,llcorner p]) ;
+ elseif loc = "lt" : anchored.lrt (s,0.5[ulcorner p,llcorner p]) ;
+ elseif loc = "rb" : anchored.ulft(s,0.5[urcorner p,lrcorner p]) ;
+ elseif loc = "r" : anchored.lft (s,0.5[urcorner p,lrcorner p]) ;
+ elseif loc = "rt" : anchored.llft(s,0.5[urcorner p,lrcorner p]) ;
+ else : anchored (s,center p) ;
+ fi ;
+ endgroup ;
+enddef ;
-def flow_chart_draw_exit_t (expr x, y, p) = flow_xyexit_t [x][y] := p ; enddef ;
-def flow_chart_draw_exit_b (expr x, y, p) = flow_xyexit_b [x][y] := p ; enddef ;
-def flow_chart_draw_exit_l (expr x, y, p) = flow_xyexit_l [x][y] := p ; enddef ;
-def flow_chart_draw_exit_r (expr x, y, p) = flow_xyexit_r [x][y] := p ; enddef ;
+def flow_chart_draw_exit (expr x, y, loc, txt) =
+ begingroup ;
+ save p, s ; path p ; picture s ;
+ p := fullsquare xscaled flow_grid_width yscaled flow_grid_height ;
+ p := p shifted flow_offset(x,y) ;
+ s := txt ;
+ setbounds s to boundingbox s enlarged flow_exit_offset ;
+ if known flow_xyexit[x][y] :
+ addto flow_xyexit[x][y] also
+ else :
+ flow_xyexit[x][y] :=
+ fi
+ if loc = "t" :,0.5[ulcorner p,urcorner p]) ;
+ elseif loc = "b" :,0.5[llcorner p,lrcorner p]) ;
+ elseif loc = "l" : anchored.lft(s,0.5[ulcorner p,llcorner p]) ;
+ elseif loc = "r" : anchored.rt (s,0.5[urcorner p,lrcorner p]) ;
+ else : anchored (s,center p) ;
+ fi ;
+ endgroup ;
+enddef ;
-def flow_chart_draw_comment (expr x, y, i, j, p, l, n) =
- flow_xycomment_txt[x][y][i][j] := p ;
- flow_xycomment_loc[x][y][i][j] := l ;
- flow_xycomment_len[x][y][i][j] := n ;
+def flow_chart_draw_comment (expr x, y, i, loc, len, txt) = % per connection
+ begingroup ;
+ if known flow_connections[x][y][i] :
+ save p, q, s ; path p, q ; picture s ;
+ p := fullsquare xscaled flow_shape_width yscaled flow_shape_height ;
+ p := p shifted flow_offset(x,y) ;
+ q := flow_connections[x][y][i] ; % already relocated
+ s := txt ;
+ setbounds s to boundingbox s enlarged flow_comment_offset ;
+ if known flow_xycomment[x][y] :
+ addto flow_xycomment[x][y] also
+ else :
+ flow_xycomment[x][y] :=
+ fi
+ if loc = "tr" : anchored.llft(s,if len = 0 : 0.5[ulcorner p,urcorner p] else : point len along q fi) ;
+ elseif loc = "t" : (s,if len = 0 : 0.5[ulcorner p,urcorner p] else : point len along q fi) ;
+ elseif loc = "tl" : anchored.lrt (s,if len = 0 : 0.5[ulcorner p,urcorner p] else : point len along q fi) ;
+ elseif loc = "br" : anchored.ulft(s,if len = 0 : 0.5[llcorner p,lrcorner p] else : point len along q fi) ;
+ elseif loc = "b" : (s,if len = 0 : 0.5[llcorner p,lrcorner p] else : point len along q fi) ;
+ elseif loc = "bl" : anchored.urt (s,if len = 0 : 0.5[llcorner p,lrcorner p] else : point len along q fi) ;
+ elseif loc = "lb" : anchored.urt (s,if len = 0 : 0.5[ulcorner p,llcorner p] else : point len along q fi) ;
+ elseif loc = "l" : anchored.rt (s,if len = 0 : 0.5[ulcorner p,llcorner p] else : point len along q fi) ;
+ elseif loc = "lt" : anchored.lrt (s,if len = 0 : 0.5[ulcorner p,llcorner p] else : point len along q fi) ;
+ elseif loc = "rb" : anchored.ulft(s,if len = 0 : 0.5[urcorner p,lrcorner p] else : point len along q fi) ;
+ elseif loc = "r" : anchored.lft (s,if len = 0 : 0.5[urcorner p,lrcorner p] else : point len along q fi) ;
+ elseif loc = "rt" : anchored.llft(s,if len = 0 : 0.5[urcorner p,lrcorner p] else : point len along q fi) ;
+ elseif loc = "tr:*" : anchored.llft(s,point 0 of q) ;
+ elseif loc = "t:*" : (s,point 0 of q) ;
+ elseif loc = "tl:*" : anchored.lrt (s,point 0 of q) ;
+ elseif loc = "br:*" : anchored.ulft(s,point 0 of q) ;
+ elseif loc = "b:*" : (s,point 0 of q) ;
+ elseif loc = "bl:*" : anchored.urt (s,point 0 of q) ;
+ elseif loc = "lb:*" : anchored.urt (s,point 0 of q) ;
+ elseif loc = "l:*" : anchored.rt (s,point 0 of q) ;
+ elseif loc = "lt:*" : anchored.lrt (s,point 0 of q) ;
+ elseif loc = "rb:*" : anchored.ulft(s,point 0 of q) ;
+ elseif loc = "r:*" : anchored.lft (s,point 0 of q) ;
+ elseif loc = "rt:*" : anchored.llft(s,point 0 of q) ;
+ else : anchored (s,point 0 of q) ;
+ fi ;
+ fi ;
+ endgroup ;
enddef ;
boolean flow_reverse_connection ; flow_reverse_connection := false ;
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mp-mlib.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mp-mlib.mpiv
index b0b360cee..329683f8c 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mp-mlib.mpiv
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mp-mlib.mpiv
@@ -527,10 +527,10 @@ enddef ;
% Positions
def register (expr label, width, height, offset) =
- image (
+% draw image (
addto currentpicture doublepath unitsquare xscaled width yscaled height shifted offset
withprescript "ps_label=" & label ;
- ) ; % no transformations
+% ) ; % no transformations
enddef ;
% Housekeeping
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mp-tool.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mp-tool.mpiv
index 65a76f8fa..e489e7819 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mp-tool.mpiv
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mp-tool.mpiv
@@ -1189,8 +1189,8 @@ primarydef pct along pat = % also negative
(arctime (pct * (arclength pat)) of pat) of pat
enddef ;
-primarydef len on pat =
- ((arctime if len>0 : len else : (arclength(pat)+len) fi of pat) of pat)
+primarydef len on pat = % no outer ( ) .. somehow fails
+ (arctime if len>0 : len else : (arclength(pat)+len) fi of pat) of pat
enddef ;
% this cuts of a piece from both ends