path: root/metapost
diff options
authorHans Hagen <>2018-08-30 19:50:57 +0200
committerContext Git Mirror Bot <>2018-08-30 19:50:57 +0200
commit2106beefbc854f77a92264c815d3cf2b3460f0b6 (patch)
tree87e03bf8309b94bfad813eb755d7b0ab0d2717f5 /metapost
parent5794d8b0c845aad2ab4cf36dc14201b21ef5a784 (diff)
2018-08-30 18:50:00
Diffstat (limited to 'metapost')
3 files changed, 82 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-asnc.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-asnc.mpiv
index fba182a64..2eb409124 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-asnc.mpiv
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-asnc.mpiv
@@ -15,163 +15,103 @@ if known context_asnc : endinput ; fi ;
boolean context_asnc ; context_asnc := true ;
-% will be replaced
-numeric sync_n[], sync_p[][], sync_w[][], sync_h[][], sync_d[][], sync_t[][] ;
-pair sync_xy[][] ; color sync_c[][] ;
-def ResetSyncTasks =
- path SyncPaths[] ; numeric SyncTasks[], NOfSyncPaths, CurrentSyncClass ;
- NOfSyncPaths := CurrentSyncClass := 0 ;
- if unknown SyncLeftOffset : numeric SyncLeftOffset ; SyncLeftOffset := 0 ; fi ;
- if unknown SyncWidth : numeric SyncWidth ; SyncWidth := 0 ; fi ;
- if unknown SyncThreshold : numeric SyncThreshold ; SyncThreshold := LineHeight ; fi ;
- if unknown SyncColor : color SyncColor ; SyncColor := .5white ; fi ;
- if (SyncLeftOffset = 0) and (SyncWidth = 0) :
- SyncWidth := if known TextWidth : TextWidth else : -1cm fi ;
+%D This is a rather old mechanism that we once needed in an actually nice
+%D design. Those were the times that processing a rather complex xml file
+%D with pdftex into a 400 page document took 45 minutes (a few runs) while
+%D nowadays with luatex and mkiv we express runtime in seconds.
+%D The logic is mostly the same but some work is delegated to Lua so that
+%D we save memory and also run faster. As this was not really a used module
+%D the interface also was upgraded. As we know the bottlenecks in mp we also
+%D work around it a bit.
+numeric mfun_sync_count ;
+numeric mfun_sync_page ;
+vardef StartSync(expr n) =
+ numeric CurrentSyncClass ; CurrentSyncClass := n ;
+ numeric SyncHOffset ; SyncHOffset := 0 ;
+ numeric SyncVOffset ; SyncVOffset := 0 ;
+ numeric SyncWidth ; SyncWidth := 0 ;
+ path SyncPaths[] ;
+ numeric SyncTasks[] ;
+ numeric SyncKinds[] ;
+ %
+ mfun_sync_page := RealPageNumber ;
+ mfun_sync_count := 0 ;
+enddef ;
+def StopSync =
+ % maybe some cleanup
+enddef ;
+vardef CollectSyncDataPage =
+ mfun_sync_count :=,mfun_sync_page) ;
+enddef ;
+vardef CollectSyncDataRegion(expr region) =
+ mfun_sync_count :=,mfun_sync_page,region) ;
+enddef ;
+vardef MakeSyncPaths =
+ if mfun_sync_count > 0 :
+ save k, t, b ;
+ save l ; l := SyncHOffset ;
+ save r ; r := SyncHOffset + SyncWidth ;
+ save y ; y := + SyncVOffset ;
+ for i=1 upto mfun_sync_count :
+ k := ;
+ t := - y ;
+ b := - y ;
+ SyncPaths[i] = ((l,t) -- (r,t) -- (r,b) -- (l,b) -- cycle) ;
+ SyncTasks[i] = ;
+ SyncKinds[i] = k ;
+ endfor ;
fi ;
enddef ;
-ResetSyncTasks ;
+% Extend to the top of the text area.
-vardef SyncBox(expr n, i, leftoffset, width, topoffset, bottomoffset) =
- save o ; pair o ; o := (xpart llcorner PlainTextArea,ypart sync_xy[n][i]) ;
- o shifted (leftoffset,sync_h[n][i]+topoffset) --
- o shifted (width+leftoffset,sync_h[n][i]+topoffset) --
- o shifted (width+leftoffset,bottomoffset) --
- o shifted (leftoffset,bottomoffset) -- cycle
+vardef ExtendSyncPaths =
+ mfun_sync_count := ;
enddef ;
-def SetSyncColor(expr n, i, c) =
- sync_c[n][i] := c ;
+% Clip to the text area.
+vardef PruneSyncPaths =
+ mfun_sync_count := ;
enddef ;
-def SetSyncThreshold(expr n, i, th) =
- sync_th[n][i] := th ;
+% Remove duplicate tasks
+vardef CollapseSyncPaths =
+ mfun_sync_count := ;
enddef ;
-vardef TheSyncColor(expr n, i) =
- if known sync_c[n][i] : sync_c[n][i] else : SyncColor fi
+def SetSyncColor(expr n, i, c) =
+,i,c) ;
enddef ;
-vardef TheSyncThreshold(expr n, i) =
- if known sync_th[n][i] : sync_th[n][i] else : SyncThreshold fi
+vardef TheSyncColor(expr n, i) =
enddef ;
-vardef PrepareSyncTasks(expr n, collapse, extendtop, prestartnext) =
- ResetSyncTasks ;
- if known sync_n[n] :
- CurrentSyncClass := n ;
- save ok, l, d ; boolean ok ; ok := false ; NOfSyncPaths := l := 0 ;
- for i=1 upto sync_n[n] :
- if RealPageNumber > sync_p[n][i] :
- l := i ;
- elseif RealPageNumber = sync_p[n][i] :
- NOfSyncPaths := NOfSyncPaths + 1 ;
- if not ok :
- if i>1 :
- if sync_t[n][i-1] = sync_t[n][i] :
- SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] := SyncBox(n, i, SyncLeftOffset, SyncWidth, PaperHeight, -PaperHeight) ;
- SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths] := i ;
- else :
- SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] := SyncBox(n, i-1, SyncLeftOffset, SyncWidth, PaperHeight, -PaperHeight) ;
- SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths] := i-1 ;
- NOfSyncPaths := NOfSyncPaths + 1 ;
- SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] := SyncBox(n, i, SyncLeftOffset, SyncWidth, 0, -PaperHeight) ;
- SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths] := i ;
- fi ;
- else :
- SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] := SyncBox(n, i, SyncLeftOffset, SyncWidth, 0, -PaperHeight) ;
- SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths] := i ;
- fi ;
- else :
- SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] := SyncBox(n, i, SyncLeftOffset, SyncWidth, 0, -PaperHeight) ;
- SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths] := i ;
- fi ;
- ok := true ;
- fi ;
- endfor ;
- if (NOfSyncPaths = 0) and (l > 0) :
- NOfSyncPaths := 1 ;
- SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] := SyncBox(n, l, SyncLeftOffset, SyncWidth, PaperHeight, -PaperHeight) ;
- SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths] := l ;
- fi ;
- if NOfSyncPaths > 0 :
- for i = 1 upto NOfSyncPaths-1 :
- SyncPaths[i] := topboundary SyncPaths[i] -- reverse topboundary SyncPaths[i+1] -- cycle ;
- endfor ;
- if unknown SyncThresholdMethod :
- numeric SyncThresholdMethod ; SyncThresholdMethod := 2 ;
- fi ;
- if extendtop :
- if SyncThresholdMethod = 1 :
- if NOfSyncPaths>1 :
- d := ypart (ulcorner PlainTextArea - sync_xy[n][SyncTasks[2]]) ;
- if (SyncTasks[2]>1) and (d > 0pt) and (d <= TheSyncThreshold(n,sync_t[n][SyncTasks[2]])) and (sync_p[n][SyncTasks[2]] = RealPageNumber) :
- SyncPaths[2] := SyncPaths[2] topenlarged PaperHeight ;
- fi ;
- fi ;
- else :
- for i = 1 upto NOfSyncPaths :
- d := ypart (ulcorner PlainTextArea - sync_xy[n][SyncTasks[i]]) ;
- if (d > 0) and (d <= TheSyncThreshold(n,sync_t[n][SyncTasks[i]])) and (sync_p[n][SyncTasks[i]] = RealPageNumber) :
- SyncPaths[i] := SyncPaths[i] topenlarged PaperHeight ;
- fi ;
- endfor ;
- fi ;
- fi ;
- if prestartnext :
- if NOfSyncPaths>1 :
- if SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths] < sync_n[n] : % there is a next one
- d := ypart (ulcorner PlainTextArea - sync_xy[n][SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths]+1]) ;
- if (d > 0) and (d <= TheSyncThreshold(n, sync_t[n][SyncTasks[i]])) and (sync_p[n][SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths]+1] = RealPageNumber+1) :
- SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths+1] :=
- (xpart ulcorner SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths],ypart llcorner PlainTextArea) --
- (xpart urcorner SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths],ypart llcorner PlainTextArea) --
- lrcorner SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] --
- llcorner SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] -- cycle ;
- SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths+1] := SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths]+1 ;
- NOfSyncPaths := NOfSyncPaths + 1 ;
- fi ;
- fi ;
- fi ;
- else :
- if NOfSyncPaths>1 :
- d := ypart (sync_xy[n][SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths]] - llcorner PlainTextArea) ;
- if (d < TheSyncThreshold(n, SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths])) :
- NOfSyncPaths := NOfSyncPaths - 1 ;
- SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] := SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] bottomenlarged PaperHeight ;
- fi ;
- fi ;
- fi ;
- if (NOfSyncPaths>1) and collapse :
- save j ; numeric j ; j := 1 ;
- for i = 2 upto NOfSyncPaths :
- if sync_t[n][SyncTasks[i]] = sync_t[n][SyncTasks[j]] :
- SyncPaths[j] := boundingbox image (draw SyncPaths[i] ; draw SyncPaths[j] ; ) ;
- SyncTasks[j] := SyncTasks[i] ;
- else :
- j := j + 1 ;
- SyncPaths[j] := SyncPaths[i] ;
- SyncTasks[j] := SyncTasks[i] ;
- fi ;
- endfor ;
- NOfSyncPaths := j ;
- fi ;
- fi ;
- fi ;
+vardef SyncPathColor(expr i) =
enddef ;
-def SyncTask(expr n) =
- if known SyncTasks[n] : SyncTasks[n] else : 0 fi
+def DrawSyncPaths =
+ for i=1 upto NOfSyncPaths :
+ draw SyncPaths[i] withcolor SyncPathColor(i) ;
+ endfor ;
enddef ;
-def FlushSyncTasks =
- for i = 1 upto NOfSyncPaths :
- ProcessSyncTask(SyncPaths[i], TheSyncColor(CurrentSyncClass,sync_t[CurrentSyncClass][SyncTasks[i]])) ;
+def FillSyncPaths =
+ for i=1 upto NOfSyncPaths :
+ fill SyncPaths[i] withcolor SyncPathColor(i) ;
endfor ;
enddef ;
-def ProcessSyncTask(expr p, c) =
- fill p withcolor c ;
+vardef NOfSyncPaths =
+ mfun_sync_count
enddef ;
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv
index b80d2b564..be061a71f 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv
@@ -1528,14 +1528,14 @@ vardef mfun_path_to_table(expr p) =
"{" & mfun_point_to_table(p,0) for i=1 upto length(p) : & "," & mfun_point_to_table(p,i) endfor & "}"
enddef ;
-vardef mfun_rgbcolor_to_table(expr c) =
+vardef mfun_rgb_to_table(expr c) =
"{" & decimal redpart c &
"," & decimal greenpart c &
"," & decimal bluepart c &
enddef ;
-vardef mfun_cmykcolor_to_table(expr c) =
+vardef mfun_cmyk_to_table(expr c) =
"{" & decimal cyanpart c &
"," & decimal magentapart c &
"," & decimal yellowpart c &
@@ -1543,7 +1543,7 @@ vardef mfun_cmykcolor_to_table(expr c) =
enddef ;
-vardef mfun_greycolor_to_string(expr n) =
+vardef mfun_grey_to_string(expr n) =
decimal n
enddef ;
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-page.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-page.mpiv
index 0571bcc92..eba66a005 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-page.mpiv
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-page.mpiv
@@ -321,6 +321,7 @@ vardef OverlayHeight = () enddef ;
vardef OverlayDepth = () enddef ;
vardef OverlayLineWidth = enddef ;
vardef OverlayOffset = () enddef ;
+vardef OverlayRegion = () enddef ;
vardef defaultcolormodel = enddef ;