path: root/metapost
diff options
authorHans Hagen <>2019-07-31 18:26:52 +0200
committerContext Git Mirror Bot <>2019-07-31 18:26:52 +0200
commit1873d112b56f49e40ece29916ede51933412bca8 (patch)
tree1ad98a73dfbf2f1a98703f31e0df9e0cdf4f260c /metapost
parent47852e5715e7c0374bb6bc173c1728908549e1ed (diff)
2019-07-31 18:13:00
Diffstat (limited to 'metapost')
10 files changed, 1042 insertions, 198 deletions
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpiv
index 5a47280c4..346642cac 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpiv
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpiv
@@ -23,34 +23,21 @@ mpprocset := 1 ; % not used
input "mp-base.mpiv" ;
input "mp-tool.mpiv" ;
input "mp-mlib.mpiv" ;
-% "mp-core.mpiv" ; % todo: namespace and cleanup
-input "mp-luas.mpiv" ; % experimental
-input "mp-page.mpiv" ; % todo: namespace and cleanup
-input "mp-butt.mpiv" ; % todo: namespace and cleanup
-input "mp-shap.mpiv" ; % will be improved
-input "mp-grph.mpiv" ; % todo: namespace and cleanup
-input "mp-grid.mpiv" ; % todo: namespace and cleanup
-input "mp-form.mpiv" ; % under (re)construction
-input "mp-figs.mpiv" ; % obsolete, needs checking
-input "mp-func.mpiv" ; % under construction
-% "mp-text.mpiv" ; % loaded on demand
-% "mp-char.mpiv" ; % loaded on demand
-% "mp-step.mpiv" ; % loaded on demand
-% "mp-chem.mpiv" ; % loaded on demand
-input "mp-node.mpiv" ; % relatively small so preloaded
+input "mp-luas.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-page.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-butt.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-shap.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-grph.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-grid.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-form.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-figs.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-func.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-node.mpiv" ;
input "mp-apos.mpiv" ;
input "mp-abck.mpiv" ;
input "mp-blob.mpiv" ;
-string metafunversion ; metafunversion =
- "metafun iv" & " " &
- decimal year & "-" &
- decimal month & "-" &
- decimal day & " " &
- if ((time div 60) < 10) : "0" & fi
- decimal (time div 60) & ":" &
- if ((time-(time div 60)*60) < 10) : "0" & fi
- decimal (time-(time div 60)*60) ;
+string metafunversion ; metafunversion = "metafun iv " & mfun_timestamp;
let normalend = end ;
@@ -60,5 +47,3 @@ if known mplib :
else :
def end = ; message "" ; message metafunversion ; message "" ; normalend ; enddef ;
fi ;
-% dump ; % obsolete in mplib
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpxl b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpxl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93fb0ab82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpxl
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+%D \module
+%D [,
+%D version=2000.07.15,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics,
+%D subtitle=format generation file,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D First we input John Hobby's metapost plain file. However, because we want to
+%D prevent dependency problems and in the end even may use a patched version,
+%D we prefer to use a copy.
+boolean contextlmtxmode ; contextlmtxmode := if known fontmaking : false else: true fi;
+input "mp-base.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-tool.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-mlib.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-luas.mpxl" ;
+input "mp-math.mpxl" ;
+input "mp-page.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-butt.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-shap.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-grph.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-grid.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-form.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-figs.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-func.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-node.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-apos.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-abck.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-blob.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-lmtx.mpxl" ; % playground, not official
+string metafunversion ; metafunversion = "metafun xl " & mfun_timestamp;
+let normalend = end ;
+def end = ; message "" ; message metafunversion ; message "" ; endinput ; enddef ;
+def bye = ; message "" ; message metafunversion ; message "" ; endinput ; enddef ;
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/minifun.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/minifun.mpiv
index ea4634c85..1aa496da2 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/minifun.mpiv
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/minifun.mpiv
@@ -25,15 +25,7 @@ input "mp-mlib.mpiv" ;
input "mp-luas.mpiv" ;
input "mp-page.mpiv" ;
-string minifunversion ; minifunversion =
- "minifun iv" & " " &
- decimal year & "-" &
- decimal month & "-" &
- decimal day & " " &
- if ((time div 60) < 10) : "0" & fi
- decimal (time div 60) & ":" &
- if ((time-(time div 60)*60) < 10) : "0" & fi
- decimal (time-(time div 60)*60) ;
+string minifunversion ; minifunversion = "minifun iv " & mfun_timestamp;
let normalend = end ;
@@ -43,5 +35,3 @@ if known mplib :
else :
def end = ; message "" ; message minifunversion ; message "" ; normalend ; enddef ;
fi ;
-% dump ; % obsolete in mplib
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/minifun.mpxl b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/minifun.mpxl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff71bdfcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/minifun.mpxl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+%D \module
+%D [,
+%D version=2018.06.02,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics,
+%D subtitle=format generation file,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D This is a minimal \METAFUN\ instance which can be handy for isolated
+%D subruns.
+boolean contextlmtxmode ; contextlmtxmode := if known fontmaking : false else: true fi;
+prologues := 0 ;
+mpprocset := 1 ;
+input "mp-base.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-tool.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-mlib.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-luas.mpxl" ;
+input "mp-math.mpxl" ;
+input "mp-page.mpiv" ;
+string minifunversion ; minifunversion = "minifun xl " & mfun_timestamp;
+let normalend = end ;
+def end = ; message "" ; message minifunversion ; message "" ; endinput ; enddef ;
+def bye = ; message "" ; message minifunversion ; message "" ; endinput ; enddef ;
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-base.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-base.mpiv
index 77e92e39b..36f2d1f5f 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-base.mpiv
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-base.mpiv
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
string base_name, base_version ;
base_name := "plain" ;
-base_version := "1.004 for metafun iv" ;
+base_version := "1.004 for metafun iv and xl" ;
message "loading metafun, including version " & base_version ;
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-lmtx.mpxl b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-lmtx.mpxl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42aa54f9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-lmtx.mpxl
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=mp-luas.lmtx,
+%D version=2019.06.23,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics,
+%D subtitle=\LUA,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+% This is an experimental module where I test some new interface methods;
+% for real advanced graphics use the luapost module.
+if known context_lmtx : endinput ; fi ;
+boolean context_lmtx ; context_lmtx := true ;
+presetparameters "grid" [
+ nx = 1, dx = 1,
+ ny = 1, dy = 1,
+] ;
+def lmt_grid = applyparameters "grid" "lmt_do_grid" enddef ;
+vardef lmt_do_grid =
+ image (
+ save nx; nx := getparameter "grid" "nx" ;
+ save ny; ny := getparameter "grid" "ny" ;
+ save dx; dx := getparameter "grid" "dx" ;
+ save dy; dy := getparameter "grid" "dy" ;
+ for i = 0 step dx until nx :
+ draw ((0,0) -- (0,ny)) shifted (i,0) ;
+ endfor ;
+ for i = 0 step dy until ny :
+ draw ((0,0) -- (nx,0)) shifted (0,i) ;
+ endfor ;
+ )
+enddef ;
+def lmt_axis = applyparameters "axis" "lmt_do_axis" enddef ;
+presetparameters "axis" [
+ nx = 1, dx = 1, tx = 0, sx = 1, startx = 0,
+ ny = 1, dy = 1, ty = 0, sy = 1, starty = 0,
+ samples = { },
+ list = { },
+ connect = false,
+ list = [ close = false ],
+ samplecolors = { "" },
+ axiscolor = "",
+ textcolor = "",
+] ;
+% vardef lmt_do_axis =
+% image (
+% save nx; nx := getparameter "axis" "nx" ;
+% save ny; ny := getparameter "axis" "ny" ;
+% save dx; dx := getparameter "axis" "dx" ;
+% save dy; dy := getparameter "axis" "dy" ;
+% save tx; tx := getparameter "axis" "tx" ;
+% save ty; ty := getparameter "axis" "ty" ;
+% save c, startx, starty ; string c ;
+% c := getparameter "axis" "axiscolor" ;
+% startx := getparameter "axis" "startx" ;
+% starty := getparameter "axis" "starty" ;
+% draw (startx,starty) -- (startx,ny) withcolor c ;
+% draw (startx,starty) -- (nx,starty) withcolor c ;
+% for i = 0 step dx until nx :
+% if (i > startx) or (startx = 0) :
+% draw ((0,0) -- (0,-2)) shifted (i,starty) withcolor c ;
+% fi ;
+% endfor ;
+% for i = 0 step dy until ny :
+% if (i > starty) or (starty = 0) :
+% draw ((0,0) -- (-2,0)) shifted (startx,i) withcolor c ;
+% fi ;
+% endfor ;
+% if tx <> 0 :
+% c := getparameter "axis" "textcolor" ;
+% for i = 0 step tx until nx :
+% if (i > startx) or (startx = 0) :
+% draw
+% textext("\strut " & decimal i) ysized 2 shifted (i,-4+starty)
+% withcolor c;
+% fi ;
+% endfor ;
+% fi ;
+% if ty <> 0 :
+% c := getparameter "axis" "textcolor" ;
+% for i = 0 step ty until ny :
+% if (i > starty) or (starty = 0) :
+% draw
+% textext.lft("\strut " & decimal i) ysized 2 shifted (-3+startx,i)
+% withcolor c;
+% fi ;
+% endfor ;
+% fi ;
+% if (getparametercount "axis" "samples") > 0 :
+% if getparameter "axis" "connect" :
+% for s = 1 upto getparametercount "axis" "samples" :
+% c := getparameter "axis" "samplecolors" s ;
+% draw for i = 1 upto getparametercount "axis" "samples" s :
+% if (i > 1) : -- fi (i, getparameter "axis" "samples" s i)
+% endfor
+% withcolor c ;
+% endfor ;
+% else :
+% for s = 1 upto getparametercount "axis" "samples" :
+% c := getparameter "axis" "samplecolors" s ;
+% for i = 1 upto getparametercount "axis" "samples" s :
+% draw (i, getparameter "axis" "samples" s i)
+% withcolor c ;
+% endfor ;
+% endfor ;
+% fi ;
+% fi ;
+% if (getparametercount "axis" "list") > 0 :
+% path p ; numeric ts ; pair a, d ;
+% ts := (getparameter "axis" "sy") / 20 ;
+% for s = 1 upto getparametercount "axis" "list" :
+% c := getparameter "axis" "list" s "color" ;
+% p := for i = 1 upto getparametercount "axis" "list" s "points" :
+% if (i > 1) : -- fi (getparameter "axis" "list" s "points" i)
+% endfor
+% if (getparameterdefault "axis" "list" s "close" false) : -- cycle fi ;
+% draw p withcolor c ;
+% if (getparametercount "axis" "list" s "labels") > 0 :
+% for i = 1 upto getparametercount "axis" "list" s "labels" :
+% draw
+% textext(getparameterdefault "axis" "list" s "labels" i "")
+% ysized ts
+% shifted unitvector(direction (i-eps) of p) % todo
+% shifted point i of p ;
+% endfor ;
+% fi ;
+% % if (getparametercount "axis" "list" s "texts") > 0 :
+% % for i = 1 upto getparametercount "axis" "list" s "texts" :
+% % n := i + 0.5 ;
+% % a := point n of p ;
+% % d := direction n of p ;
+% % draw textext.d(getparameterdefault "axis" "list" s "texts" i "")
+% % if d < left : rotated 180 shifted (0,-5) else : shifted (0,5) fi
+% % ysized ts
+% % shifted a
+% % rotatedaround(a,angle(d)) ;
+% % endfor ;
+% % fi ;
+% pushparameters "axis" "list" s "texts" ;
+% if (getparametercount) > 0 :
+% for i = 1 upto getparametercount :
+% n := i + 0.5 ;
+% a := point n of p ;
+% d := direction n of p ;
+% draw textext.d(getparameterdefault i "")
+% if d < left : rotated 180 shifted (0,-5) else : shifted (0,5) fi
+% ysized ts
+% shifted a
+% rotatedaround(a,angle(d)) ;
+% endfor ;
+% fi ;
+% popparameters ;
+% endfor ;
+% fi ;
+% )
+% xyscaled(getparameter "axis" "sx",getparameter "axis" "sy")
+% enddef ;
+vardef lmt_do_axis =
+ image (
+ pushparameters "axis" ;
+ save nx; nx := getparameter "nx" ;
+ save ny; ny := getparameter "ny" ;
+ save dx; dx := getparameter "dx" ;
+ save dy; dy := getparameter "dy" ;
+ save tx; tx := getparameter "tx" ;
+ save ty; ty := getparameter "ty" ;
+ save c, startx, starty ; string c ;
+ c := getparameter "axiscolor" ;
+ startx := getparameter "startx" ;
+ starty := getparameter "starty" ;
+ draw (startx,starty) -- (startx,ny) withcolor c ;
+ draw (startx,starty) -- (nx,starty) withcolor c ;
+ for i = 0 step dx until nx :
+ if (i > startx) or (startx = 0) :
+ draw ((0,0) -- (0,-2)) shifted (i,starty) withcolor c ;
+ fi ;
+ endfor ;
+ for i = 0 step dy until ny :
+ if (i > starty) or (starty = 0) :
+ draw ((0,0) -- (-2,0)) shifted (startx,i) withcolor c ;
+ fi ;
+ endfor ;
+ if tx <> 0 :
+ c := getparameter "textcolor" ;
+ for i = 0 step tx until nx :
+ if (i > startx) or (startx = 0) :
+ draw
+ textext("\strut " & decimal i) ysized 2 shifted (i,-4+starty)
+ withcolor c;
+ fi ;
+ endfor ;
+ fi ;
+ if ty <> 0 :
+ c := getparameter "textcolor" ;
+ for i = 0 step ty until ny :
+ if (i > starty) or (starty = 0) :
+ draw
+ textext.lft("\strut " & decimal i) ysized 2 shifted (-3+startx,i)
+ withcolor c;
+ fi ;
+ endfor ;
+ fi ;
+ if (getparametercount "samples") > 0 :
+ if getparameter "connect" :
+ for s = 1 upto getparametercount "samples" :
+ c := getparameter "samplecolors" s ;
+ draw for i = 1 upto getparametercount "samples" s :
+ if (i > 1) : -- fi (i, getparameter "samples" s i)
+ endfor
+ withcolor c ;
+ endfor ;
+ else :
+ for s = 1 upto getparametercount "samples" :
+ c := getparameter "samplecolors" s ;
+ for i = 1 upto getparametercount "samples" s :
+ draw (i, getparameter "samples" s i)
+ withcolor c ;
+ endfor ;
+ endfor ;
+ fi ;
+ fi ;
+ if (getparametercount "list") > 0 :
+ path p ; numeric ts ; pair a, d ;
+ ts := (getparameter "sy") / 20 ;
+ pushparameters "list" ;
+ for s = 1 upto getparametercount :
+ pushparameters s ;
+ c := getparameter "color" ;
+ % p := for i = 1 upto getparametercount "points":
+ % if (i > 1) : -- fi (getparameter "points" i)
+ % endfor
+ % if (getparameterdefault "close" false) : -- cycle fi ;
+ % this can become:
+ % p := if (getparameterdefault "close" false) :
+ % % getparameterpath "points" "--" true ;
+ % getparameterpath "points" true ;
+ % else :
+ % % getparameterpath "points" "--" false ;
+ % getparameterpath "points" ;
+ % fi ;
+ % p := getparameterpath "points" if (getparameterdefault "close" false) : true fi ;
+ p := getparameterpath "points" (getparameterdefault "close" false) ;
+ % p := getparameterpath "points" getparameterdefault "close" false ;
+ draw p withcolor c ;
+ pushparameters "labels" ;
+ if (getparametercount) > 0 :
+ for i = 1 upto getparametercount:
+ n := i - 1 ;
+ a := point n of p ;
+ d := direction n of p ;
+ draw
+ textext(getparametertext i true)
+ ysized ts
+ shifted (a + .5 * unitvector(d) rotated 90) ;
+ endfor ;
+ fi ;
+ popparameters ;
+ pushparameters "texts" ;
+ if (getparametercount) > 0 :
+ for i = 1 upto getparametercount :
+ n := i + 0.5 ;
+ a := point n of p ;
+ d := direction n of p ;
+ draw textext.d(getparametertext i true)
+ if d < left : rotated 180 shifted (0,-5) else : shifted (0,5) fi
+ ysized ts
+ shifted a
+ rotatedaround(a,angle(d)) ;
+ endfor ;
+ fi ;
+ popparameters ;
+ popparameters ;
+ endfor ;
+ popparameters ;
+ fi ;
+ popparameters ;
+ )
+ xyscaled(getparameter "axis" "sx",getparameter "axis" "sy")
+enddef ;
+presetparameters "outline" [
+ content = "",
+ kind = "draw",
+ fillcolor = "",
+ drawcolor = "",
+ rulethickness = 1/10,
+ align = "",
+ style = "",
+ width = 0,
+] ;
+def lmt_outline = applyparameters "outline" "lmt_do_outline" enddef ;
+vardef lmt_do_outline =
+ image ( normaldraw image (
+ save kind ; string kind ; kind := getparameter "outline" "kind" ;
+ save align ; string align ; align := getparameter "outline" "align" ;
+ save style ; string style ; style := getparameter "outline" "style" ;
+ save width ; numeric width ; width := getparameter "outline" "width" ;
+ if kind = "draw" :
+ kind := "d" ;
+ elseif kind = "fill" :
+ kind := "f" ;
+ elseif kind = "both" :
+ kind := "b" ;
+ elseif kind = "reverse" :
+ kind := "r" ;
+ fi ;
+ currentoutlinetext := currentoutlinetext + 1 ;
+ currentoutlinetext,
+ if align = "" :
+ getparameter "outline" "content",
+ else :
+ "\framed[align={" & align & "}"
+ if width > 0 :
+ & ",width=" & decimal width & "bp"
+ fi
+ if style <> "" :
+ & ",foregroundstyle=" & style
+ fi
+ & ",offset=none,frame=off]{"
+ & (getparameter "outline" "content")
+ & "}",
+ fi,
+ kind
+ ) ;
+ save currentpen; pen currentpen ;
+ pickup pencircle scaled getparameter "outline" "rulethickness" ;
+ if kind = "f" :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_set_f (
+ withcolor getparameter "outline" "fillcolor"
+ );
+ elseif kind = "d" :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_set_d (
+ withcolor getparameter "outline" "drawcolor"
+ );
+ elseif kind = "b" :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_set_b (
+ withcolor getparameter "outline" "fillcolor"
+ ) (
+ withcolor getparameter "outline" "drawcolor"
+ );
+ elseif kind = "u" :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_set_f (
+ withcolor getparameter "outline" "fillcolor"
+ );
+ elseif kind = "r" :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_set_r (
+ withcolor getparameter "outline" "drawcolor"
+ ) (
+ withcolor getparameter "outline" "fillcolor"
+ ) ;
+ elseif kind = "p" :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_set_p ;
+ else :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_set_n (
+ % what to use here
+ );
+ fi ;
+ ;
+ ) )
+enddef ;
+presetparameters "followtext" [
+ content = "",
+ spread = true,
+ trace = false,
+ reverse = false,
+ autoscaleup = "no",
+ autoscaledown = "no",
+ path = (fullcircle),
+] ;
+def lmt_followtext = applyparameters "followtext" "lmt_do_followtext" enddef ;
+vardef lmt_do_followtext =
+ image (
+ save s_u ; string s_u ; s_u := getparameter "followtext" "autoscaleup" ;
+ save s_d ; string s_d ; s_d := getparameter "followtext" "autoscaledown" ;
+ save followtextalternative ; followtextalternative := if getparameter "followtext" "spread" : 1 else : 0 fi ;
+ save tracingfollowtext ; tracingfollowtext := if getparameter "followtext" "trace" : 1 else : 0 fi ;
+ save autoscaleupfollowtext ; autoscaleupfollowtext := if s_u = "yes" : 1 elseif s_u = "max" : 2 else : 0 fi ;
+ save autoscaledownfollowtext ; autoscaledownfollowtext := if s_d = "yes" : 1 elseif s_d = "max" : 2 else : 0 fi ;
+ draw followtext (
+ if (getparameter "followtext" "reverse") : reverse fi getparameter "followtext" "path",
+ getparameter "followtext" "content"
+ ) ;
+ )
+enddef ;
+presetparameters "arrow" [
+ path = origin,
+ kind = "fill",
+ dimple = 1/5,
+ scale = 3/4,
+ length = 4,
+ angle = 45,
+ location = "end", % middle both
+ alternative = "normal", % dimpled curved
+ percentage = 50,
+ headonly = false,
+] ;
+def lmt_arrow = applyparameters "arrow" "lmt_do_arrow" enddef ;
+vardef lmt_do_arrow =
+ image (
+ save a ; string a ; a := getparameter "arrow" "alternative" ;
+ save l ; string l ; l := getparameter "arrow" "location" ;
+ save k ; string k ; k := getparameter "arrow" "kind" ;
+ save p ; path p ; p := getparameter "arrow" "path" ;
+ save ahvariant ; ahvariant := if a = "dimpled" : 1 elseif a = "curved" : 2 else : 0 fi ;
+ save ahdimple ; ahdimple := getparameter "arrow" "dimple" ;
+ save ahscale ; ahscale := getparameter "arrow" "scale" ;
+ save ahangle ; ahangle := getparameter "arrow" "angle" ;
+ save ahlength ; ahlength := getparameter "arrow" "length" ;
+ if not getparameter "arrow" "headonly" :
+ draw p ;
+ fi ;
+ if k = "draw" : draw elseif k = "both" : filldraw else : fill fi
+ if l = "middle" :
+ midarrowhead p ;
+ elseif l = "percentage" :
+ arrowheadonpath (p, (getparameter "arrow" "percentage")/100) ;
+ elseif l = "both" :
+ arrowhead p ;
+ if k = "draw" : draw elseif k = "both" : filldraw else : fill fi
+ arrowhead reverse p ;
+ else :
+ arrowhead p ;
+ fi ;
+ )
+enddef ;
+% from dum
+presetparameters "placeholder" [
+ color = "red",
+ width = 1,
+ height = 1,
+ reduction = 0,
+ alternative = "circle",
+] ;
+def lmt_placeholder = applyparameters "placeholder" "lmt_do_placeholder" enddef ;
+def lmt_do_placeholder =
+ begingroup ;
+ save w, h, d, r, p, c, b, s, q, a ;
+ numeric w, h, d, r ; path p ; string s, a ;
+ s := getparameter "placeholder" "color" ;
+ w := getparameter "placeholder" "width" ;
+ h := getparameter "placeholder" "height" ;
+ r := getparameter "placeholder" "reduction" ;
+ a := getparameter "placeholder" "alternative" ;
+ d := max(w,h) ;
+ if cmykcolor resolvedcolor(s) :
+ cmykcolor c, b ; b := (0,0,0,0)
+ else :
+ color c, b ; b := (1,1,1)
+ fi ;
+ c := resolvedcolor(s) ;
+ p := unitsquare xyscaled (w,h) ;
+ fill p withcolor r[.5c,b] ;
+ if a = "square" :
+ vardef q = fullsquare enddef ;
+ elseif a = "triangle" :
+ vardef q = fulltriangle rotated (90 * round(uniformdeviate(4))) enddef ;
+ else :
+ vardef q = fullcircle enddef ;
+ fi ;
+ for i := 1 upto 60 :
+ fill q
+ scaled (d/5 randomized (d/5))
+ shifted (center p randomized (d))
+ withcolor r[c randomized(.3,.9),b] ;
+ endfor ;
+ clip currentpicture to p ;
+ endgroup ;
+enddef ;
+% maybe:
+vardef lmt_connected(text t) =
+ save p ; path p ;
+ p := origin t ;
+ subpath (1,length(p)) of p
+def lmt_connection expr t =
+ -- t
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-luas.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-luas.mpiv
index 235f713ba..57937c0c1 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-luas.mpiv
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-luas.mpiv
@@ -20,52 +20,10 @@ if known context_luas : endinput ; fi ;
% get passed. Of course in the end the real usage got a bit beyong the intended
% usage. So, in addition to some definitions here there are and will be use in
% other metafun modules too. Of course in retrospect I should have done this five
-% years earlier.
+% years earlier. Older version sof this module show the way it evolved.
boolean context_luas ; context_luas := true ;
-% Experimental
-if contextlmtxmode :
- % not yet (timing issue)
- newinternal mfid_scriptindex ;
- mfid_scriptindex := runscript("mp.mf_script_index('scriptindex')") ;
- def scriptindex = runscript mfid_scriptindex enddef ;
-% def scriptindex expr name =
-% enddef ;
-fi ;
-% First variant:
-% let lua = runscript ;
-% Second variant:
-% vardef lua (text t) =
-% runscript(for s = t : s & endfor "")
-% enddef;
-% Third variant:
-% vardef lua (text t) =
-% runscript("" for s = t :
-% if string s :
-% & s
-% elseif numeric s :
-% & decimal s
-% elseif boolean s :
-% & if s : "true" else "false" fi
-% fi endfor)
-% enddef;
-% Fourth variant:
string mfun_lua_bs ; mfun_lua_bs := "[===[" ;
string mfun_lua_es ; mfun_lua_es := "]===]" ;
@@ -92,35 +50,6 @@ vardef mlib_luas_luacall(text t) =
enddef ;
-% vardef mlib_luas_lualist(expr c)(text t) =
-% save b ; boolean b ; b := false ;
-% runscript(c & "(" for s = t :
-% if b :
-% & ","
-% else :
-% hide(b := true)
-% fi
-% if string s :
-% % & ditto & s & ditto
-% & mfun_lua_bs & s & mfun_lua_es
-% elseif numeric s :
-% & decimal s
-% elseif boolean s :
-% & if s : "true" else : "false" fi
-% elseif pair s :
-% & mfun_pair_to_table(s)
-% elseif path s :
-% & mfun_path_to_table(s)
-% elseif rgbcolor s :
-% & mfun_rgb_to_table(s)
-% elseif cmykcolor s :
-% & mfun_cmyk_to_table(s)
-% else :
-% & ditto & tostring(s) & ditto
-% fi endfor & ")"
-% )
-% enddef ;
newinternal mfun_luas_b ;
def mlib_luas_luadone =
@@ -189,23 +118,13 @@ enddef ;
% % okay but, can also be
%"mf_named_color",s) % which gives expansion mess
-if contextlmtxmode :
- newinternal mfid_resolvedcolor ; mfid_resolvedcolor := scriptindex "namedcolor" ;
- def resolvedcolor = runscript mfid_resolvedcolor enddef ;
-else :
- def resolvedcolor primary s = % no vardef
- if string s :
- runscript("mp.mf_named_color('" & s & "')") % faster anyway
- else :
- s
- fi
- enddef ;
-fi ;
+def resolvedcolor primary s = % no vardef
+ if string s :
+ runscript("mp.mf_named_color('" & s & "')") % faster anyway
+ else :
+ s
+ fi
+enddef ;
% Modes:
@@ -257,77 +176,25 @@ vardef texstr(expr name) = enddef ;
%D New experimental feature for Alan-The-Number-Cruncher:
-if contextlmtxmode :
- newinternal mfid_path_lengthof ; mfid_path_lengthof := scriptindex "pathlengthof" ;
- newinternal mfid_path_pointof ; mfid_path_pointof := scriptindex "pathpointof" ;
- newinternal mfid_path_leftof ; mfid_path_leftof := scriptindex "pathleftof" ;
- newinternal mfid_path_rightof ; mfid_path_rightof := scriptindex "pathrightof" ;
- newinternal mfid_path_reset ; mfid_path_reset := scriptindex "pathreset" ;
- % 25 pct gain
- def inpath = = 1 step 1 until runscript mfid_path_lengthof enddef ;
- vardef pointof primary i = runscript mfid_path_pointof i enddef ;
- vardef leftof primary i = runscript mfid_path_leftof i enddef ;
- vardef rightof primary i = runscript mfid_path_rightof i enddef ;
- % another 10 pct gain
- % def inpath = = 1 step 1 until runscript mfid_path_lengthof enddef ;
- % def pointof = runscript mfid_path_pointof enddef ;
- % def leftof = runscript mfid_path_leftof enddef ;
- % def rightof = runscript mfid_path_rightof enddef ;
- extra_endfig := extra_endfig & " runscript mfid_path_reset ; " ;
-else :
- def inpath suffix p = % permits p[0]
- = 1 step 1 until
- begingroup
- save mfun_inpath_r,mfun_inpath_n ; path mfun_inpath_r ;
- mfun_inpath_r = p ;
- mfun_inpath_n := mfun_inpath_r) ;
- if mfun_inpath_n = 0 : 1 else : mfun_inpath_n fi
- endgroup
- enddef ;
- % vardef pointof primary i = enddef ;
- % vardef leftof primary i = (i) enddef ;
- % vardef rightof primary i = enddef ;
+def inpath suffix p = % permits p[0]
+ = 1 step 1 until
+ begingroup
+ save mfun_inpath_r,mfun_inpath_n ; path mfun_inpath_r ;
+ mfun_inpath_r = p ;
+ mfun_inpath_n := mfun_inpath_r) ;
+ if mfun_inpath_n = 0 : 1 else : mfun_inpath_n fi
+ endgroup
+enddef ;
- vardef pointof primary i = runscript("mp.mf_path_point(" & decimal i & ")") enddef ;
- vardef leftof primary i = runscript("mp.mf_path_left(" & decimal i & ")") enddef ;
- vardef rightof primary i = runscript("mp.mf_path_right(" & decimal i & ")") enddef ;
+% vardef pointof primary i = enddef ;
+% vardef leftof primary i = (i) enddef ;
+% vardef rightof primary i = enddef ;
- extra_endfig := extra_endfig & " ; " ;
+vardef pointof primary i = runscript("mp.mf_path_point(" & decimal i & ")") enddef ;
+vardef leftof primary i = runscript("mp.mf_path_left(" & decimal i & ")") enddef ;
+vardef rightof primary i = runscript("mp.mf_path_right(" & decimal i & ")") enddef ;
-fi ;
+extra_endfig := extra_endfig & " ; " ;
vardef utflen(expr s) = enddef ;
vardef utfsub(expr s,f,t) =,f,t) enddef ;
-if contextlmtxmode :
- newinternal mfid_getparameters ; mfid_getparameters := scriptindex "getparameters" ;
- newinternal mfid_presetparameters ; mfid_presetparameters := scriptindex "presetparameters" ;
- newinternal mfid_getparameter ; mfid_getparameter := scriptindex "getparameter" ;
- newinternal mfid_getparametercount ; mfid_getparametercount := scriptindex "getparametercount" ;
- newinternal mfid_getparameterentry ; mfid_getparameterentry := scriptindex "getparameterentry" ;
- newinternal mfid_getparametersets ; mfid_getparametersets := scriptindex "getparametersets" ;
- newinternal mfid_getparametersetcount ; mfid_getparametersetcount := scriptindex "getparametersetcount" ;
- newinternal mfid_getparametersetentry ; mfid_getparametersetentry := scriptindex "getparametersetentry" ;
- newinternal mfid_applyparameters ; mfid_applyparameters := scriptindex "applyparameters" ;
- def getparameters = runscript mfid_getparameters enddef ;
- def presetparameters = runscript mfid_presetparameters enddef ;
- def getparameter = runscript mfid_getparameter enddef ;
- def getparametercount = runscript mfid_getparametercount enddef ;
- def getparameterentry = runscript mfid_getparameterentry enddef ;
- def getparametersets = runscript mfid_getparametersets enddef ;
- def getparametersetcount = runscript mfid_getparametersetcount enddef ;
- def getparametersetentry = runscript mfid_getparametersetentry enddef ;
- def applyparameters = runscript mfid_applyparameters enddef ;
-fi ;
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-luas.mpxl b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-luas.mpxl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0dac5cefc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-luas.mpxl
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=mp-luas.mpiv,
+%D version=2014.04.14,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics,
+%D subtitle=\LUA,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+if known context_luas : endinput ; fi ;
+% When I prototyped the runscript primitive I was just thinking of a usage like
+% the original \directlua primitive in luatex: genererate something and pipe
+% that back to metapost, and have access to some internals. Instead of compiling
+% the code a the metapost end here we delegate that to the lua end. Only strings
+% get passed. Of course in the end the real usage got a bit beyong the intended
+% usage. So, in addition to some definitions here there are and will be use in
+% other metafun modules too. Of course in retrospect I should have done this five
+% years earlier.
+boolean context_luas ; context_luas := true ;
+newinternal mfid_scriptindex ;
+mfid_scriptindex := runscript("mp.mf_script_index('scriptindex')") ;
+def scriptindex = runscript mfid_scriptindex enddef ;
+string mfun_lua_bs ; mfun_lua_bs := "[===[" ;
+string mfun_lua_es ; mfun_lua_es := "]===]" ;
+vardef mlib_luas_luacall(text t) =
+ runscript("" for s = t :
+ if string s :
+ & s
+ % & mfun_lua_bs & s & mfun_lua_es
+ elseif numeric s :
+ & decimal s
+ elseif boolean s :
+ & if s : "true" else : "false" fi
+ elseif pair s :
+ & mfun_pair_to_table(s)
+ elseif path s :
+ & mfun_path_to_table(s)
+ elseif rgbcolor s :
+ & mfun_rgb_to_table(s)
+ elseif cmykcolor s :
+ & mfun_cmyk_to_table(s)
+ else :
+ & ditto & tostring(s) & ditto
+ fi endfor
+ )
+enddef ;
+newinternal mfun_luas_b ;
+def mlib_luas_luadone =
+ exitif numeric begingroup mfun_luas_b := 1 ; endgroup ;
+enddef ;
+vardef mlib_luas_lualist(expr c)(text t) = % we could use mlib_luas_s instead of c
+ interim mfun_luas_b := 0 ;
+ runscript(c & for s = t :
+ if mfun_luas_b = 0 :
+ "("
+ % hide(mfun_luas_b := 1)
+ mlib_luas_luadone
+ else :
+ ","
+ fi
+ &
+ if string s :
+ mfun_lua_bs & s & mfun_lua_es
+ elseif numeric s :
+ decimal s
+ elseif boolean s :
+ if s : "true" else : "false" fi
+ elseif pair s :
+ mfun_pair_to_table(s)
+ elseif path s :
+ mfun_path_to_table(s)
+ elseif rgbcolor s :
+ mfun_rgb_to_table(s)
+ elseif cmykcolor s :
+ mfun_cmyk_to_table(s)
+ else :
+ ditto & tostring(s) & ditto
+ fi & endfor if mfun_luas_b = 0 : "()" else : ")" fi
+ )
+enddef ;
+def luacall = mlib_luas_luacall enddef ; % why no let
+vardef lualist@#(text t) = mlib_luas_lualist(str @#)(t) enddef ;
+string mlib_luas_s ; % saves save/restore
+vardef lua@#(text t) =
+ mlib_luas_s := str @# ;
+ if length(mlib_luas_s) > 0 :
+ mlib_luas_lualist(mlib_luas_s,t)
+ else :
+ mlib_luas_luacall(t)
+ fi
+enddef ;
+vardef MP@#(text t) =
+ mlib_luas_lualist("MP." & str @#,t)
+enddef ;
+def message expr t =
+ ;
+enddef ;
+% Color:
+% We do a low level runscript:
+% % conflicts with macro namedcolor
+% % okay but, can also be
+%"mf_named_color",s) % which gives expansion mess
+newinternal mfid_resolvedcolor ; mfid_resolvedcolor := scriptindex "namedcolor" ;
+def resolvedcolor = runscript mfid_resolvedcolor enddef ;
+% Modes:
+vardef texmode (expr s) ="mode", s) enddef ;
+vardef systemmode(expr s) ="systemmode",s) enddef ;
+% A few helpers
+vardef isarray suffix a = (str a) enddef ;
+vardef prefix suffix a = (str a) enddef ;
+vardef dimension suffix a = a) enddef ;
+% More access
+vardef getmacro(expr k) = enddef ;
+vardef getdimen(expr k) = enddef ;
+vardef getcount(expr k) = enddef ;
+vardef gettoks (expr k) = (k) enddef ;
+def setmacro(expr k,v) =,v) enddef ;
+def setdimen(expr k,v) =,v) enddef ;
+def setcount(expr k,v) =,v) enddef ;
+def settoks (expr k,v) = (k,v) enddef ;
+vardef positionpath (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positioncurve (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positionxy (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positionpxy (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positionwhd (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positionpage (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positionregion(expr name) = enddef ;
+vardef positionbox (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positionanchor = enddef ;
+let wdpart = redpart ;
+let htpart = greenpart ;
+let dppart = bluepart ;
+vardef positioninregion =
+ currentpicture := currentpicture shifted - positionxy(positionanchor) ;
+enddef ;
+vardef positionatanchor(expr name) =
+ currentpicture := currentpicture shifted - positionxy(name) ;
+enddef ;
+vardef texvar(expr name) = enddef ;
+vardef texstr(expr name) = enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_path_lengthof ; mfid_path_lengthof := scriptindex "pathlengthof" ;
+newinternal mfid_path_pointof ; mfid_path_pointof := scriptindex "pathpointof" ;
+newinternal mfid_path_leftof ; mfid_path_leftof := scriptindex "pathleftof" ;
+newinternal mfid_path_rightof ; mfid_path_rightof := scriptindex "pathrightof" ;
+newinternal mfid_path_reset ; mfid_path_reset := scriptindex "pathreset" ;
+% 25 pct gain
+ def inpath = = 1 step 1 until runscript mfid_path_lengthof enddef ;
+vardef pointof primary i = runscript mfid_path_pointof i enddef ;
+vardef leftof primary i = runscript mfid_path_leftof i enddef ;
+vardef rightof primary i = runscript mfid_path_rightof i enddef ;
+% another 10 pct gain
+% def inpath = = 1 step 1 until runscript mfid_path_lengthof enddef ;
+% def pointof = runscript mfid_path_pointof enddef ;
+% def leftof = runscript mfid_path_leftof enddef ;
+% def rightof = runscript mfid_path_rightof enddef ;
+extra_endfig := extra_endfig & " runscript mfid_path_reset ; " ;
+vardef utflen(expr s) = enddef ;
+vardef utfsub(expr s,f,t) =,f,t) enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_getparameters ; mfid_getparameters := scriptindex "getparameters" ;
+newinternal mfid_presetparameters ; mfid_presetparameters := scriptindex "presetparameters" ;
+newinternal mfid_getparameter ; mfid_getparameter := scriptindex "getparameter" ;
+newinternal mfid_getparameterdefault ; mfid_getparameterdefault := scriptindex "getparameterdefault" ;
+newinternal mfid_getparametercount ; mfid_getparametercount := scriptindex "getparametercount" ;
+newinternal mfid_getparameterpath ; mfid_getparameterpath := scriptindex "getparameterpath" ;
+newinternal mfid_getparametertext ; mfid_getparametertext := scriptindex "getparametertext" ;
+newinternal mfid_applyparameters ; mfid_applyparameters := scriptindex "applyparameters" ;
+newinternal mfid_pushparameters ; mfid_pushparameters := scriptindex "pushparameters" ;
+newinternal mfid_popparameters ; mfid_popparameters := scriptindex "popparameters" ;
+def getparameters = runscript mfid_getparameters enddef ;
+def presetparameters = runscript mfid_presetparameters enddef ;
+def getparameter = runscript mfid_getparameter enddef ;
+def getparameterdefault = runscript mfid_getparameterdefault enddef ;
+def getparametercount = runscript mfid_getparametercount enddef ;
+def getparameterpath = runscript mfid_getparameterpath enddef ;
+def getparametertext = runscript mfid_getparametertext enddef ;
+def applyparameters = runscript mfid_applyparameters enddef ;
+def pushparameters = runscript mfid_pushparameters enddef ;
+def popparameters = runscript mfid_popparameters enddef ;
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-math.mpxl b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-math.mpxl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..52fbd1615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-math.mpxl
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=mp-math.mpiv,
+%D version=2019.07.26, % was mp-core: 1999.08.01, anchoring
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics,
+%D subtitle=extra math functions,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+if known context_math : endinput ; fi ;
+boolean context_math ; context_math := true ;
+% draw textext(decimal runscript("mp.numeric(xmath.gamma(.12))")) ;
+newinternal mfid_m_acos ; mfid_m_acos := scriptindex "m_acos" ; def m_acos = runscript mfid_m_acos enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_acosh ; mfid_m_acosh := scriptindex "m_acosh" ; def m_acosh = runscript mfid_m_acosh enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_asin ; mfid_m_asin := scriptindex "m_asin" ; def m_asin = runscript mfid_m_asin enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_asinh ; mfid_m_asinh := scriptindex "m_asinh" ; def m_asinh = runscript mfid_m_asinh enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_atan ; mfid_m_atan := scriptindex "m_atan" ; def m_atan = runscript mfid_m_atan enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_atantwo ; mfid_m_atantwo := scriptindex "m_atan2" ; def m_atantwo = runscript mfid_m_atantwo enddef ; % atan2
+newinternal mfid_m_atanh ; mfid_m_atanh := scriptindex "m_atanh" ; def m_atanh = runscript mfid_m_atanh enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_cbrt ; mfid_m_cbrt := scriptindex "m_cbrt" ; def m_cbrt = runscript mfid_m_cbrt enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_ceil ; mfid_m_ceil := scriptindex "m_ceil" ; def m_ceil = runscript mfid_m_ceil enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_copysign ; mfid_m_copysign := scriptindex "m_copysign" ; def m_copysign = runscript mfid_m_copysign enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_cos ; mfid_m_cos := scriptindex "m_cos" ; def m_cos = runscript mfid_m_cos enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_cosh ; mfid_m_cosh := scriptindex "m_cosh" ; def m_cosh = runscript mfid_m_cosh enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_deg ; mfid_m_deg := scriptindex "m_deg" ; def m_deg = runscript mfid_m_deg enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_erf ; mfid_m_erf := scriptindex "m_erf" ; def m_erf = runscript mfid_m_erf enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_erfc ; mfid_m_erfc := scriptindex "m_erfc" ; def m_erfc = runscript mfid_m_erfc enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_exp ; mfid_m_exp := scriptindex "m_exp" ; def m_exp = runscript mfid_m_exp enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_exptwo ; mfid_m_exptwo := scriptindex "m_exp2" ; def m_exptwo = runscript mfid_m_exptwo enddef ; % exp2
+newinternal mfid_m_expm ; mfid_m_expm := scriptindex "m_expm1" ; def m_expm = runscript mfid_m_expm enddef ; % expm1
+newinternal mfid_m_fabs ; mfid_m_fabs := scriptindex "m_fabs" ; def m_fabs = runscript mfid_m_fabs enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_fdim ; mfid_m_fdim := scriptindex "m_fdim" ; def m_fdim = runscript mfid_m_fdim enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_floor ; mfid_m_floor := scriptindex "m_floor" ; def m_floor = runscript mfid_m_floor enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_fma ; mfid_m_fma := scriptindex "m_fma" ; def m_fma = runscript mfid_m_fma enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_fmax ; mfid_m_fmax := scriptindex "m_fmax" ; def m_fmax = runscript mfid_m_fmax enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_fmin ; mfid_m_fmin := scriptindex "m_fmin" ; def m_fmin = runscript mfid_m_fmin enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_fmod ; mfid_m_fmod := scriptindex "m_fmod" ; def m_fmod = runscript mfid_m_fmod enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_frexp ; mfid_m_frexp := scriptindex "m_frexp" ; def m_frexp = runscript mfid_m_frexp enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_gamma ; mfid_m_gamma := scriptindex "m_gamma" ; def m_gamma = runscript mfid_m_gamma enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_hypot ; mfid_m_hypot := scriptindex "m_hypot" ; def m_hypot = runscript mfid_m_hypot enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_isfinite ; mfid_m_isfinite := scriptindex "m_isfinite" ; def m_isfinite = runscript mfid_m_isfinite enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_isinf ; mfid_m_isinf := scriptindex "m_isinf" ; def m_isinf = runscript mfid_m_isinf enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_isnan ; mfid_m_isnan := scriptindex "m_isnan" ; def m_isnan = runscript mfid_m_isnan enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_isnormal ; mfid_m_isnormal := scriptindex "m_isnormal" ; def m_isnormal = runscript mfid_m_isnormal enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_jz ; mfid_m_jz := scriptindex "m_j0" ; def m_jz = runscript mfid_m_jz enddef ; % j0
+newinternal mfid_m_j ; mfid_m_j := scriptindex "m_j1" ; def m_j = runscript mfid_m_j enddef ; % j1
+newinternal mfid_m_jn ; mfid_m_jn := scriptindex "m_jn" ; def m_jn = runscript mfid_m_jn enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_ldexp ; mfid_m_ldexp := scriptindex "m_ldexp" ; def m_ldexp = runscript mfid_m_ldexp enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_lgamma ; mfid_m_lgamma := scriptindex "m_lgamma" ; def m_lgamma = runscript mfid_m_lgamma enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_log ; mfid_m_log := scriptindex "m_log" ; def m_log = runscript mfid_m_log enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_logten ; mfid_m_logte := scriptindex "m_log10" ; def m_logten = runscript mfid_m_logten enddef ; % log10
+newinternal mfid_m_logp ; mfid_m_logp := scriptindex "m_log1p" ; def m_logp = runscript mfid_m_logp enddef ; % log1p
+newinternal mfid_m_logtwo ; mfid_m_logtwo := scriptindex "m_log2" ; def m_logtwo = runscript mfid_m_logtwo enddef ; % log2
+newinternal mfid_m_logb ; mfid_m_logb := scriptindex "m_logb" ; def m_logb = runscript mfid_m_logb enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_modf ; mfid_m_modf := scriptindex "m_modf" ; def m_modf = runscript mfid_m_modf enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_nearbyint ; mfid_m_nearbyint := scriptindex "m_nearbyint" ; def m_nearbyint = runscript mfid_m_nearbyint enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_nextafter ; mfid_m_nextafter := scriptindex "m_nextafter" ; def m_nextafter = runscript mfid_m_nextafter enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_pow ; mfid_m_pow := scriptindex "m_pow" ; def m_pow = runscript mfid_m_pow enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_rad ; mfid_m_rad := scriptindex "m_rad" ; def m_rad = runscript mfid_m_rad enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_remainder ; mfid_m_remainder := scriptindex "m_remainder" ; def m_remainder = runscript mfid_m_remainder enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_remquo ; mfid_m_remquo := scriptindex "m_remquo" ; def m_remquo = runscript mfid_m_remquo enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_round ; mfid_m_round := scriptindex "m_round" ; def m_round = runscript mfid_m_round enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_scalbn ; mfid_m_scalbn := scriptindex "m_scalbn" ; def m_scalbn = runscript mfid_m_scalbn enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_sin ; mfid_m_sin := scriptindex "m_sin" ; def m_sin = runscript mfid_m_sin enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_sinh ; mfid_m_sinh := scriptindex "m_sinh" ; def m_sinh = runscript mfid_m_sinh enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_sqrt ; mfid_m_sqrt := scriptindex "m_sqrt" ; def m_sqrt = runscript mfid_m_sqrt enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_tan ; mfid_m_tan := scriptindex "m_tan" ; def m_tan = runscript mfid_m_tan enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_tanh ; mfid_m_tanh := scriptindex "m_tanh" ; def m_tanh = runscript mfid_m_tanh enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_tgamma ; mfid_m_tgamma := scriptindex "m_tgamma" ; def m_tgamma = runscript mfid_m_tgamma enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_trunc ; mfid_m_trunc := scriptindex "m_trunc" ; def m_trunc = runscript mfid_m_trunc enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_m_yz ; mfid_m_yz := scriptindex "m_y0" ; def m_yz = runscript mfid_m_yz enddef ; % y0
+newinternal mfid_m_y ; mfid_m_y := scriptindex "m_y1" ; def m_y = runscript mfid_m_y enddef ; % y1
+newinternal mfid_m_yn ; mfid_m_yn := scriptindex "m_yn" ; def m_yn = runscript mfid_m_yn enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_sin ; mfid_c_asin := scriptindex "c_sin" ; def c_sin = runscript mfid_c_sin enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_cos ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_cos" ; def c_cos = runscript mfid_c_cos enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_tan ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_tan" ; def c_tan = runscript mfid_c_tan enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_sinh ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_sinh" ; def c_sinh = runscript mfid_c_sinh enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_cosh ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_cosh" ; def c_cosh = runscript mfid_c_cosh enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_tanh ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_tanh" ; def c_tanh = runscript mfid_c_tanh enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_asin ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_asin" ; def c_asin = runscript mfid_c_asin enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_acos ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_acos" ; def c_acos = runscript mfid_c_acos enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_atan ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_atan" ; def c_atan = runscript mfid_c_atan enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_asinh ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_asinh" ; def c_asinh = runscript mfid_c_asinh enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_acosh ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_acosh" ; def c_acosh = runscript mfid_c_acosh enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_atanh ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_atanh" ; def c_atanh = runscript mfid_c_atanh enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_sqrt ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_sqrt" ; def c_sqrt = runscript mfid_c_sqrt enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_abs ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_abs" ; def c_abs = runscript mfid_c_abs enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_arg ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_arg" ; def c_arg = runscript mfid_c_arg enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_conj ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_conj" ; def c_conj = runscript mfid_c_conj enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_exp ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_exp" ; def c_exp = runscript mfid_c_exp enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_log ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_log" ; def c_log = runscript mfid_c_log enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_proj ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_proj" ; def c_proj = runscript mfid_c_proj enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_erf ; mfid_c_erf := scriptindex "c_erf" ; def c_erf = runscript mfid_c_erf enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_erfc ; mfid_c_erfc := scriptindex "c_erfc" ; def c_erfc = runscript mfid_c_erfc enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_erfcx ; mfid_c_erfcx := scriptindex "c_erfcx" ; def c_erfcx = runscript mfid_c_erfcx enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_erfi ; mfid_c_erfi := scriptindex "c_erfi" ; def c_erfi = runscript mfid_c_erfi enddef ;
+% mfid_c_imag ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_imag" ; def c_imag = runscript mfid_c_imag enddef ;
+% mfid_c_real ; mfid_c_acos := scriptindex "c_real" ; def c_real = runscript mfid_c_real enddef ;
+% mfid_c_neg ; mfid_c_neg := scriptindex "c_neg" ; def c_neg = runscript mfid_c_neg enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_pow ; mfid_c_pow := scriptindex "c_pow" ; def c_pow (expr a,b) = runscript mfid_c_pow a b enddef ;
+% mfid_c_add ; mfid_c_add := scriptindex "c_add" ; def c_add (expr a,b) = runscript mfid_c_add a b enddef ;
+% mfid_c_sub ; mfid_c_sub := scriptindex "c_sub" ; def c_sub (expr a,b) = runscript mfid_c_sub a b enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_mul ; mfid_c_mul := scriptindex "c_mul" ; def c_mul (expr a,b) = runscript mfid_c_mul a b enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_div ; mfid_c_div := scriptindex "c_div" ; def c_div (expr a,b) = runscript mfid_c_div a b enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_voigt ; mfid_c_voigt := scriptindex "c_voigt" ; def c_voigt (expr a,b,c) = runscript mfid_c_voigt a b c enddef ;
+newinternal mfid_c_voigt_hwhm ; mfid_c_voigt_hwhm := scriptindex "c_voigt_hwhm" ; def c_voigt_hwhm(expr a,b) = runscript mfid_c_voigt_hwhm a b enddef ;
+vardef c_add (expr a, b) = a + b enddef ;
+vardef c_sub (expr a, b) = a + b enddef ;
+vardef c_imag(expr a) = ypart a enddef ;
+vardef c_real(expr a) = xpart a enddef ;
+vardef c_neg (expr a) = -a enddef ;
+% to be redefined:
+% vardef sqr primary x = x*x enddef ;
+% vardef log primary x = if x=0: 0 else: mlog(x)/mlog(10) fi enddef ;
+% vardef ln primary x = if x=0: 0 else: mlog(x)/256 fi enddef ;
+% vardef exp primary x = (mexp 256)**x enddef ;
+% vardef inv primary x = if x=0: 0 else: x**-1 fi enddef ;
+% vardef tand primary x = sind(x)/cosd(x) enddef ;
+% vardef cotd primary x = cosd(x)/sind(x) enddef ;
+% vardef invsin primary x = (asin(x))/radian enddef ;
+% vardef invcos primary x = (acos(x))/radian enddef ;
+% vardef invtan primary x = (atan(x))/radian enddef ;
+% vardef sin primary x = m_sin x enddef ; vardef sinh primary x = m_sinh x enddef ;
+% vardef cos primary x = m_cos x enddef ; vardef cosh primary x = m_cosh x enddef ;
+% vardef tan primary x = m_tan x enddef ; vardef tanh primary x = m_tanh x enddef ;
+% vardef asin primary x = m_asin x enddef ; vardef asinh primary x = m_asinh x enddef ;
+% vardef acos primary x = m_acos x enddef ; vardef acosh primary x = m_acosh x enddef ;
+% vardef atan primary x = m_atan x enddef ; vardef atanh primary x = m_atanh x enddef ;
+% vardef sind primary x = angle(m_sin x) enddef ; vardef asind primary x = angle(m_asin x) enddef ;
+% vardef cosd primary x = angle(m_cos x) enddef ; vardef acosd primary x = angle(m_acos x) enddef ;
+% vardef tand primary x = angle(m_tan x) enddef ; vardef atand primary x = angle(m_atan x) enddef ;
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-tool.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-tool.mpiv
index f1f31e5f0..2442beb1c 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-tool.mpiv
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-tool.mpiv
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ vardef sinh primary x = save xx ; xx = exp x ; (xx-1/xx)/2 enddef ;
vardef cosh primary x = save xx ; xx = exp x ; (xx+1/xx)/2 enddef ;
vardef tanh primary x = save xx ; xx = exp x ; (xx-1/xx)/(xx+1/xx) enddef ;
-%D Like mod, but useful for anglesl it returns (-.5d,+.5d] and is used
+%D Like mod, but useful for angles, it returns (-.5d,+.5d] and is used
%D in for instance mp-chem.
primarydef a zmod b = (-((b/2 - a) mod b) + b/2) enddef ;
@@ -1875,8 +1875,7 @@ def rightarrow (expr pat,tim,len) = pointarrow(pat,tim,len,-len) enddef ;
def leftarrow (expr pat,tim,len) = pointarrow(pat,tim,len,+len) enddef ;
def centerarrow (expr pat,tim,len) = pointarrow(pat,tim,len, 0) enddef ;
-%D The \type {along} and \type {on} operators can be used
-%D as follows:
+%D The \type {along} and \type {on} operators can be used as follows:
%D \starttyping
%D drawdot point .5 along somepath ;
@@ -3629,3 +3628,13 @@ enddef ;
% endfor;
% n
% enddef;
+vardef mfun_timestamp =
+ decimal year & "-" &
+ decimal month & "-" &
+ decimal day & " " &
+ if ((time div 60) < 10) : "0" & fi
+ decimal (time div 60) & ":" &
+ if ((time-(time div 60)*60) < 10) : "0" & fi
+ decimal (time-(time div 60)*60)
+enddef ;