path: root/metapost/context
diff options
authorHans Hagen <>2019-08-17 14:26:12 +0200
committerContext Git Mirror Bot <>2019-08-17 14:26:12 +0200
commit91b59bb4f8b33701c69e095841fe4cf57971ac20 (patch)
treefb02a1226f504fce16923a396ae41bf9b2b6cc04 /metapost/context
parent59e7679528d75e5d523acddf69dabdce42d53734 (diff)
2019-08-17 11:54:00
Diffstat (limited to 'metapost/context')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-lmtx.mpxl b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-lmtx.mpxl
index 02d04afbb..e30e7425d 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-lmtx.mpxl
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-lmtx.mpxl
@@ -641,7 +641,9 @@ presetparameters "function" [
linewidth = .05mm,
pointsymbol = "",
pointsize = 2,
- pointcolor = ""
+ pointcolor = "",
+ xarrow = "",
+ yarrow = "",
] ;
def lmt_function = applyparameters "function" "lmt_do_function" enddef ;
@@ -756,8 +758,25 @@ vardef lmt_do_function =
txl := txs scaled 2 ;
tyl := tys scaled 2 ;
- draw (xmin,0) -- (xmax,0) ;
- draw (0,ymin) -- (0,ymax) ;
+ % this arrow head scaling is for Alan to sort out ...
+ option := getparameter "xarrow" ;
+ if option = "yes" :
+save ahlength ; ahlength := tl ;
+% save ahangle ; ahangle := 100/sy ;
+ drawarrow (xmin,0) -- (xmax,0) ;
+ else
+ draw (xmin,0) -- (xmax,0) ;
+ fi ;
+ option := getparameter "yarrow" ;
+ if option = "yes" :
+save ahlength ; ahlength := tl ;
+% save ahangle ; ahangle := 100/sx ;
+ drawarrow (0,ymin) -- (0,ymax) ;
+ else :
+ draw (0,ymin) -- (0,ymax) ;
+ fi ;
option := getparameter "frame" ;
if option = "yes" :
@@ -853,3 +872,99 @@ vardef lmt_do_function =
enddef ;
+% Don't use this one!
+presetparameters "mesh" [
+ trace = false,
+ auto = false,
+ step = 0.05,
+ % box = ...
+ % paths = { ..., ..., ... }
+] ;
+def lmt_mesh = applyparameters "mesh" "lmt_do_mesh" enddef ;
+vardef lmt_do_mesh =
+ image (
+ save p, b ; path p, b ;
+ pushparameters "mesh" ;
+ if getparameter "auto" :
+ b := if hasparameter "box" : getparameter "box" else : OverlayBox fi ;
+ for i=1 upto getparametercount "paths" :
+ p := getparameter "paths" i ;
+ p := meshed(p if not cycle p : -- cycle fi,b,getparameter "step") ;
+ if getparameter "trace" :
+ draw p ;
+ fi ;
+ runscript("mp.lmt_mesh_update()") i p ;
+ endfor ;
+ elseif getparameter "trace" :
+ for i=1 upto getparametercount "paths" :
+ p := getparameter "paths" i ;
+ draw p if not cycle p : -- cycle fi ;
+ endfor ;
+ fi ;
+ popparameters ;
+ runscript("mp.lmt_mesh_set()") ;
+ )
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_meshed_clipped(expr pat, box, pct) =
+ pp := point (arctime pct of pat) of pat ;
+ if (ypart pp <= lly) or (ypart pp >= ury) or (xpart pp <= llx) or (xpart pp >= urx) :
+ (cp -- pp) intersection_point bb
+ else :
+ pp
+ fi
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_meshed_clipped(expr pat, box, pct) =
+ pp := point (arctime pct of pat) of pat ;
+ if ypart pp <= lly :
+ if xpart pp <= llx :
+ (llx, lly)
+ elseif xpart pp >= urx :
+ (urx, lly)
+ else :
+ (xpart pp, lly)
+ fi
+ elseif ypart pp >= ury :
+ if xpart pp <= llx :
+ (llx, ury)
+ elseif xpart pp >= urx :
+ (urx, ury)
+ else :
+ (xpart pp, ury)
+ fi
+ elseif xpart pp <= llx :
+ (llx, ypart pp)
+ elseif xpart pp >= urx :
+ (urx, ypart pp)
+ else :
+ pp
+ fi
+enddef ;
+vardef meshed(expr pth, box, stp) =
+ begingroup
+ save cb, cp, llx, lly, urx, ury, pp, lp, bb ; pair cb, cp, pp ; path bb ;
+ bb := box enlarged -1/10;
+ cb := center bb ;
+ cp := center pth ;
+ llx := xpart llcorner bb;
+ lly := ypart llcorner bb;
+ urx := xpart urcorner bb;
+ ury := ypart urcorner bb;
+ lp := arclength pth ;
+ for i=stp step stp until 1+stp/2 :
+ cp --
+ mfun_meshed_clipped(pth,bb,lp*(i-stp)) --
+ mfun_meshed_clipped(pth,bb,lp*(i )) --
+ cp --
+ endfor cycle
+ endgroup
+enddef ;
+vardef OverlayMesh(expr p, s) =
+ lmt_mesh [ paths = { meshed(p,OverlayBox,s) } ]
+enddef ;