path: root/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/metafun/metafun-lua.tex
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authorHans Hagen <>2021-02-27 20:17:05 +0100
committerContext Git Mirror Bot <>2021-02-27 20:17:05 +0100
commit4f7f67101a808c6b6c89d64ad5ee1f1701d8f632 (patch)
treec5f90a0b8e8a4e9d2cab82a0abebc65c6a93288e /doc/context/sources/general/manuals/metafun/metafun-lua.tex
parentc3ae4997f73041c6b97d8aec055ba24096602ab4 (diff)
2021-02-27 19:30:00
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/context/sources/general/manuals/metafun/metafun-lua.tex')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/metafun/metafun-lua.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/metafun/metafun-lua.tex
index 7cd915005..e445cef53 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/metafun/metafun-lua.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/metafun/metafun-lua.tex
@@ -1211,6 +1211,282 @@ just mimicking drawing the path.
+\startsection[title=Acessing \TEX]
+In \MKIV\ and \LMTX\ it is possible to access \TEX\ registers and macros from the
+\METAPOST\ end. Let's first define and set some:
+\newdimen\MyMetaDimen \MyMetaDimen = 2mm
+\newcount\MyMetaCount \MyMetaCount = 10
+\newtoks \MyMetaToks \MyMetaToks = {\bfd \TeX}
+ \def\MyMetaMacro {not done}
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ for i=1 upto getcount("MyMetaCount") :
+ draw fullcircle scaled (i * getdimen("MyMetaDimen")) ;
+ endfor ;
+ draw textext(gettoks("MyMetaToks")) xsized 15mm withcolor darkred ;
+ setglobaldimen("MyMetaDimen", bbwidth(currentpicture)) ;
+ setglobalmacro("MyMetaMacro", "done") ;
+ \getbuffer
+We can now look at the two updated globals where \type {\MyMetaMacro: \the\MyMetaDimen}
+typesets: {\tttf \MyMetaMacro: \the\MyMetaDimen}. As demonstrated you can best define your
+own registers but in principle you can also access system ones, like \type {\scratchdimen}
+and friends.
+We will now stepwise implement some simple helpers for accessing data in files.
+The examples are kind of useless but demonstrate how interfaces evolved. The
+basic command to communicate with \LUA\ is \type {runscript}. In this example
+we will load a (huge) file and run over the lines.
+ save q ; string q ; q := "'\\" & ditto & "'" ;
+ runscript (
+ "GlobalData = string.splitlines(io.loaddata('foo.tmp')) return ''"
+ ) ;
+ numeric l ; l = runscript (
+ "return string.format('\letterpercent q',\letterhash GlobalData)"
+ );
+ for i=1 step 1 until l :
+ l := length ( runscript (
+ "return string.format('\letterpercent q',GlobalData[" & decimal i & "])"
+ ) ) ;
+ endfor ;
+ draw textext(decimal l);
+The \type {runscript} primitive takes a string and should return a string (in
+\LUAMETATEX\ you can also return nothing). This low level solution will serve as
+our benchmark: it takes 2.04 seconds on the rather large (64MB) test file with
+10.000 lines.
+The code looks somewhat clumsy. This is because in \METAPOST\ escaping is not
+built in so one has to append a double quote character using \type {char 34} and
+the \type {ditto} string is defined as such. This mess is why in \CONTEXT\ we
+have an interface:
+ lua("GlobalData = string.splitlines(io.loaddata('foo.tmp'))") ;
+ numeric l ;
+ for i=1 step 1 until lua("mp.print(\#GlobalData)") :
+ l := length(lua("mp.quoted(GlobalData[" & decimal i & "])")) ;
+ endfor ;
+ draw textext(decimal l);
+As expected we pay a price for the additional overhead, so this time we need 2.28
+seconds to process the file. The return value of a run is a string that is fed
+into \type {scantokens}. Here \type {print} function prints the number as string
+and that gets scanned back to a number. The \type {quoted} function returns a
+string in a string so when we're back in \METAPOST\ that gets scanned as string.
+When code is used more frequently, we can make a small library, like this:
+ local MyData = { }
+ function mp.LoadMyData(filename)
+ MyData = string.splitlines(io.loaddata(filename))
+ end
+ local mpprint = mp.print
+ local mpquoted = mp.quoted
+ function mp.MyDataSize()
+ mpprint(#MyData)
+ end
+ function mp.MyDataString(i)
+ mpquoted(MyData[i] or "")
+ end
+It is not that hard to imagine a more advanced mechanisms where data from multiple
+files can be handled at the same time. This code is used as:
+"foo.tmp") ;
+ numeric l ;
+ for i=1 step 1 until :
+ l := length( ;
+ endfor ;
+ draw textext(decimal l);
+The \type {mp} namespace at the \LUA\ end is a subnamespace at the \METAPOST\
+end. This solution needs 2.20 seconds so we're still slower than the first one,
+but in \LUAMETATEX\ with \LMTX we can do better. First the \LUA\ code:
+ local injectnumeric = mp.inject.numeric
+ local injectstring = mp.inject.string
+ local MyData = { }
+ function mp.LoadMyData(filename)
+ MyData = string.splitlines(io.loaddata(filename))
+ end
+ function mp.MyDataSize()
+ injectnumeric(#MyData)
+ end
+ function mp.MyDataString(i)
+ injectstring(MyData[i] or "")
+ end
+This time we use injectors. The mentioned \type {print} helpers serialize data so
+numbers, pairs, colors etc are converted to a string that represents them that is
+fed back to \METAPOST\ after the snippet is run. Multiple prints are collected
+into one string. An injecter follows a more direct route: it pushes back a proper
+\METAPOST\ data type.
+"foo.tmp") ;
+ numeric l ;
+ for i=1 step 1 until :
+ l := length( ;
+ endfor ;
+ draw textext(decimal l);
+This usage brings us down to 1.14 seconds, so we're still not good. The next
+variant is performing similar: 1.05 seconds.
+ runscript("mp.LoadMyData('foo.tmp')") ;
+ numeric l ;
+ for i=1 step 1 until runscript("mp.MyDataSize()") :
+ l := length(runscript("mp.MyDataString(" & decimal i & ")")) ;
+ endfor ;
+ draw textext(decimal l);
+We will now delegate scanning to the \LUA\ end.
+ local injectnumeric = mp.inject.numeric
+ local injectstring = mp.inject.string
+ local scannumeric = mp.scan.numeric
+ local scanstring = mp.scan.string
+ local MyData = { }
+ function mp.LoadMyData()
+ MyData = string.splitlines(io.loaddata(scanstring()))
+ end
+ function mp.MyDataSize()
+ injectnumeric(#MyData)
+ end
+ function mp.MyDataString()
+ injectstring(MyData[scannumeric()] or "")
+ end
+This time we are faster than the clumsy code we started with: 0.87 seconds.
+ runscript("mp.LoadMyData()") "foo.tmp" ;
+ numeric l ;
+ for i=1 step 1 until runscript("mp.MyDataSize()") :
+ l := length(runscript("mp.MyDataString()") i) ;
+ endfor ;
+ draw textext(decimal l);
+In \LMTX\ we can add some more abstraction. Performance is about the same and
+sometimes a bit faster but that depends on extreme usage: you need thousands of
+call to notice.
+ local injectnumeric = mp.inject.numeric
+ local injectstring = mp.inject.string
+ local scannumeric = mp.scan.numeric
+ local scanstring = mp.scan.string
+ local MyData = { }
+ metapost.registerscript("LoadMyData", function()
+ MyData = string.splitlines(io.loaddata(scanstring()))
+ end)
+ metapost.registerscript("MyDataSize", function()
+ injectnumeric(#MyData)
+ end)
+ metapost.registerscript("MyDataString", function()
+ injectstring(MyData[scannumeric()] or "")
+ end)
+We have the same scripts but we register them. At the \METAPOST\ end we resolve
+the registered scripts and then call \type {runscript} with the (abstract) numeric
+ newscriptindex my_script_LoadMyData ;
+ newscriptindex my_script_MyDataSize ;
+ newscriptindex my_script_MyDataString ;
+ my_script_LoadMyData := scriptindex "LoadMyData" ;
+ my_script_MyDataSize := scriptindex "MyDataSize" ;
+ my_script_MyDataString := scriptindex "MyDataString" ;
+ runscript my_script_LoadMyData "foo.tmp" ;
+ numeric l ;
+ for i=1 step 1 until runscript my_script_MyDataSize :
+ l := length(my_script_MyDataString i) ;
+ endfor ;
+ draw textext(decimal l);
+This is of course nicer:
+ def LoadMyData (expr s) = runscript my_script_LoadMyData s enddef ;
+ def MyDataSize = runscript my_script_MyDataSize enddef ;
+ def MyDataString(expr i) = runscript my_script_MyDataString i enddef ;
+ LoadMyData("foo.tmp") ;
+ numeric l ;
+ for i=1 step 1 until MyDataSize :
+ l := length(MyDataString(i)) ;
+ endfor ;
+ draw textext(decimal l);
+So, to sumarize, there are many ways to look at this: verbose direct ones
+but also nicely abstract ones.