path: root/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel
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authorHans Hagen <>2019-09-27 20:24:34 +0200
committerContext Git Mirror Bot <>2019-09-27 20:24:34 +0200
commit0a5f59a9aa25b3de7e9659b39ad201aaf7eb5a67 (patch)
treea652bb083d6bc6a9b6309908dd5d09a539ac3859 /doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel
parent58c7c9288160407c874930aac789ef6ef3faa6b5 (diff)
2019-09-27 18:10:00
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel')
5 files changed, 2904 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-boxes.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-boxes.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..986d07b1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-boxes.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+% language=us
+% \hfil \hss
+% spread
+\environment lowlevel-style
+ [title=boxes,
+ color=middlered]
+An average \CONTEXT\ user will not use the low level box primitives but a basic
+understanding of how \TEX\ works doesn't hurt. In fact, occasionally using a box
+command might bring a solution not easily achieved otherwise, simply because a
+more high level interface can also be in the way.
+The best reference is of course The \TeX book so if you're really interested in
+the details you should get a copy of that book. Below I will not go into details
+about all kind of glues, kerns and penalties, just boxes it is.
+This explanation will be extended when I feel the need (or users have questions
+that can be answered here).
+This paragraph of text is made from lines that contain words that themselves
+contain symbolic representations of characters. Each line is wrapped in a so
+called horizontal box and eventually those lines themselves get wrapped in what
+we call a vertical box.
+\vbox \bgroup
+ \hsize 5cm
+ \raggedright
+ This is a rather narrow paragraph blown up a bit. Here we use a flush left,
+ aka ragged right, approach.
+When we expose some details of a paragraph it looks like this:
+ {\scale[width=8cm]{\showmakeup[boxes]\getbuffer}} {}
+ {\scale[width=8cm]{\showmakeup\getbuffer}} {}
+The left only shows the boxes, the variant at the right shows (font) kerns and
+glue too. Because we flush left, there is rather strong right skip glue at the
+right boundary of the box. If font kerns show up depends on the font, not all
+fonts have them (or have only a few). The glyphs themselves are also kind of
+boxed, as their dimensions determine the area that they occupy:
+ \scale[width=\textwidth]{\showglyphs\hbox{This is a rather ...}}
+But, internally they are not really boxed, as they already are a single quantity.
+The same is true for rules: they are just blobs with dimensions. A box on the
+other hand wraps a linked list of so called nodes: glyphs, kerns, glue,
+penalties, rules, boxes, etc. It is a container with properties like width,
+height, depth and shift.
+\startsection[title={\TEX\ primitives}]
+The box model is reflected in \TEX's user interface but not by that many
+commands, most noticeably \type {\hbox}, \type {\vbox} and \type {\vtop}. Here is
+an example of the first one:
+\hbox width 10cm{text}
+\hbox width 10cm height 1cm depth 5mm{text}
+text \raise5mm\hbox{text} text
+The \type {\raise} and \type {\lower} commands behave the same but in opposite
+directions. One could as well have been defined in terms of the other.
+text \raise 5mm \hbox to 2cm {text}
+text \lower -5mm \hbox to 2cm {text}
+text \raise -5mm \hbox to 2cm {text}
+text \lower 5mm \hbox to 2cm {text}
+A box can be moved to the left or right but, believe it or not, in \CONTEXT\ we
+never use that feature, probably because the consequences for the width are such
+that we can as well use kerns. Here are some examples:
+text \vbox{\moveleft 5mm \hbox {left}}text !
+text \vbox{\moveright 5mm \hbox{right}}text !
+text \vbox{\moveleft 25mm \hbox {left}}text !
+text \vbox{\moveright 25mm \hbox{right}}text !
+Code like this will produce a complaint about an underfull box but we can easily
+get around that:
+text \raise 5mm \hbox to 2cm {\hss text}
+text \lower -5mm \hbox to 2cm {text\hss}
+text \raise -5mm \hbox to 2cm {\hss text}
+text \lower 5mm \hbox to 2cm {text\hss}
+The \type {\hss} primitive injects a glue that when needed will fill up the
+available space. So, here we force the text to the right or left.
+We have three kind of boxes: \type {\hbox}, \type {\vbox} and \type {\vtop}:
+\hbox{\strut height and depth\strut}
+\vbox{\hsize 4cm \strut height and depth\par and width\strut}
+\vtop{\hsize 4cm \strut height and depth\par and width\strut}
+A \type {\vbox} aligns at the bottom and a \type {\vtop} at the top. I have added
+some so called struts to enforce a consistent height and depth. A strut is an
+invisible quantity (consider it a black box) that enforces consistent line
+dimensions: height and depth.
+You can store a box in a register but you need to be careful not to use a
+predefined one. If you need a lot of boxes you can reserve some for your own:
+but normally you can do with one of the scratch registers, like 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8,
+for local boxes, and 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 for global ones. Registers are used like:
+ \setbox0\hbox{here}
+In \CONTEXT\ you can also use
+\setbox\scratchbox \hbox{here}
+and some more. In fact, there are quite some predefined scratch registers (boxes,
+dimensions, counters, etc). Feel free to investigate further.
+When a box is stored, you can consult its dimensions with \type {\wd}, \type
+{\ht} and \type {\dp}. You can of course store them for later use.
+\scratchwidth \wd\scratchbox
+\scratchdepth \dp\scratchbox
+\scratchtotal \dimexpr\ht\scratchbox+\dp\scratchbox\relax
+\scratchtotal \htdp\scratchbox
+The last line is \CONTEXT\ specific. You can also set the dimensions
+\wd\scratchbox 10cm
+\ht\scratchbox 10mm
+\dp\scratchbox 5mm
+So you can cheat! A box is placed with \type {\copy}, which keeps the original
+intact or \type {\box} which just inserts the box and then wipes the register. In
+practice you seldom need a copy, which is more expensive in runtime anyway. Here
+we use copy because it serves the examples.
+\box \scratchbox
+\startsection[title={\ETEX\ primitives}]
+The \ETEX\ extensions don't add something relevant for boxes, apart from that you
+can use the expressions mechanism to mess around with their dimensions. There is
+a mechanism for typesetting r2l within a paragraph but that has limited
+capabilities and doesn't change much as it's mostly a way to trick the backend
+into outputting a stretch of text in the other direction. This feature is not
+available in \LUATEX\ because it has an alternative direction mechanism.
+\startsection[title={\LUATEX\ primitives}]
+The concept of boxes is the same in \LUATEX\ as in its predecessors but there are
+some aspects to keep in mind. When a box is typeset this happens in \LUATEX:
+ \startitem
+ A list of nodes is constructed. In \LUATEX\ this is a double linked
+ list (so that it can easily be manipulated in \LUA) but \TEX\ itself
+ only uses the forward links.
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ That list is hyphenated, that is: so called discretionary nodes are
+ injected. This depends on the language properties of the glyph
+ (character) nodes.
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ Then ligatures are constructed, if the font has such combinations. When
+ this built|-|in mechanism is used, in \CONTEXT\ we speak of base mode.
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ After that inter|-|character kerns are applied, if the font provides
+ them. Again this is a base mode action.
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ Finally the box gets packaged:
+ \startitemize
+ \startitem
+ In the case of a horizontal box, the list is packaged in a
+ hlist node, basically one liner, and its dimensions are calculated
+ and set.
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ In the case of a vertical box, the paragraph is broken into one
+ or more lines, without hyphenation, with optimal hyphenation or
+ in the worst case with so called emergency stretch applied, and
+ the result becomes a vlist node with its dimensions set.
+ \stopitem
+ \stopitemize
+ \stopitem
+In traditional \TEX\ the first four steps are interwoven but in \LUATEX\ we need
+them split because the step~5 can be overloaded by a callback. In that case steps
+3 and 4 (and maybe 2) are probably also overloaded, especially when you bring
+handling of fonts under \LUA\ control.
+New in \LUATEX\ are three packers: \type {\hpack}, \type {\vpack} and \type
+{\tpack}, which are companions to \type {\hbox}, \type {\vbox} and \type {\vtop}
+but without the callbacks applied. Using them is a bit tricky as you never know
+if a callback should be applied, which, because users can often add their own
+\LUA\ code, is not something predictable.
+Another box related extension is direction. There are four possible directions
+but because in \LUAMETATEX\ there are only two. Because this model has been upgraded,
+it will be discusses in the next section. A \CONTEXT\ user is supposed to use the
+official \CONTEXT\ interfaces in order to be downward compatible.
+\startsection[title={\LUAMETATEX\ primitives}]
+There are two possible directions: left to right (the default) and right to left
+for Hebrew and Arabic. Here is an example that shows how it'd done with low level
+\hbox direction 0 {from left to right}
+\hbox direction 1 {from right to left}
+A low level direction switch is done with:
+\hbox direction 0
+ {from left to right \textdirection 1 from right to left}
+\hbox direction 1
+ {from right to left \textdirection 1 from left to right}
+but actually this is kind of {\em not done} in \CONTEXT, because there you are
+supposed to use the proper direction switches:
+\naturalhbox {from left to right}
+\reversehbox {from right to left}
+\naturalhbox {from left to right \righttoleft from right to left}
+\reversehbox {from right to left \lefttoright from left to right}
+Often more is needed to properly support right to left typesetting so using the
+\CONTEXT\ commands is more robust.
+In \LUAMETATEX\ the box model has been extended a bit, this as a consequence of
+dropping the vertical directional typesetting, which never worked well. In
+previous sections we discussed the properties width, height and depth and the
+shift resulting from a \type {\raise}, \type {\lower}, \type {\moveleft} and
+\type {\moveright}. Actually, the shift is also used in for instance positioning
+math elements.
+The way shifting influences dimensions can be somewhat puzzling. Internally, when
+\TEX\ packages content in a box there are two cases:
+ \startitem
+ When a horizontal box is made, and \typ {height - shift} is larger than the
+ maximum height so far, that delta is taken. When \typ {depth + shift} is
+ larger than the current depth, then that depth is adapted. So, a shift up
+ influences the height and a shift down influences the depth.
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ In the case of vertical packaging, when \typ {width + shift} is larger
+ than the maximum box (line) width so far, that maximum gets bumped. So, a
+ shift to the right can contribute, but a shift to the left cannot result
+ in a negative width. This is also why vertical typesetting, where height
+ and depth are swapped with width, goes wrong: we somehow need to map two
+ properties onto one and conceptually \TEX\ is really set up for
+ horizontal typesetting. (And it's why I decided to just remove it from the
+ engine.)
+ \stopitem
+This is one of these cases where \TEX\ behaves as expected but it also means that
+there is some limitation to what can be manipulated. Setting the shift using one
+of the four commands has a direct consequence when a box gets packaged which
+happens immediately because the box is an argument to the foursome.
+There is in traditional \TEX, probably for good reason, no way to set the shift
+of a box, if only because the effect would normally be none. But in \LUATEX\ we
+can cheat, and therefore, for educational purposed \CONTEXT\ has implements
+some cheats.
+We use this sample box:
+ \middlegray\vrule width 20mm depth -.5mm height 10mm
+ \hskip-20mm
+ \darkgray \vrule width 20mm height -.5mm depth 5mm
+When we mess with the shift using the \CONTEXT\ \type {\shiftbox} helper, we see
+no immediate effect. We only get the shift applied when we use another helper,
+\type {\hpackbox}.
+ \showstruts \strut
+ \quad \copy\scratchbox
+ \quad \shiftbox\scratchbox -20mm \copy\scratchbox
+ \quad \hpackbox\scratchbox \box \scratchbox
+ \quad \strut
+When instead we use \type {\vpackbox} we get a different result. This time we
+move left.
+ \showstruts \strut
+ \quad \copy\scratchbox
+ \quad \shiftbox\scratchbox -10mm \copy\scratchbox
+ \quad \vpackbox\scratchbox \copy\scratchbox
+ \quad \strut
+The shift is set via \LUA\ and the repackaging is also done in \LUA, using the
+low level \type {hpack} and \type {vpack} helpers and these just happen to look
+at the shift when doing their job. At the \TEX\ end this never happens.
+This long exploration of shifting serves a purpose: it demonstrates that there is
+not that much direct control over boxes apart from their three dimensions.
+However this was never a real problem as one can just wrap a box in another one
+and use kerns to move the embedded box around. But nevertheless I decided to see
+if the engine can be a bit more helpful, if only because all that extra wrapping
+gives some overhead and complications when we want to manipulate boxes. And of
+course it is also a nice playground.
+We start with changing the direction. Changing this property doesn't require
+repackaging because directions are not really dealt with in the frontend. When
+a box is converted to (for instance \PDF) the reversion happens.
+\the\boxdirection\scratchbox: \copy\scratchbox \crlf
+\boxdirection\scratchbox 1
+\the\boxdirection\scratchbox: \copy\scratchbox
+Another property that can be queried and set is an attribute. In order to get
+a private attribute we define one.
+\setbox\scratchbox\hbox attr \MyAt 123 {whatever}
+\boxattr\scratchbox\MyAt 456
+[\ifnum\boxattr\scratchbox\MyAt>400 okay\fi]
+The sum of the height and depth is available too. Because for practical reasons
+setting that property is also needed then, the choice was made to distribute the
+value equally over height and depth.
+\setbox\scratchbox\hbox {height and depth}
+We've now arrived to a set of properties that relate to each other. They are
+a bit complex and given the number of possibilities one might need to revert
+to some trial and error: orientations and offsets. As with the dimensions,
+directions and attributes, they are passed as box specification. We start
+with the orientation.
+\hbox \bgroup \showboxes
+ \hbox orientation 0 {right}
+ \quad \hbox orientation 1 {up}
+ \quad \hbox orientation 2 {left}
+ \quad \hbox orientation 3 {down}
+When the orientation is set, you can also set an offset. Where shifting around a box
+can have consequences for the dimensions, an offset is virtual. It gets effective
+in the backend, when the contents is converted to some output format.
+\hbox \bgroup \showboxes
+ \hbox orientation 0 yoffset 10pt {right}
+ \quad \hbox orientation 1 xoffset 10pt {up}
+ \quad \hbox orientation 2 yoffset -10pt {left}
+ \quad \hbox orientation 3 xoffset -10pt {down}
+The reason that offsets are related to orientation is that we need to know in
+what direction the offsets have to be applied and this binding forces the user to
+think about it. You can also set the offsets using commands.
+1 \copy\scratchbox
+2 \boxorientation\scratchbox 2 \copy\scratchbox
+3 \boxxoffset \scratchbox -15pt \copy\scratchbox
+4 \boxyoffset \scratchbox -15pt \copy\scratchbox
+1 \boxxoffset \scratchboxone -15pt \copy\scratchboxone
+2 \boxyoffset \scratchboxone -15pt \copy\scratchboxone
+3 \boxxoffset \scratchboxone -15pt \copy\scratchboxone
+4 \boxyoffset \scratchboxone -15pt \copy\scratchboxone
+5 \boxxmove \scratchboxtwo -15pt \copy\scratchboxtwo
+6 \boxymove \scratchboxtwo -15pt \copy\scratchboxtwo
+7 \boxxmove \scratchboxtwo -15pt \copy\scratchboxtwo
+8 \boxymove \scratchboxtwo -15pt \copy\scratchboxtwo
+The move commands are provides as convenience and contrary to the offsets they do
+adapt the dimensions. Internally, with the box, we register the orientation and
+the offsets and when you apply these commands multiple times the current values
+get overwritten. But \unknown\ because an orientation can be more complex you
+might not get the effects you expect when the options we discuss next are used.
+The reason is that we store the original dimensions too and these come into play
+when these other options are used: anchoring. So, normally you will apply an
+orientation and offsets once only.
+% the next bit is derived from the followingup document
+The orientation specifier is actually a three byte number that best can be seen
+hexadecimal (although we stay within the decimal domain). There are three
+components: x|-|anchoring, y|-|anchoring and orientation:
+or in \TEX\ speak:
+The landscape and seascape variants both sit on top of the baseline while the
+flipped variant has its depth swapped with the height. Although this would be
+enough a bit more control is possible.
+The vertical options of the horizontal variants anchor on the baseline, lower
+corner, upper corner or center.
+\ruledhbox orientation "002 {\TEX} and
+\ruledhbox orientation "012 {\TEX} and
+\ruledhbox orientation "022 {\TEX} and
+\ruledhbox orientation "032 {\TEX}
+The horizontal options of the horizontal variants anchor in the center, left,
+right, halfway left and halfway right.
+\ruledhbox orientation "002 {\TEX} and
+\ruledhbox orientation "102 {\TEX} and
+\ruledhbox orientation "202 {\TEX} and
+\ruledhbox orientation "302 {\TEX} and
+\ruledhbox orientation "402 {\TEX}
+The orientation has consequences for the dimensions so they are dealt with in the
+expected way in constructing lines, paragraphs and pages, but the anchoring is
+virtual, like the offsets. There are two extra variants for orientation zero: on
+top of baseline or below, with dimensions taken into account.
+\ruledhbox orientation "000 {\TEX} and
+\ruledhbox orientation "004 {\TEX} and
+\ruledhbox orientation "005 {\TEX}
+The anchoring can look somewhat confusing but you need to keep in mind that it is
+normally only used in very controlled circumstances and not in running text.
+Wrapped in macros users don't see the details. We're talking boxes here, so for
+\hbox orientation 3 \bgroup
+ \strut test\hbox orientation "002 \bgroup\strut test\egroup test%
+\egroup \quad
+\hbox orientation 3 \bgroup
+ \strut test\hbox orientation "002 \bgroup\strut test\egroup test%
+\egroup \quad
+\hbox orientation 3 \bgroup
+ \strut test\hbox orientation "012 \bgroup\strut test\egroup test%
+\egroup \quad
+\hbox orientation 3 \bgroup
+ \strut test\hbox orientation "022 \bgroup\strut test\egroup test%
+\egroup \quad
+\hbox orientation 3 \bgroup
+ \strut test\hbox orientation "032 \bgroup\strut test\egroup test%
+\egroup \quad
+\hbox orientation 3 \bgroup
+ \strut test\hbox orientation "042 \bgroup\strut test\egroup test%
+\quad test
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-conditionals.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-conditionals.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea3c9e1a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-conditionals.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1409 @@
+% language=us
+\environment lowlevel-style
+ [title=conditionals,
+ color=middleblue]
+You seldom need the low level conditionals because there are quite some so called
+support macros available in \CONTEXT . For instance, when you want to compare two
+values (or more accurate: sequences of tokens), you can do this:
+\doifelse {foo} {bar} {
+ the same
+} {
+ different
+But if you look in the \CONTEXT\ code, you will see that often we use primitives
+that start with \type {\if} in low level macros. There are good reasons for this.
+First of all, it looks familiar when you also code in other languages. Another
+reason is performance but that is only true in cases where the snippet of code is
+expanded very often, because \TEX\ is already pretty fast. Using low level \TEX\
+can also be more verbose, which is not always nice in a document source. But, the
+most important reason (for me) is the layout of the code. I often let the look
+and feel of code determine the kind of coding. This also relates to the syntax
+highlighting that I am using, which is consistent for \TEX, \METAPOST, \LUA,
+etc.\ and evolved over decades. If code looks bad, it probably is bad. Of course
+this doesn't mean all my code looks good; you're warned. In general we can say
+that I often use \type {\if...} when coding core macros, and \type {\doifelse...}
+macros in (document) styles and modules.
+In the sections below I will discuss the low level conditions in \TEX. For the
+often more convenient \CONTEXT\ wrappers you can consult the source of the system
+and support modules, the wiki and|/|or manuals.
+Some of the primitives shown here are only available in \LUATEX, and some only in
+\LUAMETATEX . We could do without them for decades but they were added to these
+engines because of convenience and, more important, because then made for nicer
+code. Of course there's also the fun aspect. This manual is not an invitation to
+use these very low level primitives in your document source. The ones that
+probably make most sense are \type {\ifnum}, \type {\ifdim} and \type {\ifcase}.
+The others are often wrapped into support macros that are more convenient.
+In due time I might add more examples and explanations. Also, maybe some more
+tests will show up as part of the \LUAMETATEX\ project.
+\startsubsection[title={Number and dimensions}]
+Numbers and dimensions are basic data types in \TEX. When you enter one, a number
+is just that but a dimension gets a unit. Compare:
+If you also use \METAPOST, you need to be aware of the fact that in that language
+there are not really dimensions. The \type {post} part of the name implies that
+eventually a number becomes a \POSTSCRIPT\ unit which represents a base point (\type
+{bp}) in \TEX. When in \METAPOST\ you entry \type {1234pt} you actually multiply
+\type {1234} by the variable \type {pt}. In \TEX\ on the other hand, a unit like
+\type {pt} is one of the keywords that gets parsed. Internally dimensions are
+also numbers and the unit (keyword) tells the scanner what multiplier to use.
+When that multiplier is one, we're talking of scaled points, with the unit \type
+\the\dimexpr 12.34pt \relax
+\the\dimexpr 12.34sp \relax
+\the\dimexpr 12.99sp \relax
+\the\dimexpr 1234sp \relax
+\the\numexpr 1234 \relax
+\startlines \getbuffer \stoplines
+When we serialize a dimension it always shows the dimension in points, unless we
+serialize it as number.
+\startlines \getbuffer \stoplines
+When a number is scanned, the first thing that is taken care of is the sign. In many
+cases, when \TEX\ scans for something specific it will ignore spaces. It will
+happily accept multiple signs:
+\number +123
+\number +++123
+\number + + + 123
+\number +-+-+123
+\number --123
+\number ---123
+\startlines \getbuffer \stoplines
+Watch how the negation accumulates. The scanner can handle decimal, hexadecimal
+and octal numbers:
+\number -123
+\number -"123
+\number -'123
+\startlines \getbuffer \stoplines
+A dimension is scanned like a number but this time the scanner checks for upto
+three parts: an either or not signed number, a period and a fraction. Here no
+number means zero, so the next is valid:
+\the\dimexpr . pt \relax
+\the\dimexpr 1. pt \relax
+\the\dimexpr .1pt \relax
+\the\dimexpr 1.1pt \relax
+\startlines \getbuffer \stoplines
+Again we can use hexadecimal and octal numbers but when these are entered, there
+can be no fractional part.
+\the\dimexpr 16 pt \relax
+\the\dimexpr "10 pt \relax
+\the\dimexpr '20 pt \relax
+\startlines \getbuffer \stoplines
+The reason for discussing numbers and dimensions here is that there are cases where
+when \TEX\ expects a number it will also accept a dimension. It is good to know that
+for instance a macro defined with \type {\chardef} or \type {\mathchardef} also is
+treated as a number. Even normal characters can be numbers, when prefixed by a \type
+{`} (backtick).
+The maximum number in \TEX\ is 2147483647 so we can do this:
+but not this
+as it will trigger an error. A dimension can be positive and negative so there we
+can do at most:
+\scratchdimen 1073741823sp
+We can also do this:
+but the next one will fail:
+Just keep in mind that \TEX\ scans both parts as number so the error comes from
+checking if those numbers combine well.
+\ifdim 16383.99999 pt = 16383.99998 pt the same \else different \fi
+\ifdim 16383.999979 pt = 16383.999980 pt the same \else different \fi
+\ifdim 16383.999987 pt = 16383.999991 pt the same \else different \fi
+Watch the difference in dividing, the \type {/} rounds, while the \type {:}
+You need to be aware of border cases, although in practice they never really
+are a problem:
+\ifdim \dimexpr16383.99997 pt/2\relax = \dimexpr 16383.99998 pt/2\relax
+ the same \else different
+\ifdim \dimexpr16383.99997 pt:2\relax = \dimexpr 16383.99998 pt:2\relax
+ the same \else different
+\ifdim \dimexpr1.99997 pt/2\relax = \dimexpr 1.99998 pt/2\relax
+ the same \else different
+\ifdim \dimexpr1.99997 pt:2\relax = \dimexpr 1.99998 pt:2\relax
+ the same \else different
+\ifdim \dimexpr1.999999 pt/2\relax = \dimexpr 1.9999995 pt/2\relax
+ the same \else different
+\ifdim \dimexpr1.999999 pt:2\relax = \dimexpr 1.9999995 pt:2\relax
+ the same \else different
+This last case demonstrates that at some point the digits get dropped (still
+assuming that the fraction is within the maximum permitted) so these numbers then
+are the same. Anyway, this is not different in other programming languages and
+just something you need to be aware of.
+\startsection[title={\TEX\ primitives}]
+I seldom use this one. Internally \TEX\ stores (and thinks) in terms of tokens.
+If you see for instance \type {\def} or \type {\dimen} or \type {\hbox} these all
+become tokens. But characters like \type {A} or {@} also become tokens. In this
+test primitive all non|-|characters are considered to be the same. In the next
+examples this is demonstrated.
+[\if AB yes\else nop\fi]
+[\if AA yes\else nop\fi]
+[\if CDyes\else nop\fi]
+[\if CCyes\else nop\fi]
+[\if\dimen\font yes\else nop\fi]
+[\if\dimen\font yes\else nop\fi]
+Watch how spaces after the two characters are kept: \inlinebuffer . This primitive looks
+at the next two tokens but when doing so it expands. Just look at the following:
+[\if\AA yes\else nop\fi]
+[\if\AB yes\else nop\fi]
+We get: \inlinebuffer .
+% protected macros
+In \TEX\ characters (in the input) get interpreted according to their so called
+catcodes. The most common are letters (alphabetic) and and other (symbols) but
+for instance the backslash has the property that it starts a command, the dollar
+signs trigger math mode, while the curly braced deal with grouping. If for
+instance either or not the ampersand is special (for instance as column separator
+in tables) depends on the macro package.
+[\ifcat AB yes\else nop\fi]
+[\ifcat AA yes\else nop\fi]
+[\ifcat CDyes\else nop\fi]
+[\ifcat CCyes\else nop\fi]
+[\ifcat C1yes\else nop\fi]
+[\ifcat\dimen\font yes\else nop\fi]
+[\ifcat\dimen\font yes\else nop\fi]
+This time we also compare a letter with a number: \inlinebuffer . In that case
+the category codes differ (letter vs other) but in this test comparing the
+letters result in a match. This is a test that is used only once in \CONTEXT\ and
+even that occasion is dubious and will go away.
+You can use \type {\noexpand} to prevent expansion:
+\let\B B%
+\let\D D%
+[\ifcat\noexpand\A Ayes\else nop\fi]
+[\ifcat\noexpand\B Byes\else nop\fi]
+[\ifcat\noexpand\C Cyes\else nop\fi]
+[\ifcat\noexpand\C Dyes\else nop\fi]
+[\ifcat\noexpand\D Dyes\else nop\fi]
+We get: \inlinebuffer, so who still thinks that \TEX\ is easy to understand for a
+novice user?
+This condition compares its argument with another one, separated by an \type {<},
+\type {=} or \type {>} character.
+ less than
+ more than
+ equal to
+\fi zero
+This is one of these situations where a dimension can be used instead. In that
+case the dimension is in scaled points.
+ less than
+ more than
+ equal to
+\fi zero
+Of course this equal treatment of a dimension and number is only true when the
+dimension is a register or box property.
+This condition compares one dimension with another one, separated by an \type {<},
+\type {=} or \type {>} sign.
+ less than
+ more than
+ equal to
+\fi zero
+While when comparing numbers a dimension is a valid quantity but here you cannot
+mix them: something with a unit is expected.
+This one can come in handy, although in \CONTEXT\ it is only used in checking for
+an odd of even page number.
+\scratchdimen 3sp
+\ifodd\scratchdimen very \else not so \fi odd
+\ifodd\scratchcounter very \else not so \fi odd
+As with the previously discussed \type {\ifnum} you can use a dimension variable
+too, which is then interpreted as representing scaled points. Here we get:
+This is a rather trivial check. It takes no arguments and just is true when we're
+in vertical mode. Here is an example:
+\hbox{\ifvmode\else\par\fi\ifvmode v\else h\fi mode}
+We're always in horizontal mode and issuing a \type {\par} inside a horizontal
+box doesn't change that, so we get: \ruledhbox{\inlinebuffer}.
+As with \type {\ifvmode} this one has no argument and just tells if we're in
+vertical mode.
+\vbox {
+ \noindent \ifhmode h\else v\fi mode
+ \par
+ \ifhmode h\else \noindent v\fi mode
+You can use it for instance to trigger injection of code, or prevent that some
+content (or command) is done more than once:
+Math is something very \TEX\ so naturally you can check if you're in math mode.
+here is an example of using this test:
+\def\enforcemath#1{\ifmmode#1\else$ #1 $\fi}
+Of course in reality macros that do such things are more advanced than this one.
+ {\ifhmode \ifinner inner \fi hmode
+ \else\ifvmode \ifinner inner \fi vmode
+ \else\ifmmode \ifinner inner \fi mmode
+ \else \ifinner inner \fi unset
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+\typebuffer[option=TEX] \getbuffer
+\ShowMode \ShowMode
+The first line has two tests, where the first one changes the mode to horizontal
+simply because a text has been typeset. Watch how display math is not inner.
+By the way, moving the \type {\ifinner} test outside the branches (to the top of
+the macro) won't work because once the word \type {inner} is typeset we're no
+longer in vertical mode, if we were at all.
+A box is one of the basic concepts in \TEX. In order to understand this primitive
+we present four cases:
+\setbox0\hbox{} \ifvoid0 void \else content \fi
+\setbox0\hbox{123} \ifvoid0 void \else content \fi
+\setbox0\hbox{} \box0 \ifvoid0 void \else content \fi
+\setbox0\hbox to 10pt{} \ifvoid0 void \else content \fi
+In the first case, we have a box which is empty but it's not void. It helps to
+know that internally an hbox is actually an object with a pointer to a linked
+list of nodes. So, the first two can be seen as:
+hlist -> [nothing]
+hlist -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> [nothing]
+but in any case there is a hlist. The third case puts something in a hlist but
+then flushes it. Now we have not even the hlist any more; the box register has
+become void. The last case is a variant on the first. It is an empty box with a
+given width. The outcome of the four lines (with a box flushed in between) is:
+So, when you want to test if a box is really empty, you need to test also its
+dimensions, which can be up to three tests, depending on your needs.
+\setbox0\emptybox \ifvoid0 void\else content\fi
+\setbox0\emptybox \wd0=10pt \ifvoid0 void\else content\fi
+\setbox0\hbox to 10pt {} \ifvoid0 void\else content\fi
+\setbox0\hbox {} \wd0=10pt \ifvoid0 void\else content\fi
+Setting a dimension of a void voix (empty) box doesn't make it less void:
+This test takes a box number and gives true when it is an hbox.
+This test takes a box number and gives true when it is an vbox. Both a \type
+{\vbox} and \type {\vtop} are vboxes, the difference is in the height and depth
+and the baseline. In a \type {\vbox} the last line determines the baseline
+\ruledvbox{vbox or vtop\par vtop or vbox}
+And in a \type {\vtop} the first line takes control:
+\ruledvtop{vbox or vtop\par vtop or vbox}
+but, once wrapped, both internally are just vlists.
+This test is actually used a lot in \CONTEXT: it compares two token(list)s:
+ \ifx a b Y\else N\fi
+ \ifx ab Y\else N\fi
+\def\A {a}\def\B{b}\ifx \A\B Y\else N\fi
+\def\A{aa}\def\B{a}\ifx \A\B Y\else N\fi
+\def\A {a}\def\B{a}\ifx \A\B Y\else N\fi
+Here the result is: \quotation{\inlinebuffer}. It does not expand the content, if
+you want that you need to use an \type {\edef} to create two (temporary) macros
+that get compared, like in:
+\edef\TempA{...}\edef\TempB{...}\ifx\TempA\TempB ...\else ...\fi
+This test checks if a the pointer in a given input channel has reached its end.
+It is also true when the file is not present. The argument is a number which
+relates to the \type {\openin} primitive that is used to open files for reading.
+It does what it says: always true.
+It does what it says: always false.
+The general layout of an \type {\ifcase} tests is as follows:
+ when zero
+ when one
+ when two
+ ...
+ when something else
+As in other places a number is a sequence of signs followed by one of more digits
+\startsection[title={\ETEX\ primitives}]
+This primitive was introduced for checking the existence of a macro (or primitive)
+and with good reason. Say that you want to know if \type {\MyMacro} is defined? One
+way to do that is:
+ {\bf undefined indeed}
+This results in: \inlinebuffer , but is this macro really undefined? When \TEX\
+scans your source and sees a the escape character (the forward slash) it will
+grab the next characters and construct a control sequence from it. Then it finds
+out that there is nothing with that name and it will create a hash entry for a
+macro with that name but with no meaning. Because \type {\undefined} is also not
+defined, these two macros have the same meaning and therefore the \type {\ifx} is
+true. Imagine that you do this many times, with different macro names, then your
+hash can fill up. Also, when a user defined \type {\undefined} you're suddenly
+get a different outcome.
+In order to catch the last problem there is the option to test directly:
+\ifdefined\MyOtherMacro \else
+ {\bf also undefined}
+This (or course) results in: \inlinebuffer, but the macro is still sort of
+defined (with no meaning). The next section shows how to get around this.
+A macro is often defined using a ready made name, as in:
+The name is made from characters with catcode letter which means that you cannot
+use for instance digits or underscores unless you also give these characters that
+catcode, which is not that handy in a document. You can however use \type
+{\csname} to define a control sequence with any character in the name, like:
+\expandafter\def\csname Oh Yes : 1\endcsname{yes}
+Later on you can get this one with \type {\csname}:
+\csname Oh Yes : 1\endcsname
+However, if you say:
+\csname Oh Yes : 2\endcsname
+you won't get some result, nor a message about an undefined control sequence, but
+the name triggers a define anyway, this time not with no meaning (undefined) but
+as equivalent to \type {\relax}, which is why
+\expandafter\ifx\csname Oh Yes : 2\endcsname\relax
+ {\bf relaxed indeed}
+is the way to test its existence. As with the test in the previous section,
+this can deplete the hash when you do lots of such tests. The way out of this
+\ifcsname Oh Yes : 2\endcsname \else
+ {\bf unknown indeed}
+This time there is no hash entry created and therefore there is not even an
+undefined control sequence.
+In \LUATEX\ there is an option to return false in case of a messy expansion
+during this test, and in \LUAMETATEX\ that is default. This means that tests can
+be made quite robust as it is pretty safe to assume that names that make sense
+are constructed from regular characters and not boxes, font switches, etc.
+This test was also part of the \ETEX\ extensions and it can be used to see if
+a font has a character.
+ {\em This font has an A!}
+And, as expected, the outcome is: \quotation {\inlinebuffer}. The test takes two
+arguments, the first being a font identifier and the second a character number,
+so the next checks are all valid:
+\iffontchar\font `A yes\else nop\fi\par
+\iffontchar\nullfont `A yes\else nop\fi\par
+\iffontchar\textfont0`A yes\else nop\fi\par
+In the perspective of \LUAMETATEX\ I considered also supporting \type {\fontid}
+but it got a bit messy due to the fact that this primitive expands in a different
+way so this extension was rejected.
+You can negate the results of a test by using the \type {\unless} prefix, so for
+instance you can replace:
+ \dosomething
+ \dosomething
+ \dosomething
+\startsection[title={\LUATEX\ primitives}]
+As it had no real practical usage uit might get dropped in \LUAMETATEX, so it
+will not be discussed here.
+As it had no real practical usage due to limitations, this one is not available
+in \LUAMETATEX\ so it will not be discussed here.
+This test is inherited from \PDFTEX\ and behaves like \type {\ifnum} but first
+turns a negative number into a positive one.
+This test is inherited from \PDFTEX\ and behaves like \type {\ifdim} but first
+turns a negative dimension into a positive one.
+This is not really a test but in order to unstand that you need to know how
+\TEX\ internally deals with tests.
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<20pt
+ result a
+ \else
+ result b
+ \fi
+ result c
+When we end up in the branch of \quotation {result a} we need to skip two \type
+{\else} branches after we're done. The \type {\if..} commands increment a level
+while the \type {\fi} decrements a level. The \type {\else} needs to be skipped
+here. In other cases the true branch needs to be skipped till we end up a the
+right \type {\else}. When doing this skipping, \TEX\ is not interested in what it
+encounters beyond these tokens and this skipping (therefore) goes real fast but
+it does see nested conditions and doesn't interpret grouping related tokens.
+A side effect of this is that the next is not working as expected:
+ \iflessthan20pt
+ result a
+ \else
+ result b
+ \fi
+ result c
+The \type{\iflessthan} macro is not seen as an \type {\if...} so the nesting gets
+messed up. The solution is to fool the scanner in thinking that it is. Say we have:
+\typebuffer[option=TEX] \getbuffer
+ \ifcondition\iflessthan20pt
+ result a
+ \else
+ result b
+ \fi
+ result c
+When we expand this snippet we get: \quotation {\inlinebuffer} and no error
+concerning a failure in locating the right \type {\fi's}. So, when scanning the
+\type {\ifcondition} is seen as a valid \type {\if...} but when the condition is
+really expanded it gets ignored and the \type {\ifmorethan} has better come up
+with a match or not.
+In this perspective it is also worth mentioning that nesting problems can be
+avoided this way:
+\def\WhenTrue {something \iftrue ...}
+\def\WhenFalse{something \iffalse ...}
+ \let\next\WhenTrue
+ \let\next\WhenFalse
+This trick is mentioned in The \TeX book and can also be found in the plain \TEX\
+format. A variant is this:
+ \expandafter\WhenTrue
+ \expandafter\WhenFalse
+but using \type {\expandafter} can be quite intimidating especially when there
+are multiple in a row. It can also be confusing. Take this: an \type
+{\ifcondition} expects the code that follows to produce a test. So:
+ {\ifdim#1>10pt
+ \expandafter\iftrue
+ \else
+ \expandafter\iffalse
+ \fi}
+ result a
+ result b
+This will not work! The reason is in the already mentioned fact that when we end
+up in the greater than \type {10pt} case, the scanner will happily push the \type
+{\iftrue} after the \type {\fi}, which is okay, but when skipping over the \type
+{\else} it sees a nested condition without matching \type {\fi}, which makes ity
+fail. I will spare you a solution with lots of nasty tricks, so here is the clean
+solution using \type {\ifcondition}:
+\def\truecondition {\iftrue}
+ {\ifdim#1>10pt
+ \expandafter\truecondition
+ \else
+ \expandafter\falsecondition
+ \fi}
+ result a
+ result b
+It will be no surprise that the two macros at the top are predefined in \CONTEXT.
+It might be more of a surprise that at the time of this writing the usage in
+\CONTEXT\ of this \type {\ifcondition} primitive is rather minimal. But that
+might change.
+As a further teaser I'll show another simple one,
+\def\HowOdd#1{\unless\ifnum\numexpr ((#1):2)*2\relax=\numexpr#1\relax}
+\ifcondition\HowOdd{1}very \else not so \fi odd
+\ifcondition\HowOdd{2}very \else not so \fi odd
+\ifcondition\HowOdd{3}very \else not so \fi odd
+This renders:
+The code demonstrates several tricks. First of all we use \type {\numexpr} which
+permits more complex arguments, like:
+\ifcondition\HowOdd{4+1}very \else not so \fi odd
+\ifcondition\HowOdd{2\scratchcounter+9}very \else not so \fi odd
+Another trick is that we use an integer division (the \type {:}) which is an
+operator supported by \LUAMETATEX .
+\startsection[title={\LUAMETATEX\ primitives}]
+This one is part of s set of three tests that all are a variant of a \type
+{\ifcase} test. A simple example of the first test is this:
+\ifcmpnum 123 345 less \or equal \else more \fi
+The test scans for two numbers, which of course can be registers or expressions,
+and sets the case value to 0, 1 or 2, which means that you then use the normal
+\type {\or} and \type {\else} primitives for follow up on the test.
+This test scans a number and when it's okay sets the case value to 1, and otherwise
+to 2. So you can do the next:
+\ifchknum 123\or good \else bad \fi
+\ifchknum bad\or good \else bad \fi
+An error message is suppressed and the first \type {\or} can be seen as a sort of
+recovery token, although in fact we just use the fast scanner mode that comes
+with the \type {\ifcase}: because the result is 1 or 2, we never see invalid
+A sort of combination of the previous two is \type {\ifnumval} which checks a
+number but also if it's less, equal or more than zero:
+\ifnumval 123\or less \or equal \or more \else error \fi
+\ifnumval bad\or less \or equal \or more \else error \fi
+You can decide to ignore the bad number or do something that makes more sense.
+Often the to be checked value will be the content of a macro or an argument like
+\type {#1}.
+This test is like \type {\ifcmpnum} but for dimensions.
+This test is like \type {\ifchknum} but for dimensions.
+This test is like \type {\ifnumval} but for dimensions.
+Although this test is still experimental it can be used. What happens is that
+two to be compared \quote {things} get scanned for. For each we first gobble
+spaces and \type {\relax} tokens. Then we can have several cases:
+ \startitem
+ When we see a left brace, a list of tokens is scanned upto the
+ matching right brace.
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ When a reference to a token register is seen, that register is taken as
+ value.
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ When a reference to an internal token register is seen, that register is
+ taken as value.
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ When a macro is seen, its definition becomes the to be compared value.
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ When a number is seen, the value of the corresponding register is taken
+ \stopitem
+An example of the first case is:
+\iftok {abc} {def}%
+ ...
+ ...
+The second case goes like this:
+ ...
+ ...
+Case one and four mixed:
+ ...
+ ...
+The last case is more a catch: it will issue an error when no number is given.
+Eventually that might become a bit more clever (depending on our needs.)
+There is a subtle difference between this one and \type {iftok}: spaces
+and \type {\relax} tokens are skipped but nothing gets expanded. So, when
+we arrive at the to be compared \quote {things} we look at what is there,
+{\em This is an experimental test.} Commands can be defined with the \type
+{\frozen} prefix and this test can be used to check if that has been the case.
+Commands can be defined with the \type {\protected} prefix (or in \CONTEXT, for
+historic reasons, with \type {\unexpanded}) and this test can be used to check if
+that has been the case.
+{\em This is an experimental test.} It can be used to see if the command is
+defined at the user level or is a build in one. This one might evolve.
+This it not really a test primitive but it does act that way. Say that we have this:
+ case 1
+ case 2
+ case 3
+ case 4
+A bit nicer looks this:
+ case 1
+ case 2
+ case 3
+ case 4
+We stay at the same level and the only test that cannot be used this way is \type
+{\ifcondition} but that is no real problem. Sometimes a more flat test tree had
+advantages but if you think that it gives better performance then you will be
+disappointed. The fact that we stay at the same level is compensated by a bit
+more parsing, so unless you have millions such cases (or expansions) it might
+make a bit of a difference. As mentioned, I'm a bit sensitive for how code looks so
+that was the main motivation for introducing it.
+A rather neat trick is the definition of \type {\quitcondition}:
+This permits:
+ case 1a
+ \quitcondition
+ case 4b
+where, of course, the quitting normally is the result of some intermediate extra
+test. But let me play safe here: beware of side effects.
+\startsection[title={For the brave}]
+\startsubsection[title={Full expansion}]
+If you don't understand the following code, don't worry. There is seldom much
+reason to go this complex but obscure \TEX\ code attracts some users so \unknown
+When you have a macro that has for instance assignments, and when you expand that
+macro inside an \type {\edef}, these assignments are not actually expanded but
+tokenized. In \LUATEX\ there is a way to immediately apply these assignments and
+that feature can be used to write a fully expandable user test. For instance:
+\def\truecondition {\iftrue}
+ {\immediateassignment\scratchcounter\numexpr\fontid\font\relax
+ \immediateassignment\setfontid\numexpr#1\relax
+ \iffontchar\font\numexpr#2\relax
+ \immediateassignment\setfontid\scratchcounter
+ \expandafter\truecondition
+ \else
+ \expandafter\falsecondition
+ \fi}
+\typebuffer[option=TEX] \getbuffer
+The \type {\iffontchar} test doesn't handle numeric font id, simply because
+at the time it was added to \ETEX, there was no access to these id's. Now we
+can do:
+\edef\foo{\fontwithidhaschar{1} {75}yes\else nop\fi} \meaning\foo
+\edef\foo{\fontwithidhaschar{1}{999}yes\else nop\fi} \meaning\foo
+[\ifcondition\fontwithidhaschar{1} {75}yes\else nop\fi]
+[\ifcondition\fontwithidhaschar{1}{999}yes\else nop\fi]
+These result in:
+If you remove the \type {\immediateassignment} in the definition above then the
+typeset results are still the same but the meanings of \type {\foo} look
+different: they contain the assignments and the test for the character is
+actually done when constructing the content of the \type {\edef}, but for the
+current font. So, basically that test is now useless.
+\startsubsection[title={User defined if's}]
+There is a \type {\newif} macro that defines three other macros:
+After this, not only \type {\ifOnMyOwnTerms} is defined, but also:
+These two actually are macros that redefine \type {\ifOnMyOwnTerms} to be either
+equivalent to \type {\iftrue} and \type {\iffalse}. The (often derived from plain
+\TEX) definition of \type {\newif} is a bit if a challenge as it has to deal with
+removing the \type {if} in order to create the two extra macros and also make
+sure that it doesn't get mixed up in a catcode jungle.
+In \CONTEXT\ we have a variant:
+that can be used with:
+and tested like:
+ ...
+ ...
+This one is cheaper on the hash and doesn't need the two extra macros per test.
+The price is the use of \type {\ifconditional}, which is {\em not} to confused
+with \type {\ifcondition} (it has bitten me already a few times).
+\NC Author \NC Hans Hagen \NC \NR
+\NC \CONTEXT \NC \contextversion \NC \NR
+\NC \LUAMETATEX \NC \texengineversion \NC \NR
+\NC Support \NC \NC \NR
+\NC \NC \NC \NR
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-expansion.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-expansion.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e2e00a35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-expansion.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+% language=us
+\environment lowlevel-style
+ [title=expansion,
+ color=middleyellow]
+% \startsubsection[title=Introduction]
+% \stopsubsection
+This short manual demonstrates a couple of properties of the macro language. It
+is not the in|-|depth philosophical expose about macro languages, tokens,
+expansion and such that some \TEX ies like. I prefer to stick to the practical
+\startsection[title={\TEX\ primitives}]
+The \TEX\ language provides quite some commands and those built in are called
+primitives. User defined commands are called macros. A macro is a shortcut to a
+list of primitives or macro calls. All can be mixed with characters that are to
+be typeset somehow.
+a\MyMacro c
+When \TEX\ reads this input the \type {a} gets turned into a glyph node with a
+reference to the current font set and the character \type {a}. Then the parser
+sees a macro call, and it will enter another input level where it expands this
+macro. In this case it sees just an \type {b} and it will give this the same
+treatment as the \type {a}. The macro ends, the input level decrements and the
+\type {c} gets its treatment.
+A macro can contain references to macros so in practice the input can go several
+levels down.
+\def\MyMacroA{ and }
+\def\MyMacroB{1\MyMacroA 2}
+a\MyMacroA b
+When \type {\MyMacroB} is defined, its body gets three so called tokens: the
+character token \type {a} with property \quote {other}, a token that is a
+reference to the macro \type {\MyMacroB}, and a character token \type {2}, also
+with property \quote {other} The meaning of \type {\MyMacroA} became five tokens:
+a reference to a space token, then three character tokens with property \quote
+{letter}, and finally again a space token.
+\def \MyMacroA{ and }
+\edef\MyMacroB{1\MyMacroA 2}
+a\MyMacroA b
+In the previous example an \type {\edef} is used, where the \type {e} indicates
+expansion. This time the meaning gets expanded. So we get effectively the same
+\def\MyMacroB{1 and 2}
+Characters are easy: they just expand, but not all primitives expand to their
+meaning or effect.
+\def\MyMacroA{\scratchcounter = 1 }
+\def\MyMacroB{\advance\scratchcounter by 1}
+\MyMacroA a
+\MyMacroB b
+\MyMacroB c
+\MyMacroB d
+\scratchcounter0 \getbuffer
+\startlines \tt
+Let's assume that \type {\scratchcounter} is zero to start with and use \type
+\edef\MyMacroA{\scratchcounter = 1 }
+\edef\MyMacroB{\advance\scratchcounter by 1}
+\MyMacroA a
+\MyMacroB b
+\MyMacroB c
+\MyMacroB d
+\scratchcounter0 \getbuffer
+\startlines \tt
+So, this time the third macro has basically its meaning frozen, but we can
+prevent this by applying a \type {\noexpand} when we do this:
+\edef\MyMacroA{\scratchcounter = 1 }
+\edef\MyMacroB{\advance\scratchcounter by 1}
+\MyMacroA a
+\MyMacroB b
+\MyMacroB c
+\MyMacroB d
+\scratchcounter0 \getbuffer
+\startlines \tt
+Of course this is a rather useless example but it serves its purpose: you'd better
+be aware what gets expanded immediately in an \type {\edef}. In most cases you
+only need to worry about \type {\the} and embedded macros (and then of course
+their meanings).
+\def\MyShow{\quotation {\strut \inlinebuffer \expandafter \typ \expandafter
+You can also store tokens in a so called token register. Here we use a predefined
+scratch register:
+\def\MyMacroA{ and }
+\def\MyMacroB{1\MyMacroA 2}
+\scratchtoks {\MyMacroA}
+The content of \type {\scratchtoks} is: \MyShow, so no expansion has happened
+\def\MyMacroA{ and }
+\def\MyMacroB{1\MyMacroA 2}
+\scratchtoks \expandafter {\MyMacroA}
+Now the content of \type {\scratchtoks} is: \MyShow, so this time expansion has
+\def\MyMacroA{ and }
+\def\MyMacroB{1\MyMacroA 2}
+\scratchtoks \expandafter {\MyMacroB}
+Indeed the macro gets expanded but only one level: \MyShow. Compare this with:
+\def\MyMacroA{ and }
+\edef\MyMacroB{1\MyMacroA 2}
+\scratchtoks \expandafter {\MyMacroB}
+The trick is to expand in two steps: \MyShow. Later we will see that other
+engines provide some more expansion tricks. The only way to get a grip on
+expansion is to just play with it.
+The \type {\expandafter} primitive expands the token (which can be a macro) after
+the next next one and injects its meaning into the stream. So:
+\expandafter \MyMacroA \MyMacroB
+works okay. In a normal document you will never need this kind of hackery: it
+only happens in a bit more complex macros. Here is an example:
+\scratchcounter 1
+\advance\scratchcounter 1
+\scratchcounter 1
+\advance\scratchcounter 1
+The first one gives \inlinebuffer[a], while the second gives \inlinebuffer[b].
+% \let
+% \futurelet
+% \afterassignment
+% \aftergroup
+\startsection[title={\ETEX\ primitives}]
+In this engine a couple of extensions were added and later on \PDFTEX\ added some
+more. We only discuss a few that relate to expansion. There is however a pitfall
+here. Before \ETEX\ showed up, \CONTEXT\ already had a few mechanism that also
+related to expansion and it used some names for macros that clash with those in
+\ETEX. This is why we will use the \type {\normal} prefix here to indicate the
+\typebuffer[option=TEX] \getbuffer
+These macros have the following meanings:
+\startlines \tt
+In \CONTEXT\ you will use the \type {\unexpanded} prefix instead because that one
+did something similar in older versions of \CONTEXT. As we were early adopters of
+\ETEX, this later became a synonym to the \ETEX\ primitive.
+\typebuffer[option=TEX] \getbuffer
+Here the wrapper around the token register assignment will expand the three
+macros, unless they are protected, so its content becomes \MyShow. This saves
+either a lot of more complex \type {\expandafter} usage or using an intermediate
+\type {\edef}. In \CONTEXT\ the \type {\expanded} macro does something simpler
+but it doesn't expand the first token as it is meant as a wrapper around a command,
+\expanded{\chapter{....}} % a ConTeXt command
+where we do want to expand the title but not the \type {\chapter} command, not
+that this would happen actually because \type {\chapter} is a protected command.
+The counterpart of \type {\normalexpanded} is \type {\normalunexpanded}, as in:
+\normalexpanded {\scratchtoks
+ {\MyMacroA\normalunexpanded {\MyMacroB}\MyMacroC}}
+\typebuffer[option=TEX] \getbuffer
+The register now holds \MyShow: three tokens, one character token and two
+macro references.
+Tokens can represent characters, primitives, macros or be special entities like
+starting math mode, beginning a group, assigning a dimension to a register, etc.
+Although you can never really get back to the original input, you can come pretty
+close, with:
+\normaldetokenize{this can $ be anything \bgroup}
+This (when typeset monospaced) is: {\tt \inlinebuffer}. The detokenizer is like
+\type {\string} applied to each token in its argument. Compare this:
+\normalexpanded {
+ \normaldetokenize{10pt}
+We get four tokens: {\tt\inlinebuffer}.
+\normalexpanded {
+ \string 1\string 0\string p\string t
+So that was the same operation: {\tt\inlinebuffer}, but in both cases there is a
+subtle thing going on: characters have a catcode which distinguishes them. The
+parser needs to know what makes up a command name and normally that's only
+letters. The next snippet shows these catcodes:
+\normalexpanded {
+ \noexpand\the\catcode`\string 1 \noexpand\enspace
+ \noexpand\the\catcode`\string 0 \noexpand\enspace
+ \noexpand\the\catcode`\string p \noexpand\enspace
+ \noexpand\the\catcode`\string t \noexpand
+The result is \quotation {\tt\inlinebuffer}: two characters are marked as \quote
+{letter} and two fall in the \quote {other} category.
+\startsection[title={\LUATEX\ primitives}]
+This engine adds a little in the expansion arena. First of all it offers a way to
+extend token lists registers
+\typebuffer[option=TEX] \getbuffer
+The result is: \MyShow.
+\typebuffer[option=TEX] \getbuffer
+We're now at: \MyShow.
+\typebuffer[option=TEX] \getbuffer
+The register has this content: \MyShow, so the additional context got expanded in
+the process, except of course the protected macro \type {\MyMacroC}.
+There is a bunch of these combiners: \type {\toksapp} and \type {\tokspre} for
+local appending and prepending, with global companions: \type {\gtoksapp} and
+\type {\gtokspre}, as well as expanding variant: \type {\etoksapp}, \type
+{\etokspre}, \type {\xtoksapp} and \type {\xtokspre}.
+There are not beforehand more efficient that using intermediate expanded macros
+or token lists, simply because in the process \TEX\ has to create tokens lists
+too, but sometimes they're just more convenient to use.
+A second extension is \type {\immediateassignment} which instead in tokenizing
+the assignment directive applies it right now.
+ {\scratchcounter 123
+ \noexpand\the\scratchcounter}
+ {\immediateassignment\scratchcounter 123
+ \noexpand\the\scratchcounter}
+These two macros now have the meaning:
+\startlines \tt
+\startsection[title={\LUAMETATEX\ primitives}]
+{\em todo}
+% \aftergroups
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-registers.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-registers.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ccb0cd3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-registers.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+% language=us
+\environment lowlevel-style
+ [title=registers,
+ color=darkmagenta]
+Registers are sets of variables that are accessed by index and a such resemble
+registers in a processing unit. You can store a quantity in a register, retrieve
+it, and also manipulate it.
+There is hardly any need to use them in \CONTEXT\ so we keep it simple.
+\startsection[title={\TEX\ primitives}]
+There are several categories:
+ Integers (int): in order to be portable (at the time it surfaced) there are only
+ integers and no floats. The only place where \TEX\ uses floats internally is
+ when glue gets effective which happens in the backend.
+ Dimensions (dimen): internally these are just integers but when they are entered they
+ are sliced into two parts so that we have a fractional part. The internal
+ representation is called a scaled point.
+ Glue (skip): these are dimensions with a few additional properties: stretch and
+ shrink. Being a compound entity they are stored differently and thereby a bit
+ less efficient than numbers and dimensions.
+ Math glue (muskip): this is the same as glue but with a unit that adapts to
+ the current math style properties. It's best to think about them as being
+ relative measures.
+ Token lists (toks): these contain a list of tokens coming from the input
+ or coming from a place where they already have been converted.
+The original \TEX\ engine had 256 entries per set. The first ten of each set are
+normally reserved for scratch purposes: the even ones for local use, and the odd
+ones for global usage. On top of that macro packages can reserve some for its own
+use. It was quite easy to reach the maximum but there were tricks around that.
+This limitation is no longer present in the variants in use today.
+Let's set a few dimension registers:
+\dimen 0 = 10 pt
+\dimen4 10pt
+\scratchdimen 10pt
+We can serialize them with:
+\the \dimen0
+\number \dimen2
+The results of these operations are:
+The last two is not really useful but it is what you see when tracing options are
+set. Here \type {\scratchdimen} is a shortcut for a register. This is {\em not} a
+macro but a defined register. The low level \type {\dimendef} is used for this
+but in a macro package you should not use that one but the higher level \type
+{\newdimen} macro that uses it.
+\def \MyDimenB{\dimen999}
+Watch the difference:
+The first definition uses a yet free register so you won't get a clash. The
+second one is just a shortcut using a macro and the third one too but again
+direct shortcut. Try to imagine how the second line gets interpreted:
+\MyDimenA10pt \MyDimenA10.5pt
+\MyDimenB10pt \MyDimenB10.5pt
+\MyDimenC10pt \MyDimenC10.5pt
+Also try to imagine what messing around with \type {\MyDimenC} will do when we
+also have defined a few hundred extra dimensions with \type {\newdimen}.
+In the case of dimensions the \type {\number} primitive will make the register
+serialize as scaled points without unit \type {sp}.
+Next we see some of the other registers being assigned:
+\count 0 = 100
+\skip 0 = 10pt plus 3pt minus 2pt
+\skip 0 = 10pt plus 1fill
+\muskip 0 = 10mu plus 3mu minus 2mu
+\muskip 0 = 10mu minus 1 fil
+\toks 0 = {hundred}
+When a number is expected, you can use for instance this:
+Here we use a few predefined scratch registers. You can also do this:
+There are some quantities that also qualify as number:
+\chardef\MyChar=123 % refers to character 123 (if present)
+In the past using \type {\chardef} was a way to get around the limited number of
+registers, but it still had (in traditional \TEX) a limitation: you could not go
+beyond 255. The \type {\mathchardef} could fo higher as it also encodes a family
+number and class. This limitation has been lifted in \LUATEX.
+A character itself can also be interpreted as number, in which case it has to be
+prefixed with a reverse quote: \type {`}, so:
+produces \quotation {\inlinebuffer} because the \type {`0} expands into the
+(\ASCII\ and \UTF8) slot {\tt \number`0} which represents the character zero. In
+this case the next makes more sense:
+If you want to know more about all these quantities, \quotation {\TEX\ By Topic}
+provides a good summary of what \TEX\ has to offer, and there is no need to repeat
+it here.
+\startsection[title={\ETEX\ primitives}]
+Apart from the ability to use expressions, the contribution to registers that
+\ETEX\ brought was that suddenly we could use upto 65K of them, which is more
+than enough. The extra registers were not as efficient as the first 256 because
+they were stored in the hash table, but that was not really a problem. In \OMEGA\
+and later \LUATEX\ regular arrays were used, at the cost of more memory which in
+the meantime has become cheap. As \CONTEXT\ moved to \ETEX\ rather early its
+users never had to worry about it.
+\startsection[title={\LUATEX\ primitives}]
+The \LUATEX\ engine introduced attributes. These are numeric properties that are
+bound to the nodes that are the result of typesetting operations. They are
+basically like integer registers but when set their values get bound and when
+unset they are kind of invisible.
+ Attribute (attribute): a numeric property that when set becomes part of the
+ current attribute list that gets assigned to nodes.
+Attributes can be used to communicate properties to \LUA\ callbacks. There are
+several functions available for setting them and querying them.
+\attribute999 = 123
+Using attributes this way is dangerous (of course I can only speak for \CONTEXT)
+because an attribute value might trigger some action in a callback that gives
+unwanted side effects. For convenience \CONTEXT\ provides:
+\typebuffer[option=TEX] \getbuffer
+Which currently defines \type {\MyAttribute} as {\tt \meaning\MyAttribute} and is
+meant to be used as: \footnote {The low level \type {\attributedef} command is
+rather useless in the perspective of \CONTEXT.}
+\attribute\MyAttribute = 123
+Just be aware that defining attributes can have an impact on performance. As you
+cannot access them at the \TEX\ end you seldom need them. If you do you can
+better use the proper more high level definers (not discussed here).
+\startsection[title={\LUAMETATEX\ primitives}]
+{\em todo}
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-style.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-style.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ddd9df747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-style.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+% language=us
+% I started this series in June 2019 and I bet that it will never be complete or
+% extensive enough. But I'll do my best to make it as useful as possible ConTeXt
+% users out there who like to know about such details. Feel free to ask for more
+% explanations.
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