path: root/context/data/textadept/context/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua
diff options
authorHans Hagen <>2021-10-08 20:46:55 +0200
committerContext Git Mirror Bot <>2021-10-08 20:46:55 +0200
commit778f381ba6a448ab00d67994a412dd4226d43238 (patch)
treed9dade45016a572e6c22521bfb165f9829ac3192 /context/data/textadept/context/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua
parent2073fe5d88215dddd9a9e6421afaea7ab7db955a (diff)
2021-10-08 20:07:00
Diffstat (limited to 'context/data/textadept/context/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 396 deletions
diff --git a/context/data/textadept/context/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua b/context/data/textadept/context/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e54d56ba..000000000
--- a/context/data/textadept/context/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
-local info = {
- version = 1.002,
- comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for lua",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files",
--- beware: all multiline is messy, so even if it's no lexer, it should be an embedded lexer
--- we probably could use a local whitespace variant but this is cleaner
-local P, R, S, C, Cmt, Cp = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cp
-local match, find = string.match, string.find
-local setmetatable = setmetatable
-local lexer = require("scite-context-lexer")
-local context = lexer.context
-local patterns = context.patterns
-local token = lexer.token
-local exact_match = lexer.exact_match
-local just_match = lexer.just_match
-local lualexer ="lua","scite-context-lexer-lua")
-local whitespace = lualexer.whitespace
-local stringlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring")
------ labellexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-lua-labelstring")
-local directives = { } -- communication channel
--- this will be extended
--- we could combine some in a hash that returns the class that then makes the token
--- this can save time on large files
-local keywords = {
- "and", "break", "do", "else", "elseif", "end", "false", "for", "function", -- "goto",
- "if", "in", "local", "nil", "not", "or", "repeat", "return", "then", "true",
- "until", "while",
-local functions = {
- "assert", "collectgarbage", "dofile", "error", "getmetatable",
- "ipairs", "load", "loadfile", "module", "next", "pairs",
- "pcall", "print", "rawequal", "rawget", "rawset", "require",
- "setmetatable", "tonumber", "tostring", "type", "unpack", "xpcall", "select",
- "string", "table", "coroutine", "debug", "file", "io", "lpeg", "math", "os", "package", "bit32", "utf8",
-local constants = {
- "_G", "_VERSION", "_M", "...", "_ENV",
- -- here too
- "__add", "__call", "__concat", "__div", "__idiv", "__eq", "__gc", "__index",
- "__le", "__lt", "__metatable", "__mode", "__mul", "__newindex",
- "__pow", "__sub", "__tostring", "__unm", "__len",
- "__pairs", "__ipairs",
- "__close",
- "NaN",
- "<const>", "<toclose>",
--- local tokenmappings = { }
--- for i=1,#keywords do tokenmappings[keywords [i]] = "keyword" }
--- for i=1,#functions do tokenmappings[functions[i]] = "function" }
--- for i=1,#constants do tokenmappings[constants[i]] = "constant" }
-local internals = { -- __
- "add", "call", "concat", "div", "idiv", "eq", "gc", "index",
- "le", "lt", "metatable", "mode", "mul", "newindex",
- "pow", "sub", "tostring", "unm", "len",
- "pairs", "ipairs",
- "close",
-local depricated = {
- "arg", "arg.n",
- "loadstring", "setfenv", "getfenv",
- "pack",
-local csnames = { -- todo: option
- "commands",
- "context",
- -- "ctxcmd",
- -- "ctx",
- "metafun",
- "metapost",
-local level = nil
-local setlevel = function(_,i,s) level = s return i end
-local equals = P("=")^0
-local longonestart = P("[[")
-local longonestop = P("]]")
-local longonestring = (1-longonestop)^0
-local longtwostart = P("[") * Cmt(equals,setlevel) * P("[")
-local longtwostop = P("]") * equals * P("]")
-local sentinels = { } setmetatable(sentinels, { __index = function(t,k) local v = "]" .. k .. "]" t[k] = v return v end })
-local longtwostring = P(function(input,index)
- if level then
- -- local sentinel = "]" .. level .. "]"
- local sentinel = sentinels[level]
- local _, stop = find(input,sentinel,index,true)
- return stop and stop + 1 - #sentinel or #input + 1
- end
- local longtwostring_body = longtwostring
- local longtwostring_end = P(function(input,index)
- if level then
- -- local sentinel = "]" .. level .. "]"
- local sentinel = sentinels[level]
- local _, stop = find(input,sentinel,index,true)
- return stop and stop + 1 or #input + 1
- end
- end)
-local longcomment = Cmt(#("[[" + ("[" * C(equals) * "[")), function(input,index,level)
- -- local sentinel = "]" .. level .. "]"
- local sentinel = sentinels[level]
- local _, stop = find(input,sentinel,index,true)
- return stop and stop + 1 or #input + 1
-local space = -- S(" \n\r\t\f\v")
-local any = patterns.any
-local eol = patterns.eol
-local squote = P("'")
-local dquote = P('"')
-local escaped = P("\\") * P(1)
-local dashes = P("--")
-local spacing = token(whitespace, space^1)
-local rest = token("default", any)
-local shortcomment = token("comment", dashes * (1-eol)^0)
-local longcomment = token("comment", dashes * longcomment)
--- fails on very long string with \ at end of lines (needs embedded lexer)
--- and also on newline before " but it makes no sense to waste time on it
-local shortstring = token("quote", dquote)
- * token("string", (escaped + (1-dquote))^0)
- * token("quote", dquote)
- + token("quote", squote)
- * token("string", (escaped + (1-squote))^0)
- * token("quote", squote)
------ longstring = token("quote", longonestart)
------ * token("string", longonestring)
------ * token("quote", longonestop)
------ + token("quote", longtwostart)
------ * token("string", longtwostring)
------ * token("quote", longtwostop)
-local string = shortstring
------ + longstring
-lexer.embed_lexer(lualexer, stringlexer, token("quote",longtwostart), token("string",longtwostring_body) * token("quote",longtwostring_end))
-local integer = P("-")^-1 * (patterns.hexadecimal + patterns.decimal)
-local number = token("number", patterns.float + integer)
- * (token("error",R("AZ","az","__")^1))^0
--- officially 127-255 are ok but not utf so useless
------ validword = R("AZ","az","__") * R("AZ","az","__","09")^0
-local utf8character = P(1) * R("\128\191")^1
-local validword = (R("AZ","az","__") + utf8character) * (R("AZ","az","__","09") + utf8character)^0
-local validsuffix = (R("AZ","az") + utf8character) * (R("AZ","az","__","09") + utf8character)^0
-local identifier = token("default",validword)
------ operator = token("special", P('..') + P('~=') + S('+-*/%^#=<>;:,.{}[]()')) -- maybe split off {}[]()
------ operator = token("special", S('+-*/%^#=<>;:,{}[]()') + P('..') + P('.') + P('~=') ) -- maybe split off {}[]()
------ operator = token("special", S('+-*/%^#=<>;:,{}[]().') + P('~=') ) -- no ^1 because of nested lexers
-local operator = token("special", S('+-*/%^#=<>;:,{}[]().|~')) -- no ^1 because of nested lexers
-local structure = token("special", S('{}[]()'))
-local optionalspace = spacing^0
-local hasargument = #S("{([")
--- ideal should be an embedded lexer ..
-local gotokeyword = token("keyword", P("goto"))
- * spacing
- * token("grouping",validword)
-local gotolabel = token("keyword", P("::"))
- * (spacing + shortcomment)^0
- * token("grouping",validword)
- * (spacing + shortcomment)^0
- * token("keyword", P("::"))
------ p_keywords = exact_match(keywords)
------ p_functions = exact_match(functions)
------ p_constants = exact_match(constants)
------ p_internals = P("__")
------ * exact_match(internals)
-local p_finish = #(1-R("az","AZ","__"))
-local p_keywords = lexer.helpers.utfchartabletopattern(keywords) * p_finish -- exact_match(keywords)
-local p_functions = lexer.helpers.utfchartabletopattern(functions) * p_finish -- exact_match(functions)
-local p_constants = lexer.helpers.utfchartabletopattern(constants) * p_finish -- exact_match(constants)
-local p_internals = P("__")
- * lexer.helpers.utfchartabletopattern(internals) * p_finish -- exact_match(internals)
-local p_csnames = lexer.helpers.utfchartabletopattern(csnames) -- * p_finish -- just_match(csnames)
-local p_ctnames = P("ctx") * R("AZ","az","__")^0
-local keyword = token("keyword", p_keywords)
-local builtin = token("plain", p_functions)
-local constant = token("data", p_constants)
-local internal = token("data", p_internals)
-local csname = token("user", p_csnames + p_ctnames)
- * p_finish * optionalspace * (
- hasargument
- + ( token("special", S(".:")) * optionalspace * token("user", validword) )^1
- )^-1
--- we could also check S(".:") * p_keyword etc, could be faster
-local identifier = token("default", validword)
- * ( optionalspace * token("special", S(".:")) * optionalspace * (
- token("warning", p_keywords) +
- token("data", p_internals) + -- needs checking
- token("default", validword )
- ) )^0
--- local t = { } for k, v in next, tokenmappings do t[#t+1] = k end t = table.concat(t)
--- -- local experimental = (S(t)^1) / function(s) return tokenmappings[s] end * Cp()
--- local experimental = Cmt(S(t)^1, function(_,i,s)
--- local t = tokenmappings[s]
--- if t then
--- return true, t, i
--- end
--- end)
-lualexer._rules = {
- { "whitespace", spacing },
- { "keyword", keyword }, -- can be combined
- -- { "structure", structure },
- { "function", builtin }, -- can be combined
- { "constant", constant }, -- can be combined
- -- { "experimental", experimental }, -- works but better split
- { "csname", csname },
- { "goto", gotokeyword },
- { "identifier", identifier },
- { "string", string },
- { "number", number },
- { "longcomment", longcomment },
- { "shortcomment", shortcomment },
- { "label", gotolabel },
- { "operator", operator },
- { "rest", rest },
--- -- experiment
--- local idtoken = R("az","AZ","__")
--- function context.one_of_match(specification)
--- local pattern = idtoken -- the concat catches _ etc
--- local list = { }
--- for i=1,#specification do
--- local style = specification[i][1]
--- local words = specification[i][2]
--- pattern = pattern + S(table.concat(words))
--- for i=1,#words do
--- list[words[i]] = style
--- end
--- end
--- return Cmt(pattern^1, function(_,i,s)
--- local style = list[s]
--- if style then
--- return true, { style, i } -- and i or nil
--- else
--- -- fail
--- end
--- end)
--- end
--- local whatever = context.one_of_match {
--- { "keyword", keywords }, -- keyword
--- { "plain", functions }, -- builtin
--- { "data", constants }, -- constant
--- }
--- lualexer._rules = {
--- { "whitespace", spacing },
--- { "whatever", whatever },
--- { "csname", csname },
--- { "goto", gotokeyword },
--- { "identifier", identifier },
--- { "string", string },
--- { "number", number },
--- { "longcomment", longcomment },
--- { "shortcomment", shortcomment },
--- { "label", gotolabel },
--- { "operator", operator },
--- { "rest", rest },
--- }
-lualexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset
--- lualexer._foldpattern = R("az")^2 + S("{}[]") -- separate entry else interference
-lualexer._foldpattern = (P("end") + P("if") + P("do") + P("function") + P("repeat") + P("until")) * P(#(1 - R("az")))
- + S("{}[]")
-lualexer._foldsymbols = {
- _patterns = {
- "[a-z][a-z]+",
- "[{}%[%]]",
- },
- ["keyword"] = { -- challenge: if=0 then=1 else=-1 elseif=-1
- ["if"] = 1, -- if .. [then|else] .. end
- ["do"] = 1, -- [while] do .. end
- ["function"] = 1, -- function .. end
- ["repeat"] = 1, -- repeat .. until
- ["until"] = -1,
- ["end"] = -1,
- },
- ["comment"] = {
- ["["] = 1, ["]"] = -1,
- },
- -- ["quote"] = { -- confusing
- -- ["["] = 1, ["]"] = -1,
- -- },
- ["special"] = {
- -- ["("] = 1, [")"] = -1,
- ["{"] = 1, ["}"] = -1,
- },
--- embedded in tex:
-local cstoken = R("az","AZ","\127\255") + S("@!?_")
-local texcsname = P("\\") * cstoken^1
-local commentline = P("%") * (1-S("\n\r"))^0
-local texcomment = token("comment", Cmt(commentline, function() return directives.cld_inline end))
-local longthreestart = P("\\!!bs")
-local longthreestop = P("\\!!es")
-local longthreestring = (1-longthreestop)^0
-local texstring = token("quote", longthreestart)
- * token("string", longthreestring)
- * token("quote", longthreestop)
------ texcommand = token("user", texcsname)
-local texcommand = token("warning", texcsname)
--- local texstring = token("quote", longthreestart)
--- * (texcommand + token("string",P(1-texcommand-longthreestop)^1) - longthreestop)^0 -- we match long non-\cs sequences
--- * token("quote", longthreestop)
--- local whitespace = "whitespace"
--- local spacing = token(whitespace, space^1)
-lualexer._directives = directives
-lualexer._rules_cld = {
- { "whitespace", spacing },
- { "texstring", texstring },
- { "texcomment", texcomment },
- { "texcommand", texcommand },
- -- { "structure", structure },
- { "keyword", keyword },
- { "function", builtin },
- { "csname", csname },
- { "goto", gotokeyword },
- { "constant", constant },
- { "identifier", identifier },
- { "string", string },
- { "longcomment", longcomment },
- { "shortcomment", shortcomment }, -- should not be used inline so best signal it as comment (otherwise complex state till end of inline)
- { "number", number },
- { "label", gotolabel },
- { "operator", operator },
- { "rest", rest },
-return lualexer