path: root/context/data/textadept/context.lua
diff options
authorMarius <>2010-08-14 15:54:19 +0300
committerMarius <>2010-08-14 15:54:19 +0300
commit39e30629c15ae4a899532d84c4abea127f2847a6 (patch)
treece9007341b23338cc6d73dad028f307c78dcb0ed /context/data/textadept/context.lua
parent83a331fff83ac18314885a39e959ca0c10f316f7 (diff)
stable 2010.07.30 11:35
Diffstat (limited to 'context/data/textadept/context.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 710 deletions
diff --git a/context/data/textadept/context.lua b/context/data/textadept/context.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f386eb87d..000000000
--- a/context/data/textadept/context.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,710 +0,0 @@
- Preliminary ConTeXT lexer
- % ConTeXt
- tex context
- mkii context
- mkiv context
- experiment dd 2009/10/28 .. todo:
- -- figure out if tabs instead of splits are possible
- -- locate an option to enter name in file dialogue (like windows permits)
- -- nesting of lua somehow does not re-lex while typing (backtrack till begin_...)
- -- find trick to overload latex lexer (mime_types, metatype trickery)
- -- convert scite lua scripts to textadept
- -- check linux and osx versions
- -- figure out why loading a file fails (lfs too)
- so, this is just an experiment
-local textadept = _G.textadept
-module(..., package.seeall)
-local context = context
-local lua = require 'lua'
-local P, R, S, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V
---~ local some_words = { "starttext", "stoptext", "writestatus" }
-local some_words = {
- "CAP",
- "Cap",
- "Caps",
- "Character",
- "Characters",
- "MONTH",
- "Romannumerals",
- "WORD",
- "WORDS",
- "Word",
- "Words",
- "about",
- "adaptlayout",
- "adding",
- "appendix",
- "arg",
- "at",
- "atpage",
- "background",
- "blackrule",
- "blackrules",
- "blank",
- "bookmark",
- "but",
- "button",
- "bypassblocks",
- "cap",
- "chapter",
- "character",
- "characters",
- "chem",
- "clip",
- "clonefield",
- "color",
- "column",
- "comment",
- "comparecolorgroup",
- "comparepalet",
- "completecombinedlist",
- "completelistoffloats",
- "completelistofsorts",
- "completelistofsynonyms",
- "completeregister",
- "convertnumber",
- "copyfield",
- "correctwhitespace",
- "coupledocument",
- "coupledregister",
- "couplemarking",
- "couplepage",
- "couplepaper",
- "coupleregister",
- "crlf",
- "currentdate",
- "currentheadnumber",
- "date",
- "decouplemarking",
- "define",
- "defineblank",
- "defineblock",
- "definebodyfont",
- "definebodyfontenvironment",
- "definebuffer",
- "definecolor",
- "definecolorgroup",
- "definecombinedlist",
- "defineconversion",
- "definedescription",
- "defineenumeration",
- "definefield",
- "definefieldstack",
- "definefiguresymbol",
- "definefloat",
- "definefont",
- "defineframed",
- "defineframedtext",
- "definehead",
- "defineindenting",
- "defineinteractionmenu",
- "defineinteractionmenu",
- "definelabel",
- "definelist",
- "definelogo",
- "definemakeup",
- "definemarking",
- "defineoutput",
- "defineoverlay",
- "definepalet",
- "definepapersize",
- "defineparagraphs",
- "defineprofile",
- "defineprogram",
- "definerawfont",
- "definereference",
- "definereferenceformat",
- "definereferencelist",
- "defineregister",
- "definerule",
- "definesection",
- "definesectionblock",
- "definesorting",
- "definestartstop",
- "definesubfield",
- "definesymbol",
- "definesynonyms",
- "definetabletemplate",
- "definetabulate",
- "definetext",
- "definetextposition",
- "definetextvariable",
- "definetype",
- "definetyping",
- "defineversion",
- "description",
- "determineheadnumber",
- "determinelistcharacteristics",
- "disableinteractionmenu",
- "donttest",
- "emptylines",
- "enumeration",
- "externalfigure",
- "field",
- "fieldstack",
- "fillinfield",
- "fillinline",
- "fillinrules",
- "fillintext",
- "fitfield",
- "fixedspaces",
- "followprofile",
- "followprofileversion",
- "followversion",
- "footnote",
- "footnotetext",
- "forceblocks",
- "fraction",
- "framed",
- "framedtext",
- "from",
- "getbuffer",
- "getmarking",
- "godown",
- "goto",
- "gotobox",
- "graycolor",
- "grid",
- "hairline",
- "head",
- "headnumber",
- "headtext",
- "hideblocks",
- "high",
- "hl",
- "in",
- "indentation",
- "indenting",
- "inframed",
- "ininner",
- "inleft",
- "inline",
- "inmargin",
- "inothermargin",
- "inouter",
- "inright",
- "installlanguage",
- "interactionbar",
- "interactionbuttons",
- "item",
- "items",
- "its",
- "keepblocks",
- "labeling",
- "labels",
- "labeltext",
- "language",
- "leftaligned",
- "listsymbol",
- "loadsorts",
- "loadsynonyms",
- "logfields",
- "lohi",
- "low",
- "mainlanguage",
- "mar",
- "marginrule",
- "margintext",
- "marking",
- "markversion",
- "mathematics",
- "mediaeval",
- "midaligned",
- "mirror",
- "month",
- "moveongrid",
- "name",
- "nextsection",
- "nocap",
- "noheaderandfooterlines",
- "noindenting",
- "nolist",
- "nomarking",
- "nomoreblocks",
- "nomorefiles",
- "nop",
- "nospace",
- "note",
- "notopandbottomlines",
- "nowhitespace",
- "numbers",
- "overbar",
- "overbars",
- "overstrike",
- "overstrikes",
- "packed",
- "page",
- "pagereference",
- "pagetype",
- "paragraph",
- "part",
- "periods",
- "placebookmarks",
- "placecombinedlist",
- "placecombinedlist",
- "placefloat",
- "placefootnotes",
- "placeformula",
- "placelegend",
- "placelist",
- "placelistoffloats",
- "placelistofsorts",
- "placelistofsynonyms",
- "placelocalfootnotes",
- "placelogos",
- "placeongrid",
- "placeontopofeachother",
- "placereferencelist",
- "placeregister",
- "placeregister",
- "placerule",
- "placesidebyside",
- "placesubformula",
- "placetextvariable",
- "position",
- "positiontext",
- "processblocks",
- "processpage",
- "program",
- "publication",
- "quotation",
- "quote",
- "ran",
- "ref",
- "reference",
- "referral",
- "referraldate",
- "register",
- "reservefloat",
- "reset",
- "resetmarking",
- "resettextcontent",
- "rightaligned",
- "romannumerals",
- "rotate",
- "scale",
- "screen",
- "section",
- "seeregister",
- "selectblocks",
- "selectpaper",
- "selectversion",
- "settextcontent",
- "settextvariable",
- "setupalign",
- "setuparranging",
- "setupbackground",
- "setupbackgrounds",
- "setupblackrules",
- "setupblank",
- "setupblock",
- "setupbodyfont",
- "setupbodyfontenvironment",
- "setupbottom",
- "setupbottomtexts",
- "setupbuffer",
- "setupbuttons",
- "setupcapitals",
- "setupcaption",
- "setupcaptions",
- "setupclipping",
- "setupcolor",
- "setupcolors",
- "setupcolumns",
- "setupcombinations",
- "setupcombinedlist",
- "setupcomment",
- "setupdescriptions",
- "setupenumerations",
- "setupexternalfigures",
- "setupfield",
- "setupfields",
- "setupfillinlines",
- "setupfillinrules",
- "setupfloat",
- "setupfloats",
- "setupfloatsplitting",
- "setupfooter",
- "setupfootertexts",
- "setupfootnotedefinition",
- "setupfootnotes",
- "setupforms",
- "setupformulae",
- "setupframed",
- "setupframedtexts",
- "setuphead",
- "setupheader",
- "setupheadertexts",
- "setupheadnumber",
- "setupheads",
- "setupheadtext",
- "setuphyphenmark",
- "setupindentations",
- "setupindenting",
- "setupinmargin",
- "setupinteraction",
- "setupinteractionbar",
- "setupinteractionscreen",
- "setupinterlinespace",
- "setupinterlinespace",
- "setupitemgroup",
- "setupitems",
- "setuplabeltext",
- "setuplanguage",
- "setuplayout",
- "setuplegend",
- "setuplinenumbering",
- "setuplines",
- "setuplinewidth",
- "setuplist",
- "setuplistalternative",
- "setupmakeup",
- "setupmarginblocks",
- "setupmarginrules",
- "setupmarking",
- "setupnarrower",
- "setupnumbering",
- "setupoppositeplacing",
- "setupoutput",
- "setuppagenumber",
- "setuppagenumbering",
- "setuppagetransitions",
- "setuppalet",
- "setuppaper",
- "setuppapersize",
- "setupparagraphnumbering",
- "setupparagraphs",
- "setuppositioning",
- "setupprofiles",
- "setupprograms",
- "setuppublications",
- "setupquote",
- "setupreferencelist",
- "setupreferencing",
- "setupregister",
- "setuprotate",
- "setuprule",
- "setupscreens",
- "setupsection",
- "setupsectionblock",
- "setupsorting",
- "setupspacing",
- "setupstrut",
- "setupsubpagenumber",
- "setupsymbolset",
- "setupsynchronization",
- "setupsynchronizationbar",
- "setupsynonyms",
- "setupsystem",
- "setuptab",
- "setuptables",
- "setuptabulate",
- "setuptext",
- "setuptextposition",
- "setuptextrules",
- "setuptexttexts",
- "setuptextvariable",
- "setupthinrules",
- "setuptolerance",
- "setuptop",
- "setuptoptexts",
- "setuptype",
- "setuptyping",
- "setupunderbar",
- "setupurl",
- "setupversions",
- "setupwhitespace",
- "showbodyfont",
- "showbodyfontenvironment",
- "showcolor",
- "showcolorgroup",
- "showexternalfigures",
- "showfields",
- "showframe",
- "showgrid",
- "showlayout",
- "showmakeup",
- "showpalet",
- "showprint",
- "showsetups",
- "showstruts",
- "showsymbolset",
- "someline",
- "somewhere",
- "sort",
- "space",
- "splitfloat",
- "startalignment",
- "startbackground",
- "startbuffer",
- "startcolor",
- "startcolumns",
- "startcombination",
- "startcomment",
- "startcomponent",
- "startdescription",
- "startdocument",
- "startenumeration",
- "startenvironment",
- "startfact",
- "startfigure",
- "startfloattext",
- "startformula",
- "startframedtext",
- "starthiding",
- "startinteractionmenu",
- "startitemgroup",
- "startlegend",
- "startline",
- "startlinecorrection",
- "startlinenumbering",
- "startlines",
- "startlocal",
- "startlocalenvironment",
- "startlocalfootnotes",
- "startmakeup",
- "startmarginblock",
- "startmarginrule",
- "startnamemakeup",
- "startnarrower",
- "startopposite",
- "startoverlay",
- "startoverview",
- "startpacked",
- "startparagraph",
- "startpositioning",
- "startpostponing",
- "startproduct",
- "startprofile",
- "startproject",
- "startquotation",
- "startregister",
- "startsymbolset",
- "startsynchronization",
- "starttable",
- "starttables",
- "starttabulate",
- "starttextrule",
- "starttyping",
- "startunpacked",
- "startversion",
- "stopalignment",
- "stopbackground",
- "stopbuffer",
- "stopcolor",
- "stopcolumns",
- "stopcombination",
- "stopcomment",
- "stopcomponent",
- "stopdescription",
- "stopdocument",
- "stopenumeration",
- "stopenvironment",
- "stopfact",
- "stopfigure",
- "stopfloattext",
- "stopformula",
- "stopframedtext",
- "stophiding",
- "stopinteractionmenu",
- "stopitemgroup",
- "stoplegend",
- "stopline",
- "stoplinecorrection",
- "stoplinenumbering",
- "stoplines",
- "stoplocal",
- "stoplocalenvironment",
- "stoplocalfootnotes",
- "stopmakeup",
- "stopmarginblock",
- "stopmarginrule",
- "stopnamemakeup",
- "stopnarrower",
- "stopopposite",
- "stopoverlay",
- "stopoverview",
- "stoppacked",
- "stopparagraph",
- "stoppositioning",
- "stoppostponing",
- "stopproduct",
- "stopprofile",
- "stopproject",
- "stopquotation",
- "stopsymbolset",
- "stopsynchronization",
- "stoptable",
- "stoptables",
- "stoptabulate",
- "stoptextrule",
- "stoptyping",
- "stopunpacked",
- "stopversion",
- "stretched",
- "sub",
- "subject",
- "subsection",
- "subsubject",
- "subsubsection",
- "subsubsubject",
- "switchtobodyfont",
- "switchtorawfont",
- "sym",
- "symbol",
- "synchronizationbar",
- "synchronize",
- "synonym",
- "tab",
- "tex",
- "textreference",
- "textrule",
- "textvariable",
- "thinrule",
- "thinrules",
- "title",
- "tooltip",
- "translate",
- "typ",
- "type",
- "typebuffer",
- "typefile",
- "underbar",
- "underbars",
- "useURL",
- "useblocks",
- "usecommands",
- "usedirectory",
- "useencoding",
- "useexternaldocument",
- "useexternalfigure",
- "useexternalfile",
- "useexternalfiles",
- "useexternalsoundtrack",
- "usemodule",
- "usereferences",
- "usespecials",
- "usesymbols",
- "version",
- "vl",
- "weekday",
- "whitespace",
- "wordright",
- "writebetweenlist",
- "writetolist",
- "writetoreferencelist",
- "writetoregister",
-local tex_word_match = word_match(word_list(some_words))
---~ local function tex_preamble_match()
---~ return P(function(input, index)
---~ if index < 10 then
---~ local s, e, word = input:find('^(.+)[\n\r]',index)
---~ if word then
---~ local interface = word:match("interface=(..)")
---~ if interface then
---~ local name = "c:/data/develop/context/lua/textadept/cont-" .. interface .. "-scite.lua"
---~ --~ local f =,"rb") -- fails
---~ if f then
---~ local data = f:read("*all")
---~ data = data and loadstring(data)
---~ data = data and data()
---~ if data and type(data) == "table" then
---~ some_words = word_list(data)
---~ context.LoadTokens()
---~ -- InitLexer(context)
---~ end
---~ f:close()
---~ end
---~ end
---~ end
---~ end
---~ return false
---~ end)
---~ end
-local spacing = token('whitespace', S(" \n\r\t\f")^1)
---~ local preamble = token('preamble', P('%') * tex_preamble_match())
-local comment = token('comment', P('%') * (1-S("\n\r"))^0)
-local keyword = token('keyword', P('\\') * tex_word_match)
-local command = token('command', P('\\') * ((R("az","AZ")+S("@!?"))^1 + P(1)))
-local grouping = token('grouping', S("{$}"))
-local specials = token('specials', S("#()[]<>=\""))
-local extras = token('extras', S("`~%^&_-+/\'|"))
--- LexByLine = true
-local startluacode = token("grouping", P("\\startluacode"))
-local stopluacode = token("grouping", P("\\stopluacode"))
---~ local startctxlua = token("grouping", P("\\ctxlua") * spacing^0 * P("{"))
---~ local stopctxlua = token("grouping", P("}"))
---~ local startMPcode = token("grouping", P("\\startMPcode"))
---~ local stopMPcode = token("grouping", P("\\stopMPcode"))
---~ local startuseMPgraphic = token("grouping", P("\\startuseMPgraphic"))
---~ local stopuseMPgraphic = token("grouping", P("\\stopuseMPgraphic"))
---~ local startreusableMPgraphic = token("grouping", P("\\startreusableMPgraphic"))
---~ local stopreusableMPgraphic = token("grouping", P("\\stopreusableMPgraphic"))
---~ local startuniqueMPgraphic = token("grouping", P("\\startuniqueMPgraphic"))
---~ local stopuniqueMPgraphic = token("grouping", P("\\stopuniqueMPgraphic"))
-function LoadTokens()
- lua.LoadTokens()
- add_token(context, 'whitespace', spacing)
---~ add_token(context, 'preamble', preamble)
- add_token(context, 'comment', comment)
- add_token(context, 'keyword', keyword)
- add_token(context, 'command', command)
- add_token(context, 'grouping', grouping)
- add_token(context, 'specials', specials)
- add_token(context, 'extras', extras)
- add_token(context, 'any_char', any_char)
- lua.TokenPatterns.any_char = token('default', 1 - stopluacode)
- make_embeddable(lua, context, startluacode, stopluacode)
--- make_embeddable(lua, context, startctxlua, stopctxlua) -- no multiple embeddables unless more complex anychar
- embed_language(context, lua)
--- metapost.LoadTokens()
--- metapost.TokenPatterns.any_char = token('any_char', 1 - stopMPcode - stopuseMPgraphic - stopreusableMPgraphic - stopuniqueMPgraphic)
--- make_embeddable(metapost, context, startMPcode, stopMPcode )
--- make_embeddable(metapost, context, startuseMPgraphic, stopuseMPgraphic )
--- make_embeddable(metapost, context, startreusableMPgraphic, stopreusableMPgraphic)
--- make_embeddable(metapost, context, startuniqueMPgraphic, stopuniqueMPgraphic )
-local bold = true
-local italic = true
-function LoadStyles()
- add_style('preamble', style_nothing .. { fore = colors.yellow, bold = bold })
- add_style('comment', style_nothing .. { fore = colors.yellow, bold = bold })
- add_style('keyword', style_nothing .. { fore =, bold = bold, italic = italic })
- add_style('command', style_nothing .. { fore =, bold = bold })
- add_style('grouping', style_nothing .. { fore =, bold = bold })
- add_style('specials', style_nothing .. { fore =, bold = bold })
- add_style('extras', style_nothing .. { fore = colors.yellow, bold = bold })
---~ textadept.mime_types.extensions["tex"] = context
---~ textadept.mime_types.extensions["mkii"] = context
---~ textadept.mime_types.extensions["mkiv"] = context