diff options
authorHans Hagen <>2020-06-17 19:59:19 +0200
committerContext Git Mirror Bot <>2020-06-17 19:59:19 +0200
commitf46fe99c7c361a66c68987b22d235fe9f793fad6 (patch)
parent22f270c24ee17c86bbb99b3f3d3a1644e98e4b79 (diff)
2020-06-17 18:59:00
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-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdfbin0 -> 253280 bytes
34 files changed, 1202 insertions, 313 deletions
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+++ b/context/data/scite/context/lexers/data/scite-context-data-context.lua
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"reversehbox", "reversevbox", "reversevtop", "reversehpack", "reversevpack", "reversetpack", "frule", "compoundhyphenpenalty", "start", "stop", "unsupportedcs" },
} \ No newline at end of file
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index 36a8532e7..4ed46b02b 100644
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+++ b/context/data/vscode/extensions/context/syntaxes/context-syntax-tex.json
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
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+ "match" : 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"name" : "context.constant.commands.constant.tex"
"csname" : {
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index 6e5b1105e..0f7da622e 100644
--- a/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/evenmore.pdf
+++ b/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/evenmore.pdf
Binary files differ
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index 93dcc0868..f3a25d6b3 100644
--- a/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/luametatex.pdf
+++ b/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/luametatex.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/evenmore/evenmore-parsing.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/evenmore/evenmore-parsing.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d0cc29db1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/evenmore/evenmore-parsing.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+% language=us
+\environment evenmore-style
+\startcomponent evenmore-parsing
+The macro mechanism is \TEX\ is quite powerful and once you understand the
+concept of mixing parameters and delimiters you can do a lot with it. I assume
+that you know what we're talking about, otherwise quit reading. When grabbing
+arguments, there are a few catches.
+ When they are used, delimiters are mandate: \TEX\ will go on reading an
+ argument till the (current) delimiter condition is met. This means that when
+ you forget one you end up with way more in the argument than expected or even
+ run out of input.
+ Because specified arguments and delimiters are mandate, when you want to
+ parse input, you often need multi|-|step macros that first pick up the to be
+ parsed input, and then piecewise fetch snippets. Bogus delimiters have to be
+ appended to the original in order to catch a run away argument and checking
+ has to be done to get rid of them when all is ok.
+The first item can be illustrated as follows:
+When \type {\foo} gets expanded \TEX\ first looks for a \type{[} and then starts
+collecting tokens for parameter \type {#1}. It stops doing that when aa \type {]}
+is seen. So,
+ \foo[whatever
+will for sure give an error. When collecting tokens, \TEX\ doesn't expand them so
+the \type {\stoptext} is just turned into a token that gets appended.
+The second item is harder to explain (or grasp):
+Here we expect a key and a value, so these will work:
+while these will fail:
+unless we have:
+But, when processing the result, we then need to analyze the found arguments and
+correct for them being wrong. For instance, argument \type {#1} can become \type
+{]} or here \type {key]}. When indeed a valid key|/|value combination is given we
+need to get rid of the two \quote {fixup} tokens \type{=]}. Normally we will have
+multiple key|/|value pairs separated by a comma, and in practice we only need to
+catch the missing equal because we can ignore empty cases. There are plenty of
+examples (rather old old code but also more modern variants) in the \CONTEXT\
+code base.
+I will now show some new magic that is available in \LUAMETATEX\ as experimental
+code. It will be tested in \LMTX\ for a while and might evolve in the process.
+\foo 1=2,\ignorearguments
+\foo 1=2\ignorearguments
+\foo 1\ignorearguments
+\foo \ignorearguments
+Here we pick up a key and value separated by an equal sign. We end the input with
+a special signal command: \type {\ignorearguments}. This tells the parser to quit
+scanning. So, we get this, without any warning with respect to a missing
+delimiter of running away:
+The implementation is actually fairly simple and adds not much overhead.
+Alternatives (and I pondered a few) are just too messy, would remind me too much
+of those awful expression syntaxes, and definitely impact performance of macro
+expansion, therefore: a no|-|go.
+Using this new feature, we can implement a key value parser that does a sequence.
+The prototypes used to get here made only use of this one new feature and
+therefore still had to do some testing of the results. But, after looking at the
+code, I decided that a few more helpers could make better looking code. So this
+is what I ended up with:
+ {\ifarguments\or\or
+ % (\whatever/#1/#2)\par%
+ \expandafter\def\csname\namespace#1\endcsname{#2}%
+ \expandafter\grabnextparameter
+ \fi}
+ {\expandafterspaces\grabparameter}
+ {\def\namespace{#1}%
+ \expandafterspaces\grabparameter#3\ignorearguments\ignorearguments}
+Now, this one actually does what the \CONTEXT\ \type {\getparameters} command
+does: setting variables in a namespace. Being a parameter driven macro package
+this kind of macros have been part of \CONTEXT\ since the beginning. There are
+some variants and we also need to deal with the multilingual interface. Actually,
+\MKIV\ (and therefore \LMTX) do things a bit different, but the same principles
+The \type {\ignorearguments} quits the scanning. Here we need two because we
+actually quit twice. The \type {\expandafterspaces} can be implemented in
+traditional \TEX\ macros but I though it is nice to have it this way; the fact
+that I only now added it has more to do with cosmetics. One could use the already
+somewhat older extension \type {\futureexpandis} (which expands the second or
+third token depending seeing the first, in this variant ignoring spaces) or a
+bunch of good old primitives to do the same. The new conditional \type
+{\ifarguments} can be used to act upon the number of arguments given. It reflects
+the most recently expanded macro. There is also a \type {\lastarguments}
+primitive (that provides the number of arguments.
+So, what are the benefits? You might think that it is about performance, but in
+practice there are not that many parameter settings going on. When I process the
+\LUAMETATEX\ manual, only some 5000 times one or more parameters are set. And
+even in a way more complex document that I asked my colleague to run I was a bit
+disappointed that only some 30.000 cases were reported. I know of users who have
+documents with hundreds of thousands of cases, but compared to the rest of
+processing this is not where the performance bottleneck is. \footnote {Think of
+thousands of pages of tables with cell settings applied.} This means that a
+change in implementation like the above is not paying off in significantly better
+runtime: all these low level mechanisms in \CONTEXT\ have been very well
+optimized over the years. And faster machines made old bottlenecks go away
+anyway. Take this use case:
+ [foo]
+ [key0=value0,
+ key1=value1,
+ key2=value2,
+ key3=value3]
+After this, parameters can be accessed with:
+used as:
+which takes care of characters normally not permitted in macro names, like the
+digits in this example. Of course some namespace protection can be added, like
+adding a colon between the namespace and the key, but let's take just this one.
+Some 10.000 expansions of the grabber take on my machine 0.045 seconds while the
+original \type {\getparameters} takes 0.090 so although for this case we're twice
+as fast, the 0.045 difference will not be noticed on a real run. After all, when
+these parameters are set some action will take place. Also, we don't actually use
+this macro for collecting settings with the \type {\setupsomething} commands, so
+the additional overhead that is involved adds a baseline to performance that can
+turn any gain into noise. But some users might notice some gain. Of course this
+observation might change once we apply this trickery in more places than
+parameter parsing, because I have to admit that there might be other places in
+the support macros where we can benefit: less code, double performance, but these
+are all support macros that made sense in \MKII\ and not that much in \MKIV\ or
+\LMTX\ and are kept just for convenience and backward compatibility. Think of
+some list processing macros. So, as a kind of nostalgic trip I decided to rewrite
+some low level macros anyway, if only to see what is no longer used and|/|or to
+make the code base somewhat (c)leaner.
+Elsewhere I introduce the \type {#0} argument indicator. That one will just
+gobbles the argument and does not store a token list on the stack. It saves some
+memory access and token recycling when arguments are not used. Another special
+indicator is \type {#+}. That one will flag an argument to be passed as|-|is. The
+\type {#-} variant will simply discard an argument and move on. The following
+examples demonstrate this:
+\def\foo [#1]{\detokenize{#1}}
+\def\ofo [#0]{\detokenize{#1}}
+\def\oof [#+]{\detokenize{#1}}
+\meaning\foo\ : <\foo[{123}]> \crlf
+\meaning\ofo\ : <\ofo[{123}]> \crlf
+\meaning\oof\ : <\oof[{123}]> \crlf
+\meaning\fof\ : <\fof[123]> \crlf
+\meaning\fff\ : <\fof[123]> \crlf
+This gives:
+{\tttf \getbuffer}
+% \getcommalistsize[a,b,c] \commalistsize\par
+% \getcommalistsize[{a,b,c}] \commalistsize\par
+When playing with new features like the one described here, it makes sense to use
+them in existing macros so that they get well tested. Some of the low level
+system files come in different versions: for \MKII, \MKIV\ and \LMTX. The \MKII\
+files often also have the older implementations, so they are also good for
+looking at the history. The \LMTX\ files can be leaner and meaner than the \MKIV\
+files because they use the latest features. \footnote {Some 70 primitives present
+in \LUATEX\ are not in \LUAMETATEX. On the other hand there are also about 70 new
+primitives. Of those gone, most concerned the backend, fonts or no longer
+relevant features from other engines. Of those new, some are really new
+primitives (conditionals, expansion magic), some control previously hardwired
+behaviour, some give access to properties of for instance boxes, and some are
+just variants of existing ones but with options for control.}
+When I was rewriting some of these low level \MKIV\ macros using the newer features,
+at some point I wondered why I still had to jump through some hoops. Why not just
+add some more primitives to deal with that? After all, \LUATEX\ and \LUAMETATEX\
+already have more primitives that are helpful in parsing, so a few dozen more lines
+don't hurt. As long as these primitives are generic and not that specific. In this
+particular case we talk about two new conditionals (in addition to the already
+present comparison primitives):
+\ifhastok <token> {<token list>}
+\ifhastoks {<token list>} {<token list>}
+\ifhasxtoks {<token list>} {<token list>}
+You can probably guess what they do from their names. The last one is the
+expandable variant of the second one. The first one is the fast one. When playing
+with these I decided to redo the set checker. In \MKII\ that one is done in good
+old \TEX, in \MKIV\ we use \LUA. So, how about going back to \TEX ?
+\ifhasxtoks {cd} {abcdef}
+This check is true. But that doesn't work well with a comma separated list, but
+there is a way out:
+\ifhasxtoks {,cd,} {,ab,cd,ef,}
+However, when I applied that a user reported that it didn't handle optional
+spaces before commas. So how do we deal with such optional characters tokens?
+\ifcondition\setcontains{cd}{ab,cd,ef}YES \else NO \fi
+\ifcondition\setcontains{cd}{ab, cd, ef}YES \else NO \fi
+We get:
+The \type {\ifcondition} is an old one. When nested in a condition it will be
+seen as an \type {\if...} by the fast skipping scanner, but when expanded it will
+go on and a following macro has to expand to a proper condition. That said, we
+can take care of the optional space by entering some new territory. Look at this:
+\def\setcontains#1#2{\ifhasxtoks{,\expandtoken 9 "20 #1,}{,#2,}}
+\ifcondition\setcontains{cd}{ab,cd,ef}YES \else NO \fi
+\ifcondition\setcontains{cd}{ab, cd, ef}YES \else NO \fi
+We get:
+So how does that work? The \type {\expandtoken} injects a space token with
+catcode~9 which means that it is in the to be ignored category. When a to be
+ignored token is seen, and the to be checked token is a character (letter, other,
+space or ignored) then the character code will be compared. When they match, we
+move on, otherwise we just skip over the ignored token (here the space).
+In the \CONTEXT\ code base there are already files that are specific for \MKIV\
+and \LMTX. The most visible difference is that we use the \type {\orelse}
+primitive to construct nicer test trees, and we also use some of the additional
+\type {\future...} and \type {\expandafter...} features. The extensions discussed
+here make for the most recent differences (we're talking end May 2020).
+After implementing this trick I decided to look at the macro definition mechanism
+one more time and see if I could also use this there. Before I demonstrate
+another next feature, I will again show the argument extensions, this time with
+a fourth variant:
+\typebuffer[definitions][option=TEX] \getbuffer[definitions]
+The last one specifies a to be thrashed argument: \type {#-}. It goes further
+than the second one (\type {#0}) which still keeps a reference. This is why in
+this last case the third argument gets number \type {2}. The meanings of these
+four are:
+\startlines \tttf
+There are some subtle differences between these variants, as you can see from
+the following examples:
+\TestA1{\red 2}3
+\TestB1{\red 2}3
+\TestC1{\red 2}3
+\TestD1{\red 2}3
+Here you also see the side effect of keeping the braces. The zero argument (\type
+{#0}) is ignored, and the thrashed argument (\type {#-}) can't even be accessed.
+\startlines \tttf \getbuffer[usage] \stoplines
+In the next example we see two delimiters being used, a comma and a space, but
+they have catcode~9 which flags them as ignored. This is a signal for the parser
+that both the comma and the space can be skipped. The zero arguments are still on
+the parameter stack, but the thrashed ones result in a smaller stack, not that
+the later matters much on today's machines.
+\normalexpanded {
+ \def\noexpand\foo
+ \expandtoken 9 "2C % comma
+ \expandtoken 9 "20 % space
+ #1=#2]%
+\typebuffer[option=TEX] \getbuffer
+This means that the next tree expansions won't bark:
+\foo, key=value]
+\foo key=value]
+or expanded:
+\startlines \tttf \getbuffer \stoplines
+Now, why didn't I add these primitives long ago already? After all, I already
+added dozens of new primitives over the years. To quote Andrew Cuomo, what
+follows now are opinions, not facts.
+Decades ago, when \TEX\ showed up, there was no Internet. I remember that I got
+my first copy on floppy disks. Computers were slow and memory was limited. The
+\TEX book was the main resource and writing macros was a kind of art. One could
+not look up solutions, so trial and error was a valid way to go. Figuring out
+what was efficient in terms of memory consumption and runtime was often needed
+too. I remember meetings where one was not taken serious when not talking in the
+right \quote {token}, \quote {node}, \quote {stomach} and \quote {mouth} speak.
+Suggesting extensions could end up in being told that there was no need because
+all could be done in macros or even arguments of the \quotation {who needs that}.
+I must admit that nowadays I wonder to what extend that was related to extensions
+taking away some of the craftmanship and showing off. In a way it is no surprise
+that (even trivial to implement) extensions never surfaced. Of course then the
+question is: will extensions that once were considered not of importance be used
+today? We'll see.
+Let's end by saying that, as with other experiments, I might port some of the new
+features in \LUAMETATEX\ to \LUATEX, but only after they have become stable and
+have been tested in \LMTX\ for quite a while.
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/evenmore/evenmore-tokens.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/evenmore/evenmore-tokens.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d653703a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/evenmore/evenmore-tokens.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+% language=us
+% TODO: copy_node_list : return tail
+% TODO: grabnested
+\environment evenmore-style
+\startcomponent evenmore-tokens
+{\em This is mostly a wrapup of some developments, and definitely not a tutorial.}
+Talking deep down \TEX\ is talking about tokens and nodes. Roughly spoken, from
+the perspective of the user, tokens are what goes in and stays in (as macro,
+token list of whatever) and nodes is what get produced and eventually results in
+output. A character in the input becomes one token (before expansion) and a
+control sequence like \type {\foo} also is turned into a token. Tokens can be
+linked into lists. This actually means that in the engine we can talk of tokens
+in two ways: the single item with properties that trigger actions, or as compound
+item with that item and a pointer to the next token (called link). In \LUA\ speak
+token memory can be seen as:
+fixmem = {
+ { info, link },
+ { info, link },
+ { info, link },
+ { info, link },
+ ....
+Both are 32 bit integers. The \type {info} is a combination of a command code (an
+operator) and a so called chr code (operand) and these determine its behaviour.
+For instance the command code can indicate an integer register and the chr code
+then indicates the number of that register. So, like:
+fixmem = {
+ { { cmd, chr}, index_into_fixmem },
+ { { cmd, chr}, index_into_fixmem },
+ { { cmd, chr}, index_into_fixmem },
+ { { cmd, chr}, index_into_fixmem },
+ ....
+In the following line the characters that make three words are tokens (letters),
+so are the space (spacer), the curly braces (begin- and endgroup token) and the
+bold face switch (which becomes one token which resolves to a token list of
+tokens that trigger actions (in this case switching to a bolder font).
+foo {\bf bar} foo
+When \TEX\ reads a line of input tokens are expanded immediately but a sequence
+can also become part fo a macro body or token list. Here we have $3_{\type{foo}}
++ 1 + 1_{\type+{+} + 1_{\type{\bf}} + 3_{\type{bar}} + 1_{\type+}+} + 1 +
+3_{\type{foo}} = 14$ tokens.
+A control sequence normally starts with a backslash. Some are built in, these are
+called primitives, and others are defined by the macro package or the user. There
+is a lookup table that relates the tokenized control sequence to some action. For
+creates an entry that leads (directly or following a hash chain) to the three
+letter token list. Every time the input sees \type {\foo} it gets resolved to
+that list via a hash lookup. However, once internalized and part of a token list,
+it is a direct reference. On the other hand,
+triggers the \type {\the} action that relates to this control sequence, which
+then reads a next token and operates on that. That next token itself expects a
+number as follow up. In the end the value of \type {\count0} is found and that
+one is also in the so called equivalent lookup table, in what \TEX\ calls
+specific regions.
+equivalents = {
+ { level, type, value },
+ { level, type, value },
+ { level, type, value },
+ ...
+The value is in most cases similar to the info (cmd & chr) field in fixmem, but
+one difference is that counters, dimensions etc directly store their value, which
+is why we sometimes need the type separately, for instance in order to reclaim
+memory for glue or node specifications. It sound complicated and it is, but as
+long as you get a rough idea we can continue. Just keep in mind that tokens
+sometimes get expanded on the fly, and sometimes just get stored.
+There are a lot of primitives and each has a unique info. The same is true for
+characters (each category has its own command code, so regular letters can be
+distinguished from other tokens, comment signs, math triggers etc). All important
+basic bits are in table of equivalents: macros as well as registers although the
+meaning of a macro and content of token lists lives in the fixmem table and
+the content of boxes in so called node lists (nodes have their own memory).
+In traditional \TEX\ the lookup table for primitives, registers and macros is as
+compact as can be: it is an array of so called 32 bit memory words. These can be
+divided into halfs and quarters, so in the source you find terms like \type
+{halfword} and \type {quarterword}. The lookup table is a hybrid:
+[level 8] [type 8] [value 16] | [equivalent 32]
+[level 8] [type 8] [value 16] | [equivalent 32]
+[level 8] [type 8] [value 16] | [equivalent 32]
+The mentioned counters and such are directly encoded in an equivalent and the
+rest is a combination of level, type and value. The level is used for the
+grouping, and in for instance \PDFTEX\ there can therefore be at most 255 levels.
+In \LUATEX\ we use a wider model. There we have 64 bit memory words which means
+that we have way more levels and don't need to have this dual nature:
+[level 16] [type 16] [value 32]
+[level 16] [type 16] [value 32]
+[level 16] [type 16] [value 32]
+We already showed a \LUA\ representation. The type in this table is what a
+command code is in an \quote {info} field. In such a token the integer encodes
+the command as well as a value (called chr). In the lookup table the type is the
+command code. When \TEX\ is dealing with a control sequences it looks at the
+type, otherwise it filters the command from the token integer. This means that a
+token cannot store an integer (or dimension), but the lookup table actually can
+do that. However, commands can limit the range, for instance characters are bound
+by what \UNICODE\ permits.
+Internally, \LUATEX\ still uses these ranges of fast accessible registers, like
+counters, dimensions and attributes. However, we saw that in \LUATEX\ they don't
+overlap with the level and type. In \LUATEX, at least till version 1.13 we still
+have the shadow array for levels but in \LUAMETATEX\ we just use those in the
+equivalents lookup table. If you look in the \PASCAL\ source you will notice that
+arrays run from \type {[somemin ... somemax]} which in the \CCODE\ source would
+mean using offsets. Actually, the shadow array starts at zero so we waste the
+part that doesn't need shadowing. It is good to remind ourselves that traditional
+\TEX\ is 8 bit character based.
+The equivalents lookup table has all kind of special ranges (combined into
+regions of similar nature, in \TEX\ speak), like those for lowercase mapping,
+specific catcode mappings, etc.\ but we're still talking of $n \times 256$
+entries. In \LUATEX\ all these mappings are in dedicated sparse hash tables
+because we need to support the full \UNICODE\ repertoire. This means that, while
+on the one hand \LUATEX\ uses more memory for the lookup table the number of
+slots can be less. But still there was the waste of the shadow level table: I
+didn't calculate the exact saving of ditching that one, but I bet it came close
+to what was available as total memory for programs and data on the first machines
+that I used for running \TEX. But \unknown\ after more than a decade of \LUATEX\
+we now reclaimed that space in \LUAMETATEX. \footnote {Don't expect a gain in
+performance, although using less memory might pay back on a virtual machine or
+when \TEX\ has to share the \CPU\ cache.}
+Now, in case you're interested (and actually I just write it down because I don't
+want to forget it myself) the lookup table in \LUAMETATEX\ is layout as follows
+\NC the hash table \NC \NC \NR
+\NC some frozen primitives \NC \NC \NR
+\NC current and defined fonts \NC one slot + many pointers \NC \NR
+\NC undefined control sequence \NC one slot \NC \NR
+\NC internal and register glue \NC pointer to node \NC \NR
+\NC internal and register muglue \NC pointer to node \NC \NR
+\NC internal and register toks \NC pointer to token list \NC \NR
+\NC internal and register boxes \NC pointer to node list \NC \NR
+\NC internal and register counts \NC value in token \NC \NR
+\NC internal and register attributes \NC value in token \NC \NR
+\NC internal and register dimens \NC value in token \NC \NR
+\NC some special data structures \NC pointer to node list \NC \NC \NR
+\NC the (runtime) extended hash table \NC \NC \NR
+Normally a user doesn't need to know anything about these specific properties of
+the engine and it might comfort you to know that for a long time I could stay
+away from these details. One difference with the other engines is that we have
+internal variables and registers split more explicitly. The special data
+structures have their own slots and are not just put somewhere (semi random). The
+initialization is bit more granular in that we properly set the types (cmd codes)
+for registers which in turn is possible because for instance we're able to
+distinguish glue types. This is all part of coming up with a bit more consistent
+interface to tokens from the \LUA\ end. It also permits diagnostics.
+Anyway, we now are ready for some more details about tokens. You don't need to
+understand all of it in order to define decent macros. But when you are using
+\LUATEX\ and do want to mess around here is some insight. Assume we have defined
+these macros:
+ local alsoraw = false
+ function documentdata.StartShowTokens(rawtoo)
+ context.starttabulate { "|T|rT|lT|rT|rT|rT|" .. (rawtoo and "rT|" or "") }
+ context.BC()
+ context.BC() context("cmd")
+ context.BC() context("name")
+ context.BC() context("chr")
+ context.BC() context("cs")
+ if rawtoo then
+ context.BC() context("rawchr")
+ end
+ context.BC() context.NR()
+ context.SL()
+ alsoraw = rawtoo
+ end
+ function documentdata.StopShowTokens()
+ context.stoptabulate()
+ end
+ function documentdata.ShowToken(name)
+ local cmd, chr, cs = token.get_cmdchrcs(name)
+ local _, raw, _ = token.get_cmdchrcs(name,true)
+ context.NC() context("\\string\\"
+ context.NC() context(cmd)
+ context.NC() context(tokens.commands[cmd])
+ context.NC() context(chr)
+ context.NC() context(cs)
+ if alsoraw and chr ~= raw then
+ context.NC() context(raw)
+ end
+ context.NC() context.NR()
+ end
+\def\MacroA{a} \def\MacroB{b}
+\def\macroa{a} \def\macrob{b}
+\def\MACROa{a} \def\MACROb{b}
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+How does that end up internally?
+ documentdata.StartShowTokens(true)
+ documentdata.ShowToken("scratchcounterone")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("scratchcountertwo")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("scratchdimen")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("scratchtoks")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("scratchcounter")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("letterpercent")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("everypar")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("%")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("pagegoal")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("pagetotal")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("hangindent")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("hangafter")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("dimdim")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("relax")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("dimen")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("stoptext")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("MacroA")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("MacroB")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("MacroC")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("macroa")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("macrob")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("macroc")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("MACROa")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("MACROb")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("MACROc")
+ documentdata.StopShowTokens()
+We show the raw chr value but in the \LUA\ interface these are normalized to for
+instance proper register indices. This is because the raw numbers can for
+instance be indices into memory or some \UNICODE\ reference with catcode specific
+bits set. But, while these indices are real and stable, these offsets can
+actually change when the implementation changes. For that reason, in \LUAMETATEX\
+we can better talk of command codes as main indicator and:
+\NC subcommand \NC for tokens that have variants, like \type {\ifnum} \NC \NR
+\NC register indices \NC for the 64K register banks, like \type {\count0} \NC \NR
+\NC internal indices \NC for internal variables like \type {\parindent} \NC \NR
+\NC characters \NC specific \UNICODE\ slots combined with catcode \NC \NR
+\NC pointers \NC to token lists, macros, \LUA\ functions, nodes \NC \NR
+This so called \type {cs} number is a pointer into the table of equivalents. That
+number results comes from the hash table. A macro name, when scanned the first
+time, is still a sequence of bytes. This sequence is used to compute a hash
+number, which is a pointer to a slot in the lower part of the hash (lookup)
+table. That slot points to a string and a next hash entry in the higher end. A
+lookup goes as follows:
+ \startitem
+ compute the index into the hash table from the string
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ goto the slot with that index and compare the \type {string} field
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ when there is no match goto the slot indicated by the \type {next} field
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ compare again and keep following \type {next} fields till there is no
+ follow up
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ optionally create a new entry
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ use the index of that entry as index in the table of equivalents
+ \stopitem
+So, in \LUA\ speak, we have:
+hashtable = {
+ -- lower part, accessed via the calculated hash number
+ { stringpointer, nextindex },
+ { stringpointer, nextindex },
+ ...
+ -- higher part, accessed by following nextindex
+ { stringpointer, nextindex },
+ { stringpointer, nextindex },
+ ...
+Eventually, after following a lookup chain in the hash tabl;e, we end up at
+pointer to the equivalents lookup table that we already discussed. From then on
+we're talking tokens. When you're lucky, the list is small and you have a quick
+match. The maximum initial hash index is not that large, around 64K (double that
+in \LUAMETATEX), so in practice there will often be some indirect
+(multi|-|compare) match but increasing the lower end of the hash table might
+result in less string comparisons later on, but also increases the time to
+calculate the initial hash needed for accessing the lower part. Here you can sort
+of see that:
+ \expandafter\def\csname whatever\Uchar#1\endcsname
+ {}
+ \expandafter\let\csname somemore\Uchar#1\expandafter\endcsname
+ \csname whatever\Uchar#1\endcsname
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ documentdata.StartShowTokens(true)
+ for i=utf.byte("a"),utf.byte("z") do
+ documentdata.ShowToken("whatever"..utf.char(i))
+ documentdata.ShowToken("somemore"..utf.char(i))
+ end
+ documentdata.StopShowTokens()
+The command code indicates a macro and the action related to it is an expandable
+call. We have no sub command \footnote {We cheat a little here because chr
+actually is an index into token memory but we don't show them as such.} so that
+column shows zeros. The fifth column is the hash entry which can bring us back to
+the verbose name as needed in reporting while the last column is the index to
+into token memory (watch the duplicates for \type {\let} macros: a ref count is
+kept in order to be able to manage such shared references). When you look a the
+cs column you will notice that some numbers are close which (I think) in this
+case indicates some closeness in the calculated hash name and followed chain.
+It will be clear that it is best to not make any assumptions with respect to the
+numbers which is why, in \LUAMETATEX\ we sort of normalize them when accessing
+\NC field \NC meaning \NC \NR
+\NC command \NC operator \NC \NR
+\NC cmdname \NC internal name of operator \NC \NR
+\NC index \NC sanitized operand \NC \NR
+\NC mode \NC original operand \NC \NR
+\NC csname \NC associated name \NC \NR
+\NC id \NC the index in token memory (a virtual address) \NC \NR
+\NC tok \NC the integer representation \NC \NR
+\NC active \NC true when an active character \NC \NR
+\NC expandable \NC true when expandable command \NC \NR
+\NC protected \NC true when a protected command \NC \NR
+\NC frozen \NC true when a frozen command \NC \NR
+\NC user \NC true when a user defined command \NC \NR
+When a control sequence is an alias to an existing primitive, for instance
+made by \type {\let}, the operand (chr) picked up from its meaning. Take this:
+ \meaning\ifmyconditionone \crlf
+ \meaning\ifmyconditiontwo \crlf
+ \meaning\myconditiononetrue \crlf
+ \meaning\myconditiontwofalse \crlf
+\myconditiononetrue \meaning\ifmyconditionone \crlf
+\myconditiontwofalse\meaning\ifmyconditiontwo \crlf
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+Internally this is:
+ documentdata.StartShowTokens(false)
+ documentdata.ShowToken("ifmyconditionone")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("ifmyconditiontwo")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("iftrue")
+ documentdata.ShowToken("iffalse")
+ documentdata.StopShowTokens()
+The whole list of available commands is given below. Once they are stable the \LUAMETATEX\ manual
+will document the accessors. In this chapter we use:
+kind, min, max, fixedvalue token.get_range("primitive")
+cmd, chr, cs = token.get_cmdchrcs("primitive")
+The kind of command is given in the first column, which can have the following values:
+\NC 0 \NC no \NC not accessible \NC \NR
+\NC 1 \NC regular \NC possibly with subcommand \NC \NR
+\NC 2 \NC character \NC the \UNICODE\ slot is encodes in the the token \NC \NR
+\NC 3 \NC register \NC this is an indexed register (zero upto 64K) \NC \NR
+\NC 4 \NC internal \NC this is an internal register (range given) \NC \NR
+\NC 5 \NC reference \NC this is a reference to a node, \LUA\ function, etc. \NC \NR
+\NC 6 \NC data \NC a general data entry (kind of private) \NC \NR
+\NC 7 \NC token \NC a token reference (that can have a followup) \NC \NR
+\start \switchtobodyfont[7pt] \showsystemtokens \stop
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/evenmore/evenmore.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/evenmore/evenmore.tex
index b662e5108..c2e4e232b 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/evenmore/evenmore.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/evenmore/evenmore.tex
@@ -22,8 +22,9 @@
\component evenmore-whattex
\component evenmore-numbers
% \component evenmore-parameters
- % \component evenmore-parsing
- % \component evenmore-tokens
+ \startchapter[title=Parameters] {\em This will appear first in \TUGBOAT.} \stopchapter
+ \component evenmore-parsing
+ \component evenmore-tokens
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex-tex.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex-tex.tex
index 8aa7408d6..7dfc00313 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex-tex.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex-tex.tex
@@ -653,6 +653,8 @@ tex.currentifbranch
\TEX's attributes (\lpr {attribute}), counters (\prm {count}), dimensions (\prm
{dimen}), skips (\prm {skip}, \prm {muskip}) and token (\prm {toks}) registers
can be accessed and written to using two times five virtual sub|-|tables of the
@@ -788,6 +790,12 @@ tex.scantoks("global",0,3,"$\int\limits^1_2$")
In the function-based interface, it is possible to define values globally by
using the string \type {global} as the first function argument.
+There is a dedicated getter for marks: \type {getmark} that takes two arguments.
+The first argument is one of \type {top}, \type {bottom}, \type {first}, \type
+{splitbottom} or \type {splitfirst}, and the second argument is a marks class
+number. When no arguments are given the current maximum number of classes is
\startsubsection[title={Character code registers: \type {[get|set]*code[s]}}]
@@ -2087,6 +2095,11 @@ macro, in which case the result will also provide information about what
arguments are expected and in the result this is separated from the meaning by a
separator token. The \type {expand} flag determines if the list will be expanded.
+The \type {scan_argument} function expands the given argument. When a braced
+argument is scanned, expansion can be prohibited by passing \type {false}
+(default is \type {true}). In case of a control sequence passing \type {false}
+will result in a one|-|level expansion (the meaning of the macro).
The string scanner scans for something between curly braces and expands on the
way, or when it sees a control sequence it will return its meaning. Otherwise it
will scan characters with catcode \type {letter} or \type {other}. So, given the
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex.tex
index 0fd7a31b3..acdffcde3 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex.tex
@@ -9,13 +9,6 @@
% mswin 2562k 2555k mswin 2481k 2471k
% ------------------------ ------------------------
-% experiment (if this becomes default we need to check visualizers and disable it when needed):
-nodes.handlers.cleanuppage = nodes.nuts.flatten_discretionaries
-nodes.tasks.prependaction("shipouts", "normalizers", "nodes.handlers.cleanuppage", nil, "nut", "enabled")
% 20200509 : 258 pages
% my 2013 i7 laptop with windows : 11.8 sec mingw64
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii
index 7a8184ee4..3f7db0e5d 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-\newcontextversion{2020.06.14 22:04}
+\newcontextversion{2020.06.17 18:56}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an
%D excellent place for hacks, patches, extensions and new
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii
index 8fcff83d3..595650caf 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
%D your styles an modules.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2020.06.14 22:04}
+\edef\contextversion{2020.06.17 18:56}
%D For those who want to use this:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv
index 58a3ef3e4..397aed038 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
% \normalend % uncomment this to get the real base runtime
-\newcontextversion{2020.06.14 22:04}
+\newcontextversion{2020.06.17 18:56}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an excellent place for hacks,
%D patches, extensions and new features. There can be local overloads in cont-loc
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv
index fc883aa5e..dec0327ff 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
%D {YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM} format.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2020.06.14 22:04}
+\edef\contextversion{2020.06.17 18:56}
\edef\contextkind {beta}
%D Kind of special:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkxl
index fa498190b..0ca2406ea 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkxl
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
%D {YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM} format.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2020.06.14 22:04}
+\edef\contextversion{2020.06.17 18:56}
\edef\contextkind {beta}
%D Kind of special:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/driv-shp.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/driv-shp.lua
index e7f19aea0..569a1f8dc 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/driv-shp.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/driv-shp.lua
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ local hlist_out, vlist_out do
pos_r = getdirection(this_box)
local boxwidth,
- boxdepth = getwhd(this_box)
+ boxdepth = getwhd(this_box)
local cur_h = 0
local cur_v = 0
@@ -675,10 +675,10 @@ local hlist_out, vlist_out do
elseif id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
- local boxdir = getdirection(current) or lefttoright_code
local width, height, depth = getwhd(current)
local list = getlist(current)
if list then
+ local boxdir = getdirection(current) or lefttoright_code
local shift, orientation = getshift(current)
if not orientation then
local basepoint_h = boxdir ~= pos_r and width or 0
@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ local hlist_out, vlist_out do
local boxwidth,
- boxdepth = getwhd(this_box)
+ boxdepth = getwhd(this_box)
local cur_h = 0
local cur_v = - boxheight
@@ -997,10 +997,10 @@ local hlist_out, vlist_out do
elseif id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
- local boxdir = getdirection(current) or lefttoright_code
local width, height, depth = getwhd(current)
local list = getlist(current)
if list then
+ local boxdir = getdirection(current) or lefttoright_code
local shift, orientation = getshift(current)
if not orientation then
-- local basepoint_h = shift
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/file-ini.mkvi b/tex/context/base/mkiv/file-ini.mkvi
index 225b6b40d..5341cc07b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/file-ini.mkvi
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/file-ini.mkvi
@@ -10,9 +10,8 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-%D \TEX\ operates on files, so one wouldn't wonder that there
-%D is a separate module for file commands. In \CONTEXT\ files
-%D are used for several purposes:
+%D \TEX\ operates on files, so one wouldn't wonder that there is a separate module
+%D for file commands. In \CONTEXT\ files are used for several purposes:
%D \startitemize[packed]
%D \item general textual input
@@ -21,10 +20,9 @@
%D \item buffering defered textual input
%D \stopitemize
-%D When dealing with files we can load them as a whole, using
-%D the \type{\input} primitive or load them on a line||by||line
-%D basis, using \type{\read}. Writing is always done line by
-%D line, using \type{\write}.
+%D When dealing with files we can load them as a whole, using the \type {\input}
+%D primitive or load them on a line||by||line basis, using \type {\read}. Writing is
+%D always done line by line, using \type {\write}.
\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt File Macros / Helpers}
@@ -35,9 +33,9 @@
%D \macros
%D {scratchread, scratchwrite}
-%D We define a scratch file for reading. Keep in mind that
-%D the number of files is limited to~16, so use this one when
-%D possible. We also define a scratch output file.
+%D We define a scratch file for reading. Keep in mind that the number of files is
+%D limited to~16, so use this one when possible. We also define a scratch output
+%D file. In \MKIV\ and \LMTX\ we never use these file handles.
\ifdefined\scratchread \else \newread \scratchread \fi
\ifdefined\scratchwrite \else \newwrite\scratchwrite \fi
@@ -60,12 +58,10 @@
%D \macros
%D {pushendofline,popendofline}
-%D When we are loading files in the middle of the typesetting
-%D process, for instance when we load references, we have to be
-%D sure that the reading process does not generate so called
-%D 'spurious spaces'. This can be prevented by assigning the
-%D line ending character the \CATCODE\ comment. This is
-%D accomplished by
+%D When we are loading files in the middle of the typesetting process, for instance
+%D when we load references, we have to be sure that the reading process does not
+%D generate so called 'spurious spaces'. This can be prevented by assigning the line
+%D ending character the \CATCODE\ comment. This is accomplished by
%D \starttyping
%D \pushendofline
@@ -114,11 +110,10 @@
%D \macros
%D {input, normalinput}
-%D Sometimes we run into troubles when \type {\input} wants to get
-%D expanded, e.g. in a \type {\write} (which happens in the metafun
-%D manual when we permit long MP lines). So, instead of fixing that,
-%D we go for a redefinition of \type {\input}. Of course it's better
-%D to use \type {\readfile} or \type {\processfile}.
+%D Sometimes we run into troubles when \type {\input} wants to get expanded, e.g. in
+%D a \type {\write} (which happens in the metafun manual when we permit long MP
+%D lines). So, instead of fixing that, we go for a redefinition of \type {\input}.
+%D Of course it's better to use \type {\readfile} or \type {\processfile}.
@@ -127,8 +122,8 @@
%D \macros
%D {doifelsefile}
-%D The next alternative only looks if a file is present. No
-%D loading is done. This one obeys the standard \TEX\ lookup.
+%D The next alternative only looks if a file is present. No loading is done. This
+%D one obeys the standard \TEX\ lookup.
%D \starttyping
%D \doiffileelse {filename} {found} {not found}
@@ -155,7 +150,7 @@
%D \doifparentfileelse{filename}{yes}{no}
%D \stoptyping
-\ifx\outputfilename\undefined \def\outputfilename{\jobname} \fi
+\ifdefined\outputfilename \else \def\outputfilename{\jobname} \fi
@@ -200,10 +195,9 @@
%D \macros
%D {doonlyonce, doinputonce, doendinputonce}
-%D Especially macropackages need only be loaded once.
-%D Repetitive loading not only costs time, relocating registers
-%D often leads to abortion of the processing because \TEX's
-%D capacity is limited. One can prevent multiple execution and
+%D Especially macropackages need only be loaded once. Repetitive loading not only
+%D costs time, relocating registers often leads to abortion of the processing
+%D because \TEX's capacity is limited. One can prevent multiple execution and
%D loading by using one of both:
%D \starttyping
@@ -212,8 +206,8 @@
%D \doendinputonce{filename}
%D \stoptyping
-%D This command obeys the standard method for locating files. We could
-%D move this function to the \LUA\ end.
+%D This command obeys the standard method for locating files. We could move this
+%D function to the \LUA\ end.
\installsystemnamespace {fileonce}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.lua
index 348ecbbe4..f9ba96ece 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.lua
@@ -21,120 +21,122 @@ local implement = interfaces.implement
-implement { name = "lxmlid", actions = lxml.getid, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmldoif", actions = lxml.doif, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmldoifnot", actions = lxml.doifnot, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmldoifelse", actions = lxml.doifelse, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmldoiftext", actions = lxml.doiftext, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmldoifnottext", actions = lxml.doifnottext, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmldoifelsetext", actions = lxml.doifelsetext, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmldoifempty", actions = lxml.doifempty, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmldoifnotempty", actions = lxml.doifnotempty, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmldoifelseempty", actions = lxml.doifelseempty, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmldoifselfempty", actions = lxml.doifempty, arguments = "string" } -- second arg is not passed (used)
-implement { name = "xmldoifnotselfempty", actions = lxml.doifnotempty, arguments = "string" } -- second arg is not passed (used)
-implement { name = "xmldoifelseselfempty", actions = lxml.doifelseempty, arguments = "string" } -- second arg is not passed (used)
---------- { name = "xmlcontent", actions = lxml.content, arguments = "string" }
---------- { name = "xmlflushstripped", actions = lxml.strip, arguments = { "string", true } }
-implement { name = "xmlall", actions = lxml.all, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlatt", actions = lxml.att, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlattdef", actions = lxml.att, arguments = "3 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlattribute", actions = lxml.attribute, arguments = "3 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlattributedef", actions = lxml.attribute, arguments = "4 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlbadinclusions", actions = lxml.badinclusions, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmlchainatt", actions = lxml.chainattribute, arguments = { "string", "'/'", "string" } }
-implement { name = "xmlchainattdef", actions = lxml.chainattribute, arguments = { "string", "'/'", "string", "string" } }
-implement { name = "xmlchecknamespace", actions = xml.checknamespace, arguments = { "lxmlid", "string", "string" } }
-implement { name = "xmlcommand", actions = lxml.command, arguments = "3 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlconcat", actions = lxml.concat, arguments = "3 strings" } -- \detokenize{#3}
-implement { name = "xmlconcatrange", actions = lxml.concatrange, arguments = { "string", "string", "string", "string", "string" } } -- \detokenize{#5}
-implement { name = "xmlcontext", actions = lxml.context, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlcount", actions = lxml.count, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmldelete", actions = lxml.delete, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmldirect", actions =, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmldirectives", actions = lxml.directives.setup, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmldirectivesafter", actions = lxml.directives.after, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmldirectivesbefore", actions = lxml.directives.before, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmldisplayverbatim", actions = lxml.displayverbatim, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmlelement", actions = lxml.element, arguments = "2 strings" } -- could be integer but now we can alias
-implement { name = "xmlfilter", actions = lxml.filter, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlfilterlist", actions = lxml.filterlist, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlfirst", actions = lxml.first, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlflush", actions = lxml.flush, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmlflushcontext", actions = lxml.context, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmlflushlinewise", actions = lxml.flushlinewise, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmlflushpure", actions = lxml.pure, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmlflushspacewise", actions = lxml.flushspacewise, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmlflushtext", actions = lxml.text, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmlfunction", actions = lxml.applyfunction, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlinclude", actions = lxml.include, arguments = { "string", "string", "string", true } }
-implement { name = "xmlincludeoptions", actions = lxml.include, arguments = "4 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlinclusion", actions = lxml.inclusion, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmlinclusionbase", actions = lxml.inclusion, arguments = { "string", false, true } }
-implement { name = "xmlinclusions", actions = lxml.inclusions, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmlindex", actions = lxml.index, arguments = "3 strings" } -- can be integer but now we can alias
-implement { name = "xmlinlineverbatim", actions = lxml.inlineverbatim, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmllast", actions = lxml.last, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmllastatt", actions = lxml.lastatt }
-implement { name = "xmllastmatch", actions = lxml.lastmatch }
-implement { name = "xmllastpar", actions = lxml.lastpar }
-implement { name = "xmlloadfile", actions = lxml.load, arguments = "3 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlloadbuffer", actions = lxml.loadbuffer, arguments = "3 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlloaddata", actions = lxml.loaddata, arguments = "3 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlloaddirectives", actions = lxml.directives.load, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmlmain", actions = lxml.main, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmlmatch", actions = lxml.match, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmlname", actions =, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmlnamespace", actions = lxml.namespace, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmlnonspace", actions = lxml.nonspace, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlpar", actions = lxml.par, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlparam", actions = lxml.param, arguments = "3 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlpath", actions = lxml.path, arguments = { "string", "'/'" } }
-implement { name = "xmlpopmatch", actions = lxml.popmatch }
-implement { name = "xmlpos", actions = lxml.pos, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmlpure", actions = lxml.pure, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlpushmatch", actions = lxml.pushmatch }
-implement { name = "xmlraw", actions = lxml.raw, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlrawtex", actions = lxml.rawtex, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlrefatt", actions = lxml.refatt, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlregisterns", actions = xml.registerns, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlremapname", actions = xml.remapname, arguments = { "lxmlid", "string","string","string" } }
-implement { name = "xmlremapnamespace", actions = xml.renamespace, arguments = { "lxmlid", "string", "string" } }
-implement { name = "xmlsave", actions =, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlsetatt", actions = lxml.setatt, arguments = "3 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlsetattribute", actions = lxml.setattribute, arguments = "4 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlsetpar", actions = lxml.setpar, arguments = "3 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlsetparam", actions = lxml.setparam, arguments = "4 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlsetsetup", actions = lxml.setsetup, arguments = "3 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlsnippet", actions = lxml.snippet, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlstrip", actions = lxml.strip, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlstripanywhere", actions = lxml.strip, arguments = { "string", "string", true, true } }
-implement { name = "xmlstripnolines", actions = lxml.strip, arguments = { "string", "string", true } }
-implement { name = "xmlstripped", actions = lxml.stripped, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmlstrippednolines", actions = lxml.stripped, arguments = { "string", "string", true } }
-implement { name = "xmltag", actions = lxml.tag, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmltext", actions = lxml.text, arguments = "2 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmltobuffer", actions = lxml.tobuffer, arguments = "3 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmltobuffertextonly", actions = lxml.tobuffer, arguments = { "string", "string", "string", false } }
-implement { name = "xmltobufferverbose", actions = lxml.tobuffer, arguments = { "string", "string", "string", true, true } }
-implement { name = "xmltofile", actions = lxml.tofile, arguments = "3 strings" }
-implement { name = "xmltoparameters", actions = lxml.toparameters, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmlverbatim", actions = lxml.verbatim, arguments = "string" }
-implement { name = "xmlstartraw", actions = lxml.startraw }
-implement { name = "xmlstopraw", actions = lxml.stopraw }
-implement { name = "xmlprependsetup", actions = lxml.installsetup, arguments = { 1, "string", "string" } } -- 2:*
-implement { name = "xmlappendsetup", actions = lxml.installsetup, arguments = { 2, "string", "string" } } -- 2:*
-implement { name = "xmlbeforesetup", actions = lxml.installsetup, arguments = { 3, "string", "string", "string" } } -- 2:*
-implement { name = "xmlaftersetup", actions = lxml.installsetup, arguments = { 4, "string", "string", "string" } } -- 2:*
-implement { name = "xmlremovesetup", actions = lxml.removesetup, arguments = "2 strings" } -- 1:*
-implement { name = "xmlflushsetups", actions = lxml.flushsetups, arguments = "3 strings" } -- 2:*
-implement { name = "xmlresetsetups", actions = lxml.resetsetups, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "lxmlid", public = true, actions = lxml.getid, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmldoif", public = true, actions = lxml.doif, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmldoifnot", public = true, actions = lxml.doifnot, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmldoifelse", public = true, actions = lxml.doifelse, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmldoiftext", public = true, actions = lxml.doiftext, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmldoifnottext", public = true, actions = lxml.doifnottext, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmldoifelsetext", public = true, actions = lxml.doifelsetext, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmldoifempty", public = true, actions = lxml.doifempty, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmldoifnotempty", public = true, actions = lxml.doifnotempty, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmldoifelseempty", public = true, actions = lxml.doifelseempty, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmldoifselfempty", public = true, actions = lxml.doifempty, arguments = "string" } -- second arg is not passed (used)
+implement { name = "xmldoifnotselfempty", public = true, actions = lxml.doifnotempty, arguments = "string" } -- second arg is not passed (used)
+implement { name = "xmldoifelseselfempty", public = true, actions = lxml.doifelseempty, arguments = "string" } -- second arg is not passed (used)
+--------- { name = "xmlcontent", actions = lxml.content, arguments = "string" }
+--------- { name = "xmlflushstripped", actions = lxml.strip, arguments = { "string", true } }
+implement { name = "xmlall", public = true, actions = lxml.all, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlatt", public = true, actions = lxml.att, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlattdef", public = true, actions = lxml.att, arguments = "3 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlattribute", public = true, actions = lxml.attribute, arguments = "3 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlattributedef", public = true, actions = lxml.attribute, arguments = "4 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlbadinclusions", public = true, actions = lxml.badinclusions, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmlchainatt", public = true, actions = lxml.chainattribute, arguments = { "string", "'/'", "string" } }
+implement { name = "xmlchainattdef", public = true, actions = lxml.chainattribute, arguments = { "string", "'/'", "string", "string" } }
+implement { name = "xmlchecknamespace", public = true, actions = xml.checknamespace, arguments = { "lxmlid", "string", "string" } }
+implement { name = "xmlcommand", public = true, actions = lxml.command, arguments = "3 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlconcat", actions = lxml.concat, arguments = "3 strings" } -- \detokenize{#3}
+implement { name = "xmlconcatrange", actions = lxml.concatrange, arguments = "5 strings" } -- \detokenize{#5}
+--------- { name = "xmlconcat", actions = lxml.concat, arguments = { "string", "string", "verbatim" } }
+--------- { name = "xmlconcatrange", actions = lxml.concatrange, arguments = { "string", "string", "string", "string", "verbatim" } }
+implement { name = "xmlcontext", public = true, actions = lxml.context, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlcount", public = true, actions = lxml.count, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmldelete", public = true, actions = lxml.delete, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmldirect", public = true, actions =, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmldirectives", public = true, actions = lxml.directives.setup, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmldirectivesafter", public = true, actions = lxml.directives.after, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmldirectivesbefore", public = true, actions = lxml.directives.before, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmldisplayverbatim", public = true, actions = lxml.displayverbatim, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmlelement", public = true, actions = lxml.element, arguments = "2 strings" } -- could be integer but now we can alias
+implement { name = "xmlfilter", public = true, actions = lxml.filter, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlfilterlist", public = true, actions = lxml.filterlist, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlfirst", public = true, actions = lxml.first, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlflush", public = true, actions = lxml.flush, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmlflushcontext", public = true, actions = lxml.context, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmlflushlinewise", public = true, actions = lxml.flushlinewise, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmlflushpure", public = true, actions = lxml.pure, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmlflushspacewise", public = true, actions = lxml.flushspacewise, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmlflushtext", public = true, actions = lxml.text, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmlfunction", public = true, actions = lxml.applyfunction, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlinclude", public = true, actions = lxml.include, arguments = { "string", "string", "string", true } }
+implement { name = "xmlincludeoptions", public = true, actions = lxml.include, arguments = "4 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlinclusion", public = true, actions = lxml.inclusion, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmlinclusionbase", public = true, actions = lxml.inclusion, arguments = { "string", false, true } }
+implement { name = "xmlinclusions", public = true, actions = lxml.inclusions, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmlindex", public = true, actions = lxml.index, arguments = "3 strings" } -- can be integer but now we can alias
+implement { name = "xmlinlineverbatim", public = true, actions = lxml.inlineverbatim, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmllast", public = true, actions = lxml.last, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmllastatt", public = true, actions = lxml.lastatt }
+implement { name = "xmllastmatch", public = true, actions = lxml.lastmatch }
+implement { name = "xmllastpar", public = true, actions = lxml.lastpar }
+implement { name = "xmlloadfile", actions = lxml.load, arguments = "3 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlloadbuffer", actions = lxml.loadbuffer, arguments = "3 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlloaddata", actions = lxml.loaddata, arguments = "3 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlloaddirectives", public = true, actions = lxml.directives.load, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmlmain", public = true, actions = lxml.main, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmlmatch", public = true, actions = lxml.match, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmlname", public = true, actions =, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmlnamespace", public = true, actions = lxml.namespace, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmlnonspace", public = true, actions = lxml.nonspace, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlpar", public = true, actions = lxml.par, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlparam", public = true, actions = lxml.param, arguments = "3 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlpath", public = true, actions = lxml.path, arguments = { "string", "'/'" } }
+implement { name = "xmlpopmatch", public = true, actions = lxml.popmatch }
+implement { name = "xmlpos", public = true, actions = lxml.pos, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmlpure", public = true, actions = lxml.pure, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlpushmatch", public = true, actions = lxml.pushmatch }
+implement { name = "xmlraw", public = true, actions = lxml.raw, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlrawtex", actions = lxml.rawtex, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlrefatt", public = true, actions = lxml.refatt, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlregisterns", public = true, actions = xml.registerns, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlremapname", public = true, actions = xml.remapname, arguments = { "lxmlid", "string","string","string" } }
+implement { name = "xmlremapnamespace", public = true, actions = xml.renamespace, arguments = { "lxmlid", "string", "string" } }
+implement { name = "xmlsave", public = true, actions =, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlsetatt", public = true, actions = lxml.setatt, arguments = "3 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlsetattribute", public = true, actions = lxml.setattribute, arguments = "4 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlsetpar", public = true, actions = lxml.setpar, arguments = "3 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlsetparam", public = true, actions = lxml.setparam, arguments = "4 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlsetsetup", public = true, actions = lxml.setsetup, arguments = "3 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlsnippet", public = true, actions = lxml.snippet, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlstrip", public = true, actions = lxml.strip, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlstripanywhere", public = true, actions = lxml.strip, arguments = { "string", "string", true, true } }
+implement { name = "xmlstripnolines", public = true, actions = lxml.strip, arguments = { "string", "string", true } }
+implement { name = "xmlstripped", public = true, actions = lxml.stripped, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmlstrippednolines", public = true, actions = lxml.stripped, arguments = { "string", "string", true } }
+implement { name = "xmltag", public = true, actions = lxml.tag, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmltext", public = true, actions = lxml.text, arguments = "2 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmltobuffer", public = true, actions = lxml.tobuffer, arguments = "3 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmltobuffertextonly", public = true, actions = lxml.tobuffer, arguments = { "string", "string", "string", false } }
+implement { name = "xmltobufferverbose", public = true, actions = lxml.tobuffer, arguments = { "string", "string", "string", true, true } }
+implement { name = "xmltofile", public = true, actions = lxml.tofile, arguments = "3 strings" }
+implement { name = "xmltoparameters", public = true, actions = lxml.toparameters, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmlverbatim", public = true, actions = lxml.verbatim, arguments = "string" }
+implement { name = "xmlstartraw", actions = lxml.startraw }
+implement { name = "xmlstopraw", actions = lxml.stopraw }
+implement { name = "xmlprependsetup", actions = lxml.installsetup, arguments = { 1, "string", "string" } } -- 2:*
+implement { name = "xmlappendsetup", actions = lxml.installsetup, arguments = { 2, "string", "string" } } -- 2:*
+implement { name = "xmlbeforesetup", actions = lxml.installsetup, arguments = { 3, "string", "string", "string" } } -- 2:*
+implement { name = "xmlaftersetup", actions = lxml.installsetup, arguments = { 4, "string", "string", "string" } } -- 2:*
+implement { name = "xmlremovesetup", actions = lxml.removesetup, arguments = "2 strings" } -- 1:*
+implement { name = "xmlflushsetups", actions = lxml.flushsetups, arguments = "3 strings" } -- 2:*
+implement { name = "xmlresetsetups", actions = lxml.resetsetups, arguments = "string" }
implement { name = "xmlgetindex", actions = lxml.getindex, arguments = "2 strings" }
implement { name = "xmlwithindex", actions = lxml.withindex, arguments = "3 strings" }
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.mkiv
index 09358e11c..1c7006f57 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.mkiv
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
\def\ctxlxml #1{\ctxlua{lxml.#1}}
-% for now indirect
+% for now indirect .. this will change when we have updated luatex (scan_argument)
\def\xmlconcat #1#2#3{\clf_xmlconcat {#1}{#2}{\detokenize{#3}}}
\def\xmlconcatrange #1#2#3#4#5{\clf_xmlconcatrange{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{\detokenize{#5}}}
@@ -49,85 +49,86 @@
% aliased
-\let\xmlall \clf_xmlall
-\let\xmlatt \clf_xmlatt
-\let\xmlattdef \clf_xmlattdef
-\let\xmlattribute \clf_xmlattribute
-\let\xmlattributedef \clf_xmlattributedef
-\let\xmlbadinclusions \clf_xmlbadinclusions
-\let\xmlchainatt \clf_xmlchainatt
-\let\xmlchainattdef \clf_xmlchainattdef
-\let\xmlchecknamespace \clf_xmlchecknamespace
-\let\xmlcommand \clf_xmlcommand
-\let\xmlcontext \clf_xmlcontext
-\let\xmlcount \clf_xmlcount
-\let\xmldelete \clf_xmldelete
-\let\xmldirect \clf_xmldirect % in loops, not dt but root
-\let\xmldirectives \clf_xmldirectives
-\let\xmldirectivesafter \clf_xmldirectivesafter
-\let\xmldirectivesbefore \clf_xmldirectivesbefore
-\let\xmldisplayverbatim \clf_xmldisplayverbatim
-\let\xmlelement \clf_xmlelement
-\let\xmlfilter \clf_xmlfilter
-\let\xmlfilterlist \clf_xmlfilterlist
-\let\xmlfirst \clf_xmlfirst
-\let\xmlflush \clf_xmlflush
-\let\xmlflushcontext \clf_xmlflushcontext
-\let\xmlflushlinewise \clf_xmlflushlinewise
-\let\xmlflushpure \clf_xmlflushpure
-\let\xmlflushspacewise \clf_xmlflushspacewise
-\let\xmlflushtext \clf_xmlflushtext
-\let\xmlfunction \clf_xmlfunction
-\let\xmlinclude \clf_xmlinclude
-\let\xmlincludeoptions \clf_xmlincludeoptions
-\let\xmlinclusion \clf_xmlinclusion
-\let\xmlinclusionbase \clf_xmlinclusionbase
-\let\xmlinclusions \clf_xmlinclusions
-\let\xmlindex \clf_xmlindex
-\let\xmlinlineverbatim \clf_xmlinlineverbatim
-\let\xmllast \clf_xmllast
-\let\xmllastatt \clf_xmllastatt
-\let\xmllastmatch \clf_xmllastmatch
-\let\xmllastpar \clf_xmllastpar
-\let\xmlloaddirectives \clf_xmlloaddirectives
-\let\xmlmain \clf_xmlmain
-\let\xmlmatch \clf_xmlmatch
-\let\xmlname \clf_xmlname
-\let\xmlnamespace \clf_xmlnamespace
-\let\xmlnonspace \clf_xmlnonspace
-\let\xmlpar \clf_xmlpar
-\let\xmlparam \clf_xmlparam
-\let\xmlpath \clf_xmlpath
-\let\xmlpopmatch \clf_xmlpopmatch
-\let\xmlpos \clf_xmlpos
-\let\xmlposition \clf_xmlindex
-\let\xmlpure \clf_xmlpure
-\let\xmlpushmatch \clf_xmlpushmatch
-\let\xmlraw \clf_xmlraw
-\let\xmlrefatt \clf_xmlrefatt
-\let\xmlregisterns \clf_xmlregisterns % document
-\let\xmlremapname \clf_xmlremapname % element
-\let\xmlremapnamespace \clf_xmlremapnamespace % document
-\let\xmlsave \clf_xmlsave
-\let\xmlsetatt \clf_xmlsetatt
-\let\xmlsetattribute \clf_xmlsetattribute
-\let\xmlsetpar \clf_xmlsetpar
-\let\xmlsetparam \clf_xmlsetparam
-\let\xmlsetsetup \clf_xmlsetsetup
-\let\xmlsnippet \clf_xmlsnippet
-\let\xmlstrip \clf_xmlstrip
-\let\xmlstripanywhere \clf_xmlstripanywhere
-\let\xmlstripnolines \clf_xmlstripnolines
-\let\xmlstripped \clf_xmlstripped
-\let\xmlstrippednolines \clf_xmlstrippednolines
-\let\xmltag \clf_xmltag
-\let\xmltext \clf_xmltext
-\let\xmltobuffer \clf_xmltobuffer % id pattern name
-\let\xmltobuffertextonly \clf_xmltobuffertextonly % id pattern name
-\let\xmltobufferverbose \clf_xmltobufferverbose % id pattern name
-\let\xmltofile \clf_xmltofile % id pattern filename
-\let\xmltoparameters \clf_xmltoparameters
-\let\xmlverbatim \clf_xmlverbatim
+%let\xmlall \clf_xmlall
+%let\xmlatt \clf_xmlatt
+%let\xmlattdef \clf_xmlattdef
+%let\xmlattribute \clf_xmlattribute
+%let\xmlattributedef \clf_xmlattributedef
+%let\xmlbadinclusions \clf_xmlbadinclusions
+%let\xmlchainatt \clf_xmlchainatt
+%let\xmlchainattdef \clf_xmlchainattdef
+%let\xmlchecknamespace \clf_xmlchecknamespace
+%let\xmlcommand \clf_xmlcommand
+%let\xmlcontext \clf_xmlcontext
+%let\xmlcount \clf_xmlcount
+%let\xmldelete \clf_xmldelete
+%let\xmldirect \clf_xmldirect % in loops, not dt but root
+%let\xmldirectives \clf_xmldirectives
+%let\xmldirectivesafter \clf_xmldirectivesafter
+%let\xmldirectivesbefore \clf_xmldirectivesbefore
+%let\xmldisplayverbatim \clf_xmldisplayverbatim
+%let\xmlelement \clf_xmlelement
+%let\xmlfilter \clf_xmlfilter
+%let\xmlfilterlist \clf_xmlfilterlist
+%let\xmlfirst \clf_xmlfirst
+%let\xmlflush \clf_xmlflush
+%let\xmlflushcontext \clf_xmlflushcontext
+%let\xmlflushlinewise \clf_xmlflushlinewise
+%let\xmlflushpure \clf_xmlflushpure
+%let\xmlflushspacewise \clf_xmlflushspacewise
+%let\xmlflushtext \clf_xmlflushtext
+%let\xmlfunction \clf_xmlfunction
+%let\xmlinclude \clf_xmlinclude
+%let\xmlincludeoptions \clf_xmlincludeoptions
+%let\xmlinclusion \clf_xmlinclusion
+%let\xmlinclusionbase \clf_xmlinclusionbase
+%let\xmlinclusions \clf_xmlinclusions
+%let\xmlindex \clf_xmlindex
+%let\xmlinlineverbatim \clf_xmlinlineverbatim
+%let\xmllast \clf_xmllast
+%let\xmllastatt \clf_xmllastatt
+%let\xmllastmatch \clf_xmllastmatch
+%let\xmllastpar \clf_xmllastpar
+%let\xmlloaddirectives \clf_xmlloaddirectives
+%let\xmlmain \clf_xmlmain
+%let\xmlmatch \clf_xmlmatch
+%let\xmlname \clf_xmlname
+%let\xmlnamespace \clf_xmlnamespace
+%let\xmlnonspace \clf_xmlnonspace
+%let\xmlpar \clf_xmlpar
+%let\xmlparam \clf_xmlparam
+%let\xmlpath \clf_xmlpath
+%let\xmlpopmatch \clf_xmlpopmatch
+%let\xmlpos \clf_xmlpos
+%let\xmlpure \clf_xmlpure
+%let\xmlpushmatch \clf_xmlpushmatch
+%let\xmlraw \clf_xmlraw
+%let\xmlrefatt \clf_xmlrefatt
+%let\xmlregisterns \clf_xmlregisterns % document
+%let\xmlremapname \clf_xmlremapname % element
+%let\xmlremapnamespace \clf_xmlremapnamespace % document
+%let\xmlsave \clf_xmlsave
+%let\xmlsetatt \clf_xmlsetatt
+%let\xmlsetattribute \clf_xmlsetattribute
+%let\xmlsetpar \clf_xmlsetpar
+%let\xmlsetparam \clf_xmlsetparam
+%let\xmlsetsetup \clf_xmlsetsetup
+%let\xmlsnippet \clf_xmlsnippet
+%let\xmlstrip \clf_xmlstrip
+%let\xmlstripanywhere \clf_xmlstripanywhere
+%let\xmlstripnolines \clf_xmlstripnolines
+%let\xmlstripped \clf_xmlstripped
+%let\xmlstrippednolines \clf_xmlstrippednolines
+%let\xmltag \clf_xmltag
+%let\xmltext \clf_xmltext
+%let\xmltobuffer \clf_xmltobuffer % id pattern name
+%let\xmltobuffertextonly \clf_xmltobuffertextonly % id pattern name
+%let\xmltobufferverbose \clf_xmltobufferverbose % id pattern name
+%let\xmltofile \clf_xmltofile % id pattern filename
+%let\xmltoparameters \clf_xmltoparameters
+%let\xmlverbatim \clf_xmlverbatim
+\let\xmlposition \xmlindex
@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@
% the next one is handy for mode runs because it enforces a consistent
% #1 indexing (needed when using \xmltext{main:123}{...} like calls
-\let\xmladdindex \clf_xmladdindex
+%let\xmladdindex \clf_xmladdindex
% we need to pass the last argument as function, so
@@ -185,23 +186,23 @@
% these are expandable! todo: \xmldoifelseattribute
-\let\xmldoif \clf_xmldoif
-\let\xmldoifnot \clf_xmldoifnot
-\let\xmldoifelse \clf_xmldoifelse
-\let\xmldoiftext \clf_xmldoiftext
-\let\xmldoifnottext \clf_xmldoifnottext
-\let\xmldoifelsetext \clf_xmldoifelsetext
-\let\xmldoifatt \clf_xmldoifatt
-\let\xmldoifnotatt \clf_xmldoifnotatt
-\let\xmldoifelseatt \clf_xmldoifelseatt
-\let\xmldoifempty \clf_xmldoifempty
-\let\xmldoifnotempty \clf_xmldoifnotempty
-\let\xmldoifelseempty \clf_xmldoifelseempty
-\let\xmldoifselfempty \clf_xmldoifselfempty
-\let\xmldoifnotselfempty \clf_xmldoifnotselfempty
-\let\xmldoifelseselfempty \clf_xmldoifelseselfempty
+%let\xmldoif \clf_xmldoif
+%let\xmldoifnot \clf_xmldoifnot
+%let\xmldoifelse \clf_xmldoifelse
+%let\xmldoiftext \clf_xmldoiftext
+%let\xmldoifnottext \clf_xmldoifnottext
+%let\xmldoifelsetext \clf_xmldoifelsetext
+%let\xmldoifatt \clf_xmldoifatt
+%let\xmldoifnotatt \clf_xmldoifnotatt
+%let\xmldoifelseatt \clf_xmldoifelseatt
+%let\xmldoifempty \clf_xmldoifempty
+%let\xmldoifnotempty \clf_xmldoifnotempty
+%let\xmldoifelseempty \clf_xmldoifelseempty
+%let\xmldoifselfempty \clf_xmldoifselfempty
+%let\xmldoifnotselfempty \clf_xmldoifnotselfempty
+%let\xmldoifelseselfempty \clf_xmldoifelseselfempty
\let\xmldoiftextelse \xmldoifelsetext
\let\xmldoifemptyelse \xmldoifelseempty
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tex.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tex.lua
index 9ab8cafc6..079ab29da 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tex.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tex.lua
@@ -472,6 +472,7 @@ lxml.addindex = addindex
implement {
name = "xmladdindex",
arguments = "string",
+ public = true,
actions = addindex,
@@ -2070,7 +2071,8 @@ do
implement {
name = "xmldoifatt",
arguments = "3 strings",
- actions = function(id,k,v)
+ public = true,
+ actions = function(id,k,v)
local e = getid(id)
ctx_doif(e and[k] == v or false)
@@ -2079,7 +2081,8 @@ do
implement {
name = "xmldoifnotatt",
arguments = "3 strings",
- actions = function(id,k,v)
+ public = true,
+ actions = function(id,k,v)
local e = getid(id)
ctx_doifnot(e and[k] == v or false)
@@ -2088,7 +2091,8 @@ do
implement {
name = "xmldoifelseatt",
arguments = "3 strings",
- actions = function(id,k,v)
+ public = true,
+ actions = function(id,k,v)
local e = getid(id)
ctx_doifelse(e and[k] == v or false)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-ali.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-ali.mkiv
index 400326d26..7f210bb41 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-ali.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-ali.mkiv
@@ -1012,12 +1012,12 @@
\let\mathmatrixleft \empty % experimental hook
\let\mathmatrixright\empty % experimental hook
-\setvalue{\??mathmatrixalignlocation\v!top }{\raise\dimexpr(\nextboxdp-\nextboxht)/2 +\mathaxisheight\textfont\zerocount\relax}
+\setvalue{\??mathmatrixalignlocation\v!top }{\raise\dimexpr(\nextboxdp-\nextboxht)/2 +\mathaxisheight\mathstyle\relax}
\setvalue{\??mathmatrixalignlocation\v!high }{\raise\dimexpr(\nextboxdp-\nextboxht)/2\relax}
\setvalue{\??mathmatrixalignlocation\v!lohi} {\relax}
-\setvalue{\??mathmatrixalignlocation\v!bottom}{\lower\dimexpr(\nextboxdp-\nextboxht)/2 +\mathaxisheight\textfont\zerocount\relax}
+\setvalue{\??mathmatrixalignlocation\v!bottom}{\lower\dimexpr(\nextboxdp-\nextboxht)/2 +\mathaxisheight\mathstyle\relax}
\setvalue{\??mathmatrixalignlocation\v!low }{\lower\dimexpr(\nextboxdp-\nextboxht)/2\relax}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua
index 58202fa1a..16eb3e68b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ return {
"fontexheight", "fontemwidth", "fontextraspace", "slantperpoint",
"mathexheight", "mathemwidth",
"interwordspace", "interwordstretch", "interwordshrink", "exheight", "emwidth", "extraspace",
- "mathsupdisplay", "mathsupnormal", "mathsupcramped", "mathsubnormal", "mathsubcombined", "mathaxisheight",
+ "mathaxisheight",
-- maybe a different class
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-rul.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-rul.mkxl
index 6268aad3e..97cb82968 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-rul.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-rul.mkxl
@@ -469,29 +469,6 @@
-% \unexpanded\def\executedefinedoverlay#1#2% we can share the definitions
-% {\bgroup % redundant grouping
-% \setbox\scratchbox\hbox\bgroup
-% \ifzeropt\d_framed_target_dp
-% \the\everyoverlay#2% saves wrapping (and lua call)
-% \else
-% \lower\d_framed_target_dp
-% \hbox{\the\everyoverlay#2}%
-% \fi
-% \egroup
-% \setlayoutcomponentattribute{\v!overlay:#1}%
-% \setbox\scratchbox\hpack \layoutcomponentboxattribute
-% {\kern -.5\dimexpr\wd\scratchbox-\d_framed_target_wd\relax % was \d_overlay_width
-% \raise-.5\dimexpr\ht\scratchbox-\d_framed_target_ht\relax % not \d_overlay_height !
-% \box\scratchbox}%
-% \wd\scratchbox\d_framed_target_wd
-% \ht\scratchbox\d_framed_target_ht
-% \dp\scratchbox\d_framed_target_dp
-% \box\scratchbox
-% \egroup}
-% 20191231: moved from cont-exp:
\unexpanded\def\executedefinedoverlay#1#2% we can share the definitions
{\bgroup % redundant grouping
@@ -507,13 +484,6 @@
%D \macros
%D {overlayfakebox}
-% \unexpanded\def\overlayfakebox
-% {\hpack
-% {\setbox\scratchbox\emptyhbox
-% \wd\scratchbox\d_overlay_width
-% \ht\scratchbox\d_overlay_height
-% \box\scratchbox}}
{\hpack % redundant but needs testing
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-flr.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-flr.mkiv
index 4c3c0c042..a64171247 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-flr.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/spac-flr.mkiv
@@ -168,6 +168,23 @@
+% bonus:
+ [dotfill]
+ [\c!symbol=\textperiod,
+ \c!style=\v!normal,
+ \c!method=\v!middle,
+ \c!width=.5\emwidth,
+ \c!leftmargin=.2\emwidth,
+ \c!rightmargin=.2\emwidth]
% maybe box -> symbol
\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ef6ddd19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e967a7798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-aux.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-aux.mkiv
index d268f2fb6..20716786d 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-aux.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-aux.mkiv
@@ -4492,7 +4492,9 @@
+\let\recurselevel \!!zerocount
% \appendtoks \resetrecurselevel \to \everydump
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-aux.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-aux.mkxl
index 8188577e6..956d43f89 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-aux.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-aux.mkxl
@@ -2979,6 +2979,9 @@
\unexpanded\def\syst_helpers_stepwise_recurse#1#2#3% from to step
@@ -3088,6 +3091,7 @@
\let\endofloop\donothing % maybe \syst_helpers_loop_end
{\global\advance\outerrecurse \plusone
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-fnt.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-fnt.mkiv
index cacc5f517..764e486d2 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-fnt.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-fnt.mkiv
@@ -31,12 +31,7 @@
\def\emwidth {\fontdimen\plussix \font}
\def\extraspace {\fontdimen\plusseven\font}
-\def\mathsupdisplay {\fontdimen13 } % to be remapped
-\def\mathsupnormal {\fontdimen14 } % to be remapped
-\def\mathsupcramped {\fontdimen15 } % to be remapped
-\def\mathsubnormal {\fontdimen16 } % to be remapped
-\def\mathsubcombined {\fontdimen17 } % to be remapped
-\def\mathaxisheight {\fontdimen22 } % to be remapped
+\def\mathaxisheight {\Umathaxis} % takes style
\def\currentspaceskip {\interwordspace\s!plus\interwordstretch\s!minus\interwordshrink\relax}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/toks-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/toks-ini.lua
index da5affa63..8fc60335e 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/toks-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/toks-ini.lua
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ tokens.scanners = { -- these expand
string = scan_string,
argument = scan_argument,
tokenlist = scan_tokenlist,
- verbatim = scan_verbatim,
+ verbatim = scan_verbatim, -- detokenize
code = scan_code,
tokencode = scan_token_code,
word = scan_word,
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-vis.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-vis.lua
index 760ba8726..f89043547 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-vis.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-vis.lua
@@ -874,6 +874,7 @@ local ruledglue do
local userskip_code = gluecodes.userskip
local spaceskip_code = gluecodes.spaceskip
local xspaceskip_code = gluecodes.xspaceskip
+ local zerospaceskip_code = gluecodes.zerospaceskip or gluecodes.userskip
local leftskip_code = gluecodes.leftskip
local rightskip_code = gluecodes.rightskip
local parfillskip_code = gluecodes.parfillskip
@@ -914,6 +915,7 @@ local ruledglue do
[rightskip_code] = "RS",
[spaceskip_code] = "SP",
[xspaceskip_code] = "XS",
+ [zerospaceskip_code] = "ZS",
[parfillskip_code] = "PF",
[indentskip_code] = "IN",
[correctionskip_code] = "CS",
@@ -929,7 +931,7 @@ local ruledglue do
if info then
-- print("glue hit")
- if subtype == spaceskip_code or subtype == xspaceskip_code then
+ if subtype == spaceskip_code or subtype == xspaceskip_code or subtype == zerospaceskip_code then
info = sometext(amount,l_glue,c_space)
elseif subtype == leftskip_code or subtype == rightskip_code then
info = sometext(amount,l_glue,c_skip_a)
@@ -958,7 +960,7 @@ local ruledglue do
-- ruledspace = function(head,current,parent)
-- local subtype = getsubtype(current)
- -- if subtype == spaceskip_code or subtype == xspaceskip_code then
+ -- if subtype == spaceskip_code or subtype == xspaceskip_code or subtype == zerospaceskip_code then
-- local width = effectiveglue(current,parent)
-- local amount = formatters["%s:%0.3f"](tags[subtype] or "HS",width*pt_factor)
-- local info = g_cache_h[amount]
@@ -981,7 +983,7 @@ local ruledglue do
ruledspace = function(head,current,parent)
local subtype = getsubtype(current)
- if subtype == spaceskip_code or subtype == xspaceskip_code then -- not yet all space
+ if subtype == spaceskip_code or subtype == xspaceskip_code or subtype == zerospaceskip_code then -- not yet all space
local width = effectiveglue(current,parent)
local info
if subtype == spaceskip_code then
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/type-ini.mklx b/tex/context/base/mkiv/type-ini.mklx
index c710fbec5..1cb9bc2e5 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/type-ini.mklx
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/type-ini.mklx
@@ -90,6 +90,13 @@
+%D When these are loaded it is possible to get spaces but the whole idea is to do
+%D that loading in vertical mode. Adding \type {\pushendofline} and \type
+%D {\popendofline} is an option but not watertight as it can still interfere, for
+%D instance work comments and leading spaces. Also, in horizontal mode it is likely
+%D that one is also grouped and loading bodyfonts grouped is a real bad idea.
+%D Ignoring all spaces is also not a solution. So, our verdict is: no catch.
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
index f2a2b7d9e..a1c027064 100644
--- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- merged file : c:/data/develop/context/sources/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
-- parent file : c:/data/develop/context/sources/luatex-fonts.lua
--- merge date : 2020-06-14 22:04
+-- merge date : 2020-06-17 18:56
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference