diff options
authorHans Hagen <>2021-07-02 14:01:19 +0200
committerContext Git Mirror Bot <>2021-07-02 14:01:19 +0200
commitc6ae1bb6230894346094364eb08d3aca0efdea9a (patch)
parentaf3da9d9f5ae4c2320d042080b4ff9d7d3460314 (diff)
2021-07-02 13:18:00
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdfbin23614 -> 23607 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdfbin248360 -> 248393 bytes
31 files changed, 615 insertions, 423 deletions
diff --git a/context/data/scite/context/lexers/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua b/context/data/scite/context/lexers/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua
index b31a9371d..1b1a86ddd 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/context/lexers/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua
+++ b/context/data/scite/context/lexers/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
return {
["commands"]={ "loadfile", "loadimage", "loadmodule", "dispose", "nothing", "transparency", "tolist", "topath", "tocycle", "sqr", "log", "ln", "exp", "inv", "pow", "pi", "radian", "tand", "cotd", "sin", "cos", "tan", "cot", "atan", "asin", "acos", "invsin", "invcos", "invtan", "acosh", "asinh", "sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "zmod", "paired", "tripled", "unitcircle", "fulldiamond", "unitdiamond", "fullsquare", "unittriangle", "fulltriangle", "llcircle", "lrcircle", "urcircle", "ulcircle", "tcircle", "bcircle", "lcircle", "rcircle", "lltriangle", "lrtriangle", "urtriangle", "ultriangle", "uptriangle", "downtriangle", "lefttriangle", "righttriangle", "triangle", "smoothed", "cornered", "superellipsed", "randomized", "randomizedcontrols", "squeezed", "enlonged", "shortened", "punked", "curved", "unspiked", "simplified", "blownup", "stretched", "enlarged", "leftenlarged", "topenlarged", "rightenlarged", "bottomenlarged", "crossed", "laddered", "randomshifted", "interpolated", "perpendicular", "paralleled", "cutends", "peepholed", "llenlarged", "lrenlarged", "urenlarged", "ulenlarged", "llmoved", "lrmoved", "urmoved", "ulmoved", "rightarrow", "leftarrow", "centerarrow", "drawdoublearrows", "boundingbox", "innerboundingbox", "outerboundingbox", "pushboundingbox", "popboundingbox", "boundingradius", "boundingcircle", "boundingpoint", "crossingunder", "insideof", "outsideof", "bottomboundary", "leftboundary", "topboundary", "rightboundary", "xsized", "ysized", "xysized", "sized", "xyscaled", "intersection_point", "intersection_found", "penpoint", "bbwidth", "bbheight", "withshade", "withcircularshade", "withlinearshade", "defineshade", "shaded", "shadedinto", "withshadecolors", "withshadedomain", "withshademethod", "withshadefactor", "withshadevector", "withshadecenter", "withshadedirection", "withshaderadius", "withshadetransform", "withshadecenterone", "withshadecentertwo", "withshadestep", "withshadefraction", "withshadeorigin", "shownshadevector", "shownshadeorigin", "shownshadedirection", "shownshadecenter", "cmyk", "spotcolor", "multitonecolor", "namedcolor", "drawfill", "undrawfill", "inverted", "uncolored", "softened", "grayed", "greyed", "onlayer", "along", "graphictext", "loadfigure", "externalfigure", "figure", "register", "outlinetext", "filloutlinetext", "drawoutlinetext", "outlinetexttopath", "checkedbounds", "checkbounds", "strut", "rule", "withmask", "bitmapimage", "colordecimals", "ddecimal", "dddecimal", "ddddecimal", "colordecimalslist", "textext", "thetextext", "rawtextext", "textextoffset", "texbox", "thetexbox", "rawtexbox", "istextext", "rawmadetext", "validtexbox", "onetimetextext", "rawfmttext", "thefmttext", "fmttext", "onetimefmttext", "notcached", "keepcached", "verbatim", "thelabel", "label", "autoalign", "transparent", "withtransparency", "withopacity", "property", "properties", "withproperties", "asgroup", "withpattern", "withpatternscale", "withpatternfloat", "infont", "space", "crlf", "dquote", "percent", "SPACE", "CRLF", "DQUOTE", "PERCENT", "grayscale", "greyscale", "withgray", "withgrey", "colorpart", "colorlike", "readfile", "clearxy", "unitvector", "center", "epsed", "anchored", "originpath", "infinite", "break", "xstretched", "ystretched", "snapped", "pathconnectors", "function", "constructedfunction", "constructedpath", "constructedpairs", "straightfunction", "straightpath", "straightpairs", "curvedfunction", "curvedpath", "curvedpairs", "evenly", "oddly", "condition", "pushcurrentpicture", "popcurrentpicture", "arrowpath", "resetarrows", "tensecircle", "roundedsquare", "colortype", "whitecolor", "blackcolor", "basiccolors", "complementary", "complemented", "resolvedcolor", "normalfill", "normaldraw", "visualizepaths", "detailpaths", "naturalizepaths", "drawboundary", "drawwholepath", "drawpathonly", "visualizeddraw", "visualizedfill", "detaileddraw", "draworigin", "drawboundingbox", "drawpath", "drawpoint", "drawpoints", "drawcontrolpoints", "drawcontrollines", "drawpointlabels", 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"positionpxy", "positionwhd", "positionpage", "positionregion", "positionbox", "positionanchor", "positioninregion", "positionatanchor", "wdpart", "htpart", "dppart", "texvar", "texstr", "inpath", "pointof", "leftof", "rightof", "utfnum", "utflen", "utfsub", "newhash", "disposehash", "inhash", "tohash", "isarray", "prefix", "isobject", "comment", "report", "lua", "lualist", "mp", "MP", "luacall", "mirrored", "mirroredabout", "scriptindex", "newscriptindex", "newcolor", "newrgbcolor", "newcmykcolor", "newnumeric", "newboolean", "newtransform", "newpath", "newpicture", "newstring", "newpair", "mpvard", "mpvarn", "mpvars", "mpvar", "withtolerance" },
- ["internals"]={ "nocolormodel", "greycolormodel", "graycolormodel", "rgbcolormodel", "cmykcolormodel", "shadefactor", "shadeoffset", "textextoffset", "textextanchor", "normaltransparent", "multiplytransparent", "screentransparent", "overlaytransparent", "softlighttransparent", "hardlighttransparent", "colordodgetransparent", "colorburntransparent", "darkentransparent", "lightentransparent", "differencetransparent", "exclusiontransparent", "huetransparent", "saturationtransparent", "colortransparent", "luminositytransparent", "ahvariant", "ahdimple", "ahfactor", "ahscale", "metapostversion", "maxdimensions", "drawoptionsfactor", "dq", "sq", "crossingscale", "crossingoption", "contextlmtxmode", "metafunversion", "minifunversion", "getparameters", "presetparameters", "hasparameter", "hasoption", "getparameter", "getparameterdefault", "getparametercount", "getmaxparametercount", "getparameterpath", "getparameterpen", "getparametertext", "applyparameters", "pushparameters", "popparameters", "definecolor", "newrecord", "setrecord", "getrecord", "anchorxy", "anchorx", "anchory", "anchorht", "anchordp", "anchorul", "anchorll", "anchorlr", "anchorur", "localanchorbox", "localanchorcell", "localanchorspan", "anchorbox", "anchorcell", "anchorspan", "matrixbox", "matrixcell", "matrixspan" },
+ ["internals"]={ "nocolormodel", "greycolormodel", "graycolormodel", "rgbcolormodel", "cmykcolormodel", "shadefactor", "shadeoffset", "textextoffset", "textextanchor", "normaltransparent", "multiplytransparent", "screentransparent", "overlaytransparent", "softlighttransparent", "hardlighttransparent", "colordodgetransparent", "colorburntransparent", "darkentransparent", "lightentransparent", "differencetransparent", "exclusiontransparent", "huetransparent", "saturationtransparent", "colortransparent", "luminositytransparent", "ahvariant", "ahdimple", "ahfactor", "ahscale", "metapostversion", "maxdimensions", "drawoptionsfactor", "dq", "sq", "crossingscale", "crossingoption", "contextlmtxmode", "metafunversion", "minifunversion", "getparameters", "presetparameters", "hasparameter", "hasoption", "getparameter", "getparameterdefault", "getparametercount", "getmaxparametercount", "getparameterpath", "getparameterpen", "getparametertext", "applyparameters", "pushparameters", "popparameters", "definecolor", "record", "newrecord", "setrecord", "getrecord", "anchorxy", "anchorx", "anchory", "anchorht", "anchordp", "anchorul", "anchorll", "anchorlr", "anchorur", "localanchorbox", "localanchorcell", "localanchorspan", "anchorbox", "anchorcell", "anchorspan", "matrixbox", "matrixcell", "matrixspan" },
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/context/data/scite/context/ b/context/data/scite/context/
index dc01a6280..2e953df8d 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/context/
+++ b/context/data/scite/context/
@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ crossingscale crossingoption contextlmtxmode metafunversion minifunversion \
getparameters presetparameters hasparameter hasoption getparameter \
getparameterdefault getparametercount getmaxparametercount getparameterpath getparameterpen \
getparametertext applyparameters pushparameters popparameters definecolor \
-newrecord setrecord getrecord anchorxy anchorx \
-anchory anchorht anchordp anchorul anchorll \
-anchorlr anchorur localanchorbox localanchorcell localanchorspan \
-anchorbox anchorcell anchorspan matrixbox matrixcell \
+record newrecord setrecord getrecord anchorxy \
+anchorx anchory anchorht anchordp anchorul \
+anchorll anchorlr anchorur localanchorbox localanchorcell \
+localanchorspan anchorbox anchorcell anchorspan matrixbox \
+matrixcell matrixspan
diff --git a/context/data/textadept/context/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua b/context/data/textadept/context/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua
index b31a9371d..1b1a86ddd 100644
--- a/context/data/textadept/context/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua
+++ b/context/data/textadept/context/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
return {
["commands"]={ "loadfile", "loadimage", "loadmodule", "dispose", "nothing", "transparency", "tolist", "topath", "tocycle", "sqr", "log", "ln", "exp", "inv", "pow", "pi", "radian", "tand", "cotd", "sin", "cos", "tan", "cot", "atan", "asin", "acos", "invsin", "invcos", "invtan", "acosh", "asinh", "sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "zmod", "paired", "tripled", "unitcircle", "fulldiamond", "unitdiamond", "fullsquare", "unittriangle", "fulltriangle", "llcircle", "lrcircle", "urcircle", "ulcircle", "tcircle", "bcircle", "lcircle", "rcircle", "lltriangle", "lrtriangle", "urtriangle", "ultriangle", "uptriangle", "downtriangle", "lefttriangle", "righttriangle", "triangle", "smoothed", "cornered", "superellipsed", "randomized", "randomizedcontrols", "squeezed", "enlonged", "shortened", "punked", "curved", "unspiked", "simplified", "blownup", "stretched", "enlarged", "leftenlarged", "topenlarged", "rightenlarged", "bottomenlarged", "crossed", "laddered", "randomshifted", "interpolated", "perpendicular", "paralleled", "cutends", "peepholed", "llenlarged", "lrenlarged", "urenlarged", "ulenlarged", "llmoved", "lrmoved", "urmoved", "ulmoved", "rightarrow", "leftarrow", "centerarrow", "drawdoublearrows", "boundingbox", "innerboundingbox", "outerboundingbox", "pushboundingbox", "popboundingbox", "boundingradius", "boundingcircle", "boundingpoint", "crossingunder", "insideof", "outsideof", "bottomboundary", "leftboundary", "topboundary", "rightboundary", "xsized", "ysized", "xysized", "sized", "xyscaled", "intersection_point", "intersection_found", "penpoint", "bbwidth", "bbheight", "withshade", "withcircularshade", "withlinearshade", "defineshade", "shaded", "shadedinto", "withshadecolors", "withshadedomain", "withshademethod", "withshadefactor", "withshadevector", "withshadecenter", "withshadedirection", "withshaderadius", "withshadetransform", "withshadecenterone", "withshadecentertwo", "withshadestep", "withshadefraction", "withshadeorigin", "shownshadevector", "shownshadeorigin", 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"CRLF", "DQUOTE", "PERCENT", "grayscale", "greyscale", "withgray", "withgrey", "colorpart", "colorlike", "readfile", "clearxy", "unitvector", "center", "epsed", "anchored", "originpath", "infinite", "break", "xstretched", "ystretched", "snapped", "pathconnectors", "function", "constructedfunction", "constructedpath", "constructedpairs", "straightfunction", "straightpath", "straightpairs", "curvedfunction", "curvedpath", "curvedpairs", "evenly", "oddly", "condition", "pushcurrentpicture", "popcurrentpicture", "arrowpath", "resetarrows", "tensecircle", "roundedsquare", "colortype", "whitecolor", "blackcolor", "basiccolors", "complementary", "complemented", "resolvedcolor", "normalfill", "normaldraw", "visualizepaths", "detailpaths", "naturalizepaths", "drawboundary", "drawwholepath", "drawpathonly", "visualizeddraw", "visualizedfill", "detaileddraw", "draworigin", "drawboundingbox", "drawpath", "drawpoint", "drawpoints", "drawcontrolpoints", "drawcontrollines", "drawpointlabels", "drawlineoptions", "drawpointoptions", "drawcontroloptions", "drawlabeloptions", "draworiginoptions", "drawboundoptions", "drawpathoptions", "resetdrawoptions", "undashed", "pencilled", "decorated", "redecorated", "undecorated", "passvariable", "passarrayvariable", "tostring", "topair", "format", "formatted", "quotation", "quote", "startpassingvariable", "stoppassingvariable", "eofill", "eoclip", "nofill", "dofill", "fillup", "eofillup", "nodraw", "dodraw", "area", "addbackground", "shadedup", "shadeddown", "shadedleft", "shadedright", "sortlist", "copylist", "shapedlist", "listtocurves", "listtolines", "listsize", "listlast", "uniquelist", "circularpath", "squarepath", "linearpath", "theoffset", "texmode", "systemmode", "texvar", "texstr", "isarray", "prefix", "dimension", "getmacro", "getdimen", "getcount", "gettoks", "setmacro", "setdimen", "setcount", "settoks", "setglobalmacro", "setglobaldimen", "setglobalcount", "setglobaltoks", "positionpath", "positioncurve", "positionxy", "positionpxy", "positionwhd", "positionpage", "positionregion", "positionbox", "positionanchor", "positioninregion", "positionatanchor", "wdpart", "htpart", "dppart", "texvar", "texstr", "inpath", "pointof", "leftof", "rightof", "utfnum", "utflen", "utfsub", "newhash", "disposehash", "inhash", "tohash", "isarray", "prefix", "isobject", "comment", "report", "lua", "lualist", "mp", "MP", "luacall", "mirrored", "mirroredabout", "scriptindex", "newscriptindex", "newcolor", "newrgbcolor", "newcmykcolor", "newnumeric", "newboolean", "newtransform", "newpath", "newpicture", "newstring", "newpair", "mpvard", "mpvarn", "mpvars", "mpvar", "withtolerance" },
- ["internals"]={ "nocolormodel", "greycolormodel", "graycolormodel", "rgbcolormodel", "cmykcolormodel", "shadefactor", "shadeoffset", "textextoffset", "textextanchor", "normaltransparent", "multiplytransparent", "screentransparent", "overlaytransparent", "softlighttransparent", "hardlighttransparent", "colordodgetransparent", "colorburntransparent", "darkentransparent", "lightentransparent", "differencetransparent", "exclusiontransparent", "huetransparent", "saturationtransparent", "colortransparent", "luminositytransparent", "ahvariant", "ahdimple", "ahfactor", "ahscale", "metapostversion", "maxdimensions", "drawoptionsfactor", "dq", "sq", "crossingscale", "crossingoption", "contextlmtxmode", "metafunversion", "minifunversion", "getparameters", "presetparameters", "hasparameter", "hasoption", "getparameter", "getparameterdefault", "getparametercount", "getmaxparametercount", "getparameterpath", "getparameterpen", "getparametertext", "applyparameters", "pushparameters", "popparameters", "definecolor", "newrecord", "setrecord", "getrecord", "anchorxy", "anchorx", "anchory", "anchorht", "anchordp", "anchorul", "anchorll", "anchorlr", "anchorur", "localanchorbox", "localanchorcell", "localanchorspan", "anchorbox", "anchorcell", "anchorspan", "matrixbox", "matrixcell", "matrixspan" },
+ ["internals"]={ "nocolormodel", "greycolormodel", "graycolormodel", "rgbcolormodel", "cmykcolormodel", "shadefactor", "shadeoffset", "textextoffset", "textextanchor", "normaltransparent", "multiplytransparent", "screentransparent", "overlaytransparent", "softlighttransparent", "hardlighttransparent", "colordodgetransparent", "colorburntransparent", "darkentransparent", "lightentransparent", "differencetransparent", "exclusiontransparent", "huetransparent", "saturationtransparent", "colortransparent", "luminositytransparent", "ahvariant", "ahdimple", "ahfactor", "ahscale", "metapostversion", "maxdimensions", "drawoptionsfactor", "dq", "sq", "crossingscale", "crossingoption", "contextlmtxmode", "metafunversion", "minifunversion", "getparameters", "presetparameters", "hasparameter", "hasoption", "getparameter", "getparameterdefault", "getparametercount", "getmaxparametercount", "getparameterpath", "getparameterpen", "getparametertext", "applyparameters", "pushparameters", "popparameters", "definecolor", "record", "newrecord", "setrecord", "getrecord", "anchorxy", "anchorx", "anchory", "anchorht", "anchordp", "anchorul", "anchorll", "anchorlr", "anchorur", "localanchorbox", "localanchorcell", "localanchorspan", "anchorbox", "anchorcell", "anchorspan", "matrixbox", "matrixcell", "matrixspan" },
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/context/data/vscode/extensions/context/syntaxes/context-syntax-mps.json b/context/data/vscode/extensions/context/syntaxes/context-syntax-mps.json
index 80e060a35..6d3e20180 100644
--- a/context/data/vscode/extensions/context/syntaxes/context-syntax-mps.json
+++ b/context/data/vscode/extensions/context/syntaxes/context-syntax-mps.json
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
"name" : "context.string.string.text.mps"
"shortcut" : {
- "match" : "(vrbcatcoderegime|txtcatcoderegime|textextoffset|textextanchor|texcatcoderegime|squared|sq|softlighttransparent|shadeoffset|shadefactor|setrecord|screentransparent|saturationtransparent|rounded|rgbcolormodel|pushparameters|prtcatcoderegime|presetparameters|popparameters|pen_top|pen_rt|pen_lft|pen_bot|overlaytransparent|notcatcoderegime|normaltransparent|nocolormodel|newrecord|multiplytransparent|mitered|minifunversion|metapostversion|metafunversion|maxdimensions|matrixspan|matrixcell|matrixbox|luminositytransparent|luacatcoderegime|localanchorspan|localanchorcell|localanchorbox|lightentransparent|labeloffset|join_radius|inicatcoderegime|infinity|huetransparent|hasparameter|hasoption|hardlighttransparent|greycolormodel|graycolormodel|getrecord|getparametertext|getparameters|getparameterpen|getparameterpath|getparameterdefault|getparametercount|getparameter|getmaxparametercount|exclusiontransparent|epsilon|eps|drawoptionsfactor|dq|dotlabeldiam|ditto|differencetransparent|definecolor|defaultscale|defaultpen|darkentransparent|ctxcatcoderegime|crossingscale|crossingoption|contextlmtxmode|colortransparent|colordodgetransparent|colorburntransparent|cmykcolormodel|charscale|catcoderegime|butt|beveled|bboxmargin|applyparameters|anchory|anchorxy|anchorx|anchorur|anchorul|anchorspan|anchorlr|anchorll|anchorht|anchordp|anchorcell|anchorbox|ahvariant|ahscale|ahlength|ahfactor|ahdimple|ahangle|EOF)(?=[^a-zA-Z\u005C_@!?-ÿ])",
+ "match" : "(vrbcatcoderegime|txtcatcoderegime|textextoffset|textextanchor|texcatcoderegime|squared|sq|softlighttransparent|shadeoffset|shadefactor|setrecord|screentransparent|saturationtransparent|rounded|rgbcolormodel|record|pushparameters|prtcatcoderegime|presetparameters|popparameters|pen_top|pen_rt|pen_lft|pen_bot|overlaytransparent|notcatcoderegime|normaltransparent|nocolormodel|newrecord|multiplytransparent|mitered|minifunversion|metapostversion|metafunversion|maxdimensions|matrixspan|matrixcell|matrixbox|luminositytransparent|luacatcoderegime|localanchorspan|localanchorcell|localanchorbox|lightentransparent|labeloffset|join_radius|inicatcoderegime|infinity|huetransparent|hasparameter|hasoption|hardlighttransparent|greycolormodel|graycolormodel|getrecord|getparametertext|getparameters|getparameterpen|getparameterpath|getparameterdefault|getparametercount|getparameter|getmaxparametercount|exclusiontransparent|epsilon|eps|drawoptionsfactor|dq|dotlabeldiam|ditto|differencetransparent|definecolor|defaultscale|defaultpen|darkentransparent|ctxcatcoderegime|crossingscale|crossingoption|contextlmtxmode|colortransparent|colordodgetransparent|colorburntransparent|cmykcolormodel|charscale|catcoderegime|butt|beveled|bboxmargin|applyparameters|anchory|anchorxy|anchorx|anchorur|anchorul|anchorspan|anchorlr|anchorll|anchorht|anchordp|anchorcell|anchorbox|ahvariant|ahscale|ahlength|ahfactor|ahdimple|ahangle|EOF)(?=[^a-zA-Z\u005C_@!?-ÿ])",
"name" : ""
"special" : {
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-luas.mpxl b/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-luas.mpxl
index d9686eadf..8a4e369b0 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-luas.mpxl
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-luas.mpxl
@@ -279,12 +279,14 @@ newscriptindex mfun_newrecord ; mfun_newrecord := scriptindex "newrecord" ;
newscriptindex mfun_setrecord ; mfun_setrecord := scriptindex "setrecord" ;
newscriptindex mfun_getrecord ; mfun_getrecord := scriptindex "getrecord" ;
+let record = runscript ; % We need to use "let" because we don't expand!
def newrecord = runscript mfun_newrecord ; enddef ; % semicolon prevents lookahead
def setrecord = runscript mfun_setrecord ; enddef ;
def getrecord = runscript mfun_getrecord enddef ;
- newrecord, setrecord, getrecord ;
+ record, newrecord, setrecord, getrecord ;
% No vardef's because we need to scan for an assignment too and we'll see
% an endgroup otherwise.
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-fonts.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-fonts.lua
index 3f3125c10..62212a10e 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-fonts.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-fonts.lua
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ local lower = string.lower
local concat = table.concat
local write_nl = (logs and logs.writer) or (texio and texio.write_nl) or print
-local otlversion = 3.117
+local otlversion = 3.118
local helpinfo = [[
<?xml version="1.0"?>
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii
index 4f89d4da4..e5b37429a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-\newcontextversion{2021.06.30 19:17}
+\newcontextversion{2021.07.02 13:15}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an
%D excellent place for hacks, patches, extensions and new
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii
index 4f837ca24..6be166bff 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
%D your styles an modules.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2021.06.30 19:17}
+\edef\contextversion{2021.07.02 13:15}
%D For those who want to use this:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv
index 2ac550b26..d044a93b6 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
% \normalend % uncomment this to get the real base runtime
-\newcontextversion{2021.06.30 19:17}
+\newcontextversion{2021.07.02 13:15}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an excellent place for hacks,
%D patches, extensions and new features. There can be local overloads in cont-loc
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv
index cd6c8d866..d543d7a37 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
%D {YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM} format.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2021.06.30 19:17}
+\edef\contextversion{2021.07.02 13:15}
%D Kind of special:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mis.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mis.lua
index 1748640d2..a72f1bf42 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mis.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mis.lua
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ local readers = otf.readers
if readers then
- otf.version = otf.version or 3.117
+ otf.version = otf.version or 3.118
otf.cache = otf.cache or containers.define("fonts", "otl", otf.version, true)
function fonts.helpers.getfeatures(name,save)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-otl.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-otl.lua
index eadf05890..74f209b0a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-otl.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-otl.lua
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ local report_otf = logs.reporter("fonts","otf loading")
local fonts = fonts
local otf = fonts.handlers.otf
-otf.version = 3.117 -- beware: also sync font-mis.lua and in mtx-fonts
+otf.version = 3.118 -- beware: also sync font-mis.lua and in mtx-fonts
otf.cache = containers.define("fonts", "otl", otf.version, true)
otf.svgcache = containers.define("fonts", "svg", otf.version, true)
otf.pngcache = containers.define("fonts", "png", otf.version, true)
@@ -512,10 +512,15 @@ elseif CONTEXTLMTXMODE then
local maxindex = data.nofglyphs or metadata.nofglyphs
if maxindex then
for u, d in sortedhash(duplicates) do
- for uu in sortedhash(d) do
- maxindex = maxindex + 1
- descriptions[uu].dupindex = descriptions[u].index
- descriptions[uu].index = maxindex
+ local du = descriptions[u]
+ if du then
+ for uu in sortedhash(d) do
+ maxindex = maxindex + 1
+ descriptions[uu].dupindex = du.index
+ descriptions[uu].index = maxindex
+ end
+ else
+ -- report_otf("no %U in font %a, duplicates ignored",u,filename)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-oup.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-oup.lua
index 6733b6efb..4e70bf936 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-oup.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-oup.lua
@@ -37,16 +37,12 @@ local f_index = formatters["I%05X"]
local f_character_y = formatters["%C"]
local f_character_n = formatters["[ %C ]"]
-local check_duplicates = true -- can become an option (pseudo feature) / always needed anyway
-local check_soft_hyphen = true -- can become an option (pseudo feature) / needed for tagging
+local check_duplicates = true -- can become an option (pseudo feature) / always needed anyway
+local check_soft_hyphen = context -- only in context
--- check_soft_hyphen = false -- solved better elsewhere
--- else
--- directives.register("otf.checksofthyphen",function(v)
--- check_soft_hyphen = v
--- end)
--- end
+ check_soft_hyphen = v -- only for testing
local function replaced(list,index,replacement)
if type(list) == "number" then
@@ -457,31 +453,48 @@ local function copyduplicates(fontdata)
local resources = fontdata.resources
local duplicates = resources.duplicates
if check_soft_hyphen then
- -- ebgaramond has a zero width empty soft hyphen
- -- antykwatorunska lacks a soft hyphen
- local ds = descriptions[0xAD]
- if not ds or ds.width == 0 then
- if ds then
+ -- ebgaramond has a zero width empty soft hyphen
+ -- antykwatorunska lacks a soft hyphen
+ -- lucidaot has a halfwidth soft hyphen
+ -- local dh = descriptions[0x2D]
+ -- if dh then
+ -- descriptions[0xAD] = nil
+ -- local d = duplicates[0x2D]
+ -- if d then
+ -- d[#d+1] = { [0xAD] = true }
+ -- else
+ -- duplicates[0x2D] = { [0xAD] = true }
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ local dh = descriptions[0x2D]
+ if dh then
+ local ds = descriptions[0xAD]
+ if not ds or ds.width ~= dh.width then
descriptions[0xAD] = nil
- if trace_unicodes then
- report_unicodes("patching soft hyphen")
+ if ds then
+ if trace_unicodes then
+ report_unicodes("patching soft hyphen")
+ end
+ else
+ if trace_unicodes then
+ report_unicodes("adding soft hyphen")
+ end
- else
- if trace_unicodes then
- report_unicodes("adding soft hyphen")
+ if not duplicates then
+ duplicates = { }
+ resources.duplicates = duplicates
+ end
+ local d = duplicates[0x2D]
+ if d then
+ d[0xAD] = true
+ else
+ duplicates[0x2D] = { [0xAD] = true }
- end
- if not duplicates then
- duplicates = { }
- resources.duplicates = duplicates
- end
- local dh = duplicates[0x2D]
- if dh then
- dh[#dh+1] = { [0xAD] = true }
- else
- duplicates[0x2D] = { [0xAD] = true }
if duplicates then
for u, d in next, duplicates do
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-shp.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-shp.lua
index 145c4e0e4..2ca3011a5 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-shp.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-shp.lua
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ local pfb = fonts.handlers.pfb
local hashes = fonts.hashes
local identifiers = hashes.identifiers
-local version = 0.010
+local version = otf.version or 0.011
local shapescache = containers.define("fonts", "shapes", version, true)
local streamscache = containers.define("fonts", "streams", version, true)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ttf.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ttf.lua
index 69b202b3c..d8abed329 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ttf.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ttf.lua
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-ttf'] = {
local next, type, unpack = next, type, unpack
local band, rshift =, bit32.rshift
-local sqrt, round = math.sqrt, math.round
+local sqrt, round, abs, min, max = math.sqrt, math.round, math.abs, math.min, math.max
local char, rep = string.char, string.rep
local concat = table.concat
local idiv = number.idiv
@@ -207,77 +207,177 @@ end
-- We had two loops (going backward) but can do it in one loop .. but maybe we
-- should only accept fonts with proper hvar tables.
+local xv = { } -- we share this cache
+local yv = { } -- we share this cache
local function applyaxis(glyph,shape,deltas,dowidth)
local points = shape.points
if points then
local nofpoints = #points
- local h = nofpoints + 2 -- weird, the example font seems to have left first
- local l = nofpoints + 1
- ----- v = nofpoints + 3
- ----- t = nofpoints + 4
local dw = 0
local dl = 0
for i=1,#deltas do
local deltaset = deltas[i]
local xvalues = deltaset.xvalues
local yvalues = deltaset.yvalues
- local dpoints = deltaset.points
- local factor = deltaset.factor
- if dpoints then
- -- todo: interpolate
- local nofdpoints = #dpoints
- for i=1,nofdpoints do
- local d = dpoints[i]
- local p = points[d]
- if p then
- if xvalues then
- local x = xvalues[i]
- if x and x ~= 0 then
- p[1] = p[1] + factor * x
+ if xvalues and yvalues then
+ local dpoints = deltaset.points
+ local factor = deltaset.factor
+ if dpoints then
+ local cnt = #dpoints
+ if dowidth then
+ cnt = cnt - 4
+ end
+ if cnt == 1 then
+ local d = dpoints[1]
+ local x = xvalues[d] * factor
+ local y = yvalues[d] * factor
+ for i=1,nofpoints do
+ local p = points[i]
+ if x ~= 0 then
+ p[1] = p[1] + x
+ end
+ if y ~= 0 then
+ p[2] = p[2] + y
- if yvalues then
- local y = yvalues[i]
- if y and y ~= 0 then
- p[2] = p[2] + factor * y
+ else
+ -- Not the most efficient solution but we seldom do this. We
+ -- actually need to avoid the extra points here but I'll deal
+ -- with that when needed.
+ local function find(i)
+ local prv = cnt
+ for j=1,cnt do
+ local nxt = dpoints[j]
+ if nxt == i then
+ return false, j, false
+ elseif nxt > i then
+ return prv, false, j
+ end
+ prv = j
+ end
+ return prv, false, 1
+ end
+ -- We need the first and last points untouched so we first
+ -- collect data.
+ for i=1,nofpoints do
+ local d1, d2, d3 = find(i)
+ local p2 = points[i]
+ if d2 then
+ xv[i] = xvalues[d2]
+ yv[i] = yvalues[d2]
+ else
+ local n1 = dpoints[d1]
+ local n3 = dpoints[d3]
+ local p1 = points[n1]
+ local p3 = points[n3]
+ local p1x = p1[1]
+ local p2x = p2[1]
+ local p3x = p3[1]
+ local p1y = p1[2]
+ local p2y = p2[2]
+ local p3y = p3[2]
+ local x1 = xvalues[d1]
+ local y1 = yvalues[d1]
+ local x3 = xvalues[d3]
+ local y3 = yvalues[d3]
+ --
+ local fx
+ local fy
+ --
+ if p1x == p3x then
+ if x1 == x3 then
+ fx = x1
+ else
+ fx = 0
+ end
+ elseif p2x <= min(p1x,p3x) then
+ if p1x < p3x then
+ fx = x1
+ else
+ fx = x3
+ end
+ elseif p2x >= max(p1x,p3x) then
+ if p1x > p3x then
+ fx = x1
+ else
+ fx = x3
+ end
+ else
+ fx = (p2x - p1x)/(p3x - p1x)
+ fx = (1 - fx) * x1 + fx * x3
+ end
+ --
+ if p1y == p3y then
+ if y1 == y3 then
+ fy = y1
+ else
+ fy = 0
+ end
+ elseif p2y <= min(p1y,p3y) then
+ if p1y < p3y then
+ fy = y1
+ else
+ fy = y3
+ end
+ elseif p2y >= max(p1y,p3y) then
+ if p1y > p3y then
+ fy = y1
+ else
+ fy = y3
+ end
+ else
+ fy = (p2y - p1y)/(p3y - p1y)
+ fy = (1 - fy) * y1 + fy * y3
+ end
+ -- -- maybe:
+ -- if p1y ~= p3y then
+ -- fy = (p2y - p1y)/(p3y - p1y)
+ -- fy = (1 - fy) * y1 + fy * y3
+ -- elseif abs(p1y-p2y) < abs(p3y-p2y) then
+ -- fy = y1
+ -- else
+ -- fy = y3
+ -- end
+ --
+ xv[i] = fx
+ yv[i] = fy
- elseif dowidth then
- -- we've now ran into phantom points which is a bit fuzzy because:
- -- are there gaps in there?
- --
- -- todo: move this outside the loop (when we can be sure of all 4 being there)
- if d == h then
- -- we have a phantom point hadvance
- local x = xvalues[i]
- if x then
- dw = dw + factor * x
+ for i=1,nofpoints do
+ local pi = points[i]
+ local fx = xv[i]
+ local fy = yv[i]
+ if fx ~= 0 then
+ pi[1] = pi[1] + factor * fx
- elseif d == l then
- local x = xvalues[i]
- if x then
- dl = dl + factor * x
+ if fy ~= 0 then
+ pi[2] = pi[2] + factor * fy
- end
- else
- for i=1,nofpoints do
- local p = points[i]
- if xvalues then
+ else
+ for i=1,nofpoints do
+ local p = points[i]
local x = xvalues[i]
- if x and x ~= 0 then
- p[1] = p[1] + factor * x
- end
- end
- if yvalues then
- local y = yvalues[i]
- if y and y ~= 0 then
- p[2] = p[2] + factor * y
+ if x then
+ local y = yvalues[i]
+ if x ~= 0 then
+ p[1] = p[1] + factor * x
+ end
+ if y ~= 0 then
+ p[2] = p[2] + factor * y
+ end
+ else
+ break
if dowidth then
+ local h = nofpoints + 2 -- weird, the example font seems to have left first
+ local l = nofpoints + 1
+ ----- v = nofpoints + 3
+ ----- t = nofpoints + 4
local x = xvalues[h]
if x then
dw = dw + factor * x
@@ -934,13 +1034,13 @@ local function readcomposite(f)
yoffset = yoffset * yscale
elseif band(flags,0x0080) ~= 0 then -- f_matrix
- xscale = read2dot14(f)
- xrotate = read2dot14(f)
- yrotate = read2dot14(f)
- yscale = read2dot14(f)
+ xscale = read2dot14(f) -- xxpart
+ xrotate = read2dot14(f) -- yxpart
+ yrotate = read2dot14(f) -- xypart
+ yscale = read2dot14(f) -- yypart
if f_xyarg and f_offset then
- xoffset = xoffset * sqrt(xscale ^2 + xrotate^2)
- yoffset = yoffset * sqrt(yrotate^2 + yscale ^2)
+ xoffset = xoffset * sqrt(xscale ^2 + yrotate^2) -- was xrotate
+ yoffset = yoffset * sqrt(xrotate^2 + yscale ^2) -- was yrotate
nofcomponents = nofcomponents + 1
@@ -1123,50 +1223,6 @@ end
local function readdeltas(f,nofpoints)
local deltas = { }
local p = 0
- local z = 0
- while nofpoints > 0 do
- local control = readbyte(f)
-if not control then
- break
- local allzero = band(control,0x80) ~= 0
- local runlength = band(control,0x3F) + 1
- if allzero then
- z = z + runlength
- else
- local runreader = band(control,0x40) ~= 0 and readshort or readinteger
- if z > 0 then
- for i=1,z do
- p = p + 1
- deltas[p] = 0
- end
- z = 0
- end
- for i=1,runlength do
- p = p + 1
- deltas[p] = runreader(f)
- end
- end
- nofpoints = nofpoints - runlength
- end
- -- saves space
--- if z > 0 then
--- for i=1,z do
--- p = p + 1
--- deltas[p] = 0
--- end
--- end
- if p > 0 then
- -- forget about trailing zeros
- return deltas
- else
- -- forget about all zeros
- end
-local function readdeltas(f,nofpoints)
- local deltas = { }
- local p = 0
while nofpoints > 0 do
local control = readbyte(f)
if control then
@@ -1334,7 +1390,8 @@ function readers.gvar(f,fontdata,specification,glyphdata,shapedata)
-- local start = start and start[i] or 0
-- local stop = stop and stop [i] or 0
local start = start and start[i] or (peak < 0 and peak or 0)
- local stop = stop and stop [i] or (peak > 0 and peak or 0)
+ local stop = stop and stop [i] or (peak > 0 and peak or 0) -- or 1 ?
+-- local stop = stop and stop [i] or (peak > 0 and peak or 1) -- or 1 ?
-- do we really need these tests ... can't we assume sane values
if start > peak or peak > stop then
-- * 1
@@ -1347,7 +1404,6 @@ function readers.gvar(f,fontdata,specification,glyphdata,shapedata)
s = 0
elseif f < peak then
--- s = - s * (f - start) / (peak - start)
s = s * (f - start) / (peak - start)
elseif f > peak then
s = s * (stop - f) / (stop - peak)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-fun.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-fun.lua
index 2cfe76951..f049422bf 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-fun.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-fun.lua
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ return {
- "newrecord", "setrecord", "getrecord",
+ "record", "newrecord", "setrecord", "getrecord",
"anchorxy", "anchorx", "anchory",
"anchorht", "anchordp",
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf
index 5339844ef..20b39c38c 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf
index ca5ba949d..3159027b6 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-new.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-new.mkxl
index db941e888..d977c4982 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-new.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-new.mkxl
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
% \normalend % uncomment this to get the real base runtime
-\newcontextversion{2021.06.30 19:17}
+\newcontextversion{2021.07.02 13:15}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an excellent place for hacks,
%D patches, extensions and new features. There can be local overloads in cont-loc
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/context.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/context.mkxl
index 529d2cb2e..a509a9205 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/context.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/context.mkxl
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
%D {YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM} format.
\immutable\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\immutable\edef\contextversion{2021.06.30 19:17}
+\immutable\edef\contextversion{2021.07.02 13:15}
%overloadmode 1 % check frozen / warning
%overloadmode 2 % check frozen / error
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/font-fil.mklx b/tex/context/base/mkxl/font-fil.mklx
index 57ed47fa2..b71f8df69 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/font-fil.mklx
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/font-fil.mklx
@@ -379,6 +379,6 @@
% bonus
-% \currentfontinstancespec % define ad the lua end
+% \currentfontinstancespec % defined at the lua end
\protect \endinput
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/lang-dis.lmt b/tex/context/base/mkxl/lang-dis.lmt
index 1236ba749..5c4ab1e34 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/lang-dis.lmt
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/lang-dis.lmt
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ local getsubtype = nuts.getsubtype
local setsubtype = nuts.setsubtype
local getchar = nuts.getchar
local setchar = nuts.setchar
+local getdiscpart = nuts.getdiscpart
local getdisc = nuts.getdisc
local setdisc = nuts.setdisc
local getlanguage = nuts.getlanguage
@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ local remove_node = nuts.remove
----- flushnode = nuts.flushnode
local nextdisc = nuts.traversers.disc
+local nextglyph = nuts.traversers.glyph
local new_disc = nuts.pool.disc
@@ -48,6 +50,12 @@ local disccodes = nodes.disccodes
local disc_code = nodecodes.disc
local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph
+local discoptioncodes = tex.discoptioncodes
+local pre_part_code = discoptioncodes.pre
+local post_part_code =
+local replace_part_code = discoptioncodes.replace
+local always_part_code = discoptioncodes.always
local explicitdisc_code = disccodes.explicit
local a_visualize = attributes.private("visualizediscretionary")
@@ -76,6 +84,20 @@ function languages.visualizediscretionaries(head)
+ for g in nextglyph, head do
+ if getattr(g,a_visualize) then
+ local c = getdiscpart(g)
+ if c == pre_part_code then
+ setlistcolor(g,"darkmagenta")
+ elseif c == post_part_code then
+ setlistcolor(g,"darkcyan")
+ elseif c == replace_part_code then
+ setlistcolor(g,"darkyellow")
+ elseif c == always_part_code then
+ setlistcolor(g,"darkgray")
+ end
+ end
+ end
return head
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/luat-ini.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/luat-ini.mkxl
index 98095a4de..d1a84f60c 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/luat-ini.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/luat-ini.mkxl
@@ -59,8 +59,32 @@
%D It is nicer for checking with \type {s-system-macros} if we have some meaning:
- % \aliased\let\-\explicitdiscretionary
- \permanent\protected\def\-{\begingroup\hyphenationmode\explicithyphenationmodecode\explicitdiscretionary\endgroup}
+ % We anyway need this:
+ \permanent\protected\def\superexplicitdiscretionary
+ {\begingroup
+ \hyphenationmode\explicithyphenationmodecode\explicitdiscretionary
+ \endgroup}
+ % Conceptually the best:
+ \aliased\let\-\explicitdiscretionary
+ % But we could do this to be compatible:
+ % \permanent\protected\def\-{\begingroup\hyphenationmode\explicithyphenationmodecode\explicitdiscretionary\endgroup}
+ % Or maybe even this:
+ % \aliased\let\lang_explicit_discretionary_nop\explicitdiscretionary
+ %
+ % \permanent\protected\def\lang_explicit_discretionary_yes-%
+ % {\superexplicitdiscretionary}
+ %
+ % \permanent\protected\def\-%
+ % {\doifelsenextcharcs-\lang_explicit_discretionary_yes\lang_explicit_discretionary_nop}
\ifdefined\n \else \mutable\def\n{n} \fi \ifdefined\r \else \mutable\def\r{r} \fi
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-lmt.lmt b/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-lmt.lmt
index 651a98be5..55485e5f8 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-lmt.lmt
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-lmt.lmt
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mlib-lmt'] = {
-- todo: check for possible inject usage
local type = type
-local round = math.round
+local round, abs = math.round, math.abs
local aux = mp.aux
local mpdirect =
@@ -154,44 +154,36 @@ todecimal = xdecimal and or tonumber -- bonus
-- mail on list by Mikael Sundqvist and Taco's analysis of near duplicate points (2021/02/11+)
registerscript("scrutenized", function()
- local p = scanpath()
- local d = 10^scannumeric()
- for i=1,#p do
- local pi = p[i]
- pi[1] = round(pi[1] * d) / d
- pi[2] = round(pi[2] * d) / d
- end
- local x1 = round(p[1][1])
- local y1 = round(p[1][2])
- local n = 1
- local m = #p
- local t = { p[1], cycle = p.cycle }
- for i=2,m-1 do
- local pi = p[i]
- local x2 = round(pi[1])
- local y2 = round(pi[2])
- if x1 ~= x2 or y1 ~= y2 then
- n = n + 1
- t[n] = p[i]
- x1 = x2
- y1 = y2
+ local pth = scanpath()
+ local d = 1/10^scannumeric() -- decimals
+ local p1 = pth[1]
+ local x1 = p1[1]
+ local y1 = p1[2]
+ local res = { pth[1] }
+ local r = 1
+ for i=2,#pth do
+ local pi = pth[i]
+ x2 = pi[1]
+ y2 = pi[2]
+ if abs(x1-x2) > d or abs(y1-y2) > d then
+ r = r + 1 res[r] = pi
+ x1 = x2
+ y1 = y2
- local x1 = round(p[1][1])
- local y1 = round(p[1][2])
- local x2 = round(p[m][1])
- local y2 = round(p[m][2])
- if x1 ~= x2 or y1 ~= y2 then
- n = n + 1
- t[n] = p[m]
+ if pth.cycle then
+ res.cycle = true
+ if abs(x1-p1[1]) > d or abs(y1-p1[2]) > d then
+ -- keep
+ else
+ res[r] = nil
+ end
- -- mp.path(t)
- injectpath(t)
+ injectpath(res)
-- A goodie, mostly a side effect of updating the metafun manual.
local labtorgb = attributes.colors.labtorgb
registerscript("labtorgb", function()
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-scn.lmt b/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-scn.lmt
index 1d6514a0b..4f76ca545 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-scn.lmt
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-scn.lmt
@@ -767,129 +767,144 @@ end
-- This is an experiment for Alan and me.
-local records = { }
-local stack = setmetatableindex("table")
-local nofrecords = 0
-local interim = 0
-registerdirect("newrecord", function()
- scantoken() -- semicolon
- local p = get_parameters()
- local n = 0
- if interim > 0 then
- records[interim] = p
- local top = stack[interim]
- if top then
- top = stack[interim][#top]
+ local records = { }
+ local stack = setmetatableindex("table")
+ local nofrecords = 0
+ local interim = 0
+ local names = { }
+ -- local types = { }
+ registerdirect("newrecord", function()
+ scantoken() -- semicolon
+ local p = get_parameters()
+ local n = 0
+ if interim > 0 then
+ records[interim] = p
+ local top = stack[interim]
if top then
- setmetatableindex(p,top)
+ top = stack[interim][#top]
+ if top then
+ setmetatableindex(p,top)
+ end
+ n = interim
+ interim = 0
+ else
+ nofrecords = nofrecords + 1
+ records[nofrecords] = p
+ n = nofrecords
- n = interim
- interim = 0
- else
- nofrecords = nofrecords + 1
- records[nofrecords] = p
- n = nofrecords
- end
- return n
-local function merge(old,new)
- for knew, vnew in next, new do
- local vold = old[knew]
- if vold then
- if type(vnew) == "table" then
- if type(vold) == "table" then
- merge(vold,vnew)
+ return n
+ end)
+ local function merge(old,new)
+ for knew, vnew in next, new do
+ local vold = old[knew]
+ if vold then
+ if type(vnew) == "table" then
+ if type(vold) == "table" then
+ merge(vold,vnew)
+ else
+ old[knew] = vnew
+ end
old[knew] = vnew
old[knew] = vnew
- else
- old[knew] = vnew
-registerdirect("setrecord", function()
- scantoken() -- semicolon
- local p = get_parameters()
- local n = 0
- if interim > 0 then
- local r = records[interim]
- if r then
- merge(r,p)
- else
- records[interim] = p
- end
- local top = stack[interim]
- if top then
- top = stack[interim][#top]
+ registerdirect("setrecord", function()
+ scantoken() -- semicolon
+ local p = get_parameters()
+ local n = 0
+ if interim > 0 then
+ local r = records[interim]
+ if r then
+ merge(r,p)
+ else
+ records[interim] = p
+ end
+ local top = stack[interim]
if top then
- setmetatableindex(p,top)
+ top = stack[interim][#top]
+ if top then
+ setmetatableindex(p,top)
+ end
+ n = interim
+ interim = 0
+ else
+ nofrecords = nofrecords + 1
+ records[nofrecords] = p
+ n = nofrecords
- n = interim
- interim = 0
- else
- nofrecords = nofrecords + 1
- records[nofrecords] = p
- n = nofrecords
- end
- return n
+ return n
+ end)
-registerdirect("getrecord", function()
- local n = scaninteger()
- local v = records[n]
- while true do
- local t = scansymbol(true)
- if t == ";" or t == ")" or t == ":" then
- return v
- elseif t == "." then
- scansymbol()
- elseif t == "#" or t == "##" then -- from tex's we get a double
- scansymbol()
- t = scansymbol()
- v = v[t]
- return type(v) == "table" and #v or 0
- elseif t == "[" then
- scansymbol()
- t = scansymbol(true)
- if t == "]" then
+ registerdirect("getrecord", function()
+ local n = scaninteger()
+ local v = records[n]
+ while true do
+ local t = scansymbol(true)
+ if t == ";" or t == ")" or t == ":" then
+ return v
+ elseif t == "." then
- return #v
- else
- t = scaninteger()
+ elseif t == "#" or t == "##" then -- from tex's we get a double
+ scansymbol()
+ t = scansymbol()
v = v[t]
- if scansymbol(true) == "]" then
+ return type(v) == "table" and #v or 0
+ elseif t == "[" then
+ scansymbol()
+ t = scansymbol(true)
+ if t == "]" then
+ return #v
- report("] expected")
+ t = scaninteger()
+ v = v[t]
+ if scansymbol(true) == "]" then
+ scansymbol()
+ else
+ report("] expected")
+ end
+ else
+ t = scansymbol()
+ v = v[t]
- else
- t = scansymbol()
- v = v[t]
+ end
+ end)
+ function metapost.getrecord(name)
+ local index = names[name]
+ if index then
+ return records[index]
-function metapost.runinternal(action,index,kind)
- if action == 0 then
- -- allocate
- elseif action == 1 then
- -- save
- insert(stack[index],records[index])
- interim = index
- elseif action == 2 then
- -- restore
- records[index] = remove(stack[index]) or records[index]
+ function metapost.runinternal(action,index,kind,name)
+ if action == 0 then
+ -- allocate
+ names[name] = index
+ -- types[index] = kind
+ elseif action == 1 then
+ -- save
+ insert(stack[index],records[index])
+ interim = index
+ elseif action == 2 then
+ -- restore
+ records[index] = remove(stack[index]) or records[index]
+ end
-- goodies
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/page-cst.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/page-cst.mkxl
index 0afc2a645..12ee0bd38 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/page-cst.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/page-cst.mkxl
@@ -255,7 +255,6 @@
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/page-mcl.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/page-mcl.mkxl
index d36e76d94..e88371da1 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/page-mcl.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/page-mcl.mkxl
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@
\fi \fi
% \protected\def\page_mcl_command_set_vsize
% {%%\page_one_command_set_vsize % indeed?
% \page_mcl_set_n_of_lines\zeropoint
@@ -187,7 +188,7 @@
- -\topskip
+ % -\topskip % no, this is already part of the saved total
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/page-sid.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/page-sid.mkxl
index fd9f6837a..dccfcbce9 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/page-sid.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/page-sid.mkxl
@@ -472,10 +472,10 @@
-\setvalue{\??sidefloatsteps\v!line }{\strut}
-\setvalue{\??sidefloatsteps\v!big }{\strut}
-\setvalue{\??sidefloatsteps\v!medium}{\halflinestrut} % was \halfstrut
-\setvalue{\??sidefloatsteps\v!small }{\noheightstrut} % was \quarterstrut
+\defcsname\??sidefloatsteps\v!line \endcsname{\strut}
+\defcsname\??sidefloatsteps\v!big \endcsname{\strut}
+\defcsname\??sidefloatsteps\v!medium\endcsname{\halflinestrut} % was \halfstrut
+\defcsname\??sidefloatsteps\v!small \endcsname{\noheightstrut} % was \quarterstrut
diff --git a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-variable.lua b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-variable.lua
index 43f5f0d3d..b84b78ada 100644
--- a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-variable.lua
+++ b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-variable.lua
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ function moduledata.fonts.variable.showvariations(specification)
-- return
-- end
-if not fontdata.shared.rawdata.metadata.fullname then
- fontdata.shared.rawdata.metadata.fullname = fontdata.shared.rawdata.metadata.fontname
+ if not fontdata.shared.rawdata.metadata.fullname then
+ fontdata.shared.rawdata.metadata.fullname = fontdata.shared.rawdata.metadata.fontname
+ end
context.starttitle { title = fontdata.shared.rawdata.metadata.fullname }
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ end
local designaxis = variabledata.designaxis
context.startsubject { title = "design axis" }
- if designaxis then
+ if designaxis and #designaxis > 0 then
context.starttabulate { "||||c|c|c|c|c|" }
NC() bold("tag")
NC() bold("name")
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ end
local list = { }
context.startsubject { title = "axis" }
- if axis then
+ if axis and #axis > 0 then
context.starttabulate { "|||c|c|c|" }
NC() bold("tag")
NC() bold("name")
diff --git a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-variable.mkiv b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-variable.mkiv
index 6e4b1773f..cb8bd1f9a 100644
--- a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-variable.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-variable.mkiv
@@ -53,26 +53,26 @@
- \startbuffer[zycon]
- \char008986\relax\quad
- \char009728\relax\quad
- \char010031\relax\quad
- \char010143\relax\quad
- \char011044\relax\quad
- \char127773\relax\quad
- \char127989\relax\quad
- \char128008\relax\quad
- \char128021\relax\quad
- \char128034\relax\quad
- \char128161\relax\quad
- \char128274\relax\quad
- \char128347\relax\quad
- \char128400\relax\quad
- \char128692\relax\quad
- \char129417\relax\quad
- \char129422\relax\quad
- \char983040\relax\par
- \stopbuffer
+% \startbuffer[zycon]
+% \char008986\relax\quad
+% \char009728\relax\quad
+% \char010031\relax\quad
+% \char010143\relax\quad
+% \char011044\relax\quad
+% \char127773\relax\quad
+% \char127989\relax\quad
+% \char128008\relax\quad
+% \char128021\relax\quad
+% \char128034\relax\quad
+% \char128161\relax\quad
+% \char128274\relax\quad
+% \char128347\relax\quad
+% \char128400\relax\quad
+% \char128692\relax\quad
+% \char129417\relax\quad
+% \char129422\relax\quad
+% \char983040\relax\par
+% \stopbuffer
% \showfontvariations
% [font=file:adobevfprototype.otf]
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
index 39670cb36..0d8121a41 100644
--- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- merged file : c:/data/develop/context/sources/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
-- parent file : c:/data/develop/context/sources/luatex-fonts.lua
--- merge date : 2021-06-30 19:17
+-- merge date : 2021-07-02 13:15
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
@@ -15129,7 +15129,7 @@ if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-ttf']={
local next,type,unpack=next,type,unpack
local band,,bit32.rshift
-local sqrt,round=math.sqrt,math.round
+local sqrt,round,abs,min,max=math.sqrt,math.round,math.abs,math.min,math.max
local char,rep=string.char,string.rep
local concat=table.concat
local idiv=number.idiv
@@ -15263,69 +15263,156 @@ local function curveto(m_x,m_y,l_x,l_y,r_x,r_y)
+local xv={}
+local yv={}
local function applyaxis(glyph,shape,deltas,dowidth)
local points=shape.points
if points then
local nofpoints=#points
- local h=nofpoints+2
- local l=nofpoints+1
local dw=0
local dl=0
for i=1,#deltas do
local deltaset=deltas[i]
local xvalues=deltaset.xvalues
local yvalues=deltaset.yvalues
- local dpoints=deltaset.points
- local factor=deltaset.factor
- if dpoints then
- local nofdpoints=#dpoints
- for i=1,nofdpoints do
- local d=dpoints[i]
- local p=points[d]
- if p then
- if xvalues then
- local x=xvalues[i]
- if x and x~=0 then
- p[1]=p[1]+factor*x
+ if xvalues and yvalues then
+ local dpoints=deltaset.points
+ local factor=deltaset.factor
+ if dpoints then
+ local cnt=#dpoints
+ if dowidth then
+ cnt=cnt-4
+ end
+ if cnt==1 then
+ local d=dpoints[1]
+ local x=xvalues[d]*factor
+ local y=yvalues[d]*factor
+ for i=1,nofpoints do
+ local p=points[i]
+ if x~=0 then
+ p[1]=p[1]+x
+ end
+ if y~=0 then
+ p[2]=p[2]+y
- if yvalues then
- local y=yvalues[i]
- if y and y~=0 then
- p[2]=p[2]+factor*y
+ else
+ local function find(i)
+ local prv=cnt
+ for j=1,cnt do
+ local nxt=dpoints[j]
+ if nxt==i then
+ return false,j,false
+ elseif nxt>i then
+ return prv,false,j
+ end
+ prv=j
+ end
+ return prv,false,1
+ end
+ for i=1,nofpoints do
+ local d1,d2,d3=find(i)
+ local p2=points[i]
+ if d2 then
+ xv[i]=xvalues[d2]
+ yv[i]=yvalues[d2]
+ else
+ local n1=dpoints[d1]
+ local n3=dpoints[d3]
+ local p1=points[n1]
+ local p3=points[n3]
+ local p1x=p1[1]
+ local p2x=p2[1]
+ local p3x=p3[1]
+ local p1y=p1[2]
+ local p2y=p2[2]
+ local p3y=p3[2]
+ local x1=xvalues[d1]
+ local y1=yvalues[d1]
+ local x3=xvalues[d3]
+ local y3=yvalues[d3]
+ local fx
+ local fy
+ if p1x==p3x then
+ if x1==x3 then
+ fx=x1
+ else
+ fx=0
+ end
+ elseif p2x<=min(p1x,p3x) then
+ if p1x<p3x then
+ fx=x1
+ else
+ fx=x3
+ end
+ elseif p2x>=max(p1x,p3x) then
+ if p1x>p3x then
+ fx=x1
+ else
+ fx=x3
+ end
+ else
+ fx=(p2x-p1x)/(p3x-p1x)
+ fx=(1-fx)*x1+fx*x3
+ end
+ if p1y==p3y then
+ if y1==y3 then
+ fy=y1
+ else
+ fy=0
+ end
+ elseif p2y<=min(p1y,p3y) then
+ if p1y<p3y then
+ fy=y1
+ else
+ fy=y3
+ end
+ elseif p2y>=max(p1y,p3y) then
+ if p1y>p3y then
+ fy=y1
+ else
+ fy=y3
+ end
+ else
+ fy=(p2y-p1y)/(p3y-p1y)
+ fy=(1-fy)*y1+fy*y3
+ end
+ xv[i]=fx
+ yv[i]=fy
- elseif dowidth then
- if d==h then
- local x=xvalues[i]
- if x then
- dw=dw+factor*x
+ for i=1,nofpoints do
+ local pi=points[i]
+ local fx=xv[i]
+ local fy=yv[i]
+ if fx~=0 then
+ pi[1]=pi[1]+factor*fx
- elseif d==l then
- local x=xvalues[i]
- if x then
- dl=dl+factor*x
+ if fy~=0 then
+ pi[2]=pi[2]+factor*fy
- end
- else
- for i=1,nofpoints do
- local p=points[i]
- if xvalues then
+ else
+ for i=1,nofpoints do
+ local p=points[i]
local x=xvalues[i]
- if x and x~=0 then
- p[1]=p[1]+factor*x
- end
- end
- if yvalues then
- local y=yvalues[i]
- if y and y~=0 then
- p[2]=p[2]+factor*y
+ if x then
+ local y=yvalues[i]
+ if x~=0 then
+ p[1]=p[1]+factor*x
+ end
+ if y~=0 then
+ p[2]=p[2]+factor*y
+ end
+ else
+ break
if dowidth then
+ local h=nofpoints+2
+ local l=nofpoints+1
local x=xvalues[h]
if x then
@@ -15904,13 +15991,13 @@ local function readcomposite(f)
elseif band(flags,0x0080)~=0 then
- xscale=read2dot14(f)
- xrotate=read2dot14(f)
- yrotate=read2dot14(f)
- yscale=read2dot14(f)
+ xscale=read2dot14(f)
+ xrotate=read2dot14(f)
+ yrotate=read2dot14(f)
+ yscale=read2dot14(f)
if f_xyarg and f_offset then
- xoffset=xoffset*sqrt(xscale^2+xrotate^2)
- yoffset=yoffset*sqrt(yrotate^2+yscale^2)
+ xoffset=xoffset*sqrt(xscale^2+yrotate^2)
+ yoffset=yoffset*sqrt(xrotate^2+yscale^2)
@@ -16068,40 +16155,6 @@ end
local function readdeltas(f,nofpoints)
local deltas={}
local p=0
- local z=0
- while nofpoints>0 do
- local control=readbyte(f)
-if not control then
- break
- local allzero=band(control,0x80)~=0
- local runlength=band(control,0x3F)+1
- if allzero then
- z=z+runlength
- else
- local runreader=band(control,0x40)~=0 and readshort or readinteger
- if z>0 then
- for i=1,z do
- p=p+1
- deltas[p]=0
- end
- z=0
- end
- for i=1,runlength do
- p=p+1
- deltas[p]=runreader(f)
- end
- end
- nofpoints=nofpoints-runlength
- end
- if p>0 then
- return deltas
- else
- end
-local function readdeltas(f,nofpoints)
- local deltas={}
- local p=0
while nofpoints>0 do
local control=readbyte(f)
if control then
@@ -20859,7 +20912,7 @@ local trace_defining=false registertracker("fonts.defining",function(v) trace_d
local report_otf=logs.reporter("fonts","otf loading")
local fonts=fonts
local otf=fonts.handlers.otf
@@ -21239,10 +21292,14 @@ elseif CONTEXTLMTXMODE then
local maxindex=data.nofglyphs or metadata.nofglyphs
if maxindex then
for u,d in sortedhash(duplicates) do
- for uu in sortedhash(d) do
- maxindex=maxindex+1
- descriptions[uu].dupindex=descriptions[u].index
- descriptions[uu].index=maxindex
+ local du=descriptions[u]
+ if du then
+ for uu in sortedhash(d) do
+ maxindex=maxindex+1
+ descriptions[uu].dupindex=du.index
+ descriptions[uu].index=maxindex
+ end
+ else
@@ -23537,7 +23594,10 @@ local f_index=formatters["I%05X"]
local f_character_y=formatters["%C"]
local f_character_n=formatters["[ %C ]"]
local check_duplicates=true
-local check_soft_hyphen=true
+local check_soft_hyphen=context
+ check_soft_hyphen=v
local function replaced(list,index,replacement)
if type(list)=="number" then
return replacement
@@ -23925,27 +23985,30 @@ local function copyduplicates(fontdata)
local resources=fontdata.resources
local duplicates=resources.duplicates
if check_soft_hyphen then
- local ds=descriptions[0xAD]
- if not ds or ds.width==0 then
- if ds then
+ local dh=descriptions[0x2D]
+ if dh then
+ local ds=descriptions[0xAD]
+ if not ds or ds.width~=dh.width then
- if trace_unicodes then
- report_unicodes("patching soft hyphen")
+ if ds then
+ if trace_unicodes then
+ report_unicodes("patching soft hyphen")
+ end
+ else
+ if trace_unicodes then
+ report_unicodes("adding soft hyphen")
+ end
- else
- if trace_unicodes then
- report_unicodes("adding soft hyphen")
+ if not duplicates then
+ duplicates={}
+ resources.duplicates=duplicates
+ end
+ local d=duplicates[0x2D]
+ if d then
+ d[0xAD]=true
+ else
+ duplicates[0x2D]={ [0xAD]=true }
- end
- if not duplicates then
- duplicates={}
- resources.duplicates=duplicates
- end
- local dh=duplicates[0x2D]
- if dh then
- dh[#dh+1]={ [0xAD]=true }
- else
- duplicates[0x2D]={ [0xAD]=true }
@@ -36228,7 +36291,7 @@ local afm=fonts.handlers.afm
local pfb=fonts.handlers.pfb
local hashes=fonts.hashes
local identifiers=hashes.identifiers
-local version=0.010
+local version=otf.version or 0.011
local shapescache=containers.define("fonts","shapes",version,true)
local streamscache=containers.define("fonts","streams",version,true)
local compact_streams=false